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This study demonstrates the internal controversy of the white ethnic revival toward the affirmative action policy – white ethnic groups both wished to be included in the categories of this policy and vigorously opposed it. Subsequently, they failed to be proclaimed a designated minority. The study also shows that striving to gain social and economic stability, white ethnic groups used to conform to the Anglo-Saxon standards; however, beginning in the 1970s, ethnic association with whites was perceived hindward. Despite the overall failure of the white ethnic movement, two groups were able to succeed and gain recognition of a designated minority – namely, Italian Americans in CUNY and Hasidic Jews in the MBDA. Both of these cases present examples of religious bigotry excluding groups from enjoying the social benefits. These are unique cases, as traditionally religious discrimination was pushed off the civil rights agenda. For this reason, in their attempts to pursue the “minority” status, both Italian Americans and Hasidic Jews did not emphasize their religion as the main reason for their disadvantaged position. On the contrary, they stressed still-existing prejudice and stereotypes about their ethnicity (Italian Americans) and non-traditional way of life (Hasidic Jews) that served the main reason of their deprived and “socially disadvantaged” status. Moreover, these cases present the irony of the white ethnic revival: while the major current of Italian American and Jewish American civil rights activists argued against affirmative action, Italian American faculty at CUNY and Hasidic Jews did otherwise.
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Public Space Must be Defended: Hannah Arendt's Conception of Politics and The Public Space: Its Promises and LimitsKartal, Umit 01 December 2011 (has links)
AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF UMIT KARTAL, for the Master of Arts degree in PHILOSOPHY, presented on September 29, 2011, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: PUBLIC SPACE MUST BE DEFENDED. HANNAH ARENDT'S CONCEPTION OF POLITICS AND THE PUBLIC SPACE: ITS PROMISES AND LIMITS MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Kenneth Stikkers This thesis is an examination of Hannah Arendt's reconsideration of the meaning of politics and her systematic search for the recovery of the public spaces. Her scrutiny of the meaning of politics is determined by the disastrous outcomes of totalitarian experiences from both ends of the political spectrum, namely, Nazism and Stalinism. For Arendt, the phenomenon of totalitarianism deserted the human world and brought new issues forth, such as statelessness, rightlessness, homelessness, and worldlessness. These phenomena, Arendt holds, run parallel to the collapse of the essential articulations of the human condition, which can be distinguished in sheer thoughtlessness, speechlessness, and lack of judgment. It is due to these unprecedented and unanticipated issues, which cannot be addressed by traditional political categories, Arendt invites us to grapple with the meaning of politics anew. The basic definition of politics, for Arendt, is human plurality, namely, our coexistence in a common world which enables differences and diversities of perspectives to appear. The question what politics means, for Arendt, is inextricably tied to what its distinctive locus is, namely, the public space or space of appearances. The emergence of the social resulted in blurring the distinctive line between the public realm and the private realm. Then, the recovery of the public space is of a central place in Arendt's political theory. Through Arendt's reconsideration of the meaning of politics and the recovery of the public space we are provided a comprehensive framework to think about a more inclusive and democratic politics. Nevertheless, we are challenged by a set of problems: a very sharp distinction between the public realm and the private realm, a contrast between the social and political, and a lack of systematic interest in democracy. First, I concentrate on Arendt's insightful analysis of politics and the public space in turn. Then I focus on the problematic aspects of her political theory. Finally, I argue that these problematic aspects can be complemented by a comparative reading of Arendt with John Dewey. I conclude that Dewey offers us a more dynamic criterion to decide the line between the private realm and the public realm. Instead of opposing the social to political, Dewey extends the scope of politics by taking every aspects of social life into consideration. The recovery of the public, for him, depends essentially on democracy, which is identified to the experience of local community.
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Measuring Community Capacity Across Urban and Rural Landscapes in Southwestern IllinoisBrinkman, Elliot Easton 01 December 2010 (has links)
Water quality is a substantial issue in rural and urban areas in the Midwestern United States. Water resources, such as streams, are often impaired by pollution. This can pose a threat to the natural ecosystem and the health of those that live within it. In the Lower Kaskaskia River region, Illinois communities are faced with impaired water resources. In order to effectively manage for healthy waterways, communities must have skills and resources to address threats to water quality. This study assessed capacity for effective watershed management in four communities within the Lower Kaskaskia River region. Each community exists within a subwatershed of the Lower Kaskaskia River Watershed. A stratified, random sample of 3,609 residents living within the four watersheds was taken to gather data on several community capacity indicators for each watershed community. A questionnaire was distributed to individuals living within the study area to measure dimensions of community capacity and familiarity with water conservation practices. With data from the questionnaire, it was possible to measure collective action, community empowerment, and shared vision for each of the communities within the study area. Exploratory factor analysis yielded outcomes that differed from theoretical literature on the topic. A stepwise regression analysis illustrated the importance of community empowerment in explaining the greatest amount of variability (39%) in community capacity. Once reliable measures of community capacity were established, it was possible to examine them across urban and rural areas. A multivariate analysis showed no significant difference between urban and rural community type in regards to levels of community empowerment, collective action, shared vision, and community capacity. Measurements of community capacity were not significantly different at á = 0.05 across urban and rural communities; however, practical differences between urban and rural communities were identified. Understanding practical differences in community capacity between different community types will assist in the development of outreach and education techniques that are relevant for both urban and rural communities that exist within the study area. Outreach and education strategies will allow for the implementation of effective natural resource management within the study communities, while informing citizens and leaders on watershed conservation practices that can be implemented at the individual and community levels.
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The ranks of the medical profession have typically been filled by Anglo-Saxon males. A slow change in attitude appears to be leading toward a desire to increase diversity in the medical profession. Previous attempts to allow for increased representation of those underrepresented in medicine failed due to legal challenges. The Association of American Medical Colleges, an organization which oversees medical education, residency training, and research of both American and Canadian allopathic medical schools, has introduced Holistic Review as a method for creating a diverse population in a medical school class; this study investigates the way medical schools are incorporating these strategies into their medical school admissions policies and how effective these policies are in increasing diversity in medical school classes. The implication encourage admissions committees to modify the importance of certain selection criteria in an ongoing effort to increase diversity in their medical school classes.
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[pt] A partir da noção de intencionalidade e de conceitos básicos do existencialismo
como o ser-em-si, ser-para-si e o nada, este trabalho visa analisar a noção de
liberdade contida na peça As Moscas. Para tanto, recorreremos às noções de
angústia, má-fé e ação, através da obra O Ser e o Nada. Em seguida, estudaremos
os personagens de Electra e Orestes na tentativa de visualizar na peça a afirmação da
liberdade, do arrependimento à ação. Por fim, faremos um exame da liberdade em
relação à obra literária, da exigência de engajamento à relação entre escritor e leitor. / [fr] À partir de la notion d’intentionnalité et des concepts de base de
l existentialisme comme l être en soi, l être pour soi et le néant, cette étude
vise analyser la notion de liberté contenue dans la pièce Les Mouches. Pour
cela, nous utiliserons les concepts d angoisse, de mauvaise foi et d action, à
travers l essai philosophique L Être et le Néant. Ensuite, nous étudierons
les personnages d Electre et Oreste dans la tentative de visualiser dans la
pièce l affirmation de la liberté, de repentir à l action. Enfin, nous ferons en
exament de la liberté en relation à l oeuvre littéraire, de l exigence
d engagement à la relation entre l écrivain et le lecteur.
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Incursões noturnas : situações obscuras para a experiência indeterminadaCosta, Lizângela Torres da Silva Martins January 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa trata das questões em torno da fotografia noturna, na confluência entre as linguagens artísticas da ação, do vídeo e da instalação, levando em consideração a comunicabilidade e proposição da experiência da noite. A partir de ações lançadas para a câmara, o deslocamento do corpo à noite é capturado através de fotografia e vídeo para ser apresentado em um ambiente escuro construído para a vivência da noite transfigurada. O processo criativo do trabalho estende-se até a duração da experiência na situação proposta em exposição. / This research deals with the issues that surround night photography in the confluence among the artistic languages of the action, video and installation, also considering the night experience's communicability and proposition. Starting from aimed to the camera actions, the body's displacement at night is captured through photogtaphy and video, to be presented in a disfigured night experience built dark environment. The work's creative process extends up to the experience's duration in the proposed situation under exposition.
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Ações educativas na arqueologia missioneira (1985-1995)Focking, Gabriel de Freitas January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da ação educativa no âmbito do Projeto Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira, desenvolvido em cooperação técnica entre o IPHAN e universidades gaúchas entre os anos 1985 e 1995, sob a coordenação do Professor Arno Alvarez Kern. Para conduzir a análise do tema, a dissertação inicia com uma leitura sobre o processo de incorporação das ruínas missioneiras em território brasileiro, ao patrimônio e à memória nacional. Em seguida, é colocada a problemática do surgimento da arqueologia histórica no Brasil e a relação que esta tem com o desenvolvimento dos dispositivos legais de preservação e das políticas para o patrimônio arqueológico emanadas do IPHAN. Assim referenciado, a terceira parte do trabalho consiste em perseguir as condições em que foram realizadas as ações educativas no Projeto Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira, bem como demonstrar o sentido que essas ações adquiriram ao longo de sua realização. / This dissertation deals with the educational activities under “Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira” project, developed in technical cooperation by IPHAN and Rio Grande do Sul’s universities between 1985 and 1995, under scholar Arno Alvarez Kern coordination. To conduct the analysis of the topic, the dissertation begins with a reading about the incorporation process of Missions ruins into Brazilian national heritage and memory. After that we present the question regarding the rise of Historical Archeology in Brazil and its relations with the laws for preservation and policies by IPHAN’s archaeological heritage. Finally we present the conditions under which educational actions of “Arqueologia Histórica Missioneira” project were performed and show off the meaning that these actions have acquired throughout their achievement.
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Soubor linorytů na téma: "ZVÍŘATA V AKCI" / Linoryt collection on the topic: "Animals in Action"JÍLKOVÁ, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is practically and theoreticaly composed. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with visual processing of the theme ?The Animal? in the past, including both graphics and drawing too. The thesis also discusses capture of animal movements in the artistic way. Mentioned are authors with art works in the field connected with the thesis theme, and their influence on my work. Besides other topics the discussion on usage of the technique within the educational practice is included. Practical part of thesis includes the set of fourteen prints in formats A3 and A4. The prints are processed in both black and white and color by use of the reliéf printing, specifically linocut, combined with watercolor coloring.
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Understanding the dynamics of functional and volumetric action representations when prepared for immediate executionWang, Duo 02 January 2019 (has links)
This study examines the state of competing affordances when an action is prepared for immediate production. More specifically, we investigated the nature of motor representations evoked by distinct action intentions, with a special interest in functional (grasp to use) and volumetric (grasp to lift) actions. With just two objects available, participants were asked to prepare an action on a particular object (e.g., preparing to lift the cellphone), and when signaled, either to perform this original action plan or to switch to executing an alternative one, either on the same or different object. By manipulating cueing methods used for indicating the preparatory and the target action plans, we found distinct patterns in the effect of preserving either object (different action on the same object) or action (same grasp type on a different object) on action execution. Changing either component of the action-object pairing incurred a cost in response time. In Experiment 1, a cost was observed when a prepared action was switched to an alternate action on the same object. For example, preparing to lift a cellphone but switching instead to a use action on the same object, incurred a cost. A further cost was found when subjects prepared a functional action to one object (e.g., use the cellphone) but switched to the same class of action on the alternate object (e.g., use the spray can). Both these effects were found to operate at the motor level. No costs were observed when subjects switched from a planned action to naming the target object (Experiment 3). Crucially, it was found that the nature of the cueing method instructing subjects to switch from a planned to an alternate action impacted the effect of action congruency. The cost observed in Experiment 1 when subjects switched to an alternate action on the same object occurred when the switch from a planned to an alternate action was cued by a verb-noun combination (e.g., use cellphone). No such cost occurred when the action was cued by a verb (e.g., use) and the target object was spatially cued by an arrow pointing to its location (Experiment 2). The cost of switching from a planned action type (e.g., a use action) to the same action type carried on the alternate object also depended on whether the planned action was verbally or spatially cued. These results provide new evidence on the nature of action representations associated with different motor intentions, as well as of the nature of action-object pairings. / Graduate
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Estimativa in vivo da distância perpendicular e linha de ação de força de estruturas que cruzam a articulação do joelhoSilveira, Luis Felipe January 2008 (has links)
O estudo das forças que envolvem a articulação do joelho depende da determinação de alguns parâmetros biomecânicos. Muitas vezes alguns dos parâmetros utilizados são obtidos por meio da literatura. A distância perpendicular é um parâmetro freqüentemente utilizado de dados provenientes da literatura, pois sua determinação está associada a uma grande dificuldade metodológica. Muitos autores utilizam medidas em cadáveres ou medidas em imagens radiográficas estáticas, geralmente apresentam seus resultados na forma de gráficos e/ou tabelas. Entretanto, ambas fogem da situação onde são utilizadas, in vivo e dinâmica. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a linha de ação e a distância perpendicular das estruturas que cruzam a articulação do joelho. Especificamente, desenvolver equações de regressão para estimar a linha de ação e a distância perpendicular destas estruturas, utilizando variáveis antropométricas tais como: massa, estatura e tamanho da tíbia, como variáveis explicativas nos modelos de regressão. Foram determinadas as linhas de ação e a distância perpendicular das seguintes estruturas: o ligamento patelar, o tendão do quadríceps femoral, o tendão do semimembranoso, o tendão do semitendinoso, o tendão do bíceps femoral, o tendão proximal do gastrocnêmio, o ligamento cruzado anterior e o ligamento cruzado posterior. Além das estruturas mensuradas foi calculada a distância perpendicular efetiva do mecanismo extensor do joelho. As medidas foram realizadas em imagens radiográficas dinâmicas, por meio de videofluoroscopia, em vinte e um (21) indivíduos saudáveis executando três repetições do exercício de extensão de joelho em cadeia cinética aberta, sem carga aplicada à tíbia. Foi utilizado o método automático "stepwise" para seleção das melhores variáveis explicativas para cada equação de regressão. Por meio de modelos de regressão linear foi possível estimar as linhas de ação e as distâncias perpendiculares das estruturas que cruzam a articulação do joelho, assim como estimar a distância perpendicular efetiva do mecanismo extensor do joelho. Além do ângulo de flexão, foi possível utilizar variáveis antropométricas como variáveis explicativas do modelo de regressão. / The study of forces involving the knee joint depends on the determination of some biomechanical parameters. Often some of the parameters used are obtained through literature. The moment arm is a parameter frequently used data in the literature, it is difficult to determine. Many authors use measures in cadavers or measures in radiographic images from static to determine its values and its results as graphs and / or as the regression equations. Meanwhile, both fleeing the situation where they are used, in vivo and dynamic. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to estimate the line of action and moment arm structures that cross the knee joint. Specifically, the regression equations developed to estimate the line of action and moment arm of these structures. Using anthropometric variables, such as weight, height and length of the tibia as explanatory variables in the regression models. There were certain lines of action and moment arm of the following structures, the patellar ligament, the femoral quadriceps tendon, the tendon semimembranoso, the semitendinosus tendon, the femoral biceps tendon, the tendon proximal the gastrocnemius, the anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament. In addition to the structures was estimated measured the effective moment arm mechanism of the knee extensor. To define the centre of rotation was the method used snapshot, to measure the moment arm geometric method was used. The measures were taken in radiographic images dynamic, through videofluoroscopic, and one in twenty (21) healthy individuals running three repetitions of the exercise of the extension of knee in open kinetic chain, no load applied to the tibia. It was the method used automatic "stepwise" to select the best explanatory variables for each regression equation. Through linear regression models were unable to estimate the lines of action and the moment arm structures that cross the knee joint, and estimate the moment arm effective mechanism of the knee extensor. Besides the angle of bending, it was possible to use anthropometric variables as explanatory variables in the regression model.
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