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FTIR studies of chemical processesFew, Julian William January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents the study of a selection of gas phase chemical processes using time-resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) emission spectroscopy. Such processes include molecular energy transfer, chemical reaction and photodissociation. The major focus of this thesis was the investigation of collisional energy transfer from the electronically excited states of NO and OH, with particular attention paid to the fate of the electronic energy. NO A<sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 0) is prepared by laser excitation, pumping the overlapped Q<sub>1</sub> and P<sub>21</sub> band heads of the NO A-X (0,0) transition at 226.257 nm. The quenching of this state by O<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> was studied. Experiments were performed to investigate what channels contribute to the quenching process, the branching ratio of these different channels and the partitioning of energy among the various products. Quenching by O<sub>2</sub> was found to proceed mostly through non-reactive channels. High vibrational excitation of NO X <sup>2</sup>Π was observed, with population detected in v = 22, representing 79% of the available energy. The O<sub>2</sub> product was found to be formed in more than one electronic state: the ground state, X <sup>3</sup>Σ<sup>-</sup><sub style='position: relative; left: -.3em;'>g</sub>, and a high-lying electronically excited state, such as the A <sup>3</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup><sub style='position: relative; left: -.5em;'>u</sub>, A' <sup>3</sup>Δ<sub>u</sub> or c <sup>1</sup>Σ<sup>-</sup><sub style='position: relative; left: -.5em;'>u</sub> states. A reactive channel producing vibrationally excited NO<sub>2</sub> was observed, but was found to be a minor process with an upper limit of 18% for the branching ratio. In contrast the quenching of NO A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 0) by CO<sub>2</sub> was found to proceed predominately by reaction, with a branching ratio of 76 %. While emission from NO<sub>2</sub> was observed, it was weak, and therefore it was concluded that the main reaction products were CO, O(<sup>3</sup>P) and NO X <sup>2</sup>Π(v = 0). The nascent strong CO<sub>2</sub> v3 emission band from the non-reactive channel exhibited a large red-shift from its fundamental position. This indicates that the CO<sub>2</sub> vibrational distribution is significantly hotter than statistical. Investigations were then performed studying the quenching of NO A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 1) by NO and CO<sub>2</sub>, with both systems exhibiting similar characteristics to the quenching of the ground vibrational level of NO A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>. From comparison of the emission intensity of the CO fundamental and CO<sub>2</sub> v3 mode following quenching of the v = 0 and 1 levels of the NO A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> state, it was concluded that the branching ratio for reactive quenching was larger in the latter case. Secondly, experiments were performed to measure the rate constants for the quenching of NO A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 0) by the noble gases. The noble gases are inefficient quenchers of electronically excited NO and therefore careful experimental design was required to minimise the influence of impurities on the results. All the rate constants were found to be of the order of 10<sup>-14</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> molecule<sup>-1</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>. The value for Xe was 50 times smaller than reported previously in the literature. In light of this new measurement, a re-analysis of experiments, performed previously in the group, on the electronic quenching of NO A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 0) by Xe was performed. A very hot vibrational distribution of NO X <sup>2</sup>Π was obtained. Next, the collisional quenching of OH A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 0) by H<sub>2</sub> was investigated. OH radicals were generated in situ by the photolysis of HNO<sub>3</sub> at 193 nm, which were excited to the A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>(v = 0) state on the overlapped Q<sub>1</sub>(1) and P<sub>21</sub>(1) rotational lines at 307.935 nm. Reactive quenching was found to be the major pathway, in agreement with the literature. Copious emission from vibrationally excited water was observed. Comparison of this emission with theoretical calculations revealed a hotter distribution than predicted. It was concluded that the energy channelled into the vibrational modes of H<sub>2</sub>O is in excess of 60% of the available energy. Experiments performed with D<sub>2</sub> allowed the non-reactive channel to be studied; a cold vibrational distribution of the OH X <sup>2</sup>Π was observed. Finally the reaction between CN radicals and cyclohexane was studied. CN was generated by the photolysis of ICN at 266 nm. Prompt emission from HCN in the C-H stretching region was observed meaning the new bond was formed in a vibrationally excited state. Analysis of the emission revealed HCN was populated up to v3 = 2. Excellent agreement with the results of a theoretical study of the system was found.
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High resolution diode laser spectroscopy of transient speciesCrow, Martin Brian January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents applications of near infrared diode lasers to high resolution spectroscopy of transient radical species. Firstly, time resolved near infrared laser gain versus absorption is utilised in Chapter 2 to determine the I∗ quantum yield following ultraviolet photolysis of iodobenzene and its fluorinated analogues. The experimental method is first confirmed by comparison with literature values of the quantum yield for iodomethane photolysis, returning a quantum yield of Φ(I∗) = 0.71 ± 0.04 in good agreement with the literature, before being applied to determine the I∗ quantum yield following 248 nm and 266 nm photolysis of iodobenzene (Φ(I<sup>∗</sup>) = 0.28 ± 0.04) and pentafluoroiodobenzene (Φ(I<sup>∗</sup>) = 0.32 ± 0.05). The I<sup>∗</sup> quantum yields for 4-fluoroiodobenzene, 2,4-difluoroiodobenzene and 3,5-difluoroiodobenzene are also reported in order to determine the effect of selective fluorination on the dynamics of the photodissociation process. This work complements velocity-map ion imaging studies and spin-orbit resolved ab initio calculations of the ultraviolet photolysis of these compounds. Chapter 3 details the development of a narrow-bandwidth tunable continuous wave ultraviolet radiation source, through sum frequency mixing of tunable near infrared diode lasers with a fixed frequency, high powered, solid state laser. The application of the UV radiation source to spectroscopy of the A<sup> 1</sup>A<sub>2</sub> − X<sup> 1</sup>A<sub>1</sub> electronic band of formaldehyde is explored, where absolute absorption cross sections are determined for rotational transitions within the 220410 and 220430 vibronic bands. The sub-Doppler resolution has allowed refinement of the rotational constants for the slowly predissociating excited state of the 2<sup>2</sup><sub>0</sub>4<sup>3</sup><sub>0</sub> vibronic band. The lifetimes of several rotational levels is determined to be in the range 0.74 ns to 1.46 ns. In Chapter 4 the UV radiation source developed in Chapter 3 is applied to the A <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> − X <sup>2</sup>Π electronic band of the OH radical. Firstly, this source is utilised to probe a continuous supply of hydroxyl radicals using cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy and wavelength modulation spectroscopy. Pressure induced broadening parameters for the Q<sub>1</sub>(2) rotational transition for He, Ne, Ar and N<sub>2</sub> buffer gases are also measured. Following the successful application of this source to probe a continuous OH source at atmospheric pressure, the UV spectrometer is used to probe OH radicals from nitric acid photolysis at 193 nm, where the nascent speed distribution and Doppler lineshape is shown to be in excellent agreement with the literature. Time resolved absorption spectroscopy of the nascent OH fragment also returns a translational relaxation constant of k<sub>trans</sub> = (3.85±1.06)×10<sup>−10</sup>cm<sup>3</sup>molecule<sup>−1</sup>s<sup>−1</sup>, which is in good agreement with literature values. These preliminary results indicate the potential of this narrow-bandwidth tunable UV source as an absorption-spectroscopy-based probe of nascent Doppler profiles. Chapter 5 presents the application of frequency-modulated radiation from a near infrared diode laser as a probe of the angular momentum polarisation of the nascent CN fragments, produced by 266 nm photolysis of ICN. These CN fragments are probed in the high rotational states of both the ground and first excited vibrational level on the A <sup>2</sup>Π − X <sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> electronic transition; in particular these constitute the first measurements of alignment and orientation in the first excited vibrational level at this photolysis wavelength. The alignment parameters reported for both vibrational levels are comparable, indicating that the incoherent dynamics contributing to their formation are the same. In contrast, the orientation of the v = 1 CN fragment is shown to be of opposite sign to that of v = 0 at this photolysis wavelength, although the absolute differences in their orientation parameters are similar to that observed for photolysis at 248 nm. This observation is consistent with coherent orientation arising from phase differences between wavepackets propagating on multiple excited potential energy surfaces.
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Caractérisation d’une nouvelle voie de formation des aérosols organiques secondaires (AOS) dans l’atmosphère : rôle des précurseurs polyaromatiques / Characterization of a new source of atmospheric secondary organic aerosols (SOA) : importance of polyaromatic compoundsRiva, Matthieu 10 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d'étudier la formation des aérosols organiques secondaires (AOS) formés dans l'atmosphère à partir de l'oxydation en phase gazeuse de composés organiques volatils en présence d’oxydants atmosphériques (ozone, radicaux hydroxyle, chlore et nitrate). Parmi eux, les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) ont été proposés comme étant une source potentiellement importante d’AOS d’origine anthropique. Ainsi, l’oxydation de quatre HAP gazeux majoritaires (naphtalène, acénaphtylène, acénaphtène et phénanthrène) en présence des principaux oxydants atmosphériques a été menée afin de déterminer la formation d’AOS. La caractérisation des phases gazeuse et particulaire par spectrométrie de masse et spectroscopie optique a permis d’identifier les principaux produits d’oxydation afin de proposer des mécanismes réactionnels conduisant à la formation d’AOS. Les différents rendements de formation ont également été déterminés dans le but d'évaluer l'impact de l'oxydation des HAP en phase gazeuse comme source d’aérosols. Les expériences ont été conduites en chambres de simulation atmosphérique ainsi qu'en réacteur à écoulement. L'évolution de l'AOS au cours de son vieillissement a également été étudiée pour identifier les différents processus oxydatifs mis en jeu au sein de l'aérosol organique. / This work deals with the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from gas phase oxidation of volatile organic compounds in the presence of atmospheric oxidants (ozone, hydroxyl radical, chlorine and nitrate radical). Among them, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been proposed as an important potential source of anthropogenic SOA. The oxidation of 4 main gaseous PAHs (naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene and phenanthrene) in the presence of main atmospheric oxidants has been performed in order to investigate the SOA formation. Characterization of both gas and particulate phases has been carried out using mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy allowing the identification of products in both phases. Then, chemical mechanisms have been proposed in order to explain SOA formation. SOA yields have been also determined to evaluate the impact of the gas phase oxidation of PAHs in SOA formation. Experiments have been carried out using flow tube and atmospheric simulation chambers. SOA fate has been investigated to determine the different oxidation processes involved in SOA aging.
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Desenvolvimento de métodos e instrumentação para amostragem e determinação de algumas espécies relacionadas aos processos de acidificação da atmosfera / The development of methods and instrumentation for sampling and determination of certain species related to atmospheric acidification processesRocha, Flavio Roberto 27 June 2003 (has links)
A atmosfera, ao lado dos principais gases que a compõe, apresenta em menores concentrações milhares de compostos químicos (orgânicos e inorgânicos) distribuídos nas fases líquidas e gasosa ou no material particulado. Quando esses compostos encontrados no ar apresentam níveis de concentração que os tornam impróprios ou nocivos à saúde humana, aos animais ou vegetais e danosos aos materiais, são considerados poluentes atmosféricos. Neste trabalho, enfatizou-se o estabelecimento de métodos alternativos, eficientes e práticos, para a amostragem de várias espécies que participam dos processos de acidificação da atmosfera, assim corno o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos baseados em técnicas eletroanalíticas em fluxo como a amperometria e a eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato. Devido a algumas limitações das técnicas de amostragem, explorou-se a alternativa de recorrer a tubos capilares com paredes microporosas, preenchidos com solução adequada à absorção das espécies em pauta, após sua difusão através dos poros da membrana hidrófoba. Assim, construiu-se um coletor por difusão utilizando-se tubo de Teflon®, dentro do qual foi introduzido um feixe de tubos capilares porosos de polipropileno. A união desta técnica de amostragem com a determinação seletiva e quantitativa dos analitos por eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica (CE-CCD) possibilitou o desenvolvimento de métodos completos para as seguintes espécies: CH2O coletado em água deionizada, à freqüência de 1 amostra por hora, seguido de derivatização com HSO3- para determinação de fonnaldeído na forma de hidroximetanossulfonato (HMS); HCOOH e H3C2OOH- com o mesmo procedimento de coleta e separação por CE-CCD aplicado na detenninação de CH2O na forma de HMS; e NH3 - coletado em solução de HCl e determinado na forma de NH4+ por CE-CCD. Outra espécie de interesse ambiental é o H2O2, por participar de várias reações de oxidação tanto na fase gasosa corno na fase líquida da atmosfera, contribuindo assim para a acidez da atmosfera. A detenninação analítica do H2O2 foi feita por método FIA amperométrico com eletrodo de gota pendente de mercúrio, adaptando-se célula eletroquímica estacionária ao trabalho em fluxo. Duas formas de coleta de H2O2 na fase gasosa foram desenvolvidas e comparadas: . coleta por difusão - com fluxo de água deionizada pelos feixe de filamentos capilares; nesta aplicação, o feixe foi conectado diretamente à alça de amostragem do injetor, proporcionando determinações on-line\". . amostragem criogênica em dispositivo \"passivo\" - aproveitando o fato conhecido de que a razão H2O:H2O2 da fase gasosa se mantém praticamente inalterada na fase sólida (gelo coletado). Além das determinações de H2O2 na fase gasosa, o método FIA-Amperométrico foi utilizado, em trabalhos realizados em parceria com pesquisadores do IPEN, para determinação dessa espécie em efluentes e água de cultivo do microcrustáceo Daphnia similis após serem irradiados com feixes de elétrons. Paralelamente às pesquisas relacionadas a espécies gasosas, desenvolveu-se metodologia para a determinação de cátions e ânions majoritários em água de chuva, recorrendo à CE-CCD, de modo a oferecer uma alternativa à consagrada técnica da cromatografia de íons, demorada e onerosa. Os estudos iniciais da composição iônica da chuva foram feitos com coletas de água de chuva efetuadas no período de Abril/97 a Março/98. Nesse conjunto de amostras determinou-se as concentrações dos cátions (NH4+, Ca2+, K+ e Na+) e dos ânions (NO3-, SO42- e Cl-), além das usuais medições de pH e condutividade. A Eletroforese Capilar mostrou-se particularmente tàvorável para a determinação dos íons majoritários em água de chuva. Embora fugindo da área ambiental, desenvolveu-se metodologia para determinação de espécies de S(IV) em amostras de vinho, a partir de algumas adaptações de método amperométrico em fluxo desenvolvido no mestrado para análise de sulfito e HMS em água de chuva. Assim, desenvolveu-se três sistemas FIA-Amperométrico com eletrodo de gota pendente de mercúrio distintos, os quais foram utilizados para determinação de HSO3- livre e adutado (na forma de hidroxialcanossulfonatos) e SO2, com auxílio de uma unidade de difusão gasosa. / Alongside with its main components, the atmosphere contains trace amounts of thousands of chemical compounds (organic and inorganic) distributed in the liquid and gaseous phases, as well as in the particulate matter. These species can be considered pollutants when they are encountered at levels capable of generating adverse effects to humans, animals, plants or materials. The aim of this work was to establish alternative, efficient and practical methods for the sampling of several species encountered in the gaseous phase, as well as to develop analytical methods based on electroanalytical flow techniques, such as amperometry and capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductometric detection (CE-CCD). Due to some limitations in the existing sampling techniques, an altemative method based on the diffusion of the analytes through the microporous hydrophobic walls of capillary tube filled with an appropriate absorbent solution, was investigated. The collecting device was assembled using a Teflon® tube wherein a bundle of porous capillary polypropylene tubes was introduced. The coupling of this sampling technique with the selective and quantitative determination of the species by capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductometric detection (CE-CCD) enabled the development of complete analytical protocols for the following species: i) CH2O - collected in deionized water at a frequency of 1 sample/h and derivatized with HSO3- for its determination as hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS); ii) HCOOH and H3COOH - collected using the same sampling procedure and quantified upon separation by CE-CCD; and iii) NH3 - collected in a HCl solution and deterrnined as NH4+ form. Another species of environmental interest is H2O2, which contributes to the acidity of the atmosphere on account of its involvement in some oxidation process both in the gaseous and liquid phases. The deterrnination of the H2O2 Was carried out using a FIA amperometric method at the hanging mercury drop electrode, in a batch electrochemical cell adapted to function under tlowing conditions. Two sampling procedures for H2O2 in the gaseous phase were developed and compared: . collection by diffusion - from the air into a flow of deionized water within the bundle of capillary filaments, which were, in tum, connected to the sample loop in order to allow on-line deterrninations. · cryogenic, with a \"passive\" sampler - based on the well-known fact that the H2O:H2O2 ratio in the gaseous phase is practically maintained in the solid phase. In addition to these determinations in the gaseous phase and in a partnership with researchers of the IPEN, the FIA-Amperometric method was used for the quantification of H2O2 in effluent and in cultivation water of the microcrustacean Daphnia Similis after irradiation by MeV electron beams. In parallel to the related research, a methodology for the CE-CCD determination of majority cations and anions in rain water was developed. This was proposed as an altemarive method to well-established ion chromatography techniques. Initial studies on the ionic composition of rain were conducted on samples collected between April/97 and March/98, using an automatic collector previously developed. In this set of samples, the concentrations of cations (NH4+, Ca2+, K+ e Na+) and anions (NO3-, SO42- e Cl-) were determined, together with the usual measurements of pH and conductivity. Capillary electrophoresis tumed out to be particularly suitable for the determination of ions in rain water. Although strictly not environrnental in kind, a methodology for determination of S(IV) species in wine samples was implemented by adjusting a previously-developed flow-amperometric method for the analysis of sulfite and HMS in rain water. For this purpose, three distinct FIA-Amperometric systems using a gas diffusion device and the hanging mercury drop electrode were designed, assembled and used for the determination of HSO3- in the free and bound forms (as hydroxyaIkanesulfonates) and SO2.
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Influência da queima da cana-de-açúcar nos níveis de HPAs, nitro-HPAs e oxi-HPAs associados ao aerossol atmosférico / Influence of sugar cane burning in the levels PAH, nitro-PAH and oxy-PAH associated to atmospheric particulate matterSouza, Kely Ferreira de 01 December 2014 (has links)
Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) e seus derivados nitrados (nitro-HPAs) e oxigenados (oxi-HPAs) são compostos de grande interesse devido seus efeitos deletérios à saúde. Estes compostos são encontrados associados ao material particulado atmosférico e são formados durante a combustão de compostos orgânicos, no caso dos HPAs, e também por reações in situ através dos HPAs precursores, no caso dos nitro- e oxi-HPAs. Para avaliar a influência da queima de cana-de-açucar, amostras de material particulado foram coletadas nas cidades de Ourinhos e Araraquara (Estado de São Paulo), regiões afetadas pela queima de cana-de-açucar. Os filtros carregados foram submetidos à extração por Soxhlet, o extrato orgânico foi fracionado por HPLC e as frações de interesse foram analisadas por cromatografia a gás. Foram investigados 12 HPAs, 7 nitro-HPAs e 3 oxi-HPAs. Na cidade de Ourinhos coletou-se material particulado total (MPT) e material particulado em diferentes tamanhos. Os HPAs e a benzantrona (oxi-HPA) apresentaram concentrações maiores nas partículas menores, ao passo que nitro-HPA e os outros dois oxi-HPAs estudados (9-fluorenona e 9,10-antrona) predominaram nas partículas maiores. Em Araraquara foram coletadas amostras de MPT nos períodos diurno e noturno, e amostras de 24h nos períodos de safra e entressafra. Os HPAs e a benzantrona apresentaram predominância no período noturno, sugerindo que esses compostos devem ter sido provenientes de emissões da queima da cana-de-açucar, ao passo que os outros dois oxi-HPAs estudados (9-fluorenona e 9,10-antraquinona) não apresentaram esse comportamento. Os nitro-HPAs foram detectados em poucas amostras noturnas, provavelmente devido ao processo de remoção destes compostos por fotólise durante o dia. As correlações altas entre HPAs e alguns nitro-HPAs sugerem que tais compostos são provenientes provavelmente das mesmas fontes que os HPAs, embora alguns nitro-HPAs possam também ser formados in situ. Os compostos oxi-HPAs apresentaram correlações com alguns HPAs, mas devem ser também oriundos de outras fontes de emissão além da queima da cana-de-açúcar. De um modo geral, a queima desse tipo de biomassa parece influenciar nos níveis atmosféricos dos compostos estudados. / The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and their nitrated (nitro-PAH) and oxygenated (oxy-PAH) derivatives are compound of great interest due to their noxious effects on health. These compounds are found associated to the atmospheric particulate matter and are formed during the organic compound combustion, in case of PAH, and also by in situ reactions through the PAH precursors, in case of nitro- and oxy-PAH. In order to evaluate the sugar cane burning influence, particulate matter samples were collected at Ourinhos and Araraquara cities and submitted to Soxhlet extraction, frationating by HPLC and analized by gas-chromatography. 12 PAH, 11 nitro-PAH and 3 oxy-PAH were investigated. Total particulate matter and particulate matter in different particle sizes were collected at Ourinhos. Particulate matter in different particle sizes presented maximum concentration of PAH and benzanthrone (oxi-PAH) in the smaller particles, while nitro-PAH and the two other oxy-PAH (9-fluorenone and 9,10-anthraquinone) predominated in the larger particles. The sampling of total particulate matter in Araraquara was carried out in daytime and nighttime periods and also 24h sampling in harvest and post-harvest seasons. The PAH and the benzanthrone presented predominance in the nighttime period, suggesting sugar cane burning emissions. Moreover, the other two oxy-PAH (9-fluorenone and 9,10-anthraquinone) did not show that behavior. The nitro-PAH were detected in a few samples, and only at nighttime period in some cases. This is probably due to removal by photolysis during the daytime. The correlations between the compounds suggest a commom source between PAH and some nitro-PAH, although nitro-PAH can also be formed in situ. The oxy-PAH presented some correlations with PAH, but it seems that oxygenated PAH have another emission sources appart from burning. Biomass burning seems to influenciate the PAH and derivative levels in atmosphere.
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Estudo da estrutura, ligação, termoquímica e espectroscopia dos sistemas SeI e 1[H, Se, I] / Study of Structure, Chemical Bond, Thermochemical and Spectroscopy of the Systems SeI and 1[H, Se, I]Belinassi, Antonio Ricardo 11 August 2017 (has links)
Novas espécies moleculares HSeI e HISe presentes na superfície de energia potencial (SEP) singleto 1[H, Se, I], como também a molécula diatômica monoiodeto de selênio (SeI), foram investigadas teoricamente em alto nível de teoria, CCSD(T)/CBS e SACASSCF/ MRCI, respectivamente, pela primeira vez na literatura. Todos estados eletrônicos dupletos e quartetos (Λ+S) que se correlacionam com os três primeiros canais de dissociação da molécula SeI, assim como os estados Ω associados, fornecem resultados conáveis para ajudar a entender a falta de dados experimentais de transições eletrônicas e no planejamento experimental para a determinação de parâmetros espectroscópicos. Ainda sobre este sistema, as probabilidades de transições foram calculadas para as transições X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, e A2 - X2, originadas pela transição proibida por spin 14Σ- X 2II, e os correspondentes tempos de vida radiativa obtidos. Os aspectos energéticos, estruturais e espectroscópicos associados aos estados estacion ários na SEP 1[H, Se, I] também foram caracterizados, assim como determinados os calores de formação dos isômeros. Os cálculos foram realizados com uma série de conjuntos de funções de base atômicas consistentes na correlação (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP, n = D, T, Q e 5) e os resultados extrapolados no limite de base completa (CBS). Contribuições de efeitos de correlação caroço-valência na função de onda e de anarmonicidade nas frequências vibracionais também foram explorados, fornecendo uma fonte de dados bastante confiáveis para estas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas. O isômero HSeI é mais estável em relação ao HISe em 42; 04 kcal mol-1. Estes dois isômeros estão separados por uma barreira (ΔG#) de 52; 35 kcal mol-1. Correções devido aos efeitos de acoplamento spin- órbita e de relativísticos escalares também foram considerados na obtenção das energias de atomizações. Para o SeI, estimamos valores de calores de formação (ΔfH) de 36; 87 e 35; 16 kcal mol-1 a 0 K e a 298; 15 K; para o HSeI, obtivemos 18; 25 e 16; 72 kcal mol-1, respectivamente. De modo geral, esperamos que a conabilidade dos resultados presentes neste trabalho possa servir como um excelente guia para espectroscopistas na busca e caracterização dessas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas experimentalmente. / New molecular species HSeI and HISe lying on the 1[H, Se, I] potencial energy surface (PES) as well as the diatomic molecule selenium monoiodide (SeI) were investigated theoretically for the rst time at a high level of theory, CCSD(T)/CBS and SACASSCF/MRCI, respectively. The overall picture of all doublet and quartet (Λ+S) states correlating with the three lowest dissociation channels of the SeI and the associated states provide reliable results to help understand the lack of experimental data on its transitions and to plan the investigation and determination of spectroscopic parameters. Transition probabilities were computed for the transitions X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, and A2 - X2, originated from the spin-forbidden 14Σ- - X 2II system, and the orresponding radiative lifetimes evaluated. The energetic, structural and spectroscopic aspects associated with the stationary points and transition state in the PES 1[H, Se, I] were also characterized, as well as the heat of formation of the isomers. Computations were carried out with the series correlation consistent basis sets (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP) and the results extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Accounting for core-valence correlation into the wavefunction, and of anharmonic eects on the vibrational frequencies were also explored, making the results of the structural, energetic, and vibrational properties a very reliable source of data for these yet unknown species. The isomer HSeI turned out to be more stable by 42:04 kcal mol-1 than HSeI. These two isomers are separated by a barrier (ΔG#) of 52:35 kcal mol-1. Corrections arising from spin-orbit and scalar relativistic eects were also considered in the evaluation of atomization energies. For SeI, we estimate ΔfH values of 36:87 and 35:16 kcal mol-1 at 0 K and 298:15 K; for HSeI, we had 18:25 and 16:72 kcal mol-1, respectively. In general, we hope that the reliability of the results present in this work can serve as an excellent guide for spectroscopists in the search and characterization of these chemical species still unknown experimentally.
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Identificação de fontes de partículas finas na atmosfera urbana de São Paulo / Fine particulate emission sources identification in the atmosphere of São PauloBeatriz Sayuri Oyama 03 May 2010 (has links)
Muitos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos com o intuito de descrever a química da fase gasosa na atmosfera da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Contudo, o tratamento do material particulado (PM) ainda é feito de forma simplificada em modelos de transporte e químicos atmosféricos, apesar do grande conhecimento já adquirido na caracterização da sua composição elementar e da sua estrutura física. Tendo isso em vista, o objetivo do presente estudo é identificar as principais fontes emissoras do material particulado fino, em especial as fontes veiculares que apresentam muitas dificuldades para sua identificação por não haver medidas de traçadores específicos para os combustíveis utilizados. Neste trabalho foram realizadas amostragens, que duravam 24 horas, próximas a uma avenida de intenso tráfego (Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo) no período de junho de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Com os dados de composição dessas amostras, a identificação das possíveis fontes foi realizada por modelos receptores; mais especificamente foram utilizados: Análise de Fatores (AF) e Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), uma nova ferramenta estatística, que ainda não havia sido aplicada no estudo do material particulado em São Paulo. O número de fontes identificadas por essas duas ferramentas estatísticas não foi o mesmo: na AF foram extraídos 4 fatores (solo, queima de óleo combustível e dois fatores que se dividiram, identificando a emissão de veículos leves e pesados não diferenciados), enquanto que o PMF identificou 6 (as mesmas fontes identificadas pela AF, com a diferenciação da emissão veicular (leves e pesados) e ainda a queima de biomassa). Houve concordância entre as duas análises que a maior participação para formação de material particulado fino é da emissão por veículos. A comparação entre os modelos mostrou que os resultados obtidos pelo PMF apresentaram uma melhor divisão das fontes, principalmente na identificação das frotas veiculares. Isso se deve ao fato do PMF considerar na análise o erro de cada concentração medida como um peso para cada variável, além de não permitir a ocorrência de fatores negativos, caracterizando melhor as fontes através da presença desses vínculos físicos. / Several studies have been developed in order to describe the gaseous phase of atmospheric constituents in the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo (RMSP). However, the aerosol description remains simplified in chemical models, despite the knowledge acquired in its characterization and composition analyses. Facing these limitations, the objective of this work is to identify the main emission sources of fine particulate matter, specially the vehicular ones that present a lot of difficulties due to the fact that the characteristic trace elements are unknown for these sources. It was used in this work 201 samples collected in 24-hour period each at Dr. Arnaldo Avenue, a large and busy avenue in the city of São Paulo, from June 2007 to August 2008. The source identification was accomplished considering the samples composition and using receptor models: Factor Analysis (FA) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) techniques. PMF was a new statistical tool in the study of particulates in the city of São Paulo. The number of sources identified by these two models was different. The FA technique identified 4 factors, (soil, fuel burning, and 2 factors combining in light and heavy-duty vehicles), whereas PMF identified 6, the same as FA (light and heavier vehicles differentiated) and biomass burning. There was concordance between the two techniques, considering that both found that vehicular emission is the major contribution for concentration. The comparison between the models indicated that PMF model present a better source classification, mainly for the vehicular identification. The PMF technique considers the error of each sample in the analysis, weighting the variables and imposing that all the factors must be positive. This mechanism provides a better characterization of sources linking the results with the physics of the process.
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Estudo da estrutura, ligação, termoquímica e espectroscopia dos sistemas SeI e 1[H, Se, I] / Study of Structure, Chemical Bond, Thermochemical and Spectroscopy of the Systems SeI and 1[H, Se, I]Antonio Ricardo Belinassi 11 August 2017 (has links)
Novas espécies moleculares HSeI e HISe presentes na superfície de energia potencial (SEP) singleto 1[H, Se, I], como também a molécula diatômica monoiodeto de selênio (SeI), foram investigadas teoricamente em alto nível de teoria, CCSD(T)/CBS e SACASSCF/ MRCI, respectivamente, pela primeira vez na literatura. Todos estados eletrônicos dupletos e quartetos (Λ+S) que se correlacionam com os três primeiros canais de dissociação da molécula SeI, assim como os estados Ω associados, fornecem resultados conáveis para ajudar a entender a falta de dados experimentais de transições eletrônicas e no planejamento experimental para a determinação de parâmetros espectroscópicos. Ainda sobre este sistema, as probabilidades de transições foram calculadas para as transições X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, e A2 - X2, originadas pela transição proibida por spin 14Σ- X 2II, e os correspondentes tempos de vida radiativa obtidos. Os aspectos energéticos, estruturais e espectroscópicos associados aos estados estacion ários na SEP 1[H, Se, I] também foram caracterizados, assim como determinados os calores de formação dos isômeros. Os cálculos foram realizados com uma série de conjuntos de funções de base atômicas consistentes na correlação (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP, n = D, T, Q e 5) e os resultados extrapolados no limite de base completa (CBS). Contribuições de efeitos de correlação caroço-valência na função de onda e de anarmonicidade nas frequências vibracionais também foram explorados, fornecendo uma fonte de dados bastante confiáveis para estas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas. O isômero HSeI é mais estável em relação ao HISe em 42; 04 kcal mol-1. Estes dois isômeros estão separados por uma barreira (ΔG#) de 52; 35 kcal mol-1. Correções devido aos efeitos de acoplamento spin- órbita e de relativísticos escalares também foram considerados na obtenção das energias de atomizações. Para o SeI, estimamos valores de calores de formação (ΔfH) de 36; 87 e 35; 16 kcal mol-1 a 0 K e a 298; 15 K; para o HSeI, obtivemos 18; 25 e 16; 72 kcal mol-1, respectivamente. De modo geral, esperamos que a conabilidade dos resultados presentes neste trabalho possa servir como um excelente guia para espectroscopistas na busca e caracterização dessas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas experimentalmente. / New molecular species HSeI and HISe lying on the 1[H, Se, I] potencial energy surface (PES) as well as the diatomic molecule selenium monoiodide (SeI) were investigated theoretically for the rst time at a high level of theory, CCSD(T)/CBS and SACASSCF/MRCI, respectively. The overall picture of all doublet and quartet (Λ+S) states correlating with the three lowest dissociation channels of the SeI and the associated states provide reliable results to help understand the lack of experimental data on its transitions and to plan the investigation and determination of spectroscopic parameters. Transition probabilities were computed for the transitions X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, and A2 - X2, originated from the spin-forbidden 14Σ- - X 2II system, and the orresponding radiative lifetimes evaluated. The energetic, structural and spectroscopic aspects associated with the stationary points and transition state in the PES 1[H, Se, I] were also characterized, as well as the heat of formation of the isomers. Computations were carried out with the series correlation consistent basis sets (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP) and the results extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Accounting for core-valence correlation into the wavefunction, and of anharmonic eects on the vibrational frequencies were also explored, making the results of the structural, energetic, and vibrational properties a very reliable source of data for these yet unknown species. The isomer HSeI turned out to be more stable by 42:04 kcal mol-1 than HSeI. These two isomers are separated by a barrier (ΔG#) of 52:35 kcal mol-1. Corrections arising from spin-orbit and scalar relativistic eects were also considered in the evaluation of atomization energies. For SeI, we estimate ΔfH values of 36:87 and 35:16 kcal mol-1 at 0 K and 298:15 K; for HSeI, we had 18:25 and 16:72 kcal mol-1, respectively. In general, we hope that the reliability of the results present in this work can serve as an excellent guide for spectroscopists in the search and characterization of these chemical species still unknown experimentally.
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Etude de la chimie de la haute et basse atmosphère de Titan : approche expérimentale / Study of Titan’s Upper and Lower Atmosphere : An Experimental ApproachDubois, David 01 October 2018 (has links)
Je présente ici mes travaux de thèseque j’ai réalisé ces trois dernières années au seindu Laboratoire ATMosphères et Observations Spa-tiales (LATMOS) de l’Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) et du Jet PropulsionLaboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technol-ogy. Pendant ces 3 ans je me suis intéressé à la réac-tivité chimique des composés organiques en phasegaz et solide, en utilisant des expériences de labo-ratoire simulant les conditions de l’ionosphère et dela basse atmosphère de Titan, le plus gros satellitede Saturne. Titan est la seule lune du Système So-laire qui possède sa propre atmosphère. Cette atmo-sphère est principalement composée d’azote molécu-laire (N2). Le méthane (CH4) forme le gaz sec-ondaire. D’une part, j’ai analysé les composés neu-tres et les composés chargés (ions) présents dansdes mélanges gazeux simulant la haute atmosphèrede Titan. Ces composés sont considérés commeprécurseurs chimique à la brume organique observéeentourant Titan. C’est-à-dire qu’ils forment les pre-mières étapes d’une succession de réactions chim-iques de plus en plus élaborées formant plus bas dansl’atmosphère des particules solides complexes. Lanature de ces particules dans l’atmosphère de Titanreste encore à élucider complètement. Mon travailpendant cette thèse a été d’utiliser des expériencesde laboratoire pour investiguer la réactivité chim-ique en phase gaz (Chapitres 3 & 4), précurseurs àla formation d’aérosols, ainsi que le vieillissement deces composés plus bas dans l’atmosphère lorsqu’ilsforment les premiers condensats de nucléation à laformation de nuages (Chapitre 5). / Titan is the only moon in the SolarSystem to possess its own dense and gravitationallybound atmosphere, and is even larger than planetMercury. Its rocky diameter is a mere 117 km shy ofGanymede’s. If we were to scoop up a 1 cm3 sam-ple from Titan’s upper atmosphere, we would findtwo dominant molecules: molecular nitrogen N2 andmethane CH4. Should we look a bit more carefully,we would find many neutral molecules and positiveand negative ion compounds. These chemical speciesare the outcome of processes resulting from ener-getic radiation reaching Titan’s upper atmosphere,breaking apart the initial N2 and CH4. A cascadeof subsequent reactions will trigger the formationof new gas phase products more and more com-plex. Eventually, these products mainly contain-ing hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen will form largefractal aggregates composing the opaque haze en-shrouding the surface of Titan. This haze is whatgives Titan such a unique brownish hue. Most ofthe photochemically-produced volatiles will eventu-ally condense in the lower atmosphere, where theymay aggregate to form micrometer-sized icy parti-cles and clouds. During my PhD, I have focusedmy studies on (i) the gas phase reactivity of aerosolprecursors in experimental conditions analogous toTitan’s upper atmosphere (Chapters 3 & 4), and (ii)the end of life of some of the products as they con-dense in the lower and colder atmosphere (Chapter5). I used two experiments to address these respec-tive issues: the PAMPRE plasma reactor, located atLATMOS, UVSQ, Guyancourt, France, and the Ac-quabella chamber at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA.In this manuscript, I present my work on the neutraland positive ion reactivity in the PAMPRE plasmadischarge, as well as ice photochemistry results usinglaser irradiation in near-UV wavelengths.
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Interactions microorganismes-nuage : activité glaçogène et survie / Microorganisms-cloud interactions : ice nucleation activity and survivalJoly, Muriel 18 December 2013 (has links)
Pendant longtemps, les microorganismes présents dans l’atmosphère n’ont été considérés qu’en tant que particules inertes subissant les conditions hostiles de cet environnement. Cependant, de récentes études mettant en évidence la présence de microorganismes métaboliquement actifs dans la phase aqueuse des nuages incitent à s’interroger sur le rôle que ces organismes pourraient avoir sur les processus physiques et chimiques des nuages. En effet, la formation de gouttelettes de nuage ou de cristaux de glace à des températures supérieures à -36°C nécessite la présence de particules dites « noyaux de condensation » ou « noyaux glaçogènes », dont les bactéries pourraient être des représentantes. De plus, plusieurs travaux ont révélé une importance potentielle des microorganismes dans la transformation de la matière organique dans les nuages. L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse a donc été d’étudier les interactions réciproques entre les microorganismes et les conditions physico-chimiques des nuages. Dans un premier temps, les composantes physico-chimiques et microbiologiques ont été caractérisées au moyen de prélèvements nuageux au sommet du puy de Dôme (1465 m, France) et des études statistiques ont permis de mettre en avant des corrélations entre les différents paramètres physico-chimiques et/ou biologiques. Puis, cinq souches microbiennes appartenant à des genres microbiens cultivables majeurs dans les nuages ont été soumises à quatre stress rencontrés dans les nuages : la lumière solaire, la présence de peroxyde d’hydrogène, les variations de chocs osmotiques intervenant lors de la formation et de la dissipation des gouttelettes d’eau et les cycles de gel et de dégel. Il a ainsi été mis en évidence que la lumière solaire et le peroxyde d’hydrogène dans des conditions nuageuses n’ont que peu ou pas d’impact sur la viabilité des cellules. A l’inverse, les chocs osmotiques et le gel-dégel peuvent être hautement délétères selon les souches considérées. La troisième partie de ce travail s’est focalisé à mettre en évidence la présence de souches bactériennes glaçogènes dans l’eau de nuage. Sept souches ont ainsi ont été identifiées et décrites, et l’une d’entre elles a été choisie comme modèle pour étudier le comportement de bactéries (survie et activité glaçogène) dans une chambre de simulaion de nuage (AIDA, Allemagne). En parallèle, l’activité glaçogène biologique de l’eau de nuage a été mesurée à partir de prélèvements au puy de Dôme et l’activité glaçogène bactérienne a été estimée. L’ensemble de ces travaux met en avant une sous-estimation jusqu’alors des proportions de bactéries glaçogènes dans les modèles numériques simulant les processus microphysiques d’initiation de la glace et des précipitations dans les nuages. Ces données vont désormais pouvoir être considérées dans de tels modèles. Enfin, afin d’estimer l’étendue de l’importance des microorganismes dans la chimie atmosphérique, il est nécessaire d’avoir recours à des modèles numériques. La dernière étude de cette thèse s’est consacrée à déterminer des constantes cinétiques de biodégradation de trois composés organiques majeurs des nuages par trois souches bactériennes isolées de cet environnement qui pourront servir à paramétrer des modèles numériques. Une première approche simple a permis de confirmer les résultats précédents de l’équipe en mettant en avant une contribution non négligeable des microorganismes dans leur dégradation. / Airborne microorganisms have long been considered as inert, passive particles dealing with hostile conditions. Recent studies highlighting metabolic activity in cloud water raised questions about the role these organisms may play on physical and chemical processes in clouds. Indeed, cloud droplets and ice crystals formation at temperature warmer than -36°C need the presence of particles called “cloud condensation nuclei” or “ice nuclei”. Bacteria could be one of them. In addition, several works revealed a potential importance of microorganisms in organic matter transformation in clouds. The objective of this thesis was to study the reciprocal interactions between microorganisms and physico-chemical conditions in clouds. First, cloud physico-chemical and microbiological compositions were described by cloud sampling at the puy de Dôme station (1465 m, France) and statistical analyses were performed to highlight correlations between physico-chemical and/or biological parameters. Secondly, five microbial strains belonging to genera frequently isolated from cloud water were subjected to four atmospheric stresses: sunlight, hydrogen peroxide, osmotic shocks occurring when water droplets condensate or evaporate and freeze-thaw cycles. Thus, it was pointed that sunlight and hydrogen peroxide at cloud concentration have no or little impact on cell viability. On the opposite, osmotic shocks and freeze-thaw can be highly deleterious depending on the considered strain. The third part of this thesis focused on the detection of ice nucleating bacterial strains in cloud water. Seven strains were thus identified and described, and one of them was selected as a model to study its behavior (survival and ice nucleation activity, INA) in a cloud simulation chamber (AIDA, Germany). In parallel, biological ice nucleation activity was measured directly on cloud samples and bacterial INA was estimated. All these experiments highlighted underestimations of ice nucleation active bacteria in models simulating microphysical processes in clouds. This new dataset may be used as new parameterization in this kind of models. Finally, in order to estimate the bacterial contribution in cloud chemistry, numerical means are needed. Therefore, the last study of this thesis focused on the determination of biological kinetic constants that may be implemented in atmospheric chemistry models. The biodegradation of three major organic compounds encountered in cloud water by three bacterial strains isolated from clouds was measured. A first approach confirmed precedent team results highlighting a considerable contribution of microorganisms on the transformation of these compounds.
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