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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution to the diagnosis and pathophysiology of Sjögren's syndrome

Soyfoo, Muhammad Shahnawaz 10 January 2012 (has links)
Le syndrome de Sjögren (SS) est une maladie auto-immunitaire caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes exocrines menant le plus souvent, à une xérophtalmie et à une xérostomie. La physiopathologie de la maladie est complexe et malgré les progrès realisés, il existe beaucoup de questions à repondre. Classiquement, le syndrome sec qui caractérise la maladie résulterait d’un double processus où dans un premier temps, la glande serait envahie par des cellules lymphoplasmocytaires puis secondairement détruite. Des avancées récentes dans la physiopathologie de la maladie ont démontré le rôle de nouvelles molécules, Aquaporine 5 (AQP5) et anticorps muscariniques, qui peuvent contribuer au syndrome sec. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié des marqueurs diagnostiques de la maladie. Nous avons montré que 2 alarmines, HMGB1 et S100A8/A9 sont augmentés mais ne présentent pas de corrélation avec le score d’activité de la maladie. Utilisant différents modèles animaux de SS, nous avons montré une modification de la distribution de l’AQP5. De plus, nous avons montré que la modification de la distribution de l’AQP5 dans les glandes salivaires était liée à la présence des infiltrats inflammatoires. Utilisant un modèle non-immun de souris qui présente un syndrome sec, l’expression de l’AQP5 n’était pas modifiée en l’absence d’infiltrats inflammatoires. Ces résultats montrent que la modification de l’AQP5 dans le SS est liée à la présence des infiltrats inflammatoires. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L'activation des cellules T CD8+ et T CD4+ en réponse aux auto-antigènes : du tissu lymphoïde à l'organe cible / Activation of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in response to self-antigen : from the lymphoid tissue to the target organ

Espinosa Carrasco, Gabriel 07 October 2016 (has links)
Le système immunitaire comporte différents mécanismes de tolérance périphérique permettant de contrôler la réponse des cellules T CD8+. Dans certaines conditions encore peu connues, des cellules T potentiellement auto-réactives peuvent contourner les mécanismes de tolérance et se différencier en cellules effectrices, capables d’attaquer différentes organes de l’organisme, dans un processus d’auto-réactivité. En utilisant une souris transgénique exprimant un antigène modèle dans les cellules bêta du pancréas, j’ai étudié deux processus fondamentaux impliqués dans la différenciation des cellules T CD8+ en réponse aux antigènes du soi.1) Rôle de la translocation des lipopolysaccharides (LPS) dans la rupture de la tolérance. Nous avons préalablement démontré dans le laboratoire que des protocoles de lympho-déplétions, tels l’irradiation, étaient capables d’induire une rupture de la tolérance périphérique dans les cellules T CD8+. L’irradiation provoque la translocation des LPS des bactéries commensales vers la circulation sanguine, ce qui induit une activation du système immunitaire inné. Mes données ont montré que la translocation des LPS était corrélée avec l’activation systémique des cellules dendritiques (DC) CD11c+, en particulier les DC CD8+, responsables de la cross-présentation des auto-antigènes pancréatiques dans les tissus lymphoïdes. Alors que le traitement par des antibiotiques avant l’irradiation permet de prévenir la translocation des LPS, l’activation des DC n’est que partiellement affectée, et le développement de l’auto-immunité résultant d’une rupture de la tolérance périphérique des cellules T CD8+ ne peut pas être empêchée par le traitement.2) Visualisation de la coopération entre cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ effectrices dans la destruction des cellules bêta pancréatiques in vivo. En utilisant la microscopie intra-vitale à 2-photons, j’ai pu analyser, pour la première fois, la dynamiques des cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ auto-réactives exprimant un marqueur fluorescent, lors de l’infiltration du pancréas et du développement du diabète auto-immun. J’ai mis en évidence que l’infiltration des cellules T était accompagnée d’un remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire du pancréas, permettant la migration dirigée des lymphocytes. De plus, j’ai montré que l’arrêt MHC classe II-dépendant des cellules T CD4+, dû à des interactions avec des cellules présentatrices d’antigène recrutées au site d’inflammation et impliquant dans certains cas également les cellules T CD8+, contribuait au maintien des fonctions effectrices des cellules T CD8+. / The immune system has evolved multiple mechanisms of peripheral tolerance to control CD8+ T cell responses. Under particular conditions that are not yet well understood, potentially autoreactive T cells may override tolerance and differentiate into effector cells capable of targeting the own components of the organism resulting in self-reactivity. Utilizing transgenic mice expressing a model antigen in the beta cells of the pancreas, I have studied two important processes involved in CD8+ T cells differentiation in response to self-antigens. 1) Role of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) translocation in the breakdown of CD8+ T cell tolerance. It has been previously shown in our laboratory that lymphodepleting protocols, such as total body irradiation, promote breakdown of peripheral CD8+ T cell tolerance. Irradiation induces translocation of commensal bacteria LPS, a potent innate immune system activator, into the bloodstream. My data demonstrated that LPS translocation correlated with systemic activation of CD11c+ dendritic cells (DC), in particular CD8+ DC, responsible for pancreatic self-antigen cross-presentation, in lymphoid tissue. While antibiotic treatment of mice before irradiation prevented LPS translocation, DC activation was only partially affected, and onset of autoimmunity and breakdown of CD8+ T cell tolerance could not be prevented.2) Intra-vital visualization of effector CD8+ and CD4+ T cell cooperation in beta cell destruction in the pancreas. Using two-photon microscopy, I have been able, for the first time, to simultaneously analyze dynamics of fluorescently tagged autoreactive CD8+ and CD4+ T cells as they infiltrated the pancreas and induced autoimmune diabetes. I found that T cell infiltration promoted extracellular matrix remodeling in the pancreas, which in turn served as a scaffold for T cell migration. In addition, I showed that MHC class II dependent arrest of effector CD4+ T cells, due to interactions with antigen presenting cells, occasionally also implicating CD8+ T cells, provided help to effector CD8+ T cells in maintaining their effector functions.

The Janus face of immunity : how anti-tumor immunity leads to autoimmunity in paraneoplastic neurological diseases / La double face de Janus : comment une immunité anti-tumorale efficace peut induire l'auto-immunité dans les syndromes neurologiques paranéoplasiques

Gebauer, Christina 15 November 2016 (has links)
Les syndromes neurologiques paranéoplasiques (SNP) sont des maladies neurologiques rares, associés à une réponse immunitaire efficace contre un cancer sous-jacent exprimant un antigène également exprimé par des cellules du système nerveux central (SNC). Le cancer déclenche alors une réponse auto-immune secondaire qui provoque la destruction des cellules du SNC. Certains travaux récents suggèrent que l'immunité à médiation cellulaire associée à des auto-anticorps reconnaissant des antigènes intracellulaires pourrait jouer un rôle majeur, bien qu'encore mal compris, dans la physiopathologie des SNP. Les exemples de SNP les plus représentatifs sont le syndrome Hu, qui conduit à la perte de diverses populations de neurones du SNC et l'ataxie cérébelleuse subaiguë (PCD en anglais, pour Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration), caractérisée par la perte sélective des cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. Alors que le syndrome Hu se développe en général chez des patients présentant des tumeurs du poumon à petites cellules qui expriment l'antigène HuD spécifique des neurones, la majorité des patients souffrant de PCD présente un cancer gynécologique qui exprime la protéine CDR2, également exprimée dans les cellules de Purkinje. Afin de mieux cerner la physiopathologie des SNP et de tester l'implication de l'immunité cellulaire, notamment des lymphocytes T, nous avons durant ma thèse développé et analysé deux modèles murins, l'un pour le syndrome Hu et l'autre pour la PCD. Ces modèles reposent sur l'utilisation de souches de souris génétiquement modifiées : la souris CamK-HA, qui exprime l'hémagglutinine (HA) du virus de la grippe dans la plupart de ses neurones du SNC et la souris L7-HA dans laquelle la protéine HA est exprimée exclusivement par les cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. Dans ces souris, une réponse anti-tumorale est provoquée par l'injection de cellules tumorales 4T1 exprimant HA (4T1-HA). Afin le faciliter le suivi des réponses cellulaires contre l'antigène HA, nous avons injecté des lymphocutes T CD4+ et/ou T CD8+ naïfs isolées à partir de souris transgéniques pour des récepteurs de lymphocytes T spécifiques de HA. Nos résultats montrent que seul le transfert in vivo des cellules tumorales 4T1-HA, et non celui des cellules 4T1 témoins, peut conduire à l'activation, la prolifération et la différentiation des deux types de lymphocytes T spécifiques pour l'antigène HA. De plus, nous avons observé que les populations de lymphocytes T CD4+ et CD8+ sont toutes deux requises, non seulement pour une réponse anti-tumorale efficace, mais aussi pour le déclenchement d'une réaction auto-immune collatérale chez la souris CamK-HA. Enfin, nous avons montré qu'il était nécessaire d'injecter en parallèle des anticorps contre le récepteur inhibiteur CTLA-4 chez la souris L7-HA, afin de permettre la migration des lymphocytes T spécifiques de HA dans le cervelet. Chez ces souris L7-HA, nous avons en outre démontré que les lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques sont les effecteurs principaux de la maladie. Ces nouveaux modèles murins représentent donc des outils précieux pour une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires responsables du développement des SNP. De plus, ils pourraient permettre de tester et de valider de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques visant à bloquer la pénétration dans le SNC d'effecteurs immunitaires potentiellement pathogènes, tout en préservant l'efficacité de la réponse anti-tumorale en périphérie. / Paraneoplastic neurological disorders (PNDs) are rare human autoimmune diseases that mostly affect the central nervous system (CNS). They are triggered by an efficient immune response against a neural self-antigen that is ectopically expressed in neoplastic tumor cells and naturally expressed in CNS cells. Due to this shared antigenic expression, the immune system reacts not only to tumor cells but also to neural cells resulting in neurological damage. Growing data point to a major role of cell-mediated immunity in PNDs associated to autoantibodies against intracellular proteins. However, its precise contribution in the pathogenesis remains unclear. Two illustrative examples of possibly cell-mediated PNDs are the Hu-syndrome, characterized by inflammation and widespread los of neurons, and paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD), characterized by the selective loss of Purkinje cells. PCD develops mostly in patients with gynecologic carcinomas that express the Purkinje neuron-specific CDR2 protein whereas most patients with the Hu-syndrome harbor small cell lung cancer expressing the neuron-specific protein HuD. In this context, our study aimed to investigate the impact of anti-tumor cellular immune responses in the development of these PNDs. To this end, we developed two animal models mimicking the Hu-syndrome and PCD. We used a tumor cell line expressing the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus to induce an anti-tumor response in CamK-HA mice, which express HA in CNS neurons and L7-HA mice, which express HA only in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. To promote and track the T cell response against the HA antigen, naïve HA-specific CD8+ and/or CD4+ T cells, originating from TCR-transgenic animals, were transferred into these mice. We demonstrate that HA-expressing tumors, but not control tumors, induce in vivo activation, proliferation and differentiation of naïve HA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells into effector cells. Moreover, the collaboration between these two T cell subsets was needed to control tumor growth and induce CNS inflammation in CamK-HA mice. In L7-HA mice the additional injection of the antibody against the inhibitory receptor CTLA-4 was necessary to allow T cells to enter the cerebellum to cause inflammation and the subsequent destruction of Purkinje neurons. Furthermore, in L7-HA mice we demonstrate that cytotoxic CD8+ T cells are the main effectors driving the disease. Thus, these two new mouse models provide further insights into the cellular mechanisms of PND whereby a potent anti-tumor immunity triggers a cancer-associated autoimmune disease, and may therefore help to develop new therapeutic strategies against PND.

Caracterização imunofenotípica de linfócitos B de memória em pacientes com deficiência de IgA e imunodeficiência comum variável / Immunophenotypical characterization of memory B lymphocytes in patients with IgA deficiency and common variable immunodeficiency

José de Jesus Rivas Avalos 25 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A deficiência de IgA (DIgA) é a imunodeficiência primária mais comum e caracteriza-se pela presença de concentrações de IgA sérica abaixo de 7 mg/dL e níveis normais de IgM e IgG. A maioria dos indivíduos acometidos não apresenta doença aparente embora alguns possam apresentar infecções recorrentes ou crônicas de mucosas, atopia e/ou doenças autoimunes (DAIs). Presumivelmente, a doença resulta de um defeito na troca de isótipo para IgA ou de falha na maturação de linfócitos produtores de IgA. A imunodeficiência comum variável (ICV) constitui uma deficiência primária de anticorpos caracterizada por níveis séricos baixos de IgG, IgA e/ou IgM, ao lado de valores normais ou diminuídos de linfócitos B e/ou T, levando a infecções crônicas ou recorrentes principalmente dos tratos respiratório e gastrintestinal. Embora a fisiopatologia da ICV ainda não esteja esclarecida, em muitos pacientes ela pode ser decorrente de algum defeito intrínseco de linfócitos B. De modo especial, as células B de memória (CD27+) têm sido correlacionadas com alguns aspectos clínicos da doença. Números elevados de células B de memória com persistência de IgM (CD27+IgM+) parecem estar correlacionados com a presença de infecções, enquanto valores diminuídos de células B de memória clássicas ou class-switched (CD27+IgG-IgM-) parecem estar associados a baixos níveis de IgG e presença de autoimunidade. A progressão de DIgA para ICV tem sido descrita em alguns pacientes embora não constitua regra geral. Uma hipótese é a de que uma base genética comum e a associação com DAIs possam constituir fatores de risco para a progressão de DIgA para ICV. Há relato anterior de que a persistência de células B imaturas IgM+ IgD+ em alguns pacientes com DIgA estava associada à progressão para ICV. Adicionalmente, há evidências de que a diminuição de células B de memória em uma proporção de pacientes com ICV esteja associada à presença de autoimunidade. OBJETIVOS: comparar em pacientes com DIgA e ICV várias subpopulações de células B e analisar a relação entre estas populações celulares e a presença de DAIs em ambos grupos. MÉTODO: Este estudo incluiu 56 pacientes adultos de ambos sexos com DIgA e ICV, distribuídos em grupos de acordo com a associação com DAI: grupo DIgA sem DAI (14 pacientes), grupo DIgA com DAI (14 pacientes), grupo ICV sem DAI (14 pacientes) e grupo ICV com DAI (14 pacientes). As seguintes subpopulações de células B foram determinadas por citometria de fluxo de quatro-cores: células B naive (CD19+IgM+), células B de memória clássicas ou class-switched (CD27+IgM-IgD-) e células B de memória imaturas (CD27+IgM+ or CD27+IgD+). Na análise estatística foi aplicado o teste de ANOVA; valores significativos foram determinados pela correção de Bonferoni. RESULTADOS: os grupos analisados foram homogêneos quanto à idade e distribuição de gêneros. Os valores de linfócitos totais e de células B naive foram similares nos quatro grupos estudados. Os pacientes com deficiência de IgA e ICV com DAIs associadas apresentaram valores igualmente aumentados de células B de memória imaturas CD27+IgM+ e CD27+IgD+ quando comparados a pacientes sem doenças autoimunes. CONCLUSÕES: estes resultados sugerem que a persistência de células B de memória imaturas possa estar relacionada à presença de autoimunidade em pacientes com DIgA e ICV. Especula-se se a persistência destas células em pacientes com DIgA e DAI associada possa constituir fator preditivo da progressão de DIgA para ICV. / INTRODUCTION: IgA deficiency (IgAD) is the most common primary immunodeficiency disorder and is characterized by serum IgA concentration below 7 mg/dL and normal serum IgM and IgG levels. Most of the affected individuals have no apparent disease, whereas selected patients suffer from recurrent or chronic mucosal infections, atopy and/or autoimmune diseases (AIDs). This defect is presumed to result from impaired class-switching to IgA or from maturational failure of IgA-producing lymphocytes. Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary antibody deficiency disease characterized by low serum levels of IgG, IgA and/or IgM, and normal or decreased B and/or T cell numbers, leading to chronic or recurrent infections, noted mostly in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. While the pathophysiology of CVID remains elusive, in many patients it may be due to an intrinsic B cell defect. Memory B cells (CD27+) in particular, have been noted to correlate with certain clinical aspects of the disease. High numbers of IgM+ memory B cells (CD27+IgM+) appear to correlate with the presence of infections, whereas decreased numbers of classic (class-switched) memory B cells (CD27+IgG-IgM- ) correlate with lower serum IgG levels and increased rates of autoimmune features. Progression from IgAD to common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) has been reported in some patients, but is not a general rule. It is postulated that a common genetic base and association with AIDs could be risk factors for progression from IgAD to CVID. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare B cell subpopulations of patients with IgAD and with CVID, and to assess the relationship between these populations and the presence of autoimmune diseases in both group of patients: . METHOD: The study included 56 adult patients of both genders with IgAD or CVID. Patients were grouped, according to the association with autoimmune disease,as follows: group IgAD with AID (14 patients), group IgAD without AID (14 patients), group CVID with AID (14 patients) and group CVID without AID (14 patients). We determined by immunophenotyping of lymphocytes by four-colour cytometry the following subpopulations of B cells: naïve B cells (CD19+IgM+), class-switched memory B cells (CD27+IgM-IgD-) and immature B memory cells (CD27+IgM+ or CD27+IgD+). Statistical analysis was performed by the ANOVA test; significant P-values were determined by means of Bonferonis correction. RESULTS: there is no statistically significant difference between the average ages and the gender of patients between the groups. the distribution of the sample values seem to indicating that, there is no statistically significant difference in the CD19 levels between the groups. patients with AID represent greater values of CD27 IgM+ and CD27+ IgD+ than patients without AID, independent of the group studied. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the persistence of immature memory B cells in patients with IgAD and CVID can be related to autoimmune diseases. We speculate if the persistence of immature B cells can constitute risk factor to progression of IgAD for CVID.

Role of antibodies in autoimmunity of the central nervous system

Cordero Gómez, César 29 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Interferon Gamma in Melanocyte Clearance During Vitiligo

Strassner, James P. 07 April 2019 (has links)
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease in which CD8+ T cells selectively destroy melanocytes, leading to a patchy, disfiguring depigmentation of the skin. Our group and others have highlighted the central role of IFN-γ-dependent chemokines in the progression of disease; however, IFN-γ is also reported to have pleiotropic effects on melanocyte biology. We examined whether IFN-γ has a direct role in melanocyte killing. We tested the T-cell effector functions IFN-γ, Fas ligand and perforin by deleting them from autoreactive T cells used to induce vitiligo in mice. We found that disease incidence, disease severity and T cell accumulation in the skin was reduced in mice receiving adoptive transfer of either IFN-γ deficient or Fas ligand deficient gp100-specific T cells; however, perforin was dispensable and led to increased disease scores and T cell accumulation. To determine how melanocytes are affected by IFN-γ signaling during vitiligo, we performed single-cell RNA-sequencing on suction blister biopsies obtained from vitiligo and healthy subjects. We discovered that integrin expression and TGFb2 signaling was decreased only in lesional melanocyte transcriptomes. Moreover, melanocytes appear to participate in their own demise by increasing HLA expression and recruiting effector cells through the chemotactic ligand CCL18. The loss of melanocyte retention factors may explain their clean disappearance from the skin during keratinocyte turnover. Taken together, we believe IFN-γ production by autoreactive T cells in the skin leads to clean loss of melanocytes by downregulation of melanocyte retention factors and by increasing their potential to be detected by effector cells during vitiligo.

Abnormal B-Cell Activation Associated With TALL-1 Over-Expression and SOCS-1 Suppression During Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Moorman, Jonathan, Dong, Zhi P., Ni, Lei, Zhang, Chunlan, Borthwick, Thomas, Yao, Zhi Q. 01 October 2009 (has links)
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with cirrhosis, autoimmunity and lymphoproliferative disorders. We have previously reported a differential regulation of T and B lymphocytes by HCV core protein in vitro. In this report, we employed a translational approach to characterize the activation status of peripheral B cells from individuals with chronic HCV infection and to explore potential mechanisms for B-cell dysregulation in the setting of HCV infection. In contrast to the T-cell suppression observed in HCV-infected individuals, B cells exhibit a non-specific polyclonal activation phenotype, characterized by significantly higher levels of (1) the early activation marker, CD69, (2) the costimulatory molecule, CD86, and (3) the CCR5 chemokine receptor, CD195, when compared with B cells from healthy donors in response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation. Importantly, tumour necrosis factor- and Apo-L-related leucocyte-expressed ligand-1 (TALL-1), also known as B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLYS), was found to be up-regulated on the surface of B cells from HCV patients in response to PHA as well as HCV core antigen stimulation. This up-regulation of TALL-1 was associated with vigorous memory B-cell responses to viral antigenic stimulation. Additionally, suppressor of cytokine signalling-1 (SOCS-1), a negative feedback immunoregulator that is inhibited in B lymphocytes by HCV core in vitro, was also inhibited in B cells from HCV patients when compared with healthy donors. These findings suggest that TALL-1 over-expression and SOCS-1 suppression are associated with aberrant B-cell activation, providing a plausible basis for the B-cell clonal expansion underlying the lymphoproliferative disorders and autoimmune phenomena observed during chronic HCV infection.

Multifaceted Regulation of Peripheral T Cell Tolerance and Autoimmunity by FOXP3+ T Regulatory Cells: A Dissertation

Jain, Nitya 15 January 2009 (has links)
Adaptive immunity requires T cell responses to foreign pathogens to be counterbalanced with the need to limit collateral destruction of the host’s own tissues. Further, the presence of a substantial pool of lymphocytes capable of recognizing selfantigen in the periphery poses a threat to the maintenance of peripheral tolerance and prevention of autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells (Treg) that can suppress potentially self-reactive T cells are critical regulators of peripheral tolerance as well as initiation of immune responses. Treg cells employ several context-dependent mechanisms to establish regulation. In this thesis, we describe two distinct pathways of regulation used by Treg cells involving negative costimulation by CTLA-4 and immunomodulation by the morphogen, TGFβ. CTLA-4 is a co-inhibitory receptor on T cells essential for maintaining T cell homeostasis and tolerance to self. CTLA-4 expression is induced in conventional T cells following activation, whereas it is constitutively expressed in regulatory FOXP3+CD4+ regulatory T cells. Mice lacking CTLA-4 develop an early onset, fatal breakdown in T cell tolerance. Whether this autoimmune disease occurs because of the loss of CTLA-4 function in regulatory T cells, conventional T cells, or both, is not known. We present evidence here that in addition to a critical CTLA-4 function in regulatory T cells, CTLA-4 in conventional T cells is also necessary for controlling the consequences of abnormal T cell activation. CTLA-4 expression in activated conventional T cells only in vivois unable to compensate for the impaired function of CTLA-4-less regulatory T cells that results in systemic lymphoproliferation, but it can prevent the aberrantly activated T cells from infiltrating and fatally damaging non-lymphoid tissues. These results demonstrate that CTLA-4 has a dual function in maintaining T cell homeostasis: CTLA-4 in regulatory T cells inhibits inappropriate naïve T cell activation and CTLA-4 in conventional T cells can prevent the harmful accumulation of inappropriately activated pathogenic T cells in vital organs. In addition, we have identified Disabled-2 (Dab2), a TGFβ signaling intermediate, as a FOXP3 target gene that is expressed exclusively in Treg cells and is critical for in vitro and in vivo regulation by Treg cells. During T cell development, DAB2 is also expressed in a Foxp3-independent manner in thymic precursor cells, and acts as a sensor of TGFβ signals that is required for programming normal TGFβ responsiveness in T cell progenies. Naïve CD4+ T cells that differentiate from Dab2-deficient precursors favor Th17 cell generation at the expense of FOXP3+ Treg cells as a result of altered sensitivity to TGFβ. Importantly, retinoic acid can restore TGFβ signaling capacity of naïve CD4+ T cells generated from Dab2-deficient precursors, emphasizing the cooperative nature of retinoic acid and TGFβ signaling pathways in promoting Treg cell development and maintenance.

Mécanismes inflammatoires et auto-immunité dans la maladie de Parkinson : rôle de la présentation des antigènes mitochondriaux

Michaud, Camille 12 1900 (has links)
La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative qui présente, parmi ces symptômes, une importante inflammation, rapportée tant au niveau du système nerveux central qu’en périphérie. De plus, certains des gènes causant des formes familiales de la MP, soit PINK1 et PRKN, sont impliqués dans la prévention de la présentation des antigènes mitochondriaux (MitAP), un phénomène à risque d’enclencher une réponse auto-immune. Ce travail avait donc pour but d’investiguer la contribution des processus auto-immuns et inflammatoires périphériques dans l’étiologie de la MP, en portant une attention particulière aux phénomènes impliquant la mitochondrie. La quantification des ARNm de PINK1 et PRKN a permis de déterminer que l’expression de ces deux gènes pouvait être inhibée lors de l’activation – par l’exposition au lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ou à l’Escherichia coli entéropathogène (EPEC) – de certaines cellules présentatrices d’antigènes, soit les cellules dendritiques dérivées de monocytes (MDDC). L’expression de PRKN était également inhibée au cours du vieillissement dans les cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique. L’étude des lymphocytes T présents dans la circulation sanguine a permis l’identification d’une population de cellules T CD8+ IL-17+ (Tc17) pouvant être activées par des antigènes mitochondriaux chez les patients avec MP. Les MDDC furent également identifiées comme étant d’importantes régulatrices de l’inflammation, car les cellules des patients avec MP présentaient un profil d’expression spécifique, caractérisé par une surproduction de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Leur réponse cytokinique était influencée par le vieillissement et correspondait à un profil pouvant faciliter la polarisation des lymphocytes T CD4+ vers le sous-type Th17, lié aux maladies auto-immunes. Nos résultats, dans leur ensemble, supportent l’implication de mécanismes auto-immuns dans le développement de la MP. / Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease which is accompanied by a strong inflammation, present both in the central nervous system and the periphery. Moreover, genes PINK1 and PRKN, which are causative of familial forms of PD, are implicated in the inhibition of mitochondrial antigen presentation (MitAP), a phenomenon which acts as a potential trigger for an autoimmune response. This work’s aim was to investigate the contribution of peripheral autoimmune and inflammatory processes in the etiology of PD, with a particular focus on phenomena implicating the mitochondria. Quantification of PINK1 and PRKN mRNA allowed us to determine that both genes could be inhibited by the activation – through lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) exposition – of specific antigen-presenting cells, the monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC). The expression of PRKN was also inhibited during the aging process in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Through the investigation of T lymphocytes present in PD patients’ circulation, we identified a population of T CD8+ IL-17+ (Tc17) cells which could be activated by mitochondrial antigens. Furthermore, the MDDC were identified as a major contributor to inflammation since PD patients’ cells presented a specific expression profile characterized by an over-production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This response was age-associated and corresponded with a pro-Th17 polarization of T CD4+ lymphocytes, a subtype which has been linked with autoimmune diseases. Taken together, our results support an implication of autoimmune mechanisms in the development of PD.

Autoinflammatorische Erkrankungen – ein expandierendes Spektrum

Weidler, Sophia, Lee-Kirsch, Min Ae 27 March 2023 (has links)
Autoinflammatorische Erkrankungen umfassen eine immer größer werdende, genetisch heterogene Gruppe von Erkrankungen mit breitem und variablem klinischen Spektrum. Aus nosologischer Perspektive wird eine strikte Abgrenzung der Autoinflammation von Autoimmunität und Immundefizienz dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand zu pathogenetischen Mechanismen nicht gerecht. Daher erscheint eine systembasierte Einteilung, die sich an den in die inflammatorischen Prozesse involvierten Signalwegen orientiert, auch im Hinblick auf das klinische Management sinnvoll. So sprechen die Inflammasomopathien in vielen Fällen auf eine Blockade des Interleukin(IL)-1β an, während die Typ-1-Interferonopathien einer Therapie mithilfe der Januskinase(JAK)-Inhibition zugänglich sind. / Autoinflammatory diseases comprise a growing genetically heterogeneous group of diseases with a broad and variable clinical spectrum. From a nosological perspective, a strict demarcation of autoinflammation from autoimmunity and immunodeficiency does not reflect the current state of knowledge on pathogenetic mechanisms. Therefore, a system-based classification according to the signalling pathways involved in the inflammatory processes, appears to be more useful also with respect to clinical management. As such, inflammasomopathies commonly respond to an interleukin 1 beta (IL-1-beta) blockade, while type 1 interferonopathies can be treated with Janus kinase (JAK) inhibition.

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