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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carlos Cruz-Diez : from figuration to kineticism

Sassu Suarez Ferri, Natalia January 2015 (has links)
The Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez (b.1923) is an exemplar of modernism both in Europe and in Latin America. This thesis offers a broader understanding of his work by discussing his early paintings as a precedent to his more recognized production. Cruz-Diez's chief aim as an artist is the liberation of colour, a process undertaken with the motivation of being part of art history, in an avant-garde quest for what his original contribution to art could be. Transition, interaction, colour, space and time: these are the crucial concepts of the work of Cruz-Diez investigated in this thesis and positioned in the Latin American/European and Kinetic/Optical context. Today, Cruz-Diez's works from his first Physichromie (1959) onwards have been extensively explored both by him in numerous commentaries and by scholars. In contrast, only few works of the 1950s have been displayed and discussed. The key aspect of my argument is that 1959 is not an abrupt beginning to Cruz-Diez's work but the conclusive stage of a ten-year process of transition from figuration to abstraction. I demonstrate that there is indeed a drawn-out “passage” made of readings and experiments, of “successes” and" “failures”. I argue that this “passage” is articulated along three parallel paths: 1) the detachment from naturalistic or figurative representation; 2) the detachment from the concept of colour as a synonym of pigment on a support; and 3) the shift in emphasis from a “passive” to an “active” spectator.

Três espelhos do absurdo : a condição humana em As meninas de Lygia Fagundes Telles

Luft, Lya January 1979 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende uma breve análise da posição que as três personagens principais de As meninas, de Lygia Fagundes Telles, assumem no seu mundo ficcional. Pareceu-me que suas vidas tem forte componente de ilogicidade pois os seres humanos são limitados, impelidos e ameaçados por obscuras forças, e não encontram justificação para suas existências. Por isso, seguindo as trajetórias das "meninas", tentei captar suas características e reações, bem como provar certo determinismo que configura seus destinos. Finalmente, procurei tragar um pequeno paralelo entre Lygia Fagundes Telles e alguns dos maiores "autores do absurdo". Talvez esse procedimento nos leve a uma melhor compreensão do absurdo da condição humana, conforme no-lo apresenta esse romance. / This dissertation intends to make a brief analysis of the position the three main characters of As meninas, from Lygia Fagundes Telles, assume in their fictional world. It seemed to me that their lives have a strong component of illogicity: they are limited, impelled and menaced by obscure forces, and find no justification for their existences. Therefore, following the trajectories of the "girls", trying to point out their characteristics and reactions, I made a tentative to prove certain determinism that configures their destinies. Finally, I tried to trace a small parallel between Lygia Fagundes Telles and some of the greatest "authors of the absurd". Perhaps this procedure could lead us to a better understanding of the absurdity of human condition in this novel.

Misshapen Shadows, Broken Symmetries, Lustrous Glimmering: Gyӧrgy Ligeti's "Melodien" and Gustav Klimt's Mosaics

Nail, Ashley Simone January 2014 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of Gyorgy Ligeti's Melodien for orchestra (1971), with a particular focus on symmetrical structures and imitative echoing. In this essay, I explore the many levels--melodic, harmonic, temporal, and structural--on which these mirrorings and shadowings take place. In Melodien, these symmetries and shadowings are often broken, distorted, or negated; the tension between order and disorder in Ligeti's works manifests itself in these moments. I also explore the connections between Gustav Klimt's mosaic paintings, an inspiration behind Melodien, and Ligeti's compositional practices. In the introduction, I briefly situate Melodien in terms of Ligeti's previous works. In the following two sections, I discuss structural, temporal, and melodic aspects of mirroring and shadowing. In the fourth section, I explore harmonic aspects, including the prevalence of the major third in Melodien and the presence of symmetrical and near-symmetrical interval structures. In the fifth section, I discuss the idea of implied just intonation within the 12-note equal-tempered world of Melodien--distorted shadows of harmonic spectra. In the sixth section, I discuss the connections between Melodien and Klimt's mosaic works: the surface-level brightness and glitter of both, structural and compositional correspondences between Klimt's Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907) and Melodien, and the presence of broken symmetries in Klimt's works.

A participação de Rui Barbosa na reforma eleitoral que excluiu os analfabetos do direito de voto no Brasil

Leão, Michele de January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a participação e a influência de Rui Barbosa na reforma eleitoral para introdução do voto direto no Brasil que, resultando na Lei Saraiva (1881), acabou por excluir os analfabetos do direito de voto. Esta pesquisa também busca: investigar qual era o liberalismo que Rui Barbosa representava e qual a posição assumida por ele no contexto da reforma eleitoral; examinar por que, para o governo e as elites, até mesmo para a grande maioria dos parlamentares liberais, especialmente no que se refere a Rui Barbosa, que se posicionou fortemente pela “exclusão” dos analfabetos do direito de voto, o voto dos analfabetos passou a ser um problema, o que não era até então; e, constatar qual o entendimento de classe social que norteava o pensamento de Rui Barbosa no momento em que ele afirmou que a reforma eleitoral, ao excluir o analfabeto do direito de voto, não estaria constituindo uma exclusão de classe. O presente estudo realiza uma interface entre a História Social e a História Política. Pois, essa pesquisa procura relacionar questões políticas com as suas correlativas questões sociais. Assim, apesar de minha atenção estar voltada continuamente para uma figura de destaque da política nacional, o então deputado Rui Barbosa, essa dissertação busca não se limitar somente às suas ações isoladas, mas sim, verificar como que posições e decisões dos políticos nacionais se refletiram e afetaram a vida das grandes massas. Mais especificamente, como que as ações tomadas por políticos brasileiros, em um dado momento da nossa história, decidiram quem poderia e quem não poderia, daí em diante, ter o direito de participar da vida política do país. / The present study aims to verify the participation and influence of Rui Barbosa in the electoral reform to introduce direct voting in Brazil that, resulting in the Saraiva Law (1881), turned out excluding the illiterate of the right to vote. This research also seeks to investigate what was the liberalism that Rui Barbosa represented and what position had been taken by him in the electoral reform; to examine why, to the Government and the elites, even for the vast majority of liberal parliamentarians, particularly in relation to Rui Barbosa, who strongly had positioned himself in favor of "excluding" the illiterate of the right to vote, the vote of the illiterate became a problem, which was not until then; and to see what had been the understanding of social class that had been Rui Barbosa’s guidance at the time when he said that the electoral reform’s disenfranchising the illiterates of voting rights, would not be an exclusion of class. The present study provides an interface between the Social History and Political History. Therefore, this research seeks to link political issues with its correlative social issues. So, despite my attention be continuously focused on a prominent figure of the national politics, the Congressman Rui Barbosa, this dissertation will not be limited only to their actions, but rather, verify how national politicians' decisions and positions reflected and affected the lives of the lower class. More specifically, how the actions taken by Brazilian politicians, at any given moment in our history, decided who could and who could not, thereafter, be entitled to participate in the political life of the country.

Les représentations des légendes amérindiennes peintes par Arthur Guindon, P.S.S. (1864-1923)

Jetté, Bonnie January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'artiste Arthur Guindon est à peu près inconnu, surtout du public et son oeuvre peint, même parmi les spécialistes des arts visuels a, à mon sens, été rapidement classé stylistiquement et fort mal interprété. Les quelques témoignages recueillis dans la fortune critique (voir chap. Il) nous montrent un artiste isolé, solitaire et autodidacte qui s'intéressait à plusieurs disciplines et a laissé maints documents écrits et peints sur son expérience auprès des autochtones. Alors que le corpus visuel de l'artiste soulève de nombreuses interrogations parmi les rares personnes à avoir contemplé les oeuvres, les commentaires demeurent assez superficiels et ne répondent pas de façon satisfaisante aux questions sur la signification des oeuvres ou le contexte duquel elles sont issues. Guindon a été classé stylistiquement comme un cas de surréalisme avant la lettre et ses oeuvres, ne faisant pas partie du circuit de l'art officiel, ont été reléguées à l'intérieur de la collection des sulpiciens, puis presque oubliées. L'objectif de ce mémoire de maîtrise est d'effectuer un repositionnement des représentations peintes de légendes amérindiennes d'Arthur Guindon au sein de l'histoire de l'art au Québec selon des critères qui débordent amplement les critères stylistiques d'après lesquels elles ont été jugées. L'analyse des oeuvres peintes de Guindon et de leur contexte de production permet-elle de repositionner le corpus de cet artiste au sein de l'histoire de l'art québécois, et plus largement, dans le contexte nord-américain? Si oui, où le positionner? Guidée par des approches et une méthodologie éprouvées et adaptées à mon objet d'étude, je tenterai de dénouer les noeuds que cette problématique pose par le recours à la mise en contexte et à l'analyse des oeuvres suivant la méthode élaborée par Erwin Panofsky. Au préalable, je dresserai une biographie de l'artiste à l'aide des nombreux documents recueillis dans les archives concernant Arthur Guindon. Après une mise en contexte historique, ainsi qu'une analyse et interprétation des oeuvres, j'en arriverai à la conclusion que les représentations de Guindon se situent plutôt à un point de convergence entre l'ethnographie (anthropologie) moderne américaine, la représentation peinte d'Amérindiens et le culte des héros de l'époque. Le corpus se rattache donc à un courant idéologique en lien avec la sauvegarde des cultures autochtones inspiré par l'anthropologie américaine et à certains aspects formels de la représentation de l'Amérindien. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Arthur Guindon, Amérindien, Mythologie, Peinture, XIXe siècle, Sulpiciens, Iroquois, Iconologie.

Mélancolie du livre illisible : le présentisme à l'épreuve de l'art

Ouellet, Maryse 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire s'interroge sur l'actualité de la mélancolie à l'ère du présentisme. Ce questionnement émerge de l'observation d'œuvres d'art singulières : un tableau du peintre catalan Antoni Tàpies (Calligraphie, 1958), une installation de Claudio Parmiggiani (Sculpture d'ombre, 2002) et une sculpture de l'artiste allemand Anselm Kiefer (La Brisure des vases, 1990). Ces œuvres ont en commun de représenter des livres illisibles, évoquant la dépossession d'un héritage culturel et la suspension de la transmission historique entre le passé, le présent et le futur, qui caractérisent très précisément le présentisme, soit le régime d'historicité (Hartog, 2003) propre aux sociétés occidentales contemporaines. Depuis 1989, en effet, celles-ci se montreraient de plus en plus préoccupées par les enjeux du seul présent, se désintéressant tant des leçons de l'histoire que du sort des communautés à venir. En prenant pour objet un corpus d'œuvres d'art contemporaines, ce mémoire entend montrer comment la mélancolie peut revêtir une dimension critique à l'égard de notre rapport au temps. Il s'agit donc d'étudier principalement trois sujets : la mélancolie, l'œuvre de Tàpies, Parmiggiani et Kiefer, et le présentisme. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à l'évolution de la notion de mélancolie à travers ses représentations artistiques de manière à mieux cerner la nature de la mélancolie qu'affichent les œuvres de Tàpies, Parmiggiani et Kiefer. Dans un second temps, nous nous penchons sur l'origine de la mélancolie manifeste dans l'œuvre de chacun, ainsi que sur l'engagement humaniste qui sous-tend leur pratique. Dans un troisième temps, nous dégageons les caractéristiques du présentisme lui-même et la manière dont la mélancolie des livres illisibles peut agir comme critique de celui-ci. Une telle démonstration implique deux présupposés: le premier est que la mélancolie ne saurait se réduire à la conception freudienne à laquelle on la réduit souvent en la définissant comme un attachement maladif au passé; le second est que les œuvres d'art sont les symptômes des maux ou des crises qui affectent les sociétés d'une époque à l'autre. Il en ressort que non seulement la mélancolie des livres illisibles est un indicateur du vide de sens qui affectent nos sociétés, mais qu'elle incarne aussi la liberté qui nous est offerte, dans une époque affranchie tant de ses attaches à la tradition que des utopies qui marquèrent la modernité, de repenser un monde commun. ______________________________________________________________________________

The ethical theory of Bradley and Bosanquet

Lamont, William Dawson January 1930 (has links)
No description available.

The Coptic Orthodox salvation theology of Anba Shenuda III

Fernandez, Alberto M. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

La modernité religieuse dans la pensée sociologique : Ernst Troeltsch et Max Weber

Gendron, Pierre, 1948- January 2001 (has links)
This study is centered on the social question as addressed and defined by Ernst Troeltsch (1865--1923) and by Max Weber (1864--1920); it pertains mainly to the rise of religious modernity and its conditions of possibility; based on a comparative analysis of the socio1ogy of religion of Troeltsch and Weber, it deals with the question how religious modernity has to be thought from a sociological perspective. / Along with modern historical science and scientific rationality in general, the social question challenged religion in the nineteenth century; this study brings out the originality of Troeltsch's vision of a modernity compatible with belief in the future of religion. / Motivated by the debate on the social question, Troeltsch's concern was the social foundations of the Christian doctrine in its relation to secular domains of activity, and this calls for a new outlook on the issue of the relation between religion and culture. / Eventually, the comparative approach of the sociological thought of Weber and Troeltsch pursued in the present work, while providing new insight into Weber's views on religion, brings about a better understanding of Troeltsch as a theologian and a philosopher of religion.

'The ideology of the revolution' : an inquiry into Șevket Süreyya Aydemir's interpretation of the Turkish Revolution

Kuyas, Ahmet January 1995 (has links)
Influenced by national Communists with whom he came in contact in Bolshevik Russia, Sevket Sureyya Aydemir developed in early republican Turkey a theory which he called theory of national emancipation movements. According to this theory, the emancipation of a colonial nation did not consist only of obtaining political sovereignty. A vanguard of revolutionary elite had to monopolize power, and lead the nation to the creation of a classless society. It was understood that the coming of this new society was the prerequisite for the success of socialist revolution in industrialized countries. Yet, although many in the Kemalist regime felt sympathetic to this theory, the regime did ultimately not endorse it. This is a significant turning point in modern Turkish history, for this response, among other indicators, shows that the new Turkish regime was willing to be a part of the European system despite the latter's record as colonizer and imperialist.

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