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Využití laboratorního fermentoru k produkci lipáz vybranými mikroorganismyPerďoch, Roman January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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La prière de Jésus et de ses disciples en Luc XXII,39-46Julien, Eliane January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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JAK2V617F-positive Myeloproliferative Neoplasms : KI mouse models, Interferon-α therapy and clonal architecture / JAK2V617F-positive Néoplasies Myéloprolifératifs : modèles murins KI, Interféron-α thérapie et architecture clonaleHasan, Salma 27 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail concerne des hémopathies myéloïdes malignes appelés Néoplasmes Myéloprolifératifs (NMP) qui incluent les Polyglobulies de Vaquez (PV), les Thrombocythémies Essentielles (TE) et les Myélofibroses Primaires (MFP). Ces maladies résultent de la transformation d’une cellule souche hématopoïétique (CSH) avec hyperprolifération mais sans blocage de différentiation. Leur défaut moléculaire le plus fréquent est la mutation JAK2V617F résultant dans l’activation de la signalisation des récepteurs aux cytokines utilisant JAK2. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons développé un modèle murin « Knock-In » (KI) constitutif et conditionnel pour la mutation JAK2V617F. Ces animaux développent une maladie mimant la PV humaine évoluant vers la MF secondaire. Ces animaux présentent augmentation en fonction de l’âge du nombre de cellules immatures (phénotypes Lin-, LSK et SLAM: LSK/CD48-/CD150+). Dans un système compétitifs in vivo nous montrons que les cellules KI ont un avantage prolifératif dés le stade CSH et qu'un faible nombre de CSH peuvent déclencher la maladie. Ces résultats suggèrent que la mutation JAK2V617F seule est suffisante pour (1) le phénotype et (2) l'émergence de ces maladies. Nous avons aussi testé l'effet de l'interféron-a (IFNa) sur le développement des NMP en utilisant ces souris JAK2V617F KI. Nous montrons que l'IFNa traite le phénotype de la maladie en bloquant la propagation des cellules KI dés le stade immature avec éradication des cellules souches néoplasiques, entraînant comme chez certains patients PV une rémission hématologique et aussi moléculaire. Enfin, en combinant l’analyse quantitative de l’haplotype 46/1 et de la mutation JAK2V617F sur les cellules sanguines nous développons une nouvelle méthode prédictive de la fréquence des clones hétérozygotes et homozygotes JAK2V617F chez les patients PV. Cette étude suggère que l'IFNa cible préférentiellement le clone homozygote JAK2V617F et que sa réponse est fonction de l’intensité de la signalisation JAK2. / This work concerns malignant myeloid hemopathies called classical BCR-ABL-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) and include Polycythemia Vera (PV), Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) and Primary Myelofibrosis (PMF). They result from the transformation of a multipotent hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) with hyperproliferation but no blockade of differentiation. The most common molecular defect is the acquired point mutation JAK2V617F resulting into the activation of the cytokine receptor/JAK2 pathway. We have developed a mouse constitutive and a conditional JAK2V617F knock-in (KI) mouse models. These animals developed a disease mimicking human PV evolving into secondary MF. They also displayed an age dependent increase in the total numbers of early hematopoietic cells (phenotype LK, LSK and SLAM: LSK/CD48-/CD150+). Using In vivo competitive repopulation assays we demonstrated that cells from KI origin outcompeted their WT counterparts and that a low number of JAK2V617F KI SLAM cells propagates the disease. These results show that the sole JAK2V617F mutation, without any additional mutations, is sufficient for disease phenotype and emergence. Using this KI mouse model, we tested the effect of interferon-a (IFNa) treatment on MPN development. We found that IFNa treats the disease phenotype by blocking the propagation of early JAK2V617F cells and eradicates disease-initiating cells, showing that IFNα could cure the disease in mice, as shown in some PV patients. Finally, we developed a new method combining the measurement of 46/1 SNPs and JAK2V617F allele burdens in blood predicting the frequency of normal, heterozygous and homozygous JAK2V617F clones in PV patients. This study suggested that IFNa preferentially targets the homozygous JAK2V617F clone in PV patients suggesting a link between the levels of JAK2 signaling and the success of the IFNa response.
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Besittningsbrytande grunder i hyreslagen : En rättsstudie av 12 kap. 46 § 1-2 p JB / Tenancy Termination Grounds in the Tenancy LawHedberg, Emma, Singh, Paulin January 2022 (has links)
1942 infördes i svenskt rätt den första typen av besittningsskydd för bostadshyresgäster. Efter det har besittningsskyddet stärkts allt mer till förmån för hyresgästen. Idag är besittningsskyddet mycket starkt och en diskussion som väckts är huruvida man ska prioritera den enskilda äganderätten eller hyresgästens rätt till egen bostad. Som fastighetsägare idag finns både hyresregleringar samt ett starkt besittningsskydd vilket gör det svårare för fastighetsägare att fritt kunna förfoga över sin fastighet. En fråga kring ämnet som uppkommer är hur starkt besittningsskyddet faktiskt är och hur det påverkar hyresvärdens möjligheter att säga upp en hyresgäst som inte är skötsam. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redovisa och analysera punkt 1 och 2 i 12 kap. 46 § JB och förutsättningarna för de besittningsbrytande grunderna samt tillämpningen av dessa. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk metod tillämpats. Som slutsats konstateras att för fall gällande betalningsförsummelser, störningar och vanvård skiljer sig hyresvärdens möjlighet att säga upp en hyresgäst. Av arbetet framgår att för mål rörande betalningsförsummelser är domstolen relativt öppensinnad och tillåter förhållandevis omfattande försummelser. Vilket blir till fördel för hyresgästen. Vid bedömning av mål gällande störningar samt vanvård visar domsluten istället på en mer restriktiv bedömning där hyresgästens vårdslöshet accepteras i mindre grad. För mål gällande vanvård finns tydligare regler och mer distinkta riktlinjer för domstolen att bedöma utifrån. Detta i jämförelse med de andra två typerna där bedömningen blir mer diffus. Tillsist kan konstateras att fastighetsägare vissa gånger tvingas lida förlust till förmån för att trygga misskötsamma hyresgästers rätt till sitt hem. / In 1942, Swedish law introduced the first type of tenure protection for residential tenants. Since then, the protection of possession has been strengthened more and more in favor of the tenant. Today, the tenure protection is very strong and one discussion that has been raised is whether to prioritize the individual right of ownership or the tenant's right to their home. As a property owner today, there are both rent controls and a strong tenure protection, which makes it more difficult for property owners to be able to freely dispose of their property. One question arises is how strong the tenure protection actually is and how it affects the property owners ability to terminate a tenant who has misbehaved. The purpose of the thesis is to present and analyze point 1 and 2 of Chapter 12. 46 § JB and the conditions for the possession breaking grounds and finally the application thereof. In order to answer the questions of the essay, a legal dogmatic method has been applied. In conclusion, it is found that in cases of default, disturbance and neglect, the landlord's ability to terminate a tenant differs. The essay shows that for cases concerning defaults on payment, the court is relatively open-minded and allows for relatively extensive omissions. Which will be to the great benefit of the tenant. When assessing cases concerning disturbances and neglect, the rulings instead show a more restrictive assessment where the tenant's negligence is accepted to a lesser extent. For cases concerning neglect, there are clearer rules and more distinct guidelines helping the court in their judgment. This is in comparison to the other two types where the assessment becomes more diffuse. Finally, it can be stated that property owners are sometimes forced to suffer losses in favor of misbehaving tenants.
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Étude de l’étoile Wolf-Rayet variable WR 46 dans l’ultraviolet lointain et les rayons XHénault-Brunet, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
L’étoile Wolf-Rayet WR 46 est connue pour sa variabilité complexe sur des échelles de temps relativement courtes de quelques heures et sur des échelles de temps plus longues de plusieurs mois. Des décalages périodiques mais intermittents en vitesse radiale ont déjà été observés dans
ses raies d’émission optiques. Plusieurs périodes photométriques ont aussi été mesurées dans le passé. Des pulsations non-radiales, une modulation liée à la rotation rapide, ou encore la présence d’un compagnon de faible masse dont la présence reste à confirmer ont été proposées pour expliquer le comportement de l’étoile sur des échelles de temps de quelques heures. Dans un effort pour dévoiler sa vraie nature, nous avons observé WR 46 avec le satellite FUSE sur plusieurs cycles de variabilité à court terme. Nous avons trouvé des variations sur une échelle de temps d’environ 7,5 heures dans le continu ultraviolet lointain, dans l’aile bleue de la
composante d’absorption du profil P Cygni du doublet de O vi 1032, 1038, ainsi que dans la
composante d’absorption du profil P Cygni de S vi 933, 944. Nous avons également récupéré
des données archivées de cette étoile obtenues avec le satellite XMM-Newton. La courbe de lumière en rayons X montre des variations sur une échelle de temps similaire aux courbes de lumière du continu ultraviolet et ultraviolet lointain, et le spectre rayons X de WR 46 est très mou avec un pic d’émission à des énergies plus faibles que 1 keV. Nous discutons des différentes contraintes sur la nature de la variabilité de cette étoile que ces nouvelles observations aident à poser. Parmi les scénarios suggérés, nous concluons que celui des pulsations non-radiales est le plus probable, bien que nous soyons encore loin d’une compréhension détaillée de WR 46. / The Wolf-Rayet star WR 46 is known to exhibit a very complex variability pattern on relatively short timescales of a few hours and also on longer timescales of months. Periodic but intermittent radial velocity shifts of optical lines as well as multiple photometric periods have been found in the past. Nonradial pulsations, rapid rotational modulation or the presence of a yet-to-be-confirmed low-mass companion have been proposed to explain the short-term behaviour. In an effort to unveil its true nature, we observed WR 46 with FUSE over several short-term variability cycles. We found significant variations on a timescale of about 7.5 hours in the FUV continuum, in the blue edge of the absorption trough of the O vi 1032, 1038 doublet P Cygni profile, and in the S vi 933, 944 P Cygni absorption profile. We also retrieved archival XMM-Newton data of this star. We found the X-ray light-curve to show variations on a timescale similar to the UV and FUV continuum light-curves, and the X-ray spectrum of WR 46 to be very soft with a peak below 1 keV. We discuss the different constraints on the nature of the variability that these new observations help to establish. Among the suggested scenarios, we conclude that non-radial pulsations is the most likely, although we are far from a complete picture.
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Análise do gene MAMLD1(CXorf6) em pacientes com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual 46,XY de origem indeterminada / Analysis of the MAMLD1 (CXorf6) gene in patients with undetermined 46,XY disorders of sexual developmentBrandão, Maíra Pontual 30 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O gene MAMLD1 tem sido relacionado à etiologia da hipospádia penoescrotal por ser fundamental para produção adequada de testosterona durante o período crítico do desenvolvimento sexual masculino. Até o momento, 3 mutações nonssense com perda de função foram identificadas em pacientes japoneses com hipospadia. Objetivo: Pesquisar a presença de mutações no gene MAMLD1, em uma grande casuística de pacientes brasileiros portadores de DDS 46,XY de origem indeterminada e realizar estudo funcional de possíveis alterações encontradas. Pacientes e Métodos: Avaliamos 50 pacientes com DDS 46.XY de causa indeterminada nos quais havia se excluído, previamente, os defeitos de síntese da testosterona, deficiência da 5 alfa-redutase 2 e insensibilidade parcial a andrógenos, por critérios laboratoriais e sequenciamento gênico. Toda região codificadora do MAMLD1 e os sítios de splice que flanqueiam essas regiões foram amplificados e sequenciados a partir do DNA genômico. Seis marcadores de microssatélites que flanqueiam o gene foram utilizados para analisar o efeito fundador da nova variante alélica identificada. A função de transativação do MAMLD1 foi analisada através de ensaio de luciferase. Células COS-1 foram distribuídas em placas de 12 poços e transitoriamente transfectadas com o vetor repórter de luciferase (p-Hes1, p-Hes3 e p-Hes5), vetor de expressão para MAMLD1 (selvagem e contendo a variante alélica) e o vetor PRL-CMV como um controle interno. Resultados: Identificamos uma variante alélica, a p.H347Q, no exon 3 em 4 pacientes brasileiros não relacionados (3 casos esporádicos e 1 caso familiar). Dois pacientes foram submetidos à gonadectomia na infância e foram criados no sexo social feminino. A ultrassonografia pélvica demonstrou a presença de útero em uma delas. Os outros dois pacientes do sexo masculino apresentavam micropênis, criptorquidia e hipospádia perineal. Esta variante alélica foi encontrada em apenas 1 de 250 controles brasileiros estudados frequência 0,4%. A atividade de transativação da variante protéica do MAMLD1 foi 2,0 vezes maior do que a proteína selvagem para ativar a transcriação do p-Hes3. Nenhum efeito fundador foi demonstrado nestas famílias. Discussão: A variante alélica está localizada em uma região altamente conservada do MAMDL1 que é essencial para o desenvolvimento da genitália masculina. Os genes Hes constituem uma família genes de repressor transcricional de sinalização intracelular Notch. Os genes Hes exibem um padrão de expressão oscilatório e controlam o momento exato de diversos eventos biológicos. O padrão de expressão dos genes Hes nas gônadas não é bem estabelecido. Hirata e col. demonstraram que tanto a ausência quanto a persistência da expressão dos genes Hes resultam nos mesmos defeitos na somitogênese. Nossa hipótese é que a superexpressão do gene Hes3 poderia prejudicar a diferenciação sexual masculina normal pela continua supressão de genes essenciais envolvidos posteriormente na cascata do desenvolvimento sexual masculino. Conclusão: Essa é a primeira descrição de uma variante alélica do gene MAMLD1 com ganho de função em pacientes com 46, XY DDS de causa indeterminada. O papel desta variante protéica do MAMDL1 na etiologia DDS 46,XY deve ser melhor determinada através de estudos in vivo / Introduction: MAMLD1 has been shown to be implicated in the etiology of penoscrotal hypospadias. To date, 3 loss-of-function nonsense mutations have been identified in Japanese patients with hypospadias. Objective: To screen MAMLD1 for mutations in a large cohort of Brazilian patients with undetermined 46,XY DSD. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 50 patients in which defects of testosterone synthesis, 5 alfa-reductase 2 deficiency and partial androgen insensitivity were previously excluded. The entire coding region and the flanking splicing sites of MAMLD1 were amplified and sequenced from genomic DNA. Six microsatellite markers flanking the gene were used to analyze founder effect of new allelic variant. Transactivation function of MAMLD1 was analyzed by a luciferase assays. COS-1 cells seeded in 12-well dishes were transiently transfected with luciferase reporter vector (p-Hes1, p-Hes3 and p-Hes5), expression vector for MAMLD1 (WT and allelic variant) and pRL-CMV vector as an internal control. All experiments were performed in triplicates and repeated 3 times. Results: We identified an allelic variant, the p.H347Q on exon 3 in 4 unrelated patients (3 sporadic and 1 familial cases). Two patients underwent gonadectomy in infancy and were raised as girls. Pelvic ultrasound showed a uterus in one of them. The other two male patients had micropenis, cryptorchidism and perineal hypospadias. This allelic variant was found in 1 out of 250 Brazilian controls frequency 0,4%. The transactivation activities of the variant protein were 2.0 folds higher than the WT with p-Hes3. No founder effect was demonstrated in these families. Discussion: The allelic variant is located in a highly conserved region of MAMDL1 which is essential for male genitalia development. HES is a family of transcriptional repressors of Notch signaling. Hes gene expression pattern is tissue and cell specific and control the timing of biological events. In gonads, their expression pattern remained to be elucidated. In somitogenesis, Hirata showed that both loss of expression or persistent expression of Hes genes result in the same defects. Therefore, overexpression of Hes genes should impair the normal male differentiation by continuous suppression of downstream genes involved in male sex development. Conclusion: This is the first report of an allelic variant of MAMLD1 determining a gain of function in its protein in patients with 46,XY DSD. The role of this variant protein of MAMDL1 in the etiology of 46, XY DDS should be better determined by in vivo studies
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Pesquisa de mutações no gene DMRT1 em pacientes portadores de distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) 46,XY por anormalidades gonadais / Search of mutation on DMRT1 gene in patients with 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) by gonads abnormalitiesSilva, Thatiana Evilen da 14 September 2012 (has links)
Introdução: O gene DMRT1 é um fator muito importante, o qual induz a determinação sexual masculina. Estudos mais recentes têm demonstrado que o Dmrt1 possui um papel significante no desenvolvimento ovariano. Deleções restritas ao gene DMRT1 têm sido raramente identificadas em pacientes com disgenesia gonadal (DG) sem outras características sindrômicas. Objetivo: Pesquisar a presença de haploinsuficiência do gene DMRT1 (deleções e/ou mutações inativadoras) em um grupo grande de pacientes não sindrômicos com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) por anormalidades gonadais. Polimorfismos do DMRT1, como fatores potenciais pelas anormalidades gonadais, foram também identificados. Pacientes e Métodos: Foram avaliados cerca de 39 pacientes portadores de DDS por anormalidades do desenvolvimento gonadal 46,XY: 24 com disgenesia gonadal parcial e 15 pacientes com disgenesia gonadal completa. As regiões codificadoras do DMRT1 e o domínio DM (exon 1) foram amplificados e sequenciados. A análise de Multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA) do DMRT1 foi realizada usando um kit comercial. Resultados: Deleção parcial ou total do DMRT1 não foi identificada pela técnica de MLPA. Oito variantes alélicas do DMRT1 foram identificados. Uma nova variante c.968-15insTTCTCTCT foi identificada em 6,4% e em 14,3% dos alelos dos pacientes 46,XY e indivíduos controles, respectivamente. Conclusão: Este estudo sugere que deleções parciais ou completas no DMRT1 e mutações inativadoras não são frequentemente encontradas em pacientes com anormalidades do desenvolvimento gonadal. Além disso, nenhuma das variantes alélicas identificadas neste grupo de pacientes poderia ser considerada como um marcador potencial polimórfico para disgenesia gonadal / Introduction Dmrt1 gene is a very important factor in inducing male sex determination, and more recently it has been demonstrated that Dmrt1 plays a significant role in ovary development. DMRT1 deletions have rarely been identified in patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD) without syndromic features. Objective- To screen for the presence of DMRT1 haploinsufficiency (deletions and/or inactivating mutations) in a large cohort of non-syndromic patients with disorder of sex development (DSD) due to abnormalities of gonadal development. DMRT1 polymorphisms, as potential susceptibility factors for gonadal abnormalities, were also investigated. Subjects and Methods- We evaluated 39 patients with 46,XY GD: 24 patients with the partial, and 15 with the complete form. The entire coding region (éxons 2-5) of DMRT1 and the DM domain (exon 1) were PCR-amplified and direct sequenced. Multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA) analysis of DMRT1 was carried out using a commercial kit. Results- Partial or total deletion of DMRT1 was not identified by MLPA technique. Eight allelic variants of DMRT1 were identified. The novel variant c.968-15insTTCTCTCT was identified in 6.4% and in 14.3% of the alleles of 46,XY patients and control subjects, respectively Conclusion- This study suggest that complete or partial DMRT1 deletions and inactivating mutations are not frequently found in patients with abnormalities of gonadal development. Additionally, none of the allelic variants identified in this cohort of patients could be considered a potential polymorphic susceptibility marker for gonadal dysgenesis
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Preparação e planejamento da performance do violonista: estudo da obra homenagem a Villa-Lobos Op.46 de Marlos NobreKAMINSKI, Leonardo Casarin 03 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:25:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-03 / This paper presents the preparation and planning for the performance of a piece for solo guitar. For this purpose, the guitarist used pre-selected teaching and instrumental materials over the course this investigation. The criteria used to choose the piece were that it should reflect the technical and musical aspects of the repertoire commonly involved in academic training of guitar students. The piece Homenagem a Villa-Lobos op.46 by the composer Marlos Nobre was chosen. The preparation of this piece was divided into four stages: 1) Definition of goals and objectives; 2) scheduling, planning the construction of the performance ; 3) Choice of the fingering; 4) Solution of motor difficulties; 5) musical memorization. The accomplishment of these steps in this investigation was based on the theoretical references chosen. This end-of-course article is divided into two main parts. The first part contains materials from the literature search and selected during the research. Finally, a report about the preparation of the musical work was prepared, in which the steps and processes of choices are described on the basis of the previously established literature for the preparation of an instrumental work. / Este trabalho apresenta a preparação e planejamento da performance em uma obra para violão solo. Para isso, o violonista utilizou materiais didáticos e instrumentais previamente estabelecidos, no decorrer da presente investigação. Os critérios utilizados para a escolha da obra foram de que esta deveria refletir aspectos técnicos e musicais do repertório comumente abordados na formação acadêmica dos estudantes de violão. Para isso foi eleita a Homenagem a Villa-Lobos op.46 do compositor Marlos Nobre. Para a realização do processo de preparação da peça musical em questão, foram escolhidas algumas etapas que nortearam a presente investigação, dentre elas: 1) definição de metas e objetivos; 2) agendamento, planejamento da construção da performance; 3) escolha das digitações; 4) resolução das dificuldades motoras; 5) memorização musical. A realização dessas etapas na presente investigação foram subsidiadas pelos referenciais teóricos escolhidos. Este artigo de conclusão de curso está dividido em duas partes principais. Na parte inicial são apresentados os materiais extraídos e selecionados durante pesquisa bibliográfica. Por último, há um relatório sobre a preparação da obra musical, na qual estão discriminadas as etapas e processos de escolhas acerca da literatura previamente estabelecida.
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Étude de l’étoile Wolf-Rayet variable WR 46 dans l’ultraviolet lointain et les rayons XHénault-Brunet, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
L’étoile Wolf-Rayet WR 46 est connue pour sa variabilité complexe sur des échelles de temps relativement courtes de quelques heures et sur des échelles de temps plus longues de plusieurs mois. Des décalages périodiques mais intermittents en vitesse radiale ont déjà été observés dans
ses raies d’émission optiques. Plusieurs périodes photométriques ont aussi été mesurées dans le passé. Des pulsations non-radiales, une modulation liée à la rotation rapide, ou encore la présence d’un compagnon de faible masse dont la présence reste à confirmer ont été proposées pour expliquer le comportement de l’étoile sur des échelles de temps de quelques heures. Dans un effort pour dévoiler sa vraie nature, nous avons observé WR 46 avec le satellite FUSE sur plusieurs cycles de variabilité à court terme. Nous avons trouvé des variations sur une échelle de temps d’environ 7,5 heures dans le continu ultraviolet lointain, dans l’aile bleue de la
composante d’absorption du profil P Cygni du doublet de O vi 1032, 1038, ainsi que dans la
composante d’absorption du profil P Cygni de S vi 933, 944. Nous avons également récupéré
des données archivées de cette étoile obtenues avec le satellite XMM-Newton. La courbe de lumière en rayons X montre des variations sur une échelle de temps similaire aux courbes de lumière du continu ultraviolet et ultraviolet lointain, et le spectre rayons X de WR 46 est très mou avec un pic d’émission à des énergies plus faibles que 1 keV. Nous discutons des différentes contraintes sur la nature de la variabilité de cette étoile que ces nouvelles observations aident à poser. Parmi les scénarios suggérés, nous concluons que celui des pulsations non-radiales est le plus probable, bien que nous soyons encore loin d’une compréhension détaillée de WR 46. / The Wolf-Rayet star WR 46 is known to exhibit a very complex variability pattern on relatively short timescales of a few hours and also on longer timescales of months. Periodic but intermittent radial velocity shifts of optical lines as well as multiple photometric periods have been found in the past. Nonradial pulsations, rapid rotational modulation or the presence of a yet-to-be-confirmed low-mass companion have been proposed to explain the short-term behaviour. In an effort to unveil its true nature, we observed WR 46 with FUSE over several short-term variability cycles. We found significant variations on a timescale of about 7.5 hours in the FUV continuum, in the blue edge of the absorption trough of the O vi 1032, 1038 doublet P Cygni profile, and in the S vi 933, 944 P Cygni absorption profile. We also retrieved archival XMM-Newton data of this star. We found the X-ray light-curve to show variations on a timescale similar to the UV and FUV continuum light-curves, and the X-ray spectrum of WR 46 to be very soft with a peak below 1 keV. We discuss the different constraints on the nature of the variability that these new observations help to establish. Among the suggested scenarios, we conclude that non-radial pulsations is the most likely, although we are far from a complete picture.
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Pesquisa de mutações no gene DMRT1 em pacientes portadores de distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) 46,XY por anormalidades gonadais / Search of mutation on DMRT1 gene in patients with 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) by gonads abnormalitiesThatiana Evilen da Silva 14 September 2012 (has links)
Introdução: O gene DMRT1 é um fator muito importante, o qual induz a determinação sexual masculina. Estudos mais recentes têm demonstrado que o Dmrt1 possui um papel significante no desenvolvimento ovariano. Deleções restritas ao gene DMRT1 têm sido raramente identificadas em pacientes com disgenesia gonadal (DG) sem outras características sindrômicas. Objetivo: Pesquisar a presença de haploinsuficiência do gene DMRT1 (deleções e/ou mutações inativadoras) em um grupo grande de pacientes não sindrômicos com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) por anormalidades gonadais. Polimorfismos do DMRT1, como fatores potenciais pelas anormalidades gonadais, foram também identificados. Pacientes e Métodos: Foram avaliados cerca de 39 pacientes portadores de DDS por anormalidades do desenvolvimento gonadal 46,XY: 24 com disgenesia gonadal parcial e 15 pacientes com disgenesia gonadal completa. As regiões codificadoras do DMRT1 e o domínio DM (exon 1) foram amplificados e sequenciados. A análise de Multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA) do DMRT1 foi realizada usando um kit comercial. Resultados: Deleção parcial ou total do DMRT1 não foi identificada pela técnica de MLPA. Oito variantes alélicas do DMRT1 foram identificados. Uma nova variante c.968-15insTTCTCTCT foi identificada em 6,4% e em 14,3% dos alelos dos pacientes 46,XY e indivíduos controles, respectivamente. Conclusão: Este estudo sugere que deleções parciais ou completas no DMRT1 e mutações inativadoras não são frequentemente encontradas em pacientes com anormalidades do desenvolvimento gonadal. Além disso, nenhuma das variantes alélicas identificadas neste grupo de pacientes poderia ser considerada como um marcador potencial polimórfico para disgenesia gonadal / Introduction Dmrt1 gene is a very important factor in inducing male sex determination, and more recently it has been demonstrated that Dmrt1 plays a significant role in ovary development. DMRT1 deletions have rarely been identified in patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD) without syndromic features. Objective- To screen for the presence of DMRT1 haploinsufficiency (deletions and/or inactivating mutations) in a large cohort of non-syndromic patients with disorder of sex development (DSD) due to abnormalities of gonadal development. DMRT1 polymorphisms, as potential susceptibility factors for gonadal abnormalities, were also investigated. Subjects and Methods- We evaluated 39 patients with 46,XY GD: 24 patients with the partial, and 15 with the complete form. The entire coding region (éxons 2-5) of DMRT1 and the DM domain (exon 1) were PCR-amplified and direct sequenced. Multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA) analysis of DMRT1 was carried out using a commercial kit. Results- Partial or total deletion of DMRT1 was not identified by MLPA technique. Eight allelic variants of DMRT1 were identified. The novel variant c.968-15insTTCTCTCT was identified in 6.4% and in 14.3% of the alleles of 46,XY patients and control subjects, respectively Conclusion- This study suggest that complete or partial DMRT1 deletions and inactivating mutations are not frequently found in patients with abnormalities of gonadal development. Additionally, none of the allelic variants identified in this cohort of patients could be considered a potential polymorphic susceptibility marker for gonadal dysgenesis
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