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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insights from youth workers regarding young people's engagement in out-of-school-time youth development programs

Shodjaee-Zrudlo, Ilya 07 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude exploratoire était de mieux comprendre, du point de vue des animateurs/animatrices qui oeuvrent auprès des jeunes, le phénomène de l’engagement des jeunes dans les programmes parascolaires. Des entretiens qualitatifs ont été entrepris à cette fin avec six animateur(trices). Plusieurs obstacles à l’engagement ont été identifiés, la plupart étant extérieurs aux jeunes. Quelques actions et attitudes spécifiques des animateur(trices) ont été relevées comme importantes pour aider les jeunes à surmonter ces obstacles. De plus, la structure et le contenu du programme, ainsi que l’environnement de groupe, jouent des rôles primordiaux. Les dimensions soulevées par les animateur(trices) ont permis d’enrichir et rendre plus holistique un modèle d’engagement qui a été développé à partir d’une recension des écrits dans ce domaine. Finalement, les implications pour la formation des animateurs(trices) et pour la structure des programmes pour les jeunes ont été explorées. / The objective of this exploratory study was to better understand young people’s engagement in out-of-school-time youth development programs from the perspective of frontline youth workers. Qualitative interviews were carried out with six youth workers to this end. A number of obstacles to engagement were identified, the majority of which are external to youth. Positive dispositions towards youth by youth workers were found to be key in overcoming some of these obstacles, although program content and structure, as well as group climate also play an important role. The key dimensions of engagement the interviewees raised led to an elaboration of a current model of engagement found in the literature, making it more holistic. Implications for the training of youth workers and the structure of youth programs are discussed.

Exploring teacher emotional intelligence and its impact on school climate

Morton, Cleion L. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Robert Shoop / Teachers and administrators are struggling. They must do more with less. Children come to school from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. These issues, as well as numerous others, provoke emotions that run rampant—sometimes out of control and sometimes minimized to the point of being destructive. In turn, the school climate and learning environment is affected. Teachers need support to enhance their understanding of emotional intelligence (EI). Application of EI competencies can positively influence school climate. The purpose of this intrinsic case study was to understand the perceived impact of enhancing teacher knowledge and application of emotional intelligence on school climate. The study explored teacher emotional intelligence, school climate, and the intersection of the two. Emotional intelligence instruction and education were provided to the teacher research participants during the study to support their personal growth. This study provided an understanding of the impact of teacher emotional intelligence on school climate. Results indicated that teacher emotional intelligence can be developed or enhanced and that it does affect their perception of the school climate. The impact was reflected in greater teacher awareness, intentional application of EI strategies, recognition of the benefits of EI on school climate, acknowledgement of factors impeding EI and school climate, and an altered perception of their role in the school climate. The study revealed a continued need for emphasizing and enhancing teacher emotional intelligence as a means of improving school climate. Utilizing a model such as the Six Seconds Model for Emotional Intelligence proved worth the time and effort because it enhanced teacher EI and changed teacher perceptions of school climate. A need for additional time and continued EI training was also noted as a means for additional growth in a more positive school climate.

A case study of a small Kansas public charter school to identify school-level factors perceived to have contributed to student success

Kaiser, Carlene P. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Teresa Miller / The purpose of this research proposal was to investigate school-level factors identified by Marzano (2003) perceived to have contributed positively to student achievement in one charter school. The researcher noted the following issues related to charter schools and student achievement: The data on student achievement were mixed; limited research existed on student achievement using the school -level factors identified by Marzano (2003); limited case studies existed comparing school-level factors and student achievement for charter schools. Using the case study format, the researcher investigated perceptions regarding school-level factors perceived to have increased student achievement in one charter school in Kansas over a five-year period from 2005-2008. The case study was accomplished through the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data from multiple sources to include researcher observations, key informant interviews, and analysis of archival documents. After conducting the research, it was determined that while there wasn’t a deliberate attempt to use the factors by Robert Marzano (2003), the school-level factors were used by Dartmouth Charter School did impact student achievement as evidenced by stakeholder interview, Kansas Reading Assessments, and archival data sources. A case study confirmed the presence of several aspects of the school-level factors of a guaranteed/viable curriculum, challenging goals and effective feedback, parental and community involvement, a safe and orderly environment, and collegiality and professionalism, which were perceived by stakeholders as contributing to increased student achievement over the five-year period of operation.

Perspectives on Quality in Minority Education in China: The Case of Sunan Yughur Autonomous County, Gansu

Bahry, Stephen 24 February 2010 (has links)
This exploratory multiple embedded case study investigates perspectives on education reform under conditions of minority language endangerment in Sunan Yughur Autonomous County, a minority-district in northwest China. The study included three school sites: a Yughur minority urban school; a Yughur minority rural district school, and a Yughur majority rural district school and four embedded cases: school administrators, teachers, parents and students, of Yughur, other minority, or Han nationality. Adult stakeholders were interviewed on what is important to learn in “education for quality”, and what aspects of Yughur knowledge, culture and language should be included in school curriculum as part of education for quality, while students were asked what they enjoyed studying and whether they would enjoy learning stories, poems and songs in Yughur in school. Findings include strong support among parents and students regardless of ethnicity or school site for Yughur language and culture as “essential qualities” to foster in Sunan County school curriculum, with moderate to weak support among educators ranges with some variation among sites. Three parallel visions emerge from the study of what it means today for Chinese minority student to be an educated person in contemporary China: (a) regular Chinese-medium education; (b) multicultural Chinese-medium education; and (c) maintenance bilingual education in Yughur and Chinese. The third vision envisions developing additive bilinguals who know the heritage of their minority as well as the national curriculum in Mandarin. A vision of balanced bilingualism and multiculturalism that sees heritage languages and Mandarin as “resources” is shared by the large majority of parents and students, most teachers and some administrators. Holders of other visions for local minority education largely share a “Language as Problem” orientation towards minority languages. One aim of devolution of school-based curriculum authority is to develop schools’ individuality. This study reveals three divergent models of local schooling that have developed in one minority school district: one that centres on a monolingual model of national culture, one monolingual, multicultural model, and one bilingual, multicultural model, with the latter model corresponding more closely to minority stakeholder perspectives that schools should play a stronger role in the maintenance and revitalization of their cultural and linguistic heritage.

Adolescent Male Dancers' Embodied Realities / 青少年男舞者与现实之奥妙

Li, Zihao 08 June 2010 (has links)
This dissertation looks at adolescent male dance students who challenge the dominant perceptions of masculinity by participating in dance, an art form which has been subjected to feminine and homosexual stereotypes. With a multi-methodological approach—qualitative, arts-informed, autobiography, interviews, videotape, and performance—this research investigates and explores the largely unknown realities regarding adolescent male dance students; why they decide to take dance; what makes them continue or stop dancing; how their perceptions of dance are transformed over time; how they feel when they are dancing; the realities they embody in studio and on stage; their message to the public about who they were, who they are, and what they want to be in and through dance. The researcher challenges the socially constructed epistemology that dance is merely an entertainment while exploring the relationship between mind and body; gender, race, and identity; literature and literacy; physical education and dance; the professional and the novice; the hows and the whys; female and male dance educators; dance pedagogy (theory) and curriculum delivering (practice); and the association of homosexuality and heterosexuality in the context of dance and its effect on adolescent male students’ willingness to dance. This study shows that families, friends, teachers, school administrators, dance class environment, media (So You Think You Can Dance), and technology (internet) have all created various levels of impact on adolescent males’ decision to participate in dance at a high school. Data and implication from this research can serve as a catalyst for future studies on adolescent male dance students. Findings can also be applied to dance programs at all levels, curriculum development, and teacher education. This electronic dissertation encompasses graphs, photos, audio and video clips, webpage links, and even a full-length documentary movie to enhance the research finding and maximize the power of a multimodal design (Jewitt & Kress, 2003).

Revealing Our Commonessence: A Collaborative Self-study Involving Choral Music Educators

Robbins, Catherine Elizabeth 26 March 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand how five choral music educators’ life experiences, prior knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, and understandings surrounding the formation of their musical selves have come to shape their professional practice. A secondary purpose of this research was to examine institutional context and governing ideologies of the choral music discipline. The study involved five choral music educators—including the researcher—of various ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds from Winnipeg, Manitoba. This research is grounded in what Beattie (1995) terms the dialectical and collaborative nature of narrative inquiry, but also looks to reflexive inquiry and life history methodologies (Cole & Knowles, 2000), as well as the practice of collective biography (Davies & Gannon, 2006) to shape its methodological framework. As such, autobiographical forms of self-study research are reconceptualized as collaborative self-study. Data collection methods included journal writing, personal in-depth interviews, and participant observation. In particular, regular focus group sessions, which included peer interviewing, played a central role throughout the research process. This forum allowed participants to share their musical life histories and interrogate each others’ narratives, thereby triggering musical memories and exposing the interconnectivity of musical pasts to current professional practice. Data is re-presented in rich narratives which trace the path of each participant’s musical life history in interaction with theory and relevant literature. Numerous themes, sub-themes, tensions, and epiphanal episodes (Denzin, 1994) are illuminated. Moreover, connections between participants’ experiences and resultant ways of knowing are exposed, and we are confronted with “the unexpectedness of universality” (Hofstadter, 2007, p. 242). Thus, our commonessence is revealed. Participant chapters are followed by a postlude featuring the researcher’s personal narratives, an examination of researcher voice, and questions regarding the practice of choral music education that have surfaced through reflexive analysis of the data. This research strives to be a model for personal professional development among choral music educators, and provides a template for future purposeful discussion in the choral discipline.

Inclusion in Peacebuilding Education: Discussion of Diversity and Conflict as Learning Opportunities for Immigrant Students

Parker, Christina Ashlee 18 December 2012 (has links)
Ethnocultural minority immigrant students carry diverse histories, perspectives, and experiences, which can serve as resources for critical reflection and discussion about social conflicts. Inclusion of diverse students’ identities in the curriculum requires acknowledgement and open discussion of diversity and conflictual issues. In democratic peacebuilding education, diverse students are encouraged to express divergent points of view in open, inclusive dialogue. This ethnographic study with a critical perspective examined how three teachers in urban public elementary school classrooms with ethnocultural minority first- and second-generation immigrant students (aged 9 to 13) implemented different kinds of curriculum content and pedagogy, and how those pedagogies facilitated or impeded inclusive democratic experiences for various students. In these classrooms, peers and teachers shared similar and different cultural backgrounds and migration histories. Data included 110 classroom observations of three teachers and 75 ethnocultural minority students, six interviews with three teachers, 29 group interviews with 53 students, document analysis of ungraded student work and teachers’ planning materials, and a personal journal. Results showed how diverse students experienced and responded to implemented curriculum: when content was explicitly linked to students’ identities and experiences, opportunities for democratic peacebuilding inclusion increased. Dialogic pedagogical processes that encouraged cooperation among students strengthened the class community and invited constructive conflict education. The implicit and explicit curriculum implemented in these three diverse classrooms also shaped how students interpreted democracy in the context of multiculturalism in Canada. Teaching students as though they were all the same, and teaching curriculum content as if it were neutral and uncontestable, did not create equitable social relations. Explicit attention to conflict provided opportunities to uncover the hidden curriculum and to acknowledge structures of power and domination, creating space for development of critical consciousness. Thus culturally relevant curricula and democratic learning opportunities encouraged social and academic engagement and resulted in the inclusion of a wider range of diverse students’ voices.

(En)Compassing Heart: A Youth-led, Grassroots NGOs Navigation Towards Sustainability

Rachel, Larabee 14 December 2009 (has links)
(En)Compassing Heart explores and documents the organizational journey of POR AMOR Community Enhancement Initiatives. POR AMOR is a current, Toronto based, youth-led, non-profit organization I co-founded with three other young women in 2003. POR AMOR initiatives focus on youth empowerment and specifically helping young people to make responsible transitions into adulthood and become active leaders in their communities. Through the use of arts-informed methodological practices, this project is constructed as a modern narrative, infused with spoken-word poetry, to track the journey of a young girl from her passion for the arts to becoming an empowered individual within her community. The young protagonist is representative of the journey of POR AMOR, our journey as young people navigating our way to meaningful work in communities. The mission of POR AMOR is to promote and facilitate art-based youth empowerment initiatives in local and international community contexts.

Why Bring Students to the Theatre? An Exploration of the Value of Professional Theatre for Children

Adamson, Lois 28 November 2011 (has links)
Experienced by thousands of children every year, professional theatre for young audiences TYA) is still a relatively new and understudied phenomenon in Canada. The purpose of this research has been to learn why teachers bring their students to the theatre, specifically Young People’s Theatre (YPT), and to determine how these connect to the perceptions of those who work at and with the theatre. In order to understand the complexities of the impetus to bring students to YPT, the limitations and successes teachers encounter in doing so, this ethnographic study was situated at the intersection of spatial and curriculum theories and has included surveys, interviews and participatory observation. This research provides greater understanding of the challenges and benefits of including theatre-going in one’s educational repertoire. These new insights contribute to contemporary scholarship on aesthetic education and arts-based community building and provide opportunities for further research about teaching and learning through theatre.

Kipimoojikewin: Articulating Anishinaabe Pedagogy Through Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe Language) Revitalization

Chacaby, Maya 29 November 2011 (has links)
In Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe language), Kipimoojikewin refers to our inheritance, or the things we carry with us. While Anishinaabemowin, Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) pedagogy and research practices are all part of our inheritance, so too is a legacy of colonial violence and historic trauma. This paper details one journey towards the language; the struggle through a colonial terrain rife with institutional and cognitive barriers, the journey to return to Anishinaabe ways of knowing, to articulating Anishinaabe pedagogy in a contemporary urban context and the work done to fulfill the vision of the Elders. There are no “best practices” only stories that exemplify an Anishinaabe axiological framework so that the causes and effects can be better understood, taken up and improved upon. Aapajitoon kema wanitoon.

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