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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theory of Disordered Magnets

Peil, Oleg E. January 2009 (has links)
Studying magnetic properties of disordered alloys is important both for the understanding of phase transformations in alloys and from the point of view of fundamental issues of magnetism in solids. Disorder in a magnetic system can result in unconventional magnetic structures, such as spin glass, which have rather peculiar features. In this Thesis, a rather general approach to studying disordered magnetic alloys from first principles is presented. Phase transformations and magnetic behavior of crystalline substitutional alloys are considered. This approach is exemplified by calculations of an archetypical spin-glass material: the CuMn alloy. First, a general theoretical framework for the description of the thermodynamics of disordered magnetic alloys is given. It is shown that under certain conditions, a complex magnetic system can be reduced to an effective system containing no magnetic degrees of freedom. This substantially simplifies the investigation of phase transformations in magnetic alloys. The effective model is described in terms of material-specific interaction parameters. It is shown that interaction parameters can be obtained from the ground-state property of a disordered alloy which are in turn calculated from first principles by means of highly accurate up-to-date numerical techniques based on the Green's function method. The interaction parameters can subsequently be used in thermodynamic Monte-Carlo simulations to produce the atomic and magnetic structures of an alloy. An example of calculations for the Cu-rich CuMn alloy is given. It is demonstrated that the atomic and magnetic structure of the alloy obtained by the presented approach agrees very well with the results of neutron-scattering experiments for this system. Moreover, numerical simulations enable one to predict the ground state structure of the alloy, which is difficult to observe in experiment due to large atomic diffusion barriers at temperatures close to the temperature of the phase transformation. A general description of a spin glass is given, and difficulties of modeling this type of magnetic systems are discussed. To overcome the difficulties, improved Monte-Carlo methods, such as parallel tempering, overrelaxation technique, and finite-size scaling method of analysis, are introduced. The results for the CuMn alloy are presented.


Mugan, Orkun 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ni-MH battery today is one of the most widely used secondary battery type because of its properties like secure use at high voltages, excellent thermal properties and consisting of environmentally acceptable materials. LaNi5, as an anode material, is the dominant commercial active material for the Ni-MH battery industry. CaNi5, belonging to same crystal structure, is an alternative for LaNi5, due to higher hydrogen storage capacity, higher theoretical discharge capacity, light weight and low cost. However, low cycle life is the main restriction for the use of CaNi5. In this study, effects of alloying was studied using an ab initio pseudo potential method. In this regard, formation energies of the CaNi5 compounds having different alloying elements were calculated for the understanding of the effect of the alloying element on the stability of the compound. It was found that, all lanthanides and actinides and early transition metals (Sc, Y, Zr, Hf) replacing Ca and early transition metals (Sc, Ti, Zr, Hf) plus elements like Al, Si, P, Ge, Zn, Sn and Sb replacing Ni, decrease the formation energy of CaNi5. Lower formation energy, compared to the pure compound, increases the stability which could improve the cyclic durability of CaNi5 to be used as an anode in Ni-MH batteries. In addition, in order to investigate effects of alloying on Ca diffusion in CaNi5, activation energies of Ca diffusion for different alloys were calculated by Nudged Elastic Band method (NEB) method.

Propriétés spectroscopiques et structure électronique du vanadium dans des matériaux complexes: Implications géologiques et technologiques

Bordage, Amélie 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier les propriétés spectroscopiques et la structure électronique du vanadium dans différents minéraux d'intérêt géologique et/ou technologique. Une approche expérimentale basée sur la spectroscopie HERFD-XAS au seuil K du vanadium a été combinée à une approche théorique. Cette dernière couple calculs ab initio et calculs multiélectroniques des spectres XANES, permettant une interprétation plus fine des spectres expérimentaux. Des développements théoriques basés sur les tenseurs sphériques et la méthode des cosets ont été effectués puis appliqués au cas de la section efficace d'absorption des rayons X, afin d'extraire les propriétés spectroscopiques du cristal à partir de celles d'un site individuel. La signature spectrale de V3+ dans le grossulaire (Ca3Al2(SiO4)3) a été déterminée grâce à la dépendance angulaire du préseuil de son spectre XANES. Ce minéral peut donc être utilisé de manière fiable comme composé de référence dans l'étude du degré d'oxydation du vanadium dans des verres, de minéraux et de composés synthétiques. Le vanadium peut être incorporé comme dopant dans l'anatase (TiO2 ) sous forme de vanadium tétravalent. Son environnement local dans l'anatase a été sondé, montrant que le vanadium n'est pas incorporé en substitution du titane. Enfin, le degré d'oxydation du vanadium dans les titanomagnétites (Fe3-xTixO4 :V) du Bushveld (Afrique du Sud) a été déterminé pour des échantillons naturels et synthétiques. La coexistence de deux degrés d'oxydation (+III et +IV) a été montrée mais les implications de leur variations relatives sur la formation des couches géantes de magnétite dans le Bushveld restent encore mal comprises.

Fonctions d'onde locales dans le formalisme des liaisons fortes

Ben Chamekh, Ramzi 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Bien que la méthode des liaisons fortes avec son modèle sp3d5s représente l'état de l'art des calculs des propriétés électroniques et optiques des nanostructures à base de semiconducteurs, elle souffre d'un grave défaut : la forme spatiale des fonctions de base est inconnue, ce qui empêche le calcul des effets de corrélations entre quasi-particules. Nous avons proposé dans ce travail une méthode d'interpolation des fonction d'ondes mono-électroniques qui complète sur ce point la théorie des liaisons fortes. Cette méthode consiste à partir d'une base d'orbitales atomiques (dans la pratique, des orbitales de Slater) dotée de paramètres d'écrantage ajustables et de mettre en oeuvre une procédure d'orthogonalisation de Löwdin pour obtenir une base de projection de l'Hamiltonien des liaisons fortes. Ensuite, nous avons utilisé une procédure d'optimisation pour ajuster les paramètres d'écrantage de la base de départ de telle sorte que les propriétés optiques calculées à partir de l'Hamiltonien des liaisons fortes et celles calculées à partir des fonctions d'onde coïcident. Les résultats de cette une approche auto-cohérente ont été comparés à ceux des calculs ab initio et de la méthode des pseudopotentiels empiriques. Un premier test de la qualité des fonctions d'onde obtenues, ainsi qu'une application de la méthode, ont été réalisés en calculant les interactions de Coulomb directe et d'échange entre des paires électron-trou dans le GaAs massif. Nous avons ainsi obtenu la courbe de dispersion de la structure fine des excitons, en traitant sur un pied d'égalité tous les ingrédients du problème : détails de la dispersion monoélectronique tels que le warping de la bande de valence et les splittings de spin des électrons et des trous, interaction de Coulomb directe et interactions d'échange à courte et longue portée. Nos résultats sont en très bon accord avec les valeurs expérimentales de l'énergie de liaison et du splitting longitudinal-transverse.

Experimental and theoretical studies of nitride fuels

Pukari, Merja January 2013 (has links)
With respect to nitrides being considered as potential fast reactor fuels, research is conducted on the out-of-pile thermophysical properties, sintering and fabrication processes, gas migration mechanisms, self-diffusion and point defect behaviour of actinide nitrides, their surrogate materials, and the inert matrix material ZrN . The experimental research, carried out in the framework of qualifying fuel for the European Lead Cooled Training Reactor (ELECTRA), shows that sintered ZrN and (Dy,Zr)N pellet densities are influenced by the oxygen concentration in the material. The effect is confirmed in sintered (Pu,Zr)N pellets. Oxygen concentration also plays a role in the thermophysical properties of inert matrix nitride fuels, but does not have an impact on the electrical properties of these materials. With the fuel fabrication methods applied here, clean nitride powders can be synthesized. However, the subsequent fabrication phases, including milling and solid solution formation, increases the impurity levels significantly. Research of equal importance is performed on materials free of fabrication-induced impurities, whose properties are studied by employing first-principles methods. ZrN, UN and (U,Zr)N are studied, whereas the results from ZrN are expected to be applicable for actinide nitrides as a first approximation. The migration of noble gases in ZrN, on the atomic scale, confirms the experimentally observed tendency for noble gases with higher atomic number to be retained in the fuel matrix, while the majority of He is released to the fuel pin. Materials modelling implies that self-diffusion of nitrogen and metal atoms in inert matrix nitride fuels is accelerated under irradiation, since noble gas retention reduces migration barriers which govern self-diffusion. Unlike Kr and Xe, He has the capacity to be released into the fuel matrix, after having been trapped in a vacancy. The results are expected to aid in providing an explanation to the macroscopic diffusion phenomena in nitride fuels, as the diffusion behaviour of noble gases is sparsely studied. In addition, a study on the miscibility of ZrN and UN in a narrow composition range suggests solubility, based on the negative mixing energies. The results obtained from research on inert matrix nitride fuel underline several beneficial properties which are desirable in a fast reactor fuel. The relevance of these results is analyzed and contextualized in the thesis, from the perspective of current research and development in the field. / <p>QC 20130611</p>

Structure, stabilité et mobilité des défauts ponctuels dans le zirconium hexagonal compact : étude ab initio

Vérité, Guillaume 24 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié par des calculs de structure électronique ab initio la structure, la stabilité et la mobilité des lacunes, bilacunes et auto-interstitiels dans le zirconium hexagonal compact. La migration des mono-lacunes est légèrement plus rapide dans les plans de base et celle des bilacunes est isotrope et beaucoup plus rapide. Pour les auto-interstitiels, il existe une compétition entre sept configurations très proches en énergies, dont trois qui n'avaient pas été identifiées auparavant. Nos calculs suggèrent que la configuration basale octaédrique est la plus stable et que la migration est isotrope. Ce nouveau paysage énergétique, conforté par des simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab initio, permet de réconcilier calculs et expériences. Les autres métaux du groupe IVb, Ti et Hf, ont un comportement très semblable.

Solvation Dynamics and Ion Transport in Conventional Solvents and Plasticizers

Masia, Marco 24 October 2005 (has links)
El argumento fundamental de esta tesis es el estudio de la solvatación iónica por medio de cálculos con ordenador. Tres lineas de investigación han sido seguidas:(i) Solvatación y mobilidad ionica. Las características principales del processo de intercambio entre la primera y la segunda capa de hidratación iónica para Li+ en agua se ha encontrado ser independiente del estado termodinamico en gran medida. Ha sido demostrado que el desplazamiento cuadrático medio de moléculas pertenecientes a complejos inertes está caracterizado por un largo transitorio debido a la lenta relajación rotacional del complejo. El incremento del coeficiente de difusión iónico debido a los intecambios en la capa de solvatación ha sido calculado por primera vez en el caso de Li+ y Na+. Finalmente, se han derivado leyes de probabilidad que ponen en relación la estereoquímica y la velocidad iónica instantanea.(ii) Plastificantes. Se propone un nuevo procedimiento para el desarrollo de campos de fuerza intramoleculares, que funciona satisfactoriamente en el caso de dos moleculas de interés en las Batterias a Iones de Litio: carbonato de etileno y &#61543;-butirolactona. Respecto a la solvatación de Li+ en los dos solventes, el ión está coordenado por 4 moleculas a través del oxigeno del carbonilo con pequeñas distorsiones de la geometría molecular. La nueva asignación de los modos vibracionales hecha para las dos moléculas ha permitido calcular los cambios inducidos por el ión litio, explicando varias caracteristicas de los espectros esperimentales.(iii) Polarización. Se ha estudiado la eficacia de los metodos de polarización más comunes para simulaciones de Dinámica Molecular en dímeros ión-molécula, usando calculos ab initio como referencia. En lugar de centrarnos en la superficie de energía potencial completa (procedimiento típico), se ha considerado solo la parte electrostática. Se han desarrollado nuevos modelos polarizables para agua y tetracloruro de carbono, que reproducen el comportamiento de sistemas carga-molécula. Ha sido encontrado que, en el caso de dímeros ión-molécula, se requiere una corrección de amortiguamento de la polarización a cortas distancias. El método de los dipolos puntuales junto al método de amortiguamento de Thole reproduce satisfactoriamente las características principales para cationes y aniones atómicos. / The underlying topic of this thesis is the study of ion solvation by means of computer calculations. Three lines of investigation have been followed:(i) Solvation and Ionic Mobility. The main features of the exchange process between first and second ionic hydration shells for Li+ in water have been found to be largely independent of the thermodynamic state. It has been shown that the mean square displacement of molecules belonging to inert complexes is characterized by a long transient due to the slow rotational relaxation of the complex. The increase of the ionic diffusion coefficient due to solvation shell exchanges has been computed for the first time in the case of Li+ and Na+. Finally, probability laws have been derived which relate the stereochemistry and the instantaneous ionic velocity.(ii) Plasticizers. A new approach for the development of intramolecular force fields is proposed, which performs satisfactorily in the case of two molecules of interest for Lithium Ion Batteries: ethylene carbonate and &#61543;-butyrolactone. Concerning the solvation of Li+ in both solvents, it is coordinated by 4 molecules through the carbonyl oxygen with slight distorsions of the molecular geometry. The new vibrational mode assignment performed for both molecules has allowed to compute the vibrational shifts induced by the lithium ion, explaining a number of features present in the experimental spectra.(iii) Polarization. The performance of the most commonly used polarization methods for Molecular Dynamics simulation is studied for ion-molecule dimers, using ab initio calculations as benchmark. Instead of focusing on the full potential energy surface (the standard approach), only the electrostatic part is considered. New polarizable models have been developed for water and carbon tetrachloride, which reproduce the behaviour of charge-molecule systems. In the case of ion-molecule dimers it has been found that a polarization damping correction is required at short distances. The point dipole method in conjunction with the Thole damping scheme reproduces rather satisfactorily the main features both for atomic cations and anions.

Relations between the performance of a coated cutting tool and the composition and properties of the wear resistant coating : A study including first principles modeling, mechanical properties and technological testing

Bryngelsson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
This thesis work was performed at AB Sandvik Coromant and aimed to enhance the knowledge about the relationships between the performance of TiN and TiAlN-coated cutting tools in metal turning and their mechanical and chemical properties. Measurements of coating material properties and turning wear tests in annealed tool steel Sverker 21, stainless steel 316L, grey cast iron V314 and nodular cast iron SS0727 were performed. The cutting temperatures were estimated from FEM-simulations. To find the dominant wear mechanism and identify the properties that are most important for the resistance against that particular wear, a correlation analysis was performed together with a wear study using LOM, SEM and EDS. The results show that relations between cutting performance and mechanical properties and/or composition of the coatings can be established. The FEM-simulations suggested that the peak tool temperature was highest, ~750°C, for turning in 316L and lowest for turning in Sverker 21, ~300°C. Turning in cast iron resulted in temperatures around 500-550°C. A mechanism for the growth of the crater on inserts tested in stainless steel 316L is proposed. Wear due to thermo-mechanical load and adhesion are believed to be the dominating wear mechanisms. The performance of the tool showed a high correlation to the composition of the coatings, with a decreased tool life for higher Al-contents. The reason for this might lie in an increased brittleness of these coatings, accelerating formation of lateral cracks above the crater. Calculated ratios of bulk and shear modulus suggests an increased brittleness for higher Al-contents. A higher tendency to stick to the work piece material might also contribute to a decrease in tool life. An Increased Al-content could also drive the formation of c-AlN to h-AlN, causing even higher wear rates. The coatings with higher substrate bias showed an enhanced performance, even though the crack pattern was worsened for these variants. The reason for the enhanced performance seen for these variants might instead originate in an enhanced adhesion to the substrate. In the flank wear resistance test in Sverker 21 the Al-content proved to be important, with an improved performance for higher Al-contents. In contrast to the test in 316L, a change in bias or hardness had no effect on the performance in this test. Scratch patterns on the flank supports that an abrasive wear mechanism is present, but no correlation between hardness and tool life could be obtained. Either some other material property than hardness is of importance for the abrasive resistance in this test, or another wear mechanism, occurring simultaneously with abrasion, is the wear rate deciding. The second part of this thesis work was to evaluate the ability of a quantum mechanical computational method, density functional theory, to predict material properties. The method predicts the lattice parameters and bulk moduli in excellent agreement with experimental values. The method also well predicts other elastic properties, with results consistent with reference values. There seems to be a constant shift of about 50-100 GPa between the calculated elastic modulus and the experimentally measured values, probably originating in contributions from grain boundaries, texture, stresses and defects present in the real coatings, and possibly also in errors in the experimental method due to an influence from the substrate. The calculated hardness values did not follow the trend of an increased hardness for TiAlN compared to TiN, which is seen in experiments.

Ab-initio elastic and thermodynamic properties of high-temperature cubic intermetallics at finite temperatures

Williams, Michael Eric 15 May 2009 (has links)
In thiswork we present the development of a method for the prediciton of finite temperature elastic and thermodynamic properties of cubic, non-magnetic unary and binary metals from first principles calculations. Vibrational, electronic and anharmonic contributions to the free energy are accounted for while magnetic effects are neglected. The method involves the construction of a free energy surface in volume/temperature space through the use of quasi-harmonic lattice dynamics. Additional strain energy calculations are performed and fit to the derived thermal expansion to present the temperature dependence of single crystal elastic constants. The methods are developed within the framework of density functional theory, lattice dynamics, and finite elasticity. The model is first developed for FCC aluminum and BCC tungsten which demonstrate the validity of the model as well as some of the limitations arising from the approximations made such as the effects of intrinsic anharmonicity. The same procedure is then applied to the B2 systems NiAl, RuAl and IrAl which are considred for high temperature applications. Overall there is excellent correlation between the calculated properties and experimentally tabulated values. Dynamic methods for the prediction of temperature dependent properties are also introduced and a groundwork is laid for future development of a robust method.

Molecular Simulation Study of Diverting Materials Used in Matrix Acidizing

Sultan, Abdullah S. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
Recently there has been a great deal of attention in the oilfield industry focused on the phenomenal properties of viscoelastic surfactants (VES). The interest is motivated by their applications as switchable smart fluids, their surface tension, and their thickening and rheology enhancement in aqueous solution. Surfactant molecules in solution are known for their ability to assemble spontaneously into complex structures. Under certain thermodynamic conditions, temperature and electrolyte concentrations, wormlike micelles are formed. These micelles share similar equilibrium and dynamic properties with polymer solutions, However, micellar chains can break and recombine spontaneously which make them part of the more general class of living polymers. It is vital to understand the properties of viscoelastic wormlike micelles with regard to their flow in porous media. The overall objective of this study is to establish a better understanding of counterion effect on behavior of VES. The dependence of macroscopic properties on intermolecular interactions of complex fluid systems such as VES is an enormous challenge. To achieve our objective, we use first-principle calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to resolve the full chemical details in order to study how the structure of the micellar and solution properties depends on the chemical structure of the surfactant head group (HG) and type of counterion. In particular, we run simulations for different structures in gas-phase and aqueous solutions together with their salt counterions at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. For this purpose, we consider four types of surfactant HG (anionic, cationic, betaine and amidoamine oxide) together with the most common ions present in the acidizing fluid of a carbonate reservoir such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Zn2+, Cl-, OH- and HS-. Hydration of ions as well as interactions with surfactant the HG are studied using density functional theory (DFT). The results give important insight into the links between molecular details of VES HG structure and observed solution properties. This study proposes for the first time the possible mechanisms that explain the exotic behavior of VES at high Fe(III) concentration. Also, our MD simulation suggests that distribution of chloride ion around surfactant molecules is responsible for their viscosity behavior in HCl solution. We believe that our results are an important step to develop more systematic procedures for the molecular design and formulation of more effective and efficient VES systems.

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