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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dragkampen mellan hållbarhet och kortsiktig lönsamhet : En studie om hur börsnoterade industriföretag ställer om mot en cirkulär affärsmodell utifrån ett styrningsperspektiv / The tug of war between sustainability and short-term profitability : A study on how listed industrial companies are transitioning towards circular business models from a management control perspective

Johansson, Matilda, Lundvall, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med rådande klimatförändringar förväntas företag ta större ansvar för att uppnå FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål. I linje med detta har EU utvecklat en handlingsplan för omställningen till en cirkulär ekonomi för att bidra till hållbar utveckling. Detta kräver att företag ställer om mot cirkulära affärsmodeller. Vidare bör styrsystemen anpassas för att en sådan omställning ska genomsyra hela verksamheten. Omställningen mot cirkulära affärsmodeller bör även vara lönsam för att företag ska ställa om, något som idag anses råda osäkerheter kring då det är ett framväxande område med få genomförda empiriska studier. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur styrningen ser ut inom börsnoterade industriföretag som ställer om mot cirkulära affärsmodeller, för att sedan bidra med kunskap om hur dessa företag kan hantera konflikten mellan hållbarhet och kortsiktig lönsamhet. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Studien har antagit en abduktiv ansats och ett målstyrt urval för val av fallföretag. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer hos 11 börsnoterade industriföretag. Slutsats: Studien visar att samtliga fallföretag bör anpassa sina styrsystem för att möjliggöra en omställning mot cirkulära affärsmodeller. Detta genom att planera med en längre tidshorisont, tillsätta hållbarhetskommittéer- eller nätverk, skapa gemensamma värderingar kring hållbarhet samt anpassa KPI:er till hållbarhetsmålen. Belöningssystem bör dock enbart anpassas till hållbarhetsmål om det kan säkerställas ett kausalt samband mellan medarbetarnas prestationer och cirkulära aktiviteter. Vidare anses majoriteten av fallföretagen använda hållbarhetsstyrning både proaktivt och reaktivt, där styrsystemen därmed bör vara delvis integrerade. För en lönsam omställning bör styrsystemen utformasenligt ovan för att minska konflikten mellan hållbarhet och kortsiktig lönsamhet. / Background: Due to current climate change, companies are expected to take greater responsibility for achieving the UN's global sustainability goals. Likewise, the EU has developed an action plan for the transition to a circular economy to contribute to sustainable development. This requires companies to move towards circular business models. Further, control systems should be adapted to ensure that such a transition permeates the entire business. The transition towards circular business models should also be profitable for companies to transition, which today is considered uncertain as it is an emerging area with few empirical studies. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to map how control systems are designed in listed industrial companies that are transitioning towards circular business models, to then contribute knowledge on how companies can manage the conflict between sustainability and short-term profitability.  Methodology: The study is a qualitative multiple-case study with a hermeneutic perspective. The study has adopted an abductive approach and a purposive sampling. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews at 11 listed industrial companies. Conclusion: The study shows that all case companies should adapt their control systemsto transition to circular business models. This by planning with a longer time horizon, appointing sustainability committees or networks, creating common values onsustainability and aligning KPIs with sustainability goals. However, reward systems should only be aligned with sustainability goals if a causal link between employee performance and circular activities can be ensured. Further, most case companies use sustainability control both proactively and reactively, thus control systems should be partially integrated. For a profitable transition, control systems should be designed as above to reduce the conflict between sustainability and short-term profitability.

Réseaux de Transport WDM: Planification de Réseaux Translucides et Economie d'Energie

Youssef, Mayssa 16 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les réseaux d'opérateurs sont actuellement confrontés à multiples défis dont les coûts de réseaux, la disponibility, l'éco-durabilité et la qualité de service. Dans les réseaux "opaques", le signal optique est soumis à une régénération systématique à chaque passage par un noeud. Les réseaux "transparents" (ou tout-optiques) présentent une détérioration de la qualité du signal, due aux effets de dégradation par la couche physique s'accumulant depuis la source jusqu'à la destination. Les réseaux "translucides" offrent un compromis entre les deux types précédents. Dans de tels réseaux, une fraction des noeuds du réseau sont équipés de régénérateurs électriques, tandis que les autres sont complètement transparents aux signaux optiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons proposé une technique d'optimisation pour la planification de réseaux translucides reposant sur une optimisation croisée entre les coûts CapEx et OpEx du réseau. L'algorithme développé fournit une solution pour le problème de routage et d'affectation de longueur d'onde tout en plaçant stratégiquement les régénérateurs. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié la planification de réseaux WDM tenant compte de la consommation énergétique, dans un contexte de trafic pré-planifié. Les cartes client servant d'interface entre le routeur IP et le switch optique présentent une opportunité pour réduire la consommation énergétique. Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé une approche pour optimiser le nombre et l'utilisation de ces équipements en profitant de la corrélation spatio-temporelle entre les requêtes.

Big Data inom den svenska sjukvården : En studie om framtida hinder och möjligheter

Dahlgren, Mia, Lyngarth, Viktoria January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts med syftet att redogöra för vilka möjligheter och hinder som kan uppstå vid införandet av Big Data-baserade IT-lösningar inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården. Studien bygger på en explorativ fallstudie med fokus på det svenska projektet 3R- Framtidens vårdinformation. Intervjuer har genomförts med personer som är insatta och kunniga i ämnet och därför kunnat bidra med en sammanfattad bild av vilka initiativ och ambitioner som finns i dagsläget. Studiens resultat visar att Big Data kan bidra med en mängd möjligheter till förbättrad sjukvård i Sverige. Resultatet visar på att möjligheten med att samla all information i en gemensam kärna, bidrar till bland annat förbättrad forskning, en förbättrad relation mellan vårdgivare och patienter, möjlighet att kunna utföra prediktiva analyser samt underlättar arbetet med diagnostisering av sjukdomar. Utöver det har en rad olika hinder och utmaningar konstaterats till exempel miljömässiga, organisatoriska, projektrelaterade och tekniska.

Structure, Dynamics, and Inhibition of Alzheimer's Amyloid Peptides

Yu, Xiang 30 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Verksamhetsstyrning i cirkulära företag : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vad, hur och varför / Operational management with circular economy : A qualitative interview study about what, how and why

Abdul Majed, Mojeb, Neemeh Attaalla, Marc January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cirkulär ekonomi är ett ämne som fått allt större uppmärksamhet bland företagoch organisationer i syfte att öka hållbarhet och motverka resursbrist. Den cirkulära ekonominhar ingen definition som är allmänt accepterad trots att det används i stor utsträckning runtomkring världen. Det finns dock något gemensamt mellan de olika definitionerna vilket är attden cirkulära ekonomin flödar som ett omlopp där produkterna och resurserna inte tapparvärde och kasseras lika snabbt. Konceptet kan ses som en förbättrad hanteringen av avfalletoch en affärsmodell som erbjuder en hållbar ekonomi. Tidigare studier visar på många olikadefinitioner av begreppet. På företagsnivå är det därmed också fortfarande oklart vad somanses vara cirkulär ekonomi. Verksamheter som arbetar med cirkulär ekonomi behöveranpassa sin ekonomistyrning enligt tidigare studier. Hur cirkulära företag styr sinaverksamheter är ett ämne som fortfarande inte undersökts. Tidigare studier hävdar att manjobbar med cirkulär ekonomi då det generera ekonomiska fördelar medan andra menar att dethandlar om legitimitet. En del påstår att det är mer kostsamt med cirkulär ekonomi i företag.Det är alltså fortfarande inte helt klart varför företag arbetar med cirkulär ekonomi. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse om vad cirkulär ekonomi innebär enligtföretag, hur arbetar och styr i cirkulära företag och varför de arbetar med cirkulär ekonomi. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts i 14 olika verksamheter som arbetar medcirkulär ekonomi. Slutsatser: Synen på cirkulär ekonomi är alltså varierande i olika företag men man kan ändåse likheter hur företag arbetar med cirkulära ekonomi. Verksamhetens fokusområden ivärdekedjan kan vara olika beroende på bransch, storlek, produkt och materialerbjudande.Cirkulära företag arbetar med en kombination av flera olika strategier för att kunna uprätta ettcirkulärt flöde på sina produkter. Uppsatsen kom även fram till att cirkulära företag har enformell styrning som kan relateras till Malmi och Browns (2008) styrpaket. Man kan dock seatt cirkulära företag styrning baseras på cirkulära ekonomi. Det innebär alltså att cirkulärekonomi inkluderas i den vision, strategi och målsättningar man har i företaget. Styrningeninom cirkulära verksamheter behöver även ta hänsyn till tidsperspektivet. Att styra i cirkuläraföretag kräver att man har ett långsiktigt tänk. I de flesta företagen är stora anledningen tillarbete med cirkulär ekonomi lönsamheten. Man kan dock se att även andra faktorer kan varaviktiga som lagar och miljökrav. Ytterligare anledning för cirkulär ekonomi är påtryckningarfrån olika intressenter och företags personliga intresset för miljö. / Background: Circular economy is a topic that has received increasing attention amongcompanies and organizations in order to increase sustainability and counteract lack ofresources. The circular economy has no definition that is widely accepted even though it iswidely used around the world. However, there is something in common between the differentdefinitions, which is that the circular economy flows like a cycle where the products andresources do not lose value and are discarded just as quickly. The concept can be seen as animproved waste management and a business model that offers a sustainable economy.Previous studies show many different definitions of the term. At company level, it is thus stillunclear what is considered circular economy. Businesses that work with circular economyneed to adapt their financial management according to previous studies. How circularcompanies manage their operations is a topic that has not yet been investigated. Previousstudies claim that you work with circular economy as it generates economic benefits whileothers believe that it is about legitimacy. Some argue that it is more costly with circulareconomy in companies. It is therefore still not entirely clear why companies work withcircular economy.Porpuse: The purpose of the thesis is to gain an understanding of what circular economymeans according to companies, how circular companies manage and why they work withcircular economy. Method: A qualitative interview study has been conducted in 14 different companies thatwork with circular economy. Conclusion: The view of circular economy is thus different in different companies, but youcan still see similarities in how companies work with circular economy. The business's focusareas in the value chain can be different depending on the industry, size, product, and materialoffering. Circular businesses combine different strategies in order to work with circularity.Circular companies have a financial management that can be related to Malmi and Brown's(2008) manage and control package. However circular businesses management is based oncircular economy. All parts of the package such as vision, strategy, and goals have to beadapted to circular economy. The management within circular companies also needs to consider the time perspective. Managing in circular companies requires that you have a long-term mindset. In most companies, the big reason for working with the circular economy is profitability. However, it can be seen that other factors can also be important, such as lawsand environmental requirements. Another reason for circular economy is pressure fromvarious stakeholders and companies' personal interest in the environment. Keywords: Circular economy, Cradle to Cradle, the 3R principle, financial management,control packages, formal financial management, the stakeholder model, legitimacy,contingency theory.

Proliferation and Differentiation of Intestinal Caco-2 Cells Are Maintained in Culture with Human Platelet Lysate Instead of Fetal Calf Serum

Wanes, Dalanda, Naim, Hassan Y., Dengler, Franziska 03 May 2023 (has links)
Cell lines are widely used as in vitro model systems and substitute for animal experiments. The frequently used Caco-2 cell line is considered to reflect characteristics of differentiated intestinal epithelium. However, the need to culture the cells with fetal calf serum (FCS) induces a high variability, risk of contamination and is ethically disputed. We tested the culture of Caco-2 cells with human platelet lysate (PL) instead of FCS. We compared cell viability and differentiation by measuring ATP levels, gene and protein expression of specific markers in total cell extracts, brush border membrane vesicles (BBM) and lipid rafts (LR). Cell viability was slightly enhanced in cells grown with PL compared to FCS. The cells differentiated to an intestinal phenotype like the cells cultured in FCS, as indicated by the similar gene expression levels of hexose and protein transport proteins and the structural protein VILLIN. BBM showed a comparable distribution of the intestinal hydrolases, indicating a maintained cell membrane polarity. The distribution of the marker protein FLOTILLIN-2 in LR was also similar. We conclude that PL is an exquisite and suitable replacement for FCS in the culture of Caco-2 cells that can eliminate many disadvantages incurred due to the use of FCS.

Effects of Five Substances with Different Modes of Action on Cathepsin H, C and L Activities in Zebrafish Embryos

Küster, Eberhard, Kalkhof, Stefan, Aulhorn, Silke, von Bergen, Martin, Gündel, Ulrike 06 April 2023 (has links)
Cathepsins have been proposed as biomarkers of chemical exposure in the zebrafish embryo model but it is unclear whether they can also be used to detect sublethal stress. The present study evaluates three cathepsin types as candidate biomarkers in zebrafish embryos. In addition to other functions, cathepsins are also involved in yolk lysosomal processes for the internal nutrition of embryos of oviparous animals until external feeding starts. The baseline enzyme activity of cathepsin types H, C and L during the embryonic development of zebrafish in the first 96 h post fertilisation was studied. Secondly, the effect of leupeptin, a known cathepsin inhibitor, and four embryotoxic xenobiotic compounds with different modes of action (phenanthrene—baseline toxicity; rotenone—an inhibitor of electron transport chain in mitochondria; DNOC (Dinitro-ortho-cresol)—an inhibitor of ATP synthesis; and tebuconazole—a sterol biosynthesis inhibitor) on in vivo cathepsin H, C and L total activities have been tested. The positive control leupeptin showed effects on cathepsin L at a 20-fold lower concentration compared to the respective LC50 (0.4 mM) of the zebrafish embryo assay (FET). The observed effects on the enzyme activity of the four other xenobiotics were not or just slightly more sensitive (factor of 1.5 to 3), but the differences did not reach statistical significance. Results of this study indicate that the analysed cathepsins are not susceptible to toxins other than the known peptide-like inhibitors. However, specific cathepsin inhibitors might be identified using the zebrafish embryo.

A differential-based parallel force/velocity actuation concept : theory and experiments

Rabindran, Dinesh, 1978- 05 February 2010 (has links)
Robots are now moving from their conventional confined habitats such as factory floors to human environments where they assist and physically interact with people. The requirement for inherent mechanical safety is overarching in such human-robot interaction systems. We propose a dual actuator called Parallel Force/Velocity Actuator (PFVA) that combines a Force Actuator (FA) (low velocity input) and a Velocity Actuator (VA) (high velocity input) using a differential gear train. In this arrangement mechanical safety can be achieved by limiting the torque on the FA and thus making it a backdriveable input. In addition, the kinematic redundancy in the drive can be used to control output velocity while satisfying secondary operational objectives. Our research focus was on three areas: (i) scalable parametric design of the PFVA, (ii) analytical modeling of the PFVA and experimental testing on a single-joint prototype, and (iii) generalized model formulation for PFVA-driven serial robot manipulators. In our analysis, the ratio of velocity ratios between the FA and the VA, called the relative scale factor, emerged as a purely geometric and dominant design parameter. Based on a dimensionless parametric design of PFVAs using power-flow and load distributions between the inputs, a prototype was designed and built using commercial-off-the-shelf components. Using controlled experiments, two performance-limiting phenomena in our prototype, friction and dynamic coupling between the two inputs, were identified. Two other experiments were conducted to characterize the operational performance of the actuator in velocity-mode and in what we call ‘torque-limited’ mode (i.e. when the FA input can be backdriven). Our theoretical and experimental results showed that the PFVA can be mechanical safe to both slow collisions and impacts due to the backdriveability of the FA. Also, we show that its kinematic redundancy can be effectively utilized to mitigate low-velocity friction and backlash in geared mechanisms. The implication at the system level of our actuator level analytical and experimental work was studied using a generalized dynamic modeling framework based on kinematic influence coefficients. Based on this dynamic model, three design case studies for a PFVA-driven serial planar 3R manipulator were presented. The major contributions of this research include (i) mathematical models and physical understanding for over six fundamental design and operational parameters of the PFVA, based on which approximately ten design and five operational guidelines were laid out, (ii) analytical and experimental proof-of-concept for the mechanical safety feature of the PFVA and the effective utilization of its kinematic redundancy, (iii) an experimental methodology to characterize the dynamic coupling between the inputs in a differential-summing mechanism, and (iv) a generalized dynamic model formulation for PFVA-driven serial robot manipulators with emphasis on distribution of output loads between the FA and VA input-sets. / text

Regenerador 3r totalmente óptico baseado em interferômetro de Mach-Zehnder de fibra de cristal fotônico altamente não linear

SOUSA, Fabio Barros de 26 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Hellen Luz (hellencrisluz@gmail.com) on 2017-09-04T16:05:51Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Regenerador3RTotalmente.pdf: 2919327 bytes, checksum: 5fbe6ee3c460a8bfd7320e6b53e317f6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-09-12T15:09:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Regenerador3RTotalmente.pdf: 2919327 bytes, checksum: 5fbe6ee3c460a8bfd7320e6b53e317f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T15:09:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Regenerador3RTotalmente.pdf: 2919327 bytes, checksum: 5fbe6ee3c460a8bfd7320e6b53e317f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-26 / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar por meio de simulações numéricas, um dispositivo capaz de realizar uma regeneração 3R (Reamplificação, Ressincronização e Reformatação) de maneira totalmente óptica dos sinais propagados em um sistema de comunicação por fibra óptica com taxa de bit de 10 Gbit/s, potência de transmissão inicial de 0 dBm e comprimento de onda de 1550 nm. Como aliados ao processo de regeneração, utilizou-se os efeitos dispersivos e os não lineares de automodulação de fase (Self-Phase Modulation - SPM), modulação de fase cruzada (Cross-Phase Modulation - XPM) e mistura de quatro ondas (Four – Wave Mixing - FWM) em um interferômetro de Mach-Zehnder, cujo um dos braços é composto por uma fibra de cristal fotônico altamente não linear (HNL-PCF). As simulações foram realizadas através do software comercial OptiSystem da empresa canadense Optiwave Corporation. O desempenho do sistema foi analisado através da comparação entre os valores do fator de qualidade (fator Q), da taxa de erro de bit (BER), do espectro óptico e da relação sinal ruído óptico (OSNR) dos sinais regenerados, pré-regenerados e degradados na entrada e na saída do sistema proposto. Através deste projeto foi possível obter uma regeneração eficiente do sinal, com valores ótimos de OSNR, de fator de qualidade (fator Q) e baixa taxa de erro de bit (BER). / The present work aimed to investigate by means of numerical simulations, a device able to perform 3R regeneration (Re-amplifying, Re-timing and Re-shaping) fully propagated signal in an optical communication system for optical fiber with bit rate of 10 Gbit/s, the initial transmit power 0 dBm and wavelength of 1550 nm. As an ally to the regeneration process using dispersive and nonlinear effects of self-phase modulation (SPM), cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing (FWM) in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, whose one of the arms is composed of a Highly Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber (HNL-PCF). The simulations were performed using OptiSystem commercial software of company canadian Optiwave Corporation. System performance was analyzed by comparing the values of the quality factor (Q-factor), of the bit error rate (BER), of optical spectrum and the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) optical signals are regenerated, before regenerated and degraded in the entrance and exit of the proposed system. Through this project, it was possible to obtain an efficient signal regeneration, with optimal values of OSNR, quality factor (Q-factor) and low bit error rate (BER).


De Silva, Amal E.C. 27 November 2012 (has links)
Blueberry spanworm, Itame argillacearia (Packard), is an important defoliator of wild (syn. ‘lowbush’) blueberry in north-eastern North America. Identification of I. argillacearia sex pheromone(s) could be useful for monitoring, mating disruption or mass trapping, as a way to improve integrated pest management programs for this pest. Thus, the main goal of this study was to identify sex pheromone(s) of I. argillacearia. The courtship, mating and oviposition patterns of I. argillaceara, was studied in the laboratory. GC/MS, GC/EAD and EAG analysis of pheromone gland extracts, in combination with y-tube experiments and two field trapping studies confirmed the chiral-alkenyl-epoxide, (3R,4S)-epoxy-(Z,Z)-6,9-17:H and tri-ene, (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-17:H as the major female-produced sex pheromone components. Contech Wing traps® placed at canopy level were effective for capturing male I. argillacearia moths.

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