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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neoangiogênese na aterosclerose: modulação por lípides nitrados / Neoangiogenesis in atherosclerosis: modulation through nitrated Iipids

Rudnicki, Martina 12 August 2009 (has links)
Lípides nitrados (NO2-FA) são apontados como uma nova classe de mediadores lipídicos, podendo atuar como reservatórios endógenos de óxido nítrico (&#8226NO) bem como moduladores pluripotentes de sinalização celular. Recentemente, tem sido sugerido que os doadores de &#8226NO estariam envolvidos na regulação da angiogênese. Evidências contundentes indicam ainda que o processo de neovascularização poderia contribuir para a patogênese de uma serie de condições clínicas, entre elas a aterosclerose. Contudo, apesar de diversos estudos terem explorado os efeitos biológicos dos NO2-FA, os efeitos destes compostos sobre o processo de angiogênese não haviam sido descritos. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho investigou os efeitos dos NO2-FA (derivados da nitração do ácido linoléico e oléico) noprocesso de angiogênese. Demonstrou-se que os NO2-FA podem atuar como mediadores pró-angiogênicos. Este efeito foi caracterizado em células endoteliais humanas, assim como, em modelos ex vivo e in vivo. Nas células endoteliais, observou-se que os No2-FA não influenciaram a proliferação ou a viabilidade celular, ao passo que estimularam a migração. Demonstrou-se também que os NO2-FA podem modular o brotamento ex vivo de novos vasos, em cultura de anéis de aorta de rato, bem como o processo angiogênico in vivo observado na membrana corioalantóica de embrião de galinha. Adicionalmente, os NO2-FA induziram a expressão do fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF), que é o principal mediador do processo de angiogênese. Em relação ao mecanismo de ação, os achados sugerem que os efeitos demonstrados seriam via mecanismos dependentes de &#8226NO, uma vez que foram abolidos na presença de um seqüestrador de &#8226NO, enquanto concentrações equivalentes dos lípides precursores não demonstraram qualquer influência nas condições experimentais utilizadas neste estudo. Por fim, os efeitos pró-angiogênicos dos NO2-FA foram mediados pela estabilização da proteína do fator induzível por hipóxia -1α (HIF-1α), uma vez que estes compostos promoveram acúmulo desta proteína e falharam em demonstrar efeitos indutores em células knockdown para o gene HIF-1α. Em conjunto, estes resultados indicam que os NO2-FA podem modular a migração de células endoteliais e estimular o processo de angiogênese resultante da ativação de HIF-1a via mecanismo dependente de &#8226NO. / Nitrated lipids (NO2-FA) are described as a new class of Iipid mediators that are able to act as endogenously nitric oxide (&#8226NO) reservoirs as well as pluripotent cell signaling modulators. Furthermore, recent findings suggest that &#8226NO donors could be involved in the regulation of angiogenesis. Compelling evidence also indicate that the neovascularization process might contribute to the pathogenesis of many clinical conditions, such as atherosclerosis. However, although several studies have explored the NO2-FA biological properties, the effects of these compounds on the angiogenic process remain unknown. Hence, the present study investigated the effects of the NO2-FA (derivates from the nitration of Iinoleic and oleic acids at physiological concentrations) on angiogenesis processo It is demonstrated that the No2-FA could act as pro-angiogenic mediators. This effect was observed not only in human endothelial cells but also in ex vivo and in vivo models. Using endothelial cells, it is showed that NO2-FA failed to affect cell proliferation ar influence cellular viability, but significantly stimulated cell migration. It was also found that the NO2-FA might modulate the ex vivo sprouting of new vessels as well as the in vivo angiogenic process, while inducing the expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor, the main mediator of angiogenesis. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the observed effects mediated by NO-dependent mechanisms, since the presence of a &#8226NO scavenger abrogated the induced effects, whereas equimolar concentrations of its precursors, showed no effect on angiogenesis under our experimental conditions. Finally, the pro-angiogenic effects of NOrFA were mediated by the stabilization of the hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) protein, because these compounds increased the protein amount and failed to show inductive effects in HIF-1α knockdown cells. Taken together, these findings indicated that NO2-FA might modulate the endothelial cell migration and stimulate the process of angiogenesis by the HIF-1α induction through a &#8226NO-dependent mechanism.

Identificação de proteínas modificadas por fosforilação em Schistosoma mansoni após tratamento com TNF-α humano / Identification of proteins modified by phosphorylation after treatment of Schistosoma mansoni with human TNF-alpha

Carvalho, Mariana Lombardi Peres de 13 February 2015 (has links)
Esquistossomose é uma das doenças parasitárias com maior incidência mundial. Schistosoma mansoni, a única espécie encontrada no Brasil, tem um ciclo de vida complexo que inclui seis estágios de desenvolvimento distintos e dois hospedeiros, sendo um deles o homem. Nosso grupo identificou um gene que codifica um receptor que possui homologia com o receptor de TNF-&#945; humano em S. mansoni (SmTNFR) e descrevemos o efeito in vitro da citocina humana TNF-&#945; sobre a expressão gênica em larga escala no parasita. A via de sinalização através da qual o TNF-&#945; atua sobre o parasita permanece desconhecida. Em humanos, o TNF-&#945;, ao se ligar à isoforma do receptor que é mais semelhante ao SmTNFR, inicia uma cascata de fosforilação que conduz à ativação de diversas proteínas quinases que levam à ativação de fatores de transcrição. A nossa hipótese é a de que esta citocina humana atuaria no parasita de forma semelhante, resultando na alteração da expressão gênica do parasita observada em nosso trabalho anterior. No presente trabalho tivemos como objetivo verificar se há aumento de proteínas fosforiladas após o tratamento in vitro de vermes com o TNF-&#945; humano, e identificá-las, elucidando a via de sinalização induzida por esta citocina em S. mansoni. A fim de identificar as proteínas que são significativamente diferencialmente fosforiladas após exposição de S. mansoni à citocina humana, vermes machos adultos foram incubados em cultura por 15 min com TNF-&#945; (20 ng / ml), ou somente com o veículo, em controles, seguido da extração de proteínas totais. Utilizamos a abordagem fosfoproteômica por meio da realização de eletroforese bidimensional, seguida de coloração com corante específico para fosfoproteínas Pro-Q Diamond (Invitrogen). Para identificar quais proteínas tiveram fosforilação alterada pelo tratamento, fizemos uma análise quantitativa dos spots (volume dos spots) nas imagens dos géis corados com Pro-Q, utilizando o software 2D Platinum (GE). Em seguida a coloração de proteína total dos géis foi realizada utilizando Coomassie Blue Coloidal, para localização de todos os spots de proteínas de cada gel. Cortamos dos géis os spots de proteínas que apresentaram mudanças estatisticamente significativas na fosforilação (n = 3 réplicas; p <0,05, teste-t), com base na comparação de seus volumes relativos nas imagens dos géis das amostras tratadas comparadas com as controles, e em seguida as proteínas das amostras foram identificadas por espectrometria de massa. Analisamos três réplicas biológicas e observamos 45 spots que tiveram fosforilação significativamente alterada, sendo que 42 deles apresentaram fosforilação aumentada e 3 apresentaram fosforilação diminuída após o tratamento com a citocina. Entre os spots identificados por espectrometria de massa, verificou-se que proteínas relacionadas a processos metabólicos, sinalização celular, citoesqueleto e contração muscular estavam entre as que sofreram aumentos de fosforilação com o tratamento com TNF-&#945; humano. Embora a abordagem experimental adotada para este estudo não tenha sido sensível o suficiente para concluir qual via canônica de transdução de sinal é ativada por TNF-&#945; humano em S. mansoni, este estudo confirmou o aumento da fosforilação de proteínas-alvo induzido por TNF-&#945; humano, abrindo novos caminhos para uma investigação mais aprofundada que caracterize o papel das proteínas identificadas como alteradas por essa via de sinalização, e permita entender melhor a importância do TNF-&#945; humano na biologia do S. mansoni e na interação parasita-hospedeiro. / Schistosomiasis remains one of the parasitic diseases with the highest incidence worldwide. Schistosoma mansoni, the only species found in Brazil, has a complex life cycle which includes six life stages and two hosts, one of them being humans. Our group has identified a gene that encodes a TNF-alpha receptor-like in S. mansoni (SmTNFR) and described the in vitro effect of human TNF-alpha cytokine on large-scale gene expression of the parasite. The signaling pathways by which TNF-alpha acts upon the parasite remain unknown. In humans, when TNF-alpha binds to the receptor isoform that is most similar to SmTNFR it initiates a phosphorylation cascade that activates a signaling pathway leading to the activation of transcription factors. Our hypothesis is that this cytokine could act in the parasite through a phosphorylation cascade that activates transcription factors resulting in the change of gene expression observed in our previous work. The aim of this work was to verify if there were proteins that showed increased phosphorylation upon the in vitro treatment of worms with human TNF-alpha, identifying them, to try and elucidate the signaling pathway by which the cytokine acts in S. mansoni. In order to identify which proteins are significantly differentially phosphorylated upon exposure of S. mansoni to the human cytokine, we incubated male adult worms for 15 min in culture with human TNF-alpha (20 ng / ml), or with vehicle only, in controls, and we extracted total proteins from the parasites. We used the phosphoproteomics approach of bidimensional gel electrophoresis followed by phospho-specific staining of gels using Pro-Q Diamond dye (Invitrogen). To identify which proteins were phosphorylated or had their phosphorylation changed due to the treatment, we quantified the spots (determined the spots volumes) from Pro-Q stained gels using Image Master 2D Platinum software (GE). A total protein staining of the gels was performed using Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) in order to localize all protein spots in the gel. We excised from CBB stained gels the protein spots that showed statistically significant changes in phosphorylation (n= 3 replicates; p-value<0.05, t-test), based on the relative volumes of their spot images with respect to the total volume of spots in the gel, with samples from treated compared to control parasites, and subsequently the proteins in these samples were identified by mass spectrometry. We have analyzed three biological replicates and observed 45 spots that were differentially phosphorylated; 42 of them had their phosphorylation increased and 3 had their phosphorylation decreased upon a 15-min-treatment of male adult worms with the cytokine. Among the spots identified by mass spectrometry, we found proteins related to metabolic process, cell signaling, and cytoskeleton and muscle contraction. Although the experimental approach adopted for this study was not sensitive enough to conclude which canonical signal transduction pathway is activated by human TNF-alpha in S. mansoni, this kind of study confirmed the increase in phosphorylation of target proteins induced by human TNF-alpha, opening new paths for further investigation in order to characterize the role of the proteins identified as altered by this specific signaling, which will lead to a better understanding of the importance of this cytokine in the biology of S. mansoni and in host-parasite interaction.

Enzimas fibrolítica e amilolítica exógenas na alimentação de vacas em lactação / Exogenous fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes at feeding dairy cows

Zilio, Elissandra Maiara de Castro 23 February 2018 (has links)
As dietas de vacas em lactação são compostas principalmente por carboidratos que não estão totalmente disponíveis para fermentação microbiana no rúmen, o que pode ser um fator crítico para a obtenção de energia em ruminantes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da adição de enzima fibrolítica (Fibrozyme&reg;, Alltech Inc., Springfield, KY) e amilolítica (Amaize, Alltech Inc., Springfield, KY) nas dietas sobre o consumo de nutrientes, índice de seleção de partículas, digestibilidade aparente total, fermentação ruminal, metabolismo de nutrientes, produção e composição do leite de vacas em lactação. Para o experimento, 32 vacas multíparas da raça Holandesa com 181.3 &#177; 35.3 (média &#177; SD) dias em lactação (DEL), 571 &#177; 72.7 kg de peso vivo (PV) e 29.6 &#177; 5.24 kg/d de produção de leite (PL), foram distribuídas em 8 quadrados Latinos 4×4. Os tratamentos foram obtidos por esquema fatorial 2×2 pela combinação de enzima fibrolítica e amilolítica, como segue: 1) Controle (CONT): dieta basal sem adição de enzimas exógenas; 2) Enzima fibrolítica (FIB): dieta basal com adição de 1 g/kg de Fibrozyme&#177; no concentrado da dieta (51 UI de atividade xilanase/kg de matéria seca (MS) da dieta; Alltech, Nicholasville, KY, USA; batch#: 417990-2); 3) Enzima amilolítica (AMI): dieta basal com adição de 0,66 g/kg de Amaize no concentrado da dieta (203 FAU/kg MS da dieta; Alltech Nicholasville, KY, USA; batch: 432715-1); e 4) FIB+AMI: adição de 1 e 0,66 g/kg de Fibrozyme® e Amaize, respectivamente. As enzimas foram aplicadas para atender um consumo de 12 g/dia de Fibrozyme&reg; e 8 g/dia de Amaize, de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante. A enzima foi adicionada ao concentrado durante a preparação na fábrica de ração (toda semana). Não foram observados efeitos das enzimas sobre o consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Contudo, houve efeito de interação entre FIB e AMI para o consumo de partículas entre 19 e 8 mm. A enzima amilolítica aumentou o consumo de partículas entre 19 e 8 mm nos animais que não recebiam FIB. Além disso, AMI reduziu o consumo de partículas maiores que 19 mm. Outro efeito observado foi a interação entre FIB e AMI sobre a concentração de butirato ruminal. A enzima amilolítica aumentou a concentração de butirato apenas nos animais tratados com FIB. Houve tendência de interação entre enzimas sobre a excreção de nitrogênio (N) no leite, em que FIB reduziu a excreção de N no leite apenas nos animais não tratados com AMI. Ainda, AMI reduziu a excreção de N na urina. Ainda, houve interação entre os efeitos de enzima fibrolítica e amilolítica sobre a concentração de colesterol e a atividade enzimática da aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e gama glutamiltransferase (GGT). A enzima fibrolítica reduziu a concentração de colesterol e aumentou a atividade da enzima GGT nos animais não tratados com enzima amilolítica. No entanto, a enzima amilolítica aumentou a concentração de colesterol e a atividade da AST nos animais alimentados com enzima fibrolítica. Houve interação entre enzimas exógenas sobre a produção de proteína e lactose no leite. A enzima fibrolítica reduziu a produção de proteína e lactose nos animais não alimentados com AMI. Não houve mudanças na produção de leite com a suplementação de enzimas exógenas. Em nosso estudo foram encontrados efeitos no consumo de partículas, fermentação ruminal, excreção de N e mudanças na composição do leite, contudo não foram observadas alterações no desempenho produtivo dos animais. / Lactating cows diets are comprised mostly of carbohydrates which are not fully available for microbial fermentation in the rumen, critical factor for to obtain energy in ruminants. The aimed of this study was to evaluate the effect of fibrolytic enzyme (Fibrozyme&reg;, Alltech Inc., Springfield, KY) on nutrient intake, sorting index, total tract digestion, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen utilization, metabolic profile, milk yield and composition in diets with or without amylolytic enzyme (Amaize, Alltech Inc., Springfield, KY) of mid-lactating dairy cows. Thirty-two multiparous Hostein cows with 181.3 &#177; 35.3 (mean &#177; SD) days in milk (DIM), 571 &#177; 72.7 kg of body weight (BW) and 29.6 &#177; 5.24 kg/d of milk yield, were blocked and randomly allocated to a sequence of treatments in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design. Treatments were obtained in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, as follows: 1) Control (CONT), basal diet without exogenous enzymes; 2) Fibrolytic enzyme (FIB), provision of Fibrozyme&reg; (batch#: 417990-2; Alltech, Nichollasvile, KY) at 1 g/kg of concentrate (51 IU of xylanase activity/kg diet DM); 3) Amylolytic enzyme (AMY), provision of AmaizeTM (batch#: 432715-1; Alltech) at 0.66 g/kg of concentrate (203 FAU/kg diet DM); and 4) Fibrolytic enzyme plus amylolytic enzyme (FIB+AMY), enzymes added at the same rate in FIB and AMY treatments. The enzymes were applied to meet the intake of 12 and 8 g/cow/day of Fibrozyme&reg; and AmaizeTM, respectively. Enzymes products were added to concentrate during its preparation (once a week). Enzymes no effects on intake and digestibility of nutrients. However, there was FIB and AMY interaction effect on selection index of particle size between 19 and 8 mm. Amylolytic enzyme increase selection index of particles with 19 and 8 mm, only treatments without FIB. Furthermore, AMY decreased the sorting for feed with particle size greater than 19 mm. There was FIB and AMY interaction effect on butyric acid concentration. Amylolytic enzyme increased on butyrate concentrations in cows treated with fibrolytic enzyme. Fibrolytic and amylolytic enzyme interaction effect tended on N excreted in milk, in which FIB decrease N excreted in milk only on animals non-treated with AMY. Whereas AMY reduced urinary N excretion. There was interaction effects of fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes on cholesterol concentration and the enzymatic activity of AST and GGT. The fibrolytic enzyme reduced cholesterol concentration and increased GGT enzyme activity in animals not treated with amylolytic enzyme. There was FIB and AMY interaction effect on lactose and protein production. Fibrolytic enzyme decreased lactose and protein production, only on animals non-treated with AMY. Exogenous enzymes had no impact on milk production of dairy cows. Enzymes exogenous affected on particle size greater, ruminal fermentation and milk composition. This study did not show evidences that fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes can alter total tract nutrient digestibility and performance of mid-lactating cows.

Avaliação da atividade antiúlcera de Kalanchoe pinnata (lam.) Pers (crassulaceae) / Antiulcer activity from Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. (Crassulaceae).

Sobreira, Flávia Carvalho 22 April 2013 (has links)
Plantas medicinais são utilizadas tradicionalmente pela população para a prevenção e tratamento da úlcera gástrica. A úlcera gástrica é uma patologia heterogênea de etiologia multifatorial. É uma doença que acomete pessoas em todo mundo tendo como consequência a elaboração de fármacos com a finalidade de amenizar os sintomas e possibilitar a cura. Entretanto, o tratamento prolongado com os recursos terapêuticos disponíveis pode ocasionar vários efeitos colaterais. Extrato de folhas de Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. (Crassulaceae) é utilizado pela população para o tratamento de problemas gástricos. Esta espécie está incluída na Relação Nacional de Plantas com Interesse ao SUS (RENISUS). Com a finalidade de investigar a atividade antiúlcera foram ensaiados dois modelos de lesões gástricas em animais. No modelo de indução por etanol acidificado, o extrato bruto de K. pinnata apresentou diminuição das lesões gástricas em 74% na dose de 200 mg/kg (p<0.05) e de 98% (p<0.01) na dose de 400 mg/kg. A fração acetato de etila, quando experimentada nas doses de 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg e 400 mg/kg, exibiu significante redução nas lesões gástricas (p<0.001), em 77%, 95% e 96%, respectivamente. O ensaio com a fração aquosa também mostrou gastroproteção visualizada pela diminuição das úlceras gástricas em 69% e 91% nas doses de 200 mg/kg (p<0.05) e 400 mg/kg (p<0.01), respectivamente. Em modelo de indução por ácido acético não houve diferença estatística na redução da lesão gástrica nas doses (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg e 400 mg/kg) analisadas de extrato bruto de K. pinnata, após 7 dias de tratamento. No entanto, foi observado uma tendência na redução da lesão gástrica nas doses de 200 mg/kg e 400 mg/kg. Células polimorfonucleares, células mononucleares, fibroblastos e matriz extracelular foram quantificadas pela técnica de estimativa de volume celular, para verificação do processo de cicatrização. Foi constatado que nas doses de 200 mg/kg e 400 mg/kg ocorreu uma redução da fração de volume ocupada por leucócitos polimorfonucleares, favorecendo a promoção do reparo da mucosa gástrica. Paralelamente aos estudos farmacológicos, foi efetuada a padronização do extrato e frações, a obtenção do perfil cromatográfico por Cromatografia em Camada Delgada (CCD) do extrato bruto e frações (clorofórmica, acetato de etila e aquosa) e também por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) das frações acetato de etila e aquosa. O cromatograma resultante da fração acetato de etila evidenciou dois picos de maior intensidade e o perfil cromatográfico da fração aquosa apresentou um composto majoritário. Os compostos majoritários foram isolados e caracterizados como pertencentes à classe dos flavonoides. Quercitrina foi isolada da fração acetato de etila e quercetina 3-O-&#945;-L-arabinopiranosil (1&#8594;2) &#945;- L-ramnopiranosídeo foi isolada em ambas as frações. Os resultados da quantificação de flavonoides, da quantificação de substâncias fenólicas e da atividade antioxidante estão em consonância com os resultados biológicos apresentados, sugerindo uma possível relação dos flavonoides presentes no extrato com a atividade gastroprotetora e com a facilitação da cicatrização de úlceras gástricas. / Traditionally medicinal plants have been used to prevent and to treat gastric ulcer. Gastric ulcer is a heterogeneous disease of mutifactorial etiology. This illness affects a considerable number of people in the world. The clinical importance about this pathology resulted in the development of pharmaceutical products. However, these pharmaceutical products are not completely effective and produce many adverse effects. Extract of leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. (Crassulaceae) is often used for treating gastric ulcer by the population. K. pinnata is included in RENISUS. So, two distinct ulcer models in rats were performed. For this were realized two distinct ulcer models in rats. In acidified ethanol model, the crude extract from leaves of K. pinnata showed a protection of about 74% (p<0.05) at the dose of 200 mg/kg and 98% (p<0.01) at the dose of 400 mg/kg. Significant inhibition (p<0.001) of gastric ulcer by 77%, 95% and 96% was observed in pretreatment with ethyl acetate fraction at all the doses (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg), respectively. The aqueous fraction reduced gastric lesions about 69% (p<0.05) and 91% (p<0.01) at the doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg (p<0.01), respectively. In acid acetic model a statistic difference in reduction of gastric ulcer for all doses of the crude extract, after 7 days of treatment, wasn\'t observed. Nevertheless, the tendency about healing ulcer was verified for doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg. Polymorphonuclear cells, mononuclear cells, fibroblasts and extracellular matrix were quantified by the technique of volume estimation to detect healing effects on gastric ulcer. These doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg reduced the volume fraction occupied by polymorphonuclear cells. This fact contributes to healing of gastric ulcer. In parallel with the pharmacological studies, the standardization of the extract and fractions was made. The chemical analysis was performed through TLC (thin layer chromatography) and HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography). The HPLC assay showed the presence of two major components in ethyl acetate fraction and one major presence of a component in aqueous fraction. These compounds were isolated and identified as flavonoids. Quercitrin was isolated from ethyl acetate fraction and quercetin 3-O-&#945;-L-arabinopyranosyl (1&#8594;2) &#945;-L-rhamnopyranoside was identified in the both fractions. The results of flavonoid quantification, phenolic quantification and antioxidant activity are probably correlated with the pharmacologic activity presented. These results suggest that the flavonoids present in the extract can promote gastroprotection and facilitate the healing of gastric ulcer.

New algorithms for assignment and transportation problems

January 1979 (has links)
by Dimitri P. Bertsekas. / Includes bibliographies. / Research supported by National Science Foundation Grant ENG-79-06332 (87649)

Cloning And Characterization Of Industrially Important Alpha-galactosidase Genes From The Human Pathogen Aspergillus Fumigatus

Soyler, Betul Ulviye 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, molecular cloning studies were performed on the &amp / #945 / -galactosidase genes of Aspergillus fumigatus IMI 385708. This organism is an opportunistic saprophytic fungus and a human pathogen, mainly affecting immunocompromised patients. A. fumigatus is a thermotolerant fungus and can efficiently produce thermostable &amp / #945 / -galactosidase. Two different cloning strategies were undertaken in this study. A. fumigatus cDNA library, prepared previously, was screened with three different probes. No net results were obtained from these screenings. However, the DNA probes used were shown to be homologous to the &amp / #945 / -galactosidase gene (agl1) of Trichoderma reesei. After the completion of the genome project of A. fumigatus, regions with homology to &amp / #945 / -galactosidase genes were searched on the genome of A. fumigatus. PCR-based cloning studies were performed by designing specific primers for these regions. Two &amp / #945 / -galactosidase genes, namely aglA and aglB were amplified with these specific primers, sequenced, and ligated to vector pUC19. The recombinant plasmid was then used to transform E. coli XL1 Blue MRF&rsquo / cells. aglB gene consists of an open reading frame of 1684 bp containing six introns. The gene encodes a protein of 447 amino acids with a signal sequence of 22 amino acids and four N-glycosylation sites. aglA gene has an open reading frame of 1599 bp without introns. The gene encodes a protein of 532 amino acids with a putative signal sequence of 21 amino acids and four putative N-glycosylation sites. Cloning of &amp / #945 / -galactosidase genes represents a first step towards the high level expression of these enzymes in a GRAS host.

Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Analysis Of Bacterial Isolates From Salt Lake, Turkey And Characterization Of Their Extracellular Enzymes

Bahceci, Humeyra 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, 11 bacterial isolates from Salt Lake,Turkey were identified by using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. They were screened for production of industrially important enzymes xylanase, cellulase, &amp / #945 / -amylase and protease. These enzymes were characterized in terms of enzyme activity, stability, optimum temperature and optimum pH. One of the isolates was identified as Bacillus pumilus, and two of them were identified as Bacillus subtilis. Other isolates were determined to be Bacillus licheniformis. All the isolates were determined to produce xylanase. Optimum temperatures and optimum pH values of xylanases were 50-55 &deg / C and pH 7.0-8.0. Xylanases were quite stable up to pH 8.0 and 70 &deg / C. Isolates were not significant cellulase producers. Four of the isolates did not produce any cellulase enzyme and the rest produced negligible amounts of cellulase. Therefore, xylanases from the isolates were promising for pulp and paper industry, which requires cellulase free and stable xylanases. All the isolates produced appreciable quantities of &amp / #945 / -amylase. Optimum temperatures and optimum pH values of &amp / #945 / -amylases 60-80 &deg / C and pH 7.0-8.0. &amp / #945 / -Amylases were quite stable up to pH 9.0 and 80 &deg / C. &amp / #945 / -Amylases from the isolates were promising for starch processing industry, which requires &amp / #945 / -amylases stable at high temperatures and for detergent industry, which requires &amp / #945 / -amylases stable at alkaline pH values. Considerable protease productions were achieved by all the isolates. TTG 2 was the best protease producer with 271 U/ml. Optimum temperatures and optimum pH values of proteases were 50-60 &deg / C and pH 7.0-7.4. Proteases were quite stable up to pH 9.0 and 80 &deg / C. Proteases from the isolates were promising for detergent and leather industry, in which proteases must be stable at alkaline pH values.

Synthesis And Characterization Of Hyperbranched And Air Drying Fatty Acid Based Resins

Bat, Erhan 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
There has been a considerable effort in the last years to decrease the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in organic coatings. The risks to human health and environmental hazards associated with VOCs, governmental directives, and economic factors are the main driving forces behind this effort. One way of achieving less or no VOC containing coating systems is to produce low viscosity resins. Hyperbranched resins owing to their globular structure have low viscosities and are promising materials for decreasing the VOCs. In this research hyperbranched resins having properties close to alkyds were synthesized. Dipentaerythritol, which was used as the core was esterified with dimethylol propionic acid. The hyperbranched polyester was then esterified with the castor oil fatty acids (Castor FA). The hydroxyl group of the ricinoleic acid present in the castor FA was modified with different amounts of linseed oil fatty acids (Linseed FA) and benzoic acid. The chemical characterization of the resins was achieved by FTIR spectroscopy and the thermal properties were determined by DSC. Then, the physical and the mechanical tests were carried out. The resins containing the Castor FA only and 32.5 % Linseed FA in addition to the Castor FA had 24 and 68 Persoz hardness, respectively. The viscosity of the resins decreased from 17.3 Pa&amp / #61655 / s to 5.8 Pa&amp / #61655 / s as the amount of the Linseed FA was increased. The resins showed excellent adhesion, gloss, flexibility and formability.

Synthesis Of Oil Based Hyperbranched Resins And Their Modification With Melamine Formaldehyde Resins

Karakaya, Ceylan 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this research hyperbranched resins containing fatty acid residues like alkyds were synthesized. Dipentaerythritol which has six hydroxyl groups was used as the core molecule, and it was transesterified with (i) castor oil, and (ii) a mixture of castor oil and linseed oil at 240&deg / C in the presence of sodium hydroxide as catalyst. The resulting molecule, in either case, was then esterified with dimethylol propionic acid at 140&deg / C in the presence of p-toluene sulfonic acid as catalyst. Melamine-formaldehyde resin was synthesized to be used with the synthesized hyperbranched resins, and it was successfully modified by all hyperbranched resins at a ratio of 3:1. FTIR spectroscopy was used to characterize the hyperbranched resins and the thermal properties were determined by DSC. DSC showed that the hyperbranched resins decomposed between 315-345&deg / C. The viscosity of the resin that was synthesized by using only castor oil was 3.0 Pa.s and by using 50% linseed oil it was 1.0 Pa.s. When reacted with dimethylol propionic acid, the former&rsquo / s viscosity increased to 7.0 Pa.s, and the second&rsquo / s viscosity increased to 3.7 Pa.s. The hyperbranched resins showed excellent adhesion, gloss, flexibility, and formability. The mixture of hyperbranched resin plus melamine-formaldehyde resin samples had higher hardness values but lower gloss, adhesion and bending resistance values than the hyperbranched resins, and they had good impact and abrasion resistances.

Ägyptische Biographien der 22. und 23. Dynastie /

Jansen-Winkeln, Karl. January 1985 (has links)
Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät--Bonn, 1983. / Bibliogr. p. XI-XXIII.

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