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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur Soziologie des Spiels

Fritzsche, Sylke 22 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Eine explorative Studie zur Entwicklung, Produktion und Nutzung von Gesellschaftsspielen in der DDR

Zur Soziologie des Spiels

Fritzsche, Sylke 27 March 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Eine explorative Studie zur Entwicklung, Produktion und Nutzung von Gesellschaftsspielen in der DDR

Measurement Of (anti-)neutrino--nucleon Structure Functions In Chorus Experiment

Kama, Sami 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this work an analysis of the CHORUS (anti-)neutrino-nucleon scattering data taken on lead--scintillator calorimeter during the 1998 run is presented. The differential cross-sections are measured in the range of $0.01le xle 0.7$, $0.05le y le 0.95$, $10le E_nu le 200 GeV$ for both anti-neutrino and neutrino beam modes. The anti-neutrino and neutrino--nucleon structure functions Fone, Ftwo and Fthree is extracted by making 2, 3 and 6-parameter fits to the measured differential cross-sections. The comparisons of these results with the earlier experiments, CDHSW and CCFR is given.

Viable Higher Derivative Theories

Ozonder, Sener 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, higher derivative theories are investigated. Ostrogradskian instability of higher derivative theories is examined both at the classical and quantum levels. It is shown that avoiding the instability in nondegenerate higher derivative theories is impossible. Moreover, the degenerate model of relativistic particle with a curvature term is studied as a viable higher derivative theory. Most of the work we present here is not original. We give a review of the literature and compile various detached works that already exist.

Lepton Flavor Violating Radion Decays In The Randall-sundrum Scenario

Korutlu, Beste 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The lepton flavor violating interactions are worthwhile to examine since they are sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. The simplest extension of the Standard Model promoting the lepton flavor violating interactions are the so called two Higgs doublet model which contains an additional Higgs doublet carrying the same quantum numbers as the first one. In this model, the lepton flavor violating interactions are induced by new scalar Higgs bosons, scalar h^0 and pseudo scalar A^0, and Yukawa couplings, appearing as free parameters, are determined by using the experimental data. On the other hand, the possible extra dimensions are interesting in the sense that they ensure a solution to the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems and also result in the enhancement in the physical quantities of various processes. In the present work, we predict the branching ratios of lepton flavor violating radion decays r-&gt / e^+- mu^-+, r-&gt / e^+- tau^-+ and r-&gt / mu^+- tau^-+ in the two Higgs doublet model, including a single extra dimension, in the framework of the Randall Sundrum scenario. We observed that the branching ratios of the processes we study are at most at the order of 10^-8 for the small values of radion mass and it decreases with the increasing values of the radion mass. Among the LFV decays we study, the r-&gt / mu^+- tau^-+ decay would be the most suitable one to measure its branching ratio.

Persuasive Kommunikation in Computerspielen

Valtin, Georg, Pietschmann, Daniel 27 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Seit Menschen miteinander kommunizieren gibt es Persuasion, also das Bestreben, den Kommunikationspartner zu beeinflussen. Bereits in der Antike wurde dieses Handwerk in Form der klassischen Rhetorik systematisiert und gezielt eingesetzt. In den vergangenen Jahren gab es Versuche, diese etablierten Konzepte auf interaktive Medien zu übertragen, was aber nur ansatzweise gelang. Um den Besonderheiten interaktiver Medien gerecht zu werden, sollten ihre prozesshafte Natur und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit den Aktionen des Nutzers im Mittelpunkt stehen. Genau das ist beim Konzept der prozeduralen Rhetorik von Ian Bogost der Fall, weshalb dieser Ansatz als Grundlage der hier vorgenommenen Untersuchungen zu persuasiven Computerspielen dient. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden zudem die unterschiedlichen Formen der Rhetorik vorgestellt und die Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung prozeduraler Rhetorik dargelegt. Anhand der Beispiele The McDonald's Videogame und America's Army verdeutlichen die Autoren den Einsatz verschiedener persuasiver Techniken aus klassischer und prozeduraler Rhetorik.

Dualisation Of Supergravity Theories

Yilmaz, Nejat Tevfik 01 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
By using the Kaluza-Klein reduction, the derivation of the maximal supergravities from the D=11 supergravity theory, as well as the Abelian Yang-Mills supergravities from the D=10 type I supergravity theory are discussed. After a thorough review of the symmetric spaces the symmetric space sigma model is studied in detail. The first-order formulation of both the pure and the matter coupled symmetric space sigma model is presented in a general formalism. The dualisation of the non-gravitational Bosonic sectors of the D=11, IIB and the maximal supergravities are also reviewed in a concise but a self-contained formulation. As an example of the dualisation of the matter coupled supergravities, the doubled formalism is constructed for the D=8 Salam-Sezgin supergravity.

The significance of the approaches to constitutional interpretation in S. V. Mhlungu 1995(7) BCLR 793(CC)

Boardman, Richard Neville Crause 06 1900 (has links)
The dissertation consists of an analysis of the Constitutional Court decision S v Mhlungu 1995(7) BCLR 793 CC. The analysis focuses on the significance of the different interpretative approaches adopted by the members of the Court in analysing section 241(8) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Afii.ca Act 200 of 1993. The theoretical approaches to constitutional interpretation are first briefly discussed. This is followed by a description of the four respective judgments in the decision. The case is then analysed in respect of section 3 5, Chapter 3 and the Constitution itself in order to determine the significance. The jurisprudence of the Court (developed in its first eight decisions) is evaluated to assess the approach of the Constitutional Court to Chapter 3 and the remainder of the Constitution respectively. The conclusion is reached that the Court has endorsed a generous/purposive approach to constitutional interpretation and that this extends to the entire text of the Constitution. / Law / LL.M.

Schnittstelle Spieler

Piehler, Robert 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Qualität der Schnittstelle eines Videospiels kann wesentlich zu dessen kommerziellen Erfolg beitragen. Dennoch beschränkt sich die entsprechende Evaluation primär auf die Auswertung qualitativer Daten, die etwa in Nutzertests erhoben werden. Inferenzstatistische Verfahren kommen bisher mangels theoretischer Grundlagen kaum zum Einsatz. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt daher ein theoretisches Framework zur quantitativen Analyse verschiedener Dimensionen der Schnittstellengestaltung in Videospielen zur Verfügung. Dabei wird ausgehend von spielwissenschaftlichen Überlegungen und einer Erweiterung von Huizingas Konzept des „magic circle“ ein Bogen von perzeptiven, psychologischen und soziologischen bis hin zu kulturellen Aspekten gespannt. Methodisch handhabbar wird dieses Konstrukt durch eine Ausrichtung am Genre-Begriff, der für den Bereich der Videospiele diskutiert wird. So entsteht ein ganzheitliches Modell, das den Grundstein zu einem zielgruppenspezifischen und quantitativen Messinstrument für Interfaces in Videospielen legt. / The quality of a videogame’s interface is a decisive factor to its commercial success. However, the current evaluation methods focus primarily on qualitative research data like those generated in usability tests. Methods of inferential statistics are not common yet because of a lack of theoretical fundamentals. To address this issue, this paper provides a theoretical framework for quantitative analysis on different dimensions of interface design in videogames. Aspects of perception, psychology, sociology as well as culture are dealt with in this context and the associated scientific concepts are conflated by a theoretical extension of Huizinga’s “magic circle”. The technical term “genre” in regard to videogames is also discussed in this paper and it proves to be a basis for connecting the various concepts methodically. As a result, this paper presents a holistic model, which can be applied in future audience-specific and quantitative measuring instruments for interfaces in videogames.

The Electronic Band Structure Of Iii (in, Al, Ga)-v (n, As, Sb) Compounds And Ternary Alloys

Mohammad, Rezek Mahmoud Salim 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, the electronic band structure of III (In, Al, Ga) - V (N, As, Sb) compounds and their ternary alloys have been investigated by density functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and empirical tight binding (ETB) calculations, respectively. The present DFT-GGA calculations have shown direct band gap structures in zinc-blende phase for InN, InAs, InSb, GaN, and GaAs. However, indirect band gap structures have been obtained for cubic AlN, AlSb and AlAs com- pounds / here, the conduction band minima of both AlN and AlAs are located at X symmetry point, while that of AlSb is at a position lying along Gamma- X direction. An important part of this work consists of ETB calculations which have been parameterized for sp3d2 basis and nearest neighbor interactions to study the band gap bowing of III(In / Al)- V(N / As / Sb) ternary alloys. This ETB model provides a satisfactory electronic properties of alloys within reasonable calculation time compared to the calculations of DFT. Since the present ETB energy parameters reproduce successfully the band structures of the compounds at &iexcl / and X symme- try points, they are considered reliable for the band gap bowing calculations of the ternary alloys. In the present work, the band gap engineering of InNxAs1&iexcl / x, InNxSb1&iexcl / x, InAsxSb1&iexcl / x, Al1&iexcl / xInxN, Al1&iexcl / xInxSb and Al1&iexcl / xInxAs alloys has been studied for total range of constituents (0 &lt / x &lt / 1). The downward band gap bowing seems the largest in InNxAs1&iexcl / x alloys among the alloys considered in this work. A metallic character of InNxAs1&iexcl / x, InNxSb1&iexcl / x and InAsxSb1&iexcl / x has been ob- tained in the present calculations for certain concentration range of constituents (N / As) as predicted in the literature. Even for a small amount of contents (x), a decrease of the electronic e&reg / ective mass around &iexcl / symmetry point appears for InNxAs1-x, InNxSb1-x and InAsxSb1-x alloys manifesting itself by an increase of the band curvature. The calculated cross over from indirect to direct band gap of ternary Al alloys has been found to be consistent with the measurements. As a last summary, the determinations of the band gaps of alloys as a function of contents, the concentration range of con- stituents leading to metallic character of the alloys, the change of the electronic effective mass around the Brillioun zone center (Gamma) as a function of alloy contents, the cross over from indirect to direct band gap of the alloys which are direct on one end, indirect on the other end, are main achievements in this work, indispensable for the development of mate- rials leading to new modern circuit components.

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