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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de interações hiperfinas em compostos intermetálicos Gd(Ni, Pd, Cu)In, Tb(Ni, Pd)In, Dy(Ni, Pd)In e Ho(Ni, Pd)In

LAPOLLI, ANDRE L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Estudo de interações hiperfinas em compostos intermetálicos Gd(Ni, Pd, Cu)In, Tb(Ni, Pd)In, Dy(Ni, Pd)In e Ho(Ni, Pd)In

LAPOLLI, ANDRE L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho investigou-se o comportamento sistemático do campo hiperfino magnético nos compostos intermetálicos Gd(Ni,Pd,Cu)In , Tb(Ni,Pd)In, Dy(Ni,Pd)In e Ho(Ni,Pd)In, com a técnica de Correlação Angular γ-γ Perturbada, nos sítios dos elementos terras raras com o núcleo de prova 140Ce e no sítio do In com o núcleo de prova 111Cd. Os resultados obtidos da dependência com a temperatura do Campo Hiperfino Magnético (Bhf) de cada composto foram primeiramente comparados com a teoria do campo molecular por meio da função de Brillouin, da qual foram extrapolados os valores de saturação de Bhf para cada composto estudado. Os valores extrapolados a zero Kelvin de Bhf (Bhf(T=0)) para os compostos estudados neste trabalho foram usados na comparação com valores de Bhf da literatura para outros compostos contendo o mesmo elemento R (R=Terra Rara). O resultado mostrou uma dependência linear com a temperatura de ordenamento magnético, o mesmo previsto pelo modelo RKKY o que indica que a principal contribuição para Bhf vem da polarização dos elétrons de condução (CEP) via interação de contato de Fermi. O comportamento de Bhf saturado para cada família de compostos de terras raras pesados RNiIn e RPdIn como função da projeção do spin 4f do elemento R mostrou também uma relação linear, com exceção dos resultados para os compostos RNiIn obtidos com 111Cd onde foi observado um leve desvio da linearidade. Foi feita uma investigação dos parâmetros hiperfinos elétricos em função da temperatura para os compostos RPdIn e GdNiIn com o núcleo de prova 111Cd, e os resultados mostram que para o composto GdPdIn pode ocorrer desordem Gd-In a altas temperaturas. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Data Security Architecture Considerations for Telemetry Post Processing Environments

Kalibjian, Jeff 10 1900 (has links)
Telemetry data has great value, as setting up a framework to collect and gather it involve significant costs. Further, the data itself has product diagnostic significance and may also have strategic national security importance if the product is defense or intelligence related. This potentially makes telemetry data a target for acquisition by hostile third parties. To mitigate this threat, data security principles should be employed by the organization to protect telemetry data. Data security is in an important element of a layered security strategy for the enterprise. The value proposition centers on the argument that if organization perimeter/internal defenses (e.g. firewall, IDS, etc.) fail enabling hostile entities to be able to access data found on internal company networks; they will be unable to read the data because it will be encrypted. After reviewing important encryption background including accepted practices, standards, and architectural considerations regarding disk, file, database and application data protection encryption strategies; specific data security options applicable to telemetry post processing environments will be discussed providing tangible approaches to better protect organization telemetry data.

Expérience vécue et pensée politique chez Simone Weil / Lived experiences and political thought of Simone Weil

Nguyen Binh, Antoine 28 November 2014 (has links)
Y-a-t-il une cohérence interne entre l'expérience vécue et la pensée politique chez Simone Weil ? Afin de ressaisir le questionnement de Simone Weil sur les conditions de possibilité de la liberté, notre recherche porte en premier lieu sur les critiques qu'elle a adressées aux théories philosophiques et politiques de Marx. Il s'agit donc tout autant d'analyser l'influence que Marx a pu avoir sur elle, que de prendre la mesure des écarts que sa critique l'a amenée à poser, et des principes philosophiques dont elle s'est servie à cet effet. Nous étudions, dans un deuxième temps, l'essence même du phénomène de l'oppression et à partir de là, nous dégageons quelques perspectives de la liberté individuelle et sociale, dans le sillage de ce que nous propose la philosophie. Y-a-t-il une cohérence de la ligne politique dans laquelle elle a voulu placer ses engagements sociaux et politiques pour répondre à ce problème ? Il convient pour nous, dans un troisième temps, de connaître et d'examiner le chemin qui l'a amenée à l'expérience religieuse et ce qu'elle a dit sur la connaissance surnaturelle comme la part indispensable pour rendre la vie sociale respirable. Comment concevoir la relation entre les deux expériences politique et religieuse chez elle ? Cette approche religieuse constitue-t-elle une ouverture à l'égard de sa critique politique ? / Is there an internal consistency between the experiences lived out by Simone Weil and her political thought ? In order to grasp her questioning of the conditions of the possibility of freedom, our search starts off with the critique which she wrote on the philosophical and political theories of Marx. It is therefore a matter of analysing the influence that Marx might have had on her, as well as studying the differences which her critique led her to present, and the philosophical principles of which she made use to this effect. One should secondly look at the very essence of the phenomenon of oppression, and hence gauge several perspectives on individual and social freedom, in the wake of what is proposed by this philosophy. Is there a consistency in the political line in which she wanted to place her social and political commitments in order to respond to this problem ? One should, thirdly, examine and get to know the path which led her to religious experience and what she said about supernatural knowledge as the essential component for leading a bearable social life. How do we conceive the relationship between both her religious and political experiences ? Does this approach constitute an opening with regards to her political critique ?

Licenciamento ambiental em áreas militares: proposta de método para a conformidade ambiental de um posto de abastecimento de combustível / Environmental licensing in military areas: proposed method for environmental compliance of a fuel supply post

Ramalho, Breno Da Silva 24 November 2017 (has links)
O Exército Brasileiro tem entre suas atribuições o permanente preparo de sua tropa, visando sua melhoria operacional, pronto emprego e a utilização responsável do meio ambiente sob sua responsabilidade. A Lei Complementar nº 140/2011, atribuiu às Forças Armadas a dispensa do licenciamento ambiental de empreendimentos e atividades que envolvam o preparo e emprego da tropa. Desta forma, surge a necessidade de elaboração de procedimentos que conciliem a atividade militar com a conformidade ambiental. Através de um estudo de caso, esta pesquisa analisou, descreveu e criticou os procedimentos realizados pelos órgãos ambientais, necessários ao licenciamento ambiental para um posto de abastecimento de combustível de veículos automotores. Foi proposto método a ser aplicado pela Diretoria de Meio Ambiente do Exército Brasileiro para verificação da conformidade ambiental de seus futuros empreendimentos. O método proposto é dividido em duas fases, a primeira chamada de licenciamento de 1ª Fase, e a segunda, de licenciamento de 2ª Fase, com a previsão da renovação da 2ª Fase. Foram criados formulários para cada fase do licenciamento, bem como roteiros de fiscalização de tanques de armazenamento e tubulações. Como resultado da aplicação do método, propôs-se uma minuta de Instrução Normativa, que se adotada irá padronizar a conformidade ambiental para aquela atividade dentro do Exército Brasileiro. Ao se analisar os processos administrativos dentro do Exército Brasileiro pode-se concluir que não há procedimentos específicos que tratem de forma administrativa ou técnica o licenciamento ambiental de um posto de abastecimento de combustível. Concluiuse que 58 % dos quesitos poderiam ser suprimidos, sem prejuízo do processo de licenciamento. Pode-se perceber como vantagens da aplicação do método: a economia de tempo e recursos financeiros decorrentes da maior rapidez do rito proposto em comparação ao licenciamento tradicional, a conformidade ambiental da atividade de abastecimento dentro do escopo da atividade militar e, sob a ótica administrativa, a padronização do licenciamento ambiental. Como desvantagem conclui-se que o autolicenciamento pode propiciar desvios de conduta no interesse institucional, os quais podem ensejar a não conformidade ambiental, almejada pelo método, tais falhas administrativas precisam ser verificadas e combatidas por meio de efetiva fiscalização por parte de órgãos externos ao Exército Brasileiro ou através da fiscalização cruzada isto é, a verificação do processo da conformidade ambiental realizado por uma Força Armada diferente da que realizou o processo, ou seja o Exército Brasileiro fiscalizaria os processos de licenciamento feitos pela Marinha do Brasil e Aeronáutica, sendo a recíproca verdadeira. Outra desvantagem é a necessidade de alocação de recursos humanos adicionais para aplicação do método, necessitando de um aperfeiçoamento constante de seus militares. / The Brazilian Army has among its attributions the permanent preparation of its troops, aiming at its operational improvement, ready employment and responsible use of the environment under its responsibility. Complementary Law No. 140/2011, assigned to the Armed Forces the exemption of the environmental licensing of undertakings and activities that involve the preparation and employment of the troops. In this way, the need arises to elaborate procedures that reconcile military activity with environmental compliance. Through a case study, this research analyzed, described and criticized the procedures performed by the environmental agencies, necessary for the environmental licensing for a fuel supply station of automotive vehicles. A method was proposed to be applied by the Brazilian Army's Environment Directorate to verify the environmental compliance of its future projects. The proposed method is divided into two phases, the first licensing call for Phase 1, and the second, for Phase 2 licensing, with the expected Phase 2 renewal. Forms have been created for each phase of the licensing, as well as inspection scripts for storage tanks and pipelines. As a result of the application of the method, it was proposed a draft Normative Instruction, which if adopted will standardize the environmental compliance for that activity within the Brazilian Army. When analyzing the administrative processes within the Brazilian Army it can be concluded that there are no specific procedures that deal with the environmental licensing of a fuel supply station in an administrative or technical way. It was concluded that 58% of the items could be deleted, without prejudice to the licensing rite. The advantages of applying the method can be perceived as: the saving of time and financial resources resulting from the increased speed of the proposed rite compared to traditional licensing, environmental compliance of the supply activity within the scope of military activity and, from the administrative point of view , the standardization of environmental licensing. As a disadvantage, it can be concluded that self-certification may lead to deviations of conduct in the institutional interest, which may lead to environmental non-compliance, as desired by the method, such administrative failures must be verified and countered by effective oversight by external bodies. Brazilian Army or through cross-inspection, ie the verification of the environmental compliance process carried out by a different Armed Forces from the one that carried out the process, ie The Brazilian Army would supervise the licensing processes carried out by the Brazilian Navy and Aeronautics, being the reciprocal true. Another disadvantage is the need to allocate additional human resources to implement the method, requiring a constant improvement of its military.

High tech automated bottling process for small to medium scale enterprises using PLC, scada and basic industry 4.0 concepts

Kiangala, Kahiomba Sonia 08 1900 (has links)
The automation of industrial processes has been one of the greatest innovations in the industrial sector. It allows faster and accurate operations of production processes while producing more outputs than old manual production techniques. In the beverage industry, this innovation was also well embraced, especially to improve its bottling processes. However it has been proven that a continuous optimization of automation techniques using advanced and current trend of automation is the only way industrial companies will survive in a very competitive market. This becomes more challenging for small to medium scale enterprises (SMEs) which are not always keen in adopting new technologies by fear of overspending their little revenues. By doing so, SMEs are exposing themselves to limited growth and vulnerable lifecycle in this fast growing automation world. The main contribution of this study was to develop practical and affordable applications that will optimize the bottling process of a SME beverage plant by combining its existing production resources to basic principles of the current trend of automation, Industry 4.0 (I40). This research enabled the small beverage industry to achieve higher production rate, better delivery time and easy access of plant information through production forecast using linear regression, predictive maintenance using speed vibration sensor and decentralization of production monitoring via cloud applications. The existing plant Siemens S7-1200 programmable logic controller (PLC) and ZENON supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system were used to program the optimized process with very few additional resources. This study also opened doors for automation in SMEs, in general, to use I40 in their production processes with available means and limited cost. / School of Computing / M.Tech (Engineering, Electrical)

Human Interventions On Wetlands And Their Long Term Impacts On Human Well-being A Study Of Kizilirmak Delta Case, Samsun, Turkey

Gurcay, Melih 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Acknowledging the necessity of a detailed understanding of the dynamics and contributions of wetlands in decision making processes, this research aims to identify the trade-offs between human interventions and human well-being in wetlands. Being one of the thirteen Ramsar Sites of Turkey and providing various ecosystem functions, Kizilirmak Delta was determined as the case study area of the research. Following the literature review on wetlands and their valuation, an assessment framework was developed for analyzing the trade-offs in the Kizilirmak Delta. Following this framework, first the importance, values and functions of the delta were defined by evaluation of its ecological, socio-cultural and economic structures and function analysis. Then, the pressures on the delta and their impacts were analyzed through DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts and Responses) Framework by action analysis. Finally, the trade-offs in the delta were calculated in monetary terms through valuation of the functions of the delta. Because of time and data constraints only a small portion of the functions of the delta was quantified in monetary terms. Calculated functions of the delta provide 753.531.772 TL worth of services that constitutes the 34 % of total GDP of the delta. This value was accepted as the cost of trade-offs in the delta, because the pressures on the delta would result in the loss of this value.

Die kulturelle Konstruktion von Verwandtschaft unter den Bedingungen der Reproduktionstechnologien in Deutschland / The cultural construction of kinship on the conditions of the reproductive technologies in Germany

Schröder, Iris 02 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Determinação de fatores de interferência de produtos de fissão do urânio na análise por ativação neutrônica / Determination of uranium fission products interference factors in neutron activation analysis

RIBEIRO JUNIOR, IBERE S. 10 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2014-11-10T11:38:41Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T11:38:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Determinação de fatores de interferência de produtos de fissão do urânio na análise por ativação neutrônica / Determination of uranium fission products interference factors in neutron activation analysis

RIBEIRO JUNIOR, IBERE S. 10 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2014-11-10T11:38:41Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T11:38:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A análise por ativação com nêutrons é um método utilizado na determinação de diversos elementos em diferentes tipos de matrizes. Entretanto, quando a amostra contém altos teores de U ocorre o problema de interferência devido aos produtos de fissão do isótopo 235U. Um dos métodos de tratar este problema é fazer a correção usando fatores de interferência devido à fissão do U para os radionuclídeos utilizados nas análises dos elementos. No presente estudo foram determinados os valores dos fatores de interferência devido à fissão do U para os radioisótopos 141Ce, 143Ce,140La, 99Mo, 147Nd, 153Sm e 95Zr no reator nuclear de pesquisas IEA-R1 do IPEN-CNEN/SP. Esses fatores de interferência foram determinados experimentalmente, por meio da irradiação dos padrões sintéticos em uma determinada posição do reator, e teoricamente, determinando a razão dos fluxos de nêutrons epitérmicos e térmicos na mesma posição onde os padrões sintéticos foram irradiados e utilizando parâmetros nucleares da literatura. Os fatores de interferência obtidos foram comparados com os valores reportados em outros estudos. Para avaliar esses fatores de interferência, eles foram aplicados em análises dos elementos alvo deste estudo, nos materiais de referência certificados NIST 8704 Buffalo River Sediment, IRMM BCR-667 Estuarine Sediment e IAEA-SL-1 Lake Sediment. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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