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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emergent structure formation of the actin cytoskeleton / Emergente Strukturbildung des Aktin-Zytoskeletts

Huber, Florian 23 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Anders als menschengemachte Maschinen verfügen Zellen über keinen festgeschriebenen Bauplan und die Positionen einzelner Elemente sind häufig nicht genau festgelegt, da die Moleküle diffusiven Zufallsbewegungen unterworfen sind. Darüber hinaus sind einzelne Bauteile auch nicht auf eine einzelne Funktion festgelegt, sondern können parallel in verschiedene Prozesse einbezogen sein. Basierend auf Selbstorganisation und Selbstassemblierung muß die Organisation von Anordnung und Funktion einer lebenden Zelle also bereits in ihren einzelnen Komponenten inhärent enthalten sein. Die intrazelluläre Organisation wird zum großen Teil durch ein internes Biopolymergerüst reguliert, das Zytoskelett. Biopolymer-Netzwerke und –Fasern durchdringen die gesamte Zelle und sind verantworlich für mechanische Integrität und die funktionale Architektur. Unzählige essentielle biologische Prozesse hängen direkt von einem funktionierenden Zytoskelett ab. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt auf ein besser Verständnis und den Nachbau zweier verschiedener funktionaler Module lebender Zellen anhand stark reduzierter Modellsysteme. Als zentrales Element wurde Aktin gewählt, da dieses Biopolymer eine herausragende Rolle in nahezu allen eukaryotischen Zellen spielt. Mit dem ersten Modellsystem wird der bewegliche Aktin-Polymerfilm an der Vorderkante migrierender Zellen betrachtet. Die wichtigsten Elemente dieser hochdynamischen Netzwerke sind bereits bekannt und wurden in dieser Arbeit benutzt um ein experimentelles Modellsystem zu etablieren. Vor allem aber lieferten detailierte Computersimulationen und ein mathematisches Modell neue Erkenntnisse über grundlegende Organisationsprinzipien dieser Aktinnetzwerke. Damit war es nicht nur möglich, experimentelle Daten erfolgreich zu reproduzieren, sondern das Entstehen von Substrukturen und deren Charakteristika auf proteinunabhängige, generelle Mechanismen zurückzuführen. Das zweite studierte System betrachtet die Selbstassemblierung von Aktinnetzwerken durch entropische Kräfte. Aktinfilamente aggregieren hierbei durch Kondensation multivalenter Ionen oder durch Volumenausschluss hochkonzentrierter inerter Polymere. Ein neu entwickelter Experimentalaufbau bietet die Möglichkeit in gut definierten zellähnlichen Volumina, Konvektionseinflüsse zu umgehen und Aggregationseffekte gezielt einzuschalten. Hierbei wurden neuartige, regelmäßige Netzwerkstrukturen entdeckt, die bislang nur im Zusammenhang mit molekularen Motoren bekannt waren. Es konnte ferner gezeigt werden, dass die Physik der Flüssigkristalle entscheidend zu weiteren Variationen dieser Netzwerke beiträgt. Dabei wird ersichtlich, dass entstehende Netzwerke in ihrer Architektur direkt die zuvor herrschenden Anisotropien der Filamentlösung widerspiegeln.

Etude de la dissémination de cellule à cellule du virus de la maladie de marek : Rôle des contacts cellulaires, du cytosquelette d'actine et des RhoGTPases / Study of Marek's disease virus cell-to-cell spread : role of cell contacts, actin cytoskeleton and RhoGTPases

Richerioux, Nicolas 01 June 2012 (has links)
Le virus de la maladie de Marek (MDV) est un α-herpèsvirus aviaire responsable de lymphomes chez la poule. En absence de virions libres détectables en culture cellulaire, il est couramment admis que ce virus se dissémine uniquement de cellule à cellule par un mécanisme non identifié à ce jour. Mon travail de thèse comprenait 3 parties. La première avait pour objectif d’étudier la contribution des contacts cellulaires et de possibles virions extracellulaires dans la dissémination de MDV. La seconde partie visait à étudier le rôle du cytosquelette d’actine dans la dissémination intercellulaire du MDV et l’implication des voies de signalisation des RhoGTPases. J’ai montré que l’activité de la voie Rho-ROCK favorise la dissémination du MDV au contraire de la voie Rac-PAK. Un possible lien entre la dissémination du MDV et les jonctions adhérentes, maintenues par l’activité de la voie Rho-ROCK, est discuté. Enfin, la troisième partie avait pour but le développement d’un nouveau test de dissémination entre cellules sur un cycle viral unique. Pour cela, j’ai construit un virus MDV rapporteur inductible et des lignées cellulaires aviaires exprimant une flippase. / Marek’s disease virus (MDV) is an avian α-herpesvirus which is responsible for lymphomas in chicken. In absence of detectable cell-free virions in cell culture, it is well admit that this virus only spread from cell-to-cell. The involved mechanisms remain unknown. My thesis work was divided in three parts. The objectives of the first one were to study the contribution of cell contacts and of potential extracellular infectious virions on MDV spread. The second part aimed at studying the role of the actin cytoskeleton in MDV intercellular spread and the involvement of RhoGTPase signaling pathways. I showed that the Rho-ROCK signaling pathway promotes the dissemination in contrast to the Rac-PAK signaling pathway. A possible link between MDV spread and adherens junctions, maintained by Rho-ROCK signaling, is discussed. The third and last part had the purpose to develop a new assay of MDV spread between cells on a single viral cycle. For this, I built an inducible reporter MDV virus and avian cell lines expressing a flippase.

Investigating the role of a dynamic actin cytoskeleton and its regulators for HIV-1 entry in macrophages

Baskaran, Darshan January 2013 (has links)
Macrophages are one of the three main human cell types infected by HIV-1. They are highly plastic cells requiring a dynamic actin cytoskeleton for their role in development, homeostasis, tissue repair and immunity. For HIV-1, disrupting actin in macrophages is detrimental in that it leads to a complete block of viral uptake and reduces reverse transcription but, significantly, not fusion. Rho GTPases (Rac1, RhoA and Cdc42) regulate many aspects of actin dynamics including those required for endocytosis. Using a pharmacological approach, it was shown that Rac1 along with Rho GTPase effectors Pak1 and N-WASP are important for productive HIV-1 entry in macrophages. However, pharmacological inhibitors aren’t available for many host factors and may have off-target effects. To overcome this, expression of dominant negative (DN) Rho GTPases was attempted in human stem cell-derived macrophages (esMDMs). While DN Rac1 expressing esMDMs were successfully generated, this was not possible for the other two. DN Rac1 expressing esMDMs, as expected, had less filamentous actin and reduced dextran uptake compared to control esMDMs. In contrast to the pharmacological studies, HIV-1 infection studies in Rac1 DN esMDMs revealed a significant increase in HIV-1 fusion, reverse transcription and nuclear import, which could be due to reduced filamentous actin leading to a slower rate of endocytosis thereby allowing more time for viral fusion within endocytic vesicles. Surprisingly, reduced HIV-1 gene expression was observed in Rac1 DN esMDMs. This was corroborated by transfection studies implicating Rho GTPases in LTR driven gene expression. To overcome the ineffectiveness of RhoA and Cdc42 DN constitutive gene expression in esMDMs, an inducible lentiviral gene expression system based on the use of a constitutive promoter and a FLEx switch mediating irreversible DNA inversions was generated. The novel FLEx vector was the first system shown to induce transgene expression in esMDMs albeit at a very low efficiency.

Factors contributing to chondroplasia in degenerate rotator cuff disease

Cornell, Hannah R. January 2011 (has links)
Chondroplasia, the development of cartilage-like characteristics in tendinous tissue, is a form of degeneration found in tendons including those of the rotator cuff. The molecular mechanism of its development is currently unknown. An examination of the features of the torn rotator cuff and the cartilage literature led to the identification of several potential drivers of chondroplasia including cell shape change/actin cytoskeleton and hypoxia. Lovastatin caused actin cytoskeleton disruption and promoted cartilage matrix deposition in the ATDC5 model. It was the most effective member of a panel of cytoskeletal inhibitors, increasing expression of the chondrocytic markers Sox5 and Sox9 and decreasing expression of COL1A1 and COL3A1 in primary human tenocytes. Its effects were dose dependent, reversible by mevalonate addition and long term treatment induced de novo expression of collagen II. Short term hypoxia upregulated VEGF-A and chondrocytic marker gene DEC1 expression but not other chondrocyte markers. Combination treatment with hypoxia did not enhance the effects of lovastatin. These data suggest that modulation of pathways that regulate the actin cytoskeleton and cell shape may alter tenocyte phenotype.

Rôles des protéines d’échafaudage Gab dans la signalisation et l’angiogenèse médiées par le VEGF

Caron, Christine 10 1900 (has links)
La protéine d’échafaudage Gab1 amplifie la signalisation de plusieurs récepteurs à fonction tyrosine kinase (RTK). Entre autres, elle promeut la signalisation du VEGFR2, un RTK essentiel à la médiation de l’angiogenèse via le VEGF dans les cellules endothéliales. En réponse au VEGF, Gab1 est phosphorylé sur tyrosine, ce qui résulte en la formation d’un complexe de protéines de signalisation impliqué dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et la migration des cellules endothéliales. Gab1 est un modulateur essentiel de l’angiogenèse in vitro et in vivo. Toutefois, malgré l’importance de Gab1 dans les cellules endothéliales, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la médiation de ses fonctions, demeurent mal définis et la participation du second membre de la famille, Gab2, reste inconnue. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que tout comme Gab1, Gab2 est phosphorylé sur tyrosine, qu’il s’associe de façon similaire avec des protéines de signalisation et qu’il médie la migration des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. Cependant, contrairement à Gab1, Gab2 n’interagit pas avec le VEGFR2 et n’est pas essentiel pour l’activation d’Akt et la promotion de la survie cellulaire. En fait, nous avons constaté que l’expression de Gab2 atténue l’expression de Gab1 et l’activation de la signalisation médiée par le VEGF. Ainsi, Gab2 semble agir plutôt comme un régulateur négatif des signaux pro-angiogéniques induits par Gab1. La migration cellulaire est une des étapes cruciales de l’angiogenèse. Nous avons démontré que Gab1 médie l’activation de la GTPase Rac1 via la formation et la localisation d’un complexe protéique incluant la GEF VAV2, la p120Caténine et la Cortactine aux lamellipodes des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. De plus, nous montrons que l’assemblage de ce complexe corrèle avec la capacité du VEGF à induire l’invasion des cellules endothéliales et le bourgeonnement de capillaires, deux phénomènes essentiels au processus angiogénique. La régulation des RhoGTPases est également régulée par des inactivateurs spécifiques les « Rho GTPases activating proteins », ou GAPs. Nous décrivons ici pour la première fois le rôle de la GAP CdGAP dans les cellules endothéliales et démontrons son importance dans la médiation de la signalisation du VEGF via la phosphorylation sur tyrosine de Gab1 et l’activation des RhoGTPases Rac1 et Cdc42. Ainsi, dù à son importance sur l’activation de voies de signalisation du VEGF, CdGAP représente un régulateur crucial de la promotion de diverses activités biologiques essentielles à l’angiogenèse telles que la migration cellulaire, et le bourgeonnement de capillaires in vitro et d’aortes de souris ex vivo. De plus, les embryons de souris CdGAP KO présentent des hémorragies et de l’œdème, et ces défauts vasculaires pourraient être responsables de la mortalité de 44% des souris CdGAP knock-out attendues. Nos études amènent donc une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires induits par le VEGF et démontrent l’implication centrale de Gab1 et des régulateurs des RhoGTPases dans la promotion de l’angiogenèse. Cette meilleure compréhension pourrait mener à l’identification de nouvelles cibles ou approches thérapeutiques afin d’améliorer le traitement des patients souffrant de maladies associées à une néovascularisation incontrôlée telles que le cancer. / The Gab1 scaffolding protein allows signaling of multiple Receptors Tyrosine Kinase (RTKs). Among other things, it allows VEGFR2 signaling, an essential RTK to mediate angiogenesis via VEGF in endothelial cells. In response to VEGF, Gab1 is tyrosine phosphorylated, resulting in the formation of a signaling protein complex involved in the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and the migration of endothelial cells. Gab1 is a key modulator of angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. However, despite the importance of Gab1 in endothelial cells, the molecular mechanisms involved in mediating its functions remain poorly defined and the participation of the second family member, Gab2, remains unknown. Initially, we demonstrated that as with Gab1, Gab2 is tyrosine phosphorylated, it associates with similar signaling proteins and induces cell migration in response to VEGF in endothelial cells. However, Gab2 does not interact with VEGFR2 and is not essential for the activation of Akt and the promotion of cell survival. In fact, we found that the expression of Gab2 attenuates the expression of Gab1 and activation of VEGF-mediated signaling. In light of these results, we propose that in endothelial cells stimulated with VEGF, Gab2 acts as a negative regulator of pro-angiogenic signals induced by Gab1. Cell migration is a crucial step in angiogenesis, though, few studies have investigated the involvement of Gab1 in regulating different molecular mechanisms for actin remodeling leading to endothelial cell migration. We demonstrated that Gab1 mediates activation of Rac1 GTPase via the formation and localization of a protein complex including the GEF VAV2, p120 Catenin and Cortactin to lamellipodia of endothelial cells in response to VEGF. Furthermore, we show that the assembly of this complex correlates with the ability of VEGF to induce endothelial cell invasion and capillary sprouting, phenomena essential to the angiogenic process. RhoGTPases are also regulated by specific inactivators, "Rho GTPase activating proteins" or GAPs. The involvement of GAPs in promoting angiogenesis is relatively poorly described. Here we describe for the first time the role of the GAP CdGAP in endothelial cells and demonstrate its importance in mediating VEGF signaling via tyrosine phosphorylation of Gab1 and activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 RhoGTPases. Due to its importance in the activation of signaling pathways critical in VEGF signaling, CdGAP is thus an important protein for the regulation of various essential biological activities such as cell migration, sprouting and therefore in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis. In addition, embryos of CdGAP knock-out mice exhibit vascular defects, excessive branching vessels, haemorrhages and edema which may be responsible for the 44% mortality seen in CdGAP knock-out mice expected. Our studies contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms induced by VEGF and demonstrate the central involvement of Gab1 and regulators of RhoGTPases in promoting angiogenesis. This understanding could lead to the identification of new targets and therapeutic approaches to improve the treatment of patients with uncontrolled neovascularization associated with diseases such as cancer.

Auxin-Induced Actin Cytoskeleton Rearrangements Require Auxin Resistant 1

Ruth S Arieti (6954353) 12 August 2019 (has links)
<p>The actin cytoskeleton is required for cell expansion and is implicated in cellular responses to the plant growth hormone auxin. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms that coordinate auxin signaling, cytoskeletal remodeling, and cell expansion are poorly understood. Previous studies have examined actin cytoskeleton responses to long-term auxin treatment, but plants respond to auxin over short timeframes, and growth changes within minutes of exposure to the hormone. To correlate actin arrays with degree of cell expansion, we used quantitative imaging tools to establish a baseline of actin organization, as well as of individual filament behaviors in root epidermal cells under control conditions and after treatment with a known inhibitor of root growth, the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). We found that cell length was highly predictive of actin array in control roots, and that short-term IAA treatment stimulated denser, more longitudinal, and more parallel arrays by inducing filament unbundling within minutes. By demonstrating that actin filaments were more “organized” after a treatment that stopped elongation, we show there is no direct relationship between actin organization and cell expansion and refute the hypothesis that “more organized” actin universally correlates with more rapidly growing root cells. The plasma membrane-bound auxin transporter AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AUX1) has previously been shown necessary for archetypal short-term root growth inhibition in the presence of IAA. Although AUX1 was not previously suspected of being upstream of cytoskeletal responses to IAA, we used <i>aux1</i>mutants to demonstrate that AUX1 is necessary for the full complement of actin rearrangements in response to auxin, and that cytoplasmic auxin in the form of the membrane permeable auxin 1‑naphthylacetic acid (NAA) is sufficient to stimulate a partial actin response. Together, these results are the first to quantitate actin cytoskeleton response to short-term auxin treatments and demonstrate that AUX1 is necessary for short-term actin remodeling.</p>

Role of the Srf transcription factor in adult muscle stem cells / Rôle du facteur de transcription Srf dans les cellules souches musculaires adultes

Papaefthymiou, Aikaterini 30 November 2016 (has links)
Le muscle squelettique adulte est un tissu avec une grande plasticité étant donné qu’il adapte sa taille suite à la surcharge fonctionnelle et il régénère suite à une lésion. La base de cette plasticité est la myofibre et les cellules souches associées, les cellules satellites (CS). Suite aux stimuli, les CS sortent de la quiescence, elles s’activent, proliférent, s’engagent dans la voie myogénique et fusionnent entre elles ou bien avec la fibre pre-éxistante. Une partie des CS retourne à la quiescence afin de maintenir le « pool » de progéniteurs. Ce projet a pour objectif de mieux caractériser des voies de signalisation responsables des adaptations des CS au cours de la régénération et le l’hypertrophie compensatoire. Srf est un facteur de transcription, particulièrement exprimé dans les muscles. Les gènes cibles de Srf sont des gènes qui participent à la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire et des gènes codant des protéines sarcomériques du muscle ou bien des gènes ayant un rôle dans l’adhésion cellulaire, la migration et l’organisation du cytosquelette. Il a été montré que la perte de fonction de Srf dans la lignée de cellules musculaire C2C12 inhibe leur prolifération et leur différenciation et que Srf contrôle l’expression de MyoD qui est un gène de détermination myogénique. Aucune donnée n’est disponible à ce jour concernant la fonction de Srf dans les CS in vivo. Nous avons généré des souris dépourvues de Srf spécifiquement dans les CS adultes. Les CS ont été recruitées par l’hypertrophie et la régénération musculaire. En parallèle des études ex vivo ont été menées afin de préciser si les phénotypes observés sont cellule-autonomes et afin de disséquer les mécanismes sous-jacents. Nous montrons que la perte de Srf dans les CS affecte fortement les processus de régénération et d’hypertrophie suggérant un rôle de Srf dans le contrôle du destin cellulaire de CS. Nos études montrent que la perte le Srf dans les SC n’affecte pas leur prolifération et leur engagement dans la différenciation myogénique. Par contre, leur motilité et leur capacité de fusion sont fortement réduites. Afin d’identifier les effecteurs de Srf impliqués dans la motilité et le défaut de fusion des CS mutantes, nous avons réalisé des études transcriptomiques et identifié le set de gènes dont l’expression est altérée par la perte de Srf dans des conditions de prolifération et de différenciation. L’analyse des fonctions altérées nous a indiqué que la voie de signalisation du cytosquelette d’actine était perturbée. En effet les CS dépourvues de Srf expriment moins d’actine et présentent une organisation du cytosquelette d’actine perturbée. Des expériences de sauvetage utilisant un modèle de souris permettant la surexpression inductible d’actine alpha dans les CS dépourvues de Srf ont montré que la surexpression d’actine chez les mutants Srf était suffisante pour rétablir partiellement l’organisation du cytosquelette et améliorer les capacités de fusion des CS. De manière intéressante, seule la fusion hétérotypique (entre une cellule contrôle et une cellule mutante), et pas la fusion homotypique (entre deux cellules mutantes), est rétablie par l’expression de l’actine. In vivo, le rétablissement de la fusion hétérotypique restaure la croissance hypertrophique des muscles alors que l’altération de la régénération chez les mutants Srf n’est que faiblement améliorée par la surexpression de l’actine. Cette étude nous a permis d’avoir une vision d’ensemble et mécanistique de la contribution du facteur de transcription Srf dans la biologie des CS et de mettre en évidence l’importance structurale du maintien du cytosquelette d’actine pour la fusion des cellules musculaires. / The adult skeletal muscle is a high plastic tissue as it adapts its size upon overload and it is capable of regeneration upon muscle lesion. The skeletal muscle is composed of a specialized syncytium, the myofiber, which is the functional unit of the muscle and a small population of myogenic progenitors, residing adjacent to the myofibers, termed as satellite cells (SCs). SCs are the muscle-specific stem cells which endow the skeletal muscle with its remarkable capacity to repair and to maintain homeostasis during muscle turnover. In resting adult muscles, SCs are quiescent but they activate upon exposure to stimuli. The activated SCs (myoblasts) proliferate extensively and subsequently differentiate and fuse between them or pre-existing myofibers, a series of cellular events called myogenesis. In parallel to the myogenesis, a reserve population of SCs escapes the myogenic program and self-renews to replenish the SC pool. The current project aims to further characterize the signalling pathways involved in SC functions during muscle regeneration and compensatory hypertrophy (CH). Srf is a muscle-enriched transcription factor with Srf-target genes implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation (sarcomeric proteins), adhesion, migration and cellular cytoskeleton. Studies in C2C12 mouse myogenic cell line showed that Srf loss prevent the myoblast proliferation and differentiation by down-regulating the expression of the myogenic determinant MyoD gene. We used a genetic murine model for adult SC-specific Srf-loss in order to conduct in vivo and ex vivo studies for the Srf role in SCs. Compensatory hypertrophy and regeneration are the two means by which SCs were recruited. We show that loss of Srf in SCs affects the regeneration process and the CH suggesting the Srf role in the SC fate. Srf-depleted SCs display probably no defect in their proliferation and differentiation but reduced capacity in motility and fusion. Transcriptomic analysis revealed altered actin cytoskeleton and signalling. Srf-depleted SCs show reduced actin expression and altered actin cytoskeleton. Rescue of actin expression in Srf-depleted SCs partially restored the cytoskeleton organization and the fusion process. Interestingly by actin overexpression only the heterotypic/asymmetric fusion was established but not the homotypic/symmetric fusion. Therefore actin overexpression restored the hypertrophic growth in the CH (in vivo model of heterotypic fusion) but failed to do so in the regeneration (in vivo model of homotypic fusion). This study contributed to the in vivo investigation of the Srf mechanistic role in adult SCs and underlined the importance of actin cytoskeleton maintenance in the fusion of myogenic cells.

Mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no fenótipo endotelial em resposta a estímulos físicos e químicos / Molecular mechanisms involved in endothelial phenotype in response to physical and chemical stimuli

Silva, Thaís Girão da 01 August 2018 (has links)
O endotélio reveste a parede vascular e possui função essencial na manutenção da homeostase. A célula endotelial é capaz de perceber estímulos extracelulares, como fatores químicos e mecânicos, transmitir a informação para dentro da célula e regular sua função e fenótipo. Neste sentido, investigamos os mecanismos moleculares associados as células endoteliais em dois contextos importantes de intervenções vasculares 1) nos stents farmacológicos, onde a rapamicina exerce funções antiproliferativas e pró-trombogênicas, e 2) na revascularização cardíaca por ponte de safena, onde o alto estiramento mecânico exerce grande impacto no remodelamento vascular e no fenótipo da célula endotelial. A rapamicina pertence à classe de drogas limus, bastante utilizadas nos stents farmacológicos usados no procedimento de desobstrução vascular. Além de sua função antiproliferativa, exploramos os efeitos deletérios associados a pró-trombogênese. Os dados demonstraram que a rapamicina ativa o receptor de TGF independentemente de seu ligante TGFbeta, promovendo aumento na expressão da PAI-1 (pró-trombogênica), alteração no fenótipo endotelial (Transição endotélio-mesenquimal - EndMT) e na formação de fibras de estresse. Os efeitos observados são dependentes da ativação de Smad2 e independentes da via clássica antiproliferativa por mTOR. Experimentos in vivo mostraram que o tratamento com inibidor do receptor de TGF diminui os efeitos pró-trombogênicos e a expressão de PAI-1 induzidos pela rapamicina em artérias carótidas de camundongos. A ponte de safena é um procedimento bastante utilizado na cirurgia de revascularização cardíaca e a arterialização do segmento venoso submetido ao estresse hemodinâmico arterial resulta em remodelamento vascular, que influencia o sucesso do procedimento. Nossos dados demonstram que a célula endotelial humana de veia safena humana (hSVEC), susceptível as modificações do tipo EndMT induzido quimicamente (estímulo pró-fibrótico e pró-inflamatório), não expressou o mesmo comportamento em resposta ao aumento de estiramento mecânico que ocorre durante a arterialização venosa. Entretanto, detectamos uma pronunciada redução dos filamentos de actina, modulação no padrão de ativação da cofilina e na proporção de actina glomerular (G-actina) entre citoplasma e núcleo, com redução da biodisponibilidade de NO. De modo interessante, demonstramos que a redução no filamento de actina é específica para a célula endotelial venosa, não sendo observado em células endoteliais de origem arterial de aorta e coronária. Em conjunto, os dados mostram que 1) efeitos pró-trombogênicos associados a rapamicina são mediados por ativação do receptor de TGF independente do seu ligante e da atividade antiproliferativa da droga e 2) a adaptação da célula endotelial venosa ao estiramento mecânico envolve modulação da síntese/degradação de filamentos de actina e redução na biodisponibilidade de NO. Estes novos elementos sobre o mecanismo de transdução de estímulos químicos e físicos pelo endotélio poderão ser explorados terapeuticamente para modular a plasticidade endotelial em disfunções cardiovasculares / Endothelium is the inner layer in vascular wall and displays an essential role in the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis. Endothelial cell senses the extracellular stimuli, such as chemical and mechanical factors, transduce and process these signals to regulate cell function and phenotype. Here, we investigated molecular underpinning of the endothelial cells under two important scenarios: 1) in drug-eluting stents, where rapamycin exerts antiproliferative and undesirable prothrombogenic functions, and 2) in vein graft bypass surgery, where increased stretch modulates vascular remodeling and endothelial cell phenotype. Rapamycin belongs to the class of limus drugs and is widely used in drug eluting stents (DES) to vascular restenosis. In addition to its antiproliferative function, we explore the deleterious effects associated with prothrombogenesis. Our data demonstrated that rapamycin activates TGF receptor independent of its ligand TGFbeta, in concert with promotion of PAI-1 expression (prothrombogenic), changes in endothelial phenotype (Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transition - EndMT) and stress fibers induction. These effects are Smad2 dependent and independent of the classical antiproliferative mTOR pathway of rapamycin. Our in vivo experiments showed that TGF receptor inhibitor treatment decreases prothrombogenic effects and PAI-1 expression induced by rapamycin in mice carotid arteries. Saphenous vein is widely used in coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and the vein arterialization remodeling in response to the increased stress influences graft patency. Our data demonstrated that human saphenous vein endothelial cell (hSVEC) is susceptible to chemically induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) by pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory stimuli. On the other hand, physical stimulus associated with high stretch failed to induce EndMT. However, we detected a pronounced decrease of actin filaments, modulation of the cofilin activation, changes in the proportion of glomerular actin (G-actin) between cytoplasm and nucleus, and reduction of NO bioavailability. Interestingly, the reduction of actin fibers by high stretch is specific to venous endothelial cell since arterial endothelial cells from aorta, and coronary artery failed to display the response. Altogether, our data show that 1) the thrombogenic effects of rapamycin are mediated by TGF receptor activation independent of its ligand and independent of the antiproliferative pathway of the drug, and 2) the adaptation of venous endothelial cell to mechanical stretch involves synthesis/degradation of actin filaments and reduced NO bioavailability. These new elements on signal transduction of endothelial cells in response to chemical and physical stimuli may be therapeutically explored to modulate endothelial plasticity in cardiovascular disorders

O efeito da prolactina na migração de células de câncer de mama pela remodelação da actina no citoesqueleto / Prolactin effects on breast cancer cell migration through actin cytoskeleton remodeling

Silva, Priscilla Ludovico da 14 October 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A prolactina é um hormônio polipeptídico que possui reconhecida ação sistêmica, principalmente no sistema reprodutor. O papel desse hormônio no desenvolvimento e na extensão do câncer da mama ainda é muito debatido. A progressão do câncer de mama em grande parte depende do movimento celular e da capacidade da célula em remodelar seu citoesqueleto de actina. Nesse processo, proteínas envolvidas na migração celular, como moesina, FAK e c-Src, são influenciadas por vários hormônios, incluindo a prolactina. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da PRL na migração de células T47D, MCF-7 e ZR75-1 de câncer de mama, bem como os mecanismos envolvidos. MÉTODOS: As células foram cultivadas em placas de cultura com meio suplementado e divididas em oito grupos diferentes de tratamento: Grupo I (veículo); Grupo II (PRL na concentração de 25 ng/mL); Grupo III (PRL na concentração de 50 ng/mL), Grupo IV (PRL na concentração de 100 ng / mL), Grupo V (RNAi + veículo); Grupo VI (RNAi + PRL na concentração de 25 ng/mL); Grupo VII (RNAi + PRL na concentração de 50 ng/mL) e Grupo VIII (RNAi + PRL na concentração de 100 ng / mL). Nos Grupos de I a IV, a reorganização da actina do citoesqueleto foi analisada por imunofluorescência após 30 minutos do tratamento. Em todos os grupos estudados foram realizadas análise da migração horizontal com auxílio de microscopia de luz e avaliadas as expressões de Moesina, p-Moesina, FAK, p-FAK, c-Src e p-c-Src por Western Blot após 48 horas do tratamento. RESULTADOS: As células de câncer de mama expostas à prolactina apresentaram um aumento da expressão de Moesina, p-Moesina, FAK, p-FAK, c-Src e p-c-Src. Essas alterações moleculares estão associadas à reorganização da actina do citoesqueleto e ao aumento da mobilidade das células. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos dados sugerem que a prolactina aumenta a migração das células T47D, MFC-7 e ZR75-1 de câncer de mama e remodela a actina do citoesqueleto pela via de sinalização intracelular das proteínas c-Src, FAK e moesina / INTRODUCTION: Prolactin is a polypeptide hormone with a recognized systemic action mainly on reproductive physiology. The role of this hormone on breast cancer development and progression has been debated a lot yet. Breast cancer invasion largely depends on cell movement and on the ability to remodel the actin cytoskeleton. In this process, proteins involved in cell migration, such as moesin, FAK and c-Src, are influenced by a large number of hormones, such as prolactin. The present study was aimed for evaluating the effects of PRL on migration of T47D, MCF-7 and ZR75-1 breast cancer cells as well as the molecular mechanisms in this process. METHODS: The cells were cultured in dishes with supplemented medium and were divided in eight different assays: Group I (control); Group II (25ng/ml of prolactin); Group III (50ng/ml of prolactin); Group IV (100ng/ml of prolactin); Group V (RNAi + control); Group VI (RNAi + 25ng/ml of prolactin); Group VII (RNAi + 50ng/ml of prolactin); Group VIII (RNAi + 100ng/ml of prolactin). In Groups I to IV, the actin cytoskeletal reorganization was analyzed by immunofluorescence 30 minutes after the treatment. In all groups, were performed the horizontal migration analysis with light microscopy and evaluated the expression of moesin, p-moesin, FAK, p-FAK, c-Src and p-c-Src by Western blot after 48 hours of treatment. RESULTS: Breast cancer cells exposed to prolactin display an elevated moesin, p-moesin, FAK, p-FAK, c-Src and p-c-Src expression. These molecular changes are associated with the reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and increased mobility of cells. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that prolactin enhances the migration of T47D, MFC-7 and ZR75-1 breast cancer cells through the actin cytoskeleton remodeling by intracellular signaling pathway of c-Src, FAK and moesin proteins

Papel da proteína rica em cisteína e glicina 3 (CRP3) na mecanotransdução de células musculares lisas aórticas / Role of the cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 (CRP3) in the mechanotransduction of aortic smooth muscle cells

Ribeiro-Silva, João Carlos 16 July 2019 (has links)
Células de músculo liso vascular são capazes de perceber estímulos mecânicos do sistema cardiovascular, coordenando pressão sanguínea e perfusão tecidual por meio da modulação do tônus e do diâmetro vascular via resposta contrátil. O gatilho inicial à contração é um aumento na concentração intracelular de cálcio e diversas vias de sinalização têm sido descritas na sustentação deste sinal inicial. Evidências atuais indicam que adesões focais desempenham papel crucial na contração através da organização do citoesqueleto de actina e engajamento com o aparato contrátil. Nosso grupo demonstrou que a proteína rica em cisteína e glicina 3 (CRP3) interage com a quinase de adesão focal (FAK) em resposta a um aumento do estiramento mecânico e existem evidências de que CRP3 modula a dinâmica do citoesqueleto de actina. Neste trabalho testamos a hipótese de que a proteína CRP3 atua como uma proteína de adesão focal que regula a contração de células musculares lisas aórticas. Por meio de ensaios de imunoprecipitação e colocalização, verificou-se a presença de CRP3 nas adesões focais de células selvagens. Evidenciou-se que a ausência de CRP3 está associada a aumento no tamanho médio de adesões focais em células musculares lisas aórticas de forma independente do substrato. Entretanto, em resposta à angiotensina II, células nocaute para CRP3 apresentam incapacidade de maturação das adesões focais, um evento que está associado ao reduzido conteúdo proteico de FAK, paxilina e MLC2 (plataformas moleculares envolvidas na maturação de adesões focais) observada em células nocaute. Consistente com o maior tamanho médio das adesões focais, células nocaute são mais rígidas e, portanto, menos elásticas que células selvagens, sendo que a rigidez avaliada por citometria magnético-óptica de oscilação se reflete na reduzida capacidade contrátil, seja em condições basais, em resposta à angiotensina II ou ao inibidor de ROCK, como evidenciado no ensaio de contração em gel de colágeno. Em síntese, os dados deste trabalho mostram que CRP3 está presente nas adesões focais, regulando tamanho e sinalização, com reflexos na rigidez (viscoelasticidade) e capacidade contrátil, variáveis fundamentais ao correto funcionamento de células musculares lisas aórticas. Em conjunto, as evidências deste trabalho suportam a hipótese de que CRP3 é um modulador de contratilidade e mecanotransdução em células musculares lisas aórticas / Smooth muscle cells act also as mecanosensors of the cardiovascular system, coordinating blood pressure and tissue perfusion by means of vascular tone and diameter modulation via the contractile response. The trigger for contraction is a rise in the intracellular calcium concentration and several signaling pathways have been described to sustain the initial calcium signal. Recent evidences highlight the crucial role of focal adhesions to the contractile response, given its role in actin cytoskeleton assembly and engagement with the actomyosin contractile apparatus. We have demonstrated that the cysteine and glycine-rich protein-3 (CRP3) interacts with focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in response to increased hemodynamic stress. Additionally, it has also been shown that CRP3 modulates actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Here, we tested the hypothesis that CRP3 acts as a focal adhesion protein that regulates the contraction of aortic smooth muscle cells. Through colocalization and immunoprecipitation studies we found that CRP3 is a focal adhesion protein in aortic smooth muscle cells. Focal adhesion mean size evaluation showed that in the baseline, CRP3 KO smooth muscle cells display greater focal adhesion size. However, upon angiotensin II (a contraction-triggering molecule) stimulation, CRP3 KO cells fail to maturate focal adhesions, an event that might be related to the reduced protein levels of FAK, paxillin, and MLC2 (key signaling molecules involved in focal adhesion maturation) observed in KO cells. Consistent with the greater mean focal adhesion size, CRP3 KO cells exhibited increased stiffness and therefore, reduced viscoelasticity when compared to wild type cells. The reduced viscoelasticity of KO cells seems to influence cell contractility, as CRP3 KO cells also displayed reduced contractile response in the baseline and in response to angiotensin II. In summary, these data showed that CRP3 is present at focal adhesions, regulating their size and signaling. Thus, CRP3 at focal adhesions influences cell stiffness and contractile capacity, which are key features of smooth muscle cell physiology. Altogether, our findings support the idea that CRP3 is a key modifier of contractility and mechanotransduction in aortic smooth muscle cells

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