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Die Entdeckung des aktiven KundenSchreiter, Nicole 15 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit bemüht sich um eine systematische Darstellung der wissen-
schaftlichen Beiträge zum Thema des aktiven Kunden sowie um das Aufzeigen und
Erkennen von Entwicklungstendenzen in Bezug auf einen Wandel des Konsums. Im
Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Entdeckung des aktiven Kunden, d. h. das Gewahr-
werden und die Nutzung der produktiven Leistungen des Konsumenten.
Um die zahlreichen Literaturbeiträge zum Phänomen des aktiven Kunden systematisch
und für den Leser überschaubar darzulegen sowie die verschiedenen Betrachtungswei-
sen bzw. Facetten der Entdeckung des aktiven Kunden darzulegen, wird ein Ordnungs-
schema vorgeschlagen, nach dem die gesichtete Literatur drei analytisch getrennten Fel-
dern - der Gesellschaftsebene, der Organisationsebene sowie der Interaktions- und Sub-
jektebene - zugeordnet wird.
Anhand der referierten Literatur kann letztlich über alle drei Ebenen hinweg belegt wer-
den, dass der Konsum im Wandel begriffen ist. Konsumieren impliziert nicht mehr nur
Passivität und Empfangen, sondern aktives Handeln und Arbeit. Darüber hinaus führt
das Nachzeichnen und Interpretieren der Entwicklungstendenzen auf den drei Beschrei-
bungsebenen zu den zentralen Annahmen dieser Arbeit: (1) der Verlust des privaten
Charakters des Konsums, (2) die Internalisierung des Kunden als fester Bestandteil der
Organisation sowie (3) die Herausbildung einer neuen, anspruchsvolleren, arbeits- und
wissensintensiveren Rolle des Kunden.
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Identitätsmanagement in der Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzTrapp, Holger 14 May 2004 (has links)
Workshop "Netz- und Service-Infrastrukturen"
Darstellung wesentlicher technischer und inhaltlicher Aspekte eines einheitlichen Identitätsmanagements an der UB Chemnitz unter konkreter Beachtung des Lokalsystems LIBERO, das an allen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Sachsens betrieben wird
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Language and Business - International Communication Strategies in Saxon Small and Medium-Sized Companies / Sprache in Unternehmen - Internationale Kommunikationsstrategien in sächsischen kleinen und mittelständischen UnternehmenSternkopf, Sylva-Michele 23 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Study of international communication strategies in small and medium-sized companies; focus on foreign language strategies; quantitative empirical analysis of the following areas: global marketing, international trade fairs, press and media relations, foreign language training, internet presentation and sales material; qualitative linguistic analysis of English-language brochures published by SMEs, identification of areas of improvement, discussion of the services of a communications consultant with the objective of coordinating foreign language communication tasks in SMEs. / Untersuchung internationaler Kommunikationsstrategien in mittelständischen Unternehmen; Schwerpunkt: (fremd)sprachliche Umsetzung; quantitative empirische Analyse folgender Bereiche: globales Marketing,internationale Messen, Pressearbeit, fremdsprachliche Weiterbildung, Internetpräsentation, Werbematerialien und Broschüren; qualitative sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse von englischsprachigen Broschüren mittelständischer Unternehmen; Aufdeckung von Schwachstellen und Handlungsbedarf, Diskussion der Dienstleistungen eines Communications Consultants (Sprachenberaters) zur Koordination fremdsprachlicher kommunikativer Aufgaben in Unternehmen
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Managementtool für InfiniBandFranke, Maik 24 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Managementtool for InfiniBand / Managementtool für InfiniBand
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Die strategische Situation der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie in Marokko / The strategic situation of the moroccan textil- and clothing industrieEl mehraz, Mohammed 05 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Women in management : barriers to career progressGeddes, Jean January 2002 (has links)
This study of women in management was initiated to explore, through women managers themselves, the barriers they thought were hindering their progress up the management hierarchies in BT. To facilitate this study the first former utility organisation to be privatised was approached to be the case study. At the time the organisation, which was undergoing a major organisational change programme aimed at taking it from the utility provider it had been to the dynamic private company it wanted to be, was gaining a reputation for enlightened equal opportunity policies. It had a vigorous gender champion and an equal opportunities department that had ensured circulation of the organisation's equal opportunities policies to all members of staff. BT employed a large number of women managers in different functions, working in different locations throughout the UK and in a number of positions in the management hierarchy short of the most senior management or director levels. It therefore presented a unique opportunity to study women in the management pipeline from across a broad spectrum of jobs and backgrounds, women who were not being promoted in the same proportions as their male counterparts. To examine their circumstances a mixed methodology was used drawing on aspects of feminist, positivist and pragmatic models because each offered an essential element of the mix needed to satisfy the requirements for undertaking the study. As the researcher was both a manager employed by the case study organisation and a woman there were elements of feminist methodology that guided involvement and personal interest in the study. The culture of the case study organisation was such that it was driven by the quantitative measures offered by positivism. An implicit element of the agreement between researcher and case study organisation was therefore that elements of the findings should reflect this requirement. Finally, a pragmatic approach to undertaking the study underpinned the dialogue between researcher and case study organisation as ways were explored for carrying out the investigation. While it cannot be assumed that the same barriers to progress for women managers found in the case study organisation exist for women managers in other organisations, the findings of this study have nevertheless highlighted issues beyond the borders of the organisation. Firstly, they confirm the conclusions of previous research that women have been both horizontally and vertically segregated in areas of organisations from which progress into top management positions is more difficult to achieve. Secondly, the study casts new light on the pressures that women face when trying to reconcile the needs of work and caring responsibilities. Women's ambitions are still tempered by their place in the home as carer and partner and many are prepared to subordinate their career opportunities to the needs of their family. Most crucially, the study highlights the extent to which women's aspirations are bounded by their work experiences. It has been assumed that organisational cultures have been becoming more sympathetic towards the inclusion of women managers and more prepared to encourage women to progress but the evidence of this study is that this operates at the level of rhetoric instead of action. The organisational structures and management styles presented barriers that flattened the ambition of women and exposed them to bullying, intimidation and harassment. Nurtured by an uncompromisingly macho company culture underpinned by an old boys' network, the barriers that women encountered served to suppress initiative and detain them at lower levels of management. Many women felt that because of this they were stifled, inhibited from improving their own or the organisation's performance. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the nebulous nature of these insidious discriminatory practices renders them almost impenetrable. Just as BT shares a history and culture similar to several other former utility organisations so it is probable that these practices are mirrored in other organisations. Finally, the assumptive base of some recent analysts question the ways in which women are likely to progress in management. It has been assumed that the excellent educational achievements of women in recent years will automatically translate into increased opportunities for high office in organisations. However the findings of this study show that the organisational climate in which women find themselves has a larger impact on their progress. In this study the women with the highest qualifications were clustered in the lowest ranks in the division of the organisation that showed most resistance to gender diversity. Therefore while education may enhance a woman's opportunities, it does not automatically position her for higher office. The other assumption that women are increasingly limiting their own career opportunities by making positive decisions to remain at the lowest positions in the management pipeline, through positive lifestyle choices, are challenged by the findings here. It was only when women found themselves hampered and unlikely to progress or thought that the harmony of their home lives was threatened that they decided to limit their options. Otherwise, many of them stated, they would have relished the challenge of higher office. As this study shows, it would clearly be a disservice to these women managers to confuse their forfeiture of ambition because of the prevailing hostile organisational climate or for family reasons, with their positively deciding to limit their careers.
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Developing middle managers in the Hong Kong Public sector : a critique of leadership development from a labour process perspectiveO'Neil, Jennifer Jamieson January 2017 (has links)
Critical scholars have written about the ‘squeezed middle' and the new labour process of front line and middle managers generally, but there is a gap in the literature relating to both how changes to managerial work have affected those subjected to them and how individuals and organisations have attempted to respond to, and cope with, public sector cuts and challenges. Much of contemporary HRD writing on change management suggests that leadership development has a privileged role in adjusting the ‘worker' to the situation. However, given the implicitly unitarist nature of much HRD writing, this thesis argues that insights from such literature is inadequate or incomplete because it fails to consider the interests of managers as employees. The focus of this thesis is on middle managers' (MM) ability to overcome the public sector challenges associated with work intensification; control and skills adaption via learning and development initiatives. This qualitative research comprises a data set of 17 in-depth interviews and 34 complementary semi-structured questionnaire's with middle managers in the Hong Kong Civil Service. Thematic analysis revealed that whilst managers and the organisation benefit from leadership development in terms of human capital development, power differentials and structural impediments limit the capacity to benefit from social capital and networking opportunities provided. As such LDP cannot compensate for work intensification, leading to a stressed-out, disempowered, squeezed middle management cadre, which in turn impacts on public service delivery.
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Impact de la mesure de performance dans la régulation économique des aéroports / Impact of performance measurement in economic regulation of airportsPignon, Vincent 03 February 2015 (has links)
La gestion des aéroports a connu durant les trente dernières années de profondes évolutions. En effet, les enjeux de forte croissance du trafic aérien ont progressivement conduit à une logique d'amélioration qualitative. En outre, l’arrivée de nouveaux modes de gestion privés et de partenariats publics privés a renforcé le besoin de transparence.Dans ce contexte, les régulateurs sont devenus fortement responsables de l'organisation des aéroports. Ils doivent faire en sorte que les objectifs de service public soient pris en compte, en particulier dans leur nouvelle composante qualitative et doivent informer l'usager.La maîtrise des aéroports par les régulateurs est cependant rendue difficile : le déséquilibre d'information avec le gestionnaire, l'existence d'un oligopole ou encore la situation de monopole naturel sont autant d'éléments qui viennent affaiblir la position du régulateur. A la lumière de la théorie des contrats, l'analyse de modèles internationaux montre que les limites du mécanisme concurrentiel obligent à envisager une régulation plus poussée pour les aéroports que dans d'autres services publics.La mesure de performance par des indicateurs portant sur les résultats financiers et extra-financiers est un outil propre à améliorer cette maîtrise de la gestion par les régulateurs. En introduisant des mécanismes de circulation d'information, elle permet de mieux appréhender les évolutions de chaque service, mais aussi de les comparer entre eux. L'incitation par pseudo-concurrence peut ainsi s’appliquer efficacement, quel que soit le mode de gestion. Les indicateurs vont aussi servir à définir la qualité attendue dans la phase précontractuelle, puis à suivre et à piloter les résultats du service en phase d'exécution. Ils permettent enfin une communication vers les clients, rendant ainsi plus visibles des progrès du service qui restent souvent cachés. / Airport management has undergone profound changes in the last thirty years. Indeed, air traffic strong growth issues have gradually led to a goal of qualitative improvement. Besides, the arrival of new private management methods and public-private partnerships has strengthened the need for transparency.In this context, the regulators became strongly responsible for the organization of airports. They should ensure that public service objectives are taken into account, especially in their new qualitative component and must inform the passengers.However, managing airports is complicated for regulators due to several factors. Indeed, imbalance of information between the regulator and the airport manager, existence of oligopoly or even natural monopoly are elements that weaken the position of the regulator. In light of the contracts theory, the analysis of international models shows that the limits of the competitive mechanism force us to consider a further regulation for airports than for other public services.The performance measurement through indicators based on financial and extra- financial results is a tool to improve the control of airports management by regulators. By introducing mechanisms for flow of information, it helps to understand the evolution of each service, but also to compare them. The incentive for pseudo-competition can be applied effectively, regardless of the mode of management. The indicators will also be used to determine the quality expected in the pre-contractual phase, and to monitor and pilot the results of the services during the implementation phase. Finally, they allow communication to customers, making more visible the improvement of the services, which often remain hidden.
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Tail distribution of the sums of regularly varying random variables, computations and simulations / Queue de distribution de somme de variables aléatoires a variations régulières, calculs et simulationsNguyen, Quang Huy 03 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'utilisation de techniques numériques par approximation sous forme de séries et de techniques de simulation pour l'approximation de la queue de distribution de sommes de variables aléatoires à variations régulières. Le calcul de la probabilité que la somme soit plus grande qu'un seuil donné est important en gestion des risques. En particulier, ce calcul est utilisé pour définir le besoin en capital des sociétés d'assurances ou d'autres institutions financières. Le premier chapitre constitue l'introduction de la thèse. Il explique les principaux résultats et présente les outils mathématiques qui sont développés dans la thèse. Le second chapitre est basé sur le travail : ”Series expansions for the sum of the independent Pareto random variables”, article rédigé avec le Professeur Christian ROBERT, directeur de la thèse. Cet article est soumis à publication. Il propose un algorithme de calcul pour déterminer la queue de distribution d'une somme de variables aléatoires de type Pareto non nécessairement équidistribuées. Il propose une approximation sous forme de série de la fonction de survie de la somme. L'algorithme utilisé pour calculer l'approximation est simple, facile à implémenter, et offre de très bons résultats numériques. Le troisième chapitre de cette thèse est basée sur l'article : ”New efficient estimators in rare event simulation with heavy tails”, publié dans Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, et co-écrit avec le Professeur Christian ROBERT. Il s'intéresse à l'approximation par simulation de la probabilité que la somme de variables aléatoires indépendantes à variations régulières soit plus grande qu'un seuil élevé. Des estimateurs efficaces ont déjà été introduits dans la littérature associée à la simulation d'évènements rares. Nous proposons de nouvelles techniques de simulation qui sont plus efficaces que les méthodes précédemment proposées. Le quatrième chapitre poursuit l'analyse de la simulation d'évènements rares du type ”la somme est plus grande qu'un seuil”, mais cette fois-ci il s'intéresse à des situations où les variables aléatoires sont dépendantes. Il se focalise sur le cas où la dépendance est donnée par une copule archimédienne. Ce chapitre est basé sur l'article en relecture : ”Efficient simulation of tail probabilities of sums with heavy tailed random variables and Archimedean copulas”. Les équivalents asymptotiques de la probabilité de dépassement de seuil ne sont connus que dans des cas particuliers et ils fournissent en général des approximations très médiocres de la vraie valeur. Les techniques de simulation sont donc très appréciables pour obtenir rapidement des approximations précises. Nous proposons quatre estimateurs et quatre techniques de simulation associées. Nous montrons que les erreurs relatives sont asymptotiquement bornées pour presque tous les estimateurs. Les simulations montrent que certains estimateurs sont plus précis / This thesis aims to study computation and simulation methods to approximate tail distribution of the sums of regularly varying random variables. The paper proceeds as follows: The first chapter provides the general introduction of the thesis. The second chapter is essentially constituted by the article ”Series expansions for the sum of the independent Pareto random variables” which was co-written with Professor Christian ROBERT, actually submitted for publication. It deals with the problem of estimating tail distribution of the sum of independent Pareto variables. This problem has been studied for a long time but a complete solution has not yet been found. In this section, we acquire an exact formula, a series expansions, for the distribution of the sum of independent Pareto of non-integer tail indices. Not only is this formula simple and easy to apply but it also gives better numerical results than most of existing methods.The third chapter rests on the article ”New efficient estimators in rare event simulation with heavy tails”, co-written with Professor Christian ROBERT, currently published on ”Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 261, 39-47” in 2013. Practically, efficient estimation for tail distribution of the sum of i.i.d. regularly varying random variables is one of widely researched problems in rare event simulation. In this context, Asmussen and Kroese’s estimator has performed better than other works. This part will introduce a new way to approach the sum. Our obtained estimator is more efficient than Asmussen and Kroese’s estimator in the case of regularly varying tail. In other cases, combined with techniques of conditional Monte Carlo and importance sampling, our estimator is still better. In the fourth chapter, we continue to study the tail behavior of the sum of regularly varying variables, with additional assumption that the dependence follows an Archimedean copula or an Archimedean survival copula. This section hinges on the article ”Efficient simulation of tail probabilities of sums with heavy tailed random variables and Archimedean copulas” which is under consideration for being published. Almost all previous studies on this problem used asymptotic approaches which are hard to control the errors. Therefore, techniques of simulation to calculate the tail probability of the sum are presented. Though some of our estimators have bounded relative errors while the others do not, all of them give favorable numerical performances for such a challenging problem
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Managing resistance to information system (IS) change at the pre-implementation stage from the senior management perspective : a case of a commercial bank in VietnamLe, Nguyen Hoang January 2016 (has links)
User resistance to information system (IS) change is an important issue in the IS literature. However, despite a large body of user adoption literature, there is far less literature addressing user resistance to IS change, especially in organisational contexts. Moreover, there are still left a number of open questions regarding the why and how resistance takes place. Particularly, previous research failed to explain these questions for two reasons. First, none of the previous research explained the reasons for IS resistance from a multilevel perspective. Second, previous research, with few exceptions, was empirically conducted after IS had been implemented in organisations. Hence, it can be considered to be observations made on downstream results of the upstream resistance process. The two reasons above were used as drivers for this research at the AlphaBank during the preliminary phases of its core banking system (CBS) upgrading project. The ultimate purpose of this study is to develop a framework which will be of use to practitioners for understanding and managing resistance to IS change. Given the complexity of the resistance, explanatory theories guiding the study were argued, discussed, and developed. These guiding theories were based on the open system theory, the political variant of the interaction theory, and the status quo bias theory. The study employed an interpretivist philosophical standpoint and a collaborative practice research (CPR) was adopted. During the study, different methods were designed and conducted including informal discussions, documentation, semi-structure interviews, staff meetings and workshop. In total, twenty eight participants covering different levels of the bank’s hierarchy were involved in the study. Based on the findings, it was concluded that comprehending resistance from a multilevel lens helped the AlphaBank’s managers move beyond a search for a simple explanation of this phenomenon and enabled them to create more meaningful and actionable solutions. The findings contribute to knowledge in a multilevel model for understanding and managing resistance to IS change.
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