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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa abafunzele ukuzibulala kwimidlalo ekhethiweyo yesiXhosa

Kondowe, Zandile Ziyanda January 2006 (has links)
Olu phando lugqale kubalinganiswa abafunzele ukuzibulala kwimidlalo ekhethiweyo yesiXhosa. Kwisahluko sokuqala ngumkhombandlela wolu phando, intshayelelo, injongo yophando, ubume besifundo namagqabantshintshi ngentyila bomi zababhali endicaphule kwiincwadi zabo namagama angundoqo. Kwezinye izahluko ingcingane ezahlukeneyo nalapho endingabalula ekaFreud isayikho-analisisi ndinaba ngokubanzi kumabakala awabekileyo afana nokuzalwa, isini, odiphasi khompleksi nephupha nenxaxheba yakhe ekugubhululeni okuyimfihlakalo ngokuthi aphande ubomi bomntu obadlulayo ukuze kubenokunyangwa impixano ekuye ngaphakathi. Enye ingcingane esetyenzisiweyo yile ingokuzibulala nalapho kuphononongwa ukuba ngobani abazibulalayo, abaqinisekileyo ngokufa kwabo, ukuzibulala ngesivumelwano nembalelwano abazishiyayo xa umntu ezibulala. Kwezinye izahluko ndiyibeka icace intsusa neziphumo zokuzibulala kwamaxhoba, ndayiphicotha nendlela ekuxhatshazwe ngayo amalungelo abalinganiswa ngabazali babo kuba benyanzela le mitshato yebhaxa ngenjongo yokuzuza ikhazi ngentombi zabo, nayo imixholo enxulumene nolu phando ndiyicaphule imixholo efana neyothando noqhankqalazo nomxholo wokutshatiswa kwabantwana ngebhaxa. Isahluko sesihlanu ngumqukumbelo jikelele nophononongo ngolu phando.

Sobre la duplicidad de la actuación : de la dramaturgia cotidiana a la dramaturgia profesional

Sánchez-Morales-de-Cabrera, Ana-Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
En el proceso de comunicación diario, respetamos diversas prácticas y roles convencionales, en un sentido de interacción (de comportamientos, actitud, conducta, imagen) con otros. En el caso del actor profesional, además de la interacción en su vida cotidiana, debe trabajar también en su personaje con los de la obra a encarnar, desarrollando una capacidad de interactuar una variedad de roles semejantes a los de su vida cotidiana, al punto de tornar autónomo al personaje que encarna, convirtiéndose en un experto de la interacción. Dicha autonomía se genera durante los procesos de construcción del personaje al emplear métodos que procuran hacerlo creíble para la puesta en escena a representar. Dichos métodos, provienen de las corrientes de actuación moderna, muy empleadas entre los actores profesionales contemporáneos dada la flexibilidad del método, y suelen llevarlos a posibles confusiones entre su andar cotidiano, y su propio trabajo dramatúrgico. El objetivo de este trabajo es llegar a comprender la complejidad del proceso de comunicación en el quehacer profesional del actor, veremos a través de la investigación, que los actores profesionales corren el riesgo de desdoblar el personaje que interpretan a la dimensión de su vida diaria. / Trabajo de investigación

L'attractivité des pays à fiscalité privilégiée pour les acteurs économiques internationaux / The attractiveness of tax-havens for international economics actors

Engel, Marie-Katrin 15 December 2014 (has links)
Si la notion de pays à fiscalité privilégiée est souvent employée, il reste malaisé de définir ce qu'elle désigne. Au sens le plus général, il s'agit des pays dans lesquels des résidents étrangers placent leur argent, afin d'éviter d'être imposés sur leur territoire d'origine. L'histoire des pays à fiscalité privilégiée n'est ni linéaire ni continue. Elle est faite de ruptures et de mutations. Ces territoires off-shore jouent ainsi des rôles économiques et politiques différents selon les époques. Leur évolution a été telle qu'ils sont devenus les piliers de la mondialisation économique contemporaine construite depuis près d'un siècle autour de pays, d'acteurs et de stratégies différentes.Ainsi, les acteurs économiques internationaux profitent, à bien des égards, de l'attractivité de ces territoires. Les outils mis à leur disposition sont nombreux et les montages d'optimisation fiscale complexes. Au cours des derniers siècles, les États ont tenté de maîtriser puis de diminuer le rôle des territoires off-shore, sans une grande conviction, ni une persévérance notable. La crise des subprimes a cependant donné lieu à l'émergence d'une lutte accrue contre les pays à fiscalité privilégiée, notamment, par le G20. L'objectif est de mettre fin à toutes formes de secret à des fins fiscales. Une évolution, est, incontestablement en cours, mais ses résultats sont loin d'être garantis. A ce jour, les pays à fiscalité privilégiée et les outils qui y sont associés demeurent très attractifs pour les acteurs économiques internationaux. / While the concept of tax haven is a term used extensively, it remains difficult to define. It general terms, it refers to countries where foreign companies and individual alike invest their money in order to avoid tax in their home country. The history of tax haven is neither linear nor continuous. It is made of ruptures and mutations. These offshore jurisdictions are playing different economics and politics roles. Their evolution has been such that they have become the pillars of the economic globalization built since a century around different countries, actors and strategies. International economic actors benefit in many ways from the attractiveness of tax havens. International companies, individuals and banks use offshore tax haven to reduce their tax burden, avoid regulatory pressures, or hide a high level of debts in order to provide supposedly healthy financial statements. Many and complex tools are available to them in order to lower their burden. Evolution is undoubtedly underway but the results are far from guaranteed. Until now, tax havens remain attractive for international economic actors.

Apologie, archive et pratique de la scène au XVIIe siècle. Étude et édition critiques du Théâtre françois de Samuel Chappuzeau (1674) / Apology, archive and practice of the scene in 17th century. Critical study and edition of Le Théâtre François of Samuel Chappuzeau

Rejichi, Rim 07 June 2011 (has links)
Avec le Théâtre françois, Samuel Chappuzeau rend hommage aux comédiens et révèle tout un pan mal connu du théâtre français. Après la mort de Molière et avec la fondation du théâtre Guénégaud, l’auteur dévoile les conditions de la vie matérielle des acteurs et de l’organisation des troupes. Témoin privilégié d’un compendium d’événements, il entreprend de décrire les us et coutumes de cette catégorie socioprofessionnelle en cours de constitution et participe ainsi à la querelle de la moralité du théâtre. En outre, il élabore la première histoire du théâtre et fait ainsi entrer le théâtre dans le champ de la littérature. Grâce à cet ouvrage, le théâtre acquiert sa dignité comme activité, spectacle et genre littéraire. / In Le Théâtre François, Samuel Chappuzeau celebrated its actors and actresses and unveiled largely unfamiliar aspects of 17th century French theatre. His book described how actors concretely lived and how troupes were organized after Molière's death and the Comédie-Française's foundation; as a privileged witness of such eventful years, he described the ways and customs of that emerging social group, and thus took part in the controversy about whether theatre was immoral or not. Besides, by writing the first history of French theatre, he allowed it to enter the field of literature. Le Théâtre François qualified French theatre as an occupation, as an entertainment, and as a literary genre.

Collaboration for Sustainable Rural Development among public actors in Uppsala County

Hallnäs, Charlotta January 2020 (has links)
Collaboration is increasingly seen as an important aspect for sustainable development and sustainability, both within academia as well as among practitioners. The very nature of many sustainability issues requires collaboration and in the Swedish context collaboration on a county level is deemed necessary for the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The divide between urban and rural is likewise an important topic for achieving sustainability, where neither exist in isolation but are rather dependent on each other. Ensuring that Sweden has a thriving countryside, where people want to live and work is therefore paramount for sustainable development. With this backdrop this thesis takes a closer look at Uppsala county, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of public actors’ ability to collaborate for sustainable rural development in Uppsala county. The thesis was designed through co-design with Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling, a LEADER-office located in Uppsala county, and implements a qualitative inductive research approach and a flexible research design. Through semi-structured interviews with officials from different public authorities, the thesis establishes what can be considered as challenges and opportunities for sustainable rural development as well as what may hinder or enable the actors’ ability to collaborate on these issues. The research show that differences such as organization size and resources can influence the collaborative process among public actors. The interview results also underline the different challenges the participants are faced with and how this may either inhibit their ability to collaborate or enhance their need to do so. Focusing on rural development, the thesis also discusses how the relationship between city and countryside is found to impact not only what challenges or opportunities the actors identifies, but also their ability to collaborate on sustainability issues. It concludes that the countryside is an important arena for sustainable development, and that collaboration among public actors on the county level is imperative for achieving sustainable rural development in a county like Uppsala. / Begreppet samverkan förekommer allt mer, både bland forskare och aktörer, när man talar om hållbar utveckling och hållbarhet. Själva karaktären hos många hållbarhetsfrågor kräver samarbete och i det svenska sammanhanget anses samverkan på regionalnivå vara nödvändigt för att uppnå Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Skillnaden mellan stad och landsbygd är också ett viktigt område för att uppnå hållbarhet. Både stad och landsbygd är beroende av varandra och deras respektive förutsättningar bör tas i beaktan när man diskuterar lösningar för en hållbar framtid. Att säkerställa att Sverige har en levande landsbygd, där människor vill bo och arbeta anses därför vara av största vikt för att säkerställa en hållbar utveckling inte bara av Sveriges landsbygder, utan för hela landet. Med denna bakgrund tar denna uppsats en närmare titt på Uppsala län, i syfte att få en bättre förståelse för offentliga aktörers förmåga att samverka när det gäller hållbar landsbygdsutveckling. Studien är utformad genom samdesign med Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling och tillämparen kvalitativ induktiv forskningsmetod med en flexibel forskningsdesign. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän från olika offentliga myndigheter, fastställer föreliggande studie vad som kan betraktas som utmaningar och möjligheter för hållbar landsbygdsutveckling samt vad som kan hindra eller möjliggöra för aktörerna att samverkan i dessa frågor. Studien visar att skillnader som organisationsstorlek och tillgång till resurser, både i form av finansiella medel likväl som personal och arbetstid, kan påverka samarbetsprocessen mellan aktörerna. Resultaten från intervjuerna understryker också de olika utmaningarna som deltagarna står inför och hur dessa antingen kan hämma deras förmåga att samarbeta eller öka deras behov av samverkan. Med fokus på landsbygdsutveckling diskuterar uppsatsen förhållandet mellan stad och landsbygd och hur det påverkar inte bara vilka utmaningar eller möjligheter aktörerna ser, utan också deras förmåga att samarbeta kring hållbarhetsfrågor. I uppsatsen dras slutsatsen att landsbygden är en viktig arena för hållbarhetsfrågor, och att samverkan mellan offentliga aktörer på regionalnivå är nödvändigt för att uppnå en hållbar landsbygdsutveckling i ett län som Uppsala. Regional samhällsplanering föreslås också som en potentiell väg framåt för aktörerna i studien. Därtill förs en diskussion kring vilken roll Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling bör ta i det fortsatta arbetet mot hållbar landsbygdsutveckling.

Fiskální a rozpočtové rady jako aktér ve veřejné politice / Fiscal and Budget council as actor in Public Policy

Pokorný, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of fiscal and budget councils. The aim of the work is the analysis of the Czech Fiscal Council, which was established in 2018 and is a new element in the Czech system of fiscal and budgetary policy. Firstly, basic concepts such as public finance, fiscal and budgetary policy are defined. Subsequently, the sources of inefficiency are introduced, which affect the emergence of fiscal imbalances, and thus public debt. The basic idea for the establishment of fiscal and budget councils is the concept of Fiscal Governance, which can be divided into rules excepting to the councils. Numerical rules are currently a frequently used tool for assessing fiscal discipline. These rules are complemented by councils, which act as independent institutions. Due to the recent emergence, the practical part of the work analyses the Czech Fiscal Council regarding the foreign experience of independent fiscal and budget councils. Based on the results, it can be stated, that the Czech Fiscal Council does not deviate from the existing experience, on the contrary, it fits appropriately into this portfolio.

Analýza povstání ISIS prostřednictvím teorie revolučního válčení / Analysis of ISIS's Insurgency through the theory of Revolutionary Warfare

Piunti, Amerigo January 2021 (has links)
Analysis of ISIS's Insurgency through the theory of Revolutionary Warfare, by Amerigo Piunti. Ever since the collapse of the brutal Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hussein, the Sunnis of Iraq were struggling as a minority in a nation governed by Shia. The government of Baghdad was constantly ignoring Sunni's grievances, and for many experts, this aspect was a driving point that led to the establishment of the IS Caliphate. Contrary to popular belief, the so-called Islamic State appeared only for the first time in October 2006. Abū Musʿab al-Zarqāwī was the founder and first tenacious leader of the special detachment called "Al-Qaeda in Iraq." This group later on mutated itself into the notorious Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and it obtained support from international sympathizers and local citizens. The terror group successfully recruited local tribes, experienced fighters and leaders, previous members of the Baathist regime, and it even cooperated with other Jihadists groups. The terror group itself also heavily relied on the spread of Jihadist-Salafist propaganda and eventually created an urgent need for a drastic change in society. The group then expanded its insurgency activities towards Syria, and after only eight years of fighting, it successfully covered each of the necessary stages to...

Africa's environmental protection challenge : social responsibility and liability of non-state actors

Mmusinyane, Boitumelo Obert January 2003 (has links)
"In Africa non-state actors (NSAs) are causing an alarming concern with the destruction of the environment and indigenous communities in the name of development; such environmental degradation leaves indigenous or economically marginalized groups in an unsatisfactory environment to their health, standard of living and basic necessitites of life and the land for future development. In most instances, the host country does not get good value from the vast amount of resource extraction. In other words, this kind of investment does not benefit the affected people; rather, it transfers a country's resources outside. In the end the poor pays for the lust of the rich. In some cases, African governments are simply not interested in the impact of the activities of NSAs on the people as they personally benefit from their presence due to corruption. As a result, it is correct to note that 'the local partners (African governments)' are selling indigenous communities on for their personal gain. In spite of the fact that some of these African countries have strong environmental laws in operation, they are often unwilling to force NSAs to comply with environmental rights and labour standards since they badly need the investment and capital that NSAs bring into their economies. Some of these NSAs pressurise national governments and even threaten them with lawsuits to open their doors for them. Others completely close down and relocate in order to blackmail the governments to follow through on the permits after exploration had started. Globalisation and an increase in international trade have joined with the growth of the human rights movement. These dual trends have cast an increasing attention on the role that NSAs play in environmental rights violation throughout the Sub-Saharan African region. The criitical issue in this period of globalisation, and which is also a challenge to it, is the liability and social responsibility of NSAs in times of violation of enviornmental rights, since today they figure prominently within the human rights field. Most of their activities are not in accordance with national or international environmental standards. While NSAs enjoy sovereign immunity within local jurisdictions, primary responsibility lies with states, which in most cases, are held liable for wrongful acts committed by NSAs, since they are regarded as the ultimate guardian of the welfare of their populations. As state authority declines, NSAs play a direct and indirect role in a wide range of environmental human rights violations, and this has now led to a point where there is a need to attach more concrete obligations to them. The thesis provides a framework with which th NSAs can be held directly and indirectly accountable for their role in fuelling the instability in the Sub-Saharan African region. The purpose of the thesis is to determine the approaches or guidelines that can be followed in order to ensure that NSAs behave appropriately in host states in realisation of the right to development by preserving the harmonious environment that local communities are entitled to. The creation of a viable and sustainable environment for everyone is of paramount importance in today's society." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2003. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

In search for direct corporate responsibility for human rights violations in Africa: which way forward?

Fokwa, Tsafack Jean B. January 2004 (has links)
"This study centres on the presumption that, given the unprecedented economic power of corporations, it is vital to clarify the legal issues surrounding the responsibility of corporations for human rights violations and to look at avenues for asserting responsibility. Consequently, this study focuses on the responsibility concept for corporate human rights violations and the objective of this study is to explore, examine and assess various avenues for asserting responsibility for corporate human rights violations. The study recommends other avenues for asserting responsibility for corporate human rights violations in Africa. The study therefore raises four issues. The first phase seeks to focus on how globalisation has triggered the proliferation of corporations in national economies in Africa and the impact on human rights issues taking into cognisance the responsibility concept vis a vis corporations. The second part seeks to examine state responsibility for the acts of corporations. This discussion will focus on the International Rules on State Responsibility and obligations of states under international human rights law with reference to certain human rights instruments that confer a duty on states to respect and to ensure to all citizens within their territories and subject to their jurisdiction the rights recongnised in these instruments. This discussion basically seeks to review the dominant approach to human rights treaties and the relevant instruments to assess the available avenues in asserting responsibility on the state for corporate human rights violations. This study will assess home and host state responsibility and argue that the host state cannot certainly be regarded as the main bearer of responisiblity for violations of human rights due to the powerful characteristics of corporatoins. The jurisprudence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights will also be taken into consideration in examining the legal responsibility of states under international human rights law for corporate human rights violations. Part three of this study will addres the question of asserting direct responsibility on transnational corporations for human rights violations. While some remarks will be made on non-legal responsibilities or soft law, my interest will however be to examine and assess the suitability of human right principles and instruments that confer direct responsibility on corporations for human rights violations. The discussion will also take cognisance of some treaties that confer direct criminal responsibility on corporations for human rights violations. The fourth and concluding part will attempt to look at the need for internaitonal legally binding regulations of corporations. This discussion will attempt to focus on the application and implications of international legally binding regulation in Africa as a means of reforming and strengthening direct corporate criminal responsibility for human rights violations. Recommendations geared towards the legal reform of asserting direct responsiblity on transnational corporations in Africa will then be made." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2004. / Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Kingsley K. K. Ampofo, Faculty of Law, University of Ghana / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/llm1.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Communication environnementale et intelligence territoriale : un appui au Groupe Chimique Tunisien site de Gabès / Environmental communication and territorial intelligence : A support for the Tunisian Chimical Groupe site of Gabès

Tlig, Fadhila 19 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse le lien entre la communication environnementale du Groupe Chimique Tunisien (GCT) site de Gabès et l’impulsion d’une dynamique d’intelligence territoriale entre cette entreprise et ses parties prenantes. Dans un contexte particulier d’une pollution industrielle chimique, les acteurs territoriaux prennent conscience de la nécessité de coopérer ensemble pour un développement durable de leur région. Dans une première étape, nous identifions les parties prenantes du GCT Gabès concernées par le processus de communication environnementale pour repérer, dans une seconde étape, s’il y a (comment et pourquoi) une dynamique d’intelligence territoriale entre eux. Deux étapes méthodologiques jalonnent l’ensemble : une analyse de contenu thématique qui porte sur un échantillon de près d’une vingtaine d’acteurs dont six sont des associations écologiques ; un guide d’entretiens reprenant les trois principes éthiques d’une intelligence territoriale (participation, approche globale/équilibrée et partenariat). Les résultats obtenus montrent l’existence de quelques pratiques d’intelligence territoriale qui nécessitent toutefois une meilleure implication des acteurs publics, privés et associatifs selon une approche participative, notamment, fondée sur l’utilisation des technologies numériques. / This thesis analyzes the link between the environmental communication of Tunisian Chemical Group (TCG) site of Gabès, and the momentum of a territorial dynamic intelligence between this company and its stakeholders. In a particular context of an industrial chemical pollution, the territorial actors become aware of the need to cooperate together for a sustainable development of their region. As a first step, we identify the stakeholders of the TCG Gabès in relation to the process of environmental communication to locate, in a second step, if there is (how or why) a dynamic of territorial intelligence between them. Two methodological steps are used in this study: an analysis of thematic content that focuses on a sample of nearly twenty players where six of these players are ecological associations; and a guide for interviews that embodies the three ethical principles of a territorial intelligence, participation, global/balanced approach, and partnership. The results obtained in this study show the existence of some practices of territorial intelligence. Our recommendation is for a better involvement of the public as well as the private actors and associations based on a participatory approach, or more specifically based on the use of digital technologies.

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