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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réalité humaine vivante, agir - savoir - sentir : une introduction à la philosophie de Wilhelm Dilthey

Rioux, Jean-François 05 April 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire défend l’hypothèse que le sens de la critique de la raison historique de Dilthey peut être déterminé à partir du projet critique de Kant, à la condition que ce projet ait le sens que lui donne l’interprétation de Deleuze. Le premier chapitre tire de l’interprétation deleuzienne de Kant trois idées qui trouvent leur équivalent dans la philosophie de Dilthey, à savoir (1) que l’objet de la critique de la raison historique est la réalité humaine vivante, (2) que sa méthode, l’autoréflexion, distingue en elle trois dimensions essentielles (l’agir, le savoir et le sentir) et (3) que, malgré l’universalité de ces dimensions, la réalité humaine vivante présente une irréductible variabilité. Les trois chapitres suivants reconstituent successivement l’autoréflexion diltheyenne de l’agir, du savoir et du sentir. / This thesis argues that the meaning of Dilthey’s critique of historical reason can be determined by relying on Kant’s critical project, provided that this project receives its own meaning from Deleuze’s interpretation. The first chapter draws from this interpretation three ideas which find their equivalent in Dilthey’s philosophy, namely (1) that the object of the critique of historical reason is living human reality, (2) that its method, called self-reflection, distinguishes in it three essential dimensions (action, thought, feeling), (3) that, despite the universality of these dimensions, the living human reality presents an irreducible variability. The next three chapters successively reconstitute Dilthey’s self-reflection of action, thought and feeling.

La Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec : nature et gouvernance de la résolution des litiges

Robert, Laurence 05 April 2024 (has links)
La conduite du présent mémoire repose essentiellement sur la caractérisation de la nature de la Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec (RMAAQ) et l’analyse de sa gouvernance. Cette institution s’inscrit dans le système québécois de la mise en marché collective et se trouve, plus précisément, à l’interface entre le cadre général de la Loi sur la mise en marché des produits agricoles, alimentaires et de la pêche et l’ensemble des acteurs et organisations qui gouvernent les transactions de cette industrie. La RMAAQ traverse un moment charnière, affectée par ce qui semble être la judiciarisation des litiges. Ainsi, il devient de plus en plus pertinent de s’y intéresser, notamment en regard du rôle essentiel qu’elle joue dans cet écosystème, soit celui de régulateur économique et d’arbitre. Une meilleure compréhension de cette institution est possible que par l’entreprise d’un important déchiffrage de connaissances théoriques sur cette institution. À cet égard, les outils descriptifs et le cadre analytique explorent les notions et concepts qui permettent de mieux comprendre la nature institutionnelle, les interventions et l’environnement légal de la RMAAQ. Sur la base des attributs recensés, un guide d’entretien a été développé et soumis à dix-sept (17) utilisateurs de l’organe de résolution des litiges de la RMAAQ, en l’occurrence certains offices de commercialisation, associations accréditées d’acheteurs et leurs représentants (avocats). L’objectif était de connaître leurs perceptions à l’égard de la résolution des litiges et des interventions connexes de la RMAAQ. Les résultats empiriques qui en ressortent permettent de classer ses caractéristiques institutionnelles et économiques, selon qu’elles soient en concordance ou en écart avec ce qui est prédit par les approches théoriques. Ainsi, nous proposons une réponse schématique, qui se rapproche de la réalité, où sont exposées les nombreuses composantes du processus décisionnel. Enfin, nous discutons des forces et des faiblesses apparentes de la gouvernance de la résolution des litiges, notamment en termes de coûts de transaction. / This search relies essentially on the characterization of the institutional nature and analyzing the governance of a regulatory body, called Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec (RMAAQ), supervising activities and arbitrating disputes in the agricultural products marketing. This institution is inserted between the general rules established by the Act respecting the marketing of agricultural, food and fish products and the organizations making transactions and using those rules. The RMAAQ is going through a particular moment, with the pressure of the apparent litigiousness of disputes. In this perspective, it is increasingly relevant to be concerned by this institution, especially in view of its important role in the global ecosystem that is an economic regulator and arbitrator. A better understanding is only possible if a significant decryption of academic knowledge is undertaken. Therein, the theoretical tools and the analytic framework browse notions and concepts that allow to understand the institutional nature, the interventions and the legal environment of the RMAAQ. On the basis of the identified attributes, an interview guide has been developed and administered to seventeen (17) users of the dispute’s resolution body: marketing boards, certified associations of buyers and their legal agents (lawyers). The objective was to know the perceptions toward disputes resolution and the related RMAAQ’s interventions. Empirical results involved make it achievable ranking institutional attributes (gap or matching) according to theoretical conjectures. In doing so, we propose a schematic representation, close to reality, where the numerous constitutive parts of the decision-making process are exposed. Finally, we discuss apparent strengths and weaknesses in the institution framing the dispute’s resolution governance, especially in terms of transaction costs.

Estimation bayésienne du lasso adaptatif pour l'issue

Gaye, Serigne Abib 22 March 2024 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, on cherche à développer une nouvelle méthode d'estimation pour le lasso adaptatif pour l'issue en utilisant la machinerie bayésienne. L'hypothèse de recherche est que notre nouvelle méthode va beaucoup réduire la lourdeur computationnelle du lasso adaptatif pour l'issue. Notre méthode utilise les mêmes fondements théoriques que le lasso adaptatif pour l'issue. Elle remplit donc les conditions de la propriété d'oracle. Pour sa mise en ÷uvre, on ajuste d'abord un modèle du score de propension bayésien. Ensuite, on estime l'effet du traitement moyen par la pondération par l'inverse de la probabilité de traitement. Par ailleurs, nous considérons une distribution gamma pour le paramètre de régularisation qui nous permet de choisir ce paramètre à partir d'un ensemble continu, alors que le lasso adaptatif pour l'issue fréquentiste utilise une approche de validation croisée qui doit faire un choix parmi un ensemble discret de valeurs préspéciées. In ne, la méthode que nous avons développée répond bien à nos attentes, et permet donc de produire les inférences de façon beaucoup plus rapide. En effet, il a fallu seulement 41.298 secondes pour que cette méthode effectue les inférences, alors que 44.105 minutes ont été né- cessaires au lasso adaptatif pour l'issue. On espère que les idées développées dans ce mémoire vont contribuer signicativement à améliorer les méthodes de sélection de variables en inférence causale avec l'appui des techniques bayésiennes. / In this paper, we aim to develop a new estimation method for the outcome adaptive lasso using Bayesian machinery. The research hypothesis is that our new method will significantly reduce the computational burden of the outcome adaptive lasso. Our method uses the same theoretical foundation as the outcome adaptive lasso. It therefore meets the oracle properties. For its implementation, Bayesian propensity score model is first fitted. Next, the average treatment effect is estimated using inverse probability of treatment weights. In addition, we consider a gamma distribution for the regularisation parameter λ in order to choose this parameter over a continuous set, whereas the frequentist outcome adaptive lasso uses a cross-validation procedure that selects λ among a prespecified discrete set. In fine, the method we have developed meets our expectations, and therefore makes it possible to produce inferences much faster. Indeed, it took only 41.298 seconds for this method to yield inferences, while 44.105 minutes were required for the outcome adaptive lasso. We hope that the ideas developed in this paper will significantly contribute to improve methods for selecting variables in causal inference with the support of Bayesian techniques.

Étude du dynamisme et de l'évolution des réseaux d'interactions protéiques par une approche de protéomique comparative

Berger, Caroline 05 April 2024 (has links)
Un objectif fondamental de la biologie évolutive est de comprendre comment l’information contenue dans le génotype peut être transmise au phénotype. Les hybrides, issus du croisement entre deux espèces différentes, représentent une opportunité unique d’explorer le lien qui existe entre génotype et phénotype. L’hybridation peut mener à la mise en place de phénotypes extrêmes (tels que l’hétérosis ou la sous-dominance) et beaucoup d’études s’intéressent aux bases génétiques de ces phénotypes. Pourtant, il y a une véritable lacune dans notre compréhension du lien entre génotype et phénotype chez les hybrides. Notre hypothèse était que ce lien se fait par l’intermédiaire des complexes protéiques et que l’hybridation devrait induire une réorganisation des complexes. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons utilisé une méthode d’étude des complexes protéiques (SEC-PCP-SILAC) qui permet de cibler un grand nombre de complexes dans la cellule. Des hybrides de levures ont été générés au laboratoire et SEC-PCP-SILAC a été utilisé pour comparer les complexes protéiques des hybrides par rapport aux complexes parentaux. Nous avons été en mesure de capturer une large fraction de l’interactome avec la détection de 39% des complexes protéiques présents chez la levure. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la robustesse générale des complexes protéiques après hybridation. Toutefois, des modifications non négligeables du réseau d’interactions ont aussi été détectées. Ces modifications affectent deux voies biologiques majeures : la voie de synthèse du glucose et la voie liée à l’activité ribosomale. Ce sont des voies candidates intéressantes pour expliquer la différence de phénotype qui peut exister entre parents et hybrides. Finalement, l’utilisation d’une méthode alternative, la PCA, a permis de complémenter les données de spectrométrie de masse, en démontrant notamment la présence d’interactions parentales (intra-espèces) et chimériques (inter-espèces) chez les hybrides. Ce mémoire souligne ainsi l’importance d’adopter une approche intégrative pour une meilleure compréhension du lien génotype-phénotype. / A fundamental goal in evolutionary biology is to understand how the information contains in the genotype can be transmitted to the phenotype. Hybrids, that are the result of the cross between different species, represent a unique opportunity to investigate the link between genotype and phenotype. Hybridization can lead to extreme phenotypes (such as heterosis or underdominance) and many studies try to understand the genetic bases of these phenotypes. However, there is a real gap in our understanding of the link between genotype and phenotype in hybrids. Our hypothesis was that protein complexes would play a key role and that hybridization would lead to changes in the organisation of protein complexes. To test this hypothesis, we used a method (SEC-PCP-SILAC) that allows studying broadly protein complexes in the cell. Hybrids between yeast species were generated in the laboratory and SEC-PCP-SILAC was applied to compare the protein complexes of the hybrids with their parental species. We were able to detect a large fraction of the interactome with the identification of 39% of the protein complexes reported in yeast. Our results highlight the general robustness of the protein complexes after hybridization. However, some significant changes of the interaction networks were also detected in hybrids. These modifications involve two main biological pathways: the glucose synthesis pathway and the ribosomal activity pathway. They are promising candidates to explain the phenotypic differences between hybrids and parents. Finally, a complementary PCA approach was used to complement the mass-spectrometry data and we demonstrated the presence of both parental (within species) and chimeric (between species) interactions. This thesis emphasizes the importance to use an integrative approach for a better understanding of the link between genotype and phenotype.

En kritisk diskursanalys av Europa 2020 strategins förhållningssätt till hållbar utveckling. : Ur perspektiven ekologisk modernisering och miljörättvisa. / A critical discourse analysis of the Europe 2020 strategy's approach to sustainable development. : From the perspective of ecological modernization and environmental justice.

Andréasson, Robin January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Med inspiration från Maarten A. Hajer (1995) kommer detta arbete att analysera och försöka klarlägga hur miljö och rättvisefrågor kommer till uttryck i den utvecklingspolitik som sker ur ett samtida perspektiv på EU-nivå. I detta fall med ett fokus på EUROPA 2020, ”En strategi för smart och hållbar tillväxt för alla”. Vilket analyseras via en kritisk diskursanalys efter Faircloughs tredimensionella modell efter frågeställningen: Vilken eller vilka diskurser framträder i ”Europa 2020” med avseende på ekonomisk utveckling i relation till miljö och rättvisa, och; vilka sanningar/hegemonier framträder med avseende på miljö och utveckling i denna kommunikativa händelse? Analysen bidrog till klarläggandet av ett flertal framträdande diskurser, sanningar/hegemonier vilka beskrivs konstituerade och likväl reproducerande av en större ideologisk social praktik. Tillväxtsdiskursen ses som den regerande diskursen för vilket alla lägre stående diskurser rättar sig efter. Dess förverkligande ses som en förutsättning till hållbar utveckling och social samanhållning. Detta vilket förverkligas genom ekologisk modernisering som verktyg att koppla isär miljöförstörelse och skapa nya marknader och konkurrensfördelar och därmed välfärd uttryckt i tillväxt. I relation till uppsatsens syfte att se huruvida den hållbarhetsdiskurs EU för används som en maktdiskurs framgår det i relation till tidigare forskning och kritiken till ekologisk modernisering att vissa rättviseperspektiv och intressen exkluderas i denna diskursiva praktik. / Abstract Inspired by Maarten A. Hajer (1995), this work will analyze and attempt to clarify how environmental and equity issues are reflected in the development policies that takes place from a contemporary perspective at EU level. In this case, with a focus on the Europe 2020, “A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” Which are analyzed through a critical discourse analysis after Fairclough’s three dimensional model in relation to the research question: Which discourse/discourses appears in the “Europe 2020” in terms of economic development in relation to the environment and justice, and; What truths/hegemonies emerges in relation to the environment and development in this communicative event? The analysis contributed to the clarification of a number of prominent discourses, truths/hegemonies described constituted and likewise reproduce the larger ideological social practice. Growth discourse is seen as the reigning discourse for which all inferiors discourses comply. Its realization is seen as a prerequisite for sustainable development and social shared stance. This thus realized through ecological modernization as a tool to decouple environmental degradation and create new markets and competitive advantages and thus prosperity in terms of growth. In relation to the essays purpose to see whether the EU sustainability discourse is used as a power discourse, it is clear in relation to previous research and critique of ecological modernization that some equity perspectives and interests are being excluded in this discursive practice.

O transporte público como agente do crescimento e da estruturação urbana: análise dos planos PITU 2020 e PITU 2025 / Public transportation as the agent of growth and urban structure: analisys of the PITU 2020 and PTTU 2025 plans

Pereira, Juliana Regina Salles 04 April 2013 (has links)
A infraestrutura de transportes teve papel fundamental no crescimento urbano de São Paulo, determinando sua ocupação urbana e seus eixos de expansão. O presente trabalho parte de um embasamento histórico que aborda o início do desenvolvimento urbano de São Paulo, com a implantação de ferrovias e bondes em meados do século 19 e início do século 20, e a estruturação e intenso crescimento urbano da cidade com a ascensão do ônibus e do automóvel, principalmente a partir dos anos 1950 e 1960. Esta disputa entre modais é um dos fatores que colaborou para a atual crise de mobilidade na cidade, e é também tema recorrente nas iniciativas do planejamento urbano e de transportes realizadas a partir dos anos 2000, como os planos PITU 2020 e PITU 2025. A análise destes planos tem como objetivo resgatar a importância do sistema sobre trilhos para o desenvolvimento conjunto da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, e analisar a articulação entre as políticas públicas de uso e ocupação do solo e o planejamento de transporte. / Transport infrastructure played a key role in the urban growth of São Paulo, determining its urban occupation and its expansion axes. This work starts with a historical foundation that approaches the early history of urban development of São Paulo, with the introduction of railroads and trams in the mid-19th century and early 20th century, and the structuring and intense urban growth of the city with the rise of the automobile and bus transportation mainly from the 1950s and 1960s. This dispute between transportation modes is one of the factors that contributed to the current mobility crisis in the city, and is also a recurring theme in the initiatives of the urban and transportation planning performed from the years 2000 as in the PITU 2020 and PITU 2025 plans. The analysis of these plans aims to restore the importance of the rail system for the joint development of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, and analyze the relation between land use public policy and transport planning.

Vzdělávání budoucích učitelů v oblasti ICT / Education of teacher students in the field of ICT

Štefáčková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problematics of education of teacher students in the field of ICT. The theoretical part focuses on mapping of the current situation of the pregraduate qualification in the field of ICT of teacher students that do not study ICT as their specialty. It presents the results of the ICILS 2013 research, which are connected to the Strategií digitálního vzdělávání do roku 2020 (Digital Education Strategy for 2020). This program should affect the qualification in the field of ICT of teacher students and the whole concept of teaching ICT in schools. The empirical part focuses on quantitative questionnaire research carried out at the Faculty of Education, Charles University. The goal of the research was to find out if the students are being educated in the field of ICT; if they are being encouraged to use ICT, and if they are interested in ICT. ICT subjects are not compulsory at the Faculty of Education, thus the only students that are being educated in these subjects are those ones who show interest and choose them as elective courses. The thesis includes a chapter on suggestions for practical use, which among other includes the current form of fulfillment of item 3 from the Strategie digitálního vzdělávání do roku 2020 (Digital Education Strategy for 2020) - Provide conditions for...

Konkurenceschopnost průmyslu ČR v EU / Competitiveness of Czech industry in EU

Kratochvíl, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Czech Republic has been always traditional industrial country and the importance of its industry will not diminish, even in spite of the growing share of services on GDP. The goal of this thesis is therefore to analyze strong and weak points of Czech manufacturing and its particular sectors. Measuring various indicators of macroeconomic competitiveness, the results for the Czech Republic have revealed relatively low labour costs, at least in comparison with the EU average, but this comparative advantage can be depleted over time. The challenge for the Czech manufacturing is thus to pass over to upper levels of production with higher margins and higher value added. The thesis is also dealing with different points of view on the topic of industrial policy and the role of government in this policy. The thesis introduces two strategical documents as well, Europe 2020 strategy published by the European Commission and Back on Top strategy published by Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Výuka výchovy k občanství na českobudějovických základních školách

HŘÍDELOVÁ, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis Teaching Civic Education at the Elementary Schools in České Budějovice focuses on the current state of civic education at elementary schools in České Budějovice. The theoretical part deals with the system of curricular documents, analysis of the Framework Educational Program for basic education and its subsequent comparison with individual school educational programs at selected elementary schools in České Budějovice. The practical part presents interviews with four teachers who teach the subject of civic education at selected elementary schools in České Budějovice. These are the following elementary schools: Kubatova Elementary School and Kindergarten, Elementary School Matice školské, Church Elementary School and Elementary School and kindergarten of J. Š. Baara.

Lietuvos ir ES ekonomikos strateginių nuostatų sąsajos su nacionalinėmis socialinėmis ekonomikos tendencijomis / The links between national social economic trends and strategic statements of Lithuanian and EU political documents

Jurgelevičius, Artūras 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamos Lietuvos ir Europos Sąjungos ekonomikos strateginių nuostatų sąsajos su nacionalinėmis socialinėmis ekonomikos tendencijomis. Pirmajame baigiamojo darbo skyriuje nustatomi teoriniai valstybės dalyvavimo ekonomikoje pagrindai, vertinant Lietuvos pereinamosios ekonomikos ypatumus per šalies Nepriklausomybės laikotarpį. Antroje baigiamojo darbo dalyje nagrinėjama ekonomikos strateginio planavimo metodika, parenkamas scenarijaus metodas, sudaromos baigiamojo darbo tyrimo modelis. Trečioje empirinėje dalyje atliekama Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) raidos iki 2015 m. strategijos analitika, lyginamos 2002 m. formuotos strateginės nuostatos ir jų įgyvendinimas 2012 m. Taip pat analizuojami Strategijos Europa 2020 keliami tikslai, šių tikslų atitikimas Lietuvos socialinėms ekonominėms tendencijoms bei šių tikslų įgyvendinimo logiškumas ir realistiškumas. Ketvirtoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiamos išvados ir formuojami siūlymai toliau įgyvendinant strategines ekonomikos nuostatas. / The links between national social economics trends and strategic statements of EU and Lithuanian political documents are analyzed in the master thesis work. In the first part of the work, the basics of the role of the State in economics are analyzed considering Lithuania to be a transitional economics. In second part of the master thesis work, the methodic of strategic economic planning is analyzed, the model of the research is constructed and the scenarios method is selected to do empirical research in the third part. In the third part, the results of long term economic strategy till 2015 are investigated and the real socio economic situation is evaluated. The strategic goals of Europa 2020 strategy are identified and its fitness to national socio economic trends is characterized. The logics and realism of set goals are evaluated considering hypothetical picture of Lithuania in 2020. In the fourth part of the master thesis work, the conclusion is drawn and recommendations for forward economic policy are suggested.

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