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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CHAPELLU, DANIELE 15 April 2014 (has links)
La tesi si inserisce nel filone delle opere sulla sicurezza del lavoro. I primi due capitoli ripercorrono temi classici della materia (la valenza dell'art. 2087 c.c., anche nell'ambito del sinallagma contrattuale e l' emersione del sistema aziendale di sicurezza), il terzo e il quarto approfondiscono il tema di ricerca in un'ottica riferita all'organizzazione aziendale, analizzando il ruolo di tutti i soggetti coinvolti nell'obbligo di sicurezza in relazione ai modelli di organizzazione e gestione come previsti dal d.lgs. n. 81/2008, e d. lgs. n.231/2001. Il lavoro si conclude con una ricerca empirica che offre materiali di "prima mano" per comprendere le sfide e i problemi concreti incontrati dalle imprese nell'attuazione dei sistemi aziendali di sicurezza. / The dissertation concerns the important topic of the occupational safety. The first and the second paragraphs recall, with a remarkable bibliography, classical themes of the subject (the value of the article 2087 of the Civil Code, also in a contractual relationship, and the greater consideration of the company safety system, with the Decree n. 626/1994 and the Decree 81/2008). The third and the fourth paragraph debate about the organizational aspects of safety in the workplace. After having well examined the roles of all the subjects involved in the fulfillment of the safety obligation (the third paragraph), the dissertation argues on the models of organization and management, a topic often neglected by the Labour Law Scholars. Those kind of models have acquired renewed importance after of the Law n. 123/2007 and the Decree n. 81/2008 because of the enforcement of the crime corporate responsibility provided by the Decree n. 231/2001. The fifth and last paragraph has an empirical approach. It allows to analyze interesting data recorded through some interviews, regarding the problems engaged by the companies in the actualization of the company safety system.

Divine perfection and human potentiality : trinitarian anthropology in Hilary of Poitiers' De Trinitate

Mercer, Jarred A. January 2015 (has links)
No figure of fourth-century Christianity seems to be at once so well known and so clouded in mystery as Hilary of Poitiers. His work as an historian provides invaluable knowledge of the mid-fourth century, and he was praised as a theologian throughout late antiquity. Today, however, discussions of his theology are founded upon less solid ground. This is largely due to methodological issues. Modern scholarship has often read Hilary through anachronistic historical and theological categories which have rendered his thought incomprehensible. Recent scholars have sought to overcome this and to reexamine Hilary within his own historical, polemical, and theological context. Much remains to be said, however, in regard to Hilary's actual theological contribution within these contextual parameters. This thesis contends that in all of Hilary's polemical and constructive argumentation in De Trinitate, which is essentially trinitarian, he is inherently and necessarily developing an anthropology. In all he says about the divine, he is saying as much about what it means to be human. This thesis therefore seeks to reenvision Hilary's overall theological project in terms of the continual, and for him necessary, anthropological corollary of trinitarian theology-to reframe it in terms of a 'trinitarian anthropology'. My contention is that the coherence of Hilary's thought depends upon his understanding of divine-human relations. I will demonstrate this through following Hilary's main lines of trinitarian argument, out of which flows his anthropological vision. These main lines of argument, namely, divine generation, divine infinity, divine unity, the divine image, and divine humanity, each unfold into a progressive picture of humanity from potentiality to perfection. This not only provides a new paradigm for understanding Hilary's own thought, but invites us to reexamine our approach to fourth-century theology entirely, as it disavows any reading of the trinitarian controversies in conceptual abstraction. Further, theological and religious anthropology are widely discussed in contemporary scholarship, and Hilary's profound exploration of divine-human relations, and what it means to be a human being as a result, has much to offer both historical and contemporary concerns.

Aktualisierung des Rollenbasierten Entwurfsmusterkatalogs

Kassin, Kevin Ivo 06 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit präsentiert 9 Entwurfsmuster in einer Darstellung durch das Compartment Role Object Model(CROM). Dabei wird dessen graphische Notation für rollenbasierte Modelle mit verschiedenen Möglichkeiten zur Darstellung von Bedingungen des Entwurfsmusters benutzt. Über eine Evaluationsoll ermittelt werden, ob das CROM dazu geeignet ist, die Bedingungen von Entwurfsmustern verständlich und schnell erfassbar darzustellen. Dabei soll die graphische Dokumentation dieser helfen. Das kann positive E ekte auf die Entwicklung von Software haben, wie bessere Codequalität, verkürzte Entwicklungszeiten und die Vereinfachung der Kommunikation zwischen Entwicklern.

Caracterização química e atividades biológicas dos óleos essenciais de Protium heptaphyllum, Hedyosmum brasiliense, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Baccharis dracunculifolia e Nectandra megapotamica

Furtado, Fabiana Barcelos January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ary Fernandes Junior / Resumo: Espécies vegetais são fontes de moléculas biologicamente ativas que têm um importante papel no desenvolvimento de novos fármacos e, portanto, suas propriedades merecem ser investigadas. Apesar de serem espécies aromáticas e apresentarem um potencial farmacológico, algumas atividades biológicas dos óleos essenciais das folhas de Protium heptaphyllum, Hedyosmum brasiliense, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Baccharis dracunculifolia e Nectandra megapotamica ainda não foram avaliadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ação citotóxica, antileishmania e antimicrobiana destes óleos essenciais com o intuito de estabelecer espécies vegetais com potencial uso na elaboração de fármacos ou como terapias complementares aos tratamentos convencionais de doenças de impacto em saúde pública. Os óleos essenciais foram obtidos por destilação de folhas frescas por arraste de vapor, a composição química determinada por análises de cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massas, as atividades biológicas testadas utilizando o método de microdiluição e a verificação dos mecanismos de morte celular feita por citometria de fluxo. B. salicifolius e B. dracunculifolia apresentaram elevado rendimento (0,86% e 0,89% respectivamente) quando comparado aos demais óleos essenciais avaliados. H. brasiliense e B. salicifolius apresentaram resultados promissores sobre linhagens tumorais Ehrlich (51,59 e 42,04 μg mL-1) e MDA-MB-231 (62,40 e 46,60 μg mL-1), com maior ação seletiva para estes tipos celulares se c... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: lant species are sources of biologically active molecules that play an important role in the development of new drugs, and therefore, their properties deserve to be investigated. In this regard, Protium heptaphyllum, Hedyosmum brasiliense, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Baccharis dracunculifolia and Nectandra megapotamica are aromatic species with pharmacological potential, producing essential oils whose biological activities had not yet been investigated. The aim of this work was to assess any cytotoxic, antileishmania, or antimicrobial action of these essential oils to determine those plant species with potential in the elaboration of drugs or in complementary treatments of diseases with an impact on public health. Essential oils were obtained from fresh leaves by steam distillation. Chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Biological activities were assessed using the microdilution method while cell death was checked by flow cytometry. B. salicifolius and B. dracunculifolia presented high yields (0.86% and 0.89%, respectively) relative to the other species assessed. H. brasiliense and B. salicifolius showed promising action on Ehrlich (at 51.59 and 42.04 μg mL-1 concentration respectively) and MDA-MB-231 tumor lines (at 62.40 and 46.60 μg mL-1 concentration respectively), with less selective action against normal MCF-10A breast cells (at > 512 and 314.44 μg mL-1 concentration respectively). Flow cytometry results showed that B. salicifolius... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Il contrasto alla circolazione di capitali illeciti: potenzialità e limiti dello strumento penale / Chasing dirty money:capabilities and limits of the criminal law

DELL'OSSO, ALAIN MARIA 27 February 2012 (has links)
La ricerca muove dalla ricognizione della complessa fenomenologia del riciclaggio e, più in generale, delle problematiche connesse alla circolazione di capitali illeciti. Si individuano anzitutto i reati maggiormente significativi quali fonti di “denaro sporco”; si indagano, quindi, le tecniche di riciclaggio e le dimensioni dell’economia illecita. Ci si interroga sulle esigenze di contrasto e sugli strumenti a tal fine più opportuni. Si ravvisa l’esigenza di una strategia che si articoli su più piani, affiancando alle fattispecie di reato ulteriori strumenti, quali un’efficace normativa preventiva e uno stringente sistema di sanzioni patrimoniali. Si passa dunque ad una valutazione della normativa vigente. Dapprima si esamina la disciplina internazionale e sovranazionale; si prendono poi a modello le opzioni normative adottate negli Stati Uniti e in Spagna. Si analizza infine nel dettaglio la legislazione italiana. Vengono espresse perplessità circa l’attuale disciplina codicistica (artt. 648-bis c.p.; 648-ter c.p.). Entrambe le norme meriterebbero una serie di riforme, così da risultare maggiormente aderenti alle esigenze di tutela delle quali devono farsi carico. Si analizza nel dettaglio la questione dell’ “auto-riciclaggio” e l’opportunità di mantenere un’esenzione di pena per l’autore del reato dal quale provengono le utilità riciclate. Si esamina la normativa cd. complementare (disciplina preventiva, sanzioni patrimoniali e responsabilità amministrativa degli enti) e se ne evidenziano punti di forza e debolezza quali strumenti di contrasto ai capitali illeciti. / Money-laundering is an extremely wide and complex phenomenon. Indeed, the first part of the work is focused on the analysis of how money is laundered: which are the most relevant predicate offenses; the techniques used to make money appear legal; the attempts to measure how much money is laundered; the impacts of money-laundering on economy. It’s clear the importance of a strong reaction against money-laundering to prevent the damages coming from it. The problem is understanding the role that criminal law has to play in such struggle. Criminalization can’t be the only solution; it’s rather prominent the use - inter alia - of preventive measures (such as reporting suspicious transactions)and seizure. The second part of the work recalls international efforts to combat money-laundering: multilateral conventions, FATF Recommendations, etc. After that, the attention is focused on American and Spanish legislation, taken as specific examples of how to criminalize money-laundering. The third part of the research concerns Italian law: the offences of money-laundering, the so called preventive law (i.e. d.lgs. 231/2007) and the law of seizure. Some proposals of review are given for each kind of section.

Microarray Applications For Determination Of The Effects Of Emodin On Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Qomi Ekenel, Emilia 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT MICROARRAY APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION OF THE EFFECTS OF EMODIN ON BREAST CANCER CELL LINES Ekenel Qomi, Emilia M.S., Department of Biotechnology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mesude Iscan Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nursen &Ccedil / oruh February 2012, 191 pages Cancer is a genetic disease that is characterized by uncontrolled cells growth. Breast cancer is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue. Some breast cancers are sensitive to hormones such as estrogen which makes it possible to treat them by blocking the effects of these hormones in the target tissues. These require less aggressive treatment than hormone negative cancers. Breast cancers without hormone receptors, are higher-risk, and are treated more aggressively. The aim of our study is to investigate the effect of emodin on MCF-7 which is ER (estrogen receptor) positive, and MDA-MB-231 (ER negative) cancerous cell lines. Emodin which is a phytoestrogen component, extracted from rheum (genus) plant, has been reported to suppress the growth of tumor in some clinical situation, and it&rsquo / s found that emodin induced apoptosis through the decrease of Bcl-2/Bax ratio and the increase of cytoplasm cytochrome c concentration in human breast cancer Bcap-37 cells. Comparing the effect of emodin between ER positive and ER negative cells at the molecular level was investigated by Microarray analysis of gene expressions using Affymetrix Human Genome U133 plus 2.0 Array. The microarray data analysis was performed by using BRB-Array Tools, v.4.2.0. GST and its classes / Alpha, Mu, Pi, Theta, Sigma, Omega, Zeta and Kappa is our interested genes because of its role in regulating susceptibility to cancer, by their ability to metabolize reactive electrophilic intermediates to usually less reactive and more water soluble glutathione conjugates. And also its have a role in detoxifying the damage caused by oxidative stress which is a result of the radiotherapy. v The differentially expressed genes from emodin treated and untreated control breast cancer cell lines were compared after normalization and filtering and annotated, it was shown that the top 10 highly (significantly) varied genes belong to the biological processes such as (namely) cell cycle, cell division, cell proliferation, mitosis and meiosis, this insure the relation of emodin to the cell growth processes in the cancerous cells. The analysis of the change on the cell growth confirmed the anti-tumor effect of emodin. About the effect of emodin treatment on MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cancerous cell lines separately / Both cells its significant genes was belong to cell growth biological processes, in MCF-7 cells in-addition other biological processes was shown, for example / stimulus to estradoil response, and the metabolism of xenobiotic by cytochrome p450, so CYP1A1 gene code for a protein which is used in emodin metabolism. The varied gene number was nearly 4400 gene from the scatter plot result in MCF-7 cells while in MDA-MB-231 cells it was nearly 3400 gene, these result insured the effect of emodin as a phytoestrogenic component as MCF-7 cells are ER positive cells, so emodin bind to the ER in MCF-7 cells and affected more gene number than MDA-MB-231. More number of GST enzyme classes changed in MCF-7 cells than MDA-MB-231, and the effect of emodin as anti-cancer showed different change of GST genes between MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231. The results confirmed by network analysis done, to find the most related genes to our top 10 regulated gene list, and these genes were analyzed / most of them where in our gene list, and their regulation after emodin treatment analyzed and the result was supported to emodin as anti-tumor and phytoestrogenic component.

'Giving honour to the Spirit' : a critical analysis and evaluation of the doctrine of pneumatological union in the Trinitarian theology of Jonathan Edwards in dialogue with Karl Barth

Hastings, W. Ross January 2004 (has links)
The extent to which the 'honour' of the Spirit influenced the theology of Jonathan Edwards is a hitherto underdeveloped theme. Against a backdrop of Patristic thought and in dialogue with the theology of Karl Barth, evaluation is made of pneumatological union in Edwards' Trinitarian theology as this centres on the nature and inter-relatedness of the 'three unions' that characterize his theology: the union of the three Persons of the Trinity, the union of the saints with God, and the union of the divine and human natures of Christ. Edwards' seeks to honour the Spirit as the mutual love of the Father for the Son within his Augustinian, Lockean model of the immanent Trinity, and as 'Person' in the economy. The challenges of doing so within the limits of this psychological model of the Trinity are evaluated in dialogue with the Cappadocian Fathers and Barth. In a manner patterned after union in the Trinity, Edwards gave prominence to the concept of the pneumatological union of the saints with God in Christ, in fulfilment of the self-glorifying purpose of God in creation and redemption. Edwards' experiential theology of conversion, and his elevation of subjective sanctification by the Spirit over objective justification in Christ, for assurance, is contrasted with Barth's greater emphases on the Christological union of God with humanity and objective justification in Christ. Barth's more contemplative approach is contrasted with the overly introspective spirituality of Edwards. Edwards' view of the role of the Spirit in the hypostatic union of God with humanity in Christ, which is reflective of the other unions, is also evaluated in light of Patristic, Reformed-Puritan and Barthian thought on the nature of the humanity Christ assumed, and the doctrine of the vicarious humanity of Christ. A more emphatic incarnational emphasis may have saved Edwards' Spirit- honouring spirituality from an anthropocentricity which is ironical given that the glory of God is his ontic doxological concern.

231Pa-230Th-Verhältnisse im Auftriebsgebiet vor Südwest-Afrika ein Tracer für Paläoproduktivität und Ozeanzirkulation? /

Reuter, Sibylle. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Heidelberg.

Performance Analysis and Comparison of Radio Propagation Models for Outdoor Environment in 4G LTE Network / Performance Analysis and Comparison of Radio Propagation Models for Outdoor Environment in 4G LTE Network

Saeed, Asad, Rehman, Habib Ur, Masood, Muhammad Hassan January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation concerns about the path loss calculation of Radio Frequency (RF) propagation models for 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) Network to prefer the best Radio Frequency propagation model. The radio propagation models are very significant while planning of any wireless communication system. A comparative analysis between radio propagation models e.g. SUI model, Okumura model, Cost 231 Hata Model, Cost 231-Walfisch Ikegami and Ericsson 9999 model that would be used for outdoor propagation in LTE. The comparison and performance analysis has been made by using different geological environments e.g. urban, sub-urban and rural areas. The simulation scenario is made to calculate the lowest path loss in above defined environments by using selected frequency and height of base station antennas while keeping a constant distance between the transmitter and receiver antennas. / Asad Saeed C/O Muhammad Awais Hovslagargatan 47 LGH 1004 19431 Stockholm Sweden Mob: 0046723333734

L’homme et son accomplissement en Dieu : étude comparative des approches anthropologiques de Vladimir Lossky, Dumitru Staniloae et Jean Zizioulas / Man and his accomplishment in God : comparative study of anthropological approaches of Vladimir Lossky, Dumitru Staniloae and Jean Zizioulas

Marinescu, Ionut Aurelian 18 September 2014 (has links)
Le champ disciplinaire qui occupe cette recherche est l’anthropologie théologique de l’orthodoxie contemporaine. Il s’agit de mettre en dialogue les angles d’approches de trois auteurs majeurs de la théologie orthodoxe moderne : le théologien russe Vladimir Lossky, le père roumain Dumitru Staniloae et le métropolite grec Jean (Zizioulas) de Pergame. Nous essayons d’analyser l’angle sous lequel chacun de ces trois auteurs développent leur vision anthropologique et dans quelle mesure ils restent fidèles à l’Écriture Sainte et aux Pères de l’Église, étant données les influences philosophiques de leurs écrits. Nous nous proposons d’examiner les éléments particuliers de leur réflexion, leurs rapports avec la théologie orthodoxe des générations passées et leur compatibilité mutuelle. Le plan comporte trois parties : la première partie se propose une incursion biographique et bibliographique. La deuxième partie, analytique, veut confronter la réflexion des trois auteurs sur la question anthropologique, en se concentrant sur la palette thématique suivante : l’homme comme image de Dieu, image trinitaire, liberté, communion et amour. La troisième partie inscrit les approches des trois théologiens dans une vision plus large, en essayant de faire émerger des possibles conséquences dogmatiques que leur anthropologie générerait. / The present thesis aims at studying and confronting different angles of approach of three major authors of modern orthodox theology : the Russian theologian Vladimir Lossky, the Romanian father Dumitru Staniloae and the Greek metropolitan Jean (Zizioulas) of Pergame. The main concern is to analyze the perspectives under which the three authors develop each of their anthropological visions, as well as measuring the extent to which they remain faithful to the Holy Scripture and to the Fathers of the Church, considering the philosophical influences of their respective writings. It is our purpose to examine the particular elements that define their reflections, their rapports with the orthodox theology of past generations and their mutual compatibility. The research is divided into three parts : the first is an overview of the biographical and bibliographical universe of each author. The next part, extensively analytical, confronts points of view of the three authors on the question of anthropology, while placing the center of attention on the following range of topics : man as image of God, trinitarian image, freedom, communion and love. The third part tackles the approaches of the three theologians from a wider perspective, by trying to reveal the possible dogmatic consequences generated by their anthropology. The present research paper closes with biographical appendices followed by an extensive and updated bibliography.

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