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Comparative analysis of vitamin D content in sardines canned in olive oil and waterKalajian, Tyler Arek 18 June 2016 (has links)
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone primarily responsible in maintaining plasma calcium and phosphorus homeostasis in humans. Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency is a global health issue. Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D; a major source is oily fish such as salmon. Several studies have analyzed vitamin D content in various fish, however studies concerning canned fish are lacking. In particular, this study was interested in evaluating the vitamin D content in canned sardines in not only the whole fish but also in the olive oil or water it was canned in. It was hypothesized that the vitamin D content in sardines canned in water would be greater than sardines canned in olive oil due to the fat-soluble nature of vitamin D to be more easily extracted into olive oil than water. Sardines (~100g) canned in olive oil had a slightly greater vitamin D content than the sardines in water (2,555.6±234.2 and 1,993.7±2,411.3 IUs (p<0.05) respectively). An evaluation of the vitamin D3 content in the olive oil and water used to can the sardines revealed 701.4±471.1 and 149.1±42.2 IUs in the total olive oil and water respectively recovered from the cans. It was determined that of the total vitamin D content in the can (sardines in olive oil or water) 20.9%±12.8% of vitamin D3 is found in the olive oil compared to only 14.2%±10.4% (p<0.05) vitamin D3 found in water. These results support the concept that sardines packed in olive oil may have less vitamin D3 than similar sardines packed in water.
The analysis of the sardines revealed that they had more than 13 times the amount of vitamin D3 than that is reported in the USDA table of nutritional facts for canned sardines. This could be because the sardines were caught in the summer months when they are more likely to be consuming food containing vitamin D3 as a result of reduced synthesis of vitamin D3 in zooplankton and other lower life forms that the sardines consume. An alternative explanation for this increase in vitamin D3 content is the process of canning the sardines. Vital Choice, the supplier of the sardines, immediately ices the fish upon retrieval from the ocean (to ensure freshness) and then are canned in less than 5 hours after being caught. This process of freshness preservation could explain why the vitamin D content was so high; possibly an accurate representation of the original vitamin D content in the sardines.
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Níveis séricos de 25 hidroxivitamina D em pacientes com câncer de esôfago, em alcoolistas/tabagistas sob risco para carcinoma epidermóide do esôfago e em indivíduos saudáveis residentes no rio grande do sulBoneti, Rochele da Silva January 2013 (has links)
A vitamina D é um composto lipossolúvel de origem vegetal (vitamina D2 ou ergocalciferol) ou animal (vitamina D3 ou colecalciferol), responsável principalmente pela manutenção do equilíbrio no metabolismo ósseo, encontrada em alguns alimentos e suplementos alimentares, porém sua maior fonte é proveniente da síntese cutânea, a partir da exposição à radiação ultravioleta B (UVB) da luz solar. A vitamina D é absorvida no intestino delgado, mas é no fígado que ocorre sua metabolização tanto da vitamina ingerida ou daquela sintetizada pela pele, através da hidroxilação do carbono 25 pela enzima D325Hidroxilase (25-OHase), formando a 25-hidroxivitamina D (25HOVD) ou calcidiol. A 25HOVD é a forma mais abundante deste hormônio no organismo, e sofre uma nova hidroxilacão no rim que resulta na forma biologicamente ativa, a 1,25(OH)2D ou calcitriol. Esta por sua vez interfere de forma direta ou indireta no controle de mais de 200 genes envolvidos na regulação do ciclo celular, podendo determinar diminuição da proliferação de células normais ou neoplásicas. O status da vitamina D tem sido implicado como fator de risco no desenvolvimento de alguns tipos de câncer como o câncer de mama, câncer colo-retal, melanoma, câncer de ovário, câncer de próstata, e também com relação ao câncer de esôfago, porém os dados existentes são controversos. O Rio Grande do Sul apresenta as taxas mais elevadas de câncer esofágico no Brasil e os dados dos níveis de vitamina D em pacientes com câncer de esôfago e em indivíduos em risco para o carcinoma epidermóide do esôfago (CEE) são inexistentes. Desta forma os autores se propõem a descrever os níveis séricos da vitamina D em pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide do esôfago, em indivíduos em risco para câncer de esôfago (alcoolistas/tabagista), e em pessoas residentes no Rio Grande do Sul, presumidamente saudáveis, sem evidencias clínicas de doença. Foram incluídos 40 indivíduos com diagnóstico de CEE, virgens de tratamento, recrutados entre maio de 2012 e junho de 2013. O grupo com fatores de risco para CEE foi constituído por 53 pacientes alcoolistas/tabagistas com consumo diário de álcool superior a 40 g de etanol e 10 ou mais cigarros, por mais de 10 anos, que compunham um banco de dados montado em 2011 para o estudo de lesões precursoras do câncer esofágico e o terceiro grupo foi composto por 40 indivíduos sem fatores de risco (SFR), sem história prévia de doenças crônicas e sem evidencias clínicas de doença ativa, com idades entre 18 e 70 anos e IMC < 30, recrutados no banco de sangue do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Os dois últimos grupos tiveram sangue coletado na primavera para evitar a superestimação dos níveis séricos de vitamina D no verão e subestimá-los no inverno. Os critérios de exclusão foram: 1) Idade inferior a 18 anos, 2) não-voluntariedade 3) Doença renal crônica 4) IMC > 30 5) Hepatopatia crônica 6) Fibrose cística 7) Gestantes e nutrizes 8) Enteropatias disabsortivas. O status da vitamina D foi determinado pela mensuração sérica da 25(OH)D. A amostra global foi constituída de 133 pacientes que apresentaram 25(OH)D média igual a 24,03 ±8,9 ng/ml, classificada como insuficiente. O grupo com CEE (n=40) apresentou valores médios de 23 ± 9,0 ng/ml. O grupo FR (n=53) apresentou a média mais elevada dos três grupos (27,3 ±12 ng/ml) e os valores médios de 25(OH)D nos indivíduos saudáveis (n=40) foram os mais baixos (21,8 ±5,8 ng/ml). Em conclusão, os níveis séricos de Vitamina D, mensurados pela dosagem de 25(OH)D, apresentaram-se dentro de valores considerados insuficientes para toda a amostra. Dentro dos parâmetros de insuficiência, a média mais elevada foi encontrada no grupo com fatores de risco para CEE. Estudos adicionais são necessários para inferir se o status da Vitamina D determina risco para CEE. / Vitamin D is a fat-soluble compound of vegetable (vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol) or animal origin (vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol), responsible for bone metabolism balance. The vitamin D is found in some foods and dietary supplements, but its main source is the skin synthesis by ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. Vitamin D from the diet or dermal synthesis is biologically inactive and requires enzymatic conversion to active metabolites. Vitamin D is converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25HOVD) or calcidiol, the major circulating form of vitamin D, and then to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the active form of vitamin D, by enzymes in the liver and kidney. A new hydroxylation results in biologically active form of vitamin D, the 1,25( OH)2D or calcitriol. Calcitriol is involved in the control of more than 200 genes that regulate cellular differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis. Vitamin D deficiency is implicated as a risk factor in the development of some cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, melanoma, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer. Regarding esophageal cancer the existing data are controversial. There are evidences that inhabitants of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) have vitamin D deficiency and this state has the highest rates of esophageal cancer in Brazil. There are no data, from this area, relating vitamin D status in patients with esophageal cancer and in individuals at risk for squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus (SCCE). In this sense, the authors propose to study the serum levels of vitamin D in SCCE, in individuals at risk for esophageal cancer (alcoholics/smokers), and in a group of healthy people. For the study were included 40 individuals with SCCE, with no treatment recruited between May 2012 and June 2013. The risk factors group comprised 53 alcoholics/smokers with daily consumption of more than 40g of ethanol and at least 10 cigarettes for over 10 years. They were part of a database assembled in 2011 for the study of precursor lesions of esophageal cancer. The third group consisted of 40 healthy blood donors, aged between 18 and 70 years, and Body Mass Index (BMI) < 30. We collected blood from the last two groups in the spring to avoid overestimation of serum vitamin D levels in summer and underestimate them in winter. Exclusion criteria were: 1) Age under 18 years; 2) non-voluntariness; 3) chronic kidney disease; 4 ) BMI > 30; 5 ) Cirrhosis; 6 ) Cystic Fibrosis; 7 ) Pregnancy and breastfeeding; 8) Malabsorption disease. Vitamina D status was measured by 25(OH)D in the serum. We studied 133 individuals. Overall, the mean of 25(OH)D was 24,03 ±8,9 ng/ml, classified as insufficient. SCCE group (n=40) presented intermediate mean (23 ± 9.0 ng / ml). The risk factor group (n=53) showed the highest mean (27.3 ± 12 ng/ml). The healthy subjects group (n=53) presented the lowest mean (21.8 ± 5.8 ng/ml). In conclusion, serum levels of vitamin D, measured by 25(OH)D were insufficient for all sample with the highest average in the group with risk factors for SCCE. Additional studies are necessary to explore the association between vitamin D status and SCCE risk.
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Telemann’s Psalm 117, Laudate Jehovam omnes gentes, TWV 7:25January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Abstract
Among Georg Philipp Telemann’s most-performed works is his setting of Psalm 117 (Psalm 116, Vulgate), Laudate Jehovam, TWV 7:25. There are three sources; Telemann’s autograph score (heavily marked and corrected by Telemann’s grandson, Georg Michael), a contemporary set of parts by a copyist, and another set of parts by Georg Michael Telemann based on his corrections to the autograph score. There are currently at least seven editions of this work readily available, none of which fully agrees with the autograph manuscript or original parts. The editions also differ substantially from one another: for example, two of them are in a different key from the others. This clearly points to the need for a new edition.
Further, the additions and corrections by Georg Michael Telemann are interesting. These fall into several categories: changes made to correct errors or clarify ambiguities in Georg Philipp Telemann’s original, changes made to reflect performance practice that Georg Philipp might have assumed but that were no longer customary in Georg Michael’s time, adjustments to melody and rhythm that may reflect Georg Michael’s personal taste and preference, and the addition of parts for oboe and viola, along with significant changes to the second violin part that suggest that Georg Michael’s version was intended for performance by a chorus and orchestra, whereas Georg Philipp’s original could be performed as a chamber work, with one singer and instrumentalist per part, or by a larger ensemble.
A discussion of the piece, along with scores of both the original version and Georg Michael’s version, provides both scholars and performers with greater insight into this brief but significant work. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2019
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Att sluta skära sig - Behandling av självskadebeteende på Nyckelns behandlingshemOlsson, Camilla, Bertilsson, Therese January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet är att undersöka de teorier och behandlingsmetoder som Nyckelns behandlingshem använder sig av, samt att belysa själva begreppet självskadebeteende och dess orsaker. Vi har gjort en litteraturgenomgång om orsaker och behandling och en kvalitativ intervju med personal på behandlingshemmet Nyckeln, vars målgrupp är unga flickor i åldern 15 till 25 år. Dessa behandlas för självskador enligt vår definition: att skära, rispa eller bränna sig i huden. De metoder vi utgår från är kognitiv terapi, kognitiv beteendeterapi och dialektisk beteendeterapi, vilka Nyckeln grundar sin behandling på. Dessa teorier går ut på att förändra negativa tankesätt och att därmed få till en förändring i beteendet. De resultat vi har fått fram är att orsakerna till självskador i huvudsak är ett sätt att hantera svåra känslor på och att det är ett sätt för flickorna att uttrycka sig. Den kognitiva behandlingen är en fungerande metod just för att den lägger fokus dessa bitar och Nyckeln hjälper därmed flickorna att identifiera sina känslor och att hitta andra sätt att hantera dem på. Efter de resultat vi har fått fram i analysen kan vi dra slutsatsen att Nyckelns arbete fungerar. De lyckas behandla en hel del flickor utifrån de kognitiva modeller de använder sig av.</p>
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Privata aktiebolag : i Sverige och övriga EUBerndtsson, Daniel, Brodd, Catrin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen ämnar besvara vilka aktiebolagsrättsliga skillnader det finns inom EU 25 för att starta och driva ett privat aktiebolag jämfört med den svenska aktiebolagslagens regler. Aktiebolagsrättsliga skillnader som undersöks generellt inom EU 25 är kapitalkrav, bolagsstyrning, aktieägare samt bolagsskatt. Utöver dessa fyra kategorier undersöks även bolagsbildning och bolagsstämma i fem länder som detaljstuderats. Sverige, Frankrike, Storbritannien, Tjeckien och Tyskland.</p>
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Deltidsarbetandes företrädesrätt till högre sysselsättningsgrad / Part-time workers preferential right to increased working hoursNorman, Sara, Petersson, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
<p>During the 20th century Sweden faced an increased proportion of workers registered as part-time unemployed, especially in the care sector. However, due to many valuable efforts, aimed at solving the problem of part time unemployment and political decisions, the number of people who are part-time unemployed has declined since the late 20th century. We have investigated part-time workers preferential right to extending their working hours. According to Section 25 a of the Employment Protection Act, part-time employees who have submitted an interest in increasing their working hours has a preferential right to increased working hours, with the assumptions that full-time employment with the employer will meet a labor need that the employee has sufficient qualifications for.</p><p>Qualitative interviews have given us information about how Karlstad Community and a private care company deal with part-time unemployment and their workers preferential right to extending their working hours. We have found that people who work for Karlstad Community have an opportunity to choose their number of workings hours, thanks to a political decision made in Karlstad Community, aimed at solving the part time unemployment in the care sector. It is important to point out that the decision only effect workers who are connected to the collective agreement between the union, Svenska Kommunalarbetareförbundet, and Karlstad Community. The private care company does not provide such a prospect. Instead it focuses on keeping its costs as low as possible, by only using the human resource when it is needed.</p><p>Should part-time workers preferential right to increased working hours be strengthened through firmer legislation? Or should the social partners make further efforts to find solutions that cater for both employers’ and employees’ interests. Section 25 a of the Employment Protection Act is in our opinion, not an effective regulation in order to reach the goal with reducing part-time unemployment, since the intentions behind the Section have not been fully possible to realise. However, we do not believe that the workers right should be strengthened through legislation. Instead we would like the social partners to cooperate to a higher extent, in order to make collective agreements that suit different parts of the labor market. If the problem with part-time unemployment continues to exist, the society has to decide how determined it really is to eliminate the part-time unemployment.</p>
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A Mechanistic Investigation of Anesthesia-Induced Spatial Learning Deficits in Aged RatsMawhinney, Lana J 29 April 2011 (has links)
Anesthesia-induced spatial learning impairments in aged rats model postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) in the elderly surgical population. Mechanisms underlying both normal age-related cognitive decline and anesthesia-induced spatial learning deficits in aged rats were investigated. With respect to the involvement of inflammasome activation and age-related cognitive decline, I hypothesized that the aged hippocampus exhibits an elevated activation of inflammasome components contributing to elevated levels of IL-1β in the aged brain. Age-related cognitive decline was identified in a subpopulation of male Fischer 344 rats. Activation of the NLRP1 inflammasome was elevated in the aged brain, contributing to spatial learning deficits in aged rats. With respect to anesthesia-induced spatial learning impairment in aged rats, I hypothesized that an increase in NR2B subunit in the hippocampus and cortex during and following isoflurane anesthesia exposure resulting in spatial learning impairment in aged rats via disruption of downstream signaling molecule, extracellular-signal regulated protein kinase (ERK). Anesthesia exposure resulted in chronic spatial learning impairment in aged rats that were previously unimpaired in spatial learning tasks. Additionally, anesthesia induced elevated levels of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor NR2B subunit protein expression in aged. It was concluded that various factors contribute to age-related spatial impairment including: NLRP1 inflammasome activation and NMDA receptor NR2B protein expression elevation. It was also concluded that anesthesia exposure exacerbates the elevation in NR2B protein expression in the aged brain, with subsequent disruption of ERK activation leading to chronic spatial learning deficits in aged rats. In the final chapter, a relationship for the interplay between inflammation and NMDA receptor function in the aged brain is discussed. In addition, a novel mechanism for anesthesia-induced cognitive deficits is presented. Therapeutic treatments for cognitive decline and anesthesia-induced cognitive deficits are explored. Finally, future lines of research are proposed.
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Att sluta skära sig - Behandling av självskadebeteende på Nyckelns behandlingshemOlsson, Camilla, Bertilsson, Therese January 2006 (has links)
Syftet är att undersöka de teorier och behandlingsmetoder som Nyckelns behandlingshem använder sig av, samt att belysa själva begreppet självskadebeteende och dess orsaker. Vi har gjort en litteraturgenomgång om orsaker och behandling och en kvalitativ intervju med personal på behandlingshemmet Nyckeln, vars målgrupp är unga flickor i åldern 15 till 25 år. Dessa behandlas för självskador enligt vår definition: att skära, rispa eller bränna sig i huden. De metoder vi utgår från är kognitiv terapi, kognitiv beteendeterapi och dialektisk beteendeterapi, vilka Nyckeln grundar sin behandling på. Dessa teorier går ut på att förändra negativa tankesätt och att därmed få till en förändring i beteendet. De resultat vi har fått fram är att orsakerna till självskador i huvudsak är ett sätt att hantera svåra känslor på och att det är ett sätt för flickorna att uttrycka sig. Den kognitiva behandlingen är en fungerande metod just för att den lägger fokus dessa bitar och Nyckeln hjälper därmed flickorna att identifiera sina känslor och att hitta andra sätt att hantera dem på. Efter de resultat vi har fått fram i analysen kan vi dra slutsatsen att Nyckelns arbete fungerar. De lyckas behandla en hel del flickor utifrån de kognitiva modeller de använder sig av.
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Privata aktiebolag : i Sverige och övriga EUBerndtsson, Daniel, Brodd, Catrin January 2006 (has links)
Uppsatsen ämnar besvara vilka aktiebolagsrättsliga skillnader det finns inom EU 25 för att starta och driva ett privat aktiebolag jämfört med den svenska aktiebolagslagens regler. Aktiebolagsrättsliga skillnader som undersöks generellt inom EU 25 är kapitalkrav, bolagsstyrning, aktieägare samt bolagsskatt. Utöver dessa fyra kategorier undersöks även bolagsbildning och bolagsstämma i fem länder som detaljstuderats. Sverige, Frankrike, Storbritannien, Tjeckien och Tyskland.
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Deltidsarbetandes företrädesrätt till högre sysselsättningsgrad / Part-time workers preferential right to increased working hoursNorman, Sara, Petersson, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
During the 20th century Sweden faced an increased proportion of workers registered as part-time unemployed, especially in the care sector. However, due to many valuable efforts, aimed at solving the problem of part time unemployment and political decisions, the number of people who are part-time unemployed has declined since the late 20th century. We have investigated part-time workers preferential right to extending their working hours. According to Section 25 a of the Employment Protection Act, part-time employees who have submitted an interest in increasing their working hours has a preferential right to increased working hours, with the assumptions that full-time employment with the employer will meet a labor need that the employee has sufficient qualifications for. Qualitative interviews have given us information about how Karlstad Community and a private care company deal with part-time unemployment and their workers preferential right to extending their working hours. We have found that people who work for Karlstad Community have an opportunity to choose their number of workings hours, thanks to a political decision made in Karlstad Community, aimed at solving the part time unemployment in the care sector. It is important to point out that the decision only effect workers who are connected to the collective agreement between the union, Svenska Kommunalarbetareförbundet, and Karlstad Community. The private care company does not provide such a prospect. Instead it focuses on keeping its costs as low as possible, by only using the human resource when it is needed. Should part-time workers preferential right to increased working hours be strengthened through firmer legislation? Or should the social partners make further efforts to find solutions that cater for both employers’ and employees’ interests. Section 25 a of the Employment Protection Act is in our opinion, not an effective regulation in order to reach the goal with reducing part-time unemployment, since the intentions behind the Section have not been fully possible to realise. However, we do not believe that the workers right should be strengthened through legislation. Instead we would like the social partners to cooperate to a higher extent, in order to make collective agreements that suit different parts of the labor market. If the problem with part-time unemployment continues to exist, the society has to decide how determined it really is to eliminate the part-time unemployment.
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