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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Making War for Women? An Analysis of UN Resolution 1325 and the Gendering of International Intervention

Harris, Sabrina Kylie 22 June 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores how UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security and its ensuing National Action Plans for gender equality inform justifications of international intervention. I ask the following questions: how does Resolution 1325 and its ensuing National Action Plans for gender equality construct subjectivities of gender? How have states appropriated these gendered subjectivities in the legitimation of conflict? I review feminist, postcolonial, and poststructuralist literatures to argue that Resolution 1325 is aligned with broader United Nations governmental strategies for framing and justifying international intervention. Resolution 1325 produces dualistic subjectivities of gender, where women are constructed either as victims or as empowered, albeit within the limits deemed acceptable in masculinized contexts. I analyze the case of German National Action Plans for gender equality and the official policy texts related to its intervention in Afghanistan. I demonstrate that the foreign policy of a seemingly progressive state embraces Resolution 1325's dualistic subjectifications of women in conflict to construct logics that legitimize the Afghan intervention. My study findings show that Germany discursively constructs women and gender equality in accordance with the UN's guidelines and its good governance framework, which do not challenge existing structures of masculinity. In addition, they function as a means through which Germany legitimizes neoliberal and neocolonial policies as acceptable, ultimately failing to challenge the international war system. / Master of Arts / This thesis analyzes UN Security Council Resolution 1325's influence on the development of German gender equality policy and German foreign policy towards intervention in Afghanistan. I ask how the visions of gender produced in Resolution 1325, which primarily frame women as victims or only as empowered, inform the approach of Germany to Afghanistan. I find that German gender equality policy and policy towards Afghanistan are heavily influenced by the UN's framing of gender, as these ideas allow for Germany to justify its role in Afghanistan as a means to empower women further or save them from victimization. This allows Germany to maintain its role as a progressive humanitarian state by aligning its justification for the mission with the UN's broad objectives. However, doing so sets a dangerous precedent by legitimating intervention so long as it fits within the confines of the UN's notion of acceptability. Ultimately, my work shows that gender and attention to women functions to "clean" the German intervention in Afghanistan and portray it as progressive in accordance with the UN's values despite the inherent militarism of the intervention.

Resolution 1325 : MOT:s möjlighet att arbeta med genusfrågor? / Resolution 1325 : MOT:s possibility to work with it?

Kahlin, Lina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsens syfte var att, ur ett genusperspektiv, undersöka vilka möjligheter MOT i Afghanistan har för att arbeta mot målet i FN:s resolution 1325. Min fråga var hur arbetet påverkades om teamen bestod av endast män, endast kvinnor respektive både män och kvinnor.</p><p>Uppsatsen är indelad i tre delar. I den första delen förklaras centrala begrepp för att ge en förståelse för kommande text. I den andra delen diskuteras hur MOT under FS11 i Afghanistan arbetade med resolutionen och i den tredje delen ges förslag på hur kvinnliga och manliga soldater i ett MOT borde arbeta för att, på bästa sätt, uppnå målet i resolution 1325. Undersökningen är baserad på litteratur, rapporter och intervjuer.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att både kvinnliga och manliga soldater kunde arbeta enligt resolutionen men med olika resultat. Det var enklare för kvinnliga soldater att nå ut till de lokala kvinnorna samtidigt som de enbart genom sin närvaro gav missionen en kvinnlig infallsvinkel. Manliga soldater hade svårare att skapa lika starka kontakter med de lokala kvinnorna och avsaknaden av kvinnor i teamet gav ett hårdare intryck.</p><p>Min slutsats är att MOT innehållande både manliga och kvinnliga soldater är de mest effektiva. Ett blandat team ökar möjligheterna att inhämta och sprida information, visar lokalbefolkningen att män och kvinnor kan arbeta tillsammans och ger chefen möjlighet att lösa uppgifter i ett bredare spektrum. MOT med endast män eller endast kvinnor kan också arbeta enligt resolutionen men uppnår ett sämre resultat.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay was to examine what chances the MOTs´ in Afghanistan had in working towards the objective in the UN resolution 1325. My question was how the work was affected when the teams consisted of only men, only women and a mix of men and women.</p><p>The essay is divided in three parts. The first part explains and defines the concept of the UN resolution 1325. The second part examines the MOTs´ work according to the resolution and the third part suggests how male and female soldiers can work in order to achieve the objective stated in the resolution. The examination is based on literature, reports and interviews.</p><p>The result of the examination shows that both male and female soldiers were able to work according to the resolution but with different results. It was easier for female soldiers to reach the local women and the female soldiers´ presence gave the mission a female approach. For male soldiers it was more difficult to establish a contact with the local women and the lack of women in the team made the team seem harsher.</p><p>My conclusion is that MOTs´s with both male and female soldiers are the most efficient ones. A mixed team increases the opportunities to gather and spread information, shows the local population that men and women can work together and gives the commander an opportunity to perform his tasks in a wider spectrum.</p>

Resolution 1325 : MOT:s möjlighet att arbeta med genusfrågor? / Resolution 1325 : MOT:s possibility to work with it?

Kahlin, Lina January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte var att, ur ett genusperspektiv, undersöka vilka möjligheter MOT i Afghanistan har för att arbeta mot målet i FN:s resolution 1325. Min fråga var hur arbetet påverkades om teamen bestod av endast män, endast kvinnor respektive både män och kvinnor. Uppsatsen är indelad i tre delar. I den första delen förklaras centrala begrepp för att ge en förståelse för kommande text. I den andra delen diskuteras hur MOT under FS11 i Afghanistan arbetade med resolutionen och i den tredje delen ges förslag på hur kvinnliga och manliga soldater i ett MOT borde arbeta för att, på bästa sätt, uppnå målet i resolution 1325. Undersökningen är baserad på litteratur, rapporter och intervjuer. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att både kvinnliga och manliga soldater kunde arbeta enligt resolutionen men med olika resultat. Det var enklare för kvinnliga soldater att nå ut till de lokala kvinnorna samtidigt som de enbart genom sin närvaro gav missionen en kvinnlig infallsvinkel. Manliga soldater hade svårare att skapa lika starka kontakter med de lokala kvinnorna och avsaknaden av kvinnor i teamet gav ett hårdare intryck. Min slutsats är att MOT innehållande både manliga och kvinnliga soldater är de mest effektiva. Ett blandat team ökar möjligheterna att inhämta och sprida information, visar lokalbefolkningen att män och kvinnor kan arbeta tillsammans och ger chefen möjlighet att lösa uppgifter i ett bredare spektrum. MOT med endast män eller endast kvinnor kan också arbeta enligt resolutionen men uppnår ett sämre resultat. / The purpose of this essay was to examine what chances the MOTs´ in Afghanistan had in working towards the objective in the UN resolution 1325. My question was how the work was affected when the teams consisted of only men, only women and a mix of men and women. The essay is divided in three parts. The first part explains and defines the concept of the UN resolution 1325. The second part examines the MOTs´ work according to the resolution and the third part suggests how male and female soldiers can work in order to achieve the objective stated in the resolution. The examination is based on literature, reports and interviews. The result of the examination shows that both male and female soldiers were able to work according to the resolution but with different results. It was easier for female soldiers to reach the local women and the female soldiers´ presence gave the mission a female approach. For male soldiers it was more difficult to establish a contact with the local women and the lack of women in the team made the team seem harsher. My conclusion is that MOTs´s with both male and female soldiers are the most efficient ones. A mixed team increases the opportunities to gather and spread information, shows the local population that men and women can work together and gives the commander an opportunity to perform his tasks in a wider spectrum.

Med Säkerhetsrådets resolution 1325 (2000) som utgångspunkt : En komparativ studie av två handlingsplaner

Samuelsson, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) is about women, peace and security. Since the resolution was adopted several countries has made their own National Action Plan for implementation of the resolution. Sweden and Denmark are two of these countries. Resolution 1325 is one of the documents that each countries armed force has to relate to in international work. These countries can get to work together in international operations within the framework of the Nordic Defense Cooperation, NORDEFCO. This study is done by looking at similarities and differences in the action plans and whether they can be an obstacle for the countries to cooperate in an international operation. In this paper a comparative analysis of Sweden and Denmark's plans for the Security Council resolution 1325 will be done. The comparison is made based on the clauses of the resolution relating to the member states actions. In this paper, a qualitative text analysis to be carried out with sections of Resolution 1325 as a model for the comparison. / Säkerhetsrådet resolution 1325 (2000) behandlar kvinnor, fred och säkerhet. Flertalet länder har efter att resolutionen antagits skrivit egna handlingsplaner för resolutionen. Två av dessa länder är Sverige och Danmark. Det är också ett av de dokument som den svenska och danska försvarsmakten har att förhålla sig till vid internationellt arbete som rör kvinnor, fred och säkerhet. Inom ramen för Nordiskt försvarssamarbete kan länderna komma att arbeta tillsammans i internationella insatser. I denna uppsats görs en komparativ analys av Sverige och Danmarks handlingsplaner för säkerhetsrådets resolution 1325. Jämförelsen görs utifrån de paragrafer i resolutionen som rör medlemsländernas handlande. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra två av länderna som ingår i Nordiskt försvarssamarbetets handlingsplaner, med resolution 1325 som modell. Detta görs genom att titta på likheter och skillnader i handlingsplanerna och om dessa kan vara något hinder för länderna att samarbete kring resolutionen vid eventuella gemensamma insatser. I uppsatsen kommer en kvalitativ textanalys att genomföras med paragrafer från resolution 1325 som modell vid jämförelsen. Uppsatsen behandlar även hur handlingsplanerna blivit till och förklaras genom John W. Kingdons teori multiple streams model för att förstå hur en policy och i detta fall en handlingsplan blir till.

Kvinnor i internationella insatser? : En undersökning om hur kvinnligt deltagande kan påverka internationella insatser. / Women in international peacekeeping operations

Burenius, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p>Kvinnor har sedan 1980 fått tjänstgöra som officer i Sveriges försvarsmakt. Trots detta är fortfarande de kvinnliga officerarna och soldaterna i klar minoritet i organisationen. FN:s säkerhetsråd har arbetat fram två resolutioner som båda strävar efter att involvera kvinnor i större omfattning när det gäller arbeten vid kris, krig och konflikter. Inte enbart att öka andelen kvinnor i hjälpande trupper, utan även involvera lokalbefolkningen. Hur ser då verkligheten ut vid de internationella insatserna? I detta arbete presenteras en fallstudie om MOT Juliette, ett kvinnligt observationsteam som under sju månader tjänstgjorde i Afghanistan. Målet med detta team var att effektivisera underrättelseinhämtningen i insatsområdet.</p><p>Arbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka för- respektive nackdelar kvinnor kan föra med sig vid internationella insatser. Resultatet visar att kvinnor har flera möjliga fördelar att tillföra till insatserna, bland annat att underlätta underrättelsearbetet samt att verka som förebilder för de lokala kvinnorna. Även att förbandet uppnår jämställdhet kan vara en fördel.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to find out if deployment of women improves an operation’s chances of success. Since 1980 traditionally male roles within the Swedish Armed Forces have been avalible for women. In spite of this fact, deployment of women in international military operations are not very common.</p><p>The method used in this essay is a case study. The author has studied a Swedish operation in Afghanistan in 2006, where the commander decided to form a MOT (military observation team) only with women. The main purpose with this team was to gather intelligence from the local population. Earlier operations in the country clearly showed that male soldiers were experiencing difficulties in interacting with local women. During seven months the team, MOT Juliette, worked in the area and found out that the presence of women considerably contributed to the success of the operation.</p><p>To acknowledge the need to increase the proportion of women in the work of war and conflict, the UN Security Council has adopted a number of resolutions where the two most important are 1325 and 1820.</p><p>The results of the study show that women have an important role in international operations. Not just to gather intelligence, but also to act as role models for the women in the country.</p>

Kvinnor i internationella insatser? : En undersökning om hur kvinnligt deltagande kan påverka internationella insatser. / Women in international peacekeeping operations

Burenius, Louise January 2009 (has links)
Kvinnor har sedan 1980 fått tjänstgöra som officer i Sveriges försvarsmakt. Trots detta är fortfarande de kvinnliga officerarna och soldaterna i klar minoritet i organisationen. FN:s säkerhetsråd har arbetat fram två resolutioner som båda strävar efter att involvera kvinnor i större omfattning när det gäller arbeten vid kris, krig och konflikter. Inte enbart att öka andelen kvinnor i hjälpande trupper, utan även involvera lokalbefolkningen. Hur ser då verkligheten ut vid de internationella insatserna? I detta arbete presenteras en fallstudie om MOT Juliette, ett kvinnligt observationsteam som under sju månader tjänstgjorde i Afghanistan. Målet med detta team var att effektivisera underrättelseinhämtningen i insatsområdet. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka för- respektive nackdelar kvinnor kan föra med sig vid internationella insatser. Resultatet visar att kvinnor har flera möjliga fördelar att tillföra till insatserna, bland annat att underlätta underrättelsearbetet samt att verka som förebilder för de lokala kvinnorna. Även att förbandet uppnår jämställdhet kan vara en fördel. / The purpose of this study is to find out if deployment of women improves an operation’s chances of success. Since 1980 traditionally male roles within the Swedish Armed Forces have been avalible for women. In spite of this fact, deployment of women in international military operations are not very common. The method used in this essay is a case study. The author has studied a Swedish operation in Afghanistan in 2006, where the commander decided to form a MOT (military observation team) only with women. The main purpose with this team was to gather intelligence from the local population. Earlier operations in the country clearly showed that male soldiers were experiencing difficulties in interacting with local women. During seven months the team, MOT Juliette, worked in the area and found out that the presence of women considerably contributed to the success of the operation. To acknowledge the need to increase the proportion of women in the work of war and conflict, the UN Security Council has adopted a number of resolutions where the two most important are 1325 and 1820. The results of the study show that women have an important role in international operations. Not just to gather intelligence, but also to act as role models for the women in the country. / <p>Avdelning: ALB – Slutet Mag. 3 Hylla: Upps. YOP 06-09 // Avdelning:  Karlberg-filial - Karlberg Öppen hylla Hylla: K Upps. YOP REF</p>

Women’s participation in UN peacekeeping: How does the duration of missions affect the participation of women in UN peace operations?

Tidblad-Lundholm, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore how the duration of missions affects the participation of women in United Nations (UN) peace operations. I argue that women are less likely to be deployed in the early stages of missions because new missions are associated with high levels of uncertainty which is ultimately a type of risk. Instead, women’s participation will increase as the uncertainty decreases and the operating environment becomes more predictable. I also test if more gender equal force contributing countries are less prone to deploy women to new missions due to a stronger gendered protection norm constraining deployment of women to risky environments. Applying a large-N approach, this thesis studies the proportion of women in military contributions to UN peace operations between 2009 and 2015. Using a set of multilevel mixed-effects generalized linear models, the main argument initially find empirical support. But, when the main findings are challenged through robustness tests, the results become somewhat ambiguous and it is not sound to exclude the possibility that unobserved factors drive the empirical results. This thesis does not find more gender equal countries to be less prone to deploy women to the early stages of missions. Rather, countries which see higher levels of gender equality seem more prone to deploy larger proportions of women, regardless of when the deployment takes place.

Hur positioneras kvinnor i konflikt? : En kritisk diskursanalys av FN:s resolution 1325 / How is woman positioned in conflict? : A critical discourse analysis of UN resolution 1325

Liljegren, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
How is women positioned in conflict? A critical discourse analysis of UN resolution 1325 UN resolution 1325 was adopted in the year of 2000 with the purpose to raise awareness regarding the impact that armed conflict has on women and the importance of their participation in conflict resolution and peace-building operations. This thesis aims to analyze UN resolution 1325 and deconstruct the language in it in order to make visible how power structures affect women. Furthermore, with postcolonial feministic theory, this thesis examines the colonial power structures that are maintained within the resolution. Using a modified version of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study examines which subject positions are given to women within the realm of the resolution and furthermore how it affects their agency. This paper has framed three subject positions that make available; women as victims, women as or with children and women as a means for peace. The result show that these affect women's political agency as they are reduced to homogeneous oppressed, as peaceful by nature and as non-political beings, which partly upholds colonial power structures and partly consolidates female gender roles.

Women and Peacebuilding in Rwanda and Sierra Leone : A comparative study of the impacts of United Nations Resolution 1325

Högberg, Sara January 2019 (has links)
This study examines and problematizes how the Resolution 1325 has impacted women's inclusion in two developing countries. The study focuses on how the resolution 1325 has affected and increased women's inclusion in peacebuilding since the implementation in Rwanda (2009) and Sierra Leone (2010). To analyse the results a theoretical framing is used, which is Empowerment theory and Feminist Approaches to Peacebuilding. This thesis uses a comparative literature method to compare the impacts in the two cases and critical reading is used while searching for material in e.g. scientific articles and in reports. Based on the theoretical framing and the material that are used in this thesis, the study concludes that Rwanda and Sierra Leone have experienced different results from the implementation of resolution 1325. This study concludes that the implementation of resolution 1325 in Rwanda has worked as a tool to push gender equality further in peace processes as in the parliament and in the security sector, alongside women's organizations and activists since 2009. The results in Sierra Leone concludes that the implementation of resolution 1325 has progressed the work within peacebuilding as the proportion of women has increased in peace processes and in the police and security-sector since 2010. However, the development in Rwanda had come further before the implementation of resolution 1325 and therefore the results differ in these countries.

Har Sverige implementerat Regeringens handlingsplan för resolution 1325? : En undersökning om Sveriges bidrag till kvinnorna i Mazar-e Sharif / Have Sweden implemented the governemnts action plan on UNSCR 1325? : An essay on Sweden's contrubution to the women in Mazar-e Sharif

Persson, Emilie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine whether Sweden work according to the Swedish governments action plan on UNSCR1325 and whether Sweden implements this action plan according to an implementation theory. Initially you will find an explanation of the used method, definitions and the theory used for the study. The second part contains the research where the studied material is analyzed. The study itself is based on reports, literature and material from web pages. The result of the study shows thatSwedenworks according to the government’s action plan on UNSCR 1325.Swedendoes this trough good contact with women, multiple ways of interaction such as MOT, all female MOT: s and Gender Field Advisers who follows patrols. My conclusion shows that Sweden implements the Swedish action plan on UNSCR 1325 according to the implementation theory. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida Sverige implementerat regeringens handlingsplan för resolution 1325 från att vi tog över ansvaret i Mazar-e Sharif. Inledningsvis förklaras metod, centrala begrepp och teorin bakom studien. Därefter en empiridel där undersökningsmaterialet redovisas. Undersökningen baseras på rapporter, avhandlingar, litteratur och material från webbsidor som rör kvinnorna i Afghanistan. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Sverige arbetar utefter regeringens fastslagna handlingsplan för resolution 1325. Sverige gör detta genom bra kontakter med kvinnor, flera olika tillvägagångssätt som MOT, helt kvinnliga MOT och medföljande Gender Field Adviser. Min slutsats är att Sverige implementerar handlingsplanen enligt identifierade faktorer ur implementeringsteorin.

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