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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Image of Authorized Auditors in Relation to Audit Quality and Professional and Client Identification : A Swedish Quantitative Study

Karlsson Ahlmark, Pål, Kavak, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Background: Auditors play a crucial role in financial statements. This paper discusses auditor image and its relationship with audit quality, professional identification, and client identification. Preserving a favorable auditor image can lead to auditor leniency, compromising the integrity of financial reporting. The auditor's independence and objectivity in ensuring high-quality audits are of utmost importance, and auditor image is a factor that is rarely considered. The image of auditors must be better understood to comprehend their behaviors better and what influences their performance and audit quality.  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test if there is a relationship between auditor image, professional identification and client identification, and audit quality. Additionally, the relationship between auditor image, professional identification, and client identification will be examined.  Method: The thesis draws upon a positivistic research approach with a deductive approach using a quantitative study where a survey was sent out to authorized auditors in Sweden. A multiple regression analysis, Spearman correlation matrix, and principal component analysis have been used to analyze the data collected.  Findings: The results show a significant positive relationship between perceived professional auditor image and audit quality with a focus on economic incentives. Further, the results show a significant positive relationship between client identification and a perceived trustworthy image. The results also show that older and more experienced auditors have a significant negative relationship with audit quality with a focus on economic incentives. In comparison, younger and less experienced auditors have a significant negative relationship with a perceived trustworthy auditor image. Another result was that auditors employed at a Big Four firm have a significant positive relationship with a perceived trustworthy auditor image.

Vilka är de vanligaste revisionsmisstagen och vem är revisorn som begår dem?

Johansson, Sara, Edler, Jolin January 2023 (has links)
En auktoriserad revisor har ett stort ansvar gentemot samhället och intressenter, ett ansvar att agera utifrån gällande lagar, regler och standarder. En revisor ska enligt 19-20§§ revisorslagen (SFS 2001:883) iaktta god revisorssed, utföra sitt arbete med opartiskhet och självständighet, samt vara objektiv i sin granskning. Dessa paragrafer ur revisionslagen är endast en bråkdel av vad som förväntas av en revisor. Med det ansvaret kommer också behovet av att samhället kan lita på att kraven efterföljs. I Sverige har vi revisorsinspektionen som utreder misstänkta fall där revisorer brutit mot någon eller några av dessa lagar, regler, förordningar och riktlinjer.  För att en utredning ska leda till en disciplinär åtgärd behöver ett revisionsmisstag ha begåtts. Misstagen som en revisor begår kan vara av olika allvarlig grad och revisorsinpektionens disciplinära åtgärder ska också spegla detta. Exempelvis fanns det år 2021 3025 kvalificerade revisorer i Sverige. Detta år ledde revisorsinpektionens utredningar till 45 stycket disciplinära åtgärder. Det finns tidigare studier som granskat disciplinärenden hos revisorsinpektionen men då inte fokuserat så mycket på personen bakom misstaget. Vidare saknar vi också en djupare analys av de mest förekommande revisionsmisstagen i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie blir därför att ta reda på om det finns samband mellan revisorns könstillhörighet, revisionsbyrå revisorn arbetar på och sannolikheten för att revisorn fått en disciplinär åtgärd av revisorsinspektionen. Syftet är vidare att ta reda på samband mellan revisorns könstillhörighet, revisionsbyrå, erfarenhet och sannolikheten att revisorn begår någon av de mest vanligt förekommande revisionsmisstagen. Dessutom studeras vilka de vanligaste typerna av misstag är hos de sanktionerade revisorerna.   En kvantitativ metod används vars hypoteser baseras på teori och tidigare forskning inom området. En logistisk regressionsmodell är utarbetad för att besvara hypoteserna. Urvalet baseras på information angående auktoriserade revisorer och dess eventuella disciplinärenden mellan år 2005-2022. Även en kvalitativ metod används för att besvara vilka de vanligaste revisionmisstagen är. Här används ärenden som lett till disciplinär åtgärd mellan år 2017-2022.  Resultatet av studien visar att sannolikheten för att få en disciplinär åtgärd är lägre om revisorn arbetar på en större byrå eller om denne är kvinna. De vanligaste förekomna revisionsmisstagen är “brister i granskning”, “formella fel”, “felaktigt yttrande gällande omställningsstöd” och saker som revisorn “underlåtit att göra”. För misstagen “brister i granskning” och “underlåtit att” finns inget samband mellan revisorns könstillhörighet, arbetsgivare eller erfarenhet. Vad gäller formella fel har revisorer med medellång erfarenhet en lägre sannolikhet att begå detta fel än en revisor med kort erfarenhet. För “felaktigt yttrande” gäller att revisorer med medellång erfarenhet med större sannolikhet begår detta fel än revisorer med lång erfarenhet. Orsakerna till de vanligaste revisionsmisstagen kan vara många men i denna studie blir slutsatsen att orsakerna bland annat handlar om revisorns bedömningar, hög arbetsbelastning, kompetens och tvivelaktigt oberoende.

Small world, not small competition: does spatial distance among audit partners matter?

Wu, Da 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to examine whether competition among audit partners affects audit quality. While prior research on audit market competition focuses on audit firm-level or office-level analyses, I argue that audit partners, as the primary decision makers in providing audit services, are likely to engage in competitive actions in the audit market. Further, I use spatial distance among audit partners to measure partner-level competition. I conjecture that spatial distance could better reflect the dynamics of audit market competition than the Herfindahl index, the traditional proxy for competition used in most extant studies. Drawing on the spatial economics theory and the social comparison theory, I hypothesize a negative association between competition measured by spatial distance and the quality level delivered by the incumbent audit partner. Using newly available data of U.S. audit partners, this study provides evidence that audit quality is higher (lower) when the spatial distance between the incumbent partner and the closest competing partner is larger (smaller). In addition, the results reveal that the effects of competition measured by spatial distance on audit quality is mainly a partner-level phenomenon rather than an office-level one. Overall, this study highlights the importance of studying competitive dynamics among audit partners.

The Effects of Generational Stereotypes and Attribute Affirmation on the Collection of Audit Evidence

Kabutey, Monica 05 1900 (has links)
As the workplace has evolved over the past few years, several studies have documented perceived differences in personalities, values, and preferences between generations in the workplace, including in public accounting. In this study, I examine whether exposure to a negative preconceived belief about a staff auditor's generation (generational stereotype) influences the affective state of staff auditors and ultimately causes them to reduce the extent to which they communicate with a client manager to gather the necessary information to perform an audit adequately. I also investigate whether attribute affirmation from a work buddy helps elicit positive affect to mitigate the effects that exposure to negative generational stereotypes may have on audit evidence collection. I conducted a 2 x 2 experiment using graduate auditing students as a proxy for staff auditors. I find that general affect (i.e., mood) rather than interpersonal affect (i.e., likability), drives the negative effect of exposure to generational stereotypes on willingness to collect more audit evidence. I also find that high levels of negative mood can negatively impact participants' self-efficacy. I, however, failed to find evidence of a moderated mediation. The presence of an attribute affirmation results in an insignificant increase in positive affect. When staff auditors are exposed to a negative generational stereotype, attribute affirmation does not evoke enough positive affect to help auditors overcome the generational stereotype threat.


Farag, Magdy 18 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

An Examination of the Association of Firm Credit Ratings with Real Activities Manipulation, Audit Quality, Corporate Governance, and Credit Default Swaps

Browning, Logan R. 19 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Song, Hakjoon January 2012 (has links)
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has recently begun inspecting foreign audit firms. An important policy concern is that several foreign jurisdictions have refused to allow the PCAOB to conduct inspections of their audit firms. In this dissertation, I investigate (1) whether audit quality is higher for client firms (henceforth "complying" clients) whose foreign auditors have been inspected by the PCAOB, compared to client firms (henceforth "blacklisted" clients) of foreign auditors whose governments have refused inspections by the PCAOB, and (2) whether audit quality improves in the post inspection period for clients of inspected foreign auditors. I use abnormal accruals, total accruals, value relevance, and the likelihood of receiving a going concern opinion as proxies for audit quality. I conduct empirical tests on two samples, a cross-sectional sample consisting of blacklisted and complying clients, and a longitudinal sample of clients of inspected foreign auditors before and after PCAOB inspections. For the going-concern models, the samples are confined to financially distressed firms, which are either clients with negative net income or negative operating cash flows or clients in the top quartile in the bankruptcy probability distribution. The cross-sectional models indicate that blacklisted clients have significantly higher abnormal and total accruals, lower value relevance and a lower likelihood of receiving a going concern opinion, than complying clients, suggesting that clients of PCAOB-inspected auditors seem to have higher audit quality. Moreover, longitudinal analyses of clients of inspected foreign auditors show that abnormal accruals and total accruals are lower after PCAOB inspections than before inspections, and value relevance is greater after inspections than before. The likelihood of receiving a going concern opinion is higher after PCAOB inspections than before inspections for one of the two distressed-firm samples. Overall, the results are generally consistent with the PCAOB's claim that the clients of foreign audit firms that have undergone PCAOB inspections have benefited from the inspections. Further analyses indicate that the benefits are concentrated in jurisdictions where the PCAOB has conducted joint inspections with local authorities, in countries where legal traditions follow common law, and for clients of Big 4 auditors. / Business Administration/Accounting

Audit tendering in the UK: a review of stakeholders' views

Allam, A., Ghattas, N., Kotb, A., Eldaly, Mohamed K.A. 10 October 2016 (has links)
Yes / Despite the importance of the ongoing debate on audit tendering and its possible implications for the audit profession including audit market structure, audit quality, and auditor independence, there is an apparent lack of research into this area. Using content analysis, this study reports the results of an examination of the comment letters sent to the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in response to its consultation document on the 2012 revisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code. The results indicate a general support for the FRC’s proposals with a number of key concerns related to audit quality, audit cost and auditor independence. There is also clear conflict of interests among some groups such as audit firms and companies on one side and institutional investors on the other side. There is evidence of conflict of interest between Big 4 and non-Big 4 audit firms. The findings could influence future revisions of the Code with regard to tendering and enhance policy makers’ understanding of the position taken by each group of stakeholder.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på revisionsbranschen

Filip, Unger, Oliver, Öhman January 2024 (has links)
Titel: Digitaliseringens påverkan på revisionsbranschen Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi  Författare: Filip Unger och Oliver Öhman Handledare: Asif M Huq Datum: 2024 - maj Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för vilken påverkan digitaliseringen har på revisionsbranschen i dag. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ metod som utgångspunkt, där empirin har samlats in med hjälp av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer i Gävle. Studien har analyserats med en tematisk analys.  Resultat och slutsats: Digitaliseringen har påverkat revisionsbranschen positivt, med en övergång från traditionella metoder till digitala metoder. Revisionsbyråer gynnas av bättre effektivitet och högre revisionskvalitet vid implementering av digitala verktyg och teknologier. Digitalisering behövs för att revisionsbyråer ska vara aktuella på marknaden. Revisionsbranschen kommer att fortsätta att digitaliseras i framtiden, vilket kan leda till nya kunskapskrav för revisorer. Examensarbetets bidrag: Det främsta bidraget med studien är att skapa en förståelse för digitaliseringens påverkan på revisionsbranschen. Det teoretiska bidraget är att det främst är legitimitetsteorin och den institutionella teorin som kan förklara byråernas agerande. Det praktiska bidraget riktas mot revisionsbyråer, eftersom de kan få en förståelse om hur de kan dra nytta av digitaliseringen.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Det hade varit intressant att undersöka hur revisorer med mindre erfarenhet av revision ser på digitaliseringen, och vilka skillnader som finns. Ytterligare förslag på vidare forskning kan vara om Covid-19-pandemin har påverkat digitaliseringen. Även att undersöka hur redovisningsbranschen påverkas av digitaliseringen för att jämföra det mot revisionsbranschen. / Title: The influence of digitalization on the audit industry Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Filip Unger and Oliver Öhman Supervisor: Asif M Huq Date: 2024 - May Aim: The aim of the study is to create an understanding of the impact that digitalization has on the audit industry today. Method: This study has a qualitative research strategy as foundation, where the empirical data was collected through seven semi-structured interviews with auditors in Gävle. The study was analyzed using a thematic analysis.  Results and conclusion: Digitalization has positively impacted the auditing industry, transitioning from traditional methods to digital methods. Auditing firms benefit from improved efficiency and higher audit quality through the implementation of digital tools and technologies. Digitalization is necessary for auditing firms to remain in the market. The auditing industry will continue to digitalize in the future, which may lead to new knowledge requirements for auditors. Contributions of the thesis: The main contribution of the study is to create an understanding of the impact of digitalization on the audit industry. The theoretical contribution is that it is mainly the legitimacy theory and the institutional theory that can explain the actions of the agencies. The practical contribution is aimed at auditing firms, as they can gain an understanding of how they can benefit from the digitalization.  Suggestions for future research: It would have been interesting to investigate how auditors with less experience of auditing perceive digitalization, and what differences exist. Additional suggestions for further research could be whether the Covid-19 pandemic has affected digitalization. Also, to examine how the accounting industry is affected by digitalization in order to compare it to the auditing industry.

Obligatorisk byrårotation : En studie av internationella erfarenheters applicerbarhet i en svensk miljö / Mandatory audit firm rotation : A study of the applicability of international experiences in a Swedish context

Hoverbrant, Nicklas, Sandblom, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Senast den 17 juni 2016 ska Sverige ha implementerat regleringar kring obliga- torisk byrårotation i nationell rätt vilket då kommer kräva att noterade bolag och finansiella företag roterar revisionsbyrå i huvudregel var 10:e år. Målet från EU:s sida med att införa obligatorisk byrårotation i dess medlemsländer är att regleringen ska ha positiva effekter på revisorns oberoende, revisionskvali- teten och konkurrenssituationen på revisionsmarknaden. Syftet med vår studie är att ge ökad förståelse om hur revisionskvaliteten och revisorns oberoende påverkas av ett införande av obligatorisk byrårotation utifrån den forskning som finns internationellt. Eftersom studier kring obliga- torisk byrårotation ännu har kunnat genomföras i Sverige vill vi också bidra med kunskap om hur väl dessa internationella studier kan appliceras i ett svenskt sammanhang. Studien är baserad på inhämtning av sekundärdata där vi utgått från existe- rande forskning kring obligatorisk byrårotation. Val av vårt tillvägagångssätt kan motiveras med att en stor mängd forskning redan existerar och vi har velat samla in data som är så neutral som möjligt. Vår studie visar att resultaten från internationellt genomförda studier tyder på att revisionskvaliteten sjunker vid ett införande av obligatorisk byrårotation. Forskningen visar även att regleringen kan få en motsatt effekt på marknads- dynamiken än vad som önskas. Majoriteten av forskningen visar också att revi- sorns oberoende inte påverkas vid ett införande av obligatorisk byrårotation. I den del av vår studie som behandlade hur väl internationell forskning skulle kunna tillämpas i Sverige fann vi inga belägg på att skillnaderna mellan de un- dersökta länderna och Sverige skulle vara tillräckligt stora för att kunna ifråga- sätta dess applicerbarhet i ett svenskt sammanhang. / June 17, 2016, is the final date for Sweden to implement the new rules regard- ing mandatory audit firm rotation which will require listed and financial com- panies to change their current audit firm every 10 years. The aim of the intro- duction of mandatory audit firm rotation is that the regulation should have positive effects on the independence of auditors, audit quality and the compet- itive situation within the audit market. The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of how auditor in- dependence and audit quality is affected by the introduction of the regulation on the basis of the available international research. Since there isn’t any Swe- dish research on the subject, we want to contribute knowledge about how well these international studies can be applied in a Swedish context. The study is based on secondary data which is collected from already existing research on mandatory audit firm rotation. The choice of approach in the study can be justified by the fact that much research already exists on the sub- ject and we wanted the data to be as neutral as possible. Our study shows that the results from international research suggest that audit quality will decrease with the introduction of such regulation and that the regu- lation may have an adverse effect on the dynamic of the audit market. A ma- jority of the research suggests that auditor independence is not affected by the introduction of mandatory audit firm rotation. In the part of our study, which dealt with how well international research is applicable in Sweden, we found no evidence that the difference between the examined countries and Sweden would be large enough to allow us to question the research applicability in a Swedish context.

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