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Árbol de Diana en trois dimensions : une étude de la poésie d'Alejanddra Pizarnik en traductionStratford, Madeleine 17 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2009-2010 / L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier la traduction, la diffusion et la réception de la poésie de l'auteure argentine Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972) en français, en anglais et en allemand. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué un travail bibliographique donnant une vue d'ensemble des œuvres traduites et de leur diffusion, puis élaboré et mis en pratique une méthodologie fondée sur l'analyse de trois aspects (conceptuel, sonore et spatial) des poèmes originaux et traduits, susceptible de donner lieu à une catégorisation plus spécifique des versions poétiques. En plus de dresser un premier bilan exhaustif du rayonnement international de l'œuvre de Pizarnik, cette étude établit des paramètres d'analyse applicables à la traduction poétique en général, qui serviront à mieux cerner les tendances traductives contemporaines et leurs effets potentiels sur la réception d'un poète en sol étranger. La thèse se divise en trois parties. Dans la première, nous explicitons le cadre théorique qui sous-tend la méthodologie proposée : nous définissons le processus de lecture interprétative préalable à toute traduction (chapitre 1), nous commentons des typologies de traductions poétiques représentatives des tendances d'analyse depuis 1975 (chapitre 2), puis nous cernons la nature du genre poétique en identifiant ses manifestations concrètes et les différentes façons dont le traducteur peut les intégrer (chapitre 3). La deuxième partie est consacrée à Pizarnik : nous y présentons d'abord les contextes de production et de réception de son œuvre (chapitre 4), puis analysons son quatrième recueil, Ârbol de Diana (1962), qui l'a propulsée sur la scène internationale (chapitre 5). La troisième partie porte sur l'œuvre de Pizarnik en traduction. Après avoir étudié les contextes de production et de réception des versions répertoriées (chapitre 6), nous nous penchons plus particulièrement sur les traductions françaises, anglaises et allemandes d'Arbol de Diana et analysons en profondeur trois versions ayant joui d'une diffusion notoire : Arbre de Diane de Claude Couffon, Diana 's Tree de Frank Graziano et Maria Rosa Fort, et Dianas Baum de Juana et Tobias Burghardt (chapitre 7). / The goal of this thesis is to study the translation, distribution and reception of Argentine poet Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972) in French, English and German. For that purpose, I established an exhaustive bibliography of the translations and studied their distribution. Delving into the corpus, I then devised and applied a methodology based on the analysis on three different aspects (concept, sound and space) of the original and translated work, aimed at categorising poetic versions with more accuracy. In addition to giving a first comprehensive view of the international reception of Pizarnik's work, this study sets parameters for the analysis of poetry translation in general, that will help identify main trends in contemporary translation practices and their potential effects on the way a particular author is perceived internationally. The thesis is divided in three sections. The first explains the theoretical framework underlying the proposed methodology: chapter one defines the nature of the interpretation process as a preliminary condition to any translation; chapter two comments on poetry translation types that are representative of main trends in translation studies since 1975; chapter three delves into the poetic genre, identifying its concrete manifestations and the different ways in which the translator can integrate them. The second part is dedicated to Pizarnik: chapter four summarizes the contexts of production and reception of her original work, and chapter five contains a close reading of her fourth poetry book, Arbol de Diana (1962), which contributed to make her known internationally. The third and final part of the thesis is about Pizarnik's work in translation: chapter six takes a look at the contexts of production and reception of listed versions of her poetry, and chapter seven concentrates on the translations of Arbol de Diana, focusing especially on three versions that have benefited from a particularly wide circulation: Arbre de Diane by Claude Couffon, Diana's Tree by Frank Graziano and Maria Rosa Fort, and Dianas Baum by Juana and Tobias Burghardt.
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Покушај модернизације у Србији 1968-1972. Између "револуционарног курса" и реформских тежњи / Pokušaj modernizacije u Srbiji 1968-1972. Između "revolucionarnog kursa" i reformskih težnji / The Attempt of Modernization in Serbia 1968–1972: Between “Revolutionary Course” and Reformist TendenciesBešlin Milivoj 27 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Istorijsko razdoblje u Jugoslaviji, u drugoj polovini šezdesetih godina 20. veka, nakon otpoĉinjanja privredne reforme i Brionskog plenuma, poznato je po svojim reformskim karakteristikama. Temeljna reforma ekonomskog sistema, ubrzo je proširena i na ostale segmente društva i uticala je na promenu samog karaktera federalistiĉkog ustrojstva, kao i na decentralizaciju vladajuće partije. U Srbiji su modernizacijske i reformistiĉke tendencije, koje su odnele prevagu u društvu, najcelovitije bile izraţene u vreme rukovodstva Saveza komunista ove republike, na ĉijem ĉelu se nalazio Marko Nikezić (1968–1972). U radu su istraţeni spoljnopolitiĉki segmenti jugoslovenskog reformskog usmerenja, analizom kauzalnih odnosa sa istoĉnim i zapadnim hladnoratovskim blokom. Polazeći od strukturne krize u prvoj polovini šezdesetih, istraţena je ekonomska i idejna osnova privredne reforme, odgovor na nju sa stanovišta levo radikalne studentske pobune 1968., kao i politiĉki dometi Brionskog plenuma. U radu se istraţuju i reforma i reogranizacija SKJ, suštinska decentralizacija jugoslovenskog federalizma, kao i odnosi reformskog rukovodstva Srbije sa drugim jugoslovenskim republikama i jugoslovenskim predsednikom Titom.<br />Posebna paţnja u radu je posvećena partijskom rukovodstvu Marka Nikezića i njegovim temeljnim programskim usmerenjima, promovisanim pod idejom „Moderne Srbije“. Ideje socijalistiĉke demokratizacije, sa povećanom ulogom autonomnih segmenata društva, poštovanje institucionalnog okvira i insistiranje na kompetentnosti, znaĉajno su umanjili realan pritisak politiĉkih struktura na društvo, jaĉajući ga na raĉun drţave. TakoĊe, svojim razumevanjem Jugoslavije kao sloţene drţave, odbacivanjem uloge Srbije kao ĉuvara Jugoslavije, odbacivanjem patronata nad Srbima u drugim republikama, povećanim samoupravnim pravima pokrajina – temeljno i suštinski je napravljen diskontinuitet sa svim centralistiĉkim i nacionalistiĉkim pojavama u Srbiji. Ovakva politika odvešće partijsko rukovodstvo republike u sukob sa predstavnicima nacionalistiĉke kritiĉke inteligencije. U radu su analizirane i<br />ekonomske postavke, kao i spoljnopolitiĉka orijentacija rukovodstva SK Srbije, kao i njihova kulturna politika, koja je imala intenciju da ponudi alternativu postojećim obrascima u ovoj oblasti društva. Naposletku, istraţen je sukob koncepcija unutar rukovodstva Srbije, njihove meĊusobne razlike, kao i Titova arbitraţa u korist jedne strane, koja će kljuĉne reformske protagoniste modernizacije ukloniti sa politiĉke i javne scene Srbije i Jugoslavije.</p> / <p>History of Yugoslavian in the second half of the 1960s, after the initiation of economic reforms and Brioni Plenary Session, is characterized by the reform attempts. Fundamental reform of the economic system was soon expanded on other parts of society, affected the federalist character of the state and led towards the decentralization of the ruling party. In Serbia, modernizing and reformist tendencies that have prevailed in the society, were in the most comprehensive way expressed at the time of the leadership of the League of Communists of Serbia by Marko Nikezić (1968-1972). In the beginning dissertation deals with foreign policy aspects of Yugoslav reform orientation by analyzing interrelatedness with Cold War policy of Great Powers. Starting from the structural crisis in the first half of the 1960s, economic and ideological basis of economy reform was researched, as well as the response from the radical left with the Students rebellion in 1968 and political achievements of the Brioni Plenary Session. Dissertation also explores reform and reorganization of the LSY, fundamental decentralization of Yugoslav federal system, as well as relations of leaders of Serbian reformist movement with other Yugoslav republics and president Tito.<br />Particular attention is paid to the leaders of Serbian party and to its basic program guidelines, promoted under the idea of "Modern Serbia". Ideas of socialist democratization, with the increasing role of autonomous parts of society, respect of institutional framework and insisting on competence, have eroded existing pressure of political structure on the society, strengthening it at the expense of the state. Also, their understanding of Yugoslavia as a composite state, rejecting of the role of Serbia as a guardian of Yugoslavia, declining patronage of Serbs in other republics, increased self- government of the provinces – made fundamental and essential discontinuity with all the centralist and nationalist developments in Serbia. This policy led the Serbian party leadership in conflict with the representatives of the nationalist intellectuals. Dissertation analyzes economic attitudes, foreign policy orientation, as well as cultural policy of the Serbian party leadership, which had the intention to offer an alternative to existing patterns of society development. Finally, we studied the conflict of different concepts within the leadership of Serbia, their differences, and Tito arbitration in favor of one side, with decisive consequences that led towards the removal of key figures of modernization attempt from the political and public scene of Serbia and Yugoslavia.</p>
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Futuro pretérito: historiografia e preservação na obra de Gregori Warchavchik / Future past: historiography and preservation in the Gregori Warchavchik\'s workInvamoto, Denise 11 April 2012 (has links)
A História da Arquitetura e a Preservação de Bens Culturais entendidas como campos disciplinares autônomos, providos de referenciais teórico-metodológicos próprios, suscitaram a investigação sobre os seus possíveis entrelaçamentos, a partir de uma perspectiva que incorpora o instrumental e as noções operativas no campo da preservação. As múltiplas temporalidades da obra arquitetônica, identificadas pelo estudo de suas transformações ao longo do tempo, a indagação ao objeto em sua consistência física à luz da cultura material e a utilização de suportes documentais diversos, resultam em um material historiográfico de interesse, possibilitando um novo olhar sobre a produção arquitetônica. Através desses pressupostos, analisamos obras de Gregori Warchavchik tombadas ou preteridas em processos de tombamento, propondo uma reconstituição de suas trajetórias e utilizando-as como estratégia para pensar em que medida as interpretações oriundas da historiografia da arquitetura moderna vêm orientando as práticas de salvaguarda e conservação do patrimônio moderno, ou, falando de outro modo, como fundamentam critérios de seleção e de intervenção sobre o moderno. / The Architectural History and the Preservation of cultural heritage understood as autonomous fields, provided by its own theories and methodologies, raised the investigation study about its possible entanglements, from a perspective that incorporates the instrumental and the operational preservation concepts. The multiple temporalities of the architectural work, identified by the study of its changes over time, the investigation of the object under the light of the material culture and the use of several document sets, result as a historiographical subject of interest, allowing a new point of view over the architectural production. These are the starting points of a Gregori Warchavchik\'s architecture analysis. The research selected listed and excluded works from listing, doing a reconstitution of their trajectories and use them as a strategy to think about how the historiographical interpretations have been guiding the conservation and protective practices, or, the intervention\'s criteria on the modern.
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Difusão da pílula anticoncepcional no Brasil, 1962-1972: a mídia e os livros didáticos / Diffusion of oral contraception in Brazil, 1962-1972: mass media and textbooksSantana, Joelma Ramos 11 March 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study sought to analyze contextual and historiographical aspects related with the diffusion of oral contraception, particularly among women, along the period of its introduction and initial commercialization in Brazil (1962-1972). Therefore we analyzed how the information on the mode of action of the pill on the female body, related implications and alleged risks and benefits was divulgated. For that purpose the sources used were magazines and journals commonly read at that time and the biology textbooks used in secondary schools. The result was a mapping of the contemporary scientific ideas on oral contraception and the socio-historical framework that circumscribed its divulgation. Our study shows that while the arrival of the pill in Brazil was a cause of heated debate, it dealt less with scientific than with moral, political and religious issues. The school textbooks, in turn, continued to convey information on reproductive anatomy and physiology outdated in more than 50 years. If mentioned at all, the possibility to control fertility was discussed within the context of eugenic, hygienist or religious ideas / O objetivo do presente trabalho foi explorar aspectos contextuais e historiográficos relacionados à difusão da pílula anticoncepcional, sobretudo entre as mulheres, no período de sua introdução e comercialização, que abrange de 1962 a 1972. Dessa forma, buscou-se analisar como se deu o processo de divulgação da informação sobre o modo de ação do contraceptivo hormonal no organismo feminino, quais eram as implicações associadas e seus supostos riscos e benefícios. A fonte desta pesquisa foram revistas e jornais grande circulação na época e os livros didáticos de biologia destinados ao ensino colegial, resultando num mapeamento das ideias ou argumentos científicos sobre o uso da contracepção oral, assim como do marco sócio-histórico que contornou a divulgação desta. Nosso estudo permitiu conferir que a chegada da pílula causou um intenso debate, menos acerca de questões científicas, que de problemas morais, políticos e religiosas. Quanto aos livros didáticos, continuaram a transmitir conhecimentos sobre anatomia e fisiologia reprodutivas ultrapassados em mais de meio século. O controle da reprodução, quando citado, estava ao serviço de ideias eugenistas e higienistas ou religiosas
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O reatamento das relações sino-americanas (1969-1972): um estudo tripartido da maximização do poder rumo à hegemonia norte-americana na Ásia / The resumption of Sino-US (1969-1972) relationships : a study of tripartite maximization of power toward US hegemony in AsiaAndrade, George Bronzeado de 08 April 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-04-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The end of the 60s and early 70s is marked by the resumption of Sino-US relations under the sign of detente. At this moment in history, the United States Richard Nixon and Communist China of Mao Zedong resume interrupted a relationship for more than twenty years, marked by failure dating back to the victory of the Communist Revolution of Mao Zedong in 1949. Their reunion of two nations, who advocated socio-economic systems and differing ideologies, outside this period grassada the realistic pragmatism policies of Washington and Beijing. It's about this phenomenon that in many ways "shocked" the world, which seeks to undertake a multidimensional understanding of Sino-American resumption under the tripartite perspective of the study of history, analysis of official documents from the U. S. State Department and reading theory to explain the phenomenon of rapprochement, with emphasis on the approach of offensive realism Mearsheimer, who intuits to an American company in the Asian region towards maximizing power with the purpose of seeking regional hegemony. / O fim da década de 60 e início da década de 70 é marcada pelo reatamento das relações sino-americanas sob o signo da détente. Nesse momento da história, os Estados Unidos de Richard Nixon e a China Comunista de Mao Tsé-tung retomam um relacionamento interrompido há mais de vinte anos, marcado pela interrupção que remonta à vitória da Revolução Comunista de Mao Tsé-tung em 1949. O reencontro das duas nações, que defendiam sistemas sócio-econômicos e ideologias divergentes, fora nesse período grassada pelo pragmatismo realista das políticas d e Washington e Pequim. É sobre esse fenômeno que em muitos sentidos ―chocou‖ o mundo, que se busca empreender uma compreensão multidimensional do reatamento sino-americano sob a perspectiva tripartite do estudo da história, da análise dos documentos oficiais do Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos e da leitura teórica para explicar o fenômeno da reaproximação, com ênfase na abordagem do realismo ofensivo de Mearsheimer, que intui para empresa norte-americana na região asiática rumo à maximização de poder com fins de buscar a hegemonia regional.
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Séparation et appartenance dans l'oeuvre de Henry Green / Separation and Sense of Belonging in the Writings of Henry GreenBlayac, Ariane 03 December 2011 (has links)
Dans l’univers fictionnel, à la fois sombre et comique, de Henry Green, les personnages sont isolés, coupés des autres et d’eux-mêmes, enfermés dans leur propre corps et leur conscience, mais aspirent malgré tout à fonder une famille et appartenir à une communauté. De son côté, la communauté existe essentiellement sous forme de fantasme ou dans les discours publics, mais son pouvoir normatif n’en reste pas moins dangereux, car le groupe détruit l’individualité et exige que l’on se conforme à ses règles, que l’on adopte ses valeurs et que l’on accomplisse ses rituels dépourvus, chez Green, de sens. Pendant la Deuxième guerre mondiale, moment où Green écrit ses romans les plus aboutis, l’impératif d’appartenir à une communauté nationale réduit au silence les voix personnelles et substitue à l’expérience privée un récit collectif issu des presses de la propagande. Entrer dans l’histoire revient à se renier en tant qu’individu, à se taire : la destruction de l’intimité, le silence, l’oubli menacent les personnages greeniens. Le conflit entre une volonté de s’affirmer en tant qu’individu et un désir de se fondre dans la masse se reflète dans l’esthétique atypique de Green, qui se nourrit des topoi littéraires de son époque tout en se démarquant du traitement qu’en font ses contemporains. L’écriture se fait intertextuelle, plurielle, idiosyncratique, alors que le romancier mêle accents régionaux et langue archaïque, emprunte des idiomes à des langues vernaculaires et littéraires, divisée et fragmentée, lorsqu’il décrit les effets de la guerre sur la psyché. / In the dark and comical fictional world of Henry Green, the characters are isolated, cut off from themselves and from others, locked into their own body and mind, but they nevertheless yearn to build a family and to belong to a community. As far as communities are concerned, they exist solely in the characters’ fantasms or in public discourses, but their normative power remains dangerous: groups destroy individuality and demand that members conform to collective rules and adopt the same values. They require that one participate in rituals that are, in Green’s novels, deprived of any meaning. During the Second World War, when Green writes his best novels, belonging to a national community becomes compulsory. This silences personal voices and substitutes a collective narration written by British propaganda to private experience. Entering history means that individuals should not contradict the official version and have to deny themselves: the destruction of intimacy, silence and forgetting therefore threaten Green’s characters. The conflict between a will to establish oneself as an individual and the desire to melt into masses is reflected in Green’s atypical esthetic, which feeds on literary commonplaces of the times while setting itself apart from the meanings normally attached to them. The writing is characterized by intertextuality. It is plural, idiosyncratic, as the author mingles regional accents and an archaic speech, and borrows idioms from vernacular and literary languages, divided and fragmented, when he records the effects of the war on the psyche.
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A PESQUISA ACADÊMICA SOBRE COMUNICAÇÃO POPULAR, ALTERNATIVA E COMUNITÁRIA NO BRASIL: análise de dissertações e teses produzidas em Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação entre 1972 - 2012 / Academic research about popular, alternative and community communication in Brazil: ananalysis of dissertations and theses produced in the post graduate programs in communication between 1972 and 2012OTRE, MARIA ALICE CAMPAGNOLI 23 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-08-17T18:17:43Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Mapping of the dissertations and theses regarding the subarea of popular, alternative and community communication (PACC) developed in the Post Graduate Programs in sticto sensu Communication in Brazil, from 1972 to 2012. Within the main objectives, we intended to track the researches; the authors; their distribution within time and space; identify the institutions and advisors which promote the subarea; define the theoretical methodological approaches; and point referential authors/concepts. By means of exploratory research and the application of four filters, we got to a final sample of 102 researches, 87 dissertations and 15 theses, subjected to quantitative analysis, by means of Content Analysis towards the pre-established parts (Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Summary, Closing Remarks and Methodological Chapter, when existing), and a qualitative analysis of the full content of the 15 theses. The method guiding this research is the historical dialectic with a view to finding an analysis of a context and attentive to the contradictions and changes that the object is involved; and the bibliographic research which supports it is anchored in authors, such as, Jorge González, Cicilia Peruzzo, Regina Festa, Pedro Gilberto Gomes, Gilberto Giménez and Augusto Triviños. The research was held with software NVivo support. Quantitative results indicated: a) predominance of community communication research (68%); b) prevalence of empiric studies (79%); c) the variety of denominations attributed to the experiences by the researchers; d) the constant struggle of the popular classes to democratize communication and to achieve social rights; e) the relevance and influence of the organic intellectuals on the studied experiences; f) methodological problems; g) UMESP, USP and UFRJ as the lead producers on this sub-area, and; h) Cicilia Peruzzo and Raquel Paiva as the supervisors who mostly advise theses on the theme. As for the qualitative analysis, there were some criteria that permeate the PACC: 1) the definition of subaltern classes; 2) the importance of the communities’ active participation in the communication processes and; 3) forms, contents and objectives that complement each other and give identity to the experiences / Mapeamento das dissertações e teses referentes à subárea da comunicação popular, alternativa e comunitária (CPAC) desenvolvidas nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação stricto sensu no Brasil, de 1972 a 2012. Dentre os objetivos estão localizar as pesquisas; os autores; sua distribuição no tempo e espaço; identificar as instituições e orientadores que impulsionam a subárea; definir as abordagens teórico-metodológicas; e apontar autores/conceitos referência. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória e aplicação de quatro filtros, chegou-se a uma amostra final de 102 pesquisas, 87 dissertações e 15 teses, submetidas à análise quantitativa, por meio de Análise de Conteúdo a partir de partes pré-definidas (Resumo, Palavras chave, Introdução, Sumário, Considerações Finais e capítulo metodológico, quando presente), e a uma análise qualitativa do conteúdo completo das 15 teses. O método que orienta esta pesquisa é o histórico dialético, na perspectiva da busca de uma análise de conjunto e atenta às contradições e mudanças que o objeto está implicado; e a pesquisa bibliográfica que a fundamenta se ancora em autores como Jorge González, Cicilia Peruzzo, Regina Festa, Pedro Gilberto Gomes, Gilberto Giménez e Augusto Triviños e foi realizada com o apoio do software NVivo. Resultados quantitativos indicam: a) predominância de pesquisas sobre comunicação comunitária (68%) b) predominância de estudos empíricos (79%); c) a variedade de denominações atribuídas às experiências pelos pesquisadores; d) a constante luta das classes populares por democratização da comunicação e por direitos sociais ao longo dos anos; e) a influência e importância dos intelectuais orgânicos nas experiências estudadas, f) problemas metodológicos; g) UMESP, USP e UFRJ como instituições protagonistas, e, h) Cicilia Peruzzo e Raquel Paiva como as que mais orientam teses e dissertações sobre a temática. Quanto à análise qualitativa verificaram-se alguns critérios que permeiam a CPAC: 1) a definição de classes subalternas; 2) a importância da participação ativa das comunidades nos processos de comunicação; e 3) formas, conteúdos e objetivos que se complementam e dão identidade às experiências
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Futuro pretérito: historiografia e preservação na obra de Gregori Warchavchik / Future past: historiography and preservation in the Gregori Warchavchik\'s workDenise Invamoto 11 April 2012 (has links)
A História da Arquitetura e a Preservação de Bens Culturais entendidas como campos disciplinares autônomos, providos de referenciais teórico-metodológicos próprios, suscitaram a investigação sobre os seus possíveis entrelaçamentos, a partir de uma perspectiva que incorpora o instrumental e as noções operativas no campo da preservação. As múltiplas temporalidades da obra arquitetônica, identificadas pelo estudo de suas transformações ao longo do tempo, a indagação ao objeto em sua consistência física à luz da cultura material e a utilização de suportes documentais diversos, resultam em um material historiográfico de interesse, possibilitando um novo olhar sobre a produção arquitetônica. Através desses pressupostos, analisamos obras de Gregori Warchavchik tombadas ou preteridas em processos de tombamento, propondo uma reconstituição de suas trajetórias e utilizando-as como estratégia para pensar em que medida as interpretações oriundas da historiografia da arquitetura moderna vêm orientando as práticas de salvaguarda e conservação do patrimônio moderno, ou, falando de outro modo, como fundamentam critérios de seleção e de intervenção sobre o moderno. / The Architectural History and the Preservation of cultural heritage understood as autonomous fields, provided by its own theories and methodologies, raised the investigation study about its possible entanglements, from a perspective that incorporates the instrumental and the operational preservation concepts. The multiple temporalities of the architectural work, identified by the study of its changes over time, the investigation of the object under the light of the material culture and the use of several document sets, result as a historiographical subject of interest, allowing a new point of view over the architectural production. These are the starting points of a Gregori Warchavchik\'s architecture analysis. The research selected listed and excluded works from listing, doing a reconstitution of their trajectories and use them as a strategy to think about how the historiographical interpretations have been guiding the conservation and protective practices, or, the intervention\'s criteria on the modern.
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A Descriptive Analysis of Political Campaign Advertising of the 1972 Presidential CampaignPhilips, Paul L. (Paul Lee) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine the aural and visual issues present in televised political campaign advertising of the 1972 Presidential election year. Content analysis was the method employed to determine these issues. The campaign commercials of George McGovern and Richard Nixon were the subject of the analysis. The issues coded were Social Welfare, Natural Resources, Labor, Management, Civil Rights, Economy, Foreign Affairs, Vietnam, Government, Public Order, Defense, Republicans, and Democrats. The results show that the campaigns used issues appearing in network news coverage, the percentage of time each campaign spent on the issues, and that the aural content was supported by the visual images in the commercials.
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國共關係與中國統一----中華民國退出聯合國後之分析杜嘉芬, DU, JIA-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
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