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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The calculation of the thermal dependency of the magnetic susceptibility in extended systems with ab initio electronic structure parameters

Negodaev, Igor 18 February 2011 (has links)
La tesi estudia l'acoblament magnètic en sistemes de diferent dimensionalitat amb mètodes multireferencials. L’objectiu principal del treball és calcular propietats macroscòpiques, com la dependència de la susceptibilitat magnètica amb la temperatura, a partir de la constant d'intercanvi magnètic calculada, J. Aquest paràmetre microscòpic quantifica la interacció magnètica entre dos centres i es pot extreure per ajust de la corba de susceptibilitat experimental en sistemes finits però això no és possible en sistemes magnètics infinits com cadenes o capes 2D. L’estratègia del treball és calcular J en petits clusters i simular els sistemes estesos utilitzant aquesta J en l’Hamiltonià de Heisenberg en models de 8 a 16 centres. Amb l’espectre obtingut es construeixen les corbes de dependència tèrmica de la susceptibilitat magnètica que, comparades amb les experimentals, donen la possibilitat de quantificar les interaccions magnètiques dels materials estudiats a nivell microscòpic. S'han estudiat diferents tipus de sistemes estesos com cadenes i xarxes hexagonals, on els centres magnètics són ions de metalls de transició. / The thesis studies the magnetic coupling in systems of different dimensionality, by using multireference methods. The aim of the work is to determine macroscopic properties such as the thermal dependency of magnetic susceptibility, from the calculated magnetic exchange constant J. This microscopic parameter quantifies the magnetic interaction between two magnetic sites and can be extracted from the experimental susceptibility curve in finite systems. However this extraction is not possible in extended magnetic systems such as chains or 2D-layers. The strategy followed consists in calculating J in small clusters and in simulating the extended systems by introducing the calculated J in the Heisenberg Hamiltonian of 8 to 16 site models. From the spectrum, the thermal dependency of the magnetic susceptibility is the calculated. When compared to the experimental one, this curve gives a quantification of the magnetic interactions of the studied materials at the microscopic level. We have studied different types of extended systems such as chains and hexagonal lattices, where the magnetic sites are transition metal ions.

Estudio AB initio de mecanismos de reacción en sistemas moleculares fotosensibles

Gomez Lara, Isabel 15 July 2005 (has links)
Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del trabajo que se realiza en el Grup de Química Quàntica de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili y en ella se ha abordado el estudio teórico de varios sistemas moleculares fotosensibles de interés sintético y tecnológico. El uso de métodos ab initio ha permitido evaluar la naturaleza de los estados excitados implicados, las geometrías y energías de las especies que se forman y los mecanismos que conducen a sus transformaciones fotoquímicas, así como examinar el efecto producido en el mecanismo de reacción por factores como la variación de los grupos sustituyentes o el medio de reacción. Para ello, ha sido necesario el análisis de las superficies de energía potencial de los estados excitados de menor energía en cada uno de los sistemas en los que se producen las reacciones fotoquímicas estudiadas. Es esencial localizar puntos críticos (mínimos y estados de transición), caminos de reacción y puntos de interacción entre superficies, como son intersecciones cónicas, cruces reales y cruces evitados. Una condición imprescindible, que implica una dificultad importante añadida, es que es necesario llevar a cabo estos cálculos con una precisión similar a la del estado fundamental, por lo es indispensable el uso de una metodología ab initio que proporcione una descripción precisa de las superficies de energía potencial de los estados excitados implicados. Esta memoria se ha estructurado de la siguiente forma: el capítulo 2 consiste en una introducción general que incluye los aspectos básicos a considerar en las reacciones fotoquímicas, mientras que en el capítulo 3 se describen los métodos teóricos que se han utilizado en el estudio de las reacciones estudiadas. El capítulo 4 está dedicado al estudio de los mecanismos de las diferentes transformaciones fotoquímicas que sufren los derivados de biciclo[3.1.0]-3-hexen-2-onas, se han comparado las reacciones competitivas y se ha determinado la naturaleza electrónica de los intermedios de reacción que se generan. En este capítulo se incluyen también la tautomerización ceto-fenólica, ya que es la última etapa de reacción de una transposición de las biciclohexenonas, y el mecanismo de interconversión entre los isómeros más importantes del fenol. Se ha evaluado además la entalpía de disociación del enlace OH en la molécula de fenol y su barrera de rotación interna. En el capítulo 5 se han estudiado diferentes sistemas con grupos  donor-aceptor en los que se pueden producir reacciones de transferencia intramolecular de carga. Se ha determinado el mecanismo por el cual transcurren estas reacciones, la naturaleza electrónica de las especies implicadas y el papel que juega el medio de reacción en el fenómeno de la fluorescencia dual. El capítulo 6 aborda los procesos que se producen en moléculas cuyas propiedades cromáticas se pueden intercambiar reversiblemente mediante el uso de una fuente de radiación. En concreto se han estudiado los isómeros cis y trans de la molécula de merocianina y se ha establecido el mecanismo de la reacción fotoquímica que conduce a la formación de la molécula de benzopirano. Por último, en el capítulo 7 se presentan las principales conclusiones extraídas de los capítulos anteriores. / This thesis is in the line with the work performed in the Grup de Química Quàntica of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and it covers the theoretical study of several photosensitive molecular systems with synthetic and technological interest. The use of ab initio methods has allowed to evaluate the nature of the excited states implied in the reactions, the geometries and energetics of the species that are formed and the mechanisms that lead to the photochemical transformations, as well as to examine the effect produced in the reaction mechanism by factors like the variation of the substituent groups or the reaction field. For this reason, it has been necessary the analysis of the potential energy surfaces of the lower energy excited states in each of the systems in those it is produced the photochemical reactions studied. It is essential to locate critical points (minima and transition states), reaction pathways and interaction points between surfaces, as it is the case of conical intersections, real crossings and avoided crossings. An indispensable condition, which implies an important added difficulty, is that it is necessary to carry out these calculations with a precision similar to that of ground state, for it the use of an ab initio methodology has been indispensable because it provides an accurate description of the potential energy surfaces of the excited states involved in the reaction. This memory is organized in the following way: chapter 2 consists of a general introduction that includes the basic aspects that one has to take in consideration regarding to the photochemical reactions, whereas chapter 3 collects a description of the theoretical methods that have been used in the study of these photochemical reactions. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the study of the reaction mechanisms of the different photochemical transformations that suffer the bicyclo[3.1.0]-3-hexen-2-ones and their derivatives. The competitive reactions have been compared and it has been possible to elucidate the electronic nature of the reaction intermediates generated in the rearrangement. This chapter includes also the keto/phenol tautomerism, since it is the last step of the bicyclohexenones rearrangement, and the interconversion mechanism between the most important isomerics of phenol. There has been evaluated the OH bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) in phenol molecule and the rotation barrier through the OH bond. Chapter 5 involved the study of different systems with  groups donor-acceptor united by a single bond that can produce intramolecular charge transfer reactions. It has been possible to establish the mechanism for which there pass these reactions, the electronic nature of the species involved and the role that the polar medium plays in the phenomenon of the dual fluorescence. Chapter 6 raises the processes that take place in molecules whose chromatic properties can be reversibly interchanged by the use of a radiation source. More specifically, it has been studied the cis/trans isomerism in a merocyanine molecule and it has been established the photochemical ring-closure mechanism that leads to the formation of the benzopyran molecule. Finally, in chapter 7 there are collected the main conclusion extracted from the previous chapters.

Zero-field anisotropic spin hamiltonians in first-row transition metal complexes: theory, models and applications

Maurice, Rémi 20 June 2011 (has links)
Aquest treball presenta l’estudi teòric de l’anisotropia magnètica en complexos de metalls de transició, combinant esquemes de càlcul multiconfiguracionals relativistes amb derivacions analítiques basades en la teoria del camp del lligand, el que permet racionalitzar a través de conceptes senzills els resultats quantitatius obtinguts i interpretar les propietats estudiades. Es desenvolupa primer una metodologia per extreure els paràmetres d’anisotropia en complexos mononuclears de metalls de transició. El mètode es basa en assignar els resultats d’un càlcul ab initio d’alt nivell a un Hamiltonià model mitjançant la teoria d’Hamiltonians efectius. Aquesta metodologia s’aplica a complexos de Ni(II), Co(II) i Mn(III) i es comprova que és aplicable de forma general a complexos mononuclears. S’estén després la metodologia a complexos binuclears, pels quals l’Hamiltonià model usualment utilitzat té una base menys rigorosa. L’Hamiltonià efectiu obtingut per un complex binuclear de Ni(II) introdueix una nova parametrització amb termes addicionals de les interaccions anisotròpiques en sistemes polinuclears. Es tracta d’un procediment universal que proporciona valors precisos i a més és capaç de contrastar la consistència interna dels Hamiltonians models existents. Per racionalitzar les correlacions magnetoestructurals dels paràmetres d’anisotropia en complexos de Ni(II) i Mn(III), es descriuen els mecanismes electrònics bàsics en base a consideracions de la teoria del camp del lligand. Aquest procediment proporciona regles senzilles per augmentar l’anisotropia, que poden ser aplicades en el disseny de nous materials. Finalment, s’estudien les interaccions anisotròpiques simètriques i antisimètriques en compostos binuclears de Cu(II), interaccions de gran importància per explicar les propietats d’alguns materials d’interès tecnològic. Les interaccions antisimètriques s’extreuen a partir de càlculs ab initio d’estructura electrònica per primer cop en aquest treball. Es concentra l’atenció d’aquesta part en dos sistemes: el conegut complex binuclear de Cu(II) amb quatre ponts acetat, i l’òxid de coure en el que recentment s’ha evidenciat una fase ferroelèctrica.


Grimminger, Robert A 01 January 2014 (has links)
Radicals are interesting to study because of importance in so many processes such as semiconductor growth or stellar evolution. Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and wavelength resolved emission spectra of jet cooled HPS, HAsO, AsD2, H2PS, and F2BO have been measured using the pulsed discharge jet technique. Several bands in the à 1A′′ − X̃ 1A′ transition of HPS were observed and assigned with the help of ab initio calculations. The ab initio geometries showed that HPS does not follow Walsh’s predictions for the angle change upon electronic excitation; Walsh predicts an increase in HPS upon excitation while a decrease is calculated. Ab initio Walsh-style orbital angular correlation diagrams for both electronic states show a change in correlation for some orbitals upon electronic excitation, an effect that Walsh did not predict. The à 1A′′ − X̃ 1A′ transitions were measured in HAsO and DAsO for the first time. A molecular geometry was derived for each electronic state from experimental rotational constants. The experimental geometries prove that HAsO also violates Walsh’s rules for the same reason shown in HPS. The à 2A1 – X̃ 2B1 electronic transition of AsD2 and AsHD were measured. Vibrational levels observed in emission were fit to a local mode vibrational Hamiltonian. Using the previously reported rotational constants for AsH2 and those determined for AsD2 in this work, an improved estimate of the excited state geometry was obtained. The discovery of the B̃ 2A′ − X̃ 2A′ band system of H2PS is the first report of this molecule. Both D2PS and HDPS were also observed. Ab initio calculations helped assign the transition. H2PS is one of the few tetra-atomic or larger molecules that violates Kasha’s empirical rule due to the large separation between the B̃ and à states. Finally, laser induced fluorescence spectra of the F2BO radical was observed for the first time. Previous work showed two band systems with only a tentative assignment. The measured LIF spectra confirm the identity of the two band systems as the B̃ 2A1 – X̃ 2B2 and the B̃ 2A1 – à 2B1 transitions showing F2BO also violates Kasha’s rule.

Organic adsorbates on metal surfaces: PTCDA and NTCDA on Ag(110)

Abbasi, Afshin 03 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Polyaromatic molecules functionalized with carboxylic groups have served as model systems for the growth of organic semiconducting films on a large variety of substrates. Most non-reactive substrates allow for a growth mode compatible with the bulk phase of the molecular crystal with two molecules in the unit cell, but some more reactive substrates including Ag(111) and Ag(110) can induce substantial changes in the first monolayer (ML). In the specific case of Ag(110), the adsorbate unit cell of both NTCDA and PTCDA resembles a brickwall structure, with a single molecule in the unit cell. From this finding, it can be concluded that the adsorbate-substrate interaction is stronger than typical inter-molecular binding energies in the respective bulk phases. In the present work, the interactions between small Ag(110) clusters and a single NTCDA or PTCDA molecule are investigated with different ab initio techniques. Four major ingredients contribute to the binding between adsorbate and substrate: Directional bonds between Ag atoms in the topmost layer and the oxygen atoms of the molecule, Pauli repulsion between filled orbitals of molecule and substrate, an attractive van-der-Waals interaction, and a negative net charge on the molecule inducing positive image charges in the substrate, resulting therefore in an attractive Coulomb interaction between these opposite charges. As both Hartree-Fock theory and density functional theory with typical gradient-corrected density functional do not contain any long range correlation energy required for dispersion interactions, we compare these approaches with the fastest numerical technique where the leading term of the van-der-Waals interaction is included, i.e. second order Møller-Plesset theory (MP2). Both Hartree-Fock and density functional theories result in bended optimized geometries where the adsorbate is interacting mainly via the oxygen atoms, with the core of the molecule repelled from the substrate. Only at the MP2 level, the inclusion of the major part of the attractive van-der-Waals interaction brings the adsorbate back to an arrangement close to parallel to the substrate, with very small differences in height between the different subunits. With respect to experimental data obtained on Ag(111), the calculated distance between adsorbate and substrate is somewhat smaller, indicating that the open Ag(110) surface interacts more strongly with the organic compounds. This is consistent with the fact that only Ag(110) induces a brickwall unit cell of the adsorbate, a clear sign for a particularly large adsorption energy. The resulting model geometries are analysed in terms of cohesive energy, Mulliken charges, core level shifts, and vibrational properties. / Polyaromatische Moleküle, die mit Carboxylgruppen funktionalisiert wurden, haben als Modellsysteme für das Wachstum von organischen Halbleiterfilmen für eine breite Palette von Substraten gedient. Für die meisten nichtreaktiven Substrate ist ein zum molekularen Kristall kompatibles Wachstum mit zwei Monolagen pro Einheitszelle möglich, jedoch erzeugen reaktivere Substrate wie z.B. Ag(111) oder Ag(110) bereits substanzielle Modifikationen in der ersten Monolage. Im speziellen Fall von Ag(110) bildet die Adsorbateinheitszelle sowohl von NTCDA als auch PTCDA eine sogenannte brickwall structure heraus mit einem einzigen Molekül pro Einheitszelle. Aus dieser Beobachtung kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die Adsorbat-Substrat-Wechselwirkung stärker ist als die typischen intermolekularen Bindungsenergien in der entsprechenden Bulk-Phase. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen kleinen Ag(110)-Clustern und einem einzelnen NCTDA oder PTCDA-Molekül mit verschiedenen ab initio-Techniken untersucht. Im Wesentlichen tragen vier Hauptbestandteile zur Bindung zwischen Adsorbat und Substrat bei: Gerichtete Bindungen zwischen Ag-Atomen in der obersten Substratschicht und den Sauerstoffatomen des Moleküls, Pauli-Abstoßung zwischen besetzten Orbitalen von Molekül und Substrat, eine anziehende Van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkung sowie einer negativen Ladung des Moleküls und der dazugehörigen positiven Spiegelladung im Substrat, die zu einer anziehenden Coulombwechselwirkung führen. Da weder die Hartree-Fock-Theorie noch die Dichtefunktionaltheorie mit dem typischen gradientenkorrigierten Dichtefunktional die für Dispersionswechselwirkungen benötigte langreichweitige Korrelationsenergie beinhalten, vergleichen wir diese beiden Ansätze mit der schnellsten numerischen Methode, die den dominierenden Term der Van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkung beinhaltet, nämlich der Møller-Plesset-Theorie zweiter Ordnung (MP2). Sowohl die Hartree-Fock-Theorie als auch die Dichtefunktionaltheorie sagen verbogene optimierte Geometrien voraus, die vorwiegend durch die Sauerstoffatome interagieren, wohingegen die zentralen Teile des Moleküls vom Substrat abgestoßen werden. Lediglich die MP2, die den wesentlichen Teil der anziehenden Van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkung beinhaltet, sagt eine beinahe parallele Anordnung des Moleküls an das Substrat voraus, wobei die einzelnen Untereinheiten des Moleküls nur unwesentlich verschiedene Abstände zum Substrat haben. Im Vergleich zu experimentellen Daten für Ag(111) ist die berechnete Distanz zwischen Adsorbat und Substrat etwas kleiner, woraus sich schlussfolgern lässt, dass die offene Ag(110)-Oberfläche stärker mit den organischen Verbindungen interagiert. Das ist im Einklang mit der Tatsache, dass nur Ag(110) die brickwall-Struktur des Adsorbats besitzt, was ein deutliches Zeichen für eine hohe Adsorptionsenergie ist. Die resultierenden Modellgeometrien wurden bezüglich ihrer Kohäsionsenergie, Mullikenladungen, Kernelektronenniveauverschiebungen und vibrationeller Eigenschaften untersucht.

Density Functional and Ab Initio Study of Molecular Response

Peng, Degao January 2014 (has links)
<p>Quantum chemistry methods nowadays reach its maturity with various robust ground state correlation methods. However, many problems related to response do not have satisfactory solutions. Chemical reactivity indexes are some static response to external fields and number of particle change. These chemical reactivity indexes have important chemical significance, while not all of them had analytical expressions for direct evaluations. By solving coupled perturbed self-consistent field equations, analytical expressions were obtained and verified numerically. In the particle-particle (pp) channel, the response to the pairing field can describe <italic>N&plusmn;2</italic> excitations, i.e. double ionization potentials and double electron affinities. The linear response time-dependent density-functional theory (DFT) with pairing fields is the response theory in the density-functional theory (DFT) framework to describe $N\pm 2$ excitations. Both adiabatic and dynamic kernels can be included in this response theory. The correlation energy based on this response, the correlation energy of the particle-particle random phase approximation (pp-RPA), can also be proved equivalent to the ladder approximation of the well-established coupled-cluster doubles. These connections between the response theory, <italic>ab initio</italic> methods, and Green's function theory would be beneficial for further development. Based on RPA and pp-RPA, the theory of second RPA and the second pp-RPA with restrictions can be used to capture single and double excitations efficiently. We also present a novel methods, variational fractional spin DFT, to calculate singlet-triplet energy gaps for diradicals, which are usually calculated through spin-flip response theories.</p> / Dissertation

Highly accurate studies of the rovibronic states of small size radicals

Khalil, Hossain, Khalil, Hossain 14 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Highly correlated ab initio methodologies were used to investigate the rovibronic structure and the spectroscopy of 2 to 4 atoms radicals. For the CaO, OH, CaH, CaO+ and CaO− molecules, our computed spectroscopic constants are in good agreement with the experimental ones. The study of these diatomic fragments is essential to investigate the calcium monohydroxide isomers (CaOH-HCaO). The most complex system among these diatomic radicals is the calcium monoxide radical CaO due to high density low lying electronic states. The rovibrational energies of these states have been calculated, based on the potential energies obtained at high level of accuracy, taking into account the angular momentum and spin orbit couplings and found to be in a very good agreement with the experimental results. The complexity in studying such a system is again present in the ketenyl radical HCCO with highly coupled ground and first excited states. The Renner-Teller effect of HCCO is studied using a variational approach including all degrees of freedom. Valence coordinates have been used to fit both potential energy surfaces varying the six degrees of freedom. The low-lying rovibronic levels have been determined for different values of the total angular momentum

Influence de l'orientation des grains de ferrite sur l'oxydation sélective de l'acier

Chen, Si 07 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le procédé de galvanisation en continu consiste à recouvrir les tôles d'aciers d'un revêtement de zinc en les immergeant dans un bain métallique fondu. Lors du recuit continu à 800°C sous atmosphère N2‐H2 qui précède l'immersion de la tôle dans le bain, la structure de l'acier est recristallisée et les oxydes de fer sont réduits. Il se produit en même temps la ségrégation et l'oxydation des éléments d'alliages moins nobles que le fer, les oxydes formés pouvant être à l'origine de défauts de revêtement. Afin de mieux comprendre les réactions d'oxydation sélective qui se produisent à la surface et en profondeur de l'acier, nous avons étudié la germination et la croissance d'oxydes sélectifs sur un acier ferritique. Des alliages binaires de FeMn ont été étudiés dans ce travail. Les particules d'oxyde sont composées de l'oxyde de manganèse MnO. L'oxydation externe dépend de l'orientation cristallographique du substrat. Des particules de différentes formes sont observées sur des grains de ferrite d'orientations différentes : des particules cubiques se trouvent sur la surface (100), des particules triangulaires sur la surface (110) et des particules hexagonales sur la surface (111). Une étude théorique plus approfondie a été réalisée à l'aide de simulation numérique par la méthode DFT et le code SIESTA. Aucune influence significative de la présence de manganèse n'a été trouvée sur l'énergie d'adsorption dissociative du dioxygène à l'échelle atomique. Cependant, la barrière de diffusion des atomes de Fe, Mn, et O est beaucoup plus faible sur la surface (110) que sur la surface (001). Ceci peut être une explication de la raison pour laquelle la taille des particules est plus grande sur la surface (110) que sur la surface (100).

Modélisation des propriétés magnétiques et optiques de nanoparticules d'intérêt médical

Brymora, Katarzyna 30 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur la modélisation ab initio des ligands et des nanoparticules magnétiques utilisés en médecine (hyperthermie magnétique, imagerie médicale ...). Les calculs sont effectués par le logiciel Quantum Espresso base sur théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité et LDA + U. L'objectif est d'abord de comprendre la liaison des ligands sur des nanoparticules magnétiques, la nature de l'ionicité dans les particules, puis de décrire le changement d'anisotropie magnétique due aux liaisons chimiques sur la surface, et enfin de décrire la modification des propriétés optiques due également à la liaison de différents ligands sur la surface de nanoparticules hybrides d'or et d'oxyde de fer.

Ab-initio First Principle Modeling of Structural and Magnetic Phase Transformations in Co-Ni-Al Based Shape Memory Alloys

Thawabi, Hassan S 03 October 2013 (has links)
Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys FSMAs have diverse application, especially in the aerospace and bio-medical industries. They are a class of active and smart materials exhibiting strains under the influence of an applied magnetic field. These magnetic properties are mainly attributed to the martensitic structural phase trans- formation these material experience in response to temperature variation. Co-Ni-Al based alloys are one of the most promising ferromagnetic shape memory alloy FSMA that has been put recently under extensive study by researchers. They have shown extensive and promising features specifically those related to self-actuation. The effect of valence electron concentration and magnetic properties of Co-Ni-Al based ferromagnetic shape memory alloys on the martensitic transformations were analyzed utilizing Ab-initio first principle calculations. The variations of martensite start temperatures (Ms) and magnetic properties of a number of stoichiometric and mnon-stoichiometric Co-Ni-Al ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMA’s) with B2 austenite structure were studied and analyzed as a function of composition and lattice site ordering and site preference. A major conclusion of this thesis suggests that the magnetic valence number (Zm) should be considered in conjunction to the e/a ratio if the composition profile of the Ms is to be determined. Both Monte-Carlo and Ab-initio simulations were implemented to obtain the magnetic Heisenberg’s exchange coupling parameters (J m) and model the magnetic transformations in stoichiometric Co2NiAl FSMAs. Two different cubic structures, ordered and disordered were compared to their tetragonal distortions martensitic phases and their Curie temperature (TC ) were obtained from the Monte-Carlo magnetic susceptibility temperature profile.

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