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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklingsmöjligheter inom ledarskapet : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker en ledare genom tre-dimensionsmodellen och en 360-graders utvärdering för att skapa förutsättningar för utveckling / Development opportunities within the leadership role : A qualitative study that examines a leader through the three-dimensional model and a 360-degree appraisal feedback process in order to create conditions for development

Emanuelsson, Jesper, Lidén, Theodor, Pontén, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Bakgrunden till arbetet grundar sig i att ledarskap är ett komplext ämne som kan definieras på flera olika sätt. I det här arbetet bryter vi ner definitionen av ledarskap och utgår från tre ledarskapsstilar. Ledarskap är ett relevant och viktigt fenomen att studera då det återfinns överallt i samhället och kan skapa en känsla av sammanhang. Det finns också risker med ledarskap som kan leda till minskad arbetstillfredsställelse, fel beslut eller att organisationen tappar konkurrensfördelar. Syfte I denna studie undersöks ledarskapet genom tre-dimensionsmodellen som omfattas av relationsorienterat, uppgiftsorienterat samt förändrings- och utvecklingsorienterat ledarskap. Syftet med studien är att undersöka samt analysera ledarskapet genom både tre-dimensionsmodellen och en 360 graders utvärdering för att därigenom belysa aspekter av ledarskapet samt skapa förutsättningar till utveckling inom ledarskapet. Detta genom attkombinera tre-dimensionsmodellen med en 360 graders utvärdering som innebär att den aktuella ledaren får återkoppling både horisontellt och vertikalt. Metod Arbetet bygger på kvalitativ metod i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Det genomfördes totalt nio intervjuer. De nio intervjupersoner som deltog i studien var den aktuella ledare, ledarens chef, två kollegor och fem medarbetare. Slutsats Studien undersöker en ledare inom en organisation i syfte att belysa delar som appliceras inom ledarskapet. Men även för att fånga upp och lyfta fram utvecklingsmöjligheter för organisationen och den aktuella ledaren. Studien kan användas som vägledning för att öka kompetensen kring ledarskap. Studien visar att en 360 graders utvärdering kan skapa förutsättningar för utveckling inom ledarskapet. Genom en 360 graders utvärdering etablerasen bild av ledaren från flera perspektiv vilket bidar till att skapa en bild och lägga ett pussel som visar ledarens egenskaper utifrån fler perspektiv i syfte att lyfta fram utvecklingsmöjligheter hos den aktuella ledaren. / Background Leadership is a complex subject that requires several definitions. In this study, we will break down the definition of leadership into three different styles. The subject of leadership is a relevant and important topic to study due to its prevalence in society, and its ability to create a context. There are also risks surrounding the leadership role which may lead to a decreased satisfaction at work, making wrong decisions, or loosing competitive advantages. Purpose In this study, the subject of leadership is examined through the three-dimensional model, which consists of relationship-oriented, task-oriented, and change- and development-oriented leadership. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze leadership through the three-dimensional model and a 360-degree appraisal feedback process and highlight the leadership aspect, in order to create conditions for leadership development. By combining the two methods, the leader will receive feedback both horizontally and vertically. Method This study is based on a qualitative method in the shape of semi-structured interviews. A total of nine interviews were conducted. The people who were interviewed were: a leader, the boss of a leader, two colleagues of a leader as well as five employees of a leader.  Conclusion This study examines the role of a leader within an organization with the aim of highlighting leadership applications and to highlight opportunities for development, both for the organization and the leader. This study can be used as a guide in order to increase knowledge around the subject of leadership. The study shows that the application of a 360-degree appraisal feedback process can create conditions for development within leadership. By using this survey, we will look at the role of the leader from several perspectives in order to highlight development opportunities within the leadership.

Dynamiska APD-planer : En fallstudie från inspektionsrundor med 360-graders hjälmkamera

Andersson, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Arbetsdispositionsplanen (APD-plan) är en central metod för planering av byggarbetsplatser och stöd för platsledningens beslutsfattande. Idag är stödet nästan uteslutande manuellt arbete även om det görs med digitala verktyg och uppdatering av APD-planen uteblir.  Denna studie syftar till att undersöka möjligheterna för att automatisera överföringen av information från en 360-graders hjälmkamera på en byggarbetsplats till en digital APD-plan integrerad med byggnadsinformationsmodeller (BIM). Målet med studien är att undersöka hur informationen från en hjälmkamera kan kopplas till digitala verktyg såsom APD-planer och BIM-modeller samt hur denna information kan användas som stöd för platsledningen på byggarbetsplatsen genom kontinuerlig uppdatering av APD-planen.  Studien baseras på en fallstudie som innefattar datainsamling i form av bilder och videor från byggarbetsplatsen, intervjuer med personer med erfarenhet och kunskap inom byggbranschen samt observationer från fältstudie. En litteraturstudie presenteras också, där teori kopplad till examensarbetets syfte och frågeställning används som grund för analys, diskussion och slutsatser.  För att uppnå syftet och målen med studien besvaras följande forskningsfrågor:  Hur uppdateras och används APD-planer i dagsläget inom byggsektorn?  Vilka utmaningar och svårigheter är förknippade med automatiserad överföring av information från hjälmkameror till APD-planer?  Vilka fördelar och nackdelar medför användningen av en 360-graders hjälmkamera som verktyg för automatiserad uppdatering av APD-planer och integrering med BIM-modeller?  Utifrån litteraturstudien och genomförda intervjuer uppdateras APD-planer i nuläget manuellt genom att APD-ansvarig genomför inspektioner ute på arbetsplatsen. Denna metod är tidskrävande och uppdateringar tenderar att utebli på grund av tidsbrist.  Resultatet av fallstudien indikerar att insamlad data från byggarbetsplatsen automatiskt kunde överföras till APD-planen men inspektionen för att samla in data krävde manuellt utförande. APD-planen uppdaterades manuellt genom att jämföra insamlade data från byggarbetsplatsen och sedan uppdatera APD-planen utifrån dessa förändringar.  Utvecklad metod skapar förutsättningar för en smidare och effektiv uppdateringsprocess av APD-planen. APD-ansvarig kan utföra uppdateringar digitalt utan fysisk närvaro på platsen. Med metoden kan APD-planer uppdateras frekvent där senaste information finns tillgänglig i smartphones för samtliga involverade i projektet. Nackdelen med utvecklad metod är att manuell uppdatering krävs där vidare forskning är nödvändig för att automatisera uppdateringen. Formatet av insamlat material medförde att en automatiserad uppdatering uteblev eftersom materialet inte kunde kopplas samman med APD-modellen utan enbart jämföras. Om formatet av insamlat material skulle kunna omvandlas till modeller eller placeras ovanpå befintliga modeller skulle en automatiserad uppdatering av APD-planen vara genomförbar. / The Construction Site Utilization Plan (CSUP) is a central method for planning construction sites and support for site management's decision-making. Today, the support is almost exclusively manual work, even if it is done with digital tools, updating the CSUP tends to be absent.  This study aims to investigate the possibilities of automating the transfer of information from a 360-degree helmet camera on a construction site to a digital CSUP model integrated with building information models (BIM). The goal of the study is to investigate how the information from a helmet camera can be connected to digital tools such as CSUP and BIM models and how this information can be used to support site management on the construction site through continuous updating of the CSUP.  The study is based on a case study that includes data collection in the form of images and videos from the construction site, interviews with people with experience and knowledge in the construction industry, and observations from field studies. A literature study is presented as well, where theory linked to the aim and question of the thesis is used as a basis for analysis, discussion and conclusions.  In order to achieve the aim and objectives of the study, the following research questions are answered:  How are CSUPs currently updated and used in the construction sector?  What are the challenges and difficulties associated with automated transmission of information from helmet cameras to CSUPs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a 360-degree helmet camera as a tool for automated updating of CSUPs and integration with BIM models?  Based on the literature study and conducted interviews, CSUPs are currently updated manually by the CSUP manager carrying out inspections at the construction site. This method is time consuming and updates tend to fail due to lack of time.  The results of the case study indicate that data collected from the construction site could be automatically transferred to the CSUP but the inspection to collect the data required manual execution. The CSUP was manually updated by comparing collected data from the construction site and then updating the CSUP based on these changes.  The developed method creates the conditions for a smoother and more efficient updating process of the CSUP. CSUP managers can carry out updates digitally without physical presence on site. With the method, CSUPs can be updated frequently where the latest information is available on smartphones for everyone involved in the project. The disadvantage of the developed method is that manual updating is required where further research is necessary to automate the updating. The format of collected material meant that an automated update was not possible because the material could not be connected to the CSUP model but only compared. If the format of collected material could be converted into models or placed on top of existing models, automated updating of the CSUP would be feasible.

Process Evaluation of Group Well Child Visits for One-Month-Old Infants

Banks, Kristina L. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

以360度回饋探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖相關因素之實證研究 / The study of using 360-degree feedback to explore the factors affecting behavior change intention of managers

徐崇文, Hsu, Chung-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要是透過360度回饋的方式,進一步探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖的相關因素,這些因素包括評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持、組織限制以及自他評一致性等。 本研究樣本為國內某建築業之主管,其中初階主管15人,中階主管42人,高階主管4人,共計61位主管。研究結果發現,評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能以及組織支持等變項與行為改變意圖之間均具有顯著正相關,然而組織限制與行為改變意圖之間則不具有顯著的負相關。變異數分析的結果顯示,不同自他評一致性程度的受試,其在評量正確性知覺上確實有顯著差異存在,然而在行為改變意圖上卻並未有顯著差異。事後比較進一步發現,「低估」組以及「一致低」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上顯著高於「高估」組,然而「一致高」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上則並未顯著高於「低估」組與「一致低」組。此外,逐步迴歸分析研究結果顯示,在評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持以及組織限制等變項之中,以360度回饋滿意度對於行為改變意圖的變異解釋量為最高(30%)。 本研究並進一步指出研究之限制,以及建議後續研究者可以針對影響員工對於360度回饋的態度、個人行為改變決策歷程、友誼效應、訓練效果、電腦化、以及組織文化分析等議題進行更深入的探討;此外,對於有意推行360度回饋系統之企業組織,本研究亦提供多項實務上的建議。

Developing and evaluating a coaching program to improve safety leadership

Esterhuizen, Wika 11 1900 (has links)
Legislators are placing increased pressure on mining companies to improve their safety performance. The importance of safety leadership is highlighted by its role in safety culture and improving safety performance. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the impact of a coaching program on safety leadership. The main constructs namely safety culture, safety leadership and coaching was conceptualised along the humanistic paradigm, with theoretical definitions and models. In this study, safety culture is employees’ shared attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values about safety that affect their behaviour in the workplace. Safety leadership is the interpersonal influence that a leader exercises to achieve the organisation’s safety performance goals. Coaching is an interpersonal interaction that aims to improve individual performance through increased selfawareness and action plans. A theoretical model was developed to explain the elements that constitute effective safety leadership. A coaching program was developed based on executive coaching and leadership development principles. The empirical investigation was conducted in an organisation in the South African mining industry. A nested mixed methods design was followed. In the quantitative study, a 360 degree survey was employed to assess the ratings of a purposive sample (n=54) along eight dimensions before and after the coaching. Data was analysed with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results showed statistically significant improvements on accountability, collaboration, and feedback and recognition after the coaching. The results reflected differences in 360 degree ratings according to gender, race, job level, age and geographical location. The most significant improvements were for females, Africans, management, age 51-60 years, and site 2. In the qualitative study, a semi-structured interview was employed to study four cases to investigate managers’ personal experiences and changes in attitude toward safety. Data was analysed utilising thematic analysis. The findings revealed that coaching was a positive experience and contributed to changing managers’ attitudes toward safety. The research added to the field of organisational behaviour by presenting a theoretical model that enhances the understanding of safety leadership, the development of a coaching program and providing empirical evidence that the principles of coaching and leadership development can be applied to improve safety leadership. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Developing and evaluating a coaching program to improve safety leadership

Esterhuizen, Wika 11 1900 (has links)
Legislators are placing increased pressure on mining companies to improve their safety performance. The importance of safety leadership is highlighted by its role in safety culture and improving safety performance. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the impact of a coaching program on safety leadership. The main constructs namely safety culture, safety leadership and coaching was conceptualised along the humanistic paradigm, with theoretical definitions and models. In this study, safety culture is employees’ shared attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values about safety that affect their behaviour in the workplace. Safety leadership is the interpersonal influence that a leader exercises to achieve the organisation’s safety performance goals. Coaching is an interpersonal interaction that aims to improve individual performance through increased selfawareness and action plans. A theoretical model was developed to explain the elements that constitute effective safety leadership. A coaching program was developed based on executive coaching and leadership development principles. The empirical investigation was conducted in an organisation in the South African mining industry. A nested mixed methods design was followed. In the quantitative study, a 360 degree survey was employed to assess the ratings of a purposive sample (n=54) along eight dimensions before and after the coaching. Data was analysed with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results showed statistically significant improvements on accountability, collaboration, and feedback and recognition after the coaching. The results reflected differences in 360 degree ratings according to gender, race, job level, age and geographical location. The most significant improvements were for females, Africans, management, age 51-60 years, and site 2. In the qualitative study, a semi-structured interview was employed to study four cases to investigate managers’ personal experiences and changes in attitude toward safety. Data was analysed utilising thematic analysis. The findings revealed that coaching was a positive experience and contributed to changing managers’ attitudes toward safety. The research added to the field of organisational behaviour by presenting a theoretical model that enhances the understanding of safety leadership, the development of a coaching program and providing empirical evidence that the principles of coaching and leadership development can be applied to improve safety leadership. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)


Carroll, Gretchen Kay 10 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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