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Tipologia de heurísticas para a criação de oportunidades empreendedoras por startups. / Typology of heuristics for the creation of entrepreneurship opportunities by startups.Freitas, Simone de Lara Teixeira Uchoa 06 December 2016 (has links)
Esta tese investiga heurísticas de criação de oportunidades empreendedoras em startups. Pesquisas sobre ação empreendedora com base em heurísticas são desenvolvidas tendo como premissa que o mercado oferece várias oportunidades, prontas para serem selecionadas. Tais pesquisas não investigam como se dá a ação empreendedora quando há a necessidade de criação de uma nova oportunidade. Pesquisas sobre ação empreendedora com base em heurísticas também não exploram conceitualmente e empiricamente a criação de oportunidades empreendedoras por startups. Para preencher essas lacunas, esta tese se propõe a analisar a aderência da tipologia proposta por Bingham e Eisenhardt (2011) na criação de oportunidades empreendedoras por startups. A proposição que se faz é a seguinte: a tipologia proposta por Bingham e Eisenhardt não prevê heurísticas de gestão para a criação de novas oportunidades, já que tem como premissa que o mercado dispõe de várias oportunidades prontas para serem capturadas. Com base nesta análise, a seguinte pergunta dirige esta tese: Quais as heurísticas presentes na criação de oportunidades empreendedoras? Para responder a esta pergunta, esta tese constrói um quadro conceitual a partir da literatura e emprega a abordagem de pesquisa empírica, através da análise de ações empreendedoras unindo percepções, decisões e ações através de estudos de múltiplos casos realizados em oito startups. A contribuição central desta tese é a proposição de uma tipologia de heurísticas relacionadas à criação de oportunidades empreendedoras, adaptando a tipologia proposta por Bingham e Eisenhardt. Enquanto a tipologia de Bingham e Eisenhardt determina que empresas aprendem heurísticas dos tipos seleção, processual, prioridade e temporal, esta tese determina que empresas também aprendem heurísticas do tipo \'criação\' e propõe uma nova tipologia de heurísticas para a criação de oportunidades empreendedoras: \'startups aprendem heurísticas dos tipos criação, processual, prioridade e temporal\', uma vez que necessitam criar uma oportunidade que o mercado ainda não dispõe. / This thesis investigates heuristics creating entrepreneurial opportunities for startups. Research on entrepreneurial action based on heuristics are developed with the premise that the market offers several opportunities, ready to be selected. Such surveys do not investigate how is the entrepreneurial action when there is a need to create a new opportunity. Research on entrepreneurial action based on heuristics did not explore conceptually and empirically creating entrepreneurial opportunities for startups. To fill these gaps, this thesis aims to analyze the adherence of the typology proposed by Bingham and Eisenhardt (2011) in creating opportunities for entrepreneurial startups. The proposition that does is the following: the typology proposed by Bingham and Eisenhardt does not provide management of heuristics to create new opportunities, as it is premised that the market offers many opportunities ready to be captured. Based on this analysis, the following question directs this thesis: What heuristics present at the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities? To answer this question, this thesis builds a conceptual framework from the literature and employs empirical research approach through the analysis of entrepreneurial activities linking perceptions, decisions and actions through multiple cases performed in eight startups studies. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose a typology of heuristics related to creating entrepreneurial opportunities, adapting the typology proposed by Bingham and Eisenhardt. While the typology of Bingham and Eisenhardt requires that companies learn heuristics types selection, procedure, priority and time, this thesis requires that companies also learn heuristics like \'creation\' and proposes a new typology of heuristics to create opportunities entrepreneurial: \'startups learn heuristics types creation, procedure, priority and time\', since they need to create an opportunity that the market does not yet have.
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La coopération régionale des départements et des régions d'outre-mer / Regional cooperation among French overseas departments and regionsDetrez-Cambrai, Hélène 05 June 2009 (has links)
L’action extérieure des DROM dans leur environnement régional se présente sous une dénomination particulière, la coopération régionale. Des modes de coopération spécifiques à la situation des outre-mers s’établissent par l’exercice d’une coopération régionale déconcentrée et décentralisée. La définition du droit de la coopération régionale des DROM s’opère par une scission de l’opération entre le droit nécessaire à la conclusion de l’accord ou de la convention et le droit applicable. L’identification du droit est donc réalisée suite à un découpage entre le droit de l’action et le droit de l’application. L’étude de l’environnement juridique de la coopération régionale porte sur les moyens juridiques tendant à l’attribution de capacités et de compétences aux collectivités territoriales d’outre-mer en matière extérieure. Le degré d’effectivité de l’action du DROM vers les entités étatiques et infraétatiques de son environnement régional se dégage comparativement à l’action internationale régionale de l’Etat. L’examen de la production juridique de la coopération régionale révèle des accords et conventions relevant de l’ordre juridique international ou de l’ordre juridique interne selon le partenaire de coopération et la règle de droit appliquée. La variabilité du droit complique la définition du régime juridique de certaines conventions. L’observation du droit de la coopération régionale permet alors de cerner la singularité de ces modes de coopération. Elle soulève l’intérêt d’une règle de droit adaptée à la réalité d’un contexte de coopération pour l’expansion des entités ultramarines dans les espaces ultrapériphériques. / The external action of French overseas departments and regions in their local environment has a special name - regional cooperation. Cooperation modes specific to the situation of overseas territories are materialised through the exercise of devolved and decentralised regional cooperation. The definition of the law on regional cooperation among French overseas departments and regions is based on a separation of the operation mode between the law required to enter into an agreement or convention and the law applicable. The law applicable is therefore identified following a split between the law for the action and law for the application. The study of the legal environment of regional cooperation is related to legal means which tend to assign powers and authority to French overseas local governments on external issues. The degree of effectiveness of the action of a French overseas department or region with respect to the national and sub-national entities of its regional environment is to be measured in comparison with the international action of the National Government in the region. A review of the legal literature on regional cooperation shows agreements and conventions to be referred to international or internal jurisdictions depending on the partner involved in cooperative efforts and legal rule applied. The variability of the law makes it more difficult to define the law that applies to certain conventions. Observing the law applying to regional cooperation then makes it possible to pinpoint the specificity of these modes of cooperation. This raises the interest of a legal rule adjusted to the reality of a cooperation context for the expansion of overseas entities in ultra-peripheral regions.
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La ligue d'action française : mode d'organisation et pratiques culturelles, sociales et politiques (1905-1936) / The league of Action française : mode of organization and cultural, social and political practices (1905-1936)Schmidt-Trimborn, Anne-Catherine 14 June 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse se décline en une approche chronologico-thématique autour de trois pôles majeurs. Il s'agit, tout d'abord d'une démonstration qui entend établir un tableau aussi précis que possible de la structure, des rouages et de l'implantation des organisations d'AF à Paris et en province. L'objectif est ensuite d'analyser les grandes matrices de l'engagement militant mais aussi et surtout leurs évolutions successives en lien avec un contexte politico-diplomatique extrêmement mouvant. Il s'agit pour chaque période donnée de chercher à comprendre ce qui constitue l'engagement au sein de la ligue dans une approche résolument tournée vers la base militante. Enfin, il faut réfléchir à la place et au rôle de l'AF dans la nébuleuse royaliste et nationaliste de son temps afin de comprendre les jeux d'alliance et de concurrence entre les diverses organisations mais aussi dans quelle mesure et de quelle manière la ligue d'AF s'est intégrée au répertoire d'action collective de son temps tout en participant à son renouvellement. Le choix de notre découpage chronologique répond à des nécessités à la fois contextuelles et propres à l'histoire de l'Action française. Au cours de la première période, de 1905 à 1914, on assiste à une structuration rapide et continue de l'appareil d'action intellectuelle et militante. Les rouages nationaux et locaux de la ligue se mettent en place et les matrices de l'engagement militant sont diffusées par l'intermédiaire du quotidien et contribuent à influencer l'opinion publique. A cette époque, l'AF est presque seule dans le champ nationaliste mais doit se positionner au sein du monde royaliste. Pendant la Grande Guerre, les structures de la ligue sont désorganisées. L'objectif principal est alors de continuer à diffuser le journal ce qui n'empêche pas la ligue d'utiliser le temps de guerre pour tenter de nouvelles méthodes de propagande notamment dans l'armée. La période 1914-1918 permet aussi à l'AF de se respectabiliser en choisissant la voie de l'Union sacrée. Elle reste malgré tout une organisation particulièrement surveillée d'autant plus que son influence dans l'opinion publique s'accroît. Après-guerre, l'AF se réorganise partout en province. Au cours de la période 1919-1926, elle fait l'expérience de la vie parlementaire et glisse, de fait, vers une sorte de conservatisme contre lequel elle s'est initialement constituée. Ses échecs électoraux couplés à l'influence croissante des communistes dans la vie publique contribuent à relancer son activisme militant mais pas suffisamment selon certains de ses membres qui suivent alors Georges Valois dans la dissidence du Faisceau. L'AF doit également faire face à l'apparition d'une nouvelle concurrence nationaliste avec la naissance des Jeunesses Patriotes. En 1926, elle est confrontée à la plus grave crise de son histoire : sa condamnation pontificale. Au cours de la période 1927-1929, la ligue cherche à rebondir et à maintenir son implantation et ses activités dans un contexte, par ailleurs, globalement défavorable. Les résultats sont extrêmement nuancés selon les régions mais, dans l'ensemble, il n'y a pas d'écroulement de sa structure militante même si les difficultés financières de la ligue sont de plus en plus importantes. Au tournant des années 1930, la crise économique aggrave encore ces difficultés mais contribue aussi à créer un contexte favorable à un nouvel épisode de flambée ligueuse. Au cours de la période 1933-1936, l'AF connaît un regain de vitalité dont le paroxysme se situe au moment du 6 février 1934. Cela étant, cet épisode démontre également les limites et les faiblesses du phénomène ligueur nationaliste en France / Our thesis is based on a chronologico-thematic approach based on three major poles. First, it is a demonstration that aims to establish a table as precise as possible of the structure, the workings and the implantation of the AF organizations in Paris and in the provinces. The objective is then to analyze the great matrices of the militant commitment but also and especially their successive evolutions in connection with an extremely moving politico-diplomatic context. For each given period, it is a question of trying to understand what constitutes engagement within the league in a resolutely militant-oriented approach. Finally, the place and role of the AF in the royalist and nationalist nebula of its time must be considered in order to understand the alliance and competition games between the various organizations, but also to what extent and in what way the league Of AF has integrated in the repertoire of collective action of his time while participating in its renewal. The choice of our chronological division corresponds to the needs that are both contextual and specific to the history of French Action. During the first period, from 1905 to 1914, there was a rapid and continuous structuring of the apparatus of intellectual and militant action. The national and local workings of the league are set up and the matrices of activist engagement are disseminated through the daily newspaper and contribute to influencing public opinion. At that time, AF was almost alone in the nationalist field but had to position itself within the royalist world. During the Great War, the structures of the league were disorganized. The main objective is to continue to broadcast the newspaper, which does not prevent the league from using war time to try new methods of propaganda, especially in the army. The period 1914- 1918 also allowed the AF to respect itself by choosing the way of the Sacred Union. In spite of everything, it remains a particularly supervised organization, especially since its influence in public opinion is increasing. After the war, the AF was reorganized throughout the province. During the period 1919-1926, she experienced the parliamentary life and, in fact, slipped into a kind of conservatism against which she initially constituted herself. His electoral failures coupled with the increasing influence of Communists in public life helped to revive his militant activism but not enough according to some of his members who then followed Georges Valois in the dissidence of the Faisceau. AF must also face the emergence of new nationalist competition with the birth of the Jeunesses Patriotes. In 1926, it faced the most serious crisis in its history: its pontifical condemnation. During the period 1927- 1929, the league sought to rebound and to maintain its location and activities in a generally unfavorable context. The results are extremely nuanced by region, but overall there is no breakdown of its militant structure even if the financial difficulties of the league are increasingly important. At the turn of the 1930s, the economic crisis further aggravated these difficulties but also helped create a favorable environment for a new episode of league outbreak. During the period 1933-1936, the AF was experiencing a revival of vitality whose paroxysm was at the time of February 6, 1934. However, this episode also demonstrates the limitations and weaknesses of the phenomenon nationalist leaguer in France
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The ontological structure of collective action / Estrutura ontol?gica de a??es coletivasCichoski, Luiz Paulo da Cas 16 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T14:37:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Quando n?s falamos sobre entidades coletivas, a??o ? o tipo de atribui??o mais comum. N?s
rotineiramente falamos coisas tais como: ?China suspende todas as importa??es de carv?o da
Coreia do Norte?; ?Uber est? investigando acusa??es de ass?dio feitas por ex-funcion?rio?; ?A
Suprema Corte estuda o caso de um tiro disparado nos E.U.A. que matou um adolescente no
M?xico?; ?Mal?sia retira embaixador na Coreia do Norte?; ?SpaceX lan?a foguete a partir da
hist?rica ?plataforma da lua? da NASA.?. S?o essas atribui??es verdadeiras? Com certeza todas
elas poderiam ser meramente metaf?ricas. N?s poder?amos tomar entidades coletivas como
agentes somente como uma maneira de falar. Neste trabalho, eu argumento em favor de uma
posi??o realista a respeito de entidades coletivas e seu status de agente; tornando algumas dessas
senten?as verdadeiras. Ultimamente, muitos fil?sofos t?m abordado esse t?pico, mas a
discuss?o tende a ser guiada pelo problema da intencionalidade coletiva, o problema de como
entidades coletivas podem possuir estados mentais. Meu trabalho tenta trazer mais elementos
da filosofia da a??o para a investiga??o de a??es coletivas. Eu tomo como guia o problema da
individua??o da a??o, porque esse t?pico aborda quest?es de central import?ncia para a??es
coletivas. Especialmente a quest?o das a??es agregadas: a??es que s?o compostas de outras
a??es, que parecem ser os casos paradigm?ticos de a??es coletivas, na medida em que a??es
coletivas s?o, presumivelmente, compostas de a??es individuais. O problema da individua??o
da a??o nos leva a dois conceitos centrais da natureza da a??o: a??o b?sica e inten??o. Neste
trabalho, eu mostrarei como uma investiga??o sobre a??o b?sica pode nos ajudar a localizar o
lugar das contribui??es individuais em a??es coletivas e como uma investiga??o sobre inten??o
pode localizar um elemento fundamental da a??o que ? irredut?vel e distintivamente coletivo
nos casos de a??es coletivas. Depois de explorar esses dois conceitos centrais, eu ofere?o uma
defini??o de a??o que leva a s?rio o lugar da inten??o como guia para identificar quando um
evento constitui uma a??o. / When we talk about collective entities, action is the most common kind of ascription. We
regularly say things such as ?China suspends all coal imports from North Korea?; ?Uber is
investigating harassment claims by ex-employee?; ?Supreme Court considers case of a shot
fired in U.S. that killed a teenager in Mexico?; ?Malaysia recalls ambassador to North Korea?;
?SpaceX launches rocket from NASA?s historic moon pad.? Are those ascriptions true? For
sure, they could all be metaphoric. We could take collective entities as agents just as a way of
speaking. In this work, I argue in favor of a realist position regarding collective entities and
their status of agent; rendering some of these sentences true. Recently, many philosophers are
addressing this topic, but the discussion tends to be guided by the problem of collective
intentionality, the problem of how collective entities can have mental states. My work tries to
bring more elements of philosophy of action to the investigation of collective action. I take as
a guide the problem of action individuation, because this topic addresses questions of central
importance for collective action. Especially the question of aggregate actions, actions that are
composed of other actions, which seems to be the paradigmatic case of collective action, insofar
as they are presumably composed of individuals? actions. The problem of action individuation
leads us to two central concepts on the nature of action: basic action and intention. In this work,
I will show how an investigation on basic action can help us locate the place of individuals?
contributions in collective action and how an investigation on intention can locate a
fundamental element of action that is irreducible and distinctively collective in collective action
cases. After exploring these two core concepts, I provide a definition of action that take
seriously the place of intention as a guide to identify when an event constitutes an action.
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Space and the contemporary Hollywood action sequenceJones, Nick January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the manner in which the action sequences of contemporary Hollywood cinema reflect and constitute ways of imagining space. The thesis proposes that these sequences are highly spatialised presentations of bodily interaction with the world, and as such manifest cultural anxieties regarding the relationship between the individual and the built environment, and work to assure their viewers of the capacity of the human form to survive the disorienting spaces of contemporary architecture, globalisation and technology. In order to demonstrate this, the aesthetic and formal properties of action sequences are read alongside critical work exploring how space shapes social life, including influential texts by Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau, Fredric Jameson and others. These readings reveal that both action sequences and critical spatial theory are similarly attentive to the difficulties, contradictions and possibilities of built space. A range of action sequences from Hollywood films of the last fifteen years, including sequences from Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, The International, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Jumper, Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Sucker Punch, Inception, Swordfish, The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, TRON: Legacy, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Afterlife and Dredd 3D are analysed for how they depict space and spatial agency. Rather than concentrating upon the narratives of these films, the chapters of the thesis deal in turn with the ways in which action sequences express contemporary developments within the built environment; the consequences of globalisation; the impact of these spatial changes upon mental life; the challenges to bodily engagement raised by digital technology and cyberspace; and the modifications to representing space on film prompted by stereoscopic exhibition. Examinations of these sequences are used to build a model of the action sequence that suggests spatial appropriation and ideas around place-creation are crucial elements of the form.
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The world we desire is one we can create and care for togetherZechner, Manuela January 2015 (has links)
Written with a contemporary European context of economic, social and reproductive crisis in mind, this thesis presents research about, from and for social movements that struggle against precarity, austerity and capitalist accumulation. Based on accounts and analyses of feminist-autonomist militant practice and networks, this research project revolves around two terms: care and creativity. It maps out a historical-genealogical shift from a paradigm of creativity (reflected in neoliberal governance as well as in social movements of the decades before and after the millenium) to one oriented around care (reflected in the neo-communitarian policy as well as practices of commoning that arise with social and economic crisis in Europe). Structured into three broad sections on work, organisation and governance, the questions at stake here revolve around the possibilities and imaginaries of politics that affirm care and creativity in relation to one another. On the level of work, this means struggles within and against precarity, reproductive and illegalized work; on the level of organisation, it means relating the figure of the network to that of the care chain and the family, confronting new transnational forms of alliance and care; and on the level of governance, it is the relation between neoliberalism and its new communitarian forms that is in question. What the collectives, campaigns and networks constituting the ‘field’ of this research have in common is that they re-think the contemporary relations between autonomy and heteronomy, the global and the situated, as well as macro- and micropolitics. Dwelling on collective experiences and knowledges, this investigation takes care to articulate the dimensions of subjectivity, relation and association with those of economy and governance. Concerned and engaged with contexts of struggle and commoning in the face of crisis politics, precarity and dispersed sociality, a methodology of militant participatory-action research serves to map out contexts of practice in Spain, the UK and Argentina as of 2010-2013.
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A question of understanding : hermeneutics and the play of history, distance and dialogue in development practice in East AfricaScott-Villiers, Patta January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is a phenomenology of understanding in the context of development practice in East Africa. It is framed by stories of my life and work, experiences rooted in European traditions and provoked and expanded in encounter with African traditions. My question began with methods for dealing with poverty and suffering. Even with all my goodwill and education and the might of large institutions behind me, I found myself part of a series of analytical interventions that seemed to make the problem worse. Yet I would like to contribute to a world where people live together well. This thesis is the story of how I laid siege to this conundrum, working on it from various angles until I saw development intervention for the incoherent prejudice that it was. How could something as co-operative as living well with others be achieved by something so domineering as methodical intervention? Western development consciousness has not noticed that other cultures cannot and will not bear such hubris. So I questioned the notion that a good method (or a good institution, analytical technique or moral code) is the first requirement for fair co-existence. Development, I realised, is conversations that we join, not instructions that we give. I asked instead how I and others come to agree, a question that many people in my profession have never asked. In a close examination of the way I have come to understandings in my own life, I draw on the work of German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. His philosophical hermeneutics bring together multiple aspects of understanding: its consciousness, historicity, eventfulness, and linguistic and conversational nature. With the help of African thinkers, I gain more perspective - I take part in understandings that are held, provoked and renewed in conversation across time, geography and entire societies. Through the journey represented by this thesis I have come to understand that understanding speaks the world, its history, diversity and potential. I have come to know that from understanding comes method, not the other way around. It is an insight that has profound implications for those of us who work in the development field.
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A multi-level inquiry into capacity-building : defying borders in a maritime journey through a personal territory and the Portuguese non-profit worldFranco, M. Raquel January 2012 (has links)
Capacity, the emergent combination of attributes that enables a human system to create developmental value (Morgan, 2006, 2008), is the point of arrival of an inquiry journey through a personal territory and the Portuguese non-profit world. Inspired by the metaphor of the Portuguese golden age of the maritime discoveries, and by Action Research, in line with Reason and Bradbury’s notion of inquiry into the “quality in our acting” (Reason and Bradbury, 2001), the author defies several borders in her exploration of answers to the question of “how to build capacity?”. This multi-level question is unfolded in three – the individual, the non-profit organisations and the society, in a journey that find points of connection. The author defies the border of her worldviews, embracing a participatory worldview that offers her an extended epistemology, which she explores in its multiple-level understanding of knowing comprised of experiential, practical, propositional and presentational knowing, in a process of personal and professional development in a concrete project – the Acreditar project. Through stories, another border the author defies, meaning is explored through layers of personal reflections and through shared meanings in a Learning History developed by the Acreditar team members. The stories presented are a result of a commitment to highlight the learning in capacity-building endeavours. In a particular story, and in a twist of irony, the learning emerges from an experience of dis-capacity. But that experience would serve as the departing basis for another re-start the author initiates, in a process of forgiveness that acknowledges the past as irreversible but redeemable. It is my intention to engage you in this journey from the beginning, and I hope this is also a useful journey for you. Ultimately its account is here to serve as basis for further dialogue I would be very glad to engage with you.
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When being professional means becoming myself : towards integrity and presence in practiceAdams, David Martin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis seeks to elaborate the inner qualities of integrity and presence in professional practice. It is offered as a contribution to the growing body of literature that shifts the emphasis in professional development from the transfer of skills and knowledge to the transformation of practice. Professional education has been viewed as the acquisition of the knowledge and skills required to address the presenting problems of daily practice. It has been assumed that the answers to these problems can be identified, codified and passed on to others, resulting in a kind of professionalism by protocol. But, as Dreyfus & Dreyfus (2005) have pointed out, there is a qualitative shift in the practice of experts when compared to novices and beginners. The expert evidences a deliberative skill that does not rely on the application of protocols but on extensive case by case experience. Indeed professionalism may be understood as the quality of practice that is evident at the very moment when protocols no longer apply (Coles 2002).Professional practice is not a simple concept as Kemmis (2006) has shown. The thesis contributes to this field by suggesting that professionalism is acquired through prolonged inquiry into the contingencies of quotidian practice and that this shapes the inner qualities the practitioner brings to their practice. It is offered as a first person inquiry (Reason 2001) that probes fractals of my own professional practice over a five year period. In telling my personal story, I give an account of an emergent methodology that engages with action research and narrative inquiry. A narrative mode of knowing (Bruner 1986) notices the complex, many sided and sometimes conflicting stories of professional life resulting, not in a set of propositional claims, but in an account that provides the reader with the imaginal space to enter the process and participate, with me, in making sense of professional practice.
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From the fringe of London to the heart of fairyland : suburban community leisure, voluntary action and identities in the Ilford Carnival, 1905-1914Georgiou, Dion January 2016 (has links)
The Ilford Carnival was a procession of costumed individuals and decorated vehicles held annually in this then outer-lying London suburb between 1905 and 1914 to raise funds for establishing a local hospital. This thesis utilises the carnival to provide an insight into how different suburban organisations and social groups came together in a particular performance of community. It argues that the carnival's administrative body, and other organisations involved, provided opportunities for inclusion and social capital attainment. It also demonstrates how a local culture of voluntary action provided the basis of a large-scale charitable initiative with an ethos of communal self-help. The suburban setting demonstrates the continued relevance of carnival, originating in the premodern ritual year, within a modern urban environment. In the wake of Ilford's drastic expansion, the carnival's annual recurrence provided reassuring familiarity, and an opportunity for inversionary performances, with the carnival's philanthropic rationale providing a justification for what might have otherwise been seen as transgressive. The thesis illustrates that the procession functioned as a suburban public sphere. Performances throughout operated between poles of artifice and sincerity, with dominant ideals about national and imperial identity, or class and gender roles, being projected through acts of dressing up, while such ideals were both transgressed and upheld through practices like crossdressing and blackface. The suburb too was reimagined, as both rural idyll and metropolitan tourist attraction. It also highlights how the carnival's timing, structure and content were impinged upon and influenced by expanding cultural industries, with the carnival commodified by participating businesses and media, but also appropriating fundraising models and imagery from commercialised formats like sport and theatre, connoting the topicality and recognisability that enabled it to compete within the metropolitan market for people's spare time and money.
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