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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo teórico de diatômicas homo e heteronucleares de metais de transição / Theoretical studies of homo and heteronuclear diatomic molecules

Gobbo, João Paulo 11 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, métodos ab initio multiconfiguracionais de alto nível com extenso conjunto base e inclusão de correções relativísticas foram empregados para estudar vários sistemas diatômicos contendo metais de transição. As abordagens de Teoria de Pertur- bação de Segunda Ordem Multiconfiguracional (CASPT2) ou sua versão Multi-State (MS-CASPT2), baseadas em funções de onda do tipo Complete-Active-Space Self- Consistent-Field (CASSCF) foram utilizadas, com o conjunto base do tipo Orbitais Naturais contraídas em ambiente relativístico (ANO - RCC) com qualidade quádrupla- , para se estudar esses sistemas. Em relação aos dímeros de metais de transição homonucleares (Re2, Tc2, Ta2, Mo2 e W2), caracterizamos seu estado fundamental e diversos estados excitados através das curvas de energia potencial, constantes espectroscópicas e ordens de ligação efetiva. Todos os dímeros estudados por nós apresentam multiplicidades de ligação acima de quatro. Para esses sistemas também estudamos os efeitos do desdobramento causado pelo acoplamento spin-órbita com o intuito de determinar inequivocadamente a simetria do estado fundamental e, também, de auxiliar na interpretação dos espectros experimentais, quando existentes. Sobre as diatômicas formadas pela junção de um átomo de metal de transição e um elemento do grupo principal, enfocamos principalmente os nitretos e os boretos de metais de transição (CoN, MnN, TcN e RhB). Da mesma maneira, os sistemas foram descritos em termos de suas curvas de energia potencial e constantes espectroscópicas e foram comparadas com outros resultados teóricos e experimentais. Todas as moléculas estudadas nessa parte são caracterizadas por ligações triplas, com um par de elétrons sobre o átomo não metálico e os elétrons restantes localizados sobre o metal, acoplados de diferentes formas / In this work, high level ab initio multiconfigurational methods with extensive basis set and inclusion of relativistic e¤ects were employed to study several diatomic systems containing transition metals. The Multiconfiguration Second Order Perturbation Theory (CASPT2) or its Multi-State version (MS-CASPT2) approaches, based on Complete- Active-Space Self-Consistent-Field (CASSCF), were employed, with the Atomic Natural Orbital contracted in a relativistic environment (ANO-RCC) with quadruple- quality, in order to study these systems. In relation to the homonuclear dimers of transition metals atoms (Re2, Tc2, Ta2, Mo2, and W2), we have characterized their ground state and several excited states through potential energy curves, spectroscopic constants and e¤ective bond orders. All dimers we studied have the multiplicity of the chemical bond above four. To these kind of systems, we have also studied the splitting caused by spin-orbit coupling with the the aim of determine the symmetry of the ground state and help in the interpretation of the experimental spectras. About the diatomic formed by joining of a transition metal atom and an atom of the main group, we have focused, mainly, the transition metal nitrites and borides (CoN, MnN, TcN, and RhB) In the same way, these systems were described in terms of their potential energy curves, spectroscopic constants and wavefunctions and we have com- pared to other theoretical and experimental results. All molecules studied in this part were characterized as triple bonded, with a pair of electrons on the non–metalic center and the remaining electrons localized on the metal, coupled on di¤erent forms

Estudo teórico de diatômicas homo e heteronucleares de metais de transição / Theoretical studies of homo and heteronuclear diatomic molecules

João Paulo Gobbo 11 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, métodos ab initio multiconfiguracionais de alto nível com extenso conjunto base e inclusão de correções relativísticas foram empregados para estudar vários sistemas diatômicos contendo metais de transição. As abordagens de Teoria de Pertur- bação de Segunda Ordem Multiconfiguracional (CASPT2) ou sua versão Multi-State (MS-CASPT2), baseadas em funções de onda do tipo Complete-Active-Space Self- Consistent-Field (CASSCF) foram utilizadas, com o conjunto base do tipo Orbitais Naturais contraídas em ambiente relativístico (ANO - RCC) com qualidade quádrupla- , para se estudar esses sistemas. Em relação aos dímeros de metais de transição homonucleares (Re2, Tc2, Ta2, Mo2 e W2), caracterizamos seu estado fundamental e diversos estados excitados através das curvas de energia potencial, constantes espectroscópicas e ordens de ligação efetiva. Todos os dímeros estudados por nós apresentam multiplicidades de ligação acima de quatro. Para esses sistemas também estudamos os efeitos do desdobramento causado pelo acoplamento spin-órbita com o intuito de determinar inequivocadamente a simetria do estado fundamental e, também, de auxiliar na interpretação dos espectros experimentais, quando existentes. Sobre as diatômicas formadas pela junção de um átomo de metal de transição e um elemento do grupo principal, enfocamos principalmente os nitretos e os boretos de metais de transição (CoN, MnN, TcN e RhB). Da mesma maneira, os sistemas foram descritos em termos de suas curvas de energia potencial e constantes espectroscópicas e foram comparadas com outros resultados teóricos e experimentais. Todas as moléculas estudadas nessa parte são caracterizadas por ligações triplas, com um par de elétrons sobre o átomo não metálico e os elétrons restantes localizados sobre o metal, acoplados de diferentes formas / In this work, high level ab initio multiconfigurational methods with extensive basis set and inclusion of relativistic e¤ects were employed to study several diatomic systems containing transition metals. The Multiconfiguration Second Order Perturbation Theory (CASPT2) or its Multi-State version (MS-CASPT2) approaches, based on Complete- Active-Space Self-Consistent-Field (CASSCF), were employed, with the Atomic Natural Orbital contracted in a relativistic environment (ANO-RCC) with quadruple- quality, in order to study these systems. In relation to the homonuclear dimers of transition metals atoms (Re2, Tc2, Ta2, Mo2, and W2), we have characterized their ground state and several excited states through potential energy curves, spectroscopic constants and e¤ective bond orders. All dimers we studied have the multiplicity of the chemical bond above four. To these kind of systems, we have also studied the splitting caused by spin-orbit coupling with the the aim of determine the symmetry of the ground state and help in the interpretation of the experimental spectras. About the diatomic formed by joining of a transition metal atom and an atom of the main group, we have focused, mainly, the transition metal nitrites and borides (CoN, MnN, TcN, and RhB) In the same way, these systems were described in terms of their potential energy curves, spectroscopic constants and wavefunctions and we have com- pared to other theoretical and experimental results. All molecules studied in this part were characterized as triple bonded, with a pair of electrons on the non–metalic center and the remaining electrons localized on the metal, coupled on di¤erent forms

Beyond Jablonski diagrams in organic systems: ab initio studies of substituted benzene derivatives

Segado Centellas, Mireia 09 November 2011 (has links)
En aquesta tesis s’estudia la fotoquímica i la fotofísica d'alguns compostos orgànics fotosensibles derivats del benzè. Es centra principalment en els fenòmens de la fotosesitització i de la transferència intramolecular de càrrega. L’estudi es desenvolupa amb mètodes teòrics ab initio per determinar els mecanismes dels processos estudiats. Per una descripció detallada d’aquests mecanismes és necessari caracteritzar la naturalesa dels estats involucrats, les estructures de les espècies que intervenen en la reactivitat i determinar de manera precisa les seves energies. En aquest treball s’ha estudiat el mecanisme pel qual la fenalenona és capaç de sensibilitzar la molècula d’oxigen a l’estat excitat singlet. També s’ha estudiat la transferència de càrrega del aminobenzonitril i el seu derivat tetrafluorat per explicar les diferències en la fotofísica del dos compostos, i quatre membres de la família dels aminobezonitrils per entendre com afecta l’estructura i els factors ambientals (fase i dissolvents més o menys polars) a els patrons de fluorescència dels membres d’aquesta família. / This thesis is focused on theoretical study of several photosensitive molecular systems. It covers the study of some frequently encountered processes: photosensititzation and Intramolecular Charge Transfer (ICT). The photosensititzation is a process where a light-absorbing photosensititzer (PS) activates reactions in a substrate that otherwise would not take place. Intramolecular charge transfer is the process related with the transference of charge from different regions of the same molecule, one donor and other acceptor. These studies are addressed by theoretical study using ab intio methods, assessing the nature of the excited states involved, the geometries and energies of the species formed and the mechanism that lead to photochemical transformation and photophysical processes. In the first case photosensititzation process by means of Phenalenone is studied. In the case of the ICT process two families are studied: Aminobenzonitriles and Aminopyrimidines. Possible ICT states, non-adiabatic and adiabatic pathways that populate different lowest in energy minima are characterized.

The Photophysical Behavior of Aryl-diphosphenes and Aryl-phosphaalkenes: A Theoretical Study

Payton, John L., PhD 17 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

QM/MM modeling of the retinal chromophore in complex environments / Modèles QM/MM du chromophore rétinal dans des environnements complexes

Démoulin, Baptiste 21 September 2017 (has links)
Nous avons appliqué notre interface QM/MM pour modéliser les propriétés photophysiques et photochimiques du chromophore rétinal dans plusieurs environnements.Nous avons commencé par montrer que la méthylation du squelette carbonné du rétinal, qui transforme une photochimie lente en un processus ultra-rapide, comme dans une protéine, dans une solution de méthanol, modifie l’interaction entre les états excités du rétinal, et favorise la formation d’une espèce transitoire réactive. Nous avons ensuite étudié l’effet direct de l’environnement dans le cas de mimiques de la rhodopsine, où des mutations ponctuelles de quelques acides aminés donnent des systèmes qui absorbent sur toute la gamme du visible. En combinaison avec la spectroscopie pompe-sonde ultra-rapide, notre méthode a montré que le potentiel électrostatique autour du rétinal peut affecter la forme des surfaces d’énergies potentielles excitées, et peut moduler le temps de vie de l’état excité ainsi que le lieu de photo-isomérisation. Ensuite, nous avons montré que l’état de protonation standard des acides aminés proches du rétinal dans la bacteriorhodopsine mènent à une surestimation de l’énergie d’absorption,alors que la protonation du résidu Asp212 donne des résultats plus précis ; nous souhaitons maintenant valider ce modèle par le calcule des propriétés de fluorescence et de temps de vie de l’état excité. Enfin, nous avons modélisé la photophysique de la base de Schiff non-protonée d’un pigment UV, où une photochimie originale, et non encore documentée, a lieu, impliquant notamment un état doublement excité. Ces études ont montré la robustesse de notre potentiel QM/MM pour modéliser une large gamme d’environnements. / We have used our QM/MM interface to model the photochemical and photophysical properties of the retinal chromophore in several environments.First, we proved that methylation of the retinal backbone, which converts a slow photochemistry to an ultra-fast protein-like behaviour in methanol solution, modifies the interplay between the retinal excited states, favouring the formation of a photo-active transient intermediate. Then, we have studied the direct effect of the environment in the case of rhodopsin mimics, where point mutations of a few amino-acids lead to systems that can absorb in the wide visible range. Combined with ultra-fast pump-probe spectroscopy, our method has shown that the electrostatic potential around the retinal can affect the shape of the excited potential energy surface, and is able to tune the excited state lifetime as well as the location of the photoisomerization. Next, we showed that the currently accepted protonation state of amino-acids in the vicinity of the retinal in bacteriorhodopsin leads to a strongly blue shifted absorption, while the protonation of Asp212 leads to accurate results; we now aim toward a validation of this protonation by computation of fluorescence and excited state lifetime. Finally, we have modeled the photophysics of the unprotonated Schiff base in a UV-pigment, where an original an previously unreported photochemistry takes place, especially with the direct involvement of a doubly excited state. These studies have shown the reliability of our QM/MM potential for modeling a wide range of different environments.

Estudos teóricos do estado excitado de moléculas orgânicas em solvente / Theoretical studies of the excited state of organic molecules in solvent

Silva, Carlos Eduardo Bistafa da 25 September 2015 (has links)
Absorção e Emissão de radiação eletromagnética por moléculas na região do UV-Vis fornece informações sobre os estados eletrônicos excitados, sendo propriedades de grande interesse devido a sua relação com processos biológicos, bem como suas possíveis aplicações em diagnósticos e tecnologia. Essas propriedades são sensíveis ao meio em que as moléculas se encontram, tornando-se assim natural a busca por métodos teóricos que possibilitam descrever essas interações. Neste trabalho, nós usamos a metodologia Sequential-Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics para estudar o espectro de absorção e de emissão de moléculas de relevância biológica, quando em solução. Simulações clássicas Monte Carlo foram usadas pra construir uma configuração eletrostática média do líquido para posterior cálculo das propriedades, feito através dos métodos multiconfiguracionais CASSCF e CASPT2. Cuidados especiais foram tomados para incluir a polarização eletrônica que o soluto sofre devido à presença do solvente. Nossa contribuição é a adaptação do método do Gradiente de Energia Livre para permitir a obtenção de geometrias de estados excitados do soluto em solução. A técnica foi implementada em um programa e aplicada com sucesso nos sistemas estudados. As perspectivas agora se abrem para a obtenção de intersecções cônicas em meio solvente, permitindo assim o estudo de decaimentos não-radiativos em sistemas solvatados. / Absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation by molecules in the UV-Vis region yields information about the electronic excited states, being properties of great interest due its relation with biological process, as well as its possible applications in diagnostics and technology. These properties are sensible to the environment in which the molecules are, making natural the search for theoretical methods that describe these interactions. In this work, we have used the Sequential-Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics methodology to study the spectrum of absorption and emission of molecules of biological relevance, when in solution. Classical Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to construct an average solvent electrostatic configuration and used to represent the liquid in posterior quantum mechanics calculation of the properties, performed by using the multiconfigurational methods CASSCF and CASPT2. Special cares were taken to include the electronic polarization of the solute due the solvent. Our contribution is the adaptation of the Free Energy Gradient method to allow the determination of the solute excited states geometries in solution. The method was implemented in a computer program and successfully applied in the systems studied. The perspectives are now open to the calculation of conical intersection in solvent environment, enabling the study of nonradioactive decays in solvated systems.

Estudos teóricos do estado excitado de moléculas orgânicas em solvente / Theoretical studies of the excited state of organic molecules in solvent

Carlos Eduardo Bistafa da Silva 25 September 2015 (has links)
Absorção e Emissão de radiação eletromagnética por moléculas na região do UV-Vis fornece informações sobre os estados eletrônicos excitados, sendo propriedades de grande interesse devido a sua relação com processos biológicos, bem como suas possíveis aplicações em diagnósticos e tecnologia. Essas propriedades são sensíveis ao meio em que as moléculas se encontram, tornando-se assim natural a busca por métodos teóricos que possibilitam descrever essas interações. Neste trabalho, nós usamos a metodologia Sequential-Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics para estudar o espectro de absorção e de emissão de moléculas de relevância biológica, quando em solução. Simulações clássicas Monte Carlo foram usadas pra construir uma configuração eletrostática média do líquido para posterior cálculo das propriedades, feito através dos métodos multiconfiguracionais CASSCF e CASPT2. Cuidados especiais foram tomados para incluir a polarização eletrônica que o soluto sofre devido à presença do solvente. Nossa contribuição é a adaptação do método do Gradiente de Energia Livre para permitir a obtenção de geometrias de estados excitados do soluto em solução. A técnica foi implementada em um programa e aplicada com sucesso nos sistemas estudados. As perspectivas agora se abrem para a obtenção de intersecções cônicas em meio solvente, permitindo assim o estudo de decaimentos não-radiativos em sistemas solvatados. / Absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation by molecules in the UV-Vis region yields information about the electronic excited states, being properties of great interest due its relation with biological process, as well as its possible applications in diagnostics and technology. These properties are sensible to the environment in which the molecules are, making natural the search for theoretical methods that describe these interactions. In this work, we have used the Sequential-Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics methodology to study the spectrum of absorption and emission of molecules of biological relevance, when in solution. Classical Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to construct an average solvent electrostatic configuration and used to represent the liquid in posterior quantum mechanics calculation of the properties, performed by using the multiconfigurational methods CASSCF and CASPT2. Special cares were taken to include the electronic polarization of the solute due the solvent. Our contribution is the adaptation of the Free Energy Gradient method to allow the determination of the solute excited states geometries in solution. The method was implemented in a computer program and successfully applied in the systems studied. The perspectives are now open to the calculation of conical intersection in solvent environment, enabling the study of nonradioactive decays in solvated systems.

Étude ab initio de molécules aimants à base d'ions lanthanides / Ab initio study of lanthanide-based single molecule magnets

Jung, Julie 25 September 2015 (has links)
Les ions lanthanide sont employés avec succès pour la synthèse de molécules-aimants caractérisées par une relaxation lente du moment magnétique d’origine purement moléculaire. Ces propriétés sont principalement liées à la forte anisotropie intrinsèque de ces ions, ainsi qu’à leur moment magnétique intense. Dans le cas de complexes contenant plusieurs porteurs de spin (métaux 3d, 4f ou radicaux organiques), la proximité de ces centres peut induire entre ces derniers une interaction de couplage aussi appelée échange magnétique. La rationalisation de telles propriétés est notamment rendue possible par l’approche ab initio. / Lanthanide ions have been used successfully in the synthesis of single molecule magnets for more than a decade. This particular class of molecules shows slow relaxation of their magnetization from purely molecular origin. This property come mainly from the strong single ion anisotropy of these ions, and from their high magnetic moment. In the case of complexes with more than one spin carrier (3d, 4f metal or organic radical), coupling interactions can arise. These are called magnetic exchange. In this framework, ab initio calculations are a useful tool for magneto-structural correlations.

The calculation of the thermal dependency of the magnetic susceptibility in extended systems with ab initio electronic structure parameters

Negodaev, Igor 18 February 2011 (has links)
La tesi estudia l'acoblament magnètic en sistemes de diferent dimensionalitat amb mètodes multireferencials. L’objectiu principal del treball és calcular propietats macroscòpiques, com la dependència de la susceptibilitat magnètica amb la temperatura, a partir de la constant d'intercanvi magnètic calculada, J. Aquest paràmetre microscòpic quantifica la interacció magnètica entre dos centres i es pot extreure per ajust de la corba de susceptibilitat experimental en sistemes finits però això no és possible en sistemes magnètics infinits com cadenes o capes 2D. L’estratègia del treball és calcular J en petits clusters i simular els sistemes estesos utilitzant aquesta J en l’Hamiltonià de Heisenberg en models de 8 a 16 centres. Amb l’espectre obtingut es construeixen les corbes de dependència tèrmica de la susceptibilitat magnètica que, comparades amb les experimentals, donen la possibilitat de quantificar les interaccions magnètiques dels materials estudiats a nivell microscòpic. S'han estudiat diferents tipus de sistemes estesos com cadenes i xarxes hexagonals, on els centres magnètics són ions de metalls de transició. / The thesis studies the magnetic coupling in systems of different dimensionality, by using multireference methods. The aim of the work is to determine macroscopic properties such as the thermal dependency of magnetic susceptibility, from the calculated magnetic exchange constant J. This microscopic parameter quantifies the magnetic interaction between two magnetic sites and can be extracted from the experimental susceptibility curve in finite systems. However this extraction is not possible in extended magnetic systems such as chains or 2D-layers. The strategy followed consists in calculating J in small clusters and in simulating the extended systems by introducing the calculated J in the Heisenberg Hamiltonian of 8 to 16 site models. From the spectrum, the thermal dependency of the magnetic susceptibility is the calculated. When compared to the experimental one, this curve gives a quantification of the magnetic interactions of the studied materials at the microscopic level. We have studied different types of extended systems such as chains and hexagonal lattices, where the magnetic sites are transition metal ions.

Estudio AB initio de mecanismos de reacción en sistemas moleculares fotosensibles

Gomez Lara, Isabel 15 July 2005 (has links)
Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del trabajo que se realiza en el Grup de Química Quàntica de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili y en ella se ha abordado el estudio teórico de varios sistemas moleculares fotosensibles de interés sintético y tecnológico. El uso de métodos ab initio ha permitido evaluar la naturaleza de los estados excitados implicados, las geometrías y energías de las especies que se forman y los mecanismos que conducen a sus transformaciones fotoquímicas, así como examinar el efecto producido en el mecanismo de reacción por factores como la variación de los grupos sustituyentes o el medio de reacción. Para ello, ha sido necesario el análisis de las superficies de energía potencial de los estados excitados de menor energía en cada uno de los sistemas en los que se producen las reacciones fotoquímicas estudiadas. Es esencial localizar puntos críticos (mínimos y estados de transición), caminos de reacción y puntos de interacción entre superficies, como son intersecciones cónicas, cruces reales y cruces evitados. Una condición imprescindible, que implica una dificultad importante añadida, es que es necesario llevar a cabo estos cálculos con una precisión similar a la del estado fundamental, por lo es indispensable el uso de una metodología ab initio que proporcione una descripción precisa de las superficies de energía potencial de los estados excitados implicados. Esta memoria se ha estructurado de la siguiente forma: el capítulo 2 consiste en una introducción general que incluye los aspectos básicos a considerar en las reacciones fotoquímicas, mientras que en el capítulo 3 se describen los métodos teóricos que se han utilizado en el estudio de las reacciones estudiadas. El capítulo 4 está dedicado al estudio de los mecanismos de las diferentes transformaciones fotoquímicas que sufren los derivados de biciclo[3.1.0]-3-hexen-2-onas, se han comparado las reacciones competitivas y se ha determinado la naturaleza electrónica de los intermedios de reacción que se generan. En este capítulo se incluyen también la tautomerización ceto-fenólica, ya que es la última etapa de reacción de una transposición de las biciclohexenonas, y el mecanismo de interconversión entre los isómeros más importantes del fenol. Se ha evaluado además la entalpía de disociación del enlace OH en la molécula de fenol y su barrera de rotación interna. En el capítulo 5 se han estudiado diferentes sistemas con grupos  donor-aceptor en los que se pueden producir reacciones de transferencia intramolecular de carga. Se ha determinado el mecanismo por el cual transcurren estas reacciones, la naturaleza electrónica de las especies implicadas y el papel que juega el medio de reacción en el fenómeno de la fluorescencia dual. El capítulo 6 aborda los procesos que se producen en moléculas cuyas propiedades cromáticas se pueden intercambiar reversiblemente mediante el uso de una fuente de radiación. En concreto se han estudiado los isómeros cis y trans de la molécula de merocianina y se ha establecido el mecanismo de la reacción fotoquímica que conduce a la formación de la molécula de benzopirano. Por último, en el capítulo 7 se presentan las principales conclusiones extraídas de los capítulos anteriores. / This thesis is in the line with the work performed in the Grup de Química Quàntica of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and it covers the theoretical study of several photosensitive molecular systems with synthetic and technological interest. The use of ab initio methods has allowed to evaluate the nature of the excited states implied in the reactions, the geometries and energetics of the species that are formed and the mechanisms that lead to the photochemical transformations, as well as to examine the effect produced in the reaction mechanism by factors like the variation of the substituent groups or the reaction field. For this reason, it has been necessary the analysis of the potential energy surfaces of the lower energy excited states in each of the systems in those it is produced the photochemical reactions studied. It is essential to locate critical points (minima and transition states), reaction pathways and interaction points between surfaces, as it is the case of conical intersections, real crossings and avoided crossings. An indispensable condition, which implies an important added difficulty, is that it is necessary to carry out these calculations with a precision similar to that of ground state, for it the use of an ab initio methodology has been indispensable because it provides an accurate description of the potential energy surfaces of the excited states involved in the reaction. This memory is organized in the following way: chapter 2 consists of a general introduction that includes the basic aspects that one has to take in consideration regarding to the photochemical reactions, whereas chapter 3 collects a description of the theoretical methods that have been used in the study of these photochemical reactions. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the study of the reaction mechanisms of the different photochemical transformations that suffer the bicyclo[3.1.0]-3-hexen-2-ones and their derivatives. The competitive reactions have been compared and it has been possible to elucidate the electronic nature of the reaction intermediates generated in the rearrangement. This chapter includes also the keto/phenol tautomerism, since it is the last step of the bicyclohexenones rearrangement, and the interconversion mechanism between the most important isomerics of phenol. There has been evaluated the OH bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) in phenol molecule and the rotation barrier through the OH bond. Chapter 5 involved the study of different systems with  groups donor-acceptor united by a single bond that can produce intramolecular charge transfer reactions. It has been possible to establish the mechanism for which there pass these reactions, the electronic nature of the species involved and the role that the polar medium plays in the phenomenon of the dual fluorescence. Chapter 6 raises the processes that take place in molecules whose chromatic properties can be reversibly interchanged by the use of a radiation source. More specifically, it has been studied the cis/trans isomerism in a merocyanine molecule and it has been established the photochemical ring-closure mechanism that leads to the formation of the benzopyran molecule. Finally, in chapter 7 there are collected the main conclusion extracted from the previous chapters.

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