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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolic Engineering of Isoflavonoid Biosynthesis in Tobacco and White Clover.

Franzmayr, Benjamin January 2011 (has links)
Isoflavonoids are a class of plant secondary metabolites which have multiple biological roles in plants as pest feeding deterrents, phytoalexins and signals to rhizobial microbes. Some isoflavonoids, or their breakdown products, are estrogenic when ingested by animals, and pastures with high levels of the isoflavonoid formononetin can cause sterility in ewes. White clover has low levels of isoflavonoids and is susceptible to pests like the clover root weevil. The overall aim of this project was to test whether isoflavonoids could be manipulated in white clover through metabolic engineering. The genes of the key isoflavonoid biosynthesis enzymes have been cloned from a range of legumes and three major genes, chalone reductase (CHR), isoflavone synthase (IFS) and isoflavonoid O-methyltransferase (IOMT), were cloned from white clover in this study. The white clover IFS2_12 gene was expressed in transgenic tobacco. Genistein, an isoflavonoid that is not naturally present in tobacco, was detected in the IFS-expressing tobacco, thus confirming the functionality of the IFS2_12 gene. Tobacco plants were transformed with ANT1, a transcription factor that induces the production of anthocyanins that share precursors with the isoflavonoid biosynthesis pathway. When IFS was expressed in red tobacco leaves, where anthocyanin biosynthesis was occurring, the levels of genistein were greater than in anthocyanin-free green leaves. White clover was transformed to overexpress the cloned IFS2_12 gene and some transformants had greater levels of IFS gene expression, up to 12.9 times the average wild type level. However, these transformants did not produce formononetin levels greater than the wild-type. A gene fusion of alfalfa chalcone isomerase (CHI), which produces the precursors naringenin and liquiritigenin, and soybean IFS, which converts the precursors to genistein and daidzein, respectively, was received from the Noble Foundation. Transgenic white clover plants expressing IFS/CHI were produced using a novel method that also regenerated wild-type clones of the transgenic plants. When compared with their wild-type clones, two IFS/CHI transformants produced higher levels of formononetin, thus supporting the suggestion that isoflavonoid levels can be increased in white clover through overexpression of isoflavonoid biosynthesis genes.

Towards A Systems Biology Understanding of Metabolic Syndrome

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation investigates the condition of skeletal muscle insulin resistance using bioinformatics and computational biology approaches. Drawing from several studies and numerous data sources, I have attempted to uncover molecular mechanisms at multiple levels. From the detailed atomistic simulations of a single protein, to datamining approaches applied at the systems biology level, I provide new targets to explore for the research community. Furthermore I present a new online web resource that unifies various bioinformatics databases to enable discovery of relevant features in 3D protein structures. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Biological Design 2013

A multilevel, developmentally controlled gene engineering strategy for tomato fortification and protection

Cocaliadis Caisson, María Florencia 03 November 2017 (has links)
Plastids are the cellular organelles where many of the visual, health and flavor-related metabolites are produced and stored in the fruit, and therefore are valuable components for consumers and breeders. The more sugar and flavor the fruit has, the more appreciated is for the consumer and industry. Thus, one of the breeder's goals is to obtain new varieties with fruits improved in these aspects. Paradoxically, fruits with a high content in chloroplasts have been avoided by the breeders because it usually suffers of oxidative stress disorders; such yellow shoulder impairment and fruit cracking when the light intensity increases. For this reason breeding efforts has been focused mainly on avoiding fruit losses and organoleptic characteristics have been neglected. This thesis aims to improve tomato fruit quality by engineering plants to produce fruits with enhanced fruit chloroplast functions and improved tolerance to oxidative stress, using cisgenic/ intragenic approaches. SlGLK1, SlGLK2 and SlAPRR2 transcription factors have been suggested to be involved in chloroplast development. Tomato MoneyMaker plants were engineered to express SlGLKs and SlAPRR2 either singly or in combination early in development. Those lines provide fruits which accumulate more sugars, carotenoids and specific volatiles than WT. The fruit chloroplast enhanced lines were characterized at the structural, metabolic, proteomics and transcriptomics. A novel additive effect in the chloroplast regulation network resulted when both transcription factors were coexpressed and a hypothesis for this effect is presented. In addition, two tomato traditional varieties (Muchamiel and Pera) expressing tomato genes for BMW anthocyanin regulatory complex under the control of the light inducible promoter (PLI) were produced and characterized. Engineered tomato plants showed large accumulation of anthocyanin specifically in the fruit peel and in Type VI trichomes. Characterization of those tissues indicated specific alterations of the flavonoid pathway that were highly dependent on the light conditions. These tomato lines could be of high interest to protect the fruit chloroplast enhancement lines from eventual stresses involving ROS, and also to assess the effect on plant growth under high light stress and in plant-pest interaction studies. / Los plastidos son orgánulos celulares donde se producen y almacenan muchos de los metabolitos relacionados con atributos organolépticos y compuestos beneficiosos para la salud, por lo tanto se consideran componentes de alto valor añadido para consumidores y mejoradores vegetales. Cuanto mayor contenido en azúcares solubles y sabor presente el fruto más se valoran por los consumidores y la industria. Por lo tanto uno de los objetivos actuales de los mejoradores de tomate es mejorar el fruto en estos aspectos. Paradójicamente, se ha seleccionado en contra de frutos con alto contenido en cloroplastos porque este carácter, bajo alta intensidad lumínica, suele estar asociado a daños en el fruto por estrés oxidativo; como los hombros amarillos del tomate o el agrietado del fruto. Por este motivo los esfuerzos en mejora se han orientado principalmente a evitar pérdidas y consecuentemente la calidad organoléptica se ha visto reducida. El objetivo de esta tesis es mejorar la calidad del fruto de tomate mediante el empleo de técnicas de ingeniería genética orientadas a incrementar los cloroplastos en fruto y mejorar la tolerancia al estrés oxidativo con una aproximación cis/ intragenica. Los factores de transcripción SlGLK1, SlGLK2 y SlAPRR2 han sido estudiados por influir en el desarrollo del cloroplasto. Plantas de tomate de variedad MoneyMaker fueron mejoradas genéticamente para expresar de forma individual o conjunta SlGLKs y SlAPRR2 en estadios tempranos de desarrollo. Estas líneas proveen frutos con mayor acumulo de azúcares, carotenos y volátiles que el control MoneyMaker. Las líneas potenciadas en desarrollo de cloroplastos se caracterizaron a nivel estructural, metabólico, proteómico y transcriptómico. Se descubrió un novedoso efecto aditivo en la regulación génica del cloroplasto cuando ambos factores de transcripción se expresan simultáneamente y se presentó una hipótesis para dicho efecto. Además se caracterizaron dos variedades tradicionales de tomate (Muchamiel and Pera) diseñadas para expresar genes pertenecientes al complejo de regulación de antocianinas BMW, bajo el control del promotor inducible por luz (PLI). Las plantas mejoradas genéticamente presentan una gran acumulación de antocianos, especialmente en piel de fruto y en tricomas tipo VI. Caracterización de estos tejidos indican alteraciones específicas en la ruta de flavonoides y una alta dependencia a condiciones de luz. Estas plantas podrían ser de gran interés para proteger frutos con altos niveles de cloroplastos frente al estrés oxidativo generado por ROS, para evaluar el efecto en el crecimiento de la planta bajo condiciones de alta luz y en futuros estudios de interacción planta-patógenos / Els plastidis són orgànuls cel.lulars on es produeixen i emmagatzemen molts dels metabòlits relacionats amb atributs organolèptics i composts beneficiosos per a la salut, per tant es consideren components d'alt valor afegit per a consumidors i milloradors vegetals. Quant major contingut en sucres solubles i sabor presenta el fruït, més serà valorat per part dels consumidors i la industria. Paradoxalment, s'ha seleccionat en contra dels fruïts amb alt contingut en cloroplasts perquè aquest caràcter, davall alta intensitat lumínica, sol estar associat amb danys en el fruït per estrés oxidatiu; com muscles groguencs de la tomata o clevitjament del fruït. Per aquest motiu, l'esforç en millora s'ha orientat principalment a evitar pèrdues de manera que la qualitat organolèptica s'ha vist reduïda. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi es millorar la qualitat del fruït de tomata mitjançant l'ús de tècniques d'enginyeria genètica orientades a incrementar els cloroplasts al fruït i millorar la tolerància a l'estrès oxidatiu amb una aproximació cis/intragènica. Plantes de tomata de la varietat MoneyMaker foren millorades genèticament per expressar de manera individual o conjunta SlGLK1, SlGLK2 y SlAPRR2 als moments inicials del desenvolupament. Aquestes línies donen fruïts amb major acumulació de sucres, carotens i volàtils que el control MoneyMaker. Les línies potenciades amb el desenvolupament de cloroplasts es caracteritzaren a nivell estructural, metabòlic, proteòmic i transcriptòmic. Es va descobrir un nou efecte additiu en la regulació gènica del cloroplast quan ambdós factors de transcripció s'expressen de manera simultània i es va presentar una hipòtesi per a dit efecte. A més, es van caracteritzar dos varietats tradicionals de tomata (Muchamiel i Pera) dissenyades per a expressar gens que pertanyen al complex de regulació d'antocians BMW, davall el control del promotor induïble per llum (PLI). Les plantes millorades genèticament presentaren una gran acumulació d'antocians, especialment a la pell del fruït i en tricomes de tipus VI. La caracterització d'aquest teixit indica alteracions específiques en la ruta dels flavonoides i una altra dependència a condicions de llum. Aquestes plantes podrien ser de gran interès per a protegir els fruïts d'alts nivells de cloroplasts front a l'estrès oxidatiu generat pels ROS, i per a avaluar l'efecte en el creixement de la planta davall condicions d'alta llum i en futurs estudis d'interacció planta-patògen. / Cocaliadis Caisson, MF. (2017). A multilevel, developmentally controlled gene engineering strategy for tomato fortification and protection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90401

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