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Vertigo, a teoria artística de Alfred Hitchcock e seus desdobramentos no cinema moderno / Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock\'s artistic theory and its extensions in modern cinemaLuiz Carlos Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior 24 April 2015 (has links)
A tese investiga a recorrência do filme Um corpo que cai (Vertigo, 1958), de Alfred Hitchcock, como esquema matricial de uma reflexão meta-artística que, tomando como objeto a própria imagem (cinematográfica, pictórica, fotográfica, digital), atravessa toda a história moderna do cinema. Depois de definir e analisar a teoria artística proposta por Vertigo, a tese verifica os desdobramentos dessa teoria em uma série de filmes realizados desde o começo da década de 1960 até os anos 2000. Dentre os filmes analisados se acham La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962), Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Trágica obsessão (Obsession, Brian De Palma, 1975), Special Effects (Larry Cohen, 1984), Síndrome mortal (La Sindrome di Stendhal, Dario Argento, 1996), Estrada perdida (Lost Highway, David Lynch, 1997), A prisioneira (La captive, Chantal Akerman, 2000) e Na cidade de Sylvia (En la ciudad de Sylvia, José Luis Guerín, 2007). / The thesis investigates the recurrence of Alfred Hitchcock\'s Vertigo (1958) as the matrix scheme of a meta-artistic reflection that crosses all the modern history of cinema. It includes a series of films whose subject is the image itself (cinematographic, pictorial, photographic, as well as digital image). After defining and analyzing the artistic theory proposed by Vertigo, the thesis verifies the developments of this theory in many modern and contemporary films made since the beginning of the 1960\'s. Among the films analyzed one will find La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962), Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Obsession (Brian De Palma, 1975), Special Effects (Larry Cohen, 1984), The Stendhal Syndrome (Dario Argento, 1996), Lost Highway (David Lynch, 1997), La captive (Chantal Akerman, 2000), and In the city of Sylvia (En la ciudad de Sylvia, José Luis Guerín, 2007).
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Science et religion dans la philosophie de WhiteheadDurand Folco, Jonathan 18 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2011-2012 / Les développements inégaux de la science et de la religion à l'intérieur de la modernité font apparaître un problème, voire même un conflit, quant à l'harmonisation des différents champs de savoir. Mais derrière cette dichotomie simple peut se cacher plusieurs formes d'interactions, allant du conflit et de l'indépendance au dialogue et à l'intégration. Cette dernière solution, extrêmement minoritaire dans la philosophie contemporaine, est pourtant défendue par Alfred North Whitehead. Le rôle de la philosophie est pour lui essentiel, celle-ci servant de milieu capable de défricher et d'articuler soigneusement les rapports possibles entre tous les domaines de l'expérience humaine. Ainsi, la science et la religion reçoivent toutes deux leur signification ultime à l'intérieur d'un schéma global, se voulant à la fois cohérent et adéquat, pouvant être corroboré par les découvertes scientifiques et les intuitions morales.
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Figurations of exile in Hitchcock and Nabokov /Straumann, Barbara. January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Univ. Zürich, 2004/05. - Ref.: Elisabeth Bronfen. / Im Buchh.: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. Register. Literaturverz.
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An exploratory survey of the needs and adjustment to retirement of persons residing in Port AlfredStephens, Brent William January 1995 (has links)
The problem that was chosen to be investigated, was that, within the white middle class South African white-collar worker there appears to be a tendency to live for the "pie in the sky" - which for most seems to be retirement to the idyllic cottage by the sea. Within the South African scenario, there seems to be a definite lack of career planning or at least planning for retirement, other than the financial emphasis. Upon reaching the "ultimate" retirement, retirees take their pension money and move to the coast, expecting pure bliss. The result of their lack of forethought is that they settle in a totally different climate, away from the support of family and friends, possibly finding their income inadequate, with the result that many fall seriously ill, and then discover a lack of geriatric care or a hospital at the time in their lives when they need it the most. The aim of the research was to investigate these issues using a specific location - Port Alfred, researching the fact that Port Alfred continues to be a retirement haven, despite appearing to lack the necessary facilities required by the elderly. The method of the research was to initially administer a pilot questionnaire to a few elderly residents at random, which was then followed up by the formal personally administered questionnaire to a sample. The sample of retired elderly residents in Port Alfred was chosen at random primarily from the various old age homes in Port Alfred. This questionnaire was administered in 1983 but due to financial and personal reasons, the results were not written up. In 1990, the research was continued with a further questionnaire being administered in 1991. The research direction was altered slightly to identify not only what resources were felt to be lacking, but also to identify how well the retired persons of Port Alfred had managed their transition to retirement. The results showed some similarity between the 1983 and the 1991 research. On the surface the retirees appeared well-adjusted and content, but when it was delved deeper, they appeared to have opted out of making any great effort to change their situation, but rather had taken the view that they had earned their rest, would make the best of what they had, and leave it to someone else to champion their cause. This meant that they relied heavily upon those in their community to meet their obvious needs. The promised hospital that they had arduously raised funds for had not materialised, and that seemed to have been the last effort that they had been prepared to make, they were now at rest. The conclusion was that, although the retirees had made the best of their situation, this definitely did not mean that their resources were adequate. Various charities and social services were at work in the community to redress the imbalance, but it was felt that these would in turn benefit by the addition of a social worker. This social worker would coordinate these services and take responsibility for the community at large, particularly addressing the need to unify the services with those to the large non-White community, in the (on-going) development of the New South Africa
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La critique littéraire d’Alfred Jarry à La Revue blanche : édition critique et commentée / The litterary criticism of Alfred Jarry in La Revue blanche : Critical and commented editionGosztola, Matthieu 12 October 2012 (has links)
Jarry semble avoir totalement abandonné les complications stylistiques qui caractérisaient ses premiers textes lorsqu’il fait œuvre de critique littéraire à la Revue blanche. En réalité, l’auteur de Messaline continue, mais de façon extrêmement sous-jacente, à pratiquer une forme d’obscurité, elle paradoxale, dans le sens où elle est inapparente, et qui se traduit par le développement constant d’une esthétique du raccourci et par un apparent retrait de sa présence de critique jusque dans l’acte même du compte rendu, Jarry donnant toute sa place au texte commente, en taisant cette façon qu’il a, incessamment, de le citer. Ainsi, ce travail est conduit d’une part par notre souci de faire affleurer la façon dont se fait jour l’esthétique du raccourci (Jarry procède par synthèses incessantes qui, à force d’affirmation, en deviennent soit obscures soit insaisissables) au sein de ces textes apparemment alimentaires que sont les critiques littéraires de Jarry, l’auteur du Surmâle présentant de véritables concrétions de sens, en lien avec la notion d’érudition, dans des domaines extrêmement divers. D’autre part, notre travail vise à montrer comment se fait jour chez Jarry le détournement de l’usage habituel de la citation, qui porte en creux une critique corrosive du statut de critique, l’auteur de la chandelle verte devenant un critique qui ne s’exprime le plus souvent que suivant l’absence totale de propos critique – puisque lorsqu’il s’agit d’énoncer des « jugements », c’est en fait pour continuer de tisser une filiation avec une communauté d’auteurs desquels il se sent proche et ainsi, principalement, avec le lieu du Mercure de France. / Jarry seems to have completely abandoned the learned syntaxic and lexical complications which characterized his first texts when he worked as a literary critic in la revue blanche. in fact, the author of messaline keeps exerting, but in an extremely underlying way, a kind of obscurity. that obscurity is paradoxical, in the sense that it is not apparent and that it ultimately results in the abiding development of an aesthetic of the abridged, and in an apparent setting back of his presence of critic, even in the very act of making reports. jarry gives all the importance to the commented text, hushing up the way he has to quote it, incessantly. thus, this work is led, on the one hand, by our concern of revealing the way the aesthetic of the abridged appears – jarry proceeds by ceaseless syntheses, which, by dint of being asserted, become either obscure or elusive – in those litterary criticisms which seem to be bread and butter work, because the author of le surmâle presents in them real concretions of sense, in connection with the notion of erudition, in extremely diverse fields. on the other hand, our work aims at showing how jarry diverts the usual use of the quotation – that carries a corrosive criticism of the status of critic – the author of la chandelle verte becoming a critic who expresses himself mostly according to the total absence of critical words, because when it is a question of expressing "judgments", this is in fact to continue to weave a filiation with an authors' community of which he feels close to, and thus, mainly, with the place of le mercure de france.
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\"Aqui brande o martelo, o martelo contra Franz Biberkopf\": Entfremdung em Berlin Alexanderplatz / Here wields the hammer, the hammer against Franz Biberkopf: Entfremdung in Berlin AlexanderplatzBotelho, José Rodrigo da Silva 04 July 2018 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objeto de análise o personagem Franz Biberkopf em relação com seu entorno: a cidade de Berlim. Biberkopf é o protagonista do romance Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929), de Alfred Döblin, e da adaptação homônima para a televisão alemã, escrita e dirigida por Rainer Werner Fassbinder e que foi ao ar na Alemanha pela primeira vez em 1980. Ambas as obras constituem o corpus desta pesquisa. O principal objetivo é analisar a inadequação desse personagem ao seu ambiente histórico-social. Biberkopf é um ex-presidiário que, no enredo dessas obras, tenta reencontrar seu espaço na cidade de Berlim entre os anos de 1928 e 1929 após ter cumprido quatro anos de detenção. Ele vive na cidade como um sujeito desajustado, e sua inadequação à sociedade berlinense é investigada aqui como o fenômeno da Entfremdung (alienação), com base, principalmente, na fenomenologia do Fremd, de Bernhard Waldenfels, e a crítica da alienação, de Rahel Jaeggi. A base teórica deste trabalho, portanto, é interdisciplinar, abrangendo as matrizes da literatura (teoria literária), do cinema/TV (teoria do cinema) e da filosofia. / This thesis aims at analyzing the character Franz Biberkopf regarding his surroundings: the city of Berlin. Biberkopf is the protagonist of the novel Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929), by Alfred Döblin, and the same name adaptation for the German television, written and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, and which was aired in Germany for the first time in 1980. Both works are the corpus of this research. The main focus is to analyze the characters inadequacy in his social-historical environment. Biberkopf is an ex-convict who, in the plot of these works, tries to regain his space in Berlin between the years of 1928 and 1929, after four years of detention. He lives as a misfit person in the city, and his inadequacy to Berlin society 6 is investigated here as the Entfremdung (alienation) phenomenon, based mainly on phenomenology of the alien, by Bernhard Waldenfels, and on critique of alienation, by Rahel Jaeggi. Therefore, the theoretical basis of this work is interdisciplinary, covering the fields of literature (literary theory), cinema/TV (cinema theory) and philosophy.
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Le langage mis en scène et en questions : étude du jeu verbal chez Alfred Jarry, Eugène Ionesco, Jean Tardieu, Valère Novarina / The language on stage and in questions : a study of verbal game in Alfred Jarry, Eugène Ionesco, Jean Tardieu, Valère Novarina’s worksLi, Jiaying 20 December 2018 (has links)
Partant de la conjecture selon laquelle le « théâtre du verbe » de Valère Novarina est moins un phénomène singulier dans le paysage théâtral contemporain qu’une forme d’aboutissement des tentatives d’avant-garde précédentes en quête d’un théâtre dédramatisé fondé sur un langage « inhumanisé », cette étude retrace le chemin spirituel qui relie la pataphysique de Jarry à la logodynamique de Novarina, en passant par le nonsense chez Ionesco et chez Tardieu, chemin sous le signe du jeu verbal. En situant cette dernière notion dans la perspective moderne (anti-utilitaire et anti-anthropocentriste) du langage et du théâtre, le travail s’interroge, dans un premier temps, sur les relations particulières entre le jeu verbal et le théâtre « non dramatique » du XXe siècle. En examinant, dans un second temps, les quatre formes de jeu verbal chez Jarry, Ionesco, Tardieu et Novarina, aussi bien dans les écritures que dans des explorations scéniques, la thèse invite à comprendre le jeu verbal comme une manifestation du doute sur le langage, un pouvoir critique vis-à-vis des conformismes, un appel au changement de perception et au mouvement de toutes les « règles de jeu ». / Starting with the conjecture that Valère Novarina’s “theatre of the verb” is less a singular phenomenon in the contemporary theatrical landscape than a form of culmination of previous attempts to search for a dedramatized theatre based on a “dehumanized” language, this study retraces the spiritual path that connects Jarry’s pataphysics to Novarina’s logodynamics, via the nonsense in Ionesco and Tardieu’s writings, path under the sign of verbal game. By situating this last notion in the modern perspective (anti-utilitarian and anti-anthropocentric) of language and theatre, the study questions, firstly, the particular relations between the verbal game and the “non-dramatic” theatre of the twentieth century. Next, by examining the four forms of verbal game in Jarry, Ionesco, Tardieu and Novarina’s works, both in the scriptures and in scenic explorations, the thesis invites the readers to understand the verbal game as a manifestation of the doubt about the language, a critical power towards conformism, a call for change of perception and for movement of all “rules of the game”.
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Klassiska sjökrigsteoretiker och deras relevans i Falklandskriget 1982Olofsson, Clas January 2009 (has links)
<p>De klassiska sjökrigsteorierna har åtskilliga år på nacken. Fortfarande anses emellertid Julius S. Corbetts och Alfred T. Mahans idéer äga sin giltighet – trots att den tidigare var verksam under första halvan 1900-talet och den senare under framförallt den andra halvan av 1800-talet. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka huruvida dessa teoretikers syn på strategier i sjökriget som fenomen kan anses relevanta i det moderna sjökriget. Slaget om Falklandsöarna i början 1980-talet har betecknats som en av de första drabbningarna till sjöss som utspelats i en modern telekrigsmiljö. Utgångspunkt har varit att studera i vilken utsträckning Corbetts och Mahans teorier kan skönjas i utförandet av den brittiska operationsplanen i Falklandskriget. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys av Mahans och Corbetts litterära verk, och litteratur om dessa, har adekvata indikatorer tagits fram. Dessa har jämförts med en fallstudie som utgjorts av Falklandskriget. Slutsatsen blev att teorierna – och då framförallt Corbetts tankar – äger sin giltighet, om än inte bokstavligen och i varje detalj, men som en övergripande förklaring på vilket sätt framgång i modern sjökrigsföring kan uppnås.</p> / <p>The classic naval theories have been around for a considerable sum of time. Despite of these circumstances the ideas of Julius S. Corbett and Alfred T. Mahan are still regarded to be obligated their validity – even though that the foremost of them was active under the first part of the 1900 and the latter active particularly during the second part of the 1800. The purpose of the paper has been to examine whether these naval thinker view on strategy in naval warfare could be considered to be relevant in the modern naval warfare. The battle for the Falklands islands in the beginning of 1980 have been designated as one of the first encounters on the high seas that was situated in a modern electronic warfare environment. The starting point has been to study in which extension Corbett’s and Mahan’s theories could be notices in the execution of the British campaign plan in the Falklands war. Through a qualitative text study of Mahan’s and Corbett’s literary creation, and literature about them, adequate indicators have been brought forward. These have been comprehended with a case study consisting of the Falklands war. The conclusion where that the theories – particularly Corbett’s thoughts – still posses, if not figuratively and in every aspect, but as an overlooking clarification through in which way the success in modern navel warfare ought to be accomplished.</p>
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Sjötransporter : Fungerar gamla teorier om sjöfartskydd idag? / Sea transport : Does the old theories of commerce security have relevance today?Eklund, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
<p>Några av de stora sjöteoretiker som vi utbildas på idag var verksamma i en tid innan insatsförsvaret, men deras teorier anses fortfarande vara användbara idag. Idag genomför svenska flottan andra typer av insatser än på slutet av 1800-talet, då teoretikerna Mahan och Corbett var verksamma. Kriget ser inte likadant ut idag och både tekniken och taktiken har utvecklats. Är de teorier vi utbildas på, tillämpbara idag? Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka teorier om skydd av handelsfartyg och jämföra hur detta skydd genomförs i nutid med fokus på insatsen i Adenviken. Utgångspunkten har varit att genom kvalitativ textanalys beskrivit Mahans, Corbetts och Vegos teorier om skydd av handelstransporter. Dessa har jämförts med varandra samt med en fallstudie genomförd på Operation Atalanta. En av slutsatserna är att teoretikerna Mahan, Corbett och Vego har liknande teorier. De talar omsäkra hamnar, konvoj, eskort och säkra färdvägar som metoder att skydda handelstransporter. Skillnaden är hur metoderna genomförs samt hur viktiga de är. De metoder av Mahan och Corbett som återfinns i Operation Atalanta är framförallt eskort, men även vikten av säkra farleder och knutpunkter. Vegos metoder som återfinns är även eskortföretag, men även vikten av luftherravälde vid skydd av handeltransporter och att arbeta med att vidta förebyggande åtgärder.</p> / <p>Mahan and Corbett, which we study today, were operating in an era before the Cold War and international military intervention, but are still considered useful. Today the Swedish fleet carries out other types of missions than in the late 1800s, when Corbett and Mahan were active. War does not look the same today as both technology and tactics have evolved. Are the theories we study, applicable today?The purpose of this paper is to examine theories about the protection of merchant ships and compare Mahans, Corbetts and Vego theories with how it is implemented in the present day, focusing on the operation of the Gulf of Aden. This paper uses qualitative text analysis to describe Mahan, Corbettand Vegos theories, on the protection of commercial shipments. These were compared with each other and the results were later applied to a case study on Operation Atalanta. One of the conclusions are that Mahan, Corbett and Vegos theories are similar, concerning securingports, convoy, escort and securing routes. The difference however is how to apply these methods and the importance of them. Mahan and Corbett's theories, which are applicable to Operation Atalanta concern escort, and the importance of safe routes and hubs. Vegos theories which are applicable are escorts and the importance of air supremacy for the protection of trade and transport to work with preventive measures.</p>
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Sjötransporter : Fungerar gamla teorier om sjöfartskydd idag? / Sea transport : Does the old theories of commerce security have relevance today?Eklund, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
Några av de stora sjöteoretiker som vi utbildas på idag var verksamma i en tid innan insatsförsvaret, men deras teorier anses fortfarande vara användbara idag. Idag genomför svenska flottan andra typer av insatser än på slutet av 1800-talet, då teoretikerna Mahan och Corbett var verksamma. Kriget ser inte likadant ut idag och både tekniken och taktiken har utvecklats. Är de teorier vi utbildas på, tillämpbara idag? Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka teorier om skydd av handelsfartyg och jämföra hur detta skydd genomförs i nutid med fokus på insatsen i Adenviken. Utgångspunkten har varit att genom kvalitativ textanalys beskrivit Mahans, Corbetts och Vegos teorier om skydd av handelstransporter. Dessa har jämförts med varandra samt med en fallstudie genomförd på Operation Atalanta. En av slutsatserna är att teoretikerna Mahan, Corbett och Vego har liknande teorier. De talar omsäkra hamnar, konvoj, eskort och säkra färdvägar som metoder att skydda handelstransporter. Skillnaden är hur metoderna genomförs samt hur viktiga de är. De metoder av Mahan och Corbett som återfinns i Operation Atalanta är framförallt eskort, men även vikten av säkra farleder och knutpunkter. Vegos metoder som återfinns är även eskortföretag, men även vikten av luftherravälde vid skydd av handeltransporter och att arbeta med att vidta förebyggande åtgärder. / Mahan and Corbett, which we study today, were operating in an era before the Cold War and international military intervention, but are still considered useful. Today the Swedish fleet carries out other types of missions than in the late 1800s, when Corbett and Mahan were active. War does not look the same today as both technology and tactics have evolved. Are the theories we study, applicable today?The purpose of this paper is to examine theories about the protection of merchant ships and compare Mahans, Corbetts and Vego theories with how it is implemented in the present day, focusing on the operation of the Gulf of Aden. This paper uses qualitative text analysis to describe Mahan, Corbettand Vegos theories, on the protection of commercial shipments. These were compared with each other and the results were later applied to a case study on Operation Atalanta. One of the conclusions are that Mahan, Corbett and Vegos theories are similar, concerning securingports, convoy, escort and securing routes. The difference however is how to apply these methods and the importance of them. Mahan and Corbett's theories, which are applicable to Operation Atalanta concern escort, and the importance of safe routes and hubs. Vegos theories which are applicable are escorts and the importance of air supremacy for the protection of trade and transport to work with preventive measures.
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