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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EU-stadgans tillämplighet på skattetillägg och skattebrott : En fråga om rättssäkerhet? / The EU Charters's applicability on tax surcharge and taxcrime  : A question of legal certainty?

Yeldham, Casey January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen behandlar EU-stadgans tillämplighet på det svenska dubbelförfarandet, påförande av skattetillägg och utdömande av straffrättsliga påföljder vid oriktig uppgift. Framställningen baseras på gällande lagtext vid 1 december 2011, men hänsyn har även tagits till lagförslaget avseende den nya skatteförfarandelagen, SFL, som avses träda i kraft den 1 januari 2012.  Besvarandet av syftet sker ur ett svenskt perspektiv med beaktande av rättssäkerheten för den enskilde. Det klargörs att EU-stadgans ställning innebär att den skall ha företräde framför motstridig nationell rätt. Vidare kan kravet på klart stöd som HD har uppställt för att underkänna det svenska dubbelförfarandet med stöd av Europakonventionen, inte upprätthållas vid EU-stadgans tillämpning. Ett sådant krav skulle strida mot rättssäkerhetskravet på en bestämd rättskällehierarki, och därmed inte tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet. Kravet på likabehandling vid rättstillämpningen för att tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet innebär dock inte att det föreligger ett krav på EU-stadgans tillämpning i alla mål avseende det svenska dubbelförfarandet vid oriktig uppgift. Detta eftersom det inte finns anledning att anta att HD eller HFD gör en annan bedömning än den HD nyligen har gjort i NJA 2011 s. 444, trots de konkreta unionsrättsliga anknytningarna i målet. Slutligen klargör uppsatsen även att det emellertid finns skäl att anta att EU-domstolen skulle kunna komma att göra en annan bedömning än HD. Mot bakgrund av EU-domstolens uttalande i praxis om medlemstaternas skyldighet att även inom området för direkt beskattning iaktta unionsrätten vid utförande av olika sanktioner, samt medlemsstaternas lojalitetsplikt, anförs det att artikel 50 i EU-stadgan därför bör tillämpas på det svenska dubbelförfarandet vid oriktig uppgift. Likväl föreligger det inget krav på EU-stadgans tillämpning på det svenska dubbelförandet, med hänsyn till den enskildes rättsäkerhet, ur ett svenskt perspektiv. / Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the EU Charter’s applicability on the Swedish double parallel system regarding tax crime and tax surcharge, from a Swedish viewpoint, with consideration for the individual’s requirement for legal certainty. The thesis is based on current law as of the 1st of December 2011, however due account is taken to the new law proposal for the Swedish Tax Assessment/Payment Act, which is expected to be in force on the 1st of January 2012. Also, the thesis clarifies the EU Charter’s supremacy over national law. Furthermore, it is shown that the Swedish Supreme Court’s (HD) requirement for “clear support” in the European Convention to bypass national Swedish law cannot be upheld in respect to the EU Charter, as this would conflict with the requirement for a set legal hierarchy to fulfill the individual’s adequate legal certainty. The Swedish Supreme Court has found that the EU Charter can not be applied to the Swedish double punishment system, regardless of concrete facts in the case being related to EU-law. However, the condition of equal treatment with regards to legal certainty does not result in an absolute requirement for the EU Charter’s applicability on the Swedish system, as there is no evidence that the Swedish Supreme Court will change its assessment of the matter at hand. Nevertheless, it is argued that there is ample reason to believe that the Court of Justice would make a different assessment of the issue, considering the Court’s previous statements with respect to the member states responsibility to regard EU Law even within the field of direct taxation. Therefore, the thesis concludes that although there can be no absolute requirement to apply the EU Charter to the Swedish system, with regards to legal certainty, the EU Charter should nonetheless be applicable.

Estudo da corrosão em junta tubo-espelho soldada por SATG entre as ligas AISI 316L e AISI 444 / Study of corrosion process on tube-to-tubesheet welded joints performed with TIG process and using AISI 316L and AISI 444 alloys

Luis Henrique Guilherme 21 November 2011 (has links)
Nos últimos anos houve, no Brasil, um significativo investimento em usinas de álcool para suprir a demanda. Todavia, surgiram problemas de natureza econômica e ambiental, já que a tecnologia atualmente utilizada nas destilarias de álcool produz em média 13 litros de vinhaça para cada litro de álcool. Na busca de uma solução para reduzir o volume deste resíduo, desenvolveu-se um equipamento para concentração de vinhaça, denominado Ecovin, pela empresa Citrotec localizada em Araraquara-SP. Para cada Ecovin são utilizados cerca de 4000 tubos com costura nos trocadores de calor, e para reduzir seu custo de fabricação, avaliou-se como opção o uso de tubos da liga AISI 444. Inserido neste contexto, o presente trabalho procurou caracterizar os mecanismos de corrosão e mostrar de forma comparativa o desempenho dos tubos nas juntas tubo-espelho. Estudo-se, portanto, dois tipos de junta, a do projeto atual, composta por chapa e tubo da liga AISI 316L; e a nova proposta, composta por chapa da liga AISI 316L e tubo da liga AISI 444. Para tanto, iniciou-se com a avaliação da soldabilidade das ligas estudadas, através da caracterização microestrutural, qualificação do procedimento de soldagem da junta tubo-espelho e de ensaios de sensitização nas soldas. Em seguida, ensaios de perda de massa por imersão foram realizados nas soluções de 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' e 0,5 M \'H\'CL\', nas temperaturas de 30°C, 50°C, 70°C e 90°C, de acordo com o intervalo de temperatura de operação do Ecovin. Nas mesmas soluções, e na temperatura ambiente, foram realizados ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica em amostras que reproduziram o ciclo térmico de soldagem das juntas tubo-espelho estudadas, nas regiões do metal de base, zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. Na junta tubo-espelho a corrosão ocorreu preferencialmente na ZAC formada entre a interface tubo-metal de solda, e no cordão de solda à margem do tubo, com a atuação de mecanismos de corrosão generalizada e localizada. Na junta tubo-espelho dissimilar observou-se que o processo corrosivo foi predominante na superfície do tubo AISI 444, típico do mecanismo de corrosão galvânica, onde o tubo AISI 444 caracterizou-se como a região anódica. O desempenho da liga AISI 316L, assim como a junta soldada composta somente por essa liga, apresentou um melhor desempenho em corrosão, porém, na solução contendo cloreto, a variação da temperatura exerceu uma influência proporcional para ambos os casos avaliados nesse estudo. Destaca-se ainda que a liga AISI 316L sofreu corrosão por pite na ZAC e no metal de solda, em ambas as soluções, com maior severidade do que a liga AISI 444. Os resultados obtidos indicam que para a aplicação requerida, o tubo AISI 444 pode ser utilizado na temperatura de 50°C com satisfatório desempenho e similar à junta composta somente por AISI 316L. / Recently in Brazil there has been constant investments in ethanol plants, to supply the internal and external market, resulting at a high increase of the volume of this product. However, economical and environmental problems arose because of this new demand, whereas the current technologies produce thirteen liters of vinasse for each liter of alcohol. Each ECOVIN uses nearly 4000 welded tubes in the heat exchangers, and there is an option to use welded AISI 444 alloy tubes in order to reduce the manufacture costs of the ECOVIN. In this context, this work determines the corrosion mechanisms and analyzes the performance of welded tubes and the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints. The following types of tube-to-tubesheet were evaluated: current welded joints of this project, with all components manufactured with AISI 316L alloy; and the welded joint suggested for the project, using the welded tubes of AISI 444 alloy and the plate of AISI 316L alloy. For this purpose, the first step was to evaluate the weldability of the studied alloys, through microstructural characterization, welding procedure qualification and the intergranular corrosion test. After that, mass loss tests were conducted in 0,5 M \'H IND.2\'SO IND.4\' and 0,5 M \'H\'CL\' solutions, at 30°C, 50°C, 70°C and 90°C, according to the temperature range of the equipment operating. Electrochemical polarization tests were made in the same solution concentration used in the mass loss tests, but only in room temperature. These tests were made in samples that were welded with the same thermal cycle of the tube-to-tubesheet welded joints, and the evaluations were made on the base metal, heat affected zones and weld metal. The uniform and localized corrosion process occurred preferentially in the interface formed between tube and weld metal, and on weld metal near the tubes. In the tube-to-tubesheet dissimilar welded joints, it was observed that the corrosion process was predominant on the surface of AISI 444 alloy, probably because of the galvanic corrosion process, where the AISI 444 was an anodic region. The best performance on corrosion process was observed in AISI 316L, both the base metal and the similar welded joints. However, for the tests in chloride environment, in this process, the temperature caused a proportional influence in the corrosion rate of AISI 316L and AISI 444. In the AISI 316L alloy it was observed nucleation of pitting in HAZ and in weld metal, in both solutions, and more aggressive than observed in the AISI 444 alloy. The results showed that the AISI 444 alloy can be applied for the initial ranging temperatures of the equipments operation, with satisfactory performance.

Étude comparative de l'effet de l'hydrogène sur la dureté de l'acier inoxydable 410, l'acier au carbone 1008 et l'acier inoxydable 444

Ravalison Soloarivelo, Francia January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

AvaliaÃÃo Comparativa dos âLININGSâ doa AÃos AISI 444 e AISI 316L para AplicaÃÃo em Torres de DestilaÃÃo de PetrÃleo / Comparative Assessment of "LININGS" donates steels AISI 444 and AISI 316L for Application in Oil Distillation Towers

Rodrigo Freitas GuimarÃes 27 June 2005 (has links)
AgÃncia Nacional do PetrÃleo / Os elevados teores de enxofre dos petrÃleos processados nas unidades de refino atacam o âcladâ de aÃo AISI 405 ou 410S, expondo o aÃo estrutural ao meio corrosivo. A recuperaÃÃo da regiÃo desgastada à feita pela aplicaÃÃo de um âliningâ de aÃo AISI 316L. Embora o aÃo AISI 316L garanta uma boa resistÃncia à corrosÃo naftÃnica, surgem trincas na zona afetada pelo calor da solda ( ZAC) apÃs um determinado perÃodo de operaÃÃo da unidade, associadas a problemas metalÃrgicos na ZAC e aos esforÃos de dilataÃÃo e contraÃÃo do conjnto âliningâ e parede da torre. Uma alternativa seria a aplicaÃÃo de um âliningâ de aÃo AISI 444 que tem resistÃncia à corrosÃo comparÃvel à do aÃo AISI 316L e coeficiente de expansÃo tÃrmica mais prÃximo do coeficiente do prÃprio material da torre. Contudo, ainda nÃo sÃo conhecidos os efeitos sobre o desempenho deste aÃo nas condiÃÃes de operaÃÃo da torre. Assim, neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade da aplicaÃÃo de um âliningâ de aÃo AISI 444 para a recuperaÃÃo da torre de destilaÃÃo em substituiÃÃo ao aÃo AISI 316L. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as condiÃÃes de fragilizaÃÃo do aÃo AISI 444 na temperatura mÃxima da torre ( em torno de 400ÂC) e na temperatura de 475ÂC, atravÃs da mediÃÃo da dureza Brinell e do ensaio de impacto Charpy-V. Corpos de prova de aÃo AISI 444 e AISI 316L soldados sobre chapas de aÃo ASTM A516 Gr60 foram submetidos a ciclos de Fadiga TÃrmica e, apÃs cada ciclo (20 ao todo), passaram por uma inspeÃÃo para verificar a existÃncia de trincas. Logo apÃs foi feita a caracterizaÃÃo microestrutural da ZAC. TambÃm foram retiradas amostras apÃs os ensaios de Fadiga TÃrmica para serem submetidas a tratamentos em petrÃleo na temperatura de 300 C. ApÃs o tratamento em petrÃleo, as amostras passaram por uma avaliaÃÃo no microscÃpio eletrÃnica de varredura. Foram medidas as massas dos corpos de prova antes e apÃs o tratamento em petrÃleo para determinar a perda de massa provocada pelo ambiente corrosivo. Os resultados indicam que a submissÃo do aÃo AISI 444 ao tratamento tÃrmico, nas temperaturas de 400 a 475ÂC, causa a fragilizaÃÃo do mesmo e um aumento da temperatura de transiÃÃo dÃctil frÃgil para valores acima de 30 C, mas abaixo de 60 C. Os aÃos AISI 316L e AISI 444 nÃo apresentam trincas apÃs os ensaios de Fadiga TÃrmica e nem apÃs o tratamento em petrÃleo. O uso do aÃo AISI 444 pode representar uma reduÃÃo nos custos nas paradas das torres de destilaÃÃo uma vez que este apresentou menores taxas de corrosÃo que o aÃo AISI 316L. / Os elevados teores de enxofre dos petrÃleos processados nas unidades de refino atacam o âcladâ de aÃo AISI 405 ou 410S, expondo o aÃo estrutural ao meio corrosivo. A recuperaÃÃo da regiÃo desgastada à feita pela aplicaÃÃo de um âliningâ de aÃo AISI 316L. Embora o aÃo AISI 316L garanta uma boa resistÃncia à corrosÃo naftÃnica, surgem trincas na zona afetada pelo calor da solda ( ZAC) apÃs um determinado perÃodo de operaÃÃo da unidade, associadas a problemas metalÃrgicos na ZAC e aos esforÃos de dilataÃÃo e contraÃÃo do conjnto âliningâ e parede da torre. Uma alternativa seria a aplicaÃÃo de um âliningâ de aÃo AISI 444 que tem resistÃncia à corrosÃo comparÃvel à do aÃo AISI 316L e coeficiente de expansÃo tÃrmica mais prÃximo do coeficiente do prÃprio material da torre. Contudo, ainda nÃo sÃo conhecidos os efeitos sobre o desempenho deste aÃo nas condiÃÃes de operaÃÃo da torre. Assim, neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade da aplicaÃÃo de um âliningâ de aÃo AISI 444 para a recuperaÃÃo da torre de destilaÃÃo em substituiÃÃo ao aÃo AISI 316L. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as condiÃÃes de fragilizaÃÃo do aÃo AISI 444 na temperatura mÃxima da torre ( em torno de 400ÂC) e na temperatura de 475ÂC, atravÃs da mediÃÃo da dureza Brinell e do ensaio de impacto Charpy-V. Corpos de prova de aÃo AISI 444 e AISI 316L soldados sobre chapas de aÃo ASTM A516 Gr60 foram submetidos a ciclos de Fadiga TÃrmica e, apÃs cada ciclo (20 ao todo), passaram por uma inspeÃÃo para verificar a existÃncia de trincas. Logo apÃs foi feita a caracterizaÃÃo microestrutural da ZAC. TambÃm foram retiradas amostras apÃs os ensaios de Fadiga TÃrmica para serem submetidas a tratamentos em petrÃleo na temperatura de 300 C. ApÃs o tratamento em petrÃleo, as amostras passaram por uma avaliaÃÃo no microscÃpio eletrÃnica de varredura. Foram medidas as massas dos corpos de prova antes e apÃs o tratamento em petrÃleo para determinar a perda de massa provocada pelo ambiente corrosivo. Os resultados indicam que a submissÃo do aÃo AISI 444 ao tratamento tÃrmico, nas temperaturas de 400 a 475ÂC, causa a fragilizaÃÃo do mesmo e um aumento da temperatura de transiÃÃo dÃctil frÃgil para valores acima de 30 C, mas abaixo de 60 C. Os aÃos AISI 316L e AISI 444 nÃo apresentam trincas apÃs os ensaios de Fadiga TÃrmica e nem apÃs o tratamento em petrÃleo. O uso do aÃo AISI 444 pode representar uma reduÃÃo nos custos nas paradas das torres de destilaÃÃo uma vez que este apresentou menores taxas de corrosÃo que o aÃo AISI 316L. / The high sulfur content of oil processed in the refining units attack the "clad" steel AISI 405 or 410S, exposing the structural steel to the corrosive medium. The recovery of the eroded region is made by applying a "lining" of AISI 316L steel. Although steel AISI 316L ensure good corrosion resistance naphthenic, cracks appear in the heat affected zone of the weld (HAZ) after a certain period of operation of the unit, metallurgical problems associated with the HAZ and the efforts of expansion and contraction of conjnto " lining "of the tower and wall. An alternative would be the application of a "lining" of AISI 444 steel having corrosion resistance comparable to the AISI 316L steel and the thermal expansion coefficient closer to the coefficient of the material itself of the tower. However, are not yet known effects on the performance of the steel in the conditions of operation of the tower. In this work we studied the feasibility of applying a "lining" steel AISI 444 for the recovery of the distillation tower to replace the steel AISI 316L. Thus, we evaluated the conditions of embrittlement of AISI 444 in the maximum temperature of the tower (about 400  C) and temperature of 475  C, by measuring the Brinell hardness and Charpy impact test-V. Specimens of AISI 444 and AISI 316L welded onto steel plates ASTM A516 Gr60 were subjected to thermal fatigue cycles and after each cycle (20 in all), passed an inspection to check for cracks. Soon after it was made microstructural characterization of ZAC. Also samples were taken after the thermal fatigue tests in order to undergo treatment in oil at a temperature of 300  C. After treatment in oil, the samples underwent an evaluation in the scanning electron microscope. Were measured masses of the samples before and after treatment in oil to determine the weight loss caused by the corrosive environment. The results indicate that the subjection of the AISI 444 steel to thermal treatment at temperatures 400-475  C, causes embrittlement of the same and increasing the temperature of transition ductile brittle to values ​​above 30  C but below 60  C. The AISI 316L and AISI 444 do not exhibit cracks after the tests and Thermal Fatigue or after treatment in oil. The use of steel AISI 444 may represent a cost savings in the charts of distillation towers since it showed the lowest corrosion rates than steel AISI 316L. / The high sulfur content of oil processed in the refining units attack the "clad" steel AISI 405 or 410S, exposing the structural steel to the corrosive medium. The recovery of the eroded region is made by applying a "lining" of AISI 316L steel. Although steel AISI 316L ensure good corrosion resistance naphthenic, cracks appear in the heat affected zone of the weld (HAZ) after a certain period of operation of the unit, metallurgical problems associated with the HAZ and the efforts of expansion and contraction of conjnto " lining "of the tower and wall. An alternative would be the application of a "lining" of AISI 444 steel having corrosion resistance comparable to the AISI 316L steel and the thermal expansion coefficient closer to the coefficient of the material itself of the tower. However, are not yet known effects on the performance of the steel in the conditions of operation of the tower. In this work we studied the feasibility of applying a "lining" steel AISI 444 for the recovery of the distillation tower to replace the steel AISI 316L. Thus, we evaluated the conditions of embrittlement of AISI 444 in the maximum temperature of the tower (about 400  C) and temperature of 475  C, by measuring the Brinell hardness and Charpy impact test-V. Specimens of AISI 444 and AISI 316L welded onto steel plates ASTM A516 Gr60 were subjected to thermal fatigue cycles and after each cycle (20 in all), passed an inspection to check for cracks. Soon after it was made microstructural characterization of ZAC. Also samples were taken after the thermal fatigue tests in order to undergo treatment in oil at a temperature of 300  C. After treatment in oil, the samples underwent an evaluation in the scanning electron microscope. Were measured masses of the samples before and after treatment in oil to determine the weight loss caused by the corrosive environment. The results indicate that the subjection of the AISI 444 steel to thermal treatment at temperatures 400-475  C, causes embrittlement of the same and increasing the temperature of transition ductile brittle to values ​​above 30  C but below 60  C. The AISI 316L and AISI 444 do not exhibit cracks after the tests and Thermal Fatigue or after treatment in oil. The use of steel AISI 444 may represent a cost savings in the charts of distillation towers since it showed the lowest corrosion rates than steel AISI 316L.

The Twelve between two testaments : the Minor Prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria

Ondrey, Hauna T. January 2015 (has links)
My thesis offers a comparison of the Minor Prophets commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria, isolating the role each assigns (1) the Twelve Prophets in their ministry to Old Testament Israel and (2) the texts of the Twelve as Christian scripture. While the two produce radically different commentaries in terms of quantity and detail of christological interpretation, the source of their divergence cannot be reduced to Cyril's admitting messianic prophecy whereas Theodore does not. Rather, I argue that Theodore does acknowledge christological prophecies, as distinct from both retrospective accommodation and typology. Further, a careful reading of Cyril's Commentary on the Twelve limits the prospective christological revelation he ascribes to the prophets and reveals the positive role he grants the Mosaic law prior to Christ's advent. My thesis secondly explores the Christian significance both Theodore and Cyril assign to Israel's exile and restoration, the pivotal event to which the Twelve bear witness. I here argue that Theodore's reading of the Twelve Prophets, while not attempting to be christocentric, is nevertheless self-consciously Christian. Cyril, unsurprisingly, offers a robust Christian reading of the Twelve, yet this too must be expanded by his focus on the church and concern to equip the church through the ethical paideusis provided by the plain sense of the prophetic text. Revised descriptions of each interpreter lead to the claim that the label “christocentric” obscures more than it clarifies and polarizes no less than earlier accounts of Antiochene/Alexandrian exegesis. I advocate rather for an approach that takes seriously Theodore's positive account of the unity and telos of the divine economy and the full range of Cyril's interpretation, in order to move beyond a zero-sum assessment and offer instead a positive account that appreciates the strengths of each Christian reading of the Twelve.

Externe Stabilisierung von Venenbypässen durch Fibrinkleber führt zur Intimahyperplasie und aneurysmatischen Venengraftdegeneration. / Extravascular perivenous fibrin support leads to aneurysmal degeneration and intimal hyperplasia in arterialized vein grafts in the rat.

El-Sayed Ahmad, Ali 03 July 2012 (has links)
EINLEITUNG: Die externe Stabilisierung von Venengrafts soll die Scherkräfte auf die Venenwand vermindern und dadurch die Ausbildung einer Neointimaproliferation reduzieren. In experimentellen Modellen wurde diese Hypothese im Kurzzeitversuch überprüft. Es fanden sich in diesem Zeitraum widersprüchliche Ergebnisse. Ziel unserer Untersuchung war es, in einem neuen Modell der arterialisierten segmentalen Vena-jugularis-Transposition auf die infrarenale Aorta den Einfluss einer externen Fibrinkleberstabilisierung auf die Neointimabildung des Venengrafts im Langzeitversuch darzustellen. MATERIAL UND METHODEN: Männlichen Wistar-Ratten wurden Segmente der Vena jugularis entnommen und in Flussrichtung, nach Entfernen eines Aortensegmentes, in die infrarenale Aorta eingebracht. Somit entspricht dieses einem Venenbypassmodell mit komplett arterialisiertem Venengraft. Vor

Transient integral boundary layer method to simulate entrance flow conditions in one-dimensional arterial blood flow / Zeitabhängige Integralrandschichtmethode zur Simulation von eindimensionalen arteriellen Blutströmungen im Einlassbereich

Bernhard, Stefan 12 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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