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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SENIOR ALERT I OMVÅRDNADSARBETET : En intervjustudie om hur Senior alert fungerar i vården av äldre på särskilt boende

Källström, Christina, Jönsson, Lena January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Senior alert är ett nationellt kvalitetsregister. Registret vänder sig till äldre personer över 65 år som har någon form av kontakt med vård och omsorg som särskilt boende, korttidsboende, hemsjukvård, primärvård och/eller sjukhusvård insatser. Senior alert är ett register i vårdprevention som förebygger trycksår, undernäring, fall, munhälsa, och blåsdysfunktion. Det handlar om att göra riskbedömningar, definiera orsaker, planera åtgärder och uppföljningar. Registret hjälper vårdpersonalen att uppfylla arbetet i förebyggande vård.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur Senior alert fungerar i vården av äldre på särskilt boende. Metod: Intervju med fem sjuksköterskor på särskilt boende, Graneheim & Lundmans (2004) kvalitativa innehållsanalys användes för att bearbeta data. Resultat: Senior alert är ett bra arbetsverktyg ger översikt och struktur och en bättre omvårdnad av äldre. Sjuksköterskor upplever att arbetet med Senior alert är tidskrävande och det finns brister i arbetssätt och rutiner i kommunen. Senior alert kan förbättras. Slutsats: Senior alert är ett bra system när det finns rutiner och möjlighet att arbeta med det. Sjuksköterskor upplever däremot att Senior alert inte fungerar i vården av äldre på särskilt boende i den valda kommunen. Det saknas utbildning och tydliga mål med hur Senior alert ska fungerar i kommunen och det bör skapas förutsättningar.

Object Identification Using Mobile Device for Visually Impaired Person

Akarapu, Deepika 09 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att använda Senior Alert i omvårdnad av äldre patienter inom hemsjukvård

Landberg, Grace, Magalhaes, Ricardo January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Genom användning av Senior Alert kan antalet fall av undernäring, trycksår, fallolyckor, munhälsa och blåsdysfunktion hos äldre personer förebyggas och minskas.  Äldre patienter i hemsjukvården är oftast multisjuka, deras hälsotillstånd kan vara komplexa och förändras drastiskt. Distriktsköterskor har en viktig roll i att kartlägga, upptäcka, åtgärda, följa upp och förhindra dessa potentiella hälsorisker genom att tillämpa Senior alert hos dessa patienter. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att använda Senior Alert inom hemsjukvård.Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie utfördes med sammanlagt 17 distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom hemsjukvård. En manifest innehållsanalys används för att bearbeta datainsamlingen. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i tre huvudkategorier: Fördelar med att använda Senior Alert; Faktorer som hindrar användning av Senior Alert och Förbättringsområden för Senior Alert. De tre huvudkategorierna med tillhörande tio underkategorier redovisas i resultatet. Slutsats: Distriktssköterskorna vittnade om fördelar respektive hinder med att använda Senior Alert inom hemsjukvården. Distriktsköterskorna påtalade vikten av ökat stöd från ledningen i form av tydlig arbetsstruktur och ökad kunskaps- och kompetensutveckling för att möjliggöra ett förebyggande arbete genom användandet av Senior Alert i hemsjukvården.

Auditory Alert Guidelines

SHAHNAZARIAN, Nare January 2011 (has links)
Detta projekt ska resultera i direktiv för framtida utveckling av ljudsignaler och varningsljud i bil. Signalerskarakteristiska drag undersöks för en djupare förståelse för de parametrar som ger upphov till specifika känslor ochbeteenden. Signaler från Saab 9-5 modifieras för att passa befintliga teorier om design av ljudsignaler. Dessajämförs med originalsignaler samt signaler från Saab 9-3, BMW 3-serie och Audi A6 i en användarstudie.Resultaten visar på möjligheten att utveckla mindre irriterande signaler vid lägre ljudnivåer med bibehållenallvarsnivå. Resultaten pekar även på att ökad allvarsnivå kan fås med kortare periodtid och signallängd, ökat antalrepetitioner och frekvenser samt ökad upplevd tonstyrka (på sonskalan). Resultat från SAM-skalan visar att bådeoriginal- samt modifierade signaler tenderar att placera sig enligt teorin (högre aktivering och negativitet för signalerpå höga allvarsnivåer och vice versa). Studien visade även att utförligare arbete krävs för att stärka Saabs identitetnär det gäller ljudsignaler och att detaljerade studier om perception och förarbeteende krävs vid framtagning av nyasignaler. / This project aims to result in guidelines for future development of auditory signals in cars. The characteristics ofdifferent types of signals are investigated for a greater understanding of what parameters in auditory signals thatgive rise to certain feelings or behaviour. Auditory signals from Saab 9-5 are modified to fit existing theories aboutauditory alerts. These are then compared to their original signals and signals from Saab 9-3, BMW 3-series and AudiA6 in a user study. The results show that there is a possibility to design signals with no significant difference inurgency that are seen as less annoying at lower sound levels. Urgency seems to depend negatively on sound cadenceand signal length and positively on number of repetitions and frequencies and also loudness. SAM scale resultsshowed that both original and modified signals tend to move according to desired theories (higher activation andlower valence for high urgency signals and vice versa). The study also showed that further work needs to be put onstrengthening Saabs brand identity concerning auditory signals and that detailed studies on driver perception andbehaviour is needed when developing new signals.

Design Approaches to Alert Sounds for Interactions in Shops

Anindita, Puspita Parahita January 2021 (has links)
Shoplifting is a serious issue that causes loss to retail owners. However, the loss can be avoided by adding preventative measures to deter shoplifters from committing the crime. Surveillance [2] and a store's design and layout [3] are considered significant factors that could deter them. Considering that background music is a part of a store's design, this research combined surveillance and a store's design to discourage shoplifters by creating changes to the background music that could make the shoplifters feel observed. Ultimately, this research asked these questions: 1) If a change in background music could make the visitor feel observed, what are the possible design strategies? and 2) which design is preferable? In this research, eight participants watched a first-person view of a shopper going around the shop and lifting a clothing article. The participants were asked to create a sound alert that matched the lifting action, mixed with three different background music tracks. Afterwards, they were asked to hand in the documentation of their design. Apart from that, they were asked to fill in a quantitative survey evaluating all the designs (including other participants' designs) and describe the design with three keywords. This research discovered that there were three main approaches in designing the sound alert, and there were certain preferences of a design approach dependent on the type of background music. In other words, there is a correlation between the type of background music and the preferred design approach. This work also discussed its limitations and presented opportunities for future research. / Snatteri är ett allvarligt problem som orsakar förluster för butiksägare. Förlusterna kan dock undvikas genom förebyggande åtgärder för att avskräcka butikstjuvarna från att begå brottet. Övervakning [2] samt butikens design och planlösning [3] anses vara viktiga faktorer som kan avskräcka dem. Med tanke på att bakgrundsmusik är en del av en butikens design kombinerar denna forskning övervakning och butikens design för att avskräcka snattare genom att skapa förändringar i bakgrundsmusiken som kan få snattarna att känna sig observerade. Avslutningsvis ställde den här forskningen dessa frågor: 1) Om en förändring av bakgrundsmusiken kan få besökaren att känna sig observerad, vilka är då de möjliga designstrategierna? och 2) Vilken design är att föredra? I den här forskningen tittade åtta deltagare på en shoppare från hen som går runt i butiken och lyfter ett klädesplagg. Deltagarna ombads att skapa ett ljudlarm som matchade lyfthandlingen, blandat med tre olika bakgrundsmusikspår. Efteråt ombads de att lämna in dokumentationen av sin design. Dessutom ombads de att fylla i en kvantitativ enkät där de utvärderade alla konstruktioner (inklusive andra deltagares konstruktioner) och beskrev konstruktionen med tre nyckelord. Forskningen visade att det fanns tre huvudsakliga tillvägagångssätt vid utformningen av ljudvarningen, och att det fanns vissa preferenser för ett tillvägagångssätt beroende på typen av bakgrundsmusik. Med andra ord finns det en korrelation mellan typen av bakgrundsmusik och den föredragna designmetoden. I detta arbete diskuterades också dess begränsningar och presenterades möjligheter för framtida forskning.

Parking Assistance System

Vasantha, Saavan, Kunuthuru, Jayanth January 2021 (has links)
In this modern era, it has been very difficult for a driver to judge the distance between a vehicle and obstacle while parking in a blind spot areas like garage. The driver should be aware of the surroundings in order to park a vehicle safely without any damage. But without any guidance it will be difficult for a driver to judge the distance manually which in most of the cases ends up in a collision. This causes damage of property and sometimes leads to the injuries to the people. In this proposed work, a Parking Assistance system is introduced to avoid the collision between a vehicle and an obstacle while parking in a blind spots. While parking, the System detects the presence of obstacles and alerts the driver accordingly. The main objective of this project is to build a system which is used to avoid the collision between a vehicle and an obstacle while parking in a blind spot areas like garage. Parking Assistance System uses ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance between a vehicle and an obstacle. Arduino board is used as the microcontroller. LED's are used to indicate the respective zones of the vehicle while parking, LCD is used to display the distance between the vehicle and obstacle. A buzzer is used to warm the driver and the people present around the vehicle when the vehicle is too close to the obstacle. The proposed system makes the driver fully aware of the surroundings while parking a vehicle. Parking Assistance System is wall mounted device which is designed to guide and help the driver to park a vehicle safely without any damages while parking in a blind spot areas like garage. The manual efforts to calculate the distance can be avoided and helps in reducing the time consumption. This parking system can be useful and needed to avoid the collision while parking. It prevents accidents and damages caused during the parking.

The Economic Effects of Volcanic Alerts—A Case Study of High-Threat U.S. Volcanoes

Peers, Justin B., Gregg, Christopher E., Lindell, Michael K., Pelletier, Denis, Romerio, Franco, Joyner, T. A. 01 January 2021 (has links)
A common concern about volcanic unrest is that the communication of information about increasing volcanic alert levels (VALs) to the public could cause serious social and economic impacts even if an eruption does not occur. To test this statement, this study examined housing prices and business patterns from 1974–2016 in volcanic regions with “very-high” threat designations from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)—Long Valley Caldera (LVC), CA (caldera); Mount St. Helens (MSH), Washington (stratovolcano); and Kīlauea, Hawaiʻi (shield volcano). To compare economic trends in nonvolcanic regions that are economically dependent on tourism, Steamboat Springs, CO, served as a control as it is a ski-tourism community much like Mammoth Lakes in LVC. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models predicted that housing prices were negatively affected by VALs at LVC from 1982–1983 and 1991–1997. While VALs associated with unrest and eruptions included in this study both had short-term indirect effects on housing prices and business indicators (e.g., number of establishments, employment, and salary), these notifications were not strong predictors of long-term economic trends. Our findings suggest that these indirect effects result from both eruptions with higher level VALs and from unrest involving lower-level VAL notifications that communicate a change in volcanic activity but do not indicate that an eruption is imminent or underway. This provides evidence concerning a systemic issue in disaster resilience. While disaster relief is provided by the U.S. federal government for direct impacts associated with disaster events that result in presidential major disaster declarations, there is limited or no assistance for indirect effects to businesses and homeowners that may follow volcanic unrest with no resulting direct physical losses. The fact that periods of volcanic unrest preceding eruption are often protracted in comparison to precursory periods for other hazardous events (e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding) makes the issue of indirect effects particularly important in regions susceptible to volcanic activity.

Duplicated Laboratory Tests : A Hospital Audit And Evaluation Of A Computerized Alert Intervention

Bridges, Sharon 01 January 2011 (has links)
Laboratory testing is necessary when it contributes to the overall clinical management of the patient. Redundant testing, however, is often unnecessary and expensive and contributes to overall reductions in healthcare system efficiency. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, to evaluate the frequency of ordering duplicate laboratory tests in hospitalized patients and the costs associated with this practice. Second, it was designed to determine if the use of a computerized alert or prompt will reduce the total number of unnecessarily duplicated Acute Hepatitis Profile (AHP) laboratory tests. This two-phase study took place in an inpatient facility that was part of a large tertiary care hospital system in Florida. A retrospective descriptive design was used during Phase 1 was to evaluate six laboratory tests and the frequency of ordering duplicate laboratory tests in hospitalized patients and to determine the associated costs of this practice for a 12-month time period in 2010. A test was considered a duplicate or an unnecessarily repeated test if it followed a previous test of the same type during the patient’s length of stay in the hospital and one in which any change in their values likely would not be clinically significant. A quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design was used during phase 2 was to determine the proportion of duplication of the AHP test before and after the implementation of a computerized alert intervention implemented as part of a system quality improvement process on January 5th, 2011. Data were compared for two 3-month time periods, pre- and post-alert implementation. The AHP test was considered redundant if it followed a previous test of the same type within 15 days of the initial test being final and present in the medical record. In phase 1, including each of the six tests examined, there were a total amount of 53, 351 test ordered, with 10, 375 (19.4%) of these cancelled. Out of the total amount of result final tests iv (n = 42,976), including each of the six tests examined, 4.6-8.7% were redundant. Results of the proportion of duplication of the six selected tests are as follows: AHP 196/2514 (7.8%), Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) 120/2594 (4.6%), B12/Folate level 396/5874 (6.7%), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 1893/21595 (8.7%), Ferritin 384/5171 (7.4%), and Iron/Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) 316/5155 (6.1%). The overall associated yearly cost of redundant testing of these six selected tests was an estimated $419, 218. The largest proportion of redundant tests was the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level, costing a yearly estimated $300, 987. In Phase 2, prior to introduction of the alert, 674 AHP tests were performed. Of these, 53 (7.9%) were redundant. During the intervention period, 692 AHP tests were performed, of these 18 (2.6%) were redundant. The implementation of the computerized alert was shown to significantly reduce the proportion of AHP tests (Chi-Square: χ2 = df 1, p ≤ 0.001). The differences in the associated costs of duplicated AHP were $5238 dollars in 2010 as compared to $1746 in 2011 post-alert and these differences were significant (Mann Whitney U, Z = -4.04, p ≤ 0.001). Although the proportions of unnecessarily repeated diagnostic tests that were observed during Phase 1 of this study were small, the associated costs could adversely affect hospital revenue and overall healthcare efficiency. The implementation of the AHP computerized alert demonstrated a drop in the proportion of redundant AHP tests and subsequent associated cost savings. It is necessary to perform further research to evaluate computerized alerts on other tests with evidence-based test-specific time intervals, and to determine if such reductions postimplementation of AHP alerts are sustained over time.

Kan det oförberedda förberedas? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av traumalarm nivå 1 / Can the unprepared be prepared? : A qualitative interview study of nurse anesthetists’ experiences with trauma alert level 1

Eimersson, Joar, Gustavsson, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trauma är den vanligaste primära dödsorsaken bland individer upp till 44 års ålder i Sverige, vilket påvisar betydelsen av en utvecklad traumavård. Inom kontexten av traumalarm på sjukhus är anestesisjuksköterskans roll avgörande. När traumapatienter anländer till sjukhus, larmas dedikerade traumateam enligt förutbestämda protokoll för att möta patienten och dennes behov. Specifikt för traumalarm nivå 1, vilket indikerar en högre grad allvar, är att anestesisjuksköterskan tillsammans med en anestesiläkare mobiliseras. I dessa situationer lämnar anestesisjuksköterskan den vanliga arbetsmiljön på operationsavdelningen för att arbeta under akuta och oförutsedda förhållanden på akutmottagningen. Syfte: Att undersöka anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av traumalarm nivå 1. Metod: Datamaterialet samlades in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio deltagare från samma sjukhus. Datamaterialet analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Utifrån datamaterialet utformades nio underkategorier med tre tillhörande kategorier; förutsättningar för säkert traumaomhändertagande, stress vid traumalarm och känslomässiga aspekter vid traumalarm. Utifrån dessa kategorier framkom ett tema; kan det oförberedda förberedas. Konklusion: Anestesisjuksköterskor upplever att god och tydlig kommunikation under traumalarm är centralt och att framgång i arbetet underlättas mycket av en stark traumaledare. Anestesisjuksköterskorna upplever känslomässiga reaktioner både före, under och efter traumalarm. Mest framträdande i de emotionella aspekterna är den eftervarande responsen då larmet och situationen är hanterad. / Background: Trauma is the leading primary cause of death for individuals up to 44 years old in Sweden, underscoring the need for advanced trauma care. Nurse anaesthetists play a crucial role in hospital trauma alerts. When trauma patients arrive, specialized teams are mobilized following specific protocols. For level 1 trauma alerts, indicating severe cases, nurse anaesthetists work with anaesthesiologists, leaving their regular operating room duties for emergency department conditions. Purpose: This study investigates nurse anaesthetists’ experiences with level 1 trauma alerts. Method: Data were gathered from qualitative semi-structured interviews with ten hospital staff members working at the same hospital. A qualitative content analysis was conducted. Results: The analysis yielded nine subcategories and three main categories: prerequisites for safe trauma care, stress during trauma alerts, and emotional aspects of trauma alerts. From these categories a theme emerged: can the unprepared be prepared? Conclusion: Effective communication is vital during trauma alerts, and successful outcomes are often aided by strong leadership. Nurse anaesthetists experience emotional responses before, during, and after trauma alerts, with notable emotional impacts following the resolution of the situation.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Radar Obstacle Detection Systems when Used on Industrial Lift Trucks

Odetola, Oluwatosin Toluwalase 13 December 2002 (has links)
This study addresses the application and the effectiveness of radar obstacle sensors for forklift trucks during reverse travel. Two different discriminating radar obstacle sensors with different outputs are evaluated. This study reviews the safety of human exposure to emissions from these radar sensors; documents the field of view obtained from experiments with the two systems; gives the results from experiments with sensors on lift trucks. The influence of obstacle reflectivity, composition and area on the size and shape of the radar detection zone are discussed. An experimental setup for measuring position and velocity of the obstacle crossing the truck path is described. The combination of obstacle sensors required for full coverage of the back of the lift trucks and the mounting height and angle are discussed.

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