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Dreidimensionale numerische Modellierung von Hochwasserentlastungsanlagen: am Beispiel der Talsperre LehnmühleBuschmann, Tilo 11 July 2023 (has links)
Die jüngst beobachteten Hochwasserereignisse zogen eine Überarbeitung der hydrologischen Daten zahlreicher Talsperren nach sich. Im Ergebnis wiesen viele der Anlagen nicht die erforderliche Hochwassersicherheit auf. Aus diesem Grund ist auch für die in Sachsen gelegene Talsperre Lehnmühle eine Ertüchtigung der Hochwasserentlastungsanlage geplant. Die Vorzugsvariante zur Wiederherstellung der Überflutungssicherheit sieht die Absenkung der Wehrkrone einzelner Überlauffelder vor. Die damit verbundene Leistungssteigerung erfordert eine Überprüfung der Abflussverhältnisse im nachgeschalteten Tosbecken.
Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden die Strömungsverhältnisse im bestehenden Tosbecken mit Hilfe dreidimensionaler numerischer Modellierungen abgebildet. Mit dem Ziel einer verbesserten Energieumwandlung wird darüber hinaus die Wirksamkeit von Prallblöcken untersucht und bewertet.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen der numerischen Strömungsberechnung
2.1 Numerische Modellierung im Vergleich
2.1.1 Prinzip der numerischen Strömungsberechnung
2.1.2 Exkurs: Physikalische Modellierung
2.1.3 Vor- und Nachteile der numerischen und physikalischen Modellierung
2.2 Vollständige Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen
2.3 Berechnungsmethoden
2.4 Turbulenzmodellierung
2.4.1 k-ε-Modell
2.4.2 k-ω-Modell
2.4.3 SST-Modell
2.5 Diskretisierung
2.5.1 Definieren der Geometrie
2.5.2 Berechnungsnetze Strukturierte Netze Unstrukturierte Netze Hybride Netze
2.5.3 Räumliche Diskretisierung
2.5.4 Zeitliche Diskretisierung
2.5.5 Anfangs- und Randbedingungen
2.6 Wichtige Eigenschaften numerischer Berechnungsverfahren 3 Hochwasserentlastungsanlagen
3.1 Funktion
3.2 Begrifflichkeiten und Regelwerke
3.3 Aufbau
3.3.1 Einlaufbauwerk
3.3.2 Transportbauwerk
3.3.3 Energieumwandlungsanlagen Der Prozess der Energieumwandlung Konstruktionsmöglichkeiten
3.4 Hydraulische Bemessung
3.4.1 Hochwasserbemessungsfälle
3.4.2 Bemessungsabflüsse und Überschreitungswahrscheinlichkeiten
3.4.3 Freibordbemessung
4 Methodik
4.1Die Talsperre Lehnmühle
4.4Erstellung der numerischen Modelle
4.4.2Numerische Modelle des Wehrüberfalls des Tosbeckens
5Ergebnisse der numerischen Berechnungen
5.1Numerik versus Physik
5.2.2Ermittlung der Eingangsbedingungen für die Tosbeckenmodellierung 5.3Szenario 1 - Modellierung des bestehenden Tosbeckens
5.3.2Sensitivitätsuntersuchungen der Randbedingung für die überströmte Tosbeckenwand der Turbulenzmodellierung der Rauigkeit
5.4.1Grundlegende Aussagen
5.4.4Abfluss über die Tosbeckenwand
5.4.5Schubspannungen / Recent flood events called for a revision of hydrological data for numerous dams. As a result, many constructions have been found to not possess necessary flood safety. On this account, the flood spillway of the Saxon Lehnmühle dam is designated to be upgraded. In order to ensure an overflow-proof construction, the favored solution is to lower the crest of several weir fields. The resulting increased performance requires a revision of the runoff characteristics in the stilling basin.
Firstly, this thesis shows the flow conditions of the existing stilling basin, using 3D numerical modeling. Secondly, with the goal of enhanced energy dissipation the effectiveness of baffle blocks will be examined and evaluated.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen der numerischen Strömungsberechnung
2.1 Numerische Modellierung im Vergleich
2.1.1 Prinzip der numerischen Strömungsberechnung
2.1.2 Exkurs: Physikalische Modellierung
2.1.3 Vor- und Nachteile der numerischen und physikalischen Modellierung
2.2 Vollständige Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen
2.3 Berechnungsmethoden
2.4 Turbulenzmodellierung
2.4.1 k-ε-Modell
2.4.2 k-ω-Modell
2.4.3 SST-Modell
2.5 Diskretisierung
2.5.1 Definieren der Geometrie
2.5.2 Berechnungsnetze Strukturierte Netze Unstrukturierte Netze Hybride Netze
2.5.3 Räumliche Diskretisierung
2.5.4 Zeitliche Diskretisierung
2.5.5 Anfangs- und Randbedingungen
2.6 Wichtige Eigenschaften numerischer Berechnungsverfahren 3 Hochwasserentlastungsanlagen
3.1 Funktion
3.2 Begrifflichkeiten und Regelwerke
3.3 Aufbau
3.3.1 Einlaufbauwerk
3.3.2 Transportbauwerk
3.3.3 Energieumwandlungsanlagen Der Prozess der Energieumwandlung Konstruktionsmöglichkeiten
3.4 Hydraulische Bemessung
3.4.1 Hochwasserbemessungsfälle
3.4.2 Bemessungsabflüsse und Überschreitungswahrscheinlichkeiten
3.4.3 Freibordbemessung
4 Methodik
4.1Die Talsperre Lehnmühle
4.4Erstellung der numerischen Modelle
4.4.2Numerische Modelle des Wehrüberfalls des Tosbeckens
5Ergebnisse der numerischen Berechnungen
5.1Numerik versus Physik
5.2.2Ermittlung der Eingangsbedingungen für die Tosbeckenmodellierung 5.3Szenario 1 - Modellierung des bestehenden Tosbeckens
5.3.2Sensitivitätsuntersuchungen der Randbedingung für die überströmte Tosbeckenwand der Turbulenzmodellierung der Rauigkeit
5.4.1Grundlegende Aussagen
5.4.4Abfluss über die Tosbeckenwand
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Enhancing Cybersecurity of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Urban EnvironmentsKartik Anand Pant (16547862) 17 July 2023 (has links)
<p>The use of lower airspace for air taxi and cargo applications opens up exciting prospects for futuristic Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). However, ensuring the safety and security of these UAS within densely populated urban areas presents significant challenges. Most modern aircraft systems, whether unmanned or otherwise, rely on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as a primary sensor for navigation. From satellite navigations point of view, the dense urban environment compromises positioning accuracy due to signal interference, multipath effects, etc. Furthermore, civilian GNSS receivers are susceptible to spoofing attacks since they lack encryption capabilities. Therefore, in this thesis, we focus on examining the safety and cybersecurity assurance of UAS in dense urban environments, from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. </p>
<p>To facilitate the verification and validation of the UAS, the first part of the thesis focuses on the development of a realistic GNSS sensor emulation using a Gazebo plugin. This plugin is designed to replicate the complex behavior of the GNSS sensor in urban settings, such as multipath reflections, signal blockages, etc. By leveraging the 3D models of the urban environments and the ray-tracing algorithm, the plugin predicts the spatial and temporal patterns of GNSS signals in densely populated urban environments. The efficacy of the plugin is demonstrated for various scenarios including routing, path planning, and UAS cybersecurity. </p>
<p>Subsequently, a robust state estimation algorithm for dynamical systems whose states can be represented by Lie Groups (e.g., rigid body motion) is presented. Lie groups provide powerful tools to analyze the complex behavior of non-linear dynamical systems by leveraging their geometrical properties. The algorithm is designed for time-varying uncertainties in both the state dynamics and the measurements using the log-linear property of the Lie groups. When unknown disturbances are present (such as GNSS spoofing, and multipath effects), the log-linearization of the non-linear estimation error dynamics results in a non-linear evolution of the linear error dynamics. The sufficient conditions under which this non-linear evolution of estimation error is bounded are derived, and Lyapunov stability theory is employed to design a robust filter in the presence of an unknown-but-bounded disturbance. </p>
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[pt] Análises de estabilidade bidimensionais são predominantemente utilizadas
na prática geotécnica, tendo em vista a praticidade e os resultados, em sua
maioria, mais conservadores, tornando as análises tridimensionais ainda pouco
disseminadas. Por este motivo, o presente trabalho possui como objetivo a
comparação entre os fatores de segurança encontrados em análises 2D e 3D e
também em retroanálises, buscando verificar o comportamento de taludes nesses
dois tipos de análise e comparar com o esperado no campo para cada caso.
Sendo assim, o presente estudo se dividiu entre estudos preliminares em taludes
hipotéticos, a fim de validar as análises realizadas no software computacional 2D
e 3D, e em um estudo de caso para a realização de retroanálises em casos bi e
tridimensionais de um talude rompido. As análises e retroanálises foram
realizadas no programa computacional SVSlope, da SoilVision Systems Ltd.,
utilizando o método de equilíbrio limite de Morgenstern e Price (1965) e adotando
o critério de ruptura de Mohr-Coulomb para quantificação dos parâmetros de
resistência dos solos. Os casos hipotéticos consideraram taludes homogêneos,
de solos arenosos, em três condições de geometria: talude infinito, talude não
infinito com topografia constante e talude não infinito com altura variável, impondo
uma variação de topografia. Já o estudo de caso foi realizado em uma encosta
que sofreu movimentações, estando localizada na Rodovia Rio-Santos, município
de Mangaratiba, no Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados das análises mostraram que,
para os casos estudados, a análise de estabilidade 2D apresenta resultados
compatíveis com a condição 3D, ainda que conservadores. No entanto, em
projetos onde seja necessária a realização de retroanálises, mostrou-se ser mais
prudente a utilização de análises 3D, uma vez que esta resulta em parâmetros de
resistência ao cisalhamento (c e ângulo de atrito interno do solo) menores, logo, mais conservadores. / [en] Two-dimensional stability analyzes are predominantly used in geotechnical
practice, in view of the practicality and results, most of them, more conservative,
making three-dimensional analysis still little disseminated. For this reason, the
present work aims to compare the safety factors found in 2D and 3D analysis and
back analysis, seeking to verify the behavior of the slope in these two types of
analysis and to compare with what is expected in reality for each case. Thus, the
present study was divided between preliminary studies on hypothetical slopes, in
order to validate the analysis performed in 2D and 3D computational software, and
in a case study to perform back analysis in two and three-dimensional cases of a
broken slope. The analysis and back analyses were performed in the computer
program SVSlope, from SoilVision Systems Ltd., using the limit equilibrium method
of Morgenstern and Price (1965) and adopting the Mohr-Coulomb rupture criterion
to quantify the soil resistance parameters. The hypothetical cases considered
homogeneous slopes, with sandy soils, in three geometry conditions: infinite slope,
non-infinite slope with constant topography and non-infinite slope with variable
height, imposing a variable topography. The case study, on the other hand, was
carried out on a slope that suffered movement, being located on the Rio-Santos
Highway, in the municipality of Mangaratiba, in Rio de Janeiro. The results of the
analysis showed that, for the cases studied, the 2D stability analysis presents
reasonable results and is compatible with the 3D condition, although conservative.
However, in projects where back analysis is necessary, the use of 3D analysis
proved to be more prudent, since this results in lower shear strength parameters
(c and internal friction angle of the ground), therefore, more conservative.
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Designing for Engagement: Using indirect manipulation to support form exploration in 3D modelingSerim, Baris January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to study the design possibilities for supporting explorative form-finding in 3D modeling applications. For today’s many design professions, 3D forms are achieved partly in engagement with digital environments. Use of software has far exceeded final idea execution, extending to the early phases of design work in which the outcome is not predetermined. This insight led designers of interactive systems support sketching and ideating activities by reducing the risk of experimentation and cognitive effort demanded from user. Yet, there has been less emphasis on traditional design and craft practice that acknowledges engagement with materials and effort spent on work as an integral part of creative process.The notion of exploration in the scope of this thesis attempts to incorporate such aspects. Relevant literature about workshop practice in design and craft has been reviewed, as well as examples of CAD technologies that aid designers. In this light, HCI perspectives on the design of creativity support tools and games have been discussed. The thesis work aimed to concretize this background by building a design strategy and an interactive artifact. A 3D form-finding application concept using objects in modeling space to indirectly manipulate geometry, “kfields”, has been developed and evaluated with users at various stages. The thesis concludes by reflecting on the findings of different design stages and proposing further directions for design.
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Framtagning och utvärdering av metod för skapande av 3D-modell över lokala- och regionala luftledningar : Användning av djupinlärning för klassificering av laserdata / Development and evaluation of methods for creating 3D model over local and regional powerlines : Using deep learning for classification of lidar dataCarlsson, Elin January 2024 (has links)
De alltmer påtagliga klimatförändringar som sker runt om i världen ställer allt större krav på varje enskilt land att minska utsläppen av fossila bränslen. Därav jobbar både Sverige och många andra länder för de globala målen, som bland annat innebär att lösa klimatkrisen innan år 2030. För att uppnå detta mål krävs en stor omställning i samhället, varav en viktig del är att bygga ut landets elnät så att mer förnybara energikällor kan brukas. Att bygga ut elnäten är en stor utmaning som kräver bra geografisk information som kan skapa underlag för en effektiv planering. I nuläget är det dock brist på geografisk information över alla typer av ledningar, och den minimala datamängd som finns saknar viktig höjdinformation som behövs vid planering och olika typer av analyser. På så vis har denna studie utförts i syfte att försöka utveckla en djupinlärningsmodell som ska kunna klassificera främst lokala- och regionala luftledningar utifrån Lantmäteriets ”laserdata nedladdning, skog”. Det klassade punktmolnet ska sedan kunna användas för att skapa en 3D-modell över luftledningarna och omkringliggande miljö, för att bättre kunna visualisera verkligheten. För att utföra detta har de två djupinlärningsmodellerna PointCNN och RandLA-Net testats i ett område öster om Degerfors, där punkttätheten är tillräckligt hög samt att det finns både lokala- och regionala ledningar i området. Den färdigtränade modellen har sedan testats i ett nytt område i Olofström för att kontrollera hur väl generaliserad modellen blev. För att ta reda på hur lönsamt det är att ta fram en egenutvecklad djupinlärningsmodell, har den även jämförts med Esris förtränade modell. Samtliga processer har utförts i ArcGIS Pro. Resultatet visar att den framtagna modellen enligt RandLA-Net arkitekturen är något överanpassad för att kunna leverera bra klassificeringsresultat på andra områden än där modellen tränades. Det har även visat sig att den framtagna modellen inte kan ge avsevärt bättre resultat jämfört med Esris förtränade modell. Dock uppnådde ingen modell bra klassificeringsresultat, vilket innebär att en fortsatt studie med vissa förbättringar skulle behöva utföras för att kunna fortsätta arbetet framåt. Sammanfattningsvis har studien visat att punktavståndet har en påverkande roll för hur bra klassificeringsresultat som kan uppnås. I de områden där punktätheten är tillräckligt bra och klassificeringen är korrekt, kan en tillförlitlig 3D-modell skapas. En förbättring skulle vara att använda en laserdatamängd med mer mångfald vid träning. Därmed skulle det kunna utvecklas en mer generell modell som kan leverera bra resultat över fler laserskannade områden. På så vis skulle en fortsatt studie vara relevant när Lantmäteriet utfört sin tredje laserskanning över Sverige. / The increased climate change that occurring around the world requires even more from each individual country to reduce the emissions of fossil fuels. Thus, both Sweden and many other countries are working towards the global goals, including solving the climate crisis before 2030. To achieve this goal, a major change in society is required. One major part of this is to expand the electricity network so more renewable energy sources can be used. Expanding the electricity networks is a big challenge that requires good geographical information that can create a basis for effective planning. Furthermore, there is a lack of geographic information about all types of powerlines, and the minimal amount of data that exists missing important height information that is needed for planning and different types of analyses. In this way, the purpose with this study is to develop a deep learning model that should be able to classify primarily local and regional overhead powerlines based on the Land Survey´s "Laserdata nedladdning, skog". The classified point cloud should then be used to create a 3D model of the overhead powerlines and the surrounding environment to better visualize reality. To do this, the two deep learning models PointCNN and RandLA-Net have been tested in an area east of Degerfors, where the point density is high enough. The fully trained model has then been tested in a new area in Olofström to check how well the model was generalized. In order to find out how profitable it is to develop a deep learning model, the developed model has also been compared with Esri's pre-trained model. All processes have been carried out in ArcGIS Pro. The result shows that the developed model according to the RandLA-Net architecture is somewhat over-adapted to be able to deliver good classification results in areas other than where the model was trained. The study has also shown that the developed model cannot provide significantly better results compared to Esri's pretrained model. However, no model achieved good classification results, which means that a further study with some improvements would be appropriate to continue the work forward.To summarize, the study has shown that the point distance has a great impact for the classification results. In areas where the point density is high enough and the classification is correct, a reliable 3D model can be created. An improvement would be to use a lidar dataset with more diversity in training to be able to develop a more general model that can deliver good results over more scanned areas. In this way, a continued study would be relevant when the Land Survey has performed the third scan of Sweden.
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Art en réseaux : la structure des réseaux comme une nouvelle matrice pour la production des œuvres artistiques / Art & Networks : networks structure as a new matrix for the production of artworksSouliotou, Anastasia Zoé 19 May 2015 (has links)
La problématique de ce doctorat est : comment la structure des réseaux constitue une nouvelle matrice pour la production d’oeuvres artistiques. Pour répondre à cette question, nous commencerons en étudiant l’évolution de la notion de « réseau » de l’antiquité jusqu’à aujourd’hui ; les théories des réseaux concernant leur structure et/ou leur dynamique. Ensuite nous présenterons les applications –de la notion ou des théories de réseaux– tant dans les sciences que dans l’art. Nous listerons et nous analyserons huit types de réseaux et puis nous mentionnerons des oeuvres artistiques qui ont été inspirées par ces types de réseaux et/ou qui utilisent certains (types de) réseaux comme matrice pour leur création. Nous proposerons le projet Lignes Imaginaires, un modèle 3D qui se fonde sur la conception d’un métro de lignes imaginaires, voire de lignes dynamiques et/ou paradoxales qui sont en mouvement, apparaissent/disparaissent, créent de l’infrastructure supplémentaire. L’analyse du métro Lignes Imaginaires dévoile l'importance de la géographie et de la spatialité des réseaux, tandis que leur représentation graphique topologique reste insuffisante pour la représentation précise et pour la compréhension de leur structure (paradoxale). En outre, l’innovation du métro Lignes Imaginaires est que son infrastructure est dynamique et auto-organisée, contrairement aux métros traditionnels où les lignes et leurs itinéraires sont fixes. L’objectif du projet artistique Lignes Imaginaires est de visualiser un concept en créant un métro hors du commun qui pourrait aussi proposer des formes alternatives des réseaux de transports dans le contexte urbain. / This thesis examines and shows ways in which the structure of networks can provide a new matrix for the production of artworks. In order to answer this question we start by studying: the evolution of the term ‘network’ from the ancient times up to nowadays; the theories that refer to network structure or network dynamics. Then we present the applications of these theories into both art and science. We list and analyze eight different types of networks and then we feature artworks which have been inspired by these network types or have used the network structure of a certain type as a matrix for art making. We propose the Imaginary Lines project, a three-dimensional network model which is based on the concept of a metro composed of imaginary lines. More precisely Imaginary Lines metro network encompasses seven paradoxical lines which move, (dis)appear and produce supplementary infrastructure. The Imaginary Lines metro unveils the importance of geography and spatiality, in contrast with topological network graphic representations, which remain insufficient, in terms of utmost accuracy in representation and comprehension of network structure. Additionally, the Imaginary Lines network innovation lays in its infrastructure dynamics as well as in its self-organisation. The objective of the Imaginary Lines artistic project is to visualise a concept by creating an unusual metro, which goes beyond traditional fixed-route transport networks and can support alternative forms of urban transport development.
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Proposta de metodologia de avaliação para salas de coordenação de projetos em BIM. / Proposal evaluation methodology for BIM design coordination rooms.Addor, Míriam Roux Azevedo 30 September 2015 (has links)
A Modelagem da Informação da Construção (Building Information Modeling - BIM) é um novo processo para produzir uma edificação e que pode englobar todo o seu ciclo de vida. Pressupõe a construção de um modelo tridimensional contemplando-se as informações dos objetos a serem construídos. Pela grande amplitude em que este processo pode atuar, ele pode causar muitos impactos em toda a cadeia produtiva e, consequentemente, muitas formas atuais de trabalho deverão ser revistas ou alteradas. Entre estas, a atividade de coordenação de projetos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliação de salas de coordenação de projetos em BIM e está contextualizado nos usuários do setor imobiliário que utilizam este processo em seus projetos. Ao se coordenar projetos em BIM, são requeridas mídias diferentes daquelas utilizadas quando a análise é baseada em papel. Surgem novas necessidades aos participantes da reunião de coordenação como visualizar, navegar ou verificar um modelo 3D, fazer croquis digitais, e outras atividades que devem tornar a reunião presencial produtiva, com o objetivo de resolver os problemas dos projetos. Neste trabalho são propostos critérios e métricas para avaliação da qualidade de leiautes de salas de coordenação a serem utilizadas no processo BIM (BIM Rooms). Para validação dos resultados, foram analisados e avaliados 14 leiautes diferentes para uma mesma sala em relação às métricas e critérios propostos. Com a finalidade de estabelecer qual a relação de importância entre todos os 10 critérios propostos para atendimento às necessidades dos participantes de reuniões BIM, foi aplicado o método AHP de decisão multicritério baseado na análise de comparações em pares. Os resultados permitiram determinar os melhores leiautes para uma sala equipada com 2 projetores de curta distância. Os critérios e métricas apresentados, bem como a metodologia para medi-los, são úteis para a avaliação de outras salas e leiautes para atender aos usuários de salas de reuniões de projetos baseados em BIM. / Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new process to produce a building that may include its entire lifecycle. It requires the construction of a three-dimensional model contemplating the information of the objects to be built. Due to the great extent to which this process can serve, it can cause many impacts throughout the production chain and, therefore, many current forms of work should be reviewed or changed. Among these, is the design coordination task. This work aims to develop a methodology for evaluating BIM coordination rooms contextualized in real state users using this process in their projects. When coordinating projects using BIM, different media are required from those used when the analysis is paper-based. New meeting participants\' needs surface like visualizing, browsing or checking a 3D model, making digital sketches, and other activities that make face-to-face meetings productive, in order to solve project problems. In this work, criteria and metrics for evaluating the quality of layouts of BIM coordination rooms are proposed. To validate the results, fourteen different layouts for the same room were analyzed and evaluated regarding proposed metrics and criteria. In order to establish the relative importance among all the ten proposed criteria, the AHP method of multi-criteria decision based on pair comparisons analysis was applied. The results determined the best layouts for a room equipped with two interactive projectors. The criteria and metrics presented, as well as the methodology to measure them, are useful for the evaluation of other rooms and layouts to serve meeting room users based on BIM.
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Vägmodellering baserad på laserskanning för virtuella fordonssimuleringar / Road modeling based on laser scanning for virtual vehicle simulationsLarsson, Oskar, Hallberg, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
För att kunna konkurrera inom dagens fordonsindustri krävs effektiv produktutveckling. Det är under designprocessen som det finns störst möjlighet att påverka slutprodukten till det bättre. Ett sätt att åstadkomma effektivare produktutveckling är att tillämpa ny teknik. För att generera digitaliserade vägmodeller som används i simuleringar kan laserskanning appliceras. I dessa simuleringar kan fordonen testköras virtuellt och därigenom förkorta dimensioneringsprocessen. Laserskanning av kuperad terräng är komplex och därför saknas det underlag av kuperade testbanor i simuleringar. Denna studie syftar till att presentera olika laserskanningstekniker samt att utöka underlaget för virtuella simuleringar inom dimensioneringsprocessen av dumprar. Målet med arbetet är att skapa virtuella vägsektioner som kan användas i simuleringsmodeller. Tre huvudtekniker inom laserskanning presenteras i teorikapitlet. Vidare har terrest laserskanning utförts på Volvos testbana i Målajord och med skanningsdata som underlag har en vägmodell som kan användas i fordonssimuleringar skapats i Matlab. Vägmodellen som skapats representerar väl den verkliga körbanan, vilket indikerar att terrest laserskanning är en väl fungerande metod för detta ändamål. / Product development is necessary to compete in today´s vehicle industry. During the design process the largest possibility to affect the end product to the better exists. One way to achieve product development is to apply new technology. Through application of terrestrial laser scanning digitalized road models can be achieved and be used in simulations. In these simulations, vehicles can virtually do a trial run and thereby shorten the dimensionprocess. Laser scanning of hilly terrain is complex and therefore groundwork of hilly roadways in simulations is missing. This study refers to present different types of laser scanning methods and expand the groundwork for virtual simulations in the dimensionprocess of dumpers. The vision is to create virtual roadways which can be used in simulation models. Three main techniques of laser scanning are presented in the theory chapter. Further on terrestrial laser scanning has been used on Volvos test track in Målajord and with this scanning data as groundwork a road model, which can be used in vehicle simulations, has been created in Matlab. The road model is well representing the real roadway, which indicates that terrestrial laser scanning is a well working method for this purpose.
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Modélisation et simulation 3D de la rupture des polymères amorphes / Modelling and numerical study of 3D effect on glassy polymer fractureGuo, Shu 08 July 2013 (has links)
Le sujet concerne l’influence des effets tridimensionnelles sur les champs de déformation et de contrainte au voisinage d’une éprouvette chargée en mode I. La loi de comportement caractéristique des polymères amorphes avec un seuil d’écoulement viscoplastique suivi d’un adoucissement et d’un durcissement à mesure que la déformation augmente est prise en compte. La loi est implantée dans une UMAT abaqus. Les champs au voisinage de l’entaille sont analysés et les résultats 3D comparés à ceux correspondant à un calcul 2D sous l’hypothèse de déformation plane. L’influence de l’épaisseur de l’échantillon est étudiée et nous montrons qu’au-delà d’un rapport épaisseur t sur rayon d’entaille rt, t/rt>20, les champs de déformation plastique sont qualitativement similaires entre les calculs 3D et 2D. En revanche, nous montrons que la répartition des contraintes et notamment celle de la contrainte moyenne est sur-estimée avec un calcul 2D en comparaison à une simulation 3D. Nous prenons en compte par la suite la rupture par craquelage, modélisée avec un modèle cohésif. Une étude paramétrique est menée afin de définir une procédure d’identification des paramètres caractéristiques du modèle cohésif. Par ailleurs les simulations montrent qu’au-delà d’un rapport t/rt supérieur à 20, une ténacité minimum peut être estimée : ceci constitue un résultat important pour la détermination expérimentale de la ténacité des polymères ductiles. / We investigate 3D effect of crack tip palsticity and the influence of the thickness on 3D glassy polymer fracture. The characteristuc constitutive law with a viscoplastic yield stress followed by softening and progressive hardening is accoutne for and implemented in a UMAt routine, in abaqus. The crack tip fields are investigated and 2D plasne strain versus 3D calculations compared. Qualitatively, the palstic distribution are comparableas soon as the ratio thickness over crack tip radius is larger than 20. However, the 2D calculations over estimate the stress distribution compared to the 3D cases. We have accounted for failure by crazing that is described with a cohesive models. A parametric study sheds light on the methodology to use for the calibration of the cohesive parameters. The simulations show that for a ratio thickness over craci tip radius larger than 20, a minimum tuoghness can be observed. This results has implication on the definition of a thickness larger enough experimentally.
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Finite Element Modeling of Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis: Computation of Architectural Parameters and Physiological Cross Sectional Area as Whole Muscles and RegionsRavichandiran, Kajeandra 15 February 2010 (has links)
Physiological cross sectional area (PCSA) is used to compare force-producing capabilities of skeletal muscles. PCSA has been defined as the summation of the cross sectional area of the fiber bundles composing the muscle. As PCSA cannot be measured directly from a specimen, a formula requiring averaged muscle architectural parameters has traditionally been used. The purpose of this study was to develop a finite element method (FEM) to calculate PCSA of extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and brevis (ECRB) directly from digitized fiber bundle data obtained throughout the volume of the muscle and to compare the PCSAs calculated using the FEM and formula methods. Differences were found between the FEM and formula method for both muscles. The FEM provides an approach that takes into account architectural variances while minimizing the need for averaged architectural parameters.
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