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Επίλυση του προβλήματος πεπερασμένης ελαστικότητας με τη μέθοδο της αναλογικής εξισώσεως. Εφαρμογές σε διδιάστατα προβλήματα (δίσκοι, επίπεδες μεμβράνες)Κανδύλας, Χρήστος 27 May 2010 (has links)
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Ανοσοϊστοχημική μελέτη της έκφρασης και προγνωστικής σημασίας των υποδοχέων στεροειδών ορμονών (ER, PR, AR), των πρωτεϊνών θερμικού shock (ΗΣΠ27 και HSP70), της πρωτεΐνης PS2, του ογκογονιδίου C-ERBB-2 και του δείκτη κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού Ki-67 σε αδενοκαρκινώματα του στομάχουΚομηνέα, Αθηνά Π. 12 July 2010 (has links)
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Η σημασία του φύλου στην επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη και ωριμότητα μαθητών Γ΄ ΛυκείουΦλίγκου, Ιωάννα 08 May 2012 (has links)
Είναι αναμφισβήτητη και ερευνητικά εδραιωμένη άποψη ότι η βιβλιογραφία σε θέματα που αφορούν στον αντίκτυπο του φύλου στην επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη και ωριμότητα του ατόμου είναι περίπλοκη. Ένα σημαντικό ζήτημα, που αποτελεί το κεντρικό ερώτημα της παρούσας έρευνας, είναι η διαπίστωση της συσχέτισης ή μη του φύλου, ως παράγοντα, με την εξελικτική πορεία του ατόμου, όσον αφορά στον ενσυνείδητο προσανατολισμό του στο χώρο εργασίας. Οι περισσότερες έρευνες υποδεικνύουν ότι οι γυναίκες παρουσιάζονται ως «επαγγελματικά» ωριμότερες από τους άνδρες, ενώ άλλες υποστηρίζουν ότι δεν υπάρχουν διαφοροποιήσεις. Τα ευρήματα της βιβλιογραφικής επισκόπησης υπογραμμίζουν την ανάγκη εστίασης της προσοχής στην περαιτέρω διερεύνηση του υπό παρουσίαση θέματος. Η παρούσα εμπειρική έρευνα αποσκοπεί στη διερεύνηση της σχέσης ανάμεσα στις διάφορες διαστάσεις της επαγγελματικής ωριμότητας (συγκινησιακές διαστάσεις: σχεδιασμός και διερεύνηση σταδιοδρομίας & γνωστικές διαστάσεις: λήψη ορθολογικών αποφάσεων και γνώση του κόσμου της εργασίας) και του φύλου μαθητών Γ΄ Λυκείου επτά Λυκείων του νομού Αχαΐας. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας υπέδειξαν σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ κοριτσιών και αγοριών στις συγκινησιακές και γνωστικές κλίμακες της επαγγελματικής ωριμότητας, όπου διαπιστώθηκε μια τάση υπεροχής των πρώτων έναντι των δεύτερων. / It is undeniable, based on research outcomes, that findings regarding the impact of gender on career development and maturity are complicated. Finding a relation between gender - as a factor – and the evolutionary course of individuals referred to their conscious orientation in their workplace is an important issue, which this work focuses on. Most studies have found that females have higher scores on career maturity measures than males. However, in other studies, no significant gender difference was found. Literature’s review underlines the need for further investigation. The present empirical study aims at investigating the relationship between the level of career maturity dimensions (the affective dimensions such as career planning, career exploration & the cognitive ones such as decision making and knowledge of world of work) and the gender of students of the third class of High school from the prefecture of Achaia. The results show statistically significant differences among females and males in both affective and cognitive dimensions of career maturity, where there was a trend of superiority of females over males.
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The role of interleukin 33 in intestinal homeostasisChomka, Agnieszka January 2016 (has links)
IL-33 is a pleiotropic cytokine that orchestrates both innate and adaptive immunity. It is commonly associated with type 2 immune responses but recently expression of the IL-33 receptor, ST2, was reported on Treg cells found preferentially in non-lymphoid tissues, such as the visceral adipose tissue, muscle or colon. A crucial role of Tregs in maintaining intestinal homeostasis has been well described. However, little is known about the functional relevance of the ST2-expressing Treg population in the colon. Phenotypic and functional characterisation of Tregs in the gut revealed the presence of two distinct populations: ST2<sup>+</sup>/Gata3<sup>+</sup> and Rorγt<sup>+</sup> Tregs. Thymic-derived ST2<sup>+</sup>/Gata3<sup>+</sup> Tregs showed a more activated phenotype and produced IL-10 under homeostatic conditions. Upon microbial challenge and colitis, ST2+/Gata3+ Tregs were decreased, while Rorγt<sup>+</sup> Tregs expanded. Furthermore, in vitro experiments demonstrated that IL-33 directly induced activation of the Gata3 pathway in Tregs, which enhanced expression of Foxp3 and ST2. Additionally, amphiregulin was also induced in Tregs upon stimulation with IL-33. However, in vivo, IL-33 was dispensable for both the maintenance of Treg cells under homeostatic conditions and Treg function in Helicobacter hepaticus-driven colitis. Investigation of the negative regulators of IL-33 showed that IL-23 inhibited IL-33-mediated effects on Tregs. We also observed increased production of soluble ST2 by stromal cells during intestinal inflammation, which likely contributed to the reduction of IL-33 bioavailability. Finally, a systematic analysis of the cellular source of IL-33 revealed that PDGRFα<sup>+</sup> stromal cells located in the T cell zone of secondary and tertiary lymphoid tissues were a major IL-33-producing cell population in the gut. Collectively, our findings suggest that signals received by the stromal compartment upon cell injury may trigger a specific phenotype of Tregs with a repair capacity, and thus, promote intestinal homeostasis. These findings improve our understanding of tissue-resident Tregs and open an exciting avenue to explore heterocellular signalling between stromal cells and Tregs.
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A lógica normativa do mercado de câmbio no Brasil : impactos e conseqüências sobre o balanço de pagamentosMariotti, Francisco Carlos Esteves January 2006 (has links)
O mercado cambial brasileiro é, ainda hoje, uma grande colcha de retalhos, tendo o seu fundamento legal embasado em normas que datam dos anos vinte do século passado. Devido a esta característica, existem diversos questionamentos quanto à necessidade de reformulação das normas de câmbio no país.Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a evolução da normatização cambial no país, dando ênfase às questões relacionadas à adoção da livre mobilidade de capital e ao fim da necessidade de internalização das divisas provenientes das exportações brasileiras. Tendo como pano de fundo a criação do duplo mercado de câmbio no Brasil, representado pela Resolução 1552/88, marco histórico nas tentativas efetuadas pela autoridade monetária de trazer para a legalidade às transações cambiais antes realizadas a margem da lei. Considerando a efetividade da medida tomada pelo Banco Central e a relativa estabilidade econômica alcançada pelo país a partir de 1995, começa a ser questionada a restrição imposta aos capitais estrangeiros desembarcados no país sob a forma de empréstimos e investimentos, uma vez que passa a moeda nacional a ser considerada uma relativa reserva de valor. O fim da cobertura cambial das exportações, assunto recorrente neste momento em que o país vive o boom do comércio exterior, está diretamente ligado à necessidade de constituir reservas em moeda forte, em virtude da necessidade de (este) honrar seus compromissos externos. Enfim, o que buscamos demonstrar ao longo deste trabalho é que a parcial conversibilidade da conta financeira e de capital e a necessidade de cobertura cambial das exportações, estão diretamente associadas ao histórico financeiro do país nas suas trocas internacionais, o que, conjuntamente com o elevado nível da dívida interna e externa, dificultam a adoção de medidas liberalizantes no curto prazo. / The Brazilian cambial market is, still today, a great bedspread of remnants, having its legal grounds based in norms that dated of the Twenties at the last century. Due to this characteristic, have diverses questionings as for the necessity of rewording the norms of exchange in the country. This work has the objective to evaluate the evolution of the cambial regulation in the country, giving emphasis to the questions related to the adoption the free mobility of capital and to the end of the necessity of frontier internalization proceeding from the Brazilian exportations. Having as background the creation of the double exchange market in Brazil, represented for the 1552/88 resolution, historical landmark in the attempts effected by the monetary authority to bring for the legality the cambial transactions before carried out the law edge. Considering the effectiveness of the measure taken for the Central Banking and the relative economic stability reached by the country from 1995, it starts to be questioned the restriction imposed to the foreign capitals landed in the country at loans and investments form, once the national currency passes to be considered a relative reserve of value. The end of the cambial covering in exportations, recurrent subject at this moment where the country lives the foreign commerce boom, is directly join to the necessity of constitute reserves in hard currency, in virtue of the necessity of this honoring its external commitments. At last, what searched to demonstrate in this work is that the partial convertibility of the financial account and the capital and the necessity of cambial covering of the exportations, is directly associates to the financial description of the country in its international exchanges, what, jointly with the raised level of the internal and external debt, make difficult the adoption of liberality measures in a short time.
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Microstructure et caractérisation mécanique multi-échelles des composites Al/ω-Al-Cu-Fe synthétisés par métallurgie des poudres / Microstructure and multi-scale mechanical characterization of Al/ω-Al-Cu-Fe composites synthesized by powder metallurgyJoseph, Aurélie 23 May 2017 (has links)
Des matériaux composites à matrice Al renforcée par des particules d'alliage ω-Al7Cu2Fe ont été synthétisés par frittage flash à partir de poudre icosaédrique i-Al-Cu-Fe et de poudre d'aluminium. La transformation de phase de i-Al-Cu-Fe en ω-Al-Cu-Fe est étudiée à partir d'analyses d'échantillons modèles à interface plane. Les résultats montrent que la transformation de phase s'accompagne de la formation d'une phase liquide et de l'apparition de composés AlCu et Al2Cu. Elle met en jeu la diffusion des trois éléments cuivre, aluminium et fer. Parallèlement, la matrice Al s'enrichit en cuivre. La microstructure complexe finale dépend de la porosité initiale. Les composites Al/ω-Al-Cu-Fe ont été déformés par compression à vitesse imposée, entre 273 et 823 K. L'évolution de la contrainte d'écoulement avec la température met en évidence deux régimes de déformation plastique. L'analyse microstructurale, par microscopie électronique en transmission, révèle la présence de précipités ϴ'-Al2Cu dans la matrice Al. L'évolution de cette microstructure avec la température est discutée conjointement à l'évolution de la contrainte d'écoulement. La déformation plastique du composite se situant essentiellement dans la matrice, une caractérisation locale des propriétés mécaniques de cette matrice a été réalisée par nano-indentation. Les courbes force-déplacement montrent des instabilités de déformation plastique. Les analyses chimiques locales mettent en évidence la corrélation entre hétérogénéités chimiques et instabilités mécaniques. Ces résultats sont analysés dans le cadre d'interactions entre dislocations et solutés mobiles. / Al/ω-Al7Cu2Fe composites were synthesized by spark plasma sintering from initial icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe and Al powders. The i- to ω-Al-Cu-Fe phase transformation is studied from model samples with planar Al/i-Al-Cu-Fe initial interface. The phase transformation occurs in solid and liquid states and reveals the presence of AlCu and Al2Cu intermediate phases. The phase transformation involves Cu, Fe and Al diffusion and the Al matrix is enriched in Cu. The initial porosities play a key role in the final complex microstructure.Compression tests were performed on Al/ω-Al7Cu2Fe composites at constant strain-rate in the temperature range 293-823 K. The evolution of the flow stress with temperature reveals two deformation regimes. The observations performed by transmission electron microscopy show that ϴ’-Al2Cu precipitation occurs in the Al matrix during the synthesis. The evolution of the matrix microstructure with temperature is analysed and discussed together with the evolution of the flow stress. As the plastic deformation takes place in the ductile Al matrix, local mechanical caracterisation is performed in the matrix using nano-indentation tests. The load-displacement curves show serrated behavior. Local chemical analyses demonstrate correlation between chemical heterogeneities and mechanical instabilities. These results are analysed in the frame of interactions between dislocations and mobile solutes.
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A lógica normativa do mercado de câmbio no Brasil : impactos e conseqüências sobre o balanço de pagamentosMariotti, Francisco Carlos Esteves January 2006 (has links)
O mercado cambial brasileiro é, ainda hoje, uma grande colcha de retalhos, tendo o seu fundamento legal embasado em normas que datam dos anos vinte do século passado. Devido a esta característica, existem diversos questionamentos quanto à necessidade de reformulação das normas de câmbio no país.Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a evolução da normatização cambial no país, dando ênfase às questões relacionadas à adoção da livre mobilidade de capital e ao fim da necessidade de internalização das divisas provenientes das exportações brasileiras. Tendo como pano de fundo a criação do duplo mercado de câmbio no Brasil, representado pela Resolução 1552/88, marco histórico nas tentativas efetuadas pela autoridade monetária de trazer para a legalidade às transações cambiais antes realizadas a margem da lei. Considerando a efetividade da medida tomada pelo Banco Central e a relativa estabilidade econômica alcançada pelo país a partir de 1995, começa a ser questionada a restrição imposta aos capitais estrangeiros desembarcados no país sob a forma de empréstimos e investimentos, uma vez que passa a moeda nacional a ser considerada uma relativa reserva de valor. O fim da cobertura cambial das exportações, assunto recorrente neste momento em que o país vive o boom do comércio exterior, está diretamente ligado à necessidade de constituir reservas em moeda forte, em virtude da necessidade de (este) honrar seus compromissos externos. Enfim, o que buscamos demonstrar ao longo deste trabalho é que a parcial conversibilidade da conta financeira e de capital e a necessidade de cobertura cambial das exportações, estão diretamente associadas ao histórico financeiro do país nas suas trocas internacionais, o que, conjuntamente com o elevado nível da dívida interna e externa, dificultam a adoção de medidas liberalizantes no curto prazo. / The Brazilian cambial market is, still today, a great bedspread of remnants, having its legal grounds based in norms that dated of the Twenties at the last century. Due to this characteristic, have diverses questionings as for the necessity of rewording the norms of exchange in the country. This work has the objective to evaluate the evolution of the cambial regulation in the country, giving emphasis to the questions related to the adoption the free mobility of capital and to the end of the necessity of frontier internalization proceeding from the Brazilian exportations. Having as background the creation of the double exchange market in Brazil, represented for the 1552/88 resolution, historical landmark in the attempts effected by the monetary authority to bring for the legality the cambial transactions before carried out the law edge. Considering the effectiveness of the measure taken for the Central Banking and the relative economic stability reached by the country from 1995, it starts to be questioned the restriction imposed to the foreign capitals landed in the country at loans and investments form, once the national currency passes to be considered a relative reserve of value. The end of the cambial covering in exportations, recurrent subject at this moment where the country lives the foreign commerce boom, is directly join to the necessity of constitute reserves in hard currency, in virtue of the necessity of this honoring its external commitments. At last, what searched to demonstrate in this work is that the partial convertibility of the financial account and the capital and the necessity of cambial covering of the exportations, is directly associates to the financial description of the country in its international exchanges, what, jointly with the raised level of the internal and external debt, make difficult the adoption of liberality measures in a short time.
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Solving the Riddle of Alkan's Grande Sonate Op. 33 ‘Les quatre âges’: A Performance Guide and Programmatic OverviewJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Charles-Valentin Alkan’s Grande Sonate Op. 33 ‘Les quatre âges’ is a unique four-movement work for piano solo that programmatically represents a man’s life through four decades, passing from age 20 to 50, with each movement being progressively slower than the previous. Published in 1847, it was destined for obscurity until it was rediscovered and premiered in 1973 by English pianist Ronald Smith. Its absence from the public’s reach can be attributed to multiple reasons including the reclusive nature of the composer during the time of composition and the societal issues surrounding the French Revolution of 1848.
Much of Alkan’s music has a reputation for being nearly unplayable because of its complexity and the extremely high level of technical facility a pianist must possess in order to perform it convincingly. Aside from its performance length of nearly an hour, there are many technical issues that prevent Alkan’s Grande Sonate from being performed more frequently. This paper is an exploration of some of these performance and technical issues for consideration by pianists interested in solving the riddle of performing Alkan’s Grande Sonate.
The findings explored are based in part on the author’s experience in performing the complete Grande Sonate in recital, as well as on extant research into Alkan’s life and the interpretation and performance of his works. The paper concludes with an appendix and link to the author’s live performance of the work, another appendix renotating the fugato from Quasi-Faust, and a third appendix providing extensive fingering and voice redistribution for Les enfans [sic] from 40 ans. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2018
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Estrutura de mercado da erva-mate no ParanaAndrade, Sandra da Rosa January 1994 (has links)
Orientador: Judas Tadeu Grassi Mendes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias Agrarias. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. / Área de concentração: Economia e política florestal / Neste trabalho foi apresentada a estrutura de mercado da erva-mate, no Estado do Paraná. É o resultado de um estudo, cujos objetivos foram: caracterizar o mercado quanto ao grau de concentração econômica e empresas participantes, verificar a integração entre o setor de produção da erva-mate e a indústria ervateira e analisar a evolução dos preços pagos ao produtor de erva-mate, e dos preços do chá-mate tostado e do chimarrão, praticados no varejo. Foi realizada pesquisa, com aplicação de questionários, junto a estabelecimentos industriais ervateiros selecionados, nos municípios onde se situam, tendo sido levantados dados acerca da produção anual de derivados da erva-mate, das máquinas e equipamentos utilizados, do número de empregados, da origem da matéria prima e do destino da produção. Os preços no varejo, do chá-mate e do chimarrão, foram pesquisados na SUNAB/RJ. Com base nos preços obtidos foram calculados os markups do chá-mate tostado e do chimarrão. Foi verificado que a indústria do mate no Paraná, possui segmentos com características distintas, uma vez que é integrada por pequenos estabelecimentos industriais que operam com equipamentos rústicos e artesanais e também, por médias e grandes empresas modernas, incluindo duas de natureza jurídica das sociedades anônimas. Observou-se a existência de um segmento na indústria, de oligopolista e com concentração muito alta. Um dos produtos da indústria, o chá-mate tostado, é produzido em escala comercial, apenas por algumas das empresas que compõem o segmento moderno da indústria. Foi identificada rigidez nos preços dos chás-mate tostados, produzidos pelas duas maiores empresas, confirmando uma característica do oligopólio encontrado, que é a ausência de competição via preços. Os markups dos chás-mate tostados foram considerados muito altos e também se revelaram indicadores da estrutura oligopolista encontrada. Não foi verificada integração entre a produção de erva-mate e a indústria ervateira, havendo concorrência pela obtenção de matéria prima. Este estudo, ao revelar a existência de oligopólio em um segmento da indústria, mostrou a indústria do mate, tradicional do Estado do Paraná , em um contexto contemporâneo / This is a study about market strucmre in toasted mate tea and 'chimarrão' industry in Paraná State. A research was developed in order to evaluale lhe concentration ratio and lo increase lhe understanding of lhe companies that integrate lhe industry. ALso, it aimed lo verili vertical integration and analyse prices evolution, considering those payed to mate plant producers and lhe sale-prices lo consumers. lhe historical prices sedes of toasted mate tea and chimarr5o, aI retail, were obtained from SJJNAB/PJ. lhe markups of toasted mate tea and 'chimarrão' were calculated. lhe research consisted of submitting indusirial managers to a
questionary in order lo identií3z their companies, i.e., their inachines and equipments. lhe number of employees, lhe producta characteristics, their annual production, lhe destination of production. and raw material origin. From a sample of companies that rnanufactured toasted mate tea and 'chimarrão', lhe research was conducted iii lhe municipalities where the companies were stablished. As a result, a grear variabihty in size among companies and distinct segmenta in industry were found. Small companies with rudimentary production processes survive among large and modem companies, including two corporations. Oiily a few companies produce toasted mate tea and lhe concentration ratio was very high. These compariies integrate lhe modem segment in industiy, with oligopolistic elementa. lhe markups of toasted mate lea were very higli too. Also, the rigid prices of two types of toasled mate tea, woduced by lhe lwo largest companies of lhe industrv, were considered as indicators of an oligopoly. lhere isn't price competilion between lhe corporations. There isn't vertical integration iii loasted mate tea and 'chimarrão' industry, causing competition among companies lo obtain raw material. This study revealed an oligopoly and brought a contemporary approach to the traditional toasted mate tea and 'chimarrão' industry in Paraná State.
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Contribuição socio-economica da bracatinga[Mimosa scabrella Bentham] na região metropolitana de Curitiba-Norte (RMC-N)Rochadelli, Roberto January 1997 (has links)
Orientador: Anadalvo J. dos Santos / Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias Agrarias / Área de concentração: Economia e política florestal / A Mimosa scabrella Bentham (bracatinga) caracteriza-se por ser espécie florestal de extrema importância sócio-econômica na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba (PR), viabilizando o aproveitamento dos terrenos declivosos que predominam na sua porção Norte. Sua biomassa vem sendo utilizada na forma de lenha, pelos ramos de mineração (produção de cal elou calcário), cerâmica e alimentício. Nos últimos anos, o setor de mineração, responsável pelo consumo de ± 60% , vem adotando, devido a aspectos técnicos e legais, a utilização de serragem em substituição à matéria prima lenha para o aquecimento dos seus fomos. Em função disto, os produtores de bracatinga defrontam-se com um drástico decréscimo na demanda pelo produto lenha. Desenvolvida de forma conjunta e utilizando-se de dados da linha de pesquisa "Identificação e quantificação dos principais componentes químicos da madeira da Mimosa scabrella (bracatinga) relacionados com parâmetros de Manejo Florestal", formalizada oficialmente junto ao CNPq no Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil sob o título "Qualidade e produtividade na atividade florestal primária" (processo 300167/77-6 RN), esta dissertação visa analisar e otimizar a estrutura produtiva da espécie no tocante a sua contribuição social (demanda por mão de obra) e econômica (geração de renda), utilizando-se do conceito de Modelo Florestal Normal. Visando otimizar e oferecer opções de novos usos à sua biomassa, foi também analisada sua composição química em termos de idade e classe social. Através de entrevista direta em uma amostra da região, caracterizou-se a estrutura produtiva atual, segundo sua estrutura fundiária e contribuição sócio-econômica. A estrutura produtiva ideal foi caracterizada utilizando-se do modelo de produção em Renda Bruta, obtido através do sortimento do fuste da espécie em bitolas para serraria, peças de escora para a construção civil e lenha. A máxima produtividade, segundo o modelo citado, ocorreu aos 5 anos, idade definida então como ideal para o corte final. Utilizando-se desta idade de rotação e estimando a renda gerada através do modelo de produção em Renda Bruta, caracterizou-se a estrutura produtiva ideal, que mostrou acréscimo de 40,01% na contribuição social e de 18,01% na contribuição econômica, em relação a estrutura produtiva atual, que toma como idade ideal de corte a idade de 7 anos. A composição química da madeira da espécie, mostrou diversas tendências significativas de variação ao longo das idades e classes sociais, sendo considerada como informação útil à utilização otimizada de sua biomassa para outros fins industriais. De forma geral, conclui-se que a regulação da estrutura produtiva e a otimização de sua biomassa vêm a ser de extrema importância para a manutenção de sua viabilidade. / Mimosa scabrella Bentham (bracatinga) characterize as a social economic forest specie of extreme importance in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, Parana State, looking for the utilization of the slopes that are predominants in the North portion. Its biomass have been used as firewood, by the mining sector, responsable for the consumption of about 60%, is adopting, due technical and legal aspects, the use of sawdust substituing the raw material firewood to warm up its ovens. Then, the bracatinga producers confront the drastic decrease of the demand for firewood. Developed in conjunct form and using data from the research "Identification and quantification of the main chemical components of Mimosa scabrella wood (bracatinga) related with parameters of Forest Management" (process 300167/77-6 RN), this dissertation seek to analyse and optimize the productive structure of the specie in its social contribution (demand for manual work) and economical (income generation), using the concept of Norma Forest Model. To optimize and to offer options of new uses for its biomass, it was also analysed its chemical composition in terms of age and social class. Through the direct interviews in a sample of the area, characterized the present production structure, according its landed structure and social and economic contribution. The ideal productive structure was characterized using the production function of Gross Income, obtained through the assortment of the stem of this specie in gauge of sawmill, building and firewood. The maximum average productivity, according the cited model ocurred in the age of 5 years, age defined as ideal for clear cut. Using this rotation age and estimating the income generated through the production model of Gross Income, characterized the ideal productive structure, that showed increase of 28,58% in the social contribution and 15,26% in the economical contribution, in relation to the present productive structure, that takes the age of 7 year as ideal for clear cut. The chemical composition of the wood of this specie showed many significatives tendencies of variation from ages and social classes, being considered as useful information the optimize use of its biomass for other industrial ends. In general, it is possible to conclude that the regulation of the productive structure and optimization of its biomass can be very important for the maintenance of its feasibility.
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