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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coordination Chemistry of Monocarboxylate and Aminocarboxylate Complexes at the Water/Goethite Interface

Norén, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a summary of five papers with focus on adsorption processes of various monocarboxylates and aminocarboxylates at the water/goethite interface. Interaction of organic acids at the water/mineral interfaces are of importance in biogeochemical processes, since such processes have potential to alter mobility and bioavailability of the acids and metal ions.</p><p>In order to determine the coordination chemistry of acetate, benzoate, cyclohexanecarboxylate, sarcosine, MIDA (methyliminediacetic acid), EDDA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-diacetic acid) and EDTA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-tetraacetic acid) upon adsorption to the goethite (alpha-FeOOH) surface, a combination of quantitative measurements with attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was utilized.</p><p>Over the pH range studied here (pH 3- 9) all ligands, except for sarcosine, have been found to form surface complexes with goethite. In general, theses were characterized as outer sphere surface complexes i.e. with no direct interaction with surface Fe(III) metal ions. Furthermore, two types of different outer-sphere complexes were identified, the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair, and hydration-shared ion pair. For the monocarboxylate surface complexes distinction between these two could be made. At high pH values the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair was the predominating complex, while at low pH the surface complex is stabilized through the formation of strong hydrogen bonds with the goethite surface. However, it was not possible to clearly separate between the two outer-sphere complexes for coordination of the aminocarboxylates with the surface of goethite. Additionally, EDDA also formed an inner-sphere surface complex at high pH values. The EDDA molecule was suggested to coordinate to the surface by forming a five membered ring with an iron at the goethite surface, through the amine and carboxylate groups.</p><p>Contrary to the other ligands studied, EDTA significantly induced dissolution of goethite. Some of the dissolved iron, in the form of the highly stable FeEDTA- solution complex, was indicated to re-adsorb to the mineral surface as a ternary complex. Similar ternary surface complexes were also found in the Ga(III)EDTA/goethite system, and quantitative and spectroscopic studies on adsorption of Ga(III) in presence and absence of EDTA showed that EDTA considerably effects speciation of gallium at goethite surface.</p><p>The collective results in this thesis show that the affinity of these ligands for the surface of goethite is primarily governed by their chemical composition and structure, and especially important are the types, numbers and relative position of functional groups within the molecular structure.</p>

Study Of Bone Characteristics And Muscle Quality In Metabolic Disorders

Bozkurt, Ozlem 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Although the effects of diabetes on bone mineral content has been studied, little is known about the structural alterations in collagen, maturation of apatite crystals and carbonate content in diabetic bone. The first part of this study aimed to investigate the mineral and organic properties of cortical, trabecular and growth plate regions of rat femur tissues in type I diabetes using FTIR microspectroscopy and Vickers microhardness test. A decrease in mineral content (degree of mineralization), decrease in microhardness, increase in carbonate content, increase in size and maturation of hydroxyapetite crystals, which are the implications of increased osteoporosis, were observed in diabetic bone. In addition, a decreased carbonate substitution into bone apatite and an increase in labile type carbonate was observed in diabetic bone. There was a decrease in the level of crosslinking of collagen in cortical and trabecular regions of diabetic femurs, implying a decrease in bone collagen quality that may contribute to bone fragility. Recent evidence implies that intramyocellular lipid accumulation is directly correlated with insulin resistance, a key parameter in the generation of obesity. The second part of this study is mainly focused on the determination of the structural and compositional characterization of macromolecules of longissimus dorsi and quadriceps muscles of Berlin fat mouse inbred (BFMI) lines using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and FTIR microspectroscopic imaging, together with the quantification of fiber specific distribution of lipids in these muscles by the use of confocal microscopy. The study groups included 10 weeks old standard breeding diet fed (juvenile) and 20 weeks old high fat diet fed control and BFMI lines. The results revealed the loss of unsaturation in lipids, increased triglyceride content, increased amount of lipids having shorter chain length, increased lipid peroxidation and fiber specific accumulation of lipids in type IIa and intermediate fibers in skeletal muscles of both 10 weeks old and 20 weeks old BFMI lines, emphasizing their obese phenotype. However, the alterations were more prominent in skeletal muscles of 20 weeks old high fat diet fed BFMI lines, displaying a more severe obesity phenotype. The results of the characterization revealed that BFMI860 and BFMI861 lines are convenient models for the study of spontaneous obesity and studies to enlighten the genetic basis of obesity.

Wechselwirkung von dünnen Schichten aus HVZ Polyestern im wässrigen Medium mit Modellproteinen

Mikhaylova, Yulia 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation work focuses on the whole route of material development starting from the investigations of properties of the initial (raw) HBPs to their applications. Each research step is given in a separate chapter to enhance attention to various aspects of the aim of the work. Thus, every chapter is started with an introduction. After that, the methods applied and experimental procedure are described. Next part tries to give the comprehensive description of the results obtained. At the end of the chapter, the main points are summarized. The Chapter 1 gives the theoretical description of the main experimental techniques used in this work. In Chapter 2 the chemical (chemical composition, purity, typical structure elements) and physical (glass transition temperature, the temperature of the maximum decomposition, the thermal stability at the high temperatures, molar mass, polydispersity and possible aggregation in solution) properties examined by different techniques of polymer analysis are described. The Chapter 3 is divided into three separate parts: In Chapter 3.1 the description of the formation and modification of inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds of hydroxyl terminated HBP is presented to reveal the information of hydroxyl groups re- and/or association due to the high temperatures applied. In Chapter 3.2 the nature of the solid-liquid interface of HBP thin films have been studied by different surface sensitive techniques with respect to further protein adsorption investigations. In Chapter 3.3 the strategy for the fabrication of surface attached carboxyl terminated HBP using &amp;quot;grafting to&amp;quot; technique is developed. The Chapter 4 consists of two parts: The first (theoretic) part outlines the basic principles of protein chemistry, factors influencing on the protein molecule stability in aqueous medium, the mechanism of protein adsorption and forces involved in the adsorption process. In the second part the combination of different in situ techniques was applied to obtain a comprehensive description of complex adsorption processes of protein molecules on different polymer surfaces.

Meeting at the Membrane – Confined Water at Cationic Lipids & Neuronal Growth on Fluid Lipid Bilayers

Woiterski, Lydia 03 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zellmembran dient der Zelle nicht nur als äußere Hülle, sondern ist auch an einer Vielzahl von lebenswichtigen Prozessen wie Signaltransduktion oder Zelladhäsion beteiligt. Wasser als integraler Bestandteil von Zellen und der extrazellulären Matrix hat sowohl einen großen Einfluss auf die Struktur von Biomolekülen, als auch selbst besondere Merkmale in eingschränkter Geometrie. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Effekte an Modellmembranen untersucht: Erstens der Einfluss des Gegenions an kationischen Lipiden (DODAX, X = F, Cl, Br, I) auf die Eigenschaften des Grenzflächenwassers und zweitens das Vermögen durch Viskositätsänderungen das Wachstum von Nervenzellen anzuregen sowie die einzelnen Stadien der Bildung von neuronalen Netzwerken und deren Optimierung zu charakterisieren. Lipidmultischichten und darin adsorbiertes Grenzflächenwasser wurden mittels Infrarotspektroskopie mit abgeschwächter Totalreflexion untersucht. Nach Charakterisierung von Phasenverhalten und Wasserkapazität der Lipide wurden die Eigenschaften des Wassers durch kontrollierte Hydratisierung bei einem Wassergehalt von einem Wassermolekül pro Lipid verglichen. Durch die geringe Wasserkapazität können in diesem besonderen System direkte Wechselwirkungen zwischen Lipiden und Wasser aus der ersten Hydratationsschale beobachtet werden. Bemerkenswert strukturierte OH-Streckschwingungsbanden in Abhängigkeit des Anions und niedrige IR-Ordnungsparameter zeigen, dass stark geordnete, in ihrer Mobilität eingeschränkte Wassermoleküle an DODAX in verschiedenen Populationen mit unterschiedlich starken Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen existieren und sich vermutlich in kleinen Clustern anordnen. Die zweite Fragestellung hatte zum Ziel, das Wachstum von Nervenzellen auf Membranen zu beleuchten. Auf der Ebene einzelner Zellen wurde untersucht, ob sich in Analogie zu den bisher verwendeten elastischen Substraten, die Viskosität von Membranen als neuartiger physikalischer Stimulus dafür eignet, das mechanosensitive Verhalten von Neuronen zu modulieren. Das Wachstum der Neuronen wurde auf substrat- und polymergestützten Lipiddoppelschichten mittels Phasenkontrastmikroskopie beobachtet. Die Quantifizierung der Neuritenlängen, -auswuchsgeschwindigkeiten und -verzweigungen zeigten kaum signifikante Unterschiede. Diffusionsmessungen (FRAP) ergaben, dass entgegen der Erwartungen, die Substrate sehr ähnliche Fluiditäten aufweisen. Die Betrachtung der zeitlichen Entwicklung des kollektiven Neuronenwachstums, also der Bildung von komplexen Netzwerken, offenbarte robuste „Kleine-Welt“-Eigenschaften und darüber hinaus unterschiedliche Stadien. Diese wurden durch graphentheoretische Analyse beschrieben, um anhand typischer Größen wie dem Clusterkoeffizienten und der kürzesten Pfadlänge zu zeigen, wie sich die Neuronen in einem frühen Stadium vernetzen, im Verlauf eine maximale Komplexität erreichen und letztlich das Netzwerk durch effiziente Umstrukturierung hinsichtlich kurzer Pfadlängen optimiert wird.

Development of a new type of biosensors based on ATR-FTIR spectroscopy / Developpement d'un nouveau type de biosenseurs basés sur la spectroscopie ATR-FTIR.

Goldsztein, Andrea 13 September 2012 (has links)
Les biosenseurs sont des dispositifs analytiques utilisés pour la détection de reconnaissance moléculaire. Ils consistent en un élément biologique immobilisé en contact intime avec un transducteur approprié qui convertit un signal biochimique en un signal électrique quantifiable. Leur principe est basé sur la reconnaissance d'une ou plusieurs molécules d'intérêt en solution (le ligand), par un composant biologique (le récepteur) étroitement lié au substrat transducteur. Le senseur réagit aux interactions récepteur-ligand et produit un signal mesurable, généralement proportionnel à la concentration du ligand fixé. Les biosenseurs sont déjà utilisés dans beaucoup de domaines différents, notamment dans le domaine médical (diagnostique et thérapeutique), le contrôle de l’environnement, et l’analyse et le monitoring de processus biotechnologiques. <p><p>La recherche concerne la mise au point d’un nouveau type de biosenseurs polyvalents à haute performance. Ces senseurs utilisent un élément de transduction optique dont la surface a été fonctionnalisée en vue de permettre la détection sélective d'interactions récepteur-ligand ainsi que le dosage des molécules fixées aux récepteurs. La technique utilisée pour la détection et le dosage est celle de la Spectroscopie ATR-FTIR (Spectroscopie Infra Rouge à Transformée de Fourrier en Réflexion Total Atténuée). Le système permet la détection directe, en temps réel, et sans marquage des molécules ciblées. La spectroscopie ATR-FTIR fournit une analyse des molécules sur base de leur empreinte spectrale infra rouge (IR) caractéristique, ce qui offre une mine d'informations pour identifier les ligands. Ce nouveau système de biosenseur, appelé BIA-ATR (Biospecific Interaction Analysis – Attenuated Total Reflection) est original et offre des avantages majeurs par rapport à la plus part des biosenseurs commercialement disponibles. Il fournit à l’utilisateur le spectre IR entier du ligand étudié, permettant non seulement le dosage quantitatif de ce dernier, mais aussi d’identifier sa nature intrinsèque. Un autre avantage est sa grande sensibilité ;le senseur BIA-ATR peut détecter la fixation de petites molécules et dans certains cas, aussi les réactions chimiques associées. <p><p>Le potentiel de cette nouvelle technologie de senseur est évalué dans ce travail par son application à plusieurs systèmes d’intérêt biologique et médical :la détection de protéines en milieux complexes, appliquée à la détection du Facteur VIII de coagulation du sang impliqué dans l’hémophilie de type A ;la fixation d’une petite molécule, le phosphate (phosphorylation), sur l’ATPase gastrique, un récepteur protéique de grande taille responsable de la sécrétion d’acide dans l’estomac et la détection et dosage d’un antibiotique, la vancomycine, utilisé en soins intensifs hospitaliers dans les cas d’infections bactériennes sévères à Staphylocoques dorés.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradaveis a partir de derivados do grão de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoia Willdenow) da variedade "Real" / Development and optimization of biodegradable films made from products derivated of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoia Willdenow) "Real" variety

Araujo Farro, Patricia Cecilia 25 February 2008 (has links)
Orientadores: Florencia Cecilia Menegalli, Paulo Jose do Amaral Sobral / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T03:02:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AraujoFarro_PatriciaCecilia_D.pdf: 11234576 bytes, checksum: 783552b6dbe46ec622ef24d255cee671 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O grão de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Willdenow) é um pseudocereal originário da América do Sul Andina, que tem gerado interesse industrial crescente e cultivo diversificado em diversos países de América do Norte e da Europa. Recentemente nos países da América Latina tem-se despertado um interesse comum na busca de tecnologias de desenvolvimento de biomateriais, como uma forma de diminuir a poluição gerada pelos resíduos sintéticos, utilizando os recursos naturais próprios da região. O Brasil destaca-se pela sua preocupação pelo meio ambiente e manutenção das fontes destes recursos, através de programas experimentais de adaptação de culturas, como a quinoa, nos cerrados brasileiros, com resultados satisfatórios. O uso potencial da quinoa na indústria alimentícia tem sido alvo de estudos diversos. No entanto, é pouco explorada a aplicabilidade de produtos derivados deste grão, como farinhas e amido, na área de biomateriais. Dentro desse contexto, os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) desenvolver tecnologias pouco agressivas de extração de matérias-primas a partir do grão de quinoa: farinha integral (FI); farinha por extração úmida (FU) e amido (AQ); (2) caracterização das propriedades físico-químicas e estruturais destes produtos; (3) análises reológicas de soluções formadoras de filmes a partir do amido; (4) avaliação de diferentes formulações utilizadas na elaboração de filmes utilizando um planejamento fatorial completo analisando os efeitos de concentração de glicerol, do pH da solução filmogênica, e das condições de secagem (T(ºC) / t (horas)) em função da solubilidade e das propriedades mecânicas dos filmes; (5) otimização do processo de elaboração de filmes e caracterização dos filmes ótimos quanto às propriedades termomecânicas, óticas e estruturais, e cristalinidade (FTIR e Raios X). Os filmes elaborados a partir das diferentes matérias-primas obtidas do grão de quinoa foram elaborados utilizando 4% de matéria prima/ 100 g de solução filmogênica. Esta porcentagem da matéria prima foi determinada através das análises reológicas. Foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial completo 23, onde as três variáveis independentes foram: concentração de glicerol (16,6; 20; 25; 30 e 33,4 g/100 g matéria-prima), nível de pH de soluções filmogênica (9,7; 10; 10,5; 11 e 11,3) e condições de secagem (30°C/20h; 34°C/17h; 40°C/10h; 46°C/9h e 50°C/5h). As variáveis respostas foram: teste mecânico de tração (força na tração e elongação no ponto de ruptura); teste mecânico de perfuração (força na perfuração e deformação na perfuração) e solubilidade em água a 25ºC. Uma vez determinadas as equações dos modelos matemáticos, foi aplicada a função desejabilidade para estabelecer as condições ótimas de elaboração de filmes. Para o filme de amido de quinoa, a condição ótima foi obtida com concentração de glicerol de 21,2%, pH de 10,7 e condição de secagem de 36ºC/14h. Para o filme de FU: Concentração de glicerol de 21%, nível de pH de 10,48 e condição de secagem de 42ºC/8h. E para o filme de FI foi de concentração de glicerol de 20%, nível de pH de 10,6 e condição de secagem de 38ºC/12h. Os filmes de amido de quinoa mostraram-se incolores e pouco opacos, apresentando reduzida solubilidade em água e boa resistência à tração e flexibilidade. Os filmes de farinha por extração úmida apresentaram leve cor amarela, moderada opacidade e flexibilidade. Já os filmes de farinha integral apresentaram cor amarela intensa, moderada opacidade, alta flexibilidade mas baixa resistência no teste de tração / Abstract: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Willdenow) is a native and oldest pseudocereal grain from the Andean region in South America. Nowadays, due to an increasing industrial interest, quinoa seeds are grown in different countries as in North America and Europe. Recently, Latin American countries have shared a common interest regarding the use of natural resources in technologies capable of minimizing pollution. In that sense, special attention has been given towards the development of new biomaterials that could diminish synthetic residues. In the last years, Brazil participated in experimental programs of culture adaptation, with satisfactory results for quinoa crops. In spite of the great amount of studies concerning the potential use of quinoa in the food industry, the use of the quinoa seeds as source of starch and flour and their applicability in the biomaterials development field has not yet been fully explored. The aims of this work were: (1) to develop a non aggressive raw material (starch and flours) extraction technique, (2) determine the structural and physical-chemical properties of the quinoa products (3) characterization of the film-forming solutions through rheological analyses (4) to evaluate the effects of the glycerol content, pH and drying conditions of film-forming solutions on some functional properties of its edible films using an experimental design (response surface methodology). The responses were mechanical properties as puncture strength, puncture deformation, tensile strength, elongation and Young modulus and solubility, (5) optimization of the films elaborative process and characterization (thermomechanical, optical and structural properties, and crystallinity - FTIR and X-ray) of the optimal quinoa films. According to an experimental design 23, films were produced from film forming solutions (FFS) containing 4g of Quinoa products (QP) /100g of FFS (this percentage of QP was determined by rheological tests), glycerol (16.6, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0 and 33.4 g/100 g starch) used as a plasticizer, and a constant pH of FFS (9.7, 10.0, 10.5, 11.0 and 11.3). Drying conditions varied from temperature and time (30°C/20h; 34°C/17h; 40°C/10h; 46°C/9h and 50°C/5h) in an oven with circulation and renewal of air. The five levels of each variable were coded as -1.68, - 1, 0, +1, +1.68. All tests were run at room conditions (22-25ºC and 55-65% relative humidity) using samples previously conditioned at 58% of relative humidity at 22-25ºC for 7 days. The optimal films elaboration conditions were determined by the desirability function. For each quinoa product, conditions were different. For films based on starch (S), the optimal condition was obtained when using 21,2% glycerol content, pH= 10,7 and drying condition of 36ºC/14h, for films of flour extracted by wet milling (FWM), 21% glycerol content, pH= 10,48 and drying condition of 42ºC/8h, and, finally, for films of whole flour (WF), 20% glycerol content, pH= 10,6 and drying condition of 38ºC/12h The S films were colorless and scarcely opaque, showed reduced water solubility, and presented good qualities of tensile strength. FWM films presented a yellowish color, moderate opacity, tensile strength and flexibility. WF films presented an intense yellowish color, moderate opacity and high flexibility but low tensile strength / Doutorado / Doutor em Engenharia de Alimentos

Wechselwirkung von dünnen Schichten aus HVZ Polyestern im wässrigen Medium mit Modellproteinen

Mikhaylova, Yulia 11 May 2006 (has links)
The dissertation work focuses on the whole route of material development starting from the investigations of properties of the initial (raw) HBPs to their applications. Each research step is given in a separate chapter to enhance attention to various aspects of the aim of the work. Thus, every chapter is started with an introduction. After that, the methods applied and experimental procedure are described. Next part tries to give the comprehensive description of the results obtained. At the end of the chapter, the main points are summarized. The Chapter 1 gives the theoretical description of the main experimental techniques used in this work. In Chapter 2 the chemical (chemical composition, purity, typical structure elements) and physical (glass transition temperature, the temperature of the maximum decomposition, the thermal stability at the high temperatures, molar mass, polydispersity and possible aggregation in solution) properties examined by different techniques of polymer analysis are described. The Chapter 3 is divided into three separate parts: In Chapter 3.1 the description of the formation and modification of inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds of hydroxyl terminated HBP is presented to reveal the information of hydroxyl groups re- and/or association due to the high temperatures applied. In Chapter 3.2 the nature of the solid-liquid interface of HBP thin films have been studied by different surface sensitive techniques with respect to further protein adsorption investigations. In Chapter 3.3 the strategy for the fabrication of surface attached carboxyl terminated HBP using &amp;quot;grafting to&amp;quot; technique is developed. The Chapter 4 consists of two parts: The first (theoretic) part outlines the basic principles of protein chemistry, factors influencing on the protein molecule stability in aqueous medium, the mechanism of protein adsorption and forces involved in the adsorption process. In the second part the combination of different in situ techniques was applied to obtain a comprehensive description of complex adsorption processes of protein molecules on different polymer surfaces.

Coordination Chemistry of Monocarboxylate and Aminocarboxylate Complexes at the Water/Goethite Interface

Norén, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a summary of five papers with focus on adsorption processes of various monocarboxylates and aminocarboxylates at the water/goethite interface. Interaction of organic acids at the water/mineral interfaces are of importance in biogeochemical processes, since such processes have potential to alter mobility and bioavailability of the acids and metal ions. In order to determine the coordination chemistry of acetate, benzoate, cyclohexanecarboxylate, sarcosine, MIDA (methyliminediacetic acid), EDDA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-diacetic acid) and EDTA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-tetraacetic acid) upon adsorption to the goethite (alpha-FeOOH) surface, a combination of quantitative measurements with attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was utilized. Over the pH range studied here (pH 3- 9) all ligands, except for sarcosine, have been found to form surface complexes with goethite. In general, theses were characterized as outer sphere surface complexes i.e. with no direct interaction with surface Fe(III) metal ions. Furthermore, two types of different outer-sphere complexes were identified, the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair, and hydration-shared ion pair. For the monocarboxylate surface complexes distinction between these two could be made. At high pH values the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair was the predominating complex, while at low pH the surface complex is stabilized through the formation of strong hydrogen bonds with the goethite surface. However, it was not possible to clearly separate between the two outer-sphere complexes for coordination of the aminocarboxylates with the surface of goethite. Additionally, EDDA also formed an inner-sphere surface complex at high pH values. The EDDA molecule was suggested to coordinate to the surface by forming a five membered ring with an iron at the goethite surface, through the amine and carboxylate groups. Contrary to the other ligands studied, EDTA significantly induced dissolution of goethite. Some of the dissolved iron, in the form of the highly stable FeEDTA- solution complex, was indicated to re-adsorb to the mineral surface as a ternary complex. Similar ternary surface complexes were also found in the Ga(III)EDTA/goethite system, and quantitative and spectroscopic studies on adsorption of Ga(III) in presence and absence of EDTA showed that EDTA considerably effects speciation of gallium at goethite surface. The collective results in this thesis show that the affinity of these ligands for the surface of goethite is primarily governed by their chemical composition and structure, and especially important are the types, numbers and relative position of functional groups within the molecular structure.

Characterization And Identification Of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells At Molecular Level

Aksoy, Ceren 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) are pluripotent cells that can differentiate into a variety of non-hematopoietic tissues. They also maintain healthy heamatopoiesis by providing supportive cellular microenvironment into BM. In this thesis, MSCs were characterized in terms of their morphological, immunophenotypical and differentiation properties. Then, they were examined by attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy together with hierarchical clustering, and FTIR microspectroscopy. In the first part of this study, global structural and compositional changes in BM-MSCs during beta thallasemia major (

Characterization And Identification Of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells At Molecular Level

Aksoy, Ceren 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) are pluripotent cells that can differentiate into a variety of non-hematopoietic tissues. They also maintain healthy heamatopoiesis by providing supportive cellular microenvironment into BM. In this thesis, MSCs were characterized in terms of their morphological, immunophenotypical and differentiation properties. Then, they were examined by attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy together with hierarchical clustering, and FTIR microspectroscopy. In the first part of this study, global structural and compositional changes in BM-MSCs during beta thallasemia major (

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