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The Formation of Granite Magma Chambers in the Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland / Bildandet av granitmagmakammare i Mournebergen, NordirlandBjörkgren, Maria January 2017 (has links)
The Mourne Mountains situated in County Down, Northern Ireland, mainly consists of solidified granite magma chambers that intruded ~ 56 million years ago into the surrounding greywacke. How granite magma chambers are emplaced in the crust has for years been a debate amongst scientist of volcanology, and is referred to as the ‘space problem’ debate. There are two principle theories in how the granite magma chambers in the Mourne Mountains were formed; either the magma chambers were forcefully emplaced by doming the greywacke host-rock or the magma chambers were emplaced by passively by magma filling the space over a subsiding block of host-rock. In this study rock samples from Luke’s Mt. dyke has been investigated with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). AMS measures the orientation of magnetic minerals in a rock sample and thereby shows the magma movement. These measurements indicated that the magma in the studied Luke’s Mt dyke flowed into the connected magma chamber and thus are a feeding ring-dyke. This implies that the granite bodies of the Mourne Mountains were emplaced by a passive process like cauldron subsidence. / Mätningar av magnetiska mineral har visat att den stelnade magman i en granitgång tillhörande Mournebergen i Nordirland en gång flödat in mot granitmagmakammarna. Med den här vetskapen kan tolkningar göras över hur de stora Mournebergen en gång formades. Sedan länge har den så kallade ’space problem’ debatten pågått bland forskare inom vulkanologi. Debatten diskuterar huruvida magma intruderar och placeras i jordskorpan. Mournebergen består huvudsakligen av granitmagmakammare som intruderat in i omkringliggande bergarten gråvacka för cirka 56 miljoner år sedan. Är magmakammarna ett resultat av deformation i omkringliggande gråvacka eller tvärtom? AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) är en metod där magnetiska mineral och dess magnetiska susceptibilitet mäts för att ta reda på dess orientering i en stelnad magma. Vid ett pålagt magnetiskt fält kommer de magnetiska mineralen visa på en viss magnetisk susceptibilitet i olika orienteringar. Det här kan representeras som tre axlar på en ellipsoid. Axlarna på ellipsoiden ger information om hur mineralen flödat med magman. AMS-mätningar av stenprover från den studerade granitgången Luke’s Mt Dyke i Mournebergen visar på att graniterna som utgör största delen av bergen troligen är resultat av ett så kallat passivt bildande av magmakammare och därmed har omkringliggande bergarten gråvacka inte deformerats av granitmagmakammarna.
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Magnetická stavba, tok magmatu a tektonická deformace ve vulkano-plutonických systémech / Magnetic fabric, magma flow and tectonic deformation in volcano-plutonic systemsTomek, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Magnetic fabric, magma flow and tectonic deformation in volcano-plutonic systems ABSTRACT This Ph.D. thesis aims to investigate dynamics of emplacement and tectonic history of selected volcano-plutonic complexes in a continental magmatic arc and back arc setting. The thesis presents new data sets from five field areas, presented in separate chapters, which could be viewed as representing a vertical sections through upper part of an intermediate to felsic magmatic system. From top to bottom in this ‛imaginary' vertical system, the examined units are: (1) andesitic lava domes and (2) sub-volcanic magma chambers (<3 km deep) of the Miocene Štiavnica volcano- plutonic complex, Western Carpathians (Slovakia), (3) Shellenbarger pluton (<3 km depth) within the mid-Cretaceous Minarets caldera, Sierra Nevada batholith in California (USA), and ~7-10 km deep granitoids of (4) Lower-Cretaceous Wallowa batholith, Blue Mountains province in Oregon (USA) and (5) Late Devonian Staré Sedlo complex, central Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic). The research incorporates extensive field and structural data, supported by analysis of igneous textures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). The latter is further accompanied by detailed examination of magnetic mineralogy using thermomagnetic measurements and optical and back...
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Mixed-Level-Simulation heterogener Systeme mit VHDL-AMS durch Multi-Architecture-ModellierungSchlegel, Michael 16 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die Simulation heterogener Systeme auf hoher
Abstraktionsebene gewinnt auf Grund der
zunehmenden Komplexität technischer Systeme
stetig an Bedeutung. Unter heterogenen Systemen
versteht man technische Systeme, die aus analoger
und digitaler Elektronik, aus Komponenten
verschiedener physikalischer Domänen wie
mechanischen Strukturen, thermischen und
optischen Komponenten sowie aus Software
bestehen können. Genügte es bisher, die
einzelnen Komponenten für sich in ihrer eigenen
Domäne mit einem speziellen Simulator zu
simulieren, so ist es heute unerläßlich, auch
die Interaktionen zwischen den Komponenten zu
erfassen. Um solche Systeme mit einer
einheitlichen Beschreibungsform erfassen zu
können, entstand aus der digitalen
Hardwarebeschreibungssprache VHDL die
Systembeschreibungssprache VHDL-AMS.
Bei der Modellierung eines Systems muß das
tatsächliche Verhalten der Komponenten
abstrahiert werden, um mathematisch erfaßbar
und in begrenzter Zeit simulierbar zu sein. Der
Grad der Abstraktion beeinflußt jedoch die
Genauigkeit der Simulationsergebnisse wesentlich.
Dabei muß bzw. kann das Verhalten in
unterschiedlichen Komponenten unterschiedlich
stark abstrahiert werden, um noch akzeptable
Simulationsgenauigkeiten erzielen zu können.
VHDL-AMS erlaubt die Beschreibung von Komponenten
auf unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsniveaus. Man
kann die unterschiedlich abstrakten Modelle der
Komponenten aber nur schwer in einer
Systemsimulation gemeinsam simulieren, da
unterschiedlich abstrakte Modelle auch
unterschiedlich abstrakte Schnittstellen
aufweisen, so daß die Modelle nur mühsam
miteinander verbunden werden können. Ein
Austausch eines abstrakten Modells einer
Komponente gegen ein weniger abstraktes Modell
oder umgekehrt ist mit vielen fehleranfälligen
und zeitaufwendigen Anpassungsschritten verbunden.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein methodischer
Ansatz vorgestellt, der es auf der Basis einer
Vereinheitlichung der Modellschnittstellen
ermöglicht, unterschiedlich abstrakte Modelle
gemeinsam zu simulieren und einzelne Modelle
gegen abstraktere oder weniger abstrakte Modelle
ohne nennenswerten Zeit- und Modellierungsaufwand
auszutauschen. Es werden die zu verwendenden
Interfaceobjekte und Datentypen für digitale,
analoge elektrische und nichtelektrische
Schnittstellen unter VHDL-AMS und SystemC-AMS
vorgestellt. Ebenso werden Methoden vorgestellt,
die digitales, ereignisdiskretes Verhalten auf
konservative elektrische Schnittstellen bzw.
nichtkonservatives analoges Verhalten auf
digitale Schnittstellen abbilden. Weiterhin wird
erläutert, wie sich digitale Protokolle über
Abstraktionsebenen hinweg übertragen lassen und
ein modifizierter Top-Down Design-Flow
vorgestellt. Die Demonstration der Anwendbarkeit
der Methode erfolgt anhand eines Beispiels.
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Samvetsgrannhet: Nyckeln till akademisk motivation? : En studie om förhållandet mellan personlighet och akademisk motivation hos studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige.Sandberg, Emil, Ternström, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ academic motivation and personality in different classes at a university in central Sweden. The study was conducted on students of economics and nursing, who were asked to answer a paper questionnaire. The questionnaire of consisted two parts, the first part was a TIPI test which measured personality traits using the Big Five theory and the second part was an AMS test that measured academic motivation. A total of 106 students participated in the study, including 50 from economics and 56 from nursing. The main result showed that the strongest significant correlation was between the personality trait conscientiousness and internal motivation. This relationship was found to completely rely on the nursing students replies, giving an indication that the nursing students who were self-disciplined and targeted were motivated by internal factors. This relationship was not found in the replies from the economics students. There was some difference between the two study specializations. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan akademisk motivation och personlighet hos studenter med olika studieinriktningar på en högskola i Mellansverige. Studien genomfördes på studenter från ekonom- och sjuksköterskeprogrammet som fick besvara en pappersenkät. Enkäten bestod av två delar, varav den första var ett TIPI-test som mätte personlighetsdimensioner med hjälp Big Five-teorin och den andra var ett AMS-test som mätte akademisk motivation. Totalt deltog 106 studenter i undersökningen, varav 50 från Ekonomprogrammet och 56 från Sjuksköterskeprogrammet. Huvudresultatet visade att det starkaste signifikant sambandet var mellan personlighetsdimensionen samvetsgrannhet och intern motivation. Detta samband visade sig helt bäras av sjuksköterskestudenternas svar, vilket gav en indikation på att de sjuksköterskestudenter som var självdisciplinerade och målinriktade motiverades av interna faktorer. Detta samband återfanns över huvudtaget inte hos ekonomstudenterna. Det förelåg en viss skillnad mellan de två olika studieinriktningarna.
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Propuesta de reducción de los tiempos de viaje vehicular en el óvalo ubicado en la intersección de la Av. Alfredo Mendiola – Av. Eduardo de Habich, a través del sistema de semaforización inteligente RAMP meter / Proposal for reduction of vehicle travel times in the roundabout located on the intersection Alfredo Mendiola Av. – Eduardo de Habich Av. through RAMP meter singal control smart systemMariluz Cuadros, Luis Eduardo 26 February 2020 (has links)
La congestión vehicular en Lima es caótica dada la escaza infraestructura vial y el acelerado aumento del parque automotor. En contraste, esta investigación propone implementar el sistema de semaforización inteligente, Ramp Meter, basado en el algoritmo AMS-AG, para reducir los tiempos de viaje vehicular en el óvalo Habich, ubicado en el distrito de San Martín de Porres.
La metodología propuesta consta en la recolección de datos estáticos y registro de una lista de verificaciones. Luego se procede con la toma de datos de entrada para construir el modelo, tales como; flujos, velocidades y tiempos de viaje. El primer paquete de datos es utilizado para la construcción y calibración del modelo en el software de microsimulación PTV Vissim 9.0, y el segundo para la validación del modelo.
De acuerdo con los resultados de los parámetros de performance vehicular (demora, tiempo de viaje y velocidad) y peatonal (tiempo de viaje, velocidad) de la situación actual y lista de verificaciones, se realiza la propuesta de solución. Del mismo modo, a una proyección a 15 años se estima su funcionalidad en el mediano plazo.
Se concluye que la propuesta de mejora a través de la implementación del Ramp Meter, basado en el algoritmo AMS-AG, ofrece mejoras en relación con el performance vehicular, sin embargo, pierde rendimiento a medida que incrementa el flujo vehicular. Cumple con el objetivo principal de la investigación de reducirse los tiempos de viaje vehicular. Por último, se afirma que la inversión económica que demanda es una alternativa viable y rentable. / Vehicle congestion in Lima is chaotic given the lack of road infrastructure and the rapid increase in the number of vehicles. In contrast, this research proposes to implement the intelligent traffic light system, Ramp Meter, based on the AMS-AG algorithm, to reduce vehicle travel times at the Habich roundabout, in San Martin de Porres district.
The proposed methodology consists of the collection of static data and registering a checklist. Then, we proceed with taking input data to build the model, such as flows, speed and travels times. The first data packet is used for the construction and calibration of the model in the PTV Vissim 9.0 microsimulation software, and the second one is used for model validation.
According to the results of the parameters of vehicular performance (delay, travel time and speed) and pedestrian (travel time and speed) of the current situation and checklist, the proposed solution for roundabout is made. Similarly, at a projection to 15 years its functionality is estimated in the medium term.
It is concluded that the improvement proposal through the implementation of the Ramp Meter, based on the AMS-AG algorithm, offers improvements in relation to vehicle performance, however, it loses performance as vehicle flow increases. It fulfills the main objective of the research to reduce vehicle travel times. Finally, it is stated that economic investment that it demands is viable and profitable alternative. / Tesis
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The influence of teat wash failure on milk yield in dairy cowsLilja, Mathias, Keteris Eckerstedt, Ilse January 2016 (has links)
Data for the period 2015-04 to 2015-09 was analyzed in order to examine the possible relationship between teat wash failure and the result on milk yield for dairy cows. Data provided by Sveriges Lantrbruksuniversitet over 49 093 specific milking events were used. Two linear mixed-effects models and one basic OLS-model were estimated. In order to perform the analysis a lot of data manipulation also had to be performed. The data analysis was divided into to two parts. First the variable of interest (teatwash) was examined by constructing two versions of the different models; an unrestricted- and a restricted version were teatwash had been excluded. Because of the large sample and linear mixed-effect models an out-of-sample forecasting method was used as the primary evaluation criteria. The prediction errors were evaluated on the basis of root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean squared error (MSE). The difference between the unrestricted- and restricted models was very small and no indication of a relationship between teat wash failure and milk yield was found. The second part involved the comparison of prediction errors between the two mixed-effect models and the OLS-model. Surprisingly, the basic OLS-model resulted in the lowest prediction error although obvious breach of assumptions.
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