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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biomarkers for cardiovascular risk prediction in people with type 2 diabetes

Price, Anna Helen January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes continues to be one of the most common non-communicable diseases worldwide and complications due to type 2 diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) can cause severe disability and even death. Despite advances in the development and validation of cardiovascular risk scores, those used in clinical practice perform inadequately for people with type 2 diabetes. Research has suggested that particular non-traditional biomarkers and novel omics data may provide additional value to risk scores over-and-above traditional predictors. Aims: To determine whether a small panel of non-traditional biomarkers improve prediction models based on a current cardiovascular risk score (QRISK2), either individually or in combination, in people with type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, to investigate a set of 228 metabolites and their associations with CVD, independent of well-established cardiovascular risk factors, in order to identify potential new predictors of CVD for future research. Methods: Analyses used the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study (ET2DS), a prospective cohort of 1066 men and women with type 2 diabetes aged 60-75 years at baseline. Participants were followed for eight years, during which time 205 had a cardiovascular event. Additionally, for omics analyses, four cohorts from the UCL-LSHTM-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB) consortium were combined with the ET2DS. Across all studies, 1005 (44.73%) participants had CVD at baseline or experienced a cardiovascular event during follow-up. Results: In the ET2DS, higher levels of high sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTnT) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and lower levels of ankle brachial pressure index (ABI) were associated with incident cardiovascular events, independent of QRISK2 and pre-existing cardiovascular disease (odds ratios per one SD increase in biomarker 1.35 (95% CI: 1.13, 1.61), 1.23 (1.02, 1.49) and 0.86 (0.73, 1.00) respectively). The addition of each biomarker to a model including just QRISK2 variables improved the c-statistic, with the biggest increase for hs-cTnT (from 0.722 (0.681, 0.763) to 0.732 (0.690, 0.774)). When multiple biomarkers were considered in combination, the greatest c-statistic was found for a model which included ABI, hs-cTnT and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (0.740 (0.699, 0.781)). In the combined cohorts from the UCLEB consortium, a small number of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles were found to be significantly associated with CVD: concentration of medium HDL particles, total lipids in medium HDL, phospholipids in medium HDL and phospholipids in small HDL. These associations persisted after adjustment for a range of traditional cardiovascular risk factors including age, sex, blood pressure, smoking and HDL to total cholesterol ratio. Conclusions: In older people with type 2 diabetes, a range of non-traditional biomarkers increased predictive ability for cardiovascular events over-and-above the commonly used QRISK2 score, and a combination of biomarkers may provide the best improvement. Furthermore, a small number of novel omics biomarkers were identified which may further improve risk scores or provide better prediction than traditional lipid measurements such as HDL cholesterol.

Genetic and epidemiological studies on the role of adiponectin and PTP1B in the metabolic syndrome

Santaniemi, M. (Merja) 21 May 2010 (has links)
Abstract The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of components predisposing to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Abdominal obesity and insulin resistance seem to be central in the metabolic syndrome, although no unifying pathophysiological mechanism is available. The aim of this thesis was to determine out how the variation in PTP1B and adiponectin gene as well as variations in the plasma adiponectin concentration contribute to the risk of obesity related diseases. PTP1B is a negative regulator of insulin signalling and therefore considered a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes. In the first study, it was found that three PTP1B polymorphisms studied have not strong impact on type 2 diabetes. However, one SNP may be slightly protective against type 2 diabetes, since it was more frequent in the healthy group compared to group of patients with type 2 diabetes. Another SNP was associated with body mass index (BMI). The combination of certain alleles of PTP1B and LEPR (leptin receptor) genes was also associated to BMI. Adiponectin is an adipocytokine expressed in adipose tissue. It has insulin sensitizing effects in liver and muscle and it has also beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. In the second study, the contribution of adiponectin genotypes with obesity-related phenotypes was studied. In Caucasians, the carriers of rare allele of Tyr111His polymorphism were more insulin resistant and at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In African-Americans, other polymorphisms were associated with BMI and lipids. Thus, the effects of polymorphisms on obesity related phenotypes seemed to be different between ethnic groups. Plasma adiponectin levels were measured from different study groups. In the third study, it was found out that low plasma adiponectin levels associated with different components of the metabolic syndrome and there was a trend towards reductions in adiponectin with an increasing number of components. Fourth study indicated that baseline low adiponectin level associated with a more than 2-fold risk for developing impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes in the follow-up study of normoglycemic middle-aged Finnish subjects. In the fifth study, plasma adiponectin levels were measured from postmenopausal women receiving estrogen replacement therapy. We observed a reduction in adiponectin levels in women having peroral estradiol which could be part of the "early harm" profile on cardiovascular risk factors of the peroral estrogen replacement therapy detected in clinical trials. These studies further strengthen the role of plasma adiponectin in the obesity related diseases and bring new information of polymorphisms in the adiponectin and PTP1B genes in different populations. / Tiivistelmä Metabolinen oireyhtymä on kertymä tekijöitä, jotka altistavat tyypin 2 diabetekselle ja sydän- ja verisuonitaudeille. Keskivartalolihavuus ja insuliiniresistenssi, eli insuliinin heikentynyt teho, vaikuttavat olevan keskeisiä metabolisessa oireyhtymässä. Kuitenkaan taustalla olevaa syntymekanismia ei täysin tunneta. Väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli tutkia PTP1B- ja adiponektiinigeenin muuntelun sekä plasman adiponektiinitason yhteyttä metaboliseen oireyhtymään, sen osatekijöihin ja seurauksiin. PTP1B on insuliinin toimintaa soluissa estävä molekyyli. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa havaittiin että kolme tutkittua PTP1B-geenin nukleotidimuutosta eivät ole vahvasti yhteydessä tyypin 2 diabetekseen. Eräs nukleotidimuutos saattaisi olla lievästi suojaava tyypin 2 diabetesta vastaan, sillä se oli yleisempi terveillä kuin tyypin 2 diabetesta sairastavilla. PTP1B:n ja leptiinireseptorigeenin eräiden alleelien yhdistelmä oli yhteydessä painoindeksiin. Adiponektiini on rasvakudoksen erittämä hormoni, jolla on suotuisia, insuliinin vaikutusta edesauttavia vaikutuksia elimistössä sekä edullisia vaikutuksia verenkiertoelimistössä. Toisessa työssä havaittiin että Amerikan valkoihoisilla, joilla oli eräs harvinainen adiponektiinigeenin alleeli (Tyr111His), oli heikompi insuliinin teho kuin henkilöillä joilla ei ollut kyseistä muutosta. Tämä alleeli oli yleisempi suomalaisilla tyypin 2 diabetesta sairastavilla kuin terveillä, mikä saattaa tarkoittaa että se liittyy suurentuneeseen riskiin tyypin 2 diabetekselle. Afroamerikkalaisilla taas toiset nukleotidimuutokset olivat yhteydessä lihavuuteen ja plasman rasva-arvoihin. Adiponektiinin pitoisuutta plasmassa mitattiin erilaisissa aineistoissa. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että matala pitoisuus oli yhteydessä metabolisen oireyhtymän eri osatekijöihin ja pitoisuus oli sitä matalampi, mitä enemmän osatekijöitä henkilöllä on. Neljännessä tutkimuksessa havaittiin että matala plasman adiponektiinipitoisuus oli yhteydessä suurentuneeseen riskiin saada huonontunut glukoosin sietokyky tai tyypin 2 diabetes tulevaisuudessa. Viidennessä tutkimuksessa adiponektiinitaso määritettiin naisilta jotka olivat ohittaneet vaihdevuodet ja saivat estrogeenikorvaushoitoa. Havaittiin että plasman adiponektiinitaso laski niillä naisilla, jotka saivat korvaushoitoa suun kautta. Tämä saattaisi osittain selittää suun kautta annettavan estrogeenikorvaushoidon epäedullista vaikutusta sydän ja -verisuonitautien riskitekijöihin. Tutkimus vahvistaa edelleen adiponektiinin merkitystä lihavuuteen liittyvissä sairauksissa ja tuo uutta tietoa adiponektiini- ja PTP1B-geenien muuntelun merkityksestä eri väestöissä.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):perspectives to etiology, complications and lipid metabolism

Käräjämäki, A. (Aki) 28 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract Obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) form a dangerous quartet which threatens human health all over the world. About 25% of adults around the world have NAFLD, which poses risks for cardiovascular and metabolic well-being and may develop into liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Apart from lifestyle modification, treatment options for NAFLD are scarce. This thesis presents atrial fibrillation (AF) as a new complication of NAFLD among general population of 958 individuals aged 40-60 years participating in the OPERA study. Even after multiple-adjustments for confounding factors, ultrasound-based NAFLD predicted the development of AF during about 16 years of follow-up. Moreover, the association between AF and liver fibrosis in 76 individuals aged 64-82 years in a cross-sectional setting is presented. The thesis also shows that individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS), with or without NAFLD, are at increased risk of cardiovascular events, T2D and the increase of left ventricular mass index in a study population of 958 individuals aged 40-60 years during a 20-year follow-up. In other words, NAFLD without MetS does not seem to expose to these three cardiometabolic complications. The thesis also shows that rifampicin-activated pregnane X receptor (PXR), a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors with several endobiotic and xenobiotic activators, increases serum levels of cholesterol, phospholipids and certain fatty acids, assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics technique, in a randomized, open, placebo-controlled trial among 34 young and healthy individuals. These serum lipids are considered toxic lipids and capable of transforming hepatosteatosis into steatohepatitis and even more severe forms of NAFLD. Moreover, rifampicin-activated PXR has no effect on serum triglycerides, that are non-toxic lipids, or triglyceride accumulation in the liver, assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, in 15 young and healthy individuals. In conclusion, this thesis advances the knowledge in the pathogenesis, lipid metabolism, complications and heterogeneous nature of NAFLD. These may have implications for patient care and follow-up. / Tiivistelmä Maailmanlaajuisesti noin 25% täysi-ikäisistä henkilöistä sairastaa alkoholinkäyttöön liittymätöntä rasvamaksaa. Sen tiedetään altistavan sydän- ja verisuonisairauksille, aineenvaihduntahäiriöille, maksakirroosille ja jopa maksasyövälle, mutta elämäntapahoitoa lukuun ottamatta hoitomahdollisuudet ovat toistaiseksi vähäisiä. Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitetaan ensimmäistä kertaa alkoholinkäyttöön liittymättömän rasvamaksan ennustavan itsenäisesti eteisvärinän ilmaantuvuutta noin 16 vuoden seurannan aikana 958 tavallisen keski-ikäisen ihmisen aineistossa osana OPERA-tutkimusta. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa osoitetaan maksan sidekudosmuodostuksen ja eteisvärinän välillä olevan yhteys poikkileikkausasetelmassa 76 iäkkään ihmisen muodostamassa aineistossa. Väitöstutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että metabolista oireyhtymää sairastavilla henkilöillä on suurentunut tyypin 2 diabeteksen, sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien sekä vasemman kammion koon suurentumisen riski noin 20 vuoden seurannan aikana 958 tutkittavan henkilön aineistossa riippumatta siitä, onko heillä alkoholinkäyttöön liittymätön rasvamaksa. Toisin sanoen alkoholin käyttöön liittymätön rasvamaksa ilman metabolista oireyhtymää ei lisää edellä mainittujen kolmen sairauden riskiä. Väitöstutkimuksessa esitetään lisäksi, että rifampisiinilla aikaansaatu maksan pregnane X -reseptorin aktivaatio johtaa seerumin fosfolipidien, tiettyjen rasvahappojen sekä usean eri kolesterolityypin lisääntymiseen 34 terveen nuoren henkilön aineistossa. Kirjallisuudessa näiden seerumin rasva-aineiden on esitetty aiheuttavan alkoholin käyttöön liittymätöntä maksatulehdusta ja jopa rasvamaksan vakavimpia muotoja. Toisaalta rifampisiini ei lisännyt seerumin triglyseridipitoisuutta eikä aiheuttanut magneettitutkimuksella mitattuna triglyseridien kertymistä maksaan 15 terveen nuoren henkilön aineistossa. Tämä väitöstutkimus antaa lisätietoa rasvamaksan kehittymisestä, rasva-aineenvaihdunnasta ja komplikaatioista sekä korostaa rasvamaksan monimuotoista luonnetta. Nämä löydökset saattavat parantaa rasvamaksaa sairastavien henkilöiden hoitoa ja seurantaa.

The role of dietary fibers in metabolic diseases

Raza, G. S. (Ghulam Shere) 13 August 2019 (has links)
Abstract Obesity and dyslipidemia are major risk factors for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, and musculoskeletal disorders. In prevention, the major goal is to limit calorie consumption and to reduce LDL-C and triglyceride. Dietary fiber (DF) intake is inversely related to body weight gain, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and CVD. This thesis investigated the effects of the DFs polydextrose (PDX) and lignin-rich insoluble residue (INS) from brewer’s spent grain (BSG) on lipid metabolism and obesity in diet-induced obese mice. In study 1, PDX was investigated on lipid metabolism in Western-diet-fed mice. We found that PDX reduced fasting plasma cholesterol and triglyceride, food intake, and increased bacteria such as Allobaculum, Bifidobacterium and Coriobacteriaceae in the gut. These changes in the gut microbiota with PDX were associated with downregulation of the genes Fiaf, Dgat1 and Cd36, and upregulation of Fxr in the intestine. We suggest that the hypolipidemic effect of PDX is exerted via diet-induced modification of gut microbiota and gene expression. In study II, INS from BSG was studied for its degradation products in mice fed with a fiber-deficient diet. We found that INS was partially degraded by gut microbiota and contributed to the phenolic pool. The major metabolite in mouse urine was 4-methylcatechol, a degradation product of lignin. In study III, the effects of INS from BSG were studied on lipid metabolism and obesity in high-fat diet-fed mice. INS showed hypocholesterolemic effects, reduced body weight and hepatic steatosis, and increased bacterial diversity, Clostridium leptum, and Bacteroides. INS increased bile acid excretion in the feces and upregulated the genes Srebp2, Hmgcr, Ldlr, Cyp7a1, Pparα, Fxr and Pxr in the liver. The present results suggest that INS from BSG induced beneficial systemic changes via bile acid and gut microbiota. In study IV, PDX was investigated for food intake and appetite-related parameters in healthy and overweight females in an acute study. A midmorning preload of 12.5 g PDX reduced hunger by 31.4% during satiation period while there was no significant change in energy intake compared to placebo. In addition, PDX lowered plasma insulin significantly, by 15.7%, and increased GLP-1 by 39.9%. PDX may reduce appetite, but a larger trial would be needed. / Tiivistelmä Liikalihavuus ja rasvatasapainon häiriöt ovat riskitekijöitä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien, tyypin 2 diabeteksen, syövän sekä luuston ja lihaksiston sairauksien kehittymiseen. Näiden sairauksien ehkäisyssä pääasiallisena tavoitteena on vähentää energiansaantia, LDL-kolesterolia ja triglyseridejä. Ruoan ravintokuitujen saannin on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä painon ja plasman rasvatasojen laskuun sekä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien vähenemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ravintokuitu polydekstroosin (PDX) ja viljanjyvien prosessoinnista ylijäävän (BSG, brewer’s spent grain) ligniinipitoisen liukenemattoman sivutuotteen (INS) merkitystä rasva-aineenvaihduntaan ja aineenvaihduntasairauksiin liikalihavilla hiirillä. Tutkimuksessa I tarkasteltiin ravintokuitu PDX:n vaikutusta rasvojen aineenvaihduntaan länsimaisella ruokavaliolla ruokituilla hiirillä. Tutkimus osoitti, että ruokavalioon lisätty PDX alensi plasman kolesteroli- ja triglyseriditasoja paastossa sekä hillitsi ravinnonottoa ja lisäsi Allobaculum-, Bifidobacterium- ja Coriobacteriaceae-suolistobaktereja. Nämä suolistomikrobiston muutokset ovat yhteydessä Fiaf, Dgat1 ja Cd36 -geenien ilmentymistasojen laskuun ja Fxr -geenin ilmentymistason nousuun PDX-lisäruokittujen hiirien suolistossa. PDX:n hypolipideeminen vaikutus näyttäisi välittyvän ruokavaliosta johtuvan suoliston geenien ilmentymisen ja suolistomikrobiston muuttumisen kautta. Tutkimuksessa II tarkasteltiin runsaasti ligniiniä sisältävän INS:n hajoamistuotteiden vaikutusta aineenvaihduntaan hiirillä, joiden ruokavaliossa on vähemmän kuitua. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että suolistomikrobit hajottivat ravintokuitu INS:n osittain fenoliyhdisteiksi verenkiertoon. INS lisäsi virtsassa 4-metyylikatekolin määrää, joka on ligniinin hajoamistuote. Tutkimuksessa III tarkasteltiin INS-lisäyksen vaikutusta rasva-aineenvaihduntaan ja liikalihavuuteen korkearasvapitoisella ruokavaliolla ruokituilla hiirillä. Tulokset osoittivat, että INS-lisäys ruokavalioon alensi kolesterolia ja eläimen painoa sekä vähensi maksan rasvoittumista ja lisäsi vallitsevien bakteerien monimuotoisuutta, Clostridium leptum- ja Bacteroides -bakteereja. INS lisäsi sappihappojen erittymistä ulosteeseen ja Srebp2, Hmgcr, Ldlr, Cyp7a1, Pparα, Fxr ja Pxr -geenien ilmentymistä maksassa. Tuloksemme osoittivat, että BSG-ylijäämätuotteesta saatu ligniinipitoinen INS sai aikaan hyödyllisiä systeemisiä vaikutuksia suoliston mikrobiston ja sappihappojen muutosten kautta. Tutkimuksessa IV tarkasteltiin PDX:n vaikutusta ravinnonottoon ja ruokahaluun vaikuttaviin muuttujiin normaalipainoisilla ja liikalihavilla naisilla akuutissa tutkimuksessa. Tulosten mukaan ravintokuitu PDX:n nauttiminen aamiaisella vähensi näläntunnetta (31,4 %) seuraavalla aterioinnilla, kun taas plasebolla ei ollut vaikutusta. Lisäksi PDX alensi merkitsevästi insuliinitasoa (15,7 %) ja nosti GLP-1-tasoa (39,9 %). PDX vaikuttaisi vähentävän ruokahalua, mutta lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan.

Vegansk kost och typ 2-diabetes / Vegan diet and type 2-diabetes

Holm, Tilda, Svensson, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Kardiovaskulära sjukdomar är en av de vanligaste sjukdomarna världen över och står årligen för 18 miljoner dödsfall, en tredjedel av alla dödsfall. En av dessa sjukdomar är diabetes som en av elva i världen har i någon form och mörkertalet är stort. Typ 2-diabetes (T2D) kan vara ärftlig men är också påverkbart. Riskfaktorerna kan förebyggas genom en hälsosam livsstil som innefattar fysisk aktivitet och hälsosam kost, som kan reducera övervikt. En skyddsfaktor är frukt och grönsaker, något som en vegansk diet till stora delar består av. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom två perspektiv (primär- och sekundärprevention) undersöka om en vegansk kost minskar risken för T2D. Metod: Med en strukturerad litteraturstudie har datainsamling skett via databaser PubMed och Cochrane Library. Vald analysmetod var innehållsanalys. Resultat: Från 21 granskade artiklar framkom sex olika kategorier: 1) Prevention, prevalens och incidens av T2D (veganer löper lägre risk att drabbas av T2D); 2) Vikt, BMI och kroppsmått (en vegansk kost främjar viktnedgång och sänkt BMI vid övervikt); 3) Blodvärden och blodtryck (både systoliskt och diastoliskt blodtryck, HbA1c, glukos, c-peptid, betacellsfunktion och insulinkänslighet förbättras av en vegansk kost); 4) Hormoner (GLP-1, GIP, PYY och amylin optimeras av en vegansk kost); 5) Metabolism (TMAO minskar medan och postprandial metabolism stärks av vegansk kost); och 6) Kolesterol (vegansk kost förbättrar värden för LDL, HDL samt triglycerider). Slutsats: I sin helhet visade resultatet på att en vegansk kost kan minska risken för T2D bland vuxna (≥18 år) på både primär och sekundär nivå. / Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most common diseases worldwide and accounts for 18 million deaths annually, which is one-third of all deaths. One risk factor for CVD is type 2 diabetes (T2D). Globally, one in eleven persons has T2D and undetected cases are high. T2D can be hereditary but people can also be susceptible to T2D. The risk factors can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle including physical activity and healthy diet, which can reduce obesity. A protective factor is dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, something that a vegan diet largely contains. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate through two perspectives (primary and secondary prevention) whether a vegan diet reduces the risk of T2D. Methods: A systematic literature review accomplished data collection using two databases, PubMed and the Cochrane Library. The analysis method chosen was content analysis. Results: Of 21 articles reviewed, six different categories emerged: 1) prevention, prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes (vegans are at lower risk of developing T2D); 2) body weight, body mass index (BMI) and body measurements (a vegan diet promotes weight loss, decreased BMI); 3) Blood values and blood pressure (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, HbA1c , glucose, c-peptide, beta cell function and insulin sensitivity are enhanced by a vegan diet); 4) Hormones (GLP-1, GIP, PYY and amylin are optimized by a vegan diet); 5) Metabolism (TMAO decreases and postprandial metabolism is enhanced by vegan diet); and 6) Cholesterol (vegan diet improves LDL, HDL and triglycerides). Conclusion: The results showed that a vegan diet can reduce the risk of type 2-diabetes among adults (≥18 years) at both primary and secondary levels.

Vasopressinmarkören Copeptin : Beskrivning av analysförfarande och användningsområde / The Vasopressin marker Copeptin : Description of the assay procedure and area of use.

Börjesson, Linus January 2022 (has links)
Vasopressin är ett viktigt hormon som har många fysiologiska funktioner, däribland upprätthållandet av vätskebalansen i kroppen. Mätning av detta hormon är dock komplicerat och därför används ”skuggfragmentet” copeptin, som härstammar från samma prekursor. Genom användandet av metoden B·R·A·H·M·S KRYPTOR compact PLUS mäts copeptin. Studiens syfte är att beräkna variations-koefficienten och därmed undersöka de uppmätta värdenas reproducerbarhet. Vidare blir syftet att använda EpiHealth-kohortstudien för att validera den redan kända kopplingen mellan copeptin och förhöjt blodsocker genom en multivariant linjär regression. Vi kan i arbetet konstatera att copeptin metoden har en god reproducerbarhet, där majoriteten av de multipelt uppmätta copeptin-värdena har en inter-assay CV <8%. Vid undersökning av EpiHealth-kohorten fann vi att en ökning av copeptin var kross-sektionellt associerad med ett flertal metabola riskmarkörer, däribland fastande plasma-glukos, efter multivariant justering. Att copeptin var signifikant relaterat till denna potenta metabola riskmarkör kan tyda på att det finns ett orsakssamband mellan förhöjt vasopressin och förhöjt blodsocker, något som även tidigare studier har pekat på. Detta i sin tur visar att vasopressin kan spela en roll i utvecklandet av typ 2-diabetes. Om ett orsaks-samband föreligger undersöks nu i en stor randomiserad klinisk studie där vasopressin-nivåerna hos hälften av deltagarna sänks med hjälp av ökat vatten-intag (H2O-metab-studien). Det finns förhoppningar om att användandet av copeptin skall kunna användas i klinisk verksamhet för att riskbedöma individer avseende kardiometabola sjukdomar (däribland typ 2-diabetes). / Vasopressin is an important hormone that has many physiological functions, including the maintenance of fluid balance in the body. Measurement of this hormone is however complicated and therefore the "shadow fragment" copeptin is used, which is derived from the same precursor. Using the BRAHMS copeptin proAVP KRYPTOR method, copeptin was measured in this study. The purpose of the study is to calculate the coefficient of variation, and thus examine the reproducibility of the measured values ​. Furthermore, the aim will be to use the EpiHealth cohort study was used to validate the link between copeptin and elevated blood sugar through a multivariate linear regression. The majority of the multiple measurements of copeptin values had an inter-assay CV <8%, which indicates that the method has a good reproducibility. Examination of the EpiHealth cohort revealed that elevated copeptin was cross-sectionally associated with a number of metabolic risk markers, including fasting plasma glucose, after multivariate adjustment, a finding that is in line with previous findings from epidemiological studies. The fact that copeptin was significantly related to this potent metabolic risk marker may indicate a causal role of the vasopressin system in elevated blood glucose and may play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes metillus. Previous experimental and genetical studies have indicated a causal association between elevated vasopressin and diabetes development. Currently, a randomized clinical trial is ongoing (the H2O-metab-study) in order to investigate a possible causal association between elevated vasopressin and glucose. In the study, increased water intake is used to lower plasma vasopressin (measured as copeptin), and the glucose-lowering potential of this water treatment is tested. There are hopes that copeptin can in the future be used in clinical practice for risk assessment with respect to cardiometabolic diseases (including type 2 diabetes).

Experiences of self-care in persons with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A literature study / Erfarenheter av egenvård hos personer med typ 2 Diabetes Mellitus : En litteraturstudie

Khan, Sharmin, Franzén Rojas, Max January 2022 (has links)
Background: One of the most prevalent diseases in the world, type 2 diabetes mellitus is rising every year. Self-care refers to controlling one's own illness to prevent future complications. The nurses' work is oriented on a person-centered approach to inform, promote, encourage, and support the patient to maintain good health in consideration of their circumstances. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe persons' experiences with self-care of type 2 diabetes mellitus.   Method: A literature study based on qualitative scientific articles which were retrieved from PubMed and CINAHL. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the articles. The study's objective was accomplished.  Results: The two main themes were identified. Experiences that affect self-care and Experiences of self-care’s impact on life.  Conclusion: Self-care is influenced by several factors such as knowledge, experience of support and control. The self-care and adaptation required for these affects the lives of people with type 2 Diabetes. Nurses have a key role in patients' self-care by helping people manage self-care. / Bakgrund: En av de vanligaste sjukdomarna i världen, typ 2 diabetes mellitus ökar varje år. Egenvård avser att kontrollera sin egen sjukdom för att förhindra framtida komplikationer. På grund av detta är sjuksköterskornas arbete inriktat på ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt för att informera, främja, uppmuntra och stödja patienten att bibehålla en god hälsa med hänsyn till sina omständigheter. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av egenvård av typ 2 diabetes mellitus. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtats från PubMed och CINAHL. En tematisk analys användes för att analysera artiklarna. Studiens mål uppnåddes. Resultat: Två huvudteman identifierades. Erfarenheter som påverkar egenvården och erfarenheter av egenvårdens påverkan på livet. Slutsats: Egenvården påverkar flera faktorer såsom kunskap, erfarenhet av stöd och kontroll. Egenvården och anpassningen som krävs för dessa påverkar livet hos personer med typ 2 diabetes mellitus. Sjuksköterska har en nyckelroll i patienters egenvård genom att hjälpa personer att hantera egenvården.

Effective health apps for promoting physical activity : A systematic literature review

Siösteen, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Fysisk aktivitet är viktigt för både psykiskt och fysiskt välbefinnande. Idag är vi allt mer fysisk inaktiva och stillasittande ökar. Fysisk aktivitet minskar risken för bland annat hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar och typ 2-diabetes. För de som har typ 2- diabetes eller graviditetsdiabetes funkar fysisk aktivitet även behandlande. I takt med digitaliseringens framfart ökar hälsoappar. Dessa har potential att främja hälsosamma beteendeförändringar. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utvärdera vad för faktorer i hälsoappar som gör att vissa hälsoappar är effektiva för att öka fysisk aktivitet hos vuxna individer med risk för typ 2-diabetes, diagnostiserad typ 2- diabetes eller graviditetsdiabetes. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie med 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Studien analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Resultat: Effektiva appar är multifaktoriella, fler faktorer påverkar. Analysen genererades i tre teman; användarupplevelse och engagemang, beteendeteorier och funktioner i hälsoappar. Dessa tre teman är viktiga för att lyckas med beteendeförändring i en hälsoapp. Användarupplevelse och engagemang kan främjas genom regelbunden feedback. Även individanpassade mål kan ge bra effekt på engagemanget för hälsobeteenden. Appdesign som integrerar beteende teorier kan stödja motivation och hjälpa användare att övervinna hinder för fysisk aktivitet. Slutsats: Effektiva hälsoappar är multifaktoriella och kräver integration av funktioner som förbättrar användarupplevelsen, inkorporerar beteendeteorier och anpassas efter målgruppen för att stödja beteendeförändring. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på att utvärdera del ångsiktiga effekterna av digitala hälsointerventioner för att främja hållbara beteendeförändringar över tid. / Introduction: Physical activity is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, society is becoming increasingly physically inactive, leading to more sedentary lifestyles. Engaging in physical activity reduces the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular conditions and type 2 diabetes. For individuals with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes, physical activity can be an important part of treatment. The rise of digitalization has brought about a proliferation of health apps, which have the potential to promote healthy behavior changes. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the factors in health apps that make some of them effective in increasing physical activity among adults at risk for type 2 diabetes, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes. Method: The study was conducted as a systematic literature review with 12 scientific articles. The analysis was performed using thematic analysis. Results: Effective health apps are multifactorial, influenced by multiple factors. The analysis generated three themes: user experience and engagement, behavioral theories, and app functionalities. These three themes are crucial for achieving behavior change in a health app. User experience and engagement can be enhanced through regular feedback. Additionally, personalized goals can positively impact engagement in health behaviors. App design that integrates behavioral theories can support motivation and help users overcome barriers to physical activity. Conclusion: Effective health apps are multifactorial and require the integration of features that enhance user experience, incorporate behavior theories, and are tailored to the target audience to support behavior change. Future research should focus on evaluating the long-term effects of digital health interventions to promote sustainable behavior changes over time.

Brain function and glucocorticoids in obesity and type 2 diabetes including effects of lifestyle interventions / Effekter av livsstilsförändring på hjärnfunktion och stresshormoner vid fetma och typ 2 diabetes

Stomby, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Background Obesity and associated metabolic dysregulation are linked to impaired cognitive function and alterations in brain structure, which increases the risk of age-related dementia. Increased glucocorticoid (GC) exposure may be a potential mediator of these negative effects on the brain. Methods and results In paper 1, we tested the relationship between cortisol levels, brain morphology and cognitive function in 200 women and men. Salivary cortisol levels were negatively related to cortical surface areas in prefrontal brain regions in both sexes. In participants with type 2 diabetes, high salivary cortisol levels were associated with lower memory performance. In paper 2, we tested in 70 overweight women the effects on tissue-specific GC metabolism of a Paleolithic diet or a diet following the Nordic nutrition recommendations. The 24-month interventions led to decreased expression of the GC-activating enzyme 11βHSD1 in adipose tissue, interpreted as a normalization of an obesity-related disturbance in GC metabolism. Furthermore, GC metabolism by 5α-reductase increased substantially after 2 years, an unexpected and novel result. The outcomes did not differ by diet. In paper 3, 20 women included in paper 2 were examined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing a memory task at baseline and after 6 months. Memory performance improved and functional brain responses increased in the hippocampus. Once again, the results were similar in both diet groups. In paper 4, 24 overweight participants with type 2 diabetes were examined with fMRI, using the same memory test as in paper 3, at baseline and after 12 weeks of intervention with a Paleolithic diet with or without exercise training. Functional brain response increased in the hippocampus, but memory was not improved. The addition of physical exercise did not alter the results. Conclusion Cortisol levels are linked to prefrontal brain structure and, at least in type 2 diabetes, lower memory performance. Furthermore, the dysregulated GC metabolism in obesity can be reversed by long-term diet- induced weight loss. Finally, dietary interventions with associated metabolic improvements alter functional brain responses during memory testing, including increased activation of the hippocampus. Whether these changes are linked to alterations in GC exposure and mediate improved cognition requires further study.

Safety and Efficacy Modelling in Anti-Diabetic Drug Development

Hamrén, Bengt January 2008 (has links)
<p>A central aim in drug development is to ensure that the new drug is efficacious and safe in the intended patient population.</p><p>Mathematical models describing the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) properties of a drug are valuable to increase the knowledge about drug effects and disease and can be used to inform decisions. The aim of this thesis was to develop mechanism-based PK-PD-disease models for important safety and efficacy biomarkers used in anti-diabetic drug development. </p><p>Population PK, PK-PD and disease models were developed, based on data from clinical studies in subjects with varying degrees of renal function, non-diabetic subjects with insulin resistance and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), receiving a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) α/γ agonist, tesaglitazar.</p><p>The PK model showed that a decreased renal elimination of the metabolite in renally impaired subjects leads to increased levels of metabolite undergoing interconversion and subsequent accumulation of tesaglitazar. Tesaglitazar negatively affects the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and since renal function affects tesaglitazar exposure, a PK-PD model was developed to simultaneously describe this interrelationship. The model and data showed that all patients had decreases in GFR, which were reversible when discontinuing treatment. </p><p>The PK-PD model described the interplay between fasting plasma glucose (FPG), glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and haemoglobin in T2DM patients. It provided a mechanistically plausible description of the release and aging of red blood cells (RBC), and the glucose dependent glycosylation of RBC to HbA1c. The PK-PD model for FPG and fasting insulin, incorporating components for β-cell mass, insulin sensitivity and impact of disease and drug treatment, realistically described the complex glucose homeostasis in the heterogeneous patient population. </p><p>The mechanism-based PK, PK-PD and disease models increase the understanding about T2DM and important biomarkers, and can be used to improve decision making in the development of future anti-diabetic drugs. </p>

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