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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viver no exterior e voltar para o Brasil : uma análise do processo de aculturação e de readaptação de consumidores brasileiros

Vedana, Simone Nazareth January 2010 (has links)
Cada vez mais os brasileiros, principalmente os jovens, estão se interessando pela experiência de passar um tempo morando no exterior. Como conseqüência, essa vivência no exterior pode provocar diversas mudanças na vida desses indivíduos, visto que todas as pessoas que participam de transições culturais estão sujeitas a uma variedade de experiências coletivamente rotuladas como choque cultural, adaptação, adaptação entre culturas ou aculturação. Além disso, ao retornarem para o país de origem, esses indivíduos correm o risco de passar por um choque cultural reverso e sofrer os efeitos do processo de aculturação vivenciados no exterior. Enquanto estudos sobre aculturação focam em mudança cultural como resultado de contato cultural e adaptação, o estudo da aculturação do consumidor, primeiramente, foca na adaptação cultural como manifestação no mercado. Esse é o enfoque do presente estudo, que teve, portanto, como objetivo geral identificar quais são os efeitos do processo de aculturação no consumidor brasileiro durante e após uma experiência de vida internacional. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido através de uma abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevistas em profundidade, com a utilização de um roteiro semi-estruturado, entre os meses de agosto e novembro de 2009, até o ponto em que ocorreu uma saturação teórica, chegando a 21 entrevistados. Além disso, as entrevistas foram filmadas para a realização de uma videografia, visando uma maior compreensão do comportamento desses consumidores. Entre os resultados desse estudo constatou-se que o processo de aculturação do consumidor provoca mudanças em hábitos alimentares, no processo de decisão de compra, na identidade cultural dos indivíduos, entre outros. / More and more Brazilians are becoming interested in having the experience of living abroad, especially Brazilian youth. As a result, this experience abroad can cause several changes in their lives, as all people participating in cultural transitions are subject to a variety of experiences collectively labeled as culture shock, adjustment, adaptation between cultures or acculturation. In addition, upon returning to the country of origin, these individuals are at risk of undergoing a reverse culture shock and suffer the effects of the acculturation process experienced abroad. While acculturation studies focus on cultural change as a result of cultural contact and adaptation, the study of consumer acculturation focuses primarily on cultural adaptation as a manifestation in the market. This is the focus of this study, which was therefore aimed at identifying what are the effects of the acculturation process in the Brazilian consumer during and after an experience of international life. This study was developed through a qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted through interviews, using a semi-structured script, between August and November 2009, to the point where there was a theoretical saturation, reaching 21 respondents. Moreover, the interviews were filmed for the realization of a videography, seeking a better understanding of the behavior of these consumers. Among the results of this study was revealed that the acculturation process causes changes in consumer eating habits, in the process of purchasing decision, in the cultural identity of the individuals, among others.

Self-actualizing and acculturation amongst black personnel practitioners

Smit, Hendrina Sophia 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English, summary in English and Afrikaans / Acculturation refers to a culture change as a result of continuous and firsthand contact between the minority culture and the majority culture. Through urbanization, the black person is exposed to the Western culture by means of integrated workplaces, schools and neighborhoods. During the acculturation process, distinct changes occur within the individual on interpersonal and intrapersonal levels. Self-actualization is a familiar concept in the Humanistic paradigm and refers to the notion of living to one's full potential in order to become the kind of individual one wants to be. This research aims to investigate the impact of acculturation on the level of self-actualization of black personnel practitioners. A sample of 218 black personnel practitioners was used, consisting of an equal number living in urban and rural areas. The results of this introductory study indicated that urbanized black personnel practitioners show a higher level of self-actualization than respondents residing in rural areas. / Akkulturasie verwys na 'n kultuurverandering as 'n uitvloeisel van deurlopende en eerstehandse kontak tussen die minderheidskultuur en die dominante kultuur. Deur verstedeliking word die swart persoon blootgestel aan die Westerse kultuur, asook deur integrasie in die werkplek, skole en woongebiede. Gedurende hierdie akkulturasieproses vind daar definitiewe veranderinge plaas in individue op inter- en intrapersoonlike vlak. Selfaktualisering is 'n bekende konsep in die Humanistiese paradigma en verwys no die strewe van 'n individu om sy volle potensiaal te bereik en daardeur die persoon te word wat hy graag wil wees. Hierdie navorsing het ten doel om die invloed van akkulturasie op die vlak van self-aktualisering van swart personeelpraktisyns te ondersoek. 'n Steekproef van 218 swart personeelpraktisyns is gebruik waarvan gelyke getalle woonagtig is in stedelike en landelike gebiede. Die resultaat van hierdie voorlopige ondersoek toon dat verstedelikte swart personeelpraktisyns 'n hoer vlak van self-aktualisering toon as respondente wat in landelike gebiede woon. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)

Réflexions sur les céramiques fines en Gaule interne de la Tène finale au début du Haut-Empire : comparaisons d'ensembles et essai de caractérisation des phénomènes d'acculturation / Considerations on pottery fine wares from the late La Tène period to the early Roman Empire period in northeastern Gaul : comparisons of assemblages and essays to categorise acculturation phenomena

Barrier, Sylvie 25 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue un premier essai d’analyse du rythme et de l’intensité des phénomènes d’acculturation des céramiques fines en Gaule interne (160/150 av. J.-C. à 50 apr. J.-C.). Fondée sur un corpus de 130 ensembles, provenant de 21 sites urbains localisés entre le centre ouest de la France, le Plateau suisse et le Luxembourg, cette étude se caractérise par la mise en place d’approches systématiques tel le calcul d’un « indice de romanisation » (permettant de quantifier l’acculturation d’un ensemble de 1 à 100) et l’analyse des modalités du phénomène, reposant sur l’utilisation d’outils statistiques (sériation et analyse factorielle). L’examen diachronique et cartographique des résultats obtenus montrant de fortes disparités dans les processus d’acculturation des céramiques fines, des niveaux ont pu être définis, dont le principal intérêt est d’ouvrir la comparaison avec d’autres aspects de l’acculturation des Gaules (instrumentum culinaire, technique de construction…). / This thesis constitutes a first essay of the analysis of the acculturation rate and of intensity of the phenomenon for pottery fine wares in North-eastern Gaul (160/150 BCE to 50 CE). Based on a corpus of 130 assemblages from 21 urban sites from the western centre of France, the Swiss plateau and Luxembourg, the study is characterised by a systematic methodology. The analyses are based on the calculation of a ‘Romanisation index’, quantifying the acculturation level of an assemblage on a scale of 1 to 100. Statistical tools such as seriation and factor analysis were used for analysing the scope of the phenomenon. The diachronic and cartographic examination of the results obtained showed large disparities in the acculturation processes concerning fine wares. The level of Romanisation could be defined, thus allowing a comparison of the acculturation processes among other aspects of Gaulish culture such as cooking implements and construction techniques.

Viver no exterior e voltar para o Brasil : uma análise do processo de aculturação e de readaptação de consumidores brasileiros

Vedana, Simone Nazareth January 2010 (has links)
Cada vez mais os brasileiros, principalmente os jovens, estão se interessando pela experiência de passar um tempo morando no exterior. Como conseqüência, essa vivência no exterior pode provocar diversas mudanças na vida desses indivíduos, visto que todas as pessoas que participam de transições culturais estão sujeitas a uma variedade de experiências coletivamente rotuladas como choque cultural, adaptação, adaptação entre culturas ou aculturação. Além disso, ao retornarem para o país de origem, esses indivíduos correm o risco de passar por um choque cultural reverso e sofrer os efeitos do processo de aculturação vivenciados no exterior. Enquanto estudos sobre aculturação focam em mudança cultural como resultado de contato cultural e adaptação, o estudo da aculturação do consumidor, primeiramente, foca na adaptação cultural como manifestação no mercado. Esse é o enfoque do presente estudo, que teve, portanto, como objetivo geral identificar quais são os efeitos do processo de aculturação no consumidor brasileiro durante e após uma experiência de vida internacional. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido através de uma abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevistas em profundidade, com a utilização de um roteiro semi-estruturado, entre os meses de agosto e novembro de 2009, até o ponto em que ocorreu uma saturação teórica, chegando a 21 entrevistados. Além disso, as entrevistas foram filmadas para a realização de uma videografia, visando uma maior compreensão do comportamento desses consumidores. Entre os resultados desse estudo constatou-se que o processo de aculturação do consumidor provoca mudanças em hábitos alimentares, no processo de decisão de compra, na identidade cultural dos indivíduos, entre outros. / More and more Brazilians are becoming interested in having the experience of living abroad, especially Brazilian youth. As a result, this experience abroad can cause several changes in their lives, as all people participating in cultural transitions are subject to a variety of experiences collectively labeled as culture shock, adjustment, adaptation between cultures or acculturation. In addition, upon returning to the country of origin, these individuals are at risk of undergoing a reverse culture shock and suffer the effects of the acculturation process experienced abroad. While acculturation studies focus on cultural change as a result of cultural contact and adaptation, the study of consumer acculturation focuses primarily on cultural adaptation as a manifestation in the market. This is the focus of this study, which was therefore aimed at identifying what are the effects of the acculturation process in the Brazilian consumer during and after an experience of international life. This study was developed through a qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted through interviews, using a semi-structured script, between August and November 2009, to the point where there was a theoretical saturation, reaching 21 respondents. Moreover, the interviews were filmed for the realization of a videography, seeking a better understanding of the behavior of these consumers. Among the results of this study was revealed that the acculturation process causes changes in consumer eating habits, in the process of purchasing decision, in the cultural identity of the individuals, among others.

Essai d'acculturation par l'enseignement primaire au Congo

Georis, Pol January 1960 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Témoignages littéraires sur l'intégration des femmes de religion musulmane dans la société allemande / The integration of muslim women in Germany : literary Accounts

Lingani, Ganda 01 December 2017 (has links)
Dans l’optique de combler un déficit en main d’oeuvre, l’Allemagne a signé des accords avec la Turquie en 1961 entraînant l’arrivée de nombreux Turcs sur son territoire. Depuis cette période la question de l’intégration reste au centre des préoccupations de ce pays. Ce processus n’est possible que lorsque la population immigrante surmonte toutes sortes d’obstacles pour embrasser les représentations socioculturelles, économiques, politiques et linguistiques d’une société qui n’est pas la sienne. Ce phénomène « majeur » semble atteindre le stade de réussite lorsque les communautés non autochtones choisissent d’adopter la culture de la société d’accueil. Dans les recherches empiriques sociodémographiques, l’intégration se structure en différentes étapes. C’est un procédé qui englobe l’interculturalité, l’interaction sociale, l’acculturation, le biculturalisme et nécessite la prise en compte de la notion d’identité. Pourquoi parler d’intégration de la femme turque ? Les questions relatives au statut de la femme musulmane provoquent des débats houleux qui ne sont pas négligeables. La femme turque qui migre le plus souvent en Allemagne est originaire des campagnes. Le choc culturel auquel elle est confrontée pose d’emblée le problème de son intégration sociale. L’objectif de cette thèse est de s’intéresser à la vie sociale, politique, économique et religieuse de l’immigrée musulmane en s’appuyant sur la littérature germano-turque. Le but de cette étude est donc d’établir le rapport entre l’essence même de l’immigration et les enjeux de l’intégration dans les oeuvres Ich wollte nur frei sein d’Hülya Kalkan, Einmal Hans mit scharfer Soβe de Hatice Akyün, So wie ich will de Melda Akbas et Das Geheimnis meiner türkischen Groβmutter de Dilek Güngör. L’analyse des textes fait appel à l’esthétique de la réception, théorie qui se fonde d’ailleurs sur la démarche herméneutique. On constate également à la lecture des ouvrages de nombreux phénomènes d’intertextualité dans la mesure où les thèmes sont similaires. Le roman et l’autobiographie sont les moyens d’expression les plus courants qui enveloppent les multiples couleurs de l’intégration. L’acculturation ou la non-adaptation à l’altérité apparaissent comme le point focal de la littérature germano-turque. Les ouvrages qui font l’objet de notre étude sont pris en compte comme des génériques qui viennent mettre en lumière le thème de l’intégration développé par les précurseurs germano-turcs. Frappés tous par la volonté d’oeuvrer positivement, les auteurs germano-turcs ne se lassent pas d’agir par l’écriture ou le verbe. / For the purpose of addressing the labour shortage, Germany signed in 1961 agreements with Turkey leading to massive arrivals of Turks on the country. Since this time the integration issue remains at the heart of concerns of this country. This integration process is only possible when immigrant population overcomes all kind of obstacles to embrace social, economic, political and linguistic representations of the receiving society. This major phenomenon seems to be successful when non-native communities choose to adopt the culture of the host country. Within empirical socio-demographic research, Integration is structured into different steps. This process encompasses interculturality, social interaction, acculturation, biculturalism and requires the consideration of the identity. Why talking about integration of Turkish women? Questions related to the status of Muslim women set off heated debate to be considered. The Turkish woman who usually immigrates in Germany comes originally from campaigns. The culture shock she deals with immediately raises the problem of her integration. The expected aim is to take an interest in the social, political, economic and religious life of Muslim immigrant woman by being based on German-Turkish literature. The objective of this study is therefore to establish a relationship between the essence of immigration and integration issues from works Ich wollte nur frei sein by Hülya Kalkan, Einmal Hans mit scharferSoβe by Hatice Akyün, So wie ich will by Melda Akbas and Das Geheimnis meiner türkischen Groβmutter by Dilek Güngör. The analysis of texts requires the aesthetic of reception, theory that is based on the hermeneutical approach. Upon reading works, we also notice many phenomena of intertextuality insofar as themes are similar.Novel and Autobiography are the common means of expression that envelop the multiple colours of integration.Acculturation or the non-adaptation to the alterity appears as the focal point of the German-Turkish literature. The works under our study are taken into account as generic books which highlight the theme of integration developed by the precursors of the German-Turkish literature while making a few modifications. Fortified by the will to positively work on, the German-Turkish authors never get tired of acting through the writing or the language.

The infliction of descent : an overview of the Capanahua descendants' explanations of the generative process

Krokoszyński, Łukasz January 2016 (has links)
This thesis traces the ways of explaining the generative process by the eastern Peruvian descendants of the Capanahua. These predominately Spanish-speaking people tend to emphasize the discontinuity with their ancestors, a little known Panoan-speaking indigenous population of the Western Amazon. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and transcriptions of recorded conversations, this presentation follows and reconstructs a salient frustrative-generative dynamic in a wide range of representations, wherein alterations of self-containment or perceptibility incept the processes of differentiation and discontinuity. These processes guide a local conception of “descent” as infliction. Implications of this dynamic are examined for the formulations of kinship. The familial relations, explicitly based on notions of consanguinity and filiation – are cast in an ambiguous, if not predominately negative light. Procreation is formulated in predatory, parasitic terms, and shares dynamics with pathogenic causality and aetiology. As such, it does not naturally contribute to reproduction and continuity, but rather frustrates it by introducing difference into the vertical axis. Such results also produce horizontal differences and hierarchies, encoded as the person's divergent, hidden “descent” in the always “mixed” social life. This image of the generative process is instrumental to understanding the villagers' explanations of the acculturative processes. Because representations of acculturation focuses on the idiom of procreation and its frustrative results, it appears as the very function of procreative dynamics. This produces a series of associations between the progeny and sociality, focusing on their inherently “third” or external position and perpetual dividuality of belonging/containing. Such ambiguity might be tamed and everted, to produce cleansing or encompassment that counteracts the divisive continuity of time (qua descent, history, or kinship). In a contemporary context, these formulations are seen reflected in the villagers' construal of the Peruvian state as the urban environment that is hierarchically closer to the ideal originality and beautiful imperishability than the smaller, isolated unities of rural ancestors.

The Impact of Maternal Acculturation, Youth Age, Sex and Anxiety Sensitivity on Anxiety Symptoms in Hispanic Youth

Pienkowski, Maria 08 November 2013 (has links)
Despite progress that has been made in the areas of maternal acculturation and internalizing symptoms in Hispanic youth, much remains to be learned about the relation between maternal acculturation and youth anxiety. The inclusion of cognitive vulnerabilities such as anxiety sensitivity (AS) further adds to the understanding the development of anxiety in Hispanic youth. Examining the role that youth age and youth sex play in the relation between AS and youth anxiety symptoms also can further understanding of the development of youth anxiety. Thus, the specific aims of this dissertation were to examine whether: (1) a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) would yield a two factor structure of the Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Measure (SMAS; Stephenson, 2000); (2) maternal acculturation as measured by the SMAS is related to youth anxiety symptoms; (3) mother country of origin (i.e, Cuban or another Latin country) moderates the relation between youth AS and youth anxiety symptoms; (4) youth age moderates the relation between youth AS and youth anxiety symptoms; (5) youth sex moderates the relation between youth AS and youth anxiety symptoms. In addition, research has shown Hispanic youth report more anxiety symptoms than non-Hispanic youth. The Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale’s (RCMAS; Reynolds & Richmond, 1978) Lie Scale was included to examine whether it relates to Hispanic youths’ reporting of anxiety symptoms in the current sample. There were no significant differences in youth anxiety associated with the mother country of origin. Specifically, Cuban mothers and mothers from other Hispanic countries of origin did not significantly differ in their ratings of their child’s anxiety symptoms. Mother country of origin did not moderate the relation between AS and youth anxiety symptoms. Also, no significant findings were found with respect to effects of age on the relation between anxiety sensitivity and anxiety. The study’s main contributions and potential implications on theoretical, empirical, and clinical levels are further discussed.

Parent-adolescent Acculturation Differences and Latinx Adolescents’ Mental Health: Examining the Mediating Role of Family Risk and Protective Factors in a Clinical Sample

Suarez-Cano, Gabriela January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Maternal Acculturation Levels and Their Effect on Children's Food Intake, Maternal Perceptions of Body Size and Maternal Stress

Chavoor, Tracie A 01 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In the U.S., obesity has hit alarming rates and affects Hispanic children disproportionately. Acculturation, the shift from one culture’s values, beliefs and practices to those of a new culture, may have both negative and positive health effects on immigrants. The objectives of this study were to determine the association between the level of acculturation (low acculturation or high acculturation) of low-income Latina mothers and the foods consumed by their children (0 to 36 months old). The association between acculturation and maternal perceptions of infant and toddler body size, maternal perceptions of her own body size and maternal parenting stress were also investigated. This was accomplished in 3 stages. First, data was collected cross-sectionally from 68 participants of WIC. Mothers answered many questionnaires including Food Frequency Questionnaires for their children, body size perception scale questionnaires and a parenting stress test. General linear regression models were performed to investigate an association between acculturation and food frequency, maternal perceptions of body size and parenting stress. Each model controlled for child’s age, maternal age, BMI (m/kg2) and education level. Second, key informant interviews were conducted with nine public health professionals to help gain a better understanding of some of our findings and to develop questions for the third stage: focus groups. Third, a total of 32 mothers participated in focus groups to discuss their perceptions on acculturation and child-feeding habits, and children’s body size. In addition, three mothers completed one-on-one interviews. From the cross-sectional analysis of the first study stage, the level of acculturation did not have a significant effect on any of the factors measured. For all mothers, however an increase in child’s age was associated with an increase in both the amount of healthy foods and less healthy foods consumed; an increase in mother’s BMI was associated with an increase in the children’s consumption of less healthy foods (beta coefficient of -0.042; p = 0.035). An increase in child’s age was associated with an increased likelihood of a mother to correctly estimate her own body size (beta coefficient of 0.041; p = 0.043). An increase in maternal BMI was associated with an increased likelihood to underestimate her own weight as well as that of her child. During the second stage, a theme emerged from the focus groups that the mothers try to feed the children the way they were fed growing up but they encounter difficulties when they can’t find the same ingredients and when their children start to prefer American foods. For all groups health was the number one factor they considered when choosing what to feed their children. The low acculturated mothers stated they wanted more education on how to assess if their child is at a healthy weight and admitted to not thinking about weight very much. In both groups, the mothers reported getting information about their child’s weight from health care professionals but many mothers from the bi acculturated group mentioned not believing the doctor when they told them their child was overweight. Overall, the findings suggest that children’s diets are not different by mother’s acculturation level and that the children start to prefer American foods from a young age. Parental education for several areas were identified: 1) for mothers to learn how to continue with the healthful aspects of a traditional diet 2) teach parents about appropriate stages of growth for their children; 3) when trying to teach about food focus on other areas of health rather than weight since weight does not seem to resonate as a concern.

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