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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patienters erfarenheter av kontakten med äldresköterskan inom primärvården.

Ekberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Patienters erfarenheter av kontakten med äldresköterskan i primärvården. Bakgrund: Andelen äldre människor i Sverige ökar eftersom vi lever längre. Med stigande ålder ökar mottagligheten för sjukdom. Både sjukdom och åldersförändringar kan ge funktionsnedsättningar men trots detta bor många äldre med hälso- och sjukvårdsbehov hemma utan inskrivning i den kommunala hemsjukvården. Syfte: Att belysa patienters erfarenheter av kontakten med äldresköterska inom primärvården. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Fem patienter deltog enskilt i en semistrukturerad intervju. Dataanalysen genomfördes med kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: De intervjuade upplevde att samtalet är den viktigaste erfarenheten av kontakten med äldresköterskan. Patienterna upplever att kontakten ger dem stöd och minskad oro i vardagen. Deras trygghet ökar genom den kontinuitet och tillgänglighet som äldresköterskan erbjuder. Slutsats: Det arbete som äldresköterskan utför bör lyftas fram och tillåtas utvecklas eftersom antalet äldre med vård- och omsorgsbehov ökar. / Abstract Titel: Patients' experiences of contact with elder nurses in primary health care. Background: The proportion of elderly people in Sweden will increase due to longer life span. With age susceptibility to disease increases. Both disease- and agerelated changes can cause impairments even though many elderly people with health needs live at home, without enrollment in the municipal home care. Objective: The aim was to illuminate patients´experiences of contact with the elder nurse in primary health care. Method: The study uses a qualitative design with inductive approach. Five patients participated individually in a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed by qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: The interviewees felt that the conversation is the most important experience of contact with the nurseproviding elder care. Patients feel that the contact give them support and reduced anxiety in daily life. Their safety is enhanced by the continuity and availability provided by the elder nurse. Conclusion: The work that elder nurse perform should be emphasized and allowed to evolve as the number om elderly people with health and care needs increase.

Fatores relacionados à senescência e à senilidade cerebral em indivíduos muito idosos: um estudo de correlação clinicopatológica / Factors related to brain senescence and senility in a very-old population: a clinicopathologic study

Farfel, José Marcelo 10 February 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os estudos epidemiológicos apresentam limitações para a investigação dos fatores relacionados à senescência e à senilidade cerebral. A correlação clinicopatológica é o padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico definitivo de doença de Alzheimer (DA) e permite identificar os casos de DA em fase pré-clínica. Ainda há controvérsia acerca da existência de um limiar neuropatológico separando o envelhecimento normal da DA ou se há constituição de uma reserva cognitiva que protegeria idosos contra os achados cerebrais desta deonça. Este estudo visa investigar os mecanismos do processo de envelhecimento cerebral, através da busca de fatores associados com o processo natural de envelhecimento, DA pré-clínica e demência causada por DA. MÉTODOS: Estudo post-mortem, avaliando 141 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 80 anos, participantes do Banco de Cérebros do Projeto Envelhecimento Cerebral. Avaliação cognitiva foi realizada através de entrevista com informante de convívio próximo com o falecido, aplicando as escalas CDR e IQCODE. Avaliação neuropatológica foi realizada através de técnicas de imunohistoquímica, valendo-se do critério neuropatológico do CERAD e do NIA-RI e do estadiamento de Braak e Braak. Os participantes foram classificados como envelhecimento natural se: CDR=0 e CERAD=0 ou A e estágio de BraakIII, como DA pré-clínica se CDR=0 e CERAD B ou C e estágio de Braak IV e como portadores de demência por DA quando apresentaram CDR2 e CERAD B ou C e estágio de Braak IV. Dados demográficos, perfil funcional e comportamental, tabagismo, etilismo, hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus, doenças cardio e cerebrovascular e depressão foram comparados entre os grupos. A presença de alterações microvasculares foi registrada. RESULTADOS: Porcentagem considerável dos indivíduos portadores de CDR=0 preencheu um ou mais critérios neuropatológicos para DA. (29,8%, 31,6% e 19,3%, de acordo com o estadiamento de Braak e Braak e critérios do CERAD e NIA-RI, respectivamente). Gênero feminino foi mais prevalente no grupo demência por DA (OR:6,35 IC95%:1,58-25,51). Tabagismo foi mais prevalente entre os indivíduos do grupo envelhecimento normal quando comparado ao grupo DA pré-clínica (OR:4,44 IC95%:1,04-19,01) e ao subgrupo de mulheres portadoras de demência por DA (OR:9,00 IC95%:1,56-51,87). Maior nível educacional foi encontrado no grupo DA pré-clínica, comparado ao envelhecimento normal, de acordo com o estadiamento de Braak e Braak (OR:1,22 por ano estudado IC95%:1,01-,147). CONCLUSÕES: Um limiar neuropatológico associado à DA não pode ser determinado com base nos critérios neuropatológicos atuais. Em uma população muito-idosa, indivíduos com cognição intacta podem frequentemente abrigar achados cerebrais disseminados típicos de DA. Estes indivíduos provavelmente possuem maior reserva cognitiva, influenciada pelo nível de escolaridade. O tabagismo associa-se com menor concentração de achados cerebrais típicos de DA / BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies are limited to investigate the factors related to brain senescence and senility. The clinicopathological assessment is the gold standard for an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD) and permits the identification of the pre-clinical AD cases. It is a matter of debate whether there is a threshold for AD-type pathology to become clinically manifested or a cognitive reserve protecting individuals against cerebral burden. This study attempts to investigate the mechanisms related to brain aging process by searching for the factors associated with normal aging, pre-clinical AD and AD dementia. METHODS: A post-mortem study evaluating 141 cases, aged 80 years or older, randomly selected from the Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Study. Cognitive evaluation was gathered through the CDR and the IQCODE, applied with a knowledgeable informant of the deceased. Neuropathologic examinations were performed using immunohistochemistry and were classified according to the CERAD and NIA-RI criteria and Braak and Braak staging. Cases were classified as normal aging if: CDR = 0, IQCODE <3.20, CERAD = 0 or A and Braak and Braak stage III. The pre-clinical AD group included subjects with CDR=0, IQCODE <3.20, CERAD B or C and Braak stage IV. Cases were considered as AD dementia when presented CDR 2, IQCODE > 3.80, CERAD B or C and Braak and Braak stage IV. Demographical data, functional and behavioral profile, history of cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease and depression were compared between the groups. Microvascular findings were registered. RESULTS: A considerable percentage of CDR=0 subjects fulfilled one or more neuropathologic criteria for AD. (29.8%, 31.6% and 19.3%, according to Braak and Braak staging, CERAD and NIA-RI criteria, respectively). Female gender (OR:6.25 95% CI: 1.58-25.51) was associated to AD when compared to normal aging group. Cigarette smoking was more prevalent among the individuals of the normal aging group when compared to both the pre-clinical AD group (OR: 4.44 95%CI:1.04-19.01) and the female gender AD dementia subgroup. (OR: 9.00 95%CI:1.56-51.87). A higher educational level was found significant on the preclinical AD group when compared to normal aging group, according to Braak and Braak staging (OR: 1.22 per year of education 95%CI:1.011,47). CONCLUSION: A minimum neuropathologic threshold for AD cannot be determined based on current diagnostic criteria. On a very-old population, cognitively normal subjects can frequently harbor disseminate pathology of AD. These individuals probably have a higher cognitive reserve in which educational level may play an important role. Cigarette smoking is associated with lower burdens of AD-like pathologic findings in the brain

Uso de dispositivos assistivos por idosos mais velhos domiciliados e sua relação com a capacidade funcional e com a fragilidade / Use of assistive devices by resident older elderly and its relationship with functional capacity and frailty

Gasparini, Evilângela Maria Teixeira 15 April 2015 (has links)
O uso de dispositivos assistivos tem sido um importante tema de interesse para pesquisas, em especial por se relacionar com a prevalência de limitações na capacidade funcional, bem como com a fragilidade em idosos. Esses dispositivos podem melhorar a autonomia, reduzir limitações funcionais, melhorar a qualidade de vida, promover melhor adaptação ao meio onde o idoso está inserido e prevenir ou reduzir níveis de fragilidade. Idosos mais velhos (80 anos e mais), residentes no domicílio, podem se beneficiar com o uso de dispositivos assistivos para se manter independentes pelo maior tempo possível. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi identificar o uso de dispositivos assistivos e sua relação com a capacidade funcional e com a fragilidade em idosos mais velhos residentes no domicílio. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo do tipo observacional e transversal, realizado com 114 idosos com 80 anos e mais, residentes no município de Ribeirão Preto-SP. O processo de amostragem foi probabilístico, por conglomerados e de duplo estágio. Na coleta de dados, foram feitas entrevistas no domicílio, utilizando um roteiro estruturado de caracterização, Miniexame do Estado Mental, Índice de Katz, Escala de Lawton e Brody, roteiro de problemas de saúde autorreferidos, Escala de Fragilidade de Edmonton e um instrumento elaborado e validado para investigar o uso de dispositivos assistivos. Os dados foram analisados por meio do programa estatístico SAS®9.0, no qual foram gerados análises descritivas e os testes de associação entre as variáveis do estudo. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto-USP. Quanto aos resultados, a maioria dos idosos era mulher (69.30%), viúva (57.89%), aposentada (63.16%) e fazia atividade doméstica (61.40%). A idade média foi 85.49 anos e 22.81% dos idosos viviam sozinhos. Os principais problemas de saúde que interferiam no cotidiano foram os problemas de coluna (24.56%) e artrite (18.42%). Ainda da análise descritiva, 79.82% não apresentaram déficit cognitivo, 50% eram independentes nas seis funções das atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVDs), 71.93% tinham dependência parcial nas atividades instrumentais da vida diária (AIVDs), 29.82% não apresentavam fragilidade, 25.44% eram aparentemente vulneráveis e 75.44% faziam uso de, pelo menos, um dispositivo assistivo. Os dispositivos mais usados foram: óculos (45.61%), barras (21.93%) e bengalas (15.79%), sendo que os idosos que mais usavam eram as mulheres (53.51%), na faixa etária de 80 a 89 anos (61.4%), que não tinham companheiro (55.26%) e que residiam com familiares (30.70%). No entanto, nos testes de associação, foram encontradas significâncias estatísticas entre o uso de dispositivos (cadeira de rodas, bengala, andador e óculos) e as ABVDs; uso de dispositivos (cadeira de rodas, bengala e óculos) e as AIVDs; uso de dispositivos (cadeira de rodas, bengala, andador, barras de apoio) e a fragilidade. Concluindo, os dispositivos que se relacionaram com as AVDs e fragilidade foram, predominantemente, aqueles que promovem e/ou auxiliam a mobilidade. Isto sugere que idosos mais velhos domiciliados, em vários níveis funcionais e de fragilidade, utilizam e se beneficiam com os dispositivos assistivos para minimizar a dependência na locomoção e na realização das AVDs / The use of assistive devices has been a major topic of interest for research, especially because it relates with the prevalence of limitations in functional capacity, as well as frailty in the elderly. These devices can improve the autonomy, reduce functional limitations, improve quality of life, better adaptation to the elderly environment and prevent or reduce frailty levels. Resident plder elderly (80 years and over) can benefit from the use of assistive devices to stay independent as long as possible. Thus, the general aim of this study was to identify the use of assistive devices and its relation with functional capacity and frailty in resident older elderly. This is a quantitative observational cross-sectional study performed with 114 elderly aged 80 and over, living in Ribeirão Preto-SP. The sampling was probabilistic, dual- stage clustering. For data collection, interviews were made at home, using a structured script for characterization, the Mini Mental State Examination, the Katz Index, the Lawton and Brody Scale, a script for self-reported health issues, the Edmonton Fragility Scale and an instrument developed and validated to investigate the use of assistive devices. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SAS®9.0 in which the descriptive analyzes and tests of association between the study variables were generated. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing-USP. As for the results, the majority were women (69.30%), widow(ed) (57.89%), retired (63.16%) and performed domestic activities (61.40%). The mean age was 85.49 years, and 22.81% of the elderly lived alone. The main health issues that interfered with daily living were back issues (24.56%) and arthritis (18.42%). Also in the descriptive analysis of the elderly, 79.82% had no cognitive impairment, 50% were independent in the six functions of the basic activities of daily living (BADL), 71.93% had a partial dependence in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), 29.82% had no frailty, 25.44% were apparently vulnerable and 75.44% used at least one assistive device. The most commonly used devices were: glasses (45.61%), bars (21.93%) and canes (15.79%), and the subjects who most frequently used these devices were women (53.51%), aged 80-89 years (61.4%) who had no partner (55.26%) and lived with family members (30.70%). However, in the tests of association, statistical significance was found between the use of devices (wheelchair, cane, walker and glasses) and BADL; the use of devices (wheelchair, cane and glasses) and IADL; use of devices (wheelchair, cane, walker, grab bars) and frailty. In conclusion, the devices that were related to the ADL and frailty were predominantly those that promote and/or assisted mobility. This suggests that resident older elderly, in various functional and frailty levels, used and benefited from the assistive devices to minimize dependence on locomotion and in the performance of ADLs

Fatores relacionados à senescência e à senilidade cerebral em indivíduos muito idosos: um estudo de correlação clinicopatológica / Factors related to brain senescence and senility in a very-old population: a clinicopathologic study

José Marcelo Farfel 10 February 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os estudos epidemiológicos apresentam limitações para a investigação dos fatores relacionados à senescência e à senilidade cerebral. A correlação clinicopatológica é o padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico definitivo de doença de Alzheimer (DA) e permite identificar os casos de DA em fase pré-clínica. Ainda há controvérsia acerca da existência de um limiar neuropatológico separando o envelhecimento normal da DA ou se há constituição de uma reserva cognitiva que protegeria idosos contra os achados cerebrais desta deonça. Este estudo visa investigar os mecanismos do processo de envelhecimento cerebral, através da busca de fatores associados com o processo natural de envelhecimento, DA pré-clínica e demência causada por DA. MÉTODOS: Estudo post-mortem, avaliando 141 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 80 anos, participantes do Banco de Cérebros do Projeto Envelhecimento Cerebral. Avaliação cognitiva foi realizada através de entrevista com informante de convívio próximo com o falecido, aplicando as escalas CDR e IQCODE. Avaliação neuropatológica foi realizada através de técnicas de imunohistoquímica, valendo-se do critério neuropatológico do CERAD e do NIA-RI e do estadiamento de Braak e Braak. Os participantes foram classificados como envelhecimento natural se: CDR=0 e CERAD=0 ou A e estágio de BraakIII, como DA pré-clínica se CDR=0 e CERAD B ou C e estágio de Braak IV e como portadores de demência por DA quando apresentaram CDR2 e CERAD B ou C e estágio de Braak IV. Dados demográficos, perfil funcional e comportamental, tabagismo, etilismo, hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus, doenças cardio e cerebrovascular e depressão foram comparados entre os grupos. A presença de alterações microvasculares foi registrada. RESULTADOS: Porcentagem considerável dos indivíduos portadores de CDR=0 preencheu um ou mais critérios neuropatológicos para DA. (29,8%, 31,6% e 19,3%, de acordo com o estadiamento de Braak e Braak e critérios do CERAD e NIA-RI, respectivamente). Gênero feminino foi mais prevalente no grupo demência por DA (OR:6,35 IC95%:1,58-25,51). Tabagismo foi mais prevalente entre os indivíduos do grupo envelhecimento normal quando comparado ao grupo DA pré-clínica (OR:4,44 IC95%:1,04-19,01) e ao subgrupo de mulheres portadoras de demência por DA (OR:9,00 IC95%:1,56-51,87). Maior nível educacional foi encontrado no grupo DA pré-clínica, comparado ao envelhecimento normal, de acordo com o estadiamento de Braak e Braak (OR:1,22 por ano estudado IC95%:1,01-,147). CONCLUSÕES: Um limiar neuropatológico associado à DA não pode ser determinado com base nos critérios neuropatológicos atuais. Em uma população muito-idosa, indivíduos com cognição intacta podem frequentemente abrigar achados cerebrais disseminados típicos de DA. Estes indivíduos provavelmente possuem maior reserva cognitiva, influenciada pelo nível de escolaridade. O tabagismo associa-se com menor concentração de achados cerebrais típicos de DA / BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies are limited to investigate the factors related to brain senescence and senility. The clinicopathological assessment is the gold standard for an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD) and permits the identification of the pre-clinical AD cases. It is a matter of debate whether there is a threshold for AD-type pathology to become clinically manifested or a cognitive reserve protecting individuals against cerebral burden. This study attempts to investigate the mechanisms related to brain aging process by searching for the factors associated with normal aging, pre-clinical AD and AD dementia. METHODS: A post-mortem study evaluating 141 cases, aged 80 years or older, randomly selected from the Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Study. Cognitive evaluation was gathered through the CDR and the IQCODE, applied with a knowledgeable informant of the deceased. Neuropathologic examinations were performed using immunohistochemistry and were classified according to the CERAD and NIA-RI criteria and Braak and Braak staging. Cases were classified as normal aging if: CDR = 0, IQCODE <3.20, CERAD = 0 or A and Braak and Braak stage III. The pre-clinical AD group included subjects with CDR=0, IQCODE <3.20, CERAD B or C and Braak stage IV. Cases were considered as AD dementia when presented CDR 2, IQCODE > 3.80, CERAD B or C and Braak and Braak stage IV. Demographical data, functional and behavioral profile, history of cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease and depression were compared between the groups. Microvascular findings were registered. RESULTS: A considerable percentage of CDR=0 subjects fulfilled one or more neuropathologic criteria for AD. (29.8%, 31.6% and 19.3%, according to Braak and Braak staging, CERAD and NIA-RI criteria, respectively). Female gender (OR:6.25 95% CI: 1.58-25.51) was associated to AD when compared to normal aging group. Cigarette smoking was more prevalent among the individuals of the normal aging group when compared to both the pre-clinical AD group (OR: 4.44 95%CI:1.04-19.01) and the female gender AD dementia subgroup. (OR: 9.00 95%CI:1.56-51.87). A higher educational level was found significant on the preclinical AD group when compared to normal aging group, according to Braak and Braak staging (OR: 1.22 per year of education 95%CI:1.011,47). CONCLUSION: A minimum neuropathologic threshold for AD cannot be determined based on current diagnostic criteria. On a very-old population, cognitively normal subjects can frequently harbor disseminate pathology of AD. These individuals probably have a higher cognitive reserve in which educational level may play an important role. Cigarette smoking is associated with lower burdens of AD-like pathologic findings in the brain

Dementia, depression and delirium in the very old : prevalences and associated factors

Mathillas, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Emotional suffering in old age is largely caused by a variety of psychiatric disorders which are often, however, undertreated and underrecognized. This leads to reduced quality of life and functional status and increased morbidity and mortality. Dementia, delirium and depression are common disorders in the very old, and are similar in several ways. All have multiple causes and are diagnosed by means of symptomatic criteria, are challenging to diagnose and difficult to differentiate from each other in the very old. They often coexist in the same individual, and may have common risk factors. The overall aim of this thesis was to add to our knowledge about threats to successful aging, by investigating the prevalences of dementia, depression and delirium, and factors associated with these three disorders. Further aims were to measure change over time in the prevalence of dementia and depression, respectively, and to investigate the risk factors for incident depression. This thesis uses the population-based Umeå85+/GErontological Regional DAtabase (GERDA) material. In 2000-2002, every other 85-year-old, all 90-year-olds and all people ≥95 years living in six municipalities in Västerbotten, Sweden were invited to participate, and in 2005-2007 the process was repeated, with the additional inclusion of the corresponding populations of two municipalities in Österbotten, Finland. A third data collection was carried out in 2010-2012. Trained assessors carried out assessments in the form of structured interviews during one or more home visits, recorded current medication and reviewed medical records obtained from general practitioners and hospitals. In 2000-2002 the prevalence of dementia was 17% among 85-year-olds, 24% among 90-year-olds and 46% among those aged ≥95 years. In 2005-2007 dementia prevalence reached 28% among 85-year-olds, 40% among 90-yearolds and 45% among those aged ≥95 years. The prevalence of dementia in the total sample was 27% in 2000-2002 and 37% in 2005-2007 (p=0.001). In 2000-2002 the prevalence of depressive disorders was 24% among 85-yearolds, 34% among 90-year-olds and 31% among those aged ≥95 years. In 2005-2007 the prevalence of depressive disorders was 33% among 85-year-olds, 39% among 90-year-olds and 38% among those aged ≥95 years. The prevalence of depressive disorders in the total sample was 29% in 2000-2002 and 37% in 2005-2007 (p=0.025). Among participants not depressed at baseline, 26% had developed depression after five years. Factors independently associated with new cases of depression at follow-up were hypertension, a history of stroke and a higher score on the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale at baseline. The thirtyday prevalence of delirium in 2005-2007 was 17% among 85-year-olds, 21% among 90-year-olds and 39% among participants aged ≥95 years. Delirium prevalence among individuals with dementia was higher than among those without dementia (52% vs. 5%, p&lt;.001). Factors independently associated with delirium superimposed on dementia in a multivariate logistic regression model were depression, heart failure, living in an institution and prescribed antipsychotics. There was a high prevalence of dementia, depression and delirium in the papers comprising this thesis, and 55% had at least one of the three disorders. The prevalence of dementia and depression also increased between 2000-2002 and 2005-2007, after controlling for age and sex. Dementia and depression were important associated factors for delirium and half of those with dementia were depressed. The increasing age-specific prevalence of depression seems to be associated with the increasing age-specific prevalence of dementia. The papers presented are among the first to report a significantly increasing age-specific prevalence of dementia and depression among very old people. More knowledge about associated factors and risk factors concerning these disorders may be helpful for carers and decision-makers, as well as providing reference values for studies in other regions. Further efforts are needed in both care and research to better prevent, screen for, diagnose and treat dementia, depression and delirium, especially considering the growing number of very old people. / Umeå85+/GERDA

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in the Elderly

Rodhe, Nils January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore the features of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in elderly people living in the community, and to seek diagnostic tools to discriminate between ASB and symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI). All men and women aged 80 and over living in an urban district of Falun, Sweden, were invited to participate. Urine samples were obtained together with information on symptoms and on health indicators. The same cohort was surveyed again after 6 and 18 months. Urinary cytokines were analysed in 16 patients with UTI, in 24 subjects with ASB and in 20 negative controls. ASB occurred at baseline in 19.0% of women and 9.4% of men, and was found at least once in 36.9% of women and in 20.2% of men. ASB in women was associated with reduced mobility and urge urinary incontinence. Of those with ASB at baseline, 60% still had bacteriuria at 6 and 18 months, but among those with repeated findings of ASB with E. coli, only 40% had the same bacterial strain after 18 months. In women, the risk of developing a UTI within 24 months was higher among those with ASB at baseline than in those without. Urinary levels of cytokines (CXCL1, CXCL8 and IL-6) and leukocyte esterase were higher in patients with UTI than in patients with ASB. There is convincing evidence that ASB is harmless and should not be treated with antibiotics. However, such treatment is still often given, thereby unnecessarily contributing to the increased number of bacteria resistant to common antibiotics. This study confirms the high prevalence of ASB in elderly people living in the community. In order not to be misled by a urinary test showing bacteria, it is important to restrict urinary testing for bacteria to patients where there is a suspicion of UTI. In elderly patients with diffuse symptoms or in patients who are unable to communicate their symptoms, further diagnostic help could possibly be obtained by evaluating the urinary levels of leukocyte esterase and/or IL-6.

Äldre människors berättelser om att bli och vara gammal tolkade utifrån genus- och etnicitetsperspektiv /

Aléx, Lena, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Old age depression : occurrence and influence on cognitive functioning in aging and Alzheimer's disease /

Berger, Anna-Karin, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Inner strength among the oldest old : a good aging /

Nygren, Björn, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att identifiera samt främja meningsfulla aktiviteter hos personer som är 80 år och äldre. / Occupational therapists' experience of identifying and promoting meaningful activities with people aged 80 and over.

Ahlgren, Linda, Sjölander, Christina January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att identifiera samt främja meningsfulla aktiviteter hos personer som är 80 år och äldre, samt har hemsjukvård. Metod: Författarna valde en kvalitativ ansats för att beskriva arbetsterapeuternas subjektiva upplevelser. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades sedan utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Data resulterade i tre kategorier varav en med två underkategorier dessa var: Identifiering av individuella behov för meningsfulla aktiviteter, Arbeta främjande mot meningsfulla aktiviteter, med underkategorierna: Problematik arbetsterapeuter möter hos de äldre samt Stöttande resurser för att bibehålla meningsfulla aktiviteter, samt kategorin Arbetsterapeuternas avsaknad av samt önskan om resurser för att arbeta mot meningsfulla aktiviteter. Slutsats: Studien visar att arbetsterapeuter inom hemsjukvården lägger fokus på att utgå ifrån patientens individuella livshistoria och att de ser en fara med generalisering vid arbetet med patienter som är 80 år och äldre. Arbetsterapeuternas erfarenhet visade även att mindre insatser samt att det sociala nätverket av anhöriga och vänner är av betydelse för att patienterna ska kunna utföra meningsfulla aktiviteter. Deltagarna i studien visade på ett stort engagemang i sitt arbete samtidigt som de uttrycker en önskan om att kunna göra mer för patienterna. / Purpose: To describe occupational therapists' experiences of identifying and promoting meaningful activities with people aged 80 years and over, with homecare. Method: The authors chose a qualitative approach to describe the subjective experiences of the occupational therapists. Eight semi- structured interviews were conducted and analyzed on the basis of qualitative content analysis. Result: The data resulted in three categories, one with two subcategories these were: Identification of individual needs for meaningful activities, Work promoting against meaningful activities with subcategories: Problems occupational therapists meet with the elderly as well as supportive resources to maintain meaningful activities,as well as the category of Occupational Therapists' lack of and the wish for resources to work towards meaningful activities. Conclusion: The study shows that occupational therapists in the field of home care focus on starting from the patient's individual life story and they see a danger with generalizing when working with patients aged 80 years and over. Occupational therapists' experiences also showed that minor efforts and the social network of relatives and friends are important for the patients to be able to carry out meaningful activities. The participants in the study showed a great commitment to their work while expressing a wish to do more for the patients.

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