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Voix de guerre : le renseignement au sein de l'armée française lors de la guerre de Sept Ans en Amérique du NordGagné, Joseph 06 March 2024 (has links)
La partie coloniale de la guerre de Sept Ans commence en 1754 et prend fin officiellement en 1763. Alors que la guerre avance, il devient évident que le rapport de force entre les troupes de la France et celles de la Grande-Bretagne est inégal. Se trouvant dans la position faible, l’état-major français doit donc pallier ce déséquilibre par tous les moyens possibles. Parmi ceux-ci, l’administration coloniale s’appuie sur le renseignement militaire afin de se mettre au courant des plans de l’adversaire et afin de maintenir la cohésion de sa propre armée éparpillée sur le territoire. Jusqu’à quel degré peut-on accorder une utilité à ces « voix de guerre » en Amérique sous le Régime français? Abordée thématiquement, cette thèse examine la création et la cueillette d’informations, leur dissimulation et leur extirpation de l’adversaire, les réseaux de communication par lesquels elles circulent, sont disséminées et acheminées dans la hiérarchie de l’armée française et enfin, les entraves à leur interprétation. En somme, tous les moyens sont bons—parfois même de véritables élans de désespoir—pour surmonter les défis d’une infrastructure fragile afin de maintenir les communications et la cohésion interne. Malgré ses nombreuses failles et faiblesses, le renseignement a permis à l’armée française de mener sa défense sur une plus longue durée, démontrant également encore une fois que l’état-major a fait ce qu’il a pu avec ce qu’il avait à sa disposition. / The colonial portion of the Seven Years’ War began in 1754 and officially ended in 1763. As the war progressed, it became evident that the balance of available troops between the armies of France and Great Britain was uneven. Being in the weaker position, the head of the French army therefore had to make up for this imbalance by all possible means. Among these, the colonial administration relied on military intelligence to uncover the opponent’s plans and to maintain the internal cohesion of its own army scattered over the territory. To what extent were these “voices of war” of use in America under the French Regime? Applying a thematic approach, this thesis examines the creation and gathering of various informations of use to military intelligence, their concealment and their extirpation from the adversary, the communication networks through which they circulated, were disseminated, and were dispatched throughout the hierarchy of the French army, and finally, the obstacles to their interpretation. In short, any and all means were necessary—sometimes representing nothing less than true leaps of faith—to overcome the intrinsic challenges of an already fragile infrastructure in order to maintain communications and an internal cohesion. Despite their many flaws and weaknesses, these logistics of military intelligence were used to bridge the power gap between French and British forces by enabling the French army to maintain its defensive position over a longer period of time, demonstrating once more that the head of the army did what it could with what it had at its disposal.
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Victoires au fort William-Henry (1757) : les alliés amérindiens et la guerre de Sept AnsBergeron, Geneviève C. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Au début du mois d'août 1757, sur les rives du lac George, dans la colonie de New York, l'armée française assiège le fort britannique William-Henry. Les Français sont accompagnés de leurs alliés amérindiens, provenant de la vallée du Saint-Laurent et de la région des Grands Lacs. Après un siège d'une semaine, la garnison britannique se rend, le 9 août 1757. Durant cette journée et la suivante, les alliés des Français vont s'en prendre aux militaires britanniques défaits. Ils pillent, ils capturent, ils scalpent, ils exhument les morts, ils se révoltent et ils se vengent. Dans la logique guerrière amérindienne, ces gestes ont un sens symbolique particulier, ils ne sont pas simplement barbares et incompréhensibles comme l'ont cru les Britanniques, les Français et les coloniaux. Les actions des alliés sont dictées par leur culture traditionnelle de même que par le processus de leur intégration dans un système militaire, économique et culturel colonial. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014
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Atuação do Ministério Público e da Agência Nacional de Saúde em face dos planos de saúde coletivosGuimarães, Giovane Serra Azul 10 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-11-10 / The theme of this work was chosen owing to its importance, since it is a
crucial collective issue as it refers to health insurance contracts, which involve
the fundamental rights pointed out in the provisions of Brazilian Constitution,
being the only public service therein expressly defined.
The central aim of the present dissertation is firstly to demonstrate that
collective contracts of health insurance involve a consumption relationship and
that they have social relevance, which establishes the special standing of
prosecutors in defending consumer s diffuse, collective and homogenous
individual interests, and secondly, to analyze the available means of defending
consumers both in administrative and judicial proceedings. It is also intended to
demonstrate that the Supplementary Health National Agency is responsible for
inspecting all the aspects of the aforementioned health insurance plans,
including price readjustment, in spite of the still existing controversies.
In order to reach the outlined objectives, legislation, doctrine and
previous judicial decisions were investigated, including a detailed study of the
Brazilian Health Insurance Law / O tema do presente trabalho foi determinado em razão da relevância que
apresenta, tendo em vista tratar-se de assunto de grande interesse da
coletividade, por se referir aos contratos de planos de saúde, que envolvem
direitos fundamentais previstos na Constituição, tratando-se do único serviço de
relevância pública definido expressamente na Carta Magna.
Visa-se demonstrar que os contratos coletivos de planos de saúde
envolvem relação de consumo, e que apresentam relevância social, determinante
da atuação do Ministério Público, como legitimado extraordinário, na defesa dos
interesses difusos, coletivos e individuais homogêneos dos consumidores,
abordando-se também os meios disponíveis, na esfera administrativa e judicial,
para essa defesa. Objetiva-se ainda demonstrar que a Agência Nacional de
Saúde Suplementar, ANS, tem atribuição e o dever de agir na fiscalização e
controle de todos os aspectos deste mencionados planos, inclusive no que se
refere a reajustes de preços, não obstante às controvérsias ainda existentes.
Para se chegar aos objetivos traçados, foram pesquisados aspectos
doutrinários, legais e jurisprudenciais, com minucioso estudo dos dispositivos da
Lei dos Planos de Saúde, LPS
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Análise econômico-financeira das empresas reguladas pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS)Soncini, Alvaro José 30 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2016-12-19T14:48:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 provides that the State has an obligation to insure health services to all Brazilian citizens. The Brazilian population is one of the largest in the world, which makes that a rather complex task. Failing to fulfill this role, the State leaves room for providers of private services, through private health care and health insurance. That market began to develop in the 60’s and was regulated in the year 2000, with the creation of the National Healthcare Agency (ANS). Currently, roughly 50 million people in Brazil have access to private healthcare or health insurance, which accounts for a fourth of the country’s population. This work has as its main goal to analyze the different economic sectors regulated by ANS, focusing on the financial situation and the distribution of wealth across sectors. That analysis was carried out through study of the Periodic Information Reports on Healthcare Providers (DIOPS) presented to ANS by companies within the period spanning from 2012 to 2015. Group-dentistry and benefits administration were the sectors which presented the greatest potential for generation of operating cashflow and the best economic performance, benefits administration having the best performance out of the two. In order to shed light into that sector, its most relevant companies were analyzed, which led to the conclusion that Qualicorp Group is the dominant player involved. Analysis of wealth distribution across ANS-regulated sectors revealed that 84% of the total pool of resources are distributed to companies or professionals which effectively render health services, such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories and the like. This work did not analyze the costs of these entities, which are paid through the obtained resources / A constituição de 1988 prevê que o Estado tem como obrigação garantir os serviços de saúde a todos os cidadãos brasileiros. A população brasileira é uma das maiores do mundo, tornando essa atividade muito complexa. O Estado, não tendo sucesso nessa função, abre espaço para a prestação de serviços privados através dos planos ou seguros de saúde. Esse mercado, iniciado na década de 1960 e regulado em 2000 através da criação da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), atualmente conta com cerca de 50 milhões de pessoas, o que significa um quarto da população brasileira. Desse modo, o presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo analisar os diferentes setores regulados pela ANS, analisando a sua situação econômico-financeira e também a distribuição de riqueza entre os setores. Essas análises foram realizadas através do Diops financeiro apresentado à ANS pelas empresas no período de 2012 a 2015. O setor de odontologia de grupo e das administradoras de benefícios foram os setores que apresentaram melhor potencial de geração de caixa operacional e melhor desempenho econômico, sendo o setor das administradoras de benefícios com melhor desempenho em ambos. Para conhecer melhor esse setor, foram analisadas individualmente as principais empresas do setor, verificando-se que o Grupo Qualicorp tem alta dominância no setor. A análise da distribuição de riqueza dos setores regulados pela ANS relevou que 84% da riqueza de todos os setores são distribuídos para empresas ou profissionais que prestam o serviço efetivamente, que são os hospitais, clínicas médicas, consultórios médicos, clínicas laboratoriais, etc. Este trabalho não analisou os custos dessas entidades, que são pagos através dos recursos obtidos
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"Fidèle à Dieu, à la France, et au roi" : les retraites militaires de La Chapelle et de Beaujeu vers la Louisiane après la perte du Canada 1760-1762Gagné, Joseph 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le 8 septembre 1760, le gouverneur de la Nouvelle-France signe la capitulation de Montréal. L’événement marque la Conquête finale du Canada par les armes. Les forces françaises restantes sont sommées de se rendre à l’ennemi. Pourtant, deux factions des troupes de la Marine du Canada feront fi, semble-t-il, de ces ordres et se replieront en Louisiane encore sous le contrôle des Français. L’histoire de cette retraite du Pays d’en Haut vers le Pays des Illinois et la Louisiane aura jusqu’ici échappé à l’historiographie de la guerre de Sept Ans. Ce mémoire décrit et analyse le périple de ces deux groupes dans le contexte géographique et militaire de la période en insistant plus particulièrement sur la biographie comparée des deux officiers, Pierre Passerat de la Chapelle et Louis Liénard de Beaujeu. / On September 8, 1760, the governor of New France signed the capitulation of Montreal. The event marked the final act in the military conquest of Canada. Remaining French forces were directed to lay down their arms and surrender to the enemy. However, two groups of the troupes de la Marine du Canada apparently ignored these orders and fell back onto Louisiana which had, up to then, avoided being conquered. The story of this retreat from the Pays d’en Haut to the Pays des Illinois and Louisiana has up to now been overlooked by the historiography of the Seven Years’ War. This thesis describes and analyses the journey of these two groups in the geographical and military context of the period, insisting particularly on the comparative biographies of the two leading officers, that is, Pierre Passerat de la Chapelle and Louis Liénard de Beaujeu.
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De la vigne au chai : viticulture et vinification en Bordelais après la guerre de Cent Ans (vers 1450 - vers 1480) / From vineyard to the wine storehouse : viticulture and vinification in Bordeaux area after the hundred years war (about 1450 - about 1480)Porcher, Kévin 25 October 2011 (has links)
De 1154 à 1453, Bordeaux se trouve sous l’obédience du roi d’Angleterre.L’ouverture du marché anglais favorise le développement d’un vignoble à vocation commerciale autour de la ville. De nombreux travaux sont consacrés à cette période faste du vignoble et du commerce du vin bordelais. En revanche, la situation du vignoble au lendemain de la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans (après la prise de Bordeaux par Charles VII en 1453) est très souvent restée dans l’ombre.Ce travail propose donc d’étudier les caractéristiques et les dynamiques du vignoble bordelais dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle, après les crises de la fin du Moyen Âge. En raison de la nature des sources employées, l’approche adoptée est celle du point de vue des Bordelais sur le vignoble, ce qui permet d’analyser l’emprise urbaine sur les vignes des alentours. Nous verrons comment les stratégies foncières et économiques des élites urbaines, essentiellement composées de marchands, influencent l’évolution du vignoble bordelais après la guerre de Cent Ans. / From 1154 to 1453, Bordeaux is under the king of England's obedience. The opening of the English trade promotes the development of a turned-for-business vineyard around the town. Several researches are devoted to this lucky time for vineyardand Bordeaux wine trading. In return the state of the vineyard shortly after the end of the Hundred Years War (after the taking of Bordeaux by Charles VII in 1453) is very often remained in the background.Therefore this work purposes to study the Bordeaux vineyard characteristics and dynamics in the second half of the XVth century after the crisis of the end of the MidlleAges. On account of the nature of the used documents, the adopted approach is theBordeaux point of view about the vineyard, and this allows an analysis of the urbangrasp on the surrounding vineyards. We will see how the land and economic strategiesof the urban elites, mainly composed by merchants, influence the development of theBordeaux vineyard after the Hundred Years War.
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Clergé paroissial et changement religieux dans l’archidiocèse de Prague du Concile de Trente à la fin du XVIIe siècle / Parish clergy and religious change in Prague’s diocese from Council of Trent till the end of the 17th centuryRichard, Nicolas 09 December 2013 (has links)
Le changement religieux que connaît la Bohême au XVIIe siècle est sans équivalent à l’époque : un royaume tout entier, où les fidèles de Rome n’étaient que très minoritaires, bascule dans le camp catholique. Ce phénomène est examiné dans cette thèse sous son aspect concret : la façon dont le paroissien de l’archidiocèse de Prague a pu le vivre, ce qui a amené à l’étude de l’action du clergé paroissial. La stratégie de conversion mise en place au lendemain des discussions du concile de Trente sur la concession du calice a généralisé dans les paroisses de Bohême une situation de flou confessionnel, mais il faut attendre la victoire catholique de la Montagne Blanche pour que Rome consente enfin, pour des raisons pastorales, à modifier sa position. La réforme que connaît le royaume au moment de la guerre de Trente ans trouve ses origines dans l’élan missionnaire catholique du début du XVIIe et les théories théologico-politiques du temps. Elle est fortement marquée par l’empreinte de la guerre, qui a joué en outre un rôle de catalyseur alors que les autorités politique et religieuse défaillaient. Les régnicoles, dont le catholicisme est à l’origine souvent purement formel, se l’approprient peu à peu dans le courant du XVIIe siècle. La mort de la dernière génération ayant connu une autre situation religieuse dans les années 1670, l’essor de la ferveur à la fin du siècle vont de pair avec la naissance du danger hérétique, maintenant que l’hérésie a cessé de faire partie du quotidien, désormais rythmé par une vie liturgique et sacramentelle ayant son caractère propre. / The religious change that happens in Bohemia in the 17th century has no equivalent in the Europe at this time: the whole country, where Catholics were in a very minority, comes back to the roman Church. This evolution is here seen from a very prosaic point of view: how lay people live this change, and so how acts the parish clergy in this matter. Conversion’s strategy, at the end of the Council of Trent, was to permit the use of the chalice to the laity. The consequence of this permission was a very hazy situation in the parishes, but Holy See did nothing before the battle of White Mountain, and after the battle, he suppressed chalice, mainly for pastoral reasons. During the Thirty years War, the kingdom is the place of a general reform, which has its origins in the catholic missionary movement of the beginning of the century and in the political theories of this time. Bohemia is strongly marked by the war that acts as a catalyst; at the same time political and religious authorities were lacking. The inhabitants, usually just formal Catholics at the beginning, convert themselves more and more deeply during the 17th century. The eldest, who remembered the non-Catholics services, died during the 1670’s and at the end of the century, the fervour is general. Heretics, who are nearly inexistent at the end of the period, are seen now like a danger because they are out of everyday life, which is punctuated by an original liturgy and sacramental life.
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Neural Substrates Correlated with Magnitude Processing in Children and Adults : An fMRI study examining the Triple Code Model of numerical cognitionRiddervold Sandberg, Eva January 2019 (has links)
The Triple Code Model (TCM) of numerical cognition has become one of the most predominantly theories for how humans perceive, manipulate, and communicate numerical information. It builds on the notion that there exist three functionally distinct but neurologically connected codes that handle manipulations of different numerical input (non-symbolic magnitudes, symbolic representations, and verbal number words). In this study, we add a developmental perspective by collecting child data and comparing it to existing adult data. The main question is whether or not children elicit the same neural correlates as adults while performing three different number comparison tasks in line with TCM. Neuroimaging data using fMRI were collected for a total of 20 participants (ten children and ten adults). The results suggest that children rely on more right-lateralized regions and that a developmental shift towards the left hemisphere and associated language areas occur during acquisition of mathematical proficiency. / <p>VG</p>
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Le Poitou et les Pays de l'Ouest entre la France et l'Angleterre, 1337-1415 / Poitou and the French west lands between France and England from 1337 to 1415Giard, Elodie 17 May 2014 (has links)
Le Poitou au XIVème siècle subit des alternances de domination au cours de la guerre de Cent Ans. De 1360 à 1372, le Poitou est sous le contrôle de l’Angleterre et intégré à la Principauté d’Aquitaine. C’est alors que se met en place une administration spécifique avec un mode de gestion adapté à ces nouvelles régions. Après une reconquête ardue menée jusqu’en 1375 par Du Guesclin, le Poitou et les pays de l’Ouest passent sous le contrôle de la France et font partie de l’apanage du Duc Jean de Berry. Pendant les périodes où ils sont officiellement absents de la région : 1320-1356 et 1375 1415, les Anglais maintiennent une pression permanente sur la région, au moyen de raids, de chevauchées destructrices et de tentatives de débarquement avortées ou réussies. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle région où la domination anglaise s’exerce sous des formes très spécifiques. On peut ainsi avoir une vue d’ensemble des régions conquises et dominées par l’Angleterre pendant la Guerre de Cent Ans. On peut aussi y constater une nouvelle forme de « recovery » mise en place après chaque moment de tension et de conquête, soit par les Français, soit par les Anglais et ainsi étudier cette réalité politique de manière plus globale. Enfin, on peut aussi étudier l’intégration de cette région à un ensemble plus vaste constitué par la principauté d’Aquitaine. / Poitou during the Hundred Years’ War in the 14th century is alternately dominated by different political dynasties. From 1360 à 1372, Poitou is under English control and is part of the Principality of Aquitaine. An administration is put in place to administer these newly acquired regions. After a difficult reconquest of these regions by Du Guesclin in 1375, Poitou and the western lands are under the French control and are part of the “apanage” of the Duke of Berry. Despite not governing these lands from 1320-1356 and 1375-1415 the English keep these lands under constant military pressure via a series of raids, pillaging and naval landings. English domination while only periodic had very specific effects on these new lands. We can as such uniquely view these regions thanks to their domination both militarily and politically by the English during the Hundred Years’ War. We can also see periods of “recovery” after each tense period or military action, either by the French or the English, and as such study this unique political situation in its globality. Finally, we can also study the integration of this land in a bigger ensemble within the Principality of Aquitaine.
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A Study On Celtic/galatian Impacts On The Settlement Pattern In Anatolia Before The Roman EraYorukan, Gunes 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Anatolia has been the cradle of many different cultures throughout history. One of these was the Celts who migrated from Europe to Anatolia in the 3rd century BC and had various impacts on the settlement pattern of the region called Galatia after their arrival. Therefore in Anatolia urbanization history we know them as Galatians.
The main statement of this thesis is that, cultural identity is not a static, inherent quality, but a dynamic and contigent aspect of the existence of people. Therefore cultural identity should be regarded as a pattern continuum. In thisd study, in order to predict the Galatian settlement pattern until thr Roman dominance in the late 1st century BC in Anatolia, European Celtic settlement pattern has been reviewed as well as archaeolgical evidence and the Celtic language. The Hallstatt and the following La Tene periods in European history have been investigated since La Tene period is isochronic with Galatians in Anatolia. From the archaeological evidence in Europe, it is clear that the Celts established defended settlements, mastered the art of iron working and mining, and traded with the classical world.
In previous literature, Anatolia Celts/Galatians have been regarded as nomads who were involved mostly in warfare. However, the location of their forts and village-like settlements along the ancient trade routes implies that they were settled people who were engaged in production and trading activities as well, similar to La Tene in Europe.
Settlement types and their distribution pattern, linguistic and archaeological evidence investigated in this thesis verify that Celtic cultural identity in the history of Europe and Anatolia should be regarded as a pattern continuum.
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