Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acth"" "subject:"tcth""
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Expressão gênica dos receptores de cortisol no músculo de bovinos Nelore e associação com características endócrinas, metabólicas e qualidade da carne / Gene expression of cortisol receptors in muscle of Nellore cattle and association with endocrine and metabolic characteristics and meat qualitySilva, Barbara 18 February 2013 (has links)
O estresse provoca alterações significativas no metabolismo dos animais, provocando a liberação de hormônios glicocorticoides. Estas alterações do metabolismo têm efeito anabólico sobre o metabolismo proteico muscular, podendo afetar os processos bioquímicos de transformação do músculo em carne. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral (i) verificar as relações entre variáveis endócrinas e metabólicas associadas ao estresse e características indicadoras de qualidade da carne, em animais castrados e não-castrados; (ii) avaliar a expressão gênica dos receptores mineralocorticoide (MR) e glicocorticoide (GR) em variáveis endócrinas, metabólicas e relacionadas à qualidade da carne de bovinos Nelore castrados e não-castrados. Para tal, 130 animais foram abatidos entre os anos de 2009 e 2011. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes e depois do abate para mensuração das concentrações de ACTH e cortisol. Amostras do músculo Longissimus dorsi foram coletadas durante os abates para mensuração do glicogênio e lactato, bem como, para análises de expressão gênica (RT-qPCR). Para as análises de maciez, foram coletadas amostras maturadas por um, sete e 14 dias. Para expressão gênica foram determinados os genótipos dos animais para três marcadores relacionados ao MR (MR1_1, MR1_2 e MR1_3) e dois ao GR (GR2_1 e GR2_2), por meio de PCR em tempo real. Foi verificado que animais castrados apresentam pH 24 horas menores e carnes mais macias ao sétimo e 14º dias de maturação, bem como, concentrações de cortisol (in vivo e post mortem) e lactato significativamente superiores aos animais não-castrados. O marcador MR1_3 apresenta expressão gênica significativamente diferenciada. Os animais com genótipo GA apresentaram 57,27% mais transcritos quando comparados aos animais GG. A expressão gênica do MR e GR foi significativamente relacionada às concentrações de cortisol in vivo e post mortem, porém não influenciou as concentrações de ACTH (in vivo e post mortem), glicogênio e lactato. A expressão gênica do MR e GR não foi relacionada às características indicadoras da qualidade da carne. / The stress causes significant changes in the metabolism of the animals causing the release of glucocorticoid hormones. These metabolic changes have anabolic effect on muscle protein metabolism, affecting the biochemical processes of transformation of muscle on meat. This study aimed to (i) examine relationships between endocrine and metabolic variables associated with stress and meat quality characteristics in castrated and non-castrated animals, (ii) evaluate mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene expression in endocrine and metabolic characteristics and related this to meat quality of Nellore castrated and non-castrated animals. To this end, 130 animals were slaughtered between the years 2009 and 2011. Blood samples were collected before and after slaughter to measure concentrations of ACTH and cortisol. Longissimus dorsi muscle samples were collected during slaughter for measurement of glycogen and lactate, as well for gene expression analyzes (RT-qPCR). For the shear force analyzes, samples were aged for one, seven and 14 days. For gene expression analysis, genotypes of three markers related to MR (MR1_1, MR1_2 and MR1_3), and the two related to GR (GR2_1 and GR2_2) were determined via real-time PCR. It was observed that castrated have lower pH value at 24 hours than non-castrated animals, and tender meat on the seventh and 14th day of aging, such as cortisol (in vivo and post mortem) and lactate concentrations significantly superior to non-castrated animals. Gene expression of MR1_3 was significantly different. Animals with GA genotype had 57.27% more transcripts than GG genotype. The gene expression of MR and GR was significantly related to cortisol concentrations in vivo and post mortem, but did not influence the concentrations of ACTH (in vivo and post mortem), glycogen and lactate. The MR and GR gene expression was not related to the meat quality characteristics.
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Effects of ACTH Mutations on POMC-induced Melanoma Suppression and SteroidgenesisHung, Chia-Chun 08 September 2009 (has links)
Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) is a 241 amino acids precursor protein, which encodes various neuropeptides including corticotropin (ACTH), a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH), and b-endorphin (b-EP). POMC plays an important role in stress response, metabolism, energy homeostasis and anti-inflammation. Recent studies demonstrated that systemic POMC gene delivery potently suppresses the tumor growth and metastasis of B16-F10 melanoma in vitro and in vivo via inhibition of NF-£eB/COX2 pathway. However, systemic POMC expression also led to elevated urine excretion and water intake in mice. This was attributed to enhanced steroidgenesis as evidence by elevated plasma corticosteroids levels in animals and increased cortisol production in adrenal H295R cells after POMC gene delivery. Since corticosteroids are also potent anti-inflammatory agents, it remains unclear whether the ACTH-mediated cortisol synthesis also contributed to the POMC-induced tumor suppression. To address this issue, we generated a series of adenovirus vectors encoding POMC genes with mutation or deletion in ACTH domain including ACTH (K15A/R17A). Unlike the wild type POMC, gene delivery of ACTH (K15A/R17A) resulted in significantly lower cortisol production, CYP11B1 mRNA level, and glucocorticoid responsive element (GRE)-driven luciferase activities in H295R cells. ACTH (K15A/R17A) gene delivery did not affect the urination and water intake in mice. Above all, ACTH (K15A/R17A) gene delivery remained capable of inhibiting the colonies formation and invasiveness of B16-F10 melanoma cells. In summary, steroidgenesis is not essential to POMC-mediated melanoma suppression. In addition, ACTH (K15A/R17A) gene delivery may provide a better alternative for melanoma control.
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Análise da expressão gênica diferencial entre microcorticotropinomas e macrocorticotropinomas / Analysis of differential gene expression between microcorticotrophinomas and macrocorticotrophinomasLeonardo José Tadeu de Araújo 03 February 2017 (has links)
Adenomas que se desenvolvem a partir da linhagem corticotrófica (corticotropinomas) secretam ACTH (hormônio adrenocorticotrófico) de modo autônomo. Esta secreção induz a produção crônica e excessiva de cortisol, pelo córtex das glândulas suprarrenais, caracterizando a doença de Cushing (DC). A grande maioria dos adenomas visível à ressonância magnética é microadenoma ( < 10 mm) e apenas 10-30 % dos indivíduos com DC possuem macroadenomas ( > 10 mm), enquanto macroadenomas invasivos são considerados raros. Para investigar os diferentes fenótipos destes tumores, estudamos o padrão de expressão gênica entre microadenomas e macroadenomas, incluindo como critério de classificação sua capacidade de invasão. Utilizando a metodologia de microarray, estudamos 12 amostras de corticotropinomas de indivíduos com diagnóstico clínico, laboratorial e histopatológico de DC (microadenomas não-invasivos n = 4, macroadenomas não-invasivos n = 5 e macroadenomas invasivos n = 3). Além disso, foi investigada a presença de mutações do gene USP8. Observamos que micro e macrocorticotropinomas não-invasivos possuem uma assinatura gênica semelhante, com apenas 48 genes diferencialmente expressos entre si. Por outro lado, macroadenomas invasivos apresentaram um perfil de expressão diferencial mais acentuado, com 168 genes diferencialmente expressos em relação aos não-invasivos (ANOVA p-valor < 0,05; fold change cut off = 2; FDR = 0,05). Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou variantes do USP8. Baseado em sua significância de expressão e funcionalidade, destacamos os genes CCND2, ZNF67 (hiper-expressos, DAPK1 e TIMP2 9 (hipo-expressos). A expressão desses transcritos foi validada por QPCR em 15 corticotropinomas não-invasivos e 3 invasivos, onde 28% destes tumores apresentou mutações somáticas para o gene da USP8. Dentre as vias biológicas comprometidas com pelo menos dois genes hipo ou hiperexpressos estão: via do receptor de Vitamina D, TGF-beta, sinalização por proteína G, resposta ao dano no DNA e controle do ciclo celular. Nossos resultados podem ser úteis para identificar novos marcadores envolvidos no fenótipo invasivo dos corticotropinomas clinicamente ativos. Apesar das funções específicas destes potenciais marcadores ainda precisarem ser elucidadas nos corticotropinomas, nossos resultados podem apresentar um impacto positivo na escolha e eficácia terapêutica, no prognóstico e na previsão de recorrência destes tumores / Adenomas that develop from the corticotrophic lineage (corticotrophinomas) secrete ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) autonomously. This secretion leads to chronic and excessive production of cortisol, by the cortex of the adrenal glands, featuring Cushing\'s disease (CD). Most of the adenomas visible to the MRI are microadenomas (< 10 mm) and macroadenomas (> 10 mm) occur in only 10-30 % of individuals with CD, while invasive macroadenomas, although rare, have great clinical relevance. To investigate the different phenotypes of these tumors, we studied the pattern of differential gene expression between microadenomas and macroadenomas, including their invasiveness as classification a criterion. Using DNA microarray methodology, we studied 12 samples of corticotrophinomas of patients with clinical, laboratory and histopathologic diagnosis of CD (non-invasive microadenomas n = 4, non-invasive macroadenomas n = 5 and invasive macroadenomas n=3). In addition, we investigated the presence of USP8 mutations. We observed that non-invasive corticotrophinomas have a similar genic signature with each other, with only 48 genes differentially expressed between them. Moreover, invasive macroadenomas showed a more pronounced differential expression profile, with 168 differentially expressed genes compared to sellar corticotrophinomas (ANOVA p value < 0.05; fold change cut-off = 2; FDR = 0.05). None of them exhibited USP8 variants. Based on expression significance and functionality, we highlighted CCND2, ZNF676 (overexpressed), DAPK1 and TIMP2 (underexpressed). These results were validated through alfaRT-PCR in another cohort of 15 sellar and 3 invasive corticotrophinomas, in which 28% of these tumors harbored USP8 somatic mutations. Among the biological pathways committed with at least two under or overexpressed genes are: Vitamin D receptor pathway, TGF-beta, G-protein signaling, response to DNA damage and control of the cell cycle. Our results can be useful to identify new markers involved in the invasive phenotype of clinically active corticotrophinomas. Although the specific functions of these potential markers still need to be elucidated in corticotropinomas, our results may have a positive impact on choice and therapeutic efficacy, prognosis and prediction of recurrence of these tumors
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O Gene c-myc e o controle do ciclo celular por ACTH em células adrenocorticais de camundongo da linhagem Y-1 / The c-myc gene and the control of cell cycle by ACTH and FGF2 in the Y-1 adrenocortical cell lineAna Paula Lepique 20 October 2000 (has links)
ACTH é o hormônio trófico que estimula a esteroidogênese, promove o crescimento e a manutenção do córtex adrenal. Porém, em linhagens adrenocorticais, assim como em culturas primárias, ACTH inibe a proliferação celular. A linhagem Y-1 de células adrenocorticais de camundongo tem as seguintes respostas a ACTH: aumento da esteroidogênese, arredondamento celular, bloqueio do ciclo celular em G1 e indução dos proto-oncogenes fos e jun. Esta linhagem também responde muito Sem a FGF2, um protótipo da família dos FGFs (Fibroblast Growth Factors) que regula diferenciação e proliferação de diversos tipos celulares, sendo estimulada a transitar pelas fases G0→G1→S do ciclo celular. ACTH antagoniza este efeito de FGF2, inibindo parcialmente a entrada em S induzida por FGF2. Este projeto buscou compreender o papel de c-Myc no controle do ciclo celular de Y-1, com ênfase nos efeitos de ACTH e FGF2 na expressão e atividade de c-Myc. Mostramos que os dois principais controles da expressão de c-Myc em Y-1 são transcrição e degradação da proteína, sendo a concentração de c-Myc o único controle sobre o sistema Myc/Max/Mad, uma vez que a expressão de Max e de Mad-1 , Mad-4 e Mxi é constitutiva em células Y-1. FGF2 induz a expressão de c-Myc através da indução da transcrição e aumento da estabilidade da proteína de forma totalmente dependente da via de Erk-MAPK. ACTH, por outro lado, não interfere com a transcrição de c-myc, mas promove fortemente a degradação da proteína, dependentemente da via de PKA. Utilizando um sistema de transfecção transiente, transfectamos uma quimera da proteína c-Myc com o receptor de estrógeno, MycER. Quando ativada por tamoxifen, a quimera migra para o núcleo e reverte a ação anti-mitogênica de ACTH sobre FGF2, porém, não tem efeito sobre células carenciadas tratadas ou não com ACTH apenas. Em conclusão, o antagonismo entre ACTH e FGF2 no controle da transição G0→G1→S do ciclo celular de Y-1 pode ser explicado pelas suas ações antagônicas sobre a estabilidade da proteína c-Myc. / ACTH is the trophic hormone that stimulates steroidogenesis, promotes growth and maintenance of the adrenal cortex. However, in adrenal cell lines, as well as in primary cultures, ACTH inhibits cell proliferation. ACTH effects on Y-1 cells are: increasing in steroidogenesis, cell rounding, cell cycle blocking in G1 phase and induction of fos and jun proto-oncogenes expression. Y-1 cell line displays a robust response to FGF2, a member from the FGFs family (Fibroblast Growth Factors), which regulates differentiation and proliferation in many cell types, being induced to enter G0→G1→S phases of fhe cell cycle upon FGF2 stimulation. ACTH antagonizes FGF2 effect, partially inhibiting cell cycle progression stimulated by FGF2. This project aimed to investigate c-Myc role in Y-1 cell cycle control, with emphasis on ACTH and FGF2 effects on its expression and activity control. We have shown that there are two main controls of c-Myc expression in Y-1 cells, transcription and protein stability. c-Myc concentration regulates the system Myc/Max/Mad, once Max and also Mad-1, Mad-4 and Mxi expression is constitutive in Y-1 cells. FGF2 induces c-Myc expression by increasing its transcription rate and stabilizing the protein in an Erk-MAPK pathway dependent manner. ACTH, on the other hand, does not control c-myc transcription but promotes a strong degradation of the protein through the PKA pathway. Using a transient transfection system, we were able to express MycER, a chimera of c-Myc and estrogen receptor in Y-1 cells. When activated by tamoxlfen, MycER is translocated to cell nucleus, where it abolishes the anti-mitogenic effect of ACTH over FGF2. However, it has no effect on cell cycle progression of serum starved cells treated or not with ACTH only. In conclusion, their antagonist effects on c-Myc protein stability can explain the antagonist effects of ACTH and FGF2 on the control of G0→G1→S transition of Y-1 cell cycle.
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Expressão gênica dos receptores de cortisol no músculo de bovinos Nelore e associação com características endócrinas, metabólicas e qualidade da carne / Gene expression of cortisol receptors in muscle of Nellore cattle and association with endocrine and metabolic characteristics and meat qualityBarbara Silva 18 February 2013 (has links)
O estresse provoca alterações significativas no metabolismo dos animais, provocando a liberação de hormônios glicocorticoides. Estas alterações do metabolismo têm efeito anabólico sobre o metabolismo proteico muscular, podendo afetar os processos bioquímicos de transformação do músculo em carne. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral (i) verificar as relações entre variáveis endócrinas e metabólicas associadas ao estresse e características indicadoras de qualidade da carne, em animais castrados e não-castrados; (ii) avaliar a expressão gênica dos receptores mineralocorticoide (MR) e glicocorticoide (GR) em variáveis endócrinas, metabólicas e relacionadas à qualidade da carne de bovinos Nelore castrados e não-castrados. Para tal, 130 animais foram abatidos entre os anos de 2009 e 2011. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes e depois do abate para mensuração das concentrações de ACTH e cortisol. Amostras do músculo Longissimus dorsi foram coletadas durante os abates para mensuração do glicogênio e lactato, bem como, para análises de expressão gênica (RT-qPCR). Para as análises de maciez, foram coletadas amostras maturadas por um, sete e 14 dias. Para expressão gênica foram determinados os genótipos dos animais para três marcadores relacionados ao MR (MR1_1, MR1_2 e MR1_3) e dois ao GR (GR2_1 e GR2_2), por meio de PCR em tempo real. Foi verificado que animais castrados apresentam pH 24 horas menores e carnes mais macias ao sétimo e 14º dias de maturação, bem como, concentrações de cortisol (in vivo e post mortem) e lactato significativamente superiores aos animais não-castrados. O marcador MR1_3 apresenta expressão gênica significativamente diferenciada. Os animais com genótipo GA apresentaram 57,27% mais transcritos quando comparados aos animais GG. A expressão gênica do MR e GR foi significativamente relacionada às concentrações de cortisol in vivo e post mortem, porém não influenciou as concentrações de ACTH (in vivo e post mortem), glicogênio e lactato. A expressão gênica do MR e GR não foi relacionada às características indicadoras da qualidade da carne. / The stress causes significant changes in the metabolism of the animals causing the release of glucocorticoid hormones. These metabolic changes have anabolic effect on muscle protein metabolism, affecting the biochemical processes of transformation of muscle on meat. This study aimed to (i) examine relationships between endocrine and metabolic variables associated with stress and meat quality characteristics in castrated and non-castrated animals, (ii) evaluate mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene expression in endocrine and metabolic characteristics and related this to meat quality of Nellore castrated and non-castrated animals. To this end, 130 animals were slaughtered between the years 2009 and 2011. Blood samples were collected before and after slaughter to measure concentrations of ACTH and cortisol. Longissimus dorsi muscle samples were collected during slaughter for measurement of glycogen and lactate, as well for gene expression analyzes (RT-qPCR). For the shear force analyzes, samples were aged for one, seven and 14 days. For gene expression analysis, genotypes of three markers related to MR (MR1_1, MR1_2 and MR1_3), and the two related to GR (GR2_1 and GR2_2) were determined via real-time PCR. It was observed that castrated have lower pH value at 24 hours than non-castrated animals, and tender meat on the seventh and 14th day of aging, such as cortisol (in vivo and post mortem) and lactate concentrations significantly superior to non-castrated animals. Gene expression of MR1_3 was significantly different. Animals with GA genotype had 57.27% more transcripts than GG genotype. The gene expression of MR and GR was significantly related to cortisol concentrations in vivo and post mortem, but did not influence the concentrations of ACTH (in vivo and post mortem), glycogen and lactate. The MR and GR gene expression was not related to the meat quality characteristics.
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Role of the Dorsomedial Hypothalamus in Responses Evoked from the Preoptic Area and by Systemic Administration of Interleukin-1βHunt, Joseph L. 23 June 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Recent studies in anesthetized rats suggest that autonomic effects relating to thermoregulation that are evoked from the preoptic area (POA) may be mediated through activation of neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH). Disinhibition of neurons in the DMH produces not only cardiovascular changes but also increases in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and locomotor activity mimicking those evoked by microinjection of muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist and neuronal inhibitor, into the POA. Therefore, I tested the hypothesis that all of these effects evoked from the POA are mediated through neurons in the DMH by assessing the effect of bilateral microinjection of muscimol into the DMH on the changes evoked by microinjection of muscimol into the POA in conscious rats. In addition, I tested the hypothesis that neurons in the DMH mediate a specific response that is thought to signal through the POA, the activation of the HPA axis evoked by systemic administration of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. After injection of vehicle into the DMH, injection of muscimol into the POA elicited marked increases in heart rate, arterial pressure, body temperature, plasma ACTH and locomotor activity and also increased Fos expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a region known to control the release of ACTH from the adenohypophysis, and the raphe pallidus, a medullary region known to mediate POA-evoked sympathetic responses. Prior microinjection of muscimol into the DMH produced a modest depression of baseline heart rate, arterial pressure, and body temperature but completely abolished all changes evoked from the POA. Microinjection of muscimol just anterior to the DMH had no effect on POA-evoked autonomic and neuroendocrine changes. Inhibition of neuronal activity in the DMH only partially attenuated the increased activity of the HPA axis following systemic injections of IL-1β. Thus, neurons in the DMH mediate a diverse array of physiological and behavioral responses elicited from the POA, suggesting that the POA represents an important source of inhibitory tone to key neurons in the DMH. However, it is clear that the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β must employ other pathways that are DMH-, and possibly POA-, independent to activate the HPA axis.
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Hormonelle Stressverabeitung nach sozialer Ausgrenzung bei FrauenPiel, Christina 13 November 2023 (has links)
Soziale Ausgrenzung ist ein wesentlicher emotionaler Stressor. Ziel der Arbeit war die Erfassung hormoneller Prozesse nach cyberball-induzierter sozialer Ausgrenzung sowie nachfolgendem TSST,
Frauen zeigen nach sozialer Ausgrenzung eine Aktivierung der HPA-Achse im Sinne eines verstärkten ACTH-Anstieges im Gegensatz zu den integrierten Frauen oder männlichen Testpersonen.
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Análise da expressão das proteínas dos genes de resposta primária, proteínas da família Fos e Jun, em culturas primárias de supra-renal de rato tratadas com ACTH e FGF2. / The expression of early primary gene proteins, fos and jun family proteins, in rat adrenal primary cultures treated with ACTH and FGF2.Polli, Sabrina 22 April 2008 (has links)
Existem evidências que o hormônio adrenocorticotrópico (ACTH) tem um papel importante no equilíbrio entre proliferação e morte celular na glândula supra-renal. As proteínas dos genes de resposta primária, proteínas da família Fos e Jun são componentes do fator de transcrição AP1, que dependendo de sua composição, pode estar relacionado com proliferação, diferenciação ou morte celular. Nesse trabalho utilizamos culturas de células primárias de adrenal de ratos para avaliar por imunocitoquímica e por imunoblotting, os efeitos do ACTH e do FGF2, na expressão das proteínas c-Fos, FosB, Fra1, Fra2, c-Jun, JunB e JunD. Os resultados mostram que tratamentos com ACTH e FGF2 modificam o padrão de expressão dessas proteínas. O ACTH induz aumento consistente da expressão de JunB, o que sugere uma composição de AP1 formada por JunB/c-Fos ou FosB. Tratamentos com FGF2, indicam a formação de um complexo c-Jun/c-Fos, FosB e Fra2. Esses resultados estão de acordo com os efeitos biológicos observados da ação do ACTH e do FGF2, como, inibição e proliferação celular nessas células. / There are evidences that in vivo the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) displays an important role in the balance of proliferation and cellular death in the adrenal gland. The early response gene proteins, Fos and Jun family, are components of the transcription factor AP-1 that, depending on its composition, could be related with proliferation, differentiation or cellular death. In this work we have been used adrenocortex cells of rat primary cultures, to evaluate, by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting, the effects of ACTH and FGF2, in the expression of c-Fos, FosB, Fra1, Fra2, c-Jun, JunB and JunD proteins, and in such wise as to predict the composition of AP1 complex. The results showed that ACTH and FGF2 treatments modify the expression pattern of these proteins, inducing consistent and expressive increase of JunB expression in the ACTH-treated cells, suggesting an AP1 composition with JunB/c-Fos or FosB. FGF2 treatments indicate the composition of c-Jun/c-Fos or FosB or Fra-2 complexes. These results are in agreement with the biological effects observed in rat adrenal primary culture treated with ACTH and FGF2, with inhibition and cellular proliferation.
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Análise da expressão das proteínas dos genes de resposta primária, proteínas da família Fos e Jun, em culturas primárias de supra-renal de rato tratadas com ACTH e FGF2. / The expression of early primary gene proteins, fos and jun family proteins, in rat adrenal primary cultures treated with ACTH and FGF2.Sabrina Polli 22 April 2008 (has links)
Existem evidências que o hormônio adrenocorticotrópico (ACTH) tem um papel importante no equilíbrio entre proliferação e morte celular na glândula supra-renal. As proteínas dos genes de resposta primária, proteínas da família Fos e Jun são componentes do fator de transcrição AP1, que dependendo de sua composição, pode estar relacionado com proliferação, diferenciação ou morte celular. Nesse trabalho utilizamos culturas de células primárias de adrenal de ratos para avaliar por imunocitoquímica e por imunoblotting, os efeitos do ACTH e do FGF2, na expressão das proteínas c-Fos, FosB, Fra1, Fra2, c-Jun, JunB e JunD. Os resultados mostram que tratamentos com ACTH e FGF2 modificam o padrão de expressão dessas proteínas. O ACTH induz aumento consistente da expressão de JunB, o que sugere uma composição de AP1 formada por JunB/c-Fos ou FosB. Tratamentos com FGF2, indicam a formação de um complexo c-Jun/c-Fos, FosB e Fra2. Esses resultados estão de acordo com os efeitos biológicos observados da ação do ACTH e do FGF2, como, inibição e proliferação celular nessas células. / There are evidences that in vivo the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) displays an important role in the balance of proliferation and cellular death in the adrenal gland. The early response gene proteins, Fos and Jun family, are components of the transcription factor AP-1 that, depending on its composition, could be related with proliferation, differentiation or cellular death. In this work we have been used adrenocortex cells of rat primary cultures, to evaluate, by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting, the effects of ACTH and FGF2, in the expression of c-Fos, FosB, Fra1, Fra2, c-Jun, JunB and JunD proteins, and in such wise as to predict the composition of AP1 complex. The results showed that ACTH and FGF2 treatments modify the expression pattern of these proteins, inducing consistent and expressive increase of JunB expression in the ACTH-treated cells, suggesting an AP1 composition with JunB/c-Fos or FosB. FGF2 treatments indicate the composition of c-Jun/c-Fos or FosB or Fra-2 complexes. These results are in agreement with the biological effects observed in rat adrenal primary culture treated with ACTH and FGF2, with inhibition and cellular proliferation.
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Arginine vasopressin and adrenocorticotropin secretion in response to psychosocial stress is attenuated by ethanol in sons of alcohol-dependent fathersZimmermann, Ulrich, Spring, Konstanze, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Himmerich, Hubertus, Landgraf, R., Uhr, Manfred, Holsboer, Florian 05 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Familial risk and environmental stress promote the development of alcohol dependence. We investigated whether a positive family history of alcoholism affects the neuroendocrine response to a standardized laboratory stress test in healthy subjects without alcohol use disorders. Twenty-four high-risk subjects with a paternal history of alcoholism (PHA) and 16 family history negative (FHN) controls were evaluated. Psychosocial stress was induced by having subjects deliver a 5-min speech and mental arithmetics in front of an audience on separate days, after drinking either placebo or ethanol (0.6 g/kg) in a randomized sequence. Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) was measured in 10 plasma samples covering up to 75 min after the stress test. Plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) was determined before the stressor, at the time of maximum ACTH secretion, and at 75 min after stress onset. The stress test induced a phasic increase in ACTH secretion. At the time of maximum ACTH, AVP was significantly increased in relation to baseline. Compared to placebo, alcohol administration significantly attenuated maximum ACTH concentration in PHA but not FHN subjects, and decreased AVP measured in the same samples in PHA but not FHN subjects. We conclude that activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal system by psychosocial stress is accompanied by an increase in peripheral plasma AVP levels. Secretion of both ACTH and AVP suggest that alcohol attenuates the stress response selectively in PHA but not FHN subjects. This might imply some short-term positive alcohol effect in sons of alcoholics, but also constitute a mechanism by which their risk to develop alcohol use disorders is increased.
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