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Alter-Imperial paradigm : Empire studies and the Book of RevelationWood, Shane Joseph January 2014 (has links)
The question “How does Revelation interact with the Roman Empire?” weaves its way through the past 125 years of scholarly research on the Apocalypse. Yet, flawed methodologies, false assumptions, and limited trajectories have led to poor conclusions that posture Revelation as nothing more than a vitriolic attack on the Roman Empire that intends to incite, reveal, and/or remind Christians of imperial evil. This thesis challenges this academic narrative of the Apocalypse through the development and implementation of the Alter-Imperial paradigm. Repositioning the theoretical background of the imperial inquiry around Empire Studies, the Alter-Imperial paradigm applies insights from Postcolonial criticism and “examinations of dominance” to engage the complexities of the relationship between the sovereign(s) and subject(s) of a society—a dynamic far more intricate than either rebellion or acquiescence. From this disposition, various forms of Roman propaganda (from Augustus to Domitian) are explored to surface the Sovereign Narrative saturating the public transcript and immersing the subjects in key messages of absolute dominance, divine favor, and imperial benevolence. The date of Revelation’s composition, then, is established to isolate the socio-historical analysis to the Flavian dynasty, paying particular attention to the viewpoint of the oppressed and the question of “persecution.” The Flavian dynasty’s essential development of an anti-Jewish environment (intensified in Domitian’s reign) offers not only a contentious context for Christian communities—still viewed as indistinguishable from Jewish communities by Roman elite—but also indelible images of imperial propaganda through which subject texts, like Revelation, can interact with the empire. From this vantage point, the Alter-Imperial paradigm offers fresh interpretative possibilities for familiar (and even forgotten) texts, such as Revelation 20:7-10. This enigmatic passage depicts the release of Satan from a 1,000 year imprisonment at a climactic moment in the Apocalypse, and yet, this text is widely neglected in Revelation scholarship. Parallels to Roman triumphal processions (a central element in Flavian propaganda), however, demonstrate that Revelation 20:7- 10 depicts Satan as the bound enemy leader marching in God’s triumphal procession. Nevertheless, the Alter-Imperial paradigm does not stagnate at intriguing textual parallels. Indeed, this interpretation of Revelation 20:7-10 postures the interpreter to poignantly address the question: “How does Revelation interact [not merely subvert] the empire?” Specifically, the use of Roman imagery in the subject text does not necessitate an “anti-imperial” intent, but may simply be the grammar with which the subject text constructs their Alter-Empire. In fact, the Alter-Imperial paradigm suggests that to reduce Revelation to an anti-Roman document intent on the empire’s destruction is to over-exaggerate Rome’s significance in the subject text and, then, to miss its true target—the construction of the Alter-Empire through the destruction of the true enemy, Satan.
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Validität tissue-microarray-basierter Immunphänotypisierung bei Hodgkin-LymphomenSchnabel, Katrin Anne January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die histologische Technik der Tissue-Microarrays ist eine sehr effiziente Methode, um eine große Anzahl auch heterogener Lymphome wie des Hodgkin-Lymphoms bei hohem Durchsatz unter homogenen Färbebedingungen zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Arbeit konnte zeigen, dass ein Probeschnitt zur vorherigen Auswahl stanzwürdigen Tumorareals nicht nötig ist. Die so genannte Blindstanzung trug weniger als einen Prozentpunkt (0,9%) zum Verlust der auswertbaren Fälle bei. Dennoch war bei einzelnen Parametern (LMP1 und EBER) ein hoher Gewebeverlust zu beobachten. In einer Stichprobe von 2696 Stanzen waren es 24% (631 Stanzen) bedingt durch die Färbetechnik, aber auch durch unterschiedliche Vorbehandlungen und Originalfixationen des Probematerials. In dieser Studie wurden 1212 Fälle zur Immuntypisierung von Tumorzellen des klassischen und nodulär lymphozyten-prädominanten Hodgkin-Lymphoms untersucht. Die Fälle von c-HL wiesen eine häufige Expression von CD30- und CD15-Oberflächenmarkern und kaum B-Zell-Marker auf, während im NLP-HL die Expression in umgekehrter Häufigkeit vorlag. Diese bisher größte Untersuchung von T-Zell-Markern an H-/RS-Zellen, erstmalig auch an NLP-HL, ergab eine bis zu 6-fach höhere Frequenz in der NLP-HL bei häufigerer B-Zell-Marker-Expression. Die in der Literatur beschriebene Rangordnung der Expressionshäufigkeit von Oberflächenantigenen im c-HL (CD2 > CD4 > CD3 > CD5 > CD8) wurde bestätigt und wich nur in den Markern CD3 und CD5 ab: Perforin >> CD4 > CD5 > CD3 > CD8 > GranzymB > TIA-1 > CD7. Tzankov et al. [45] fanden in ihrer Untersuchung mit 259 c-HL-Fällen eine Häufigkeit von 5% T-Zell-Marker-Expression. Die vorliegende Arbeit mit 1147 untersuchten c-HL-Fällen kam zum Ergebnis einer deutlich höheren T-Zell-Marker-Expressionshäufigkeit von 20,1%. Der pathophysiologische Mechanismus der T-Zell-Marker-Expression ist bis heute noch unklar, könnte aber als eine alternative Signalkaskade zur Aufrechterhaltung des Zellzyklus unter geändertem Zellmilieu gedeutet werden. Ein weiterer Fokus dieser Arbeit betraf die Gruppe der Studienteilnehmer 60 Jahre und älter, um Hinweisen auf das „age-related“ EBV-associated Lymphom und der Rolle der Mikrosatelliten-Instabilität nachzugehen. So fand sich eine signifikante Häufung von Markern für eine EBV-Infektion (EBER, LMP1) in der Gruppe der über 60-Jährigen. Die Expression von DNA-Reparaturenzymen, deren Ausbleiben auf Mikrosatelliten-Instabilität gedeutet hätte, unterschied sich zwischen jüngeren und älteren Studienteilnehmern nicht.
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Jungfruns andra natur: Magna Mater, Moder Natur och Mamma Maggan : En religionshistorisk studie med inslag av religionspsykologi om Maria och hennes alter Marior i ´feministisk generationsklyfta´Dunér, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Jungfruns andra natur: Magna Mater, Mamma Maggan och Moder Natur är en religionshistorisk studie med inslag av religionspsykologi som genom en hermeneutisk metod undersöker Maria i debattserien ´feministisk generationsklyfta´ mellan åren 2008 och 2017. Debatten utvecklades efter Mariautställningen på Historiska museet i Stockholm, Maria – drömmen om kvinnan, 2008. Genom en deduktiv ansats analyseras det empiriska materialet utifrån teorier om heligt och profant samt dualism och dialog. Frågeställningarna handlar om varför och på vilket sätt Maria framställs som en immanent och/eller transcendent gestalt och om debattörerna ansåg att Maria var relevant eller icke-relevant för kvinnor idag. Ett centralt tema i ´feministisk generationsklyfta´ var en ”systerstrid” mellan likarts- och särartsfeminism. Studien visar emellertid att distinktionen mellan religion och feminism, katolicism och protestantism inte var självklar. En av debattörerna, en av grundarna till Feministiskt initiativ, upphöjde Maria, Gud och Nya testamentets kärleksbudskap. Medan den som var präst förordade att moderna röster, sekulära och feminister, skulle ta Maria i anspråk och föra henne ut ur de kyrkliga rummen. Och den som sade sig komma med ”nyläsning”, skrev utan bibelreferenser. Hon utgick istället från sin egna upplevelser och känslor. Gemensamt för de tre debattörerna var att de levandegjorde Maria på var sitt sätt, kristen som sekulär, helig som profan, universell som privat. Genom att använda, för studien det konstruerade begreppet, ´alter Maria´, vidgades narrativen och gestaltningarna. Alter Mariorna förtydligade både relationer i tid och rum samt outtalade eller underliggande personliga pronomen. Ju mer himmelsk Maria, desto mer universell. Ju mer jordisk Maria, desto mer privat och intim. Under debattens olika lager representerade Mariagestalten kvinnans plats i kosmos. Marias moderskap betraktades antingen som kvinnans styrka eller svaghet. Bebådelsen representerade synen på sexualitet i förhållande till Gud. Marias relevans för kvinnor idag stod i relation till hennes ägande av sin kropp och sitt ja. I nöd eller lust. / The Virgin´s Other Nature: Magna Mater, Mother Nature and Mother Maggan is a religious historical study of Mary and her alter Mary’s. The empirical material is the debate called "feminist generational division" (2009-2017) that followed the exhibition, Mary - the dream of the woman at the Historical Museum in Stockholm 2008. The purpose of this study is to examine through hermeneutic method why and how Mary was portrayed as an immanent and/or transcendent figure and whether the debaters considers Mary as relevant or not for women today. The study shows that there were other fundamental divisions beside a modern feminist crisis of “sister struggle” between essentialist and constructivist feminism. Analyzing through the theories of holy and profane, dualism and dialog Mary represented women's place in cosmos. The degree of relevance had connection with the view of Mays maternity as women’s either strength or weakness, while the Annunciation represented the sexuality in relation to the immanent and transcendent language.
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Charakterisierung kardialer β-Adrenozeptoren in B.U.T. Big 6 Puten in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Geschlecht: Bedeutung für die Entstehung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen / Age and sex dependent characterization of cardiacHoffmann, Sandra 10 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: / Introduction:
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Schlaf um jeden Preis / Sleep at all costsNeukirchen, Freya Sophie 24 October 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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Konsequenzen des demographischen Wandels für zukünftige Produktions- und TechnologieabläufeSpanner-Ulmer, Birgit, Keil, Mathias 31 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund immer kürzer werdender Produktlebenszyklen sowie der Reduzierung der Halbwertszeit von Technologien sehen sich Unternehmen für den Erhalt ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dazu veranlasst, Produktions- und Technologieabläufe fortwährend zu überdenken. Angesichts der Geschwindigkeitdes sich vollziehenden Wandels der Arbeitswelt, speziell der Arbeitsinhalte und der dafür notwendigen Qualifikationen, stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, den technologiegetriebenen Veränderungen vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels Rechnung zu tragen. Der Beitrag stellt einen Ansatz vor, wie zukünftige Technologiewelten mit den sich im Alter verändernden Fähigkeiten des Mitarbeiters systematisch in Einklang gebracht werden können.
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The experience of people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder in the workplace : perspectives of therapists / S. VosVos, Sonet January 2003 (has links)
Awareness due to increase crime has highlighted the occurrence of immense personal and
social problems. Problems resulting from disorders such as Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) are less common but have a profound impact on all of
us. Research has shown that 97% of people with severe abuse and life trauma before the age
of nine, develop DID.
The objective of this study was to investigate (from the perspectives of therapists) the
experience of people diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in the workplace.
A qualitative research design was used to capture the essence of the individual's experience
thereby enabling the researcher to develop an understanding from the participant's point of
view. In this study seven therapists were interviewed and each completed a questionnaire.
This was the basis used to demonstrate the typical behaviour of DID in the workplace.
The results indicated that DIDs cope to a certain extent but tend to switch (switching)
personalities when exposed to trauma, stress or events that triggers past life trauma. Defense
mechanisms and switching can have a negative influence on the organisation and its
employees, but most of all on the DID. If professional treatment is available, the condition
can be fully cured.
Most patients treated were female, averaged 29 years of age, were single, and had
experienced some kind of abuse. Patients experienced problems directly related to DID, such
as lack of concentration, attention deficiency and memory loss, depression, migraine and
constant headaches. Their behaviour is inconsistent and unpredictable, and they experience
relationship problems.
Results show that DIDs can hold relatively senior positions but tend to change jobs on a
regular basis.
Although this condition can be differentiated from other Psychological conditions, most DIDs
have previously been misdiagnosed. A Psychological-based paradigm is mostly used to
diagnose the condition.
Recommendations to the organisation (especially to the HR department) and
recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.
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The experience of people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder in the workplace : perspectives of therapists / S. VosVos, Sonet January 2003 (has links)
Awareness due to increase crime has highlighted the occurrence of immense personal and
social problems. Problems resulting from disorders such as Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) are less common but have a profound impact on all of
us. Research has shown that 97% of people with severe abuse and life trauma before the age
of nine, develop DID.
The objective of this study was to investigate (from the perspectives of therapists) the
experience of people diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in the workplace.
A qualitative research design was used to capture the essence of the individual's experience
thereby enabling the researcher to develop an understanding from the participant's point of
view. In this study seven therapists were interviewed and each completed a questionnaire.
This was the basis used to demonstrate the typical behaviour of DID in the workplace.
The results indicated that DIDs cope to a certain extent but tend to switch (switching)
personalities when exposed to trauma, stress or events that triggers past life trauma. Defense
mechanisms and switching can have a negative influence on the organisation and its
employees, but most of all on the DID. If professional treatment is available, the condition
can be fully cured.
Most patients treated were female, averaged 29 years of age, were single, and had
experienced some kind of abuse. Patients experienced problems directly related to DID, such
as lack of concentration, attention deficiency and memory loss, depression, migraine and
constant headaches. Their behaviour is inconsistent and unpredictable, and they experience
relationship problems.
Results show that DIDs can hold relatively senior positions but tend to change jobs on a
regular basis.
Although this condition can be differentiated from other Psychological conditions, most DIDs
have previously been misdiagnosed. A Psychological-based paradigm is mostly used to
diagnose the condition.
Recommendations to the organisation (especially to the HR department) and
recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.
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Mathematics through LanguageLambert, Allen 16 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Zur Lebenssituation lediger, kinderloser älterer und alter Frauen Bewältigungsmöglichkeiten einer Alterssituation dargestellt am Beispiel lediger Frauen im Bereich der kommunalen Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Bad Neustadt und der Stadt Bad Neustadt a. d. SaaleBrendebach, Elisabeth January 2004 (has links)
Zugl.: Kassel, Univ., Diss., 2004
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