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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Artwork/Streetlives, Street-involved Youth in Thunder Bay: A Community-based, Arts-informed Inquiry

McGee, Amy Elizabeth Campbell 31 August 2010 (has links)
Artwork / Streetlives is a community-based, arts-informed, research project which addresses harm reduction amongst street youth in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Nine street-involved participant researchers (supported by a team of researchers and community organizations) used art making and storytelling as ways of understanding the risks specific to street-involved youth in Thunder Bay. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the participant researcher group and a majority of Aboriginal research participants, a novel approach was used to create principles of research collaboration, in pursuit of the principles of ownership, control, access and possession for ethical research with Aboriginal peoples. The participant researchers found that their most common experience was their vulnerability to governmental social services and law enforcement personnel and policies. They further agreed that the risk of losing their children to child protection services is a source of increased vulnerability and a barrier to accessing treatment. They all agreed that the process of art making was fruitful and were surprised by the clarity and evocative nature of their artwork, finding that meeting weekly to do art is gratifying and therapeutic. They were interested to discover that the art they created, just by telling their stories, contained strong prevention messages they would have been influenced by as younger people. As such the participants want to continue making art, and showing their work, particularly to young people, social service providers, and law enforcement officers, who they think are in the best position to learn from it. This project is building capacity in the community (by teaching artmaking, group work, organizing, critical thinking, and presentation skills), is contributing to scholarship, and significantly and positively impacting the lives of the participant researchers. This work is represented in traditional academic prose and as collaborative fiction.

A survey of tragic love in vocal repertoire for the lyric soprano

Luczak, Jessica January 1900 (has links)
Master of Music / Department of Music / Patricia Thompson / This report contains biographical, historical, and analytical commentary on the following composers and their pieces for soprano voice: Henry Purcell and The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation; Franz Schubert and Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister, Op. 62, D. 877; Jacques Offenbach and Les oiseaux dans la charmille, from Les Contes d'Hoffmann; Libby Larsen and Try Me, Good King: Last Words of the Wives of Henry VIII; Charles Gounod and Ah! Je veux vivre, from Roméo et Juliette. These selections, unified by the theme of tragedy in various forms of love, were presented in a graduate recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy degree.

L'art public : les nouveaux modes d'expression artistique et le processus d'intégration en milieu urbain

Ricard, Marjolaine 04 1900 (has links)
L’art public se présente sous divers modes d’expression artistique dans l’espace public. Qu’il soit permanent, temporaire ou éphémère, qu’il soit singulier, interactif ou participatif, qu’il soit traditionnel ou numérique, l’œuvre intégrée ou insérée dans ce contexte tente d’interpeller le public. Cette recherche examine l’évolution des modes d’expression artistique dans l’espace public, dans l’espoir de trouver une définition de l’art public. L’étude de cas de la Ville de Montréal est la base de cette recherche pour examiner les nombreuses manifestations de l’art dans l’espace public et ses périmètres. Dans une perspective conceptuelle et transdisciplinaire, sous lesquels nous considérons les approches artistiques, paysagères et politiques dans l’analyse du sujet, nous nous intéressons aux frontières des modes d’expression artistique et les moyens de les représenter. En somme, nous souhaitons saisir ce que l’on considère comme l’art public dans l’aménagement urbain montréalais et générer des connaissances plus générales. Notre revue de littérature et les observations faites sur le terrain révèlent de nouveaux enjeux qui influencent les pratiques artistiques et la perception que peut susciter une œuvre d’art public aujourd’hui. Nous examinons les facteurs qui les influencent à ce jour. En étudiant la question, nous constatons que la tâche de définir ce qui constitue l'art public est difficile, d'autant plus que les pratiques évoluent constamment. Souvent définie comme une fonction plus cosmétique qu’artistique et dans une logique d'équipement, l'art dans l'espace public joue un rôle passif et fait l'objet de débats et de critiques. Pour le public, l'art public est difficile à discerner bien que sa présence semble être appréciée. Nos résultats mettent en lumière la complexité des processus politiques, les attentes spécifiques, les règles et modalités oppressantes pour l'artiste, la difficulté à saisir les œuvres d'art et le manque de médiatisation pour sensibiliser le public. Avec la politique d'intégration, l’art dans les espaces publics résulte souvent d'une médiation conflictuelle dans un rapport de compromis et d’attentes contrastées afin que soit réalisée une œuvre. Les résultats permettent de penser que les processus de sélection sont souvent pervers et fermés aux initiatives artistiques. En outre, il serait nécessaire dans ce contexte que les artistes définissent mieux leur statut professionnel et leur pratique. Malgré des efforts du Bureau d'art public de Montréal, l'art public semble peu perçu sur son territoire. Par ailleurs, les nombreuses discussions avec le grand public portent à l'attention l'absence de médiatisation pour les arts publics sur le territoire de Montréal. / Public art comes in various modes of artistic expression in the public space. In this context, whether it is permanent, temporary or ephemeral, if it is singular, interactive or participatory, whether traditional or digital, the integrated or inserted artwork attempts to engage the public. This research examines the evolution of artistic expression modes in the public space, hoping to find a definition of public art. The case study of Montreal City sits at the base of this study to examine the various manifestations of art in the public space and its perimeter. In a conceptual and transdisciplinary approach under which we consider the artistic, political and the landscape boundaries of artistic expression modes and the means to represent them, in order to understand the significance of public art. In short, we wish to seize what is considered public art in the Montreal urban development and generate a more global knowledge. In studying the issue, we find that the task of defining what constitutes public art is difficult, especially since practices are constantly evolving. Often defined to a function more cosmetic than artistic and in a logic of equipment, art in public space plays a passive role and is the subject of debates and criticism. As for the public, public art is hard to discern although its presence seems to be appreciated. Our results highlight the complex political processes, specific expectations, rules, and oppressive methods for the artist, the difficulty in understanding the works of art and the lack of effort to touch the public. With the politics of integration, art in public spaces often result from a mediation conflict in a relation of compromise and contrasted expectations for a piece of art to be achieved. The results allow to think that the selection processes are often perverse and often closed to artistic initiatives. In addition, it is necessary in this context that artists define their professional status and practice. Despite the efforts of the Bureau d’Art Public de Montréal, public art seems to be little perceived on its territory. Incidentally, many discussions with the general public brought to the attention the absence of mediatisation for the public arts on Montreal’s territory.

La thématique hivernale dans les oeuvres de Maurice Cullen, de 1896 à 1914

Liétard, Clotilde 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une étude de la thématique hivernale dans les tableaux réalisés par Maurice Cullen (1864-1936) entre 1896 et 1914. Elle s’appuie sur une analyse des contextes politiques et culturels. Pour représenter les paysages enneigés canadiens, Cullen adapte quelques techniques modernes issues de l’impressionnisme, acquises lors de son premier séjour en Europe. Malgré cette influence artistique étrangère présente par l’emploi d’une palette de couleurs vives et de la touche divisée, le respect de la perspective et de la tridimensionnalité témoignent du maintien de certains principes académiques. L’usage de procédés impressionnistes permet à cet artiste de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques atmosphériques et lumineuses de son pays. Par l’application de ces procédés sur la représentation de la neige, Cullen participe ainsi à un travail de redécouverte et de valorisation du territoire. En effet, il privilégie plutôt l’expérience sensitive du territoire que le choix de la thématique des œuvres. L’ensemble des données visuelles et sensitives contenues dans ses œuvres a pour objectif de faire prendre conscience au spectateur de sa difficulté à se repérer au sein de son propre territoire et à accepter les rudes conditions climatiques inhérentes au Canada. Ce travail demeure impartial face au conflit identitaire opposant les francophones et les anglophones, bien qu’il intervienne dans les prémices de la mise en place d’une esthétique canadienne. Ce mémoire défend l’idée que Cullen renouvelle l’imagerie hivernale et s’inscrit dans les débuts du processus de création d’une iconographie nationale. Avec ses pairs, il s’engage à valoriser l’art local, et il ouvre une réflexion sur la représentation du territoire canadien, qui sera poursuivie par la génération suivante avec le Groupe des Sept. / This thesis proposes a study of the winter theme in paintings by Maurice Cullen (1864-1936) between 1896 and 1914. It is based on an analysis of political and cultural contexts. To represent the snowy Canadian landscape, Cullen adapts some techniques from modern impressionism, acquired during his first stay in Europe. Despite this foreign artistic influence thanks to his use of a bright color palette and divisional brush strokes, the perspective and the three dimensions reflect his academic principles. The use of impressionist processes allows Cullen to highlight the features and atmospheric light of his country. By applying these processes on the snow, Cullen creates a work of rediscovery and praises the territory. Indeed, this artist’s main focus is the experience one has in the distinct and sensitive environment that is unique to his territory rather than the choice of thematic canvases. All sensory and visual data contained in his works aim to make the viewer aware of the difficulty to locate within its own territory and to accept the harsh conditions inherent in Canada. His work remains impartial to the conflict of identity between Francophones and Anglophones, although it occurs within the premises of the establishment of a Canadian aesthetic. This thesis argues that Cullen renews winter imagery and the early part of the process of creating a national iconography. With his peers, he is committed to enhancing the local and he opens a debate on the representation of Canadian territory, which will be continued by the next generation with the “ Groupe des Sept”.

Quand les adolescents vont au musée : une étude de la médiation au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal

Martin-Le Mével, Laure 06 1900 (has links)
L’étude proposée dans ce mémoire porte sur le processus de visite des adolescents de 14-16 ans au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. Je mobilise principalement les concepts de « médiateurs » et « médiations », entendus selon la définition proposée par Hennion (1988, 2000). En effet, Hennion propose de voir la médiation non comme un pont entre deux entités, vision commune de la médiation, mais comme un processus en construction. Ainsi, le médiateur est un élément qui va capter l’attention du jeune visiteur et la médiation est l’action qui va se développer dans cette relation médiateur-visiteur. L’analyse vise plus particulièrement à identifier les médiateurs qui agissent durant cette visite et à comprendre les médiations qui se mettent en place. Cette étude a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues semi-structurées et d’observations participantes, auprès de six adolescents, âgés de 14 à 16 ans. Une première entrevue permettait de connaître les antécédents de ces jeunes à l’égard des musées et de comprendre suite à quelles mises en condition ils se rendaient à l’exposition. Une observation, par groupe de deux participants, a ensuite été menée lors de l’exposition du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal : Il était une fois l’impressionnisme. Une histoire de l’impressionnisme : chefs-d’œuvre de la peinture française du Clark. Ces observations ont permis de repérer les moments qui ont capté l’attention des participants durant leur visite. Enfin, une seconde entrevue a été l’occasion de revenir sur leur expérience de visite et de dégager les médiations qui se sont mises en place. Sur les bases de ce terrain, ce mémoire met en avant un ensemble de médiateurs (les autres visiteurs, l’environnement physique, l’œuvre et le récit) et de médiations (rêver, comprendre, se projeter, admirer, comparer et refuser) qui se sont développées chez ces adolescents. Suite à cela, ce mémoire propose une explication du processus de visite tel qu’analysé chez ces adolescents à travers la représentation de la « spirale coquillage ». Cette représentation souligne le fait que le processus de visite n’est pas un phénomène linéaire mais se fait par la confrontation des antécédents de l’adolescent avec sa nouvelle expérience de visite. Il s’agit donc d’un processus circulaire qui se base sur ses antécédents pour construire progressivement de nouvelles strates, qui conditionneront ses prochaines expériences au musée. / The study presented in this thesis focuses on the visiting process of teenagers from 14 to 16 years old at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. I am principally drawing on concepts of “mediators” and “mediations”, following the definition given by Hennion (1988, 2000). Indeed, Hennion suggests that mediation should not be seen as a bridge between two entities, which is the common vision of mediation, but rather as a process under construction. Thus, the mediator is an element that will capture the young visitor's attention and mediation is the action that will develop in this mediator-visitor relationship. The analysis more specifically aims to identify the mediators acting during this visit and to understand the mediations that get constituted. This study was conducted with six teenagers between 14 and 16 years old. A first interview enabled me to become acquainted with the background of the young visitors regarding museums, and to understand in which conditions they were going to the exhibit. An observation, done in binomial groups, was then carried out during Once upon a time Impressionism. A story of impressionism: great French paintings from the Clark, the exhibit held at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. These observations allowed me to spot the moments that attracted the teenagers' attention during the visit. Finally, a second interview gave the opportunity to go over their visiting experience and to bring out the mediations that occurred. On the basis of this fieldwork, this thesis foregrounds a set of mediators (the other visitors, the environment, the works and stories) and mediations (dreaming, understanding, planning, admiring, comparing and refusing) that teenagers have developed. Following this, the thesis offers an explanation of the visiting process as analyzed with these teenagers through the representation of the “shell spiral''. This representation emphasizes the fact that the visiting process is not a linear phenomenon, but is created through the confrontation of the teenager's background with his new visiting experience. It is thus a circular process that relies on the teenager's background to progressively build new strata that will condition his future museum experiences.

Adolescent Male Dancers' Embodied Realities / 青少年男舞者与现实之奥妙

Li, Zihao 08 June 2010 (has links)
This dissertation looks at adolescent male dance students who challenge the dominant perceptions of masculinity by participating in dance, an art form which has been subjected to feminine and homosexual stereotypes. With a multi-methodological approach—qualitative, arts-informed, autobiography, interviews, videotape, and performance—this research investigates and explores the largely unknown realities regarding adolescent male dance students; why they decide to take dance; what makes them continue or stop dancing; how their perceptions of dance are transformed over time; how they feel when they are dancing; the realities they embody in studio and on stage; their message to the public about who they were, who they are, and what they want to be in and through dance. The researcher challenges the socially constructed epistemology that dance is merely an entertainment while exploring the relationship between mind and body; gender, race, and identity; literature and literacy; physical education and dance; the professional and the novice; the hows and the whys; female and male dance educators; dance pedagogy (theory) and curriculum delivering (practice); and the association of homosexuality and heterosexuality in the context of dance and its effect on adolescent male students’ willingness to dance. This study shows that families, friends, teachers, school administrators, dance class environment, media (So You Think You Can Dance), and technology (internet) have all created various levels of impact on adolescent males’ decision to participate in dance at a high school. Data and implication from this research can serve as a catalyst for future studies on adolescent male dance students. Findings can also be applied to dance programs at all levels, curriculum development, and teacher education. This electronic dissertation encompasses graphs, photos, audio and video clips, webpage links, and even a full-length documentary movie to enhance the research finding and maximize the power of a multimodal design (Jewitt & Kress, 2003).

Adolescent Male Dancers' Embodied Realities / 青少年男舞者与现实之奥妙

Li, Zihao 08 June 2010 (has links)
This dissertation looks at adolescent male dance students who challenge the dominant perceptions of masculinity by participating in dance, an art form which has been subjected to feminine and homosexual stereotypes. With a multi-methodological approach—qualitative, arts-informed, autobiography, interviews, videotape, and performance—this research investigates and explores the largely unknown realities regarding adolescent male dance students; why they decide to take dance; what makes them continue or stop dancing; how their perceptions of dance are transformed over time; how they feel when they are dancing; the realities they embody in studio and on stage; their message to the public about who they were, who they are, and what they want to be in and through dance. The researcher challenges the socially constructed epistemology that dance is merely an entertainment while exploring the relationship between mind and body; gender, race, and identity; literature and literacy; physical education and dance; the professional and the novice; the hows and the whys; female and male dance educators; dance pedagogy (theory) and curriculum delivering (practice); and the association of homosexuality and heterosexuality in the context of dance and its effect on adolescent male students’ willingness to dance. This study shows that families, friends, teachers, school administrators, dance class environment, media (So You Think You Can Dance), and technology (internet) have all created various levels of impact on adolescent males’ decision to participate in dance at a high school. Data and implication from this research can serve as a catalyst for future studies on adolescent male dance students. Findings can also be applied to dance programs at all levels, curriculum development, and teacher education. This electronic dissertation encompasses graphs, photos, audio and video clips, webpage links, and even a full-length documentary movie to enhance the research finding and maximize the power of a multimodal design (Jewitt & Kress, 2003).

Perceptual-cognitive Properties of Pictures, Diagrams, and Sentences: Toward a Science of Visual Information Design

Coppin, Peter 27 March 2014 (has links)
Right now you are reading a sentence. Earlier, you might have been looking at a realistic picture, such as a photograph, or an outline drawing in a set of instructions. If you are a programmer, you work with sentence-like structures, such as code, or a system diagram. These are all graphic representations. To varying degrees, the effectiveness of every graphic representation relies on its ability to convey the designer’s intended meaning and elicit the intended reaction from its audience. However, the design of graphic representations, even in technical domains such as visual programming language design or interactive information visualization, currently relies heavily on general principles based solely on practice, intuition, and informal measures of effectiveness from the applied art and craft of design (as opposed to scientific analysis or theory). There is an increasing demand for a scientific understanding of design and its evaluation from stakeholders (who seek evidence for effectiveness) and designers (who seek to advance their field). Because both the creation of graphic displays and their perception are literally embodied experiences, a model was developed with an embodiment orientation, specifically based on how graphics are perceptually and cognitively processed. In my research, I found that graphic representations are constituted of two properties, pictorial and symbolic information, that emerge through two interrelated aspects of perception. In sighted individuals, for example, every graphic representation makes use of biological capabilities to process visual sensation (i.e., light hitting the retina), which are processed in relation to culturally-learned capabilities (i.e., writing). I observed how graphic representations – such as pictures, diagrams, and sentences – are “naturally selected” (i.e., during different phases of design or problem solving). From these observations, I developed a model that distinguishes and predicts the effectiveness of pictures, diagrams, and sentences, in terms of how object relations and attributes are pictorially or symbolically represented, relative to the functional roles of those representations, contexts, and in some cases, individual perceptual-cognitive differences among perceivers. This model is a step toward a science of graphics that could lead to evaluation techniques for information systems, theories for inclusive design, and ergonomically designed software programming tools.

La thématique hivernale dans les oeuvres de Maurice Cullen, de 1896 à 1914

Liétard, Clotilde 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une étude de la thématique hivernale dans les tableaux réalisés par Maurice Cullen (1864-1936) entre 1896 et 1914. Elle s’appuie sur une analyse des contextes politiques et culturels. Pour représenter les paysages enneigés canadiens, Cullen adapte quelques techniques modernes issues de l’impressionnisme, acquises lors de son premier séjour en Europe. Malgré cette influence artistique étrangère présente par l’emploi d’une palette de couleurs vives et de la touche divisée, le respect de la perspective et de la tridimensionnalité témoignent du maintien de certains principes académiques. L’usage de procédés impressionnistes permet à cet artiste de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques atmosphériques et lumineuses de son pays. Par l’application de ces procédés sur la représentation de la neige, Cullen participe ainsi à un travail de redécouverte et de valorisation du territoire. En effet, il privilégie plutôt l’expérience sensitive du territoire que le choix de la thématique des œuvres. L’ensemble des données visuelles et sensitives contenues dans ses œuvres a pour objectif de faire prendre conscience au spectateur de sa difficulté à se repérer au sein de son propre territoire et à accepter les rudes conditions climatiques inhérentes au Canada. Ce travail demeure impartial face au conflit identitaire opposant les francophones et les anglophones, bien qu’il intervienne dans les prémices de la mise en place d’une esthétique canadienne. Ce mémoire défend l’idée que Cullen renouvelle l’imagerie hivernale et s’inscrit dans les débuts du processus de création d’une iconographie nationale. Avec ses pairs, il s’engage à valoriser l’art local, et il ouvre une réflexion sur la représentation du territoire canadien, qui sera poursuivie par la génération suivante avec le Groupe des Sept. / This thesis proposes a study of the winter theme in paintings by Maurice Cullen (1864-1936) between 1896 and 1914. It is based on an analysis of political and cultural contexts. To represent the snowy Canadian landscape, Cullen adapts some techniques from modern impressionism, acquired during his first stay in Europe. Despite this foreign artistic influence thanks to his use of a bright color palette and divisional brush strokes, the perspective and the three dimensions reflect his academic principles. The use of impressionist processes allows Cullen to highlight the features and atmospheric light of his country. By applying these processes on the snow, Cullen creates a work of rediscovery and praises the territory. Indeed, this artist’s main focus is the experience one has in the distinct and sensitive environment that is unique to his territory rather than the choice of thematic canvases. All sensory and visual data contained in his works aim to make the viewer aware of the difficulty to locate within its own territory and to accept the harsh conditions inherent in Canada. His work remains impartial to the conflict of identity between Francophones and Anglophones, although it occurs within the premises of the establishment of a Canadian aesthetic. This thesis argues that Cullen renews winter imagery and the early part of the process of creating a national iconography. With his peers, he is committed to enhancing the local and he opens a debate on the representation of Canadian territory, which will be continued by the next generation with the “ Groupe des Sept”.

Perceptual-cognitive Properties of Pictures, Diagrams, and Sentences: Toward a Science of Visual Information Design

Coppin, Peter 27 March 2014 (has links)
Right now you are reading a sentence. Earlier, you might have been looking at a realistic picture, such as a photograph, or an outline drawing in a set of instructions. If you are a programmer, you work with sentence-like structures, such as code, or a system diagram. These are all graphic representations. To varying degrees, the effectiveness of every graphic representation relies on its ability to convey the designer’s intended meaning and elicit the intended reaction from its audience. However, the design of graphic representations, even in technical domains such as visual programming language design or interactive information visualization, currently relies heavily on general principles based solely on practice, intuition, and informal measures of effectiveness from the applied art and craft of design (as opposed to scientific analysis or theory). There is an increasing demand for a scientific understanding of design and its evaluation from stakeholders (who seek evidence for effectiveness) and designers (who seek to advance their field). Because both the creation of graphic displays and their perception are literally embodied experiences, a model was developed with an embodiment orientation, specifically based on how graphics are perceptually and cognitively processed. In my research, I found that graphic representations are constituted of two properties, pictorial and symbolic information, that emerge through two interrelated aspects of perception. In sighted individuals, for example, every graphic representation makes use of biological capabilities to process visual sensation (i.e., light hitting the retina), which are processed in relation to culturally-learned capabilities (i.e., writing). I observed how graphic representations – such as pictures, diagrams, and sentences – are “naturally selected” (i.e., during different phases of design or problem solving). From these observations, I developed a model that distinguishes and predicts the effectiveness of pictures, diagrams, and sentences, in terms of how object relations and attributes are pictorially or symbolically represented, relative to the functional roles of those representations, contexts, and in some cases, individual perceptual-cognitive differences among perceivers. This model is a step toward a science of graphics that could lead to evaluation techniques for information systems, theories for inclusive design, and ergonomically designed software programming tools.

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