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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

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January 1979 (has links)
by David C. Hoaglin, Stephen C. Peters. / Bibliography: leaf [5] / Caption title. "May, 1979." / National Science Foundation Grant SOC75-15702 National Science Foundation Grant MCS77-26902 National Science Foundation Grant MCS78-17697

Dokumentation über bergbauliche Versuche und geologische Erkundungen

Mitka, Lutz 11 July 2013 (has links)
Erkenntnisstand Januar 2006

Bergbau in der Gemeinde Lichtenau

01 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Dokumentation über das Berggebäude 'Joseph- und Marienzug Erbstolln' zu Sachsenburg

Mitka, Lutz 11 July 2013 (has links)
Erkenntnisstand Januar 2006

Die Sinti von Friedrichslohra 1807-1945 / Selbstbehauptung versus Antiziganismus

Danckwortt, Barbara 15 December 2023 (has links)
Die Siedlung Friedrichslohra stellt insofern eine Besonderheit dar, als es sich neben den Siedlungen in Wittgenstein und Württemberg um eine der frühesten Ansiedlungen von Sinti in Deutschland handelte. Bis heute wird in der Geschichtsschreibung die These tradiert, der preußische König Friedrich II. (1712-1786) habe das Modell der Zwangsassimilierung der Roma in Österreich-Ungarn zum Vorbild genommen und befohlen, die Sinti seines Herrschaftsbereiches in Friedrichslohra bei Nordhausen in der preußischen Provinz Sachsen anzusiedeln. Diese These wird in der Studie hinterfragt und die Bedingungen für die Sesshaftwerdung dargestellt werden. Ein exemplarischer Umerziehungsversuch von Sinti, die sich in Friedrichslohra niedergelassen hatten, durch den protestantischen Naumburger Missions-Hilfs-Verein unterstützt durch die preußischen Behörden in den Jahren 1829-1837 ist einer der Schwerpunkte der vorliegenden Arbeit. Daran anschließend folgt eine Untersuchung der Eingaben von Sinti gegen die Ablehnung von Gewerbescheinen und Pässen an das preußische Innenministerium im Zeitraum von 1842-1909. Ein weiterer umfangreicher Teil der Studie setzt sich mit der NS-Verfolgung der Sinti aus Friedrichslohra und ihrer Nachkommen auseinander. Im Fokus stehen die Biographien verfolgter Sinti. Die Erforschung des Themas beruht auf Recherchen und Auswertungen historischer Dokumente und zeitgenössischer Literatur in diversen Archiven und Bibliotheken. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Publikationen über Sinti und Roma, in denen negative Urteile tradiert werden, überliefern die bearbeiteten Aktenbestände eine Reihe von Selbstzeugnissen. Diese geben Rückschlüsse auf die Selbstdarstellung und Selbstbehauptung der Sinti von Friedrichslohra. / The settlement Friedrichslohra is special in that it was one of the earliest settlements of Sinti in Germany, along with the settlements in Wittgenstein and Württemberg. To this day, historians maintain that the Prussian King Frederick II (1712-1786) took the model of the forced assimilation of the Roma in Austria-Hungary as a model and ordered the Sinti of his domain to settle in Friedrichslohra near Nordhausen in the Prussian province of Saxony. This thesis will be questioned in the study and the conditions for the settlement will be presented. An exemplary reeducation attempt of Sinti, who had settled in Friedrichslohra, by the Protestant Naumburger Missions-Hilfs-Verein supported by the Prussian authorities in the years 1829-1837 is one of the focal points of the present work. This is followed by an investigation of the petitions of Sinti against the refusal of trade licenses and passports to the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in the period 1842-1909. Another extensive part of the study deals with the Nazi persecution of the Sinti from Friedrichslohra and their descendants. The focus is on the biographies of persecuted Sinti. The research of the topic is based on research and evaluation of historical documents and contemporary literature in various archives and libraries. In contrast to most publications on Sinti and Roma, in which negative judgments are passed on, the files examined contain a number of self-testimonies. These allow conclusions to be drawn about the self-presentation and self-assertion of the Sinti of Friedrichslohra.

Les marchands, fondateurs de civilisation, une épopée oubliée, XVe - XIXe siècle : une histoire sociale et culturelle de l’économie / Merchants and civilization, 15th-19th century : a social and cultural history of economy

Nguyen Huu, Trung 22 June 2012 (has links)
La Civilisation devrait être vue comme une évolution des mentalités au cours du temps, en Art, en systèmes économiques, politiques et sociaux. Ce sont les marchands et entrepreneurs qui en sont à l’origine. Le grand apport des marchands est la mise en évidence de réalités économiques, sociales, politiques et artistiques, qu’il a fallu extraire de la masse d’idées reçues, dogmes ou traditions pour les faire comprendre par le profit commercial qui en fut tiré, à un certain nombre d’individus jusqu’à atteindre une certaine masse critique avant que ces réalités soient acceptées par la majorité de la population. Ce sont des marchands italiens qui ont financé et participé aux premières expéditions maritimes portugaises pour découvrir de nouvelles terres en Afrique, Amérique et en Asie. Ce sont les entrepreneurs néerlandais qui ont découvert la « valeur ajoutée » par exemple en débitant le bois en planches au lieu de vendre brut. Ce sont eux qui ont créé l’entreprise moderne en l’ouvrant à des associés extérieurs et à des actionnaires à la famille, les polices d’assurance, la pratique de la comptabilité, les journaux permettant aux marchands de connaître les événements qui peuvent influer sur les prix des produits. Ce sont aussi les marchands néerlandais qui ont fini par obtenir au 16e siècle l’autorisation légale de prendre des intérêts sur l’argent prêté, ce qui jusqu’alors était strictement interdit par l’Eglise. Ce sont les marchands d’art flamands qui, en exportant les oeuvres de Van Eyck, de Memling, de Van der Goes, en Italie qui ont donné aux artistes italiens un nouveau sens des couleurs et de l’espace. Comme ce sont les marchands de la Compagnie Néerlandaise des Indes Orientales, la VOC, qui ont initié les Japonais aux sciences et à l’art de l’Occident. Il n’est pas surprenant que ce soient ces derniers à être les premiers asiatiques à s’ouvrir à l’Occident. Ce sont également les marchands qui ont créé au 18e siècle la société de consommation, laquelle a favorisé plus durablement que toutes les révolutions la rencontre des classes sociales. Cette société de consommation a conduit à la Révolution Industrielle qui a amené à la reconnaissance des droits des travailleurs et à la prise des responsabilités sociales des patrons, comme l’assurance-Maladie, l’éducation primaire gratuite des enfants d’ouvriers, sans parler de l’évolution des concepts de marketing sans lesquels il n’y aurait pas d’économie moderne. Ce sont les Imprésarios ou marchands de spectacles qui ont favorisé la prise de conscience des femmes, des Noirs aux Etats-Unis, de leur identité sociale et culturelle, comme ce sont les créateurs du Cinéma (les Frères Pathé, Gaumont, les Juifs Américains) qui ont rendu possible la mondialisation quasi instantanée de tous les événements renforçant ainsi le pouvoir de l’Opinion Publique, garant de la Démocratie. / Civilization should be understood as the progress of mentalities in the course of time, whether in Art, Economic, Political and Social systems. merchants and entrepreneurs are at the origin of this evolution. The great contribution by merchants was to extract from received ideas, dogmas and traditions, realities in the economic, social, political and art fields, and to make them understood by a number of individuals thanks to the commercial profits obtained from respecting these realities. When these individuals finally reached a critical number, these realities were accepted and adopted by the majority of the population.It is Italian merchants who financed and were parts of the first Portuguese sea voyages launched to discover new lands in Africa, America and Asia. Dutch entrepreneurs discovered the concept of “added-Value” , for example by selling wood as planks ready to use. It was they who created the modern enterprise by accepting shareholders from outside the founder’s family. It was they who invented insurance policies, the practice of accounting for better management, newspapers reporting events which could have an impact of the prices of products. It is also the Dutch merchants who in the 16th century, finally obtained from the State authorities the legal right to charge interests when lending money: till then such practice was absolutely forbidden by the Church. It was the Flemish art merchants who, by exporting to Italy works by Van Eyck, Memling Van der Goes… gave to Italian artists a new understanding of colours and of space. It was the merchants from the East India Company of the Netherlands (VOC) who initiated the Japanese to the Western sciences and art. It is therefore not surprising if the Japanese were the first Asians to open up to the West. It is also merchants who, in the 18th century created the Consumers’ Society which made possible the meeting of social classes in a more long lasting way than any political revolution. This Consumers’ Society led to the Industrial Revolution which in turn led to the recognition of the workers’ rights and to the duties of business owners to assume their social responsibilities such as social security, free primary education of the workers’ children. It also led to new marketing concepts without which there would not have been modern economy. It is the impresarios or entertainers who helped women and Black people in the USA, to become conscious of their social and cultural identities. In the same way, the movie entrepreneurs (the Pathe Brothers, Gaumont and the Jews who migrated to the USA from Central Europe) made possible the instantaneous globalization of the awareness of events, thus making Public Opinion an even stronger political force, without which no Democracy would be possible.

Dokumentation über bergbauliche Versuche und geologische Erkundungen

Mitka, Lutz 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Erkenntnisstand Januar 2006

Bergbau in der Gemeinde Lichtenau

01 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Takkanot Kandiyah : a collection of legislative statutes as a source for the assessment of laymen's legal authority in a Jewish community in Venetian Crete

Borýsek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The dissertations offers an analysis of Takkanot Kandiyah, a corpus of communal statutes from the Jewish community in Candia, the capital of Venetian Crete. These texts were written between 1228 and 1583 and collected as a coherent work by the Cretan Jewish historian Elijah Capsali. The collection has been used by scholars as a source regarding the social and economic history of Jewish Candia, but so far, not much attention has been paid to Takkanot Kandiyah as a specific work of Jewish legal literature, providing a unique opportunity to study the development of leadership of a semi-autonomous Jewish community. The dissertation is divided into an introduction, two parts and a conclusion. In the introduction (chapter one), I outline the structure of Takkanot Kandiyah, summarise its historical background and comment on the current state of research on the Jewry in Venetian Crete. Part One (chapters two-six) then provides a detailed overview of Takkanot Kandiyah and set it into its religious, historical, literary, and legal context. In Part Two (chapters seven-ten), I examine the various areas of life touched upon by the statutes and categorise the ordinances depending on the topics covered, pointing out the collection’s concern with both halakhic and (broadly speaking) extra-halakhic matters. The main argument of the dissertation is that Takkanot Kandiyah proves the gradual development of a specific political system in which the Jewish public affairs were managed largely by the group of lay leaders. Many of them were wealthy members of long-established local families whose authority was not sanctioned by their religious education or rabbinic ordination, but by popular consent and the readiness of the Venetian government to respect them as leaders of their coreligionists. The collection also reflects the ways in which the Jewish leadership dealt with the challenges of inner diversity arising from continuing arrivals of Jewish immigrants from various parts of the Mediterranean. Showing a strong tendency towards continuity, yet also an ability to accommodate to the need of the day, Takkanot Kandiyah is a major testimony to the legal history of Cretan Jewry and to the development of leadership and communal autonomy in a pre-modern Jewish community.

Dokumentation über das Berggebäude "Joseph- und Marienzug Erbstolln" zu Sachsenburg

Mitka, Lutz 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Erkenntnisstand Januar 2006

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