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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Artificiell intelligens och gender bias : En studie av samband mellan artificiell intelligens, gender bias och könsdiskriminering / Addressing Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence

Lycken, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
AI spås få lika stor påverkan på samhället som elektricitet haft och avancemangen inom till exempel maskininlärning och neurala nätverk har tagit AI in i sektorer som rättsväsende, rekrytering och hälso- och sjukvård. Men AI-system är, precis som människor, känsliga för olika typer av snedvridningar, vilket kan leda till orättvisa beslut. En alarmerande mängd studier och rapporter visar att AI i flera fall speglar, sprider och förstärker befintliga snedvridningar i samhället i form av fördomar och värderingar vad gäller könsstereotyper och könsdiskriminering. Algoritmer som används i bildigenkänning baserar sina beslut på stereotyper om vad som är manligt och kvinnligt, röstigenkänning är mer trolig att korrekt känna igen manliga röster jämfört med kvinnliga röster och röstassistenter som Microsoft:s Cortona eller Apple:s Siri förstärker befintlig könsdiskriminering i samhällen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur könsdiskriminering kan uppstå i AI-system generellt, hur relationen mellan gender bias och AI-system ser ut samt hur ett företag som arbetar med utveckling av AI resonerar kring relationen mellan gender bias och AI-utveckling. Studiens syfte uppfylls genom en litteraturgenomgång samt djupintervjuer med nyckelpersoner som på olika sätt arbetar med AI-utveckling på KPMG. Resultaten visar att bias i allmänhet och gender bias i synnerhet finns närvarande i alla steg i utvecklingen av AI och kan uppstå på grund av en mängd olika faktorer, inklusive men inte begränsat till mångfald i utvecklingsteamen, utformningen av algoritmer och beslut relaterade till hur data samlas in, kodas, eller används för att träna algoritmer. De lösningar som föreslås handlar dels om att adressera respektive orsaksfaktor som identifierats, men även att se problemet med gender bias och könsdiskriminering i AI-system från ett helhetsperspektiv. Essensen av resultaten är att det inte räcker att ändra någon av parametrarna om inte systemets struktur samtidigt ändras. / Recent advances in, for example, machine learning and neural networks have taken artificial intelligence into disciplines such as justice, recruitment and health care. As in all fields subject to AI, correct decisions are crucial and there is no room for discriminatory conclusions. However, AI-systems are, just like humans, subject to various types of distortions, which can lead to unfair decisions. An alarming number of studies and reports show that AI in many cases reflects and reinforces existing gender bias in society. Algorithms used in image recognition base their decisions on character stereotypes of male and female. Voice recognition is more likely to correctly recognize male voices compared to female voices, and earlier 2019 the United Nations released a study showing that voice assistants, such as Microsoft's Cortona or Apple's Siri, reinforce existing gender bias. The purpose of this study is to investigate how gender discrimination can appear in AI-systems, and what constitutes the relationship between gender bias, gender discrimination and AI-systems. Furthermore it addresses how a company that works with the development of AI reason concerning the relationship between gender bias, gender discrimination and AI development. The study contains a thorough literature review, as well as in-depth interviews with key persons working with various aspects of AI development at KPMG.  The results show that bias in general, and gender bias in particular, are present at all stages of AI development. It can occur due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to the lack of diversity in the workforce, the design of algorithms and the decisions related to how data is collected, encoded and used to train algorithms. The solutions proposed are partly about addressing the identified factors, but also about looking at the problem from a holistic perspective. The significance of seeing and understanding the links between gender bias in society and gender bias in AI-systems, as well as reconsidering how each factor depends on and correlates with other ones, is emphasized. The essence of the results is that it is not enough to alter any of the parameters unless the structure of the system is changed as well.

AI-systems möjligheter i enavancerad support- och industrikontext / AI-systems possbilities in an advanced support- and industry context

Olsson, Linn January 2019 (has links)
En fallstudie för Siemens i deras supportorganisation där deras arbeteundersöks och dess möjligheter att nyttja ett AI-system för förbättringar.Detta undersöks med hjälp av teorier inom distribuerad kognitionsamt vad som finns tillgängligt inom AI-system likt chatbotar.Genom kontextuella intervjuer inom ramarna för Kontextuell design skapasaffinitetsdiagram och DiCoT analys av datan för att ge en omfattandebild. Detta används för att diskutera de konsekvenser för design av ettAI-system som deras distribuerade kunskapsarbete behöver. Genom resultatetåskådliggörs de många system supportteknikerna använder ochhur de tar hjälp av varandra för att lösa det svårigheter de stöter på. Islutsatsen lyfts det fram förslag på införande av AI-system för supportteknikernamen även en alternativ lösning som är kundorienterad. / A case studie at Siemens supportorganisation is studied and the possibilities to use an AI-system for improvements. This is studied with theories in distributed cognition and what is available in AI-systems such as chatbots. Through contextual inquiry, which is a part of the method Contextual Design, affinity diagrams were made and a analysis through DiCoT to create a relevant image. This is used to discuss consequences for the design of an AI-system that the supporttechnicians need.  Through the result the many systems that the supporttechnicians use are illustrated and how they depend on eachother to solve difficulties. In the conclusion different suggestions are made about a AI-system for the support technicians but also an alternative that is customer related.

Requirements Analysis for AI solutions : a study on how requirements analysis is executed when developing AI solutions

Olsson, Anton, Joelsson, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
Requirements analysis is an essential part of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in order to achieve success in a software development project. There are several methods, techniques and frameworks used when expressing, prioritizing and managing requirements in IT projects. It is widely established that it is difficult to determine requirements for traditional systems, so a question naturally arises on how the requirements analysis is executed as AI solutions (that even fewer individuals can grasp) are being developed. Little research has been made on how the vital requirements phase is executed during development of AI solutions. This research aims to investigate the requirements analysis phase during the development of AI solutions. To explore this topic, an extensive literature review was made, and in order to collect new information, a number of interviews were performed with five suitable organizations (i.e, organizations that develop AI solutions). The results from the research concludes that the requirements analysis does not differ between development of AI solutions in comparison to development of traditional systems. However, the research showed that there were some deviations that can be deemed to be particularly unique for the development of AI solutions that affects the requirements analysis. These are: (1) the need for an iterative and agile systems development process, with an associated iterative and agile requirements analysis, (2) the importance of having a large set of quality data, (3) the relative deprioritization of user involvement, and (4) the difficulty of establishing timeframe, results/feasibility and the behavior of the AI solution beforehand.

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