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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les laboratoires de l’architecture : enquête épistémologique sur un paradigme historique

Helal, Bechara 08 1900 (has links)
Si les lieux et les pratiques de l’architecture sont communément décrits par des termes empruntés aux arts (atelier, création, œuvre), la discipline a recours de façon croissante à des termes scientifiques (laboratoire, expérimentation, recherche). Cet intérêt contemporain pour des activités liées à la recherche scientifique se cristallise autour du « laboratoire architectural », une notion aujourd’hui courante dont les premières matérialisations remontent à la fin du XIXe siècle et dont la présence se renforce avec le récent « tournant numérique ». Or ce terme reste aujourd’hui sans définition claire. Qu’est‐ce qu’un « laboratoire architectural »? Quels éléments en constituent‐ils le modèle théorique? Quels sont les enjeux liés à l’émergence de la figure du laboratoire en architecture ? Pourquoi et pour quoi les architectes ont-ils recours à la figure du laboratoire ? La thèse s’organise en deux grandes parties, chacune structurée autour d’une série de questions complémentaires dans le but de rendre compte de la façon la plus complète de la nature du laboratoire architectural. La première partie apporte un éclairage historique sur la création de la figure du laboratoire architectural et se conclut sur une explicitation des grands éléments constitutifs d’un modèle du laboratoire architectural. Les cas étudiés sont le Architectural Laboratory du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), les nombreux laboratoires architecturaux des avant-gardes russes des années 1920, et le cas remarquable qu’est le Laboratory for Design Correlation fondé et dirigé par Frederick Kiesler à l’Université Columbia (1937–1942). Cette étude de cas se conclut sur la formulation des trois grands éléments constitutifs d’un modèle du laboratoire architectural qui sont 1. l’instrumentation matérielle, 2. la méthode de travail, et 3. les échanges sociaux. La seconde partie explicite chacun de ces trois axes en montrant de quelle manière ils ont structuré trois grandes catégories de laboratoires architecturaux, soit 1. le laboratoire comme ensemble d’instruments, 2. le laboratoire comme application d’une méthode et 3. le laboratoire comme flux d’échanges sociaux. La conclusion de la thèse traite des multiples enjeux que soulève le laboratoire architectural en abordant celui-ci dans sa relation à la discipline et hors de la discipline et se clôt sur la formulation d’un modèle théorique du laboratoire architectural. A travers l’explicitation de ce qui apparait comme un « paradigme du laboratoire », cette recherche épistémologique se veut une contribution à la théorisation de l’architecture contemporaine. / Architectural sites and practices are commonly described in terms borrowed from the arts (studio, creation, masterpiece) and yet, the architectural field relies increasingly on scientific terms (laboratory experimentation, research). This contemporary interest in activities related to scientific research appears to coalesce around the now common notion of "architectural laboratory". Its first materialization dates back to the late nineteenth century and its presence has greatly increased since the recent "digital turn", although this term remains, to this day, still not properly defined. What is an "architectural laboratory"? What elements form its theoretical model? What are the issues related to the emergence of the figure of the "architectural laboratory"? Why and for what purpose do architects refer to the figure of the laboratory? The thesis is organized into two parts, each part being structured around a series of additional questions in order to access the complex nature of the architectural laboratory. The first section provides a historical perspective on the appearance of the figure of the architectural laboratory and concludes with an analysis of the major components of the architectural laboratory model. The case studies are the Architectural Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the numerous architectural laboratories of the 1920s Russian avant-gardes and the remarkable case that is the Laboratory for Design Correlation founded and directed by Frederick J. Kiesler at Columbia University (1937–1942). This case study results in the formulation of the three major components of a model of architectural laboratory: 1. the material instrumentation, 2. the working method, and 3. the social exchanges. The second part will clarify each of these three axes, showing how they have structured three major categories of architectural laboratories, being 1. the laboratory as a set of instruments, 2. the laboratory as application of a method, and 3. the laboratory as social exchange flows. The conclusion of the thesis tackles the multiple issues raised by the architectural laboratory by considering the impact of this notion both within the discipline of architecture and outside of its limits. The thesis concludes with the formulation of a theoretical model of the architectural laboratory. Through the clarification of what appears to be a "paradigm of the laboratory", this epistemological research is a contribution to the theory of contemporary architecture.

Entre figuration et abstraction, danse et poésie plastiques : échanges et influences entre les peintres, les chorégraphes et les librettistes entre 1909 et 1933, en France, Allemagne, Italie et Suisse / Between figuration and abstraction, plastic dance and poetry : exchange and influence between painters, choreographers and librettists from 1909 to 1933 in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland

Cléren, Marie 30 November 2017 (has links)
Phénomène protéiforme, l’abstraction picturale a bouleversé le monde des arts à l’aube du XXᵉ siècle. En Europe, de la Belle époque aux Années folles, les peintres d’avant-garde ont croisé le chemin de poètes et de chorégraphes avec lesquels ils partageaient le même désir de changement. Sous l’égide de mécènes ou d’amateurs éclairés, leurs collaborations ont donné naissance à des spectacles d’un genre nouveau où les frontières entre les différentes disciplines se trouvent abolies. Associer la peinture, art de l'espace, à la danse, qui y introduit le temps, soulève quelques questions qui ont fait émerger l’idée d’un « ballet plastique » se substituant au « ballet dramatique » théorisé par Noverre. L’art chorégraphique et l’art pictural ont exercé l’un sur l’autre une influence réciproque dont la recherche commence seulement à mesurer l’importance. Cependant, peut-on parler d’abstraction totale dans un domaine où rien n’est plus concret qu’un corps qui danse ? S’il n’y a pas une évolution linéaire alliant la figuration à l’abstraction entre 1909 à 1933, certains principes mis en œuvre sur les toiles ont été appliqués à la fois sur la scène et dans les coulisses du ballet. Les peintres vont-ils réussir à rompre l’illusion en sortant de la cage de scène ? En agrandissant leurs toiles, vont-ils réussir autre chose qu’un tableau animé ? Que devient le livret dans un ballet où la lettre s’efface devant les couleurs et les formes ? Poser la question de l’abstraction en littérature revient à remettre en cause l’existence même d’un texte comme support du ballet. Or, le livret, loin de disparaître, se métamorphose et occupe aussi une place de choix dans cette composition abstraite. / In the run-up to the 20th century, a multifaceted phenomenon called pictorial abstraction has turned the art community upside down. In Europe, from the “Belle Epoque” to the Roaring Twenties, avant-garde painters have crossed paths with poets and choreographers with whom they shared their desire for change. Their collaborations with donors and enlightened amateurs gave rise to a new kind of shows in which the boundaries between the various artistic disciplines have been abolished. The association of painting to spatial art and dance that also brought in time, raised questions that led to an idea of a “plastic ballet” as a substitute for “dramatic ballet”; an idea put forward by Noverre. The choreographic and pictorial worlds have had a reciprocal influence on one another; however, the research world is only now starting to consider the significance of these interactions. Anyhow, is it possible to talk about a total abstraction within this particular field, knowing that nothing can be more concrete than a dancing body? This trend is not a linear evolution from figuration towards abstraction between 1909 and 1933 but some principles used on canvases were applied in the ballet world, both on stage and backstage. Will painters manage to break the illusion by breaking out of the cage-like stage? By expanding the sizes of their paintings, will they have anything else to show than animated tableaux? What happens to the libretto in a ballet where letters are outweighed by colours and shapes? Questioning abstraction in literature involves questioning the mere existence of texts as the underpinning of ballets. Yet, the libretto is far from disappearing ; it transforms itself and is thus at the forefront of this abstract composition.

Flute Music of Cristóbal Halffter: His Roots in Spanish Tradition and Place in the Avant-Garde Generación del 51

Godoy, Martin, Jr. 05 1900 (has links)
Cristóbal Halffter, born in 1930, established himself as an important figure in Spanish avant-garde composition in the middle of the twentieth-century. As one of the prominent leaders of the Generación del 51, he helped establish modernity in music as a part of Spain's identity. His compositional style mixing tradition with the avant-garde was built on the success and breakthrough of Manuel de Falla, a composer with close ties to Halffter's family and served as a 'father figure' to the Generación del 51. This study begins with a discussion on Falla's work and reception, as he lay the groundwork for modernism in Spanish music. Further, discussion on Halffter's background and compositional periods, from his nationalist approach in the 1950s to his embrace of the avant-garde in the 1960s and beyond exemplifies Halffter's prominent role in shaping Spanish modernity. This research then sheds light on previously unexplored solo flute works Debla [Solo VI] for Flute and Studie II [Solo III] for Flute by Halffter. Provided is insight to their respective influences (the Spanish debla and the Fibonacci sequence), analysis of each work, and a discussion on their similarities and differences. By taking an informative approach prior to analysis and performance suggestions, readers will gain insight to Halffter's Spanish roots as they relate to nationalism and the avant-garde, his affiliation with the Generación del 51, and his compositional style.

From Irreverent to Revered: How Alfred Jarrys <i>Ubu Roi</i> and the "U-Effect" Changed Theatre History

Mekeel, Lance 24 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Ethos et écriture performative dans le manifeste avant-gardiste : l'apport des autrices et femmes artistes

Beauchamp Houde, Sarah-Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle / Le genre du manifeste prend son essor dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, notamment dans le contexte des avant-gardes historiques en réaction aux nombreux bouleversements sociopolitiques et esthétiques à l’aube des deux guerres mondiales. Alors que les signataires des manifestes dits « fondateurs » des mouvements futuriste, dadaïste et surréaliste se sont vu arroger le titre de « chef de file » dans la foulée de leur publication, la faible participation des femmes dans leur élaboration est remarquable, se limitant tout au plus à une co-signature (comme dans le cas de Sophie Taeuber et du manifeste Dada-Zurich). Or, nombreuses sont les autrices et les artistes à avoir investi ce genre mêlant création et théorie dans une volonté de négocier avec la pensée dominante d’un mouvement avant-gardiste donné et – cela va sans dire – avec les conventions littéraires et esthétiques institutionnalisées. Observer leurs productions dans une approche à la fois féministe et rhétorique montre que les femmes signataires investissent singulièrement cette écriture marquée par la provocation et la violence verbale. Elles forcent ainsi la redéfinition des trois principes fondateurs du geste manifestaire : l’opposition, l’imposition et le regroupement. En résultent des programmes polémiques en réaction explicite aux manifestes officiels ainsi qu’à d’autres consacrés à la défense et à l’illustration d’une pensée artistique qui se veut plus indépendante des textes signés par des hommes. En se mettant elles-mêmes en scène, les créatrices incarnent des positions de dissociation par rapport à certaines idées, valeurs ou pratiques scripturaires et artistiques défendues plus largement dans l’un ou l’autre des mouvements. Dès lors, le manifeste devient le lieu d’une réelle performance de soi rendant possible l’appropriation par les femmes de ce genre historiquement investi par les hommes pour l’adapter à un discours qui s’inscrit dans une marginalité complète. / The genre of the manifesto is linked to the cultural history of the first half of the 20th century with the historical avant-gardes, in reaction to the numerous socio-political and aesthetic upheavals at the dawn of the two world wars. While the signatories of the so-called « founding » manifestos of the Futurist, Dada and Surrealist movements were given the title of « chef de file » in the wake of their publication, the low level of participation by women in their elaboration is remarkable, limited at most to a co-signature (such as Sophie Taeuber with the Dada-Zurich manifesto). Yet many female authors and artists have taken up this genre, which combines creation and theory, in a desire to negotiate with the dominant thought of a given avant-garde movement and – it goes without saying – with institutionalized literary and aesthetic conventions. Observing their productions from both a feminist and a rhetorical perspective shows that the women signatories are singularly invested in this form of writing marked by provocation and verbal violence. In doing so, they force a redefinition of the three founding principles of the manifesto gesture: opposition, coercion and grouping. The result is polemical programs in explicit reaction to official manifestos, as well as others devoted to the defense and illustration of an artistic thought more independent of texts signed by men. By putting themselves on stage, women creators embody positions of dissociation from certain ideas, values or scriptural and artistic practices defended more broadly in one or other of the movements. From then on, the manifesto becomes the site of a real self-performance, making it possible for women to appropriate a genre historically invested by men and adapt it to a discourse that is completely marginal.

Signals and noise : art, literature and the avant-garde

Otty, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
One of the most consistent features of the diverse artistic movements that have flourished throughout the twentieth century has been their willingness to experiment in diverse genres and across alternative art forms. Avant-gardes such as Expressionism, Dada, Surrealism, Futurism, Fluxus and Pop were composed not only of painters but also dramatists, musicians, actors, singers, dancers, sculptors, poets and architects. Their works represent a dramatic process of crossfertilization between the arts, resulting in an array of hybrid forms that defy conventional categorisation. This thesis investigates implications of this cross-disciplinary impulse and aims by doing so to open out a site in which to reassess both the manner in which the avant-gardes have been theorised and the impact their theorisation has had on contemporary aesthetics. In the first part of this study, I revisit the work of the most influential theorists of the avant-garde in order to ask what the term “avant-garde” has come to signify. I look at how different theories of the avant-garde and of modernism relate to one another as well as asking what effect these theories have had on attempts to evaluate the legacies of the avant-gardes. The work of Theodor Adorno provides a connective tissue throughout the thesis. In Chapter One, I use it to complicate Peter Bürger’s notion of the avant-garde as “anti-art” and to argue that the most pressing challenge that the avant-gardes announce is to think through the cross-disciplinarity that marks their work. In Chapter Two, I trace how painting has come to be considered as the paradigmatic modernist art form and how, as a result, the avant-garde has been read as a secondary, “literary” phenomenon to be grasped through its relation to painting. I argue that this constitutes a systematic devaluation of literature and has resulted in an “art historical” model of the avant-gardes which represses both their real radicality and implications of their work for these kinds of disciplinary structures. In the second part of this thesis, I explore works which examine and question the aesthetic hierarchies and notions of aesthetic autonomy that the theories of modernism and the avant-garde explored in the first part set up. In Chapter Three, I approach by way of two cross-disciplinary works which employ literature and visual art: Marcel Duchamp’s Green Box (1934) and Andy Warhol’s a; a novel (1968). Works such as these, which slip through the gaps between literary and art history, have, I argue, important implications for literary and visual aesthetics but are often overlooked in disciplinary histories. In my final chapter, I return to the theory of the avant-garde as it emerges in the work of Jean-Francois Lyotard. I examine how his work reconfigures Adorno’s aesthetics by performing the cross-disciplinary movement that it argues is characteristic of avant-garde art works. Tracing his “post-aesthetic” response to Duchamp and Warhol, I explore how Lyotard articulates a mode of practice that moves beyond the dichotomy of “art” and “antiart” and opens out a site in which the importance of the twentieth century avant-gardes is made visible. I conclude by briefly considering the implications of the avant-garde, as I have presented it in this thesis, for contemporary debates on the twenty-first century “digital avant-gardes” and recent writing on aesthetics.

Les relations entre la scène et le cinéma dans le spectacle d'avant-garde : une étude intermédiale et in situ de Relâche de Picabia, Satie et Clair

Bouchard, Karine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal. / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Prvky fin-de-siècle v románu Flanna O'Briena Třetí strážník / Fin-de-siècle Elements in Flann O'Brien's Novel The Third Policeman

Brymová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerns the similarities between Flann O'Brien's novel The Third Policeman and fin-de-siècle literature, more specifically decadent literature and literature of the early avant-garde. The fact that, apart from metafiction, O'Brien's novel does not deal with aesthetics (neither when it comes to the form nor when it comes to the topic) does not invalidate the presence of fin-de-siècle elements or strategies in it; the elements only change and thus adapt to their new environment. Many of them become ironic, other ones actively contribute to the metafictional scope of the novel. The first chapter explains the parallels between The Third Policeman and fin- de-siècle literature in general. It concentrates primarily on decadent literature and its central theme of "unnaturalness." Unnaturalness occurs in variegated forms, such as artifice, artificiality or make-believe. Unnaturalness can be detected also in the protagonists themselves and even (in compliance with the metafiction of the novel) in the form of O'Brien's hellish world where the narrator finds himself. Discovering and experiencing various forms of unnaturalness go hand in hand with sense perception which is what the chapter also refers to - The Third Policeman remarkably reflects descriptions of sense experiences known from...

Koncepce životního slohu u Bohuslava Brouka v kontextu české meziválečné avantgardy / Conception of Life Style of Bohuslav Brouk in the Context of Czech Interwar Avant-Garde

Ecksteinová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis concentrates mainly on mapping of specific term "Life style" and compares its conceptions with classical theory of style with respect to period context. The authors who participated in development of the term "Life style" in a Czech aesthetics are introduced in the thesis: Karel Honzík, Oldřich Stefan, Ladislav Žák and mainly Bohuslav Brouk, who was engaged in the topic the most by far. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and understand specific and original interpretation of style proclaimed by Bohuslav Brouk and his peers and followers. The second aim is to do a subsequent research of the status of the aesthetic function in the theory of "Life style". Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Arte, objetos e vida cotidiana: do nascimento ao ocaso das vanguardas / Art, objects and everyday life: as from the appearing to the twilight of the avant-gardes

Oliveira, Arthur Walesko Veras de 28 February 2019 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, procuramos, a partir da Grande Exposição Universal de Londres em 1851, o início de um debate mais intenso de aproximação da arte com a indústria para, assim, perceber como elementos estéticos começam a permear a vida cotidiana. Essas questões ganham fôlego com as vanguardas, principalmente, com a Bauhaus de Walter Gropius e com o ready-made de Marcel Duchamp. Problematizar como cada um desses artistas buscou o novo, para aproximar Arte e Vida, usando estratégias diferentes, mas recorrendo ao mesmo suporte: o objeto. Ao longo do século XX, perceberemos como, no pós-segunda guerra, há uma mudança no contexto histórico e como as artes plásticas e aplicadas respondem ao debate: arte e indústria, ready-made e Bauhaus. Veremos que as respostas serão com a pop art e as vanguardas italianas do design. Nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, analisamos a sobrecarga da narrativa moderna, tendo a implosão do conjunto residencial Pruitt-Igoe como marco desse processo. O resultado é o ocaso das vanguardas e a centralidade da cultura Kitsch, que inverte a questão levantada por elas de aproximar arte e vida; agora, é a vida cotidiana naquilo que tem de mais banal que se aproxima da arte. As consequências dessa mudança são as repetições de imagens do passado e a descontinuidade na história da arte. Assim, demonstraremos como a arte e os objetos de uso colaboraram com a construção do modo de vida nessa nova tradição. / In this research, we have studied, as from the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations in 1851, in London, the start-up of a more intense debate on the approximation of Art with Industry for, thus, realizing how aesthetic elements begin to make part of everyday life. Such issues are increased with the Avant-Gardes mainly with Walter Gropiuss Bauhaus and the Marcel Duchamps Ready-mades. We have also studied how each of these artists had searched the \"new\" to approach Art and Life using different strategies but the same support: the object. During the 20th century, after the second World War, we may realize that there is a change in the historical context and how Visual Arts and Applied Arts answer to the debate: Art and Industry, Ready-made and Bauhaus. We may see that the answers will be with Pop Art and the Italian Design Vanguards. In the decades of 1960 and 1970, we have analised the overload on the modern narrative, having the implosion of the Pruitt-Igoe residential condo as this process\' milestone. The result is the Avant- Gardes twilight and the Kitsch culture centrality, which inverts the issue they bring up in order to approach Art and Life; now, on the other hand, it\'s everyday life that is close to Art in what it has of most banal. This change consequences are the repetitions of past images and the discontinuity in Art History. Thus, we may demonstrate how Art and objects of use have contributed with the way life construction in this new tradition.

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