Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acetylcystein"" "subject:"acetylcysteine""
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Doppelblind-randomisierte klinische Studie über die Wirkung oral gegebenen N-Acetylcysteins auf den Krankheitsverlauf chronischer Diarrhö bei KindernBecker, Nikolaus January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Zugl.: Giessen, Univ., Diss., 2005
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Doppelblind randomisierte klinische Studie über die Wirkung oral gegebenen N-Acetylcysteins auf den Krankheitsverlauf chronischer Diarrhö bei KindernBecker, Nikolaus. January 2006 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2005--Giessen.
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Differenzierung Nikotin induzierter Zellschäden in Epithelien des oberen und unteren Aerodigestivtraktes / Assessment of nicotine induced cell damages in epithelia of the human aerodigestive tractStüber, Thomas January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Rauchen stellt in den Industrienationen das bedeutendste vermeidbare Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Die Rolle des suchtauslösenden Alkaloids Nikotin in der Tabak assoziierten Kanzerogenese wird kontrovers diskutiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung genotoxischer Effekte von Nikotin in Zellen des oberen und unteren Aerodigestivtrakt sowie deren intrazellulärer Mechanismen. Dazu wurden Zellen aus humaner Nasenschleimhaut und humaner Bronchialschleimhaut enzymatisch isoliert sowie bronchiales Zelllinienepithel kultiviert und mit Nikotin unterschiedlicher Dosierungen für eine Stunde inkubiert. Zur Untersuchung beteiligter Signalkaskaden wurden Koinkubationen von Nikotin und dem nicht-kompetitiven nikotinergen Acetylcholinrezeptorblocker Mecamylamin und dem Antioxidans N-Acetylcystein durchgeführt. Die Erfassung Nikotin induzierter DNASchäden erfolgte mit Hilfe des Comet Assays. Zur Untersuchungen von Zellzyklusalterationen sowie Apoptoseinhibition durch Nikotin kam die Durchflusszytometrie zum Einsatz. Die Ergebnisse der Einzelzellgelelektrophorese zeigten eine dosisabhängige DNASchädigung im einstündigen Inkubationsversuch durch Nikotin. Diese Schäden waren gewebeabhängig ab einer Konzentration von 100μM in Zelllinienepithel (n=5) und 1mM in Nasenschleimhautzellen (n=8) signifikant. In humanem Bronchialzellepithel konnte bei dem Stichprobenumfang von n=4 keine signifikante DNA-Schädigung durch die getesteten Nikotindosierungen nachgewiesen werden. Durch eine Koinkubation mit dem Antioxidans N-Acetylcystein sowie dem nicht kompetitiven nACh Rezeptorblocker Mecamylamin konnte eine im Comet Assay nachweisbare Nikotin induzierte DNA-Schädigung verhindert werden. Durchflusszytometrische Untersuchungen zur Klärung einer möglichen Modulation der Apoptose durch Nikotin an bronchialem Zelllinienepithel zeigten keine signifikante Induktion oder Inhibition. Eine Beeinflussung des Zellzyklus durch Nikotin konnte in der Durchflusszytometrie nicht erfasst werden. Zusammenfassend induziert Nikotin DNA-Schäden in Epithelien des Atemtraktes. An diesem Effekt sind oxidative sowie nAch-Rezeptor abhängige Stoffwechselschritte beteiligt. Vor dem Hintergrund einer potentiellen Beteiligung von Nikotin an der Tumorinitiation und -progression muss eine Nikotinersatztherapie besonders kritisch abgewogen werden. / Tobacco smoking is the single most preventable cause of the death in the world. The role of tobacco´s main alcaloide nicotine in smoking related cancer is still unclear. Aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxicity of nicotine in epithelia of the human aerodigestive tract and the intracellular pathways which lead to DNA-damage. The genotoxicity was assessed by the comet assay. To assess cell cycle alterations and inhibition of apoptosis flow cytometry was performed. Cells of human nasal epithelia and cells of human bronchial epithelia were encymatically isolated and afterwards incubated with nicotine in different dosages for one hour. For investigation of the cellular pathways of DNA-damage cells were co-incubated with Nicotine and either N-Acetylcysteine, a known antioxidative substance, or Mecamylamine, a nAch-receptor blocking agent. Results showed a dosage dependend DNA-damage in nasal epithelia after one-hour-treatment with nicotine. Flow cytometry showed no alterations in cell cycle and no influence on apoptosis in nicotine treated cells. Coincubation of nicotine and N-Acetylcysteine or Mecamylamine reduced the nicotine induced DNA-damage significantly. Nicotine induces DNA damage in epithelia of the human aerodigestive tract. This damage is caused by oxidative effects and nAch-receptor dependend pathways.
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N-Acetylcystein som hydreringsalternativ mot kontrastmedelsinducerad nefropati : En litteraturöversikt / N-Acetylcysteine as a hydration alternative against contrastinduced nephropathy : A literature reviewJohansson, Åsa, Lagervall, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Jodkontrastmedel är ett läkemedel som administreras av röntgensjuksköterskan för att förbättra kontrasten mellan inre organ och vävnader samt skilja mellan normala och patologiska områden. Jodkontrastmedel gavs uppskattningsvis i 80 miljoner doser över hela världen år 2003. Av kontrastmedel kan allvarlig biverkning eller till och med ett livshotandetillstånd uppkomma som kontrastmedelsinducerad nefropati (KMN). N-Acetylcystein (NAC) har flera egenskaper, bland annat antioxidfunktioner och förbättring av njurarnas perfusion som kan vara bidragande egenskaper till att förebygga KMN. Syfte: Denna litteraturöversikt var att sammanställa om N-Acetylcystein (NAC) är ett effektivt hydreringsalternativ för att förebygga kontrastmedelsinducerad nefropati (KMN) Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmänlitteraturöversikt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades och resultatet presenterades i kategorier. Resultat: Analysen av tio artiklar resulterade i sex kategorier, om NAC har en bra hydrerande effekt mot KMN, högriskpatienternas utveckling av KMN och NAC:s effekt, kontrastmedelsdos, mätvärden kontrollerade med serumkreatinin och cystatin C, biverkningar från oral och intravenös administration av NAC samt studiernas definition på KMN. Slutsats: NAC tillsammans med hydrering har visat sig i vissa studier vara effektivt mot KMN men det är ändå oklart om det är NAC som ger den positiva effekten. NAC tillsammans med hydrering verkar inte ge några negativa effekter för patienten då NAC har få biverkningar och är ett billigt läkemedel, men röntgensjuksköterskan bör ge kontrastmedelsdos enligt uträknad GFR. / Introduction: Iodine contrast media is a drug that is administered by the radiographer to enhance the contrast between the internal organs and tissues and distinguish between normal and pathological areas. Iodine contrast media is given estimated to 80 million dosesworldwide year 2003. By contrast media, a serious side effect or even a life-threatening condition can arise like contrast induced nephropathy (CIN). N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) has acapacity of antioxidant functions and improvement of renal perfusion, which may be properties to help and prevent CIN. Purpose: This literature review was to compile if N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is an effective hydrations alternative to prevent contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) Method: The study was conducted as a general literature review. Tenquality scientific articles were reviewed, analyzed and the results were presented in categories. Results: The analysis of the ten articles resulted in six categories, the NAC has a good dehydrating effect against KMN, high-risk patients, the development of KMN and NAC:s effect, contrast media, measurements controlled by serum creatinine and cystatin C, side effects from oral and intravenous administration of NAC and studies definition of KMN Conclusions: NAC with hydration has been shown in some studies to be effective against KMN but it is still unclear whether it is NAC that gives the positive effect. We believe that NAC along with hydration do not hurt to give to the patient when the NAC has few side effects and is an inexpensive drug, but radiographer should give contrast media according to calculated GFR.
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Exzitotoxische Prozesse in der SIV-Enzephalitis / Excitotoxic processes in SIV-encephalitisSchmidt, Michaela January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Glutamat-vermittelte Exzitotoxizität gilt als einer der wichtigsten neuropathologischen Faktoren der HIV-Demenz: Während Glutamat in physiologischer Konzentration als exzitatorischer Neurotransmitter fungiert, wirkt es in zu hoher Konzentration neurotoxisch. In vorliegender Arbeit wurde mittels Western Blotting die Proteinexpression der exzitatorischen Aminosäuretransporter EAAT1 und EAAT2 gemessen, die vor allem für den Abtransport von Glutamat aus dem synaptischen Spalt sorgen. Hierzu wurden Gehirne von mit dem simianen Immundefizienz Virus (SIV) infizierten chinesischen und indischen Rhesusaffen verwendet. SIV verursacht im SIV-Rhesusaffenmodell ähnliche Schäden wie das humane Immundefizienz Virus (HIV) beim Menschen. Zur Entstehung der SIV-Enzephalitis tragen, wie auch bei der HIV-Demenz, aktivierte Monozyten und Mikroglia bei, die u.a. das Neurotoxin Tumornekrosefaktor-alpha (TNF-alpha) sezernieren. Dessen Protein- und Genexpression wurde mittels ELISA und Real-Time-PCR ausgewertet. Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurden zwei für die HIV-Demenz besonders relevante Gehirnregionen ausgewählt: das Putamen, das als Teil der Basalganglien für die extrapyramidale Steuerung der Motorik zuständig ist, und der Nucleus Accumbens, der affektives und motivationales Verhalten in Bewegungsabläufe integriert. Als potentielle Pharmaka wurden der MAO-B-Hemmer Selegilin, der NMDAR-Antagonist Memantin sowie die Antioxidantien N-Acetylcystein (NAC) und Melatonin getestet. Es gelang in vorliegender Arbeit erstmals, eine Störung der Proteinexpression der glutamatergen Transporter EAAT1 und EAAT2 im Putamen mit zunehmender Dauer der SIV-Infektion und ihren dramatischen Verlust bei Entwicklung von AIDS nachzuweisen. Im Nucleus Accumbens fand sich eine relativ konstante Proteinexpression des EAAT1 und EAAT2 im Verlauf der SIV-Infektion. Weiterhin konnte ein Anstieg des TNF-alpha mit fortschreitender Infektionsdauer hinsichtlich der Genexpression im Putamen und der Proteinexpression im Nucleus Accumbens nachgewiesen werden. Die fehlende Eignung von Selegilin als neuroprotektive Substanz im Rahmen der SIV-Enzephalitis wurde repliziert. Memantin, NAC und Melatonin hingegen verbesserten in weiten Teilen die Expression von EAAT1 und EAAT2 und wirkten immunstimulierend, was sie zu interessanten Kandidaten für eine neuroprotektive Medikation macht. In beiden Hirnregionen zeigte sich bei den indischen Rhesusaffen eine höhere TNF-alpha-Expression als bei den chinesischen Tieren. Dies entspricht der Beobachtung, dass die SIV-Infektion bei indischen Rhesusaffen meist schneller und schwerer verläuft. / Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity is considered one of the major neuropathological factors inducing HIV dementia: serving as an excitatory neurotransmitter in physiological concentration, glutamate exerts neurotoxic effects if secreted excessively. In the present study, the protein expression level of the excitatory amino acid transporters EAAT1 and EAAT2, which are responsible for the removal of glutamate from the synaptic cleft, was analyzed via Western Blotting. For this purpose, brains of Chinese and Indian macaques infected with the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) were used. SIV causes similar symptoms in the SIV/macaque model as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does in humans. Similar to HIV-dementia, the development of SIV-encephalitis is triggered by activated monocytes and microglia, which secrete – among other things - the neurotoxin tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). TNF-alpha protein and gene expression was examined using ELISA and real-time-PCR. For the present study, two brain regions were chosen due to their specific relevance for HIV-dementia: first the putamen, which is part of the basal ganglia and exerts influence on extrapyramidal motion sequences, and second the nucleus accumbens, which integrates affective and motivational behavior in motor activity. The MAO-B-inhibitor selegiline, the NMDAR-antagonist memantine and the antioxidants N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and melatonin were tested as potential pharmaceuticals. For the first time ever, the present study shows a disruption of protein expression of the glutamatergic transporters EAAT1 and EAAT2 in the putamen during an SIV infection, and a dramatic loss of EAATs associated with the development of AIDS. In the nucleus accumbens, a relatively constant protein expression of EAAT1 and EAAT2 was found during the progression of the SIV infection. Additionally it has been proved that TNF-alpha gene expression in the putamen and TNF-alpha protein expression in the nucleus accumbens increase in the course of an SIV infection. It was replicated that selegiline is unsuitable as a neuroprotective agent regarding SIV encephalitis. Memantine, NAC and melatonin, on the other hand, largely improved the expression of EAAT1 and EAAT2, and stimulated the immune system, so that these substances can be taken into consideration as possible neuroprotective pharmaceuticals. In both brain regions, the Indian macaques showed a higher TNF-alpha expression level than the Chinese macaques. This finding corresponds to the fact that the course of an SIV infection is faster and more severe in Indian macaques.
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Analýza markerů oxidativního stresu v mozku potkana: vliv maternální separace / Analysis of oxidative stress markers in rat brain: the effect of maternal separationPallag, Gergely January 2019 (has links)
Adverse events that cause stress during the early stages of life may alter the normal development of the brain and neuroendocrine system and increase the vulnerability of the individual to various disorders. Chronic stress and subsequent releasing of stress mediators can lead to oxidative stress and cell damage. The first aim of this work was to determine selected oxidative stress markers in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum after the exposure of rats to early life stress. To model the stressful situation, we used maternal separation of the offspring for three hours a day during the first three weeks of life. We choose reduced glutathione, protein carbonyls, lipid peroxides and hydroperoxides as typical markers. These markers were determined in the brains of rats aged 22 days. Any significant changes were found in the levels of the studied markers after maternal separation. Damage to brain cells may also be reflected in behavior. Studies of numerous neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases have indicated that oxidative stress is a promising candidate for inducing changes at the cellular level. The second aim of this work was to monitor the behavior of rats by the light/dark box test after maternal separation along with administration of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a drug with...
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Albumina modificada por glicação avançada e resistência insulínica em ratos: foco no tecido adiposo periepididimal e nas ações da N-acetilcisteína / Advanced glycated albumin and insulin resistance in rats: focus on periepididimal adipose tissue and N-acetylcysteine actionsSilva, Karolline Santana da 16 March 2017 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) contribuem para o estresse oxidativo e inflamatório, os quais constituem as bases celulares para as complicações a longo prazo do diabete melito (DM). A albumina é a principal proteína sérica modificada por AGE e afeta adversamente o metabolismo de lípides e a resposta infamatória em macrófagos, a função das ilhotas pancreáticas e a sensibilidade insulínica no músculo. Neste estudo, avaliamos o efeito da administração crônica de albumina AGE, associada ou não ao tratamento com N-acetilcisteína (NAC), sobre a sensibilidade periférica à insulina, infiltrado total e perfil de macrófagos, transcriptoma do tecido adiposo periepididimal e padrão de diferenciação de macrófagos peritoneais em ratos saudáveis. Albumina AGE foi produzida pela incubação de albumina de rato com glicolaldeído 10 mM, durante 4 dias a 37 °C, em agitação, no escuro. Albumina controle (C) foi preparada na presença de PBS apenas. Ratos Wistar com 4 semanas de idade foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais (n = 7-8), os quais receberam injeção intraperitoneal diária de albumina C ou albumina AGE (20 mg/Kg/dia) concomitantemente ou não a administração da NAC (600mg/L de água) (grupos albumina C + NAC e albumina AGE + NAC), durante 90 dias consecutivos. Parâmetros bioquímicos foram determinados por técnicas enzimáticas, peroxidação lipídica, pela medida de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) na urina, expressão gênica, por RT-qPCR, e conteúdo proteico, por imuno-histoquímica. AGE total foi determinado por ELISA, carboximetil-lisina (CML) e pirralina (PYR), por cromatografia líquida/espectrometria de massa. O tecido adiposo periepididimal foi analisado por estereologia. A concentração de AGE total, CML e PYR foi, respectivamente, 9,2, 7000 e 235 vezes maior na albumina AGE em comparação à C. Consumo de ração, massa corporal, pressão arterial sistólica e concentração plasmática de colesterol total, triglicérides, ácidos graxos livres, glicose, insulina, ureia, creatinina, alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase e excreção urinária de proteínas (24 h) foram semelhantes entre os grupos. A NAC reduziu em 1,4 e 1,6 vezes a concentração urinária de TBARS nos animais tratados com albumina AGE + NAC, em comparação aos grupos AGE e C+NAC, respectivamente. A albumina AGE reduziu em, aproximadamente, 1,4 vezes a sensibilidade à insulina em comparação ao C, o que foi prevenido pela NAC. O peso relativo do tecido adiposo periepididimal, a fração de área e o volume dos adipócitos foram semelhantes entre os grupos experimentais. Maior infiltrado macrofágico, (células F4/80 positivas), foi observado nos animais tratados com albumina AGE (1,3 x), o que também foi prevenido pela NAC. CD11b e CD206 permaneceram inalterados. O tratamento com albumina AGE também não alterou a expressão do mRNA de Ager (RAGE), Ddost (AGE-R1), Cd36, Nfkb1, Il6, Il10, Tnf, Nos2, Il12. No entanto, Itgam (CD11b - M1) e Mrc foram reduzidos no grupo AGE + NAC em comparação a C + NAC (2 e 1,9 x) e AGE (1,8 e 1,5 x, respectivamente). Aumento do mRNA de Slc2a4 (GLUT-4) e Ppara foi observado nos animais tratados com albumina AGE + NAC em comparação a C + NAC (Slc2a4: 1,6; Ppara 2,2 x) e AGE (2,3; 3,3 x). A albumina AGE contribuiu para maior expressão do Col12a1 (3,1 x) em relação ao C. Análise de macrófagos isolados da cavidade peritoneal apontaram elevação no mRNA de Il6 (2,6 x) e Ddost (1,4 x) no grupo AGE em relação ao C. Ddost também foi aumentado (1,2 x) no grupo AGE + NAC quando comparado ao C+NAC. Além disso, a NAC favoreceu o aumento do Arg1 (arginase 1) nos grupos albumina C + NAC (2,5 x) e AGE + NAC (2,6 x) quando comparados aos seus respectivos controles. Em conclusão, a albumina AGE favorece o infiltrado de macrófagos no tecido adiposo o que evidencia a sensibilização deste território à ação dos AGE e pode, a longo prazo, contribuir para piora na resistência à insulina, observada neste modelo animal. A NAC antagoniza os efeitos da albumina AGE e exerce, por si, efeitos benéficos sobre o perfil de diferenciação de macrófagos no tecido adiposo e peritônio, resposta inflamatória, peroxidação lipídica e resistência insulínica. A NAC pode ser uma ferramenta útil na prevenção das ações dos AGE sobre o desenvolvimento de resistência insulínica e complicações do DM / [Thesis]. São Paulo: \"Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, 2016\". Advanced glycation end-products (AGE) contribute to oxidative and inflammatory stress, which constitute the cellular basis for long-term complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). Albumin is the major serum protein modified by AGE and adversely affects macrophage lipid metabolism and inflammatory response, pancreatic islet function and muscle insulin sensitivity. We investigated the effect of chronic administration of AGE-albumin, associated or not with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) treatment, in peripheral insulin sensitivity, macrophage infiltration and polarization and transcriptome of periepididimal adipose tissue and peritoneal macrophage differentiation in healthy rats. AGE-albumin was prepared by incubating rat albumin with 10 mM glycolaldehyde for 4 days, 37 °C, under shaker, in the dark. Control albumin (C) was incubated with PBS alone. Four-weeks old male Wistar rats (n = 7-8/group) were randomized into four groups receiving daily intraperitoneal injections of C or AGE albumin (20 mg/kg/day) alone or together with NAC (600mg/L drinking water) (C + NAC albumin and AGE + NAC albumin), for 90 consecutive days. Biochemical parameters were determined by enzymatic techniques, lipid peroxidation by the measurement of urinary thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), gene expression by RT-qPCR and protein content by immunohistochemistry. Total AGE was determined by ELISA and carboxymethyllysine (CML) and pyrraline (PYR) by liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry. Periepididimal adipose tissue was analyzed by stereology. Total AGE concentration, CML and PYR were, respectively, 9.2, 7000 and 235 times higher in AGE albumin as compared to C. Food consumption, body weight, systolic blood pressure and plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, glucose, insulin, urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and urinary protein excretion (24 h) were similar among groups. NAC reduced urinary TBARS in AGE + NAC group as compared to AGE (1.4 x) and C + NAC (1.6 x), respectively. AGE albumin reduced 1.4 times the insulin sensitivity as compared to C albumin; this was prevented by NAC. Adipose tissue relative weight, adipocyte area fraction and volume were similar among groups. A higher (1.3 x) macrophage infiltrate (F4/80 positive cells) was observed in AGE albumin treated animals in comparison to those treated with C albumin and this was prevented by NAC. CD11b and CD206 were unchanged as well as mRNA de Ager (RAGE), Ddost (AGE-R1), Cd36, Nfkb1, Il6, Il10, Tnf, Nos2 and Il12. Itgam (CD11b - M1) and Mrc (CD206 - M2) were reduced in AGE + NAC group in comparison to C + NAC (2 and 1.9 x, respectively) and AGE (1.8 and 1.5 x, respectively). Increased Slc2a4 (GLUT-4) and Ppara mRNA were observed in AGE + NAC group in comparison to C + NAC (Slc2a4: 1.6 x; Ppara: 2.2 x) and to AGE (Slc2a4: 2.3 x; Ppara: 3.3 x). AGE albumin increased the expression of Col12a1 in 3.1 times as compared to C albumin. In peritoneal macrophages there was an increase in Il6 (2.6 x) and Ddost (1.4 x) in AGE group as compared to C. Ddost was also 1.2 times increased in AGE + NAC as compared to C+NAC. NAC increased Arg1 (arginase 1) in C + NAC (2.5 x) and AGE + NAC (2.6 x) as compared to their respective controls. In conclusion, AGE albumin favors macrophage infiltration in adipose tissue promoting over time tissue sensitization to AGE that may contribute to worsening insulin resistance in this animal model. NAC antagonizes the effects of AGE albumin and by itself has beneficial effects in macrophage differentiation in adipose tissue and peritoneal cavity, inflammatory response, lipid peroxidation and insulin sensitivity. NAC may be a useful tool in the prevention of AGE actions on the development of insulin resistance and long-term complications of DM
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Albumina modificada por glicação avançada e resistência insulínica em ratos: foco no tecido adiposo periepididimal e nas ações da N-acetilcisteína / Advanced glycated albumin and insulin resistance in rats: focus on periepididimal adipose tissue and N-acetylcysteine actionsKarolline Santana da Silva 16 March 2017 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) contribuem para o estresse oxidativo e inflamatório, os quais constituem as bases celulares para as complicações a longo prazo do diabete melito (DM). A albumina é a principal proteína sérica modificada por AGE e afeta adversamente o metabolismo de lípides e a resposta infamatória em macrófagos, a função das ilhotas pancreáticas e a sensibilidade insulínica no músculo. Neste estudo, avaliamos o efeito da administração crônica de albumina AGE, associada ou não ao tratamento com N-acetilcisteína (NAC), sobre a sensibilidade periférica à insulina, infiltrado total e perfil de macrófagos, transcriptoma do tecido adiposo periepididimal e padrão de diferenciação de macrófagos peritoneais em ratos saudáveis. Albumina AGE foi produzida pela incubação de albumina de rato com glicolaldeído 10 mM, durante 4 dias a 37 °C, em agitação, no escuro. Albumina controle (C) foi preparada na presença de PBS apenas. Ratos Wistar com 4 semanas de idade foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais (n = 7-8), os quais receberam injeção intraperitoneal diária de albumina C ou albumina AGE (20 mg/Kg/dia) concomitantemente ou não a administração da NAC (600mg/L de água) (grupos albumina C + NAC e albumina AGE + NAC), durante 90 dias consecutivos. Parâmetros bioquímicos foram determinados por técnicas enzimáticas, peroxidação lipídica, pela medida de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) na urina, expressão gênica, por RT-qPCR, e conteúdo proteico, por imuno-histoquímica. AGE total foi determinado por ELISA, carboximetil-lisina (CML) e pirralina (PYR), por cromatografia líquida/espectrometria de massa. O tecido adiposo periepididimal foi analisado por estereologia. A concentração de AGE total, CML e PYR foi, respectivamente, 9,2, 7000 e 235 vezes maior na albumina AGE em comparação à C. Consumo de ração, massa corporal, pressão arterial sistólica e concentração plasmática de colesterol total, triglicérides, ácidos graxos livres, glicose, insulina, ureia, creatinina, alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase e excreção urinária de proteínas (24 h) foram semelhantes entre os grupos. A NAC reduziu em 1,4 e 1,6 vezes a concentração urinária de TBARS nos animais tratados com albumina AGE + NAC, em comparação aos grupos AGE e C+NAC, respectivamente. A albumina AGE reduziu em, aproximadamente, 1,4 vezes a sensibilidade à insulina em comparação ao C, o que foi prevenido pela NAC. O peso relativo do tecido adiposo periepididimal, a fração de área e o volume dos adipócitos foram semelhantes entre os grupos experimentais. Maior infiltrado macrofágico, (células F4/80 positivas), foi observado nos animais tratados com albumina AGE (1,3 x), o que também foi prevenido pela NAC. CD11b e CD206 permaneceram inalterados. O tratamento com albumina AGE também não alterou a expressão do mRNA de Ager (RAGE), Ddost (AGE-R1), Cd36, Nfkb1, Il6, Il10, Tnf, Nos2, Il12. No entanto, Itgam (CD11b - M1) e Mrc foram reduzidos no grupo AGE + NAC em comparação a C + NAC (2 e 1,9 x) e AGE (1,8 e 1,5 x, respectivamente). Aumento do mRNA de Slc2a4 (GLUT-4) e Ppara foi observado nos animais tratados com albumina AGE + NAC em comparação a C + NAC (Slc2a4: 1,6; Ppara 2,2 x) e AGE (2,3; 3,3 x). A albumina AGE contribuiu para maior expressão do Col12a1 (3,1 x) em relação ao C. Análise de macrófagos isolados da cavidade peritoneal apontaram elevação no mRNA de Il6 (2,6 x) e Ddost (1,4 x) no grupo AGE em relação ao C. Ddost também foi aumentado (1,2 x) no grupo AGE + NAC quando comparado ao C+NAC. Além disso, a NAC favoreceu o aumento do Arg1 (arginase 1) nos grupos albumina C + NAC (2,5 x) e AGE + NAC (2,6 x) quando comparados aos seus respectivos controles. Em conclusão, a albumina AGE favorece o infiltrado de macrófagos no tecido adiposo o que evidencia a sensibilização deste território à ação dos AGE e pode, a longo prazo, contribuir para piora na resistência à insulina, observada neste modelo animal. A NAC antagoniza os efeitos da albumina AGE e exerce, por si, efeitos benéficos sobre o perfil de diferenciação de macrófagos no tecido adiposo e peritônio, resposta inflamatória, peroxidação lipídica e resistência insulínica. A NAC pode ser uma ferramenta útil na prevenção das ações dos AGE sobre o desenvolvimento de resistência insulínica e complicações do DM / [Thesis]. São Paulo: \"Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, 2016\". Advanced glycation end-products (AGE) contribute to oxidative and inflammatory stress, which constitute the cellular basis for long-term complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). Albumin is the major serum protein modified by AGE and adversely affects macrophage lipid metabolism and inflammatory response, pancreatic islet function and muscle insulin sensitivity. We investigated the effect of chronic administration of AGE-albumin, associated or not with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) treatment, in peripheral insulin sensitivity, macrophage infiltration and polarization and transcriptome of periepididimal adipose tissue and peritoneal macrophage differentiation in healthy rats. AGE-albumin was prepared by incubating rat albumin with 10 mM glycolaldehyde for 4 days, 37 °C, under shaker, in the dark. Control albumin (C) was incubated with PBS alone. Four-weeks old male Wistar rats (n = 7-8/group) were randomized into four groups receiving daily intraperitoneal injections of C or AGE albumin (20 mg/kg/day) alone or together with NAC (600mg/L drinking water) (C + NAC albumin and AGE + NAC albumin), for 90 consecutive days. Biochemical parameters were determined by enzymatic techniques, lipid peroxidation by the measurement of urinary thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), gene expression by RT-qPCR and protein content by immunohistochemistry. Total AGE was determined by ELISA and carboxymethyllysine (CML) and pyrraline (PYR) by liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry. Periepididimal adipose tissue was analyzed by stereology. Total AGE concentration, CML and PYR were, respectively, 9.2, 7000 and 235 times higher in AGE albumin as compared to C. Food consumption, body weight, systolic blood pressure and plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, glucose, insulin, urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and urinary protein excretion (24 h) were similar among groups. NAC reduced urinary TBARS in AGE + NAC group as compared to AGE (1.4 x) and C + NAC (1.6 x), respectively. AGE albumin reduced 1.4 times the insulin sensitivity as compared to C albumin; this was prevented by NAC. Adipose tissue relative weight, adipocyte area fraction and volume were similar among groups. A higher (1.3 x) macrophage infiltrate (F4/80 positive cells) was observed in AGE albumin treated animals in comparison to those treated with C albumin and this was prevented by NAC. CD11b and CD206 were unchanged as well as mRNA de Ager (RAGE), Ddost (AGE-R1), Cd36, Nfkb1, Il6, Il10, Tnf, Nos2 and Il12. Itgam (CD11b - M1) and Mrc (CD206 - M2) were reduced in AGE + NAC group in comparison to C + NAC (2 and 1.9 x, respectively) and AGE (1.8 and 1.5 x, respectively). Increased Slc2a4 (GLUT-4) and Ppara mRNA were observed in AGE + NAC group in comparison to C + NAC (Slc2a4: 1.6 x; Ppara: 2.2 x) and to AGE (Slc2a4: 2.3 x; Ppara: 3.3 x). AGE albumin increased the expression of Col12a1 in 3.1 times as compared to C albumin. In peritoneal macrophages there was an increase in Il6 (2.6 x) and Ddost (1.4 x) in AGE group as compared to C. Ddost was also 1.2 times increased in AGE + NAC as compared to C+NAC. NAC increased Arg1 (arginase 1) in C + NAC (2.5 x) and AGE + NAC (2.6 x) as compared to their respective controls. In conclusion, AGE albumin favors macrophage infiltration in adipose tissue promoting over time tissue sensitization to AGE that may contribute to worsening insulin resistance in this animal model. NAC antagonizes the effects of AGE albumin and by itself has beneficial effects in macrophage differentiation in adipose tissue and peritoneal cavity, inflammatory response, lipid peroxidation and insulin sensitivity. NAC may be a useful tool in the prevention of AGE actions on the development of insulin resistance and long-term complications of DM
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Triple A Syndrome: Preliminary Response to the Antioxidant N-Acetylcysteine Treatment in a ChildBarisson Villares Fragoso, Maria Candida, Vasco de Albuquerque Albuquerque, Edoarda, de Almeida Cardoso, Ana Luiza, Lopes da Rosa, Paula Waki, Bomeny de Paulo, Rodrigo, Massola Schimizu, Maria Heloisa, Seguro, Antonio Carlos, Passarelli, Marisa, Köhler, Katrin, Hübner, Angela, Almeida, Madson Q., Latronico, Ana Claudia, Prado Arnhold, Ivo Jorge, Bilharinho Mendonca, Berenice 22 May 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Triple A syndrome (AAAS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by alacrima, achalasia, ACTH-resistant adrenal insufficiency, autonomic dysfunction, and progressive neurodegeneration. Increased oxidative stress, demonstrated in patients’ fibroblasts in vitro, may be a central disease mechanism. N-acetylcysteine protects renal function in patients with kidney injuries associated with increased oxidative stress and improves viability of AAAS-knockdown adrenal cells in vitro. Patient and Results: A boy diagnosed with AAAS presented with short stature and increased oxidative stress in vivo assessed by increased thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), which are markers of lipid peroxidation, and by the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation and the capacity of HDL to prevent it. A homozygous missense germline mutation (c.523G>T, p.Val175Phe) in AAAS was identified. N-acetylcysteine (600 mg orally, twice daily) decreased oxidative stress but did not change the patient’s growth pattern. Conclusions: An increase in oxidative stress is reported for the first time in vivo in an AAAS patient. N-acetylcysteine was capable of decreasing TBARS levels, reducing the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation and improving the antioxidant role of HDL. The longterm effect of antioxidant treatment should be evaluated to determine the real benefit for the prevention of the degenerative process in AAAS.
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Vergleich der Strahlenwirkung auf Tumorzellkulturen und Tumorstammzellkulturen aus unterschiedlichen Glioblastomen / comparison of the effects of radiation on tumor cell cultures and tumor stem cell cultures from different glioblastomaOettler, Manuela 28 May 2014 (has links)
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