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Iconicité dans la grammaire du chinois / Iconicity in grammar chineseMa, Yifan 10 June 2014 (has links)
La notion d' iconicité¦ est devenue aujourd'hui un sujet fécond au sein de la linguistique cognitive occidentale. Nous avons choisi d'étudier le problème de l'iconicité dans le cadre de la grammaire du chinois. Comme toute langue " idéographique", le chinois mandarin relève évidemment d'une iconicité de haut degré par son écriture. Dans l'histoire de linguistique chinoise, beaucoup d'é¦tudes ont été faites sur la ressemblance entre la forme du caractère chinois et le sens qu'il représente. Or, c'est depuis une trentaine d'années que nous avons commencé à développer la notion d'iconicité dans les domaines phonétique et syntaxique, avec l'introduction de la linguistique cognitive en Chine. Dans cette thèse, nous allons développer la notion d'iconicité dans la grammaire du chinois à travers trois aspects : la phonétique, l'écriture chinoise et la syntaxe. D'abondants exemples serviront de fil organisateur à notre exposé. / The notion of iconicity has become an interesting topic in the Western cognitive linguistics today. We chose to study the problem of iconicity in the context of Chinese grammar. Like any "ideographic" language, the Mandarin Chinese reveal a high degree of iconicity by his writing. In the history of Chinese linguistics, many studies have been done on the similarity between the form of the Chinese character and the sense which it represents. However, we only began to develop the notion of iconicity in the phonetic and syntactic domains with the introduction of cognitive linguistics in China thirty years ago. In this thesis, we will develop the notion of iconicity in the grammar of Chinese in three aspects by giving abundant exemples: phonetics, Chinese characters and syntax.
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L'application de l'analogie dans l'enseignement du français en Chine / Application of analogy in the teaching of french in ChinaZhang, Fang 11 June 2014 (has links)
L’analogie désigne une similitude non fortuite entre deux choses ou deux idées de nature différente. Elle est un processus cognitif par lequel l’information attachée à un élément spécifique est transférée à un autre élément spécifique, et joue un rôle important dans le processus de la mémorisation, de la communication et de la résolution de problèmes. La méthode analoigique est utilisée dans plusieurs disciplines, et possède ses applications propres dans divers domaines. Dans la recherche en linguistique, l’analogie est aussi un sujet très intéressant. Au fil de nos recherches, nous constatons que l’analogie a une influence importante sur la création et l’évolution d’une langue, et, lorsqu’elle est correcte, joue aussi un rôle positif dans l’apprentissage : il devient alors possible de relier deux ou plusieurs langues par l’analogie. Par conséquent, notre travail consiste à mettre en relation de la langue française, de la langue anglaise et de la langue chinoise dans l’apprentissage du français, qui est la langue cible, l’anglais et le mandarin chinois étant déjà acquis par la plupart des apprenants chinois et constituant donc les langues de référence. A travers l’analogie, on pourra trouver les similarités entre les langues concernées qui ont une influence positive sur l’apprentissage, ainsi que les différences entre les langues qu’on peut utiliser pour former la compétence interculturelle des apprenants. / The analogy refers to a non-coincidental similarity between two things or two ideas of different nature. It is a cognitive process whereby information attached to a specific element is transferred to another specific element, and plays an important role in the process of memorization, communication and problem solving. It is used as a method in many disciplines, it also has its own definition in different areas. In linguistic research, the analogy is also a very interesting topic. According to our research, we find that the analogy has an important influence on the creation and the evolution of a language, when we learn a language, the correct analogy also plays a positive role, it is possible to connect two or more languages by analogy. Therefore, our work is to link French, English and Chinese because French is the language we want to learn, English and Chinese are the languages of reference as these two languages are already spoken by most Chinese students. Through the analogy, we can find similarities between the three languages and these similarities have a positive influence for the study, and also the differences between languages that can be used to train the intercultural competence of learners.
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Κράτος και επιλογή στελεχών της εκπαίδευσης : Ο λόγος της Διδασκαλικής Ομοσπονδίας Ελλάδας (1964-2004)Αλεξανδρόπουλος, Γεώργιος 30 April 2014 (has links)
Η ακόλουθη μελέτη επιδιώκει να φωτίσει τη δράση δύο σημαντικών φορέων δράσης του ελληνικού εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος, του υπουργείου Παιδείας και της Δ.Ο.Ε., σχετικά με την επιλογή των στελεχών της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Η προσπάθειά μας έγκειται στο να αναδείξουμε όσα συμβαίνουν ή δε συμβαίνουν τη στιγμή που η επίσημη πολιτεία και ο οργανωμένος κλάδος των εκπαιδευτικών της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης αλληλεπιδρούν, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπίσουν το προαναφερόμενο πρόβλημα.
Το ερευνητικό μας υλικό συνίσταται από γραπτά τεκμήρια (νόμοι, προεδρικά διατάγματα, τεύχη του δημοσιογραφικού οργάνου της ΔΟΕ (Διδασκαλικό Βήμα), δελτία τύπου, ανακοινώσεις, αποφάσεις, ψηφίσματα). Για την περιγραφή και την ανάλυση αυτών των κειμένων χρησιμοποιούμε τη μέθοδο της ανάλυσης περιεχομένου. Για το σκοπό αυτό διαμορφώθηκε επαγωγικό σύστημα κατηγοριών, κατηγοριών δηλαδή που πήγασαν από τα δεδομένα των υπό ανάλυση κειμένων.
Η θεωρητική προσέγγιση που υιοθετούμε αντλεί το εννοιολογικό της περιεχόμενο από τρεις περιοχές της πολιτικής επιστήμης: τις θεωρίες περί πολιτικής κυριαρχίας, τις απόψεις για τις ομάδες πίεσης, καθώς και τους κορπορατιστικούς ιδεότυπους διαμεσολάβησης συμφερόντων. Οι πρώτες μας παρέχουν μια εικόνα της λειτουργίας του κράτους. Οι δεύτερες αναλύουν τη δράση της Δ.Ο.Ε. ως ομάδας συμφερόντων, ενώ με την τρίτη θεώρηση επιδιώκουμε τη συνάρθρωση των δύο φορέων (Δ.Ο.Ε. – ΥΠ.Ε.Π.Θ.), έναν τρόπο σύνδεσης των οργανωμένων συμφερόντων ενός κοινωνικού χώρου με τις δομές του κράτους.
Τα ευρήματά μας δείχνουν ότι η ισχύς του κράτους και των αποφάσεων του πολιτικού συστήματος στα ζητήματα της στελέχωσης της εκπαίδευσης είναι καταλυτική. Το πολιτικό πεδίο δύναμης διαθέτει τη νομιμοποιημένη δυνατότητα παρέμβασης στα περισσότερα από τα στάδια της επιλεκτικής διαδικασίας. Το σημαντικότερο όλων: μπορεί να καθορίζει τη νομική παραγωγή, η οποία με τη σειρά της ρυθμίζει σε μεγάλο βαθμό το συγκεκριμένο ζήτημα.
Η Δ.Ο.Ε. θα παραγάγει θέσεις για το στελεχιακό (δυναμικό), οι οποίες σε αρκετές περιπτώσεις δε θα διαμορφωθούν ανταποκριτικά σε αντίστοιχες πρωτοβουλίες του υπουργείου Παιδείας. Η τελευταία διαπίστωση είναι ιδιαίτερα εμφανής μετά το 1980. Κάτι τέτοιο δεν μπορεί να λεχθεί με βεβαιότητα, τουλάχιστον για το χρονικό διάστημα πριν το 1974.
Η υπαγωγή των σχέσεων των δύο φορέων σε κορπορατιστικές λογικές διαμεσολάβησης συμφερόντων εντοπίζεται σε αρκετά τμήματα των δεδομένων. Απαιτεί, όμως, περαιτέρω επεξεργασία. Τα ευρήματα την επιβεβαιώνουν μόνο εν μέρει. Η πρόταξη των επιλογών του κράτους δε συνεπάγεται κατ’ ανάγκη τον κορπορατιστικό «χειρισμό» ή την εξασφάλιση της συναίνεσης της Δ.Ο.Ε. (εκτός από τη σαφή περίπτωση της επταετίας). Η τελευταία εκδοχή προσιδιάζει περισσότερο σε λογικές κρατισμού, παρά στις κορπορατιστικές αντίστοιχες. Τέλος, το πεδίο έρευνας γίνεται περισσότερο πολύπλοκο εξαιτίας των επιβιώσεων σε κάθε περίοδο άλλων μορφών άρθρωσης συμφερόντων (συντεχνιασμός, αυταρχικός κορπορατισμός, πελατειακές σχέσεις).
Η προσπάθεια διαφύλαξης του ερευνητικού εγχειρήματος απαιτεί την περαιτέρω εξέταση της πλευράς αυτής. Επιπλέον, την πιθανή συλλογή πρόσθετων δεδομένων και τη διαμόρφωση νέων / διαφορετικών αναλύσεων, προκειμένου να σχηματίσουμε μια πιο σαφή εικόνα για τα συνδικάτα των εκπαιδευτικών της χώρας μας, αλλά και για το ίδιο το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα. / The aim of this study is to shed light on the action of two major actors of the Greek educational system; the Ministry of Education and the Hellenic Primary School Teachers' Federation (H.P.S.T.F.), during the years 1964-2004, regarding the selection of administrative executives. Our effort lies in highlighting what is happening or not happening, when the State and the organized sector of primary school teachers interact and deal with the aforementioned problem.
Our research material consists of written documents (laws, decrees, Issues of the journal of the H.P.S.T.F. “Didaskaliko Vima”, press releases, announcements, decisions, resolutions). For the description and analysis of the texts we use the method of content analysis. For this purpose an inductive system of categories was formed, i.e. the categories derive from the actual content of the analyzed texts.
The theoretical approach, which we adopt, draws its conceptual content from three areas of political science: the theories of sovereignty, the views on lobbying and the ideal type of corporatist mode of interest intermediation. The first area provides an insight into the function of the State. The second area analyzes the action of H.P.S.T.F as an interest group, while with the third area we seek to interlink the two stakeholders (H.P.S.T.F - Ministry of Education), thus looking for a way to relate the organized interests with the Solid State Structures.
Our findings prove that the power of the state and the strength of the political system’s decisions, regarding educational staffing issues, are crucial. The political field of force has the legitimate power to intervene in most stages of the selection process. Most importantly it can determine the lawmaking, which in turn determines this matter to a large extent.
The H.P.S.T.F takes a stand on staffing issues, which in many cases are not on the same line with the initiatives of the Ministry of Education. This became especially evident after 1980, whereas this was not the case before 1974.
The fact that the relations between the two actors have been incorporated under the corporatist logic of interest intermediation can be traced in most of the findings. Nevertheless further processing is required because the findings only partially confirm this fact. The fact that the State’s decisions precede, does not necessarily imply the corporatist "handling" of the issue or that the consent of the H.P.S.T.F is guaranteed (apart from the clear case of the dictatorship). The last approach is more akin to the logic of Statism, rather than to the corresponding corporatist logics. Finally, the research field becomes more complicated because of the survival in each period of other forms of interest group systems (guild mentality, authoritarian corporatism, clientelism).
The effort to preserve the product of the research endeavor requires further examination of this aspect. Moreover, a collection of additional data is potentially required, as well as a new / different analysis, in order to gain a clearer picture of the Teachers’ Unions in our country and of the educational system, itself.
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Phase Validation Of Neurotoxic Animal Models Of ParkinsonTelkes, Ilknur 01 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Parkinson&rsquo / s disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic nigral neurons and striatal dopamine resulting in serious motor deficits but also some non-motor
anomalies. Animal models of human neurodegenerative diseases are essential for better understanding their pathogenesis and developing efficient therapeutic tools. There are many different PD models, however, none of them is fully reproducing all the symptoms of the disease. In addition, different investigators use different behavioral measures which makes even more difficult to compare and evaluate the results. The aim of the present study was to compare motor and cognitive deficits in two most common models of PD: the Rotenone and 6-OHDA model, using a large battery of neurological tests and a probabilistic learning task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the effects of bilaterally induced Rotenone and 6-OHDA through behavioral test batteries assessing the cardinal motor symptoms and the cognitive abnormality of Parkinson&rsquo / s Disease in the same rat
population. Also, the present study is unique on the basis of providing both longitudinal observations of behaviour in the same treatment group and the cross-sectional comparisons
of the behavioural responses between different groups. In the current study, the neurotoxins were applied at relatively low doses of 3-4 &mu / g, bilaterally to the substantia nigra pars
compacta (SNpc). Experiments were conducted on 50 young-adult male Sprague&ndash / Dawley rats randomly assigned to five experimental groups: Rotenone, 6-OHDA, vehicle (DMSO/Saline), and the intact control. The neurological tests included locomotor activity,catalepsy, rearing, stepping, and rotarod/accelerod tests. They were applied prior to, and on
days 4-7-10-20-40-150 while the learning task was applied 49 days after drug infusion.During the first 2 postoperational months, both neurotoxins produced progressive deterioration in motor performance but showing no effect on cognitive functions. Five months after the surgery, regression of bradykinesia but persistence of sensorimotor deficits was noted. The tests&rsquo / results suggest different susceptibility of different motor functions to the degeneration of nigro-striatal (N-S) pathway. So, different tests were demonstrated to
have different power in detecting similar motor deficits.
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Antigone et Hémon ; suivi de, Définition de l'imitation comme solitudeAllard, Jeanne 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
La première partie de ce mémoire consiste en une réécriture en prose, sous forme de roman, de la pièce Antigone de Sophocle. Antigone habite, sous le nom de Marie-Ange Gobeil, une résidence pour personnes âgées, en compagnie d'une aide-ménagère, Geneviève. Le récit commence avec le retour de Hémon, qui emménage dans un immeuble près de chez elle. Réapparaissent ensuite les personnages qui entouraient Antigone dans la tragédie. Ces retours n'ont cependant pas d'importance pour Antigone puisque la réapparition des siens ne change rien à la mort de son frère. Le retour d'Ismène, toutefois, a cela de particulier qu'il ramène non le passé mais le présent; ainsi la sœur d'Antigone lui apparaît toujours jeune, croyant que la prise de Thèbes et la mort de leur frère se sont produits le jour précédent. Le roi Créon réapparaît pour justifier sa rancœur et déployer contre Antigone sa hargne. Prise entre une souffrance renouvelée et la mort passée de son frère, Antigone ne choisit ni l'une ni l'autre. La seconde partie prend la forme d'un essai tenant compte de l'apport du travail créateur dans une réflexion sur l'écriture. Ainsi, en premier lieu, j'aimerais proposer une réflexion méthodologique sur ce que peut représenter un essai réflexif en lien avec une pratique de création, de façon à ce que l'essai puisse éclairer la nature même de sa démarche réflexive. En second lieu, j'aimerais envisager une interrogation plus grande qui remet en question l'indépendance, en création littéraire, de la poièsis et de la mimésis, c'est-à-dire des activités de fabrication et d'imitation. En rapport avec ces deux théories, je développerai ce que mon propre travail m'a appris sur l'imitation en fonction de la réécriture. Ce travail me permet d'avancer trois thèses : a) l'écriture est essentiellement une suite de choix, b) en écriture, l'imitation porte sur un modèle absent et intérieur et c) l'écrivain est toujours seul avec l'écriture. Ces trois thèses seront au centre d'un travail réflexif qui interrogera la théorie littéraire sur les notions d'imitation, de réécriture et de solitude.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Antigone, Hémon, Tragédie, Réécriture, Théorie de la création littéraire, Imitation, Mimésis, Solitude.
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Gis-based Search Theory Application For Search And Rescue PlanningSoylemez, Emrah 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Search and Rescue (SAR) operations aim at finding missing objects with minimum
time in a determined area. There are fundamentally two problems in these
operations. The first problem is assessing highly reliable probability distribution
maps, and the second is determining the search pattern that sweeps the area from
the air as fast as possible.
In this study, geographic information systems (GIS) and multi criteria decision
analysis (MCDA) are integrated and a new model is developed based upon Search
Theory in order to find the position of the missing object as quickly as possible
with optimum resource allocation. Developed model is coded as a search planning
tool for the use of search and rescue planners. Inputs of the model are last known
position of the missing object and related clues about its probable position.
In the developed model, firstly related layers are arranged according to their
priorities based on subjective expert opinion. Then a multi criteria decision method
is selected and each data layer is multiplied by a weight corresponding to search
expert&rsquo / s rank. Then a probability map is established according to the result of
MCDA methods. In the second phase, the most suitable search patterns used in
literature are applied based on established probability map. The developed model
is a new approach to shortening the time in SAR operations and finding the
suitable search pattern for the data of different crashes.
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Effects Of Chronic Ethanol Consumption On Memory And Molecular Changes In The Hippocampus Of Young Adult Wistar RatsElibol, Birsen 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present study was to examine retention of spatial reference memory after 6 (Experiment I) and 15days (Experiment II) of binge-like drinking and during alcohol withdrawal in young adult Wistar rats. Prior to alcohol treatment, rats received Morris Water Maze (MWM) training. Afterwards, rats were intragastrically administered ethanol at the dose increasing from 4.5g-to-12g/kg. Intubation control groups (n=7 and n=10, respectively) received infusions of a sucrose solution without ethanol. Subsequently, all subjects were given a single probe trial in the MWM to test memory retention. In both experiments, there were three alcohol groups: A0 group (n=7) tested 4h after the last alcohol administration for acute effects of ethanol / A24 group (n=7) tested 24h after alcohol cessation, when acute ethanol effects disappear but withdrawal symptoms does not develop yet / A72 group (n=7) tested 72h after the last ethanol infusion for withdrawal effects. Finally, potential molecular changes in hippocampus were examined using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The blood alcohol concentration was 605.67± / 36mg/dl.
In Experiment I, due to the low overall level of performance in the memory retention task the behavioral effects of ethanol could not be evaluated and no significant between&ndash / group differences were observed in Experiment II. In Experiment I, no significant changes in the molecular make-up of the hippocampus were noted. Conversely, in Experiment II, significant changes in protein, lipid, and nucleic acid profiles related to ethanol intake and withdrawal were found. They are linked to both development of tolerance to ethanol and adverse withdrawal effects.
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Direct Use Of Pgv For Estimating Peak Nonlinear Oscillator DisplacementsKucukdogan, Bilge 01 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
KÜ / Ç / Ü / KDOGAN, Bilge
Recently established approximate methods for estimating the lateral deformation
demands on structures are based on the prediction of nonlinear oscillator
displacements (Sd,ie). In this study, a predictive model is proposed to estimate the
inelastic spectral displacement as a function of peak ground velocity (PGV). Prior to
the generation of the proposed model, nonlinear response history analysis is
conducted on several building models of wide fundamental period range and
hysteretic behavior to observe the performance of selected demands and the chosen
ground-motion intensity measures (peak ground acceleration, PGA, peak ground
velocity, PGV and elastic pseudo spectral acceleration at the fundamental period
(PSa(T1)). Confined to the building models used and ground motion dataset, the
correlation studies revealed the superiority of PGV with respect to the other intensity
measures while identifying the variation in global deformation demands of structural
systems (i.e., maximum roof and maximum interstory drift ratio). This rational is the
deriving force for proposing the PGV based prediction model. The proposed model
accounts for the variation of Sd,ie for bilinear hysteretic behavior under constant
ductility (µ / ) and normalized strength ratio (R) associated with postyield stiffness ratios
of = 0% and = 5%. Confined to the limitations imposed by the ground-motion
database, the predictive model can estimate Sd,ie by employing the PGV predictions
obtained from the attenuation relationships. This way the influence of important
seismological parameters can be incorporated to the variation of Sd,ie in a fairly
rationale manner. Various case studies are presented to show the consistent
estimations of Sd,ie by the proposed model using the PGV values obtained from
recent ground motion prediction equations.
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Linear And Nonlinear Analysis Of Human Postural SwayCelik, Huseyin 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Human upright posture exhibits an everlasting oscillatory behavior of complex nature, called as human postural sway. Variations in the position of the Center-of-Pressure (CoP) were used to describe the human postural sway. In this study / CoP data, which has experimentally been collected from 28 different subjects (14 males and 14 females with their ages ranging from 6 to 84), who were divided into 4 groups according to their ages has been analyzed. The data collection from each of the subjects was performed in 5 successive trials, each of which has lasted for 180-seconds long. Linear analysis methods such as the variance/standard deviation, Fast Fourié / r Transformation, and Power Spectral Density estimates were applied to the detrended CoP signal of human postural sway. Also the Run test and Ensemble averages methods were used to search for stationarity and ergodicity of the CoP signal respectively. Furthermore, in order to reveal the nonlinear characteristics of the human postural sway, its dynamics were reconstructed in m-dimensional state space from the CoPx signals. Then, the correlation dimension (D2) estimates from the embedded dynamics were calculated. Additionally, the statistical and dynamical measures computed were checked against any significant changes, which may occur during aging. The results of the study suggested that human postural sway is a stationary process when 180-second long biped quiet stance data is considered. In addition, it exhibits variable dynamical structure complex in nature (112 deterministic chaos versus 28 stochastic time series of human postural sway) for five successive trials of 28 different subjects. Moreover, we found that groups were significantly different in the correlation dimension (D2) measure (p& / #8804 / 0.0003). Finally, the behavior of the experimental CoPx signals was checked against two types of linear processes by using surrogate data method. The shuffled CoPx signals (Surrogate I) suggested that temporal order of CoPx is important / however, phase-randomization (Surrogate II) did not change the behavioral characteristics of the CoPx signal.
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Determination Of The Dynamic Characteristics And Local Site Conditions Of The Plio-quarternary Sediments Situated Towards The North Of Ankara Through Surface Wave Testing MethodsEker, Mert Arif 01 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to assess the engineering geological and geotechnical characteristics and to perform seismic hazard studies of the Upper Pliocene to Quaternary (Plio-Quaternary) deposits located towards the north of Ankara through surface wave testing methods. Based on a general engineering geological and seismic site characterization studies, site classification systems are assigned in seismic hazard assessments. The objective of the research is to determine the regional and local seismic soil conditions (i.e., shear wave velocities, soil predominant periods and soil amplification factors) and to characterize the soil profile of the sites in this region by the help of surface geophysical methods. These studies have been supported by engineering geological and geotechnical field studies carried out prior to and during this study. By integrating these studies, local soil conditions and dynamic soil characteristics for the study area have been assessed by detailed soil characterization in the region. As a result, seismic hazard assessments have been performed for Ç / ubuk and its close vicinity with the aid of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) through establishing seismic characterization and local soil conditions of the area.
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