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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La poétique de l'espace dans l'œuvre romanesque de Saverio Nayigiziki / Poetics of space in Nayigiziki's [novel]

Kwizera, Jean-Paul 19 February 2010 (has links)
"Mes transes à trente ans (Escapade ruandaise)" de l'écrivain rwandais Saverio Nayigiziki, est une œuvre exceptionnelle, qui occupe une place majeure dans le corpus littéraire du Rwanda. Notre étude de l'espace romanesque montre comment l'élément spatial est essentiel dans la construction narrative du roman. En nous situant dans le cadre de la narratologie, nous analysons les pratiques romanesques qui organisent l'espace représenté à partir des codes du réalisme. Ce travail est organisé en trois parties : la première est une étude analytique de l'organisation textuelle qui manifeste la spatialité selon les modes d'écriture de la description réaliste, d'une part, et en fonction de la langue, d'autre part. La seconde étudie la narrativisation de l'espace et les procédures narratives de sa mise en texte. Enfin, la dernière partie analyse la fonctionnalité diégétique de l'espace, dans ses rapports avec la structure romanesque. Toutes ces approches montrent comment l'espace du roman ne se présente pas comme un simple décor devant lequel se déroule une action mais plutôt comme un constituant narratif en lien étroit avec les personnages, avec leur évolution au fil du récit et avec le sens incertain de leurs pérégrinations à travers le Rwanda et les pays voisins / "Mes transes à trente ans (Escapade ruandaise)", Saverio Nayigiziki's great work, is an exceptional novel, of major importance in Rwanda's literature, but in African literary history too. This study of the novel shows how essential is the spatial dimension in the narrative and in the fiction as well. Using a narratological approach, it analyses the novelistic practices which organize spatial representations within the realistic literary tradition. Our dissertation has three parts. The first one analyses textual organisation which represents space according to realistic patterns, as they are known in french literature of the 19th century, and according to the language constraints. The second part is devoted to the links between space and the narrative systems. Finally, the third part is a study of the diegetic impact of spaces representations, and of the way the novel is structured with spatial informations. All those approaches show how space is not only, or not at all un stage setting for the story, but much more an essential part of textuality, which is nearly related to characters, events, and to the global meaning of this travel story through Rwanda and other lands of Africa's heart

La France et la gestion des prisonniers de guerre pendant la guerre de Sept Ans (1756-1763) : trois échelles du système de captivité militaire

Laliberté, René 27 January 2024 (has links)
Prenant comme assise chronologique la guerre de Sept Ans, la présente recherche soutient que les prisonniers de guerre détenus en France suscitent la mise en relation de plusieurs échelons et composantes de l'État monarchique dans la perspective d'administrer leur captivité et de procéder à leur échange. Bien qu'il ne soit pas institué, un véritable système de captivité de guerre est à l'œuvre en France, sous la gouverne du secrétaire d'État de la Guerre. Ce système est ici exploré par l'entremise de trois échelles. D'abord l'échelle normative, qui correspond aux conceptions idéelles de la captivité de guerre, leur évolution tant dans les écrits que dans les pratiques. Ensuite l'échelle des prisonniers, qui aborde l'administration de la captivité directement au niveau des prisonniers, de leur entrée dans le système de captivité à leur sortie. Enfin, l'échelle étatique, échelle qui comprend toutes les interventions sur la captivité qui engagent l'État dans son entièreté. / Taking the Seven Years' War as a case study, this research argues that the detention of prisoners of war in France generates the connexion of multiple components of the French state, driven by the objective of administrating captivity and proceeding to the prisoners' exchanges. A non-instated war captivity system is at work, with the Secretary of State for War at its head. Here, the system is macro analysed through the lens of three of its scales. First, the normative scale explores the ideal conceptions of war captivity, their evolution in practice and in theory. Follows the prisoners' scale, where the direct administration of the prisoner's captivity is explored from their entrance in the system to their exit. Finally, the state's scale embraces the main captivity system's aspects that engage the France as a whole.

A utilização de sistema de informação para gestão das demandas dos beneficiários de operadoras de saúde suplementar, como estratégia frente à regulação do setor e a Notificação de Intermediação Preliminar (NIP) / The information system as strategical tool for a health care company to avoid Intermediation Preliminary Notification (NIP)

Miraldo, Claudio de Oliveira 29 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-01-26T14:45:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudio Miraldo.pdf: 1423858 bytes, checksum: 3a3a49b4e2e0f0eff50452e01285f090 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-26T14:45:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudio Miraldo.pdf: 1423858 bytes, checksum: 3a3a49b4e2e0f0eff50452e01285f090 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-29 / The Active Conflict Mediation was defined as a concept and a method of conflict resolution that seeks consensus and facilitating dialogue between the parties. With this point of vision the Nacional Agency of Suplementary Health of Brazil (ANS) established a procedure called Intermediation Preliminary Notification (NIP), which allows the regulatory agency intermediate conflicts between beneficiaries and health care providers more quickly. From the perspective of healthcare companies these notifications can mean a high cost if not answered promptly. The aim of this work is to present a solution through the implementation of a computerized system requests management and workflow, so that healthcare companies can have ways to ensure the process of responding to requests with a quick information retrieval, allowing answers to ANS, others agencies and the media, timely whenever necessary. This work demonstrates that the implementation of a computerized system contributed to the efficiency of service and improvement of the quality of the services provided by the health care company, presenting significant results in quantitative terms, as well as providing indicators that allow managers to perform real-time monitoring, historical reporting, and quick retrieval of documents. It was used the methodology of action research (Martins & Theóphilo, 2009) in this work and it could contribute to the improvement of services and reduction of risks arising from primary intermediation notifications in healthcare companies. / A Mediação Ativa de Conflitos foi definida como um conceito e um método de solução de conflitos que visa o consenso e a facilitação do diálogo entre as partes. Com esta visão a Agência Nacional de Saúde Complementar (ANS) estabeleceu um procedimento chamado Notificação de Intermediação Preliminar (NIP), que permite à agência reguladora intermediar e mediar conflitos entre os beneficiários e as operadoras de saúde com mais agilidade. Sob a ótica das operadoras estas notificações podem significar um elevado custo caso não sejam respondidas tempestivamente. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma solução, por meio da implantação de um sistema informatizado de gestão de solicitações e fluxo de trabalho, para que operadoras de saúde possuam meios de garantir o processo de atendimento às solicitações com uma rápida recuperação de informações, permitindo respostas a ANS, respostas a demais órgãos reguladores e resposta a mídia, tempestivamente, sempre que necessário. Como resultado este trabalho demonstra que a implantação de um sistema informatizado contribuiu para eficiência do atendimento e melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados de uma operadora de saúde, tendo apresentado como resultados significativos em termos quantitativos, além de proporcionar a apresentação de indicadores que permitem aos gestores fazer a monitoração da operação em tempo real, relatórios históricos e rápida recuperação dos documentos do processo. Neste trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia de pesquisa-ação (Martins & Theóphilo, 2009) e o resultado deve contribuir para as operadoras de saúde que buscam melhorias dos serviços prestados e diminuição dos riscos decorrentes das notificações de intermediação preliminar.

Redes de influência, burocracia, política e negócios na Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS) / Influence networks, bureaucracy, politics and business at the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans (ANS)

Baird, Marcello Fragano 19 May 2017 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a política na regulação da saúde suplementar, conduzida pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS). De modo específico, investigamos como as disputas de poder no setor entre sanitaristas e liberais foram transpostas para o interior da agência a partir das nomeações políticas para os cargos de direção e como isso influenciou a regulação empreendida pela ANS desde 2000, data de sua criação. Para a caracterização dos grupos políticos nas distintas gestões da agência, montamos redes de conexões entre políticos e diretores da ANS, observamos o papel das operadoras de planos de saúde no financiamento de campanhas e no apoio a dirigentes da agência e examinamos o perfil dos diretores indicados. Com vistas a identificar os resultados regulatórios, analisamos as decisões-chave tomadas pela agência e o padrão de votos de seus diretores. A pesquisa amparou-se fortemente em análise documental e em inúmeras entrevistas aprofundadas com atores-chave do mercado, da ANS, da política e da sociedade civil. Para o descortino das coalizões de sustentação política dos diretores indicados, utilizamos análise de redes. O estudo revelou que, após anos de domínio sanitarista na ANS, grupos de perfil mais liberal começaram a ganhar espaço na agência, refletindo as transformações mais gerais na coalizão de apoio ao governo federal. No entanto, as alterações na composição da diretoria colegiada da ANS não parecem ter se traduzido, até o momento, em mudanças no direcionamento mais geral da agência, no sentido de se aprovar regulações mais flexíveis que beneficiem o empresariado em detrimento do consumidor. Para compreender esse fenômeno, é preciso ir além do jogo político da ANS e considerar o papel de fatores institucionais e setoriais. Dentre eles, destacamos a burocracia sanitarista da ANS, que funciona como freio a possíveis medidas liberalizantes dos dirigentes, o arcabouço regulatório que limita o poder da agência no tocante a ações de interesse do setor regulado e a própria heterogeneidade do mercado, que dificulta a formação de consenso entre os grupos empresariais / This thesis analyses the politics on health insurance regulations, which is conducted by the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans (ANS). More specifically, it investigates how the power struggles between sanitarists and liberais were transferred to the agency by means of political appointments made to top positions and how this influenced ANS\' regulation as of 2000, when the agency was created. In order to characterize the political groups throughout the administrations of ANS, we built connection networks between politics and ANS\' directors, observed the role of the health plan\'s companies in financing campaigns and in supporting directors and examined the appointees\' profiles. Aiming at identifying the regulatory results, we analyzed the main decisions enacted by the agency and the directors\' votes pattem. The research was strongly based on document analyses and on severa!in-depth interviews with the key players in business, inside ANS, in politics and in civil society. In order to understand the political coalitions that support the appointees, we used network analyses. The study has revealed that, after years of sanitarist rule, liberal groups have started to seize more power at the agency, reflecting the more general transformations in the federal govemment\'s coalition. Nevertheless, the changes in the compositions of ANS\' board of director do not seem to have caused, so far, a liberal shift, with flexible policies that would benefit business in detriment of consumers. To understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to go beyond the political game at ANS and consider the role of institutional and policy domain\'s variables. Among them, we highlight the sanitarist bureaucracy at ANS, which works as a check to more liberal policies, the legal framework that limits the agency\'s mandate, especially regarding business\' interests, and the heterogeneity of the health plan\'s industry, which hampers consensus among business groups.

Redes de influência, burocracia, política e negócios na Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS) / Influence networks, bureaucracy, politics and business at the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans (ANS)

Marcello Fragano Baird 19 May 2017 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a política na regulação da saúde suplementar, conduzida pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS). De modo específico, investigamos como as disputas de poder no setor entre sanitaristas e liberais foram transpostas para o interior da agência a partir das nomeações políticas para os cargos de direção e como isso influenciou a regulação empreendida pela ANS desde 2000, data de sua criação. Para a caracterização dos grupos políticos nas distintas gestões da agência, montamos redes de conexões entre políticos e diretores da ANS, observamos o papel das operadoras de planos de saúde no financiamento de campanhas e no apoio a dirigentes da agência e examinamos o perfil dos diretores indicados. Com vistas a identificar os resultados regulatórios, analisamos as decisões-chave tomadas pela agência e o padrão de votos de seus diretores. A pesquisa amparou-se fortemente em análise documental e em inúmeras entrevistas aprofundadas com atores-chave do mercado, da ANS, da política e da sociedade civil. Para o descortino das coalizões de sustentação política dos diretores indicados, utilizamos análise de redes. O estudo revelou que, após anos de domínio sanitarista na ANS, grupos de perfil mais liberal começaram a ganhar espaço na agência, refletindo as transformações mais gerais na coalizão de apoio ao governo federal. No entanto, as alterações na composição da diretoria colegiada da ANS não parecem ter se traduzido, até o momento, em mudanças no direcionamento mais geral da agência, no sentido de se aprovar regulações mais flexíveis que beneficiem o empresariado em detrimento do consumidor. Para compreender esse fenômeno, é preciso ir além do jogo político da ANS e considerar o papel de fatores institucionais e setoriais. Dentre eles, destacamos a burocracia sanitarista da ANS, que funciona como freio a possíveis medidas liberalizantes dos dirigentes, o arcabouço regulatório que limita o poder da agência no tocante a ações de interesse do setor regulado e a própria heterogeneidade do mercado, que dificulta a formação de consenso entre os grupos empresariais / This thesis analyses the politics on health insurance regulations, which is conducted by the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans (ANS). More specifically, it investigates how the power struggles between sanitarists and liberais were transferred to the agency by means of political appointments made to top positions and how this influenced ANS\' regulation as of 2000, when the agency was created. In order to characterize the political groups throughout the administrations of ANS, we built connection networks between politics and ANS\' directors, observed the role of the health plan\'s companies in financing campaigns and in supporting directors and examined the appointees\' profiles. Aiming at identifying the regulatory results, we analyzed the main decisions enacted by the agency and the directors\' votes pattem. The research was strongly based on document analyses and on severa!in-depth interviews with the key players in business, inside ANS, in politics and in civil society. In order to understand the political coalitions that support the appointees, we used network analyses. The study has revealed that, after years of sanitarist rule, liberal groups have started to seize more power at the agency, reflecting the more general transformations in the federal govemment\'s coalition. Nevertheless, the changes in the compositions of ANS\' board of director do not seem to have caused, so far, a liberal shift, with flexible policies that would benefit business in detriment of consumers. To understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to go beyond the political game at ANS and consider the role of institutional and policy domain\'s variables. Among them, we highlight the sanitarist bureaucracy at ANS, which works as a check to more liberal policies, the legal framework that limits the agency\'s mandate, especially regarding business\' interests, and the heterogeneity of the health plan\'s industry, which hampers consensus among business groups.

Les jeunes de 16-24 ans inscrits en formation professionnelle et les obstacles à leur participation à la formation

Berbaoui, Adel January 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche est menée à partir de données primaires recueillies par sondage pour les besoins de l’étude conduite par Mazalon et Bourdon (2011) sur les caractéristiques, milieux et habitudes de vie des élèves de la formation professionnelle de la Commission scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin (CSBE) dans le cadre du Centre d’études et de recherches sur les transitions et l’apprentissage (CÉRTA) de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Notre travail se propose d’explorer les caractéristiques des jeunes de 16-24 ans inscrits en FP dans la CSBE et les types d’obstacles à leur participation à la formation. Les analyses descriptives effectuées ont permis d’identifier les principales caractéristiques de la population ciblée afin d’en dresser le portrait. Les variables liées aux obstacles à la participation des jeunes à la formation, soumises à l’analyse factorielle ont été regroupées en quatre catégories (situationnelle, institutionnelle, dispositionnelle et informationnelle) correspondant, dans l’ensemble, aux catégories conceptuelles de Cross (1981) en plus de l’ajout de la dimension psychosociale à la catégorie dispositionnelle et de la catégorie informationnelle de Darkenwald et Merriam (1982). Cependant, parmi les obstacles identifiés, certains figurent dans des catégories où leur présence est discutable. L’explication de ces cas, peu nombreux, n’est pas évidente, mais les hypothèses liées au fait que Cross (1981) estime que ses catégories ne sont pas rigides dans leur composition et à l’effet probable de la formulation des questions proposées, pourraient être retenues.

La participation des sources médiatiques traditionnelles dans le processus de choix de destination voyage des personnes de 50 ans et plus

Pardiac-Cossette, Sandryne January 2013 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise s'intéresse aux sources médiatiques traditionnelles comme la télévision, les journaux, les livres et le cinéma en contexte touristique. Plus précisément, ce travail vise à comprendre dans quelle mesure les sources médiatiques participent au processus de décision de choix de destination voyage des personnes de 50 ans et plus. Pour ce faire, 16 Québécois de 50 ans et plus sont interrogés en entrevue individuelle. L'industrie touristique considère ces individus comme étant une clientèle de plus en plus importante, et ce, compte tenu de ses caractéristiques particulières. Les résultats de cette recherche sont principalement analysés à la lumière des notions liées aux attributs du récepteur et de l'approche des Uses and Gratifications. Les principales conclusions démontrent qu'il faut parler d'une influence relative des médias traditionnels dans le processus de choix de destination voyage des personnes de 50 ans et plus et dévoilent un fait surprenant, à savoir l'importance du discours des membres de l'entourage pour les voyageurs.

De la vigne au chai : viticulture et vinification en Bordelais après la guerre de Cent Ans (vers 1450 - vers 1480)

Porcher, Kévin 25 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
De 1154 à 1453, Bordeaux se trouve sous l'obédience du roi d'Angleterre.L'ouverture du marché anglais favorise le développement d'un vignoble à vocation commerciale autour de la ville. De nombreux travaux sont consacrés à cette période faste du vignoble et du commerce du vin bordelais. En revanche, la situation du vignoble au lendemain de la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans (après la prise de Bordeaux par Charles VII en 1453) est très souvent restée dans l'ombre.Ce travail propose donc d'étudier les caractéristiques et les dynamiques du vignoble bordelais dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle, après les crises de la fin du Moyen Âge. En raison de la nature des sources employées, l'approche adoptée est celle du point de vue des Bordelais sur le vignoble, ce qui permet d'analyser l'emprise urbaine sur les vignes des alentours. Nous verrons comment les stratégies foncières et économiques des élites urbaines, essentiellement composées de marchands, influencent l'évolution du vignoble bordelais après la guerre de Cent Ans.

Le contrôle des guerres privées sous le règne de Philippe VI de Valois (1328-1350)

Champagne, Cédric January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Biobehavioral Correlates in Fibromyalgia

McNallen, Ann Trivigno 01 January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by non-restorative sleep, and fatigue. Over 75% of individuals with FMS complain of poor sleep quality and fatigue. These have been ranked by patients with FMS as having great impact on quality of life. A literature review suggested that poor sleep quality may be a predictor of increased stress and FMS symptom onset in those affected. However, no experimental studies have demonstrated a causal relationship between poor sleep and stress in people with FMS. Methods: Using a single stage cross-sectional design, the primary study aim was to compare 25 women with FMS and 25 women without FMS, on the following variables: autonomic nervous system activity; perceived stress; sleep quality; immune function (cytokines); and fatigue. The secondary aim was to explore the relationships among the above variables within each group. A third aim was to assess the validity of the Autonomic Symptoms Profile by comparing it to measures of heart rate variability and selected sleep indices. Significant Results: The FMS group had worse sleep quality, more autonomic symptoms, and greater fatigue than the non-FMS group; they also had higher TNF-α levels. The non-FMS group was more likely to have OSA. Non-FMS participants who had OSA also had higher IL-1β values than the FMS group. Study variables that correlated with each other in the FMS group differed from those seen in the non-FMS group, with the exception of the positive correlation of total arousals with AHI in both groups. In the FMS group, fatigue was positively correlated with perceived stress, autonomic symptoms, and TNF-α; stress was positively correlated with autonomic symptoms; and AHI was negatively correlated with IL-1β levels as well as the above noted correlation with total arousals. In the non-FMS group, sleep quality was positively correlated with fatigue, and sleep quality and fatigue were positively correlated with IL-1β. IL-1β also positively correlated with TNF-α. Total arousals were negatively correlated with mean RR interval. SDNN was correlated with RR interval and negatively correlated with AHI. The hypothesis tests related to construct validity of the ASP indicated no significant supportive correlations.

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