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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Das, Diptarka 01 January 2014 (has links)
One of the most important results emerging from string theory is the gauge gravity duality (AdS/CFT correspondence) which tells us that certain problems in particular gravitational backgrounds can be exactly mapped to a particular dual gauge theory a quantum theory very similar to the one explaining the interactions between fundamental subatomic particles. The chief merit of the duality is that a difficult problem in one theory can be mapped to a simpler and solvable problem in the other theory. The duality can be used both ways. Most of the current theoretical framework is suited to study equilibrium systems, or systems where time dependence is at most adiabatic. However in the real world, systems are almost always out of equilibrium. Generically these scenarios are described by quenches, where a parameter of the theory is made time dependent. In this dissertation I describe some of the work done in the context of studying quantum quench using the AdS/CFT correspondence. We recover certain universal scaling type of behavior as the quenching is done through a quantum critical point. Another question that has been explored in the dissertation is time dependence of the gravity theory. Present cosmological observations indicate that our universe is accelerating and is described by a spacetime called de-Sitter(dS). In 2011 there had been a speculation over a possible duality between de-Sitter gravity and a particular field theory (Euclidean SP(N) CFT). However a concrete realization of this proposition was still lacking. Here we explicitly derive the dS/CFT duality using well known methods in field theory. We discovered that the time dimension emerges naturally in the derivation. We also describe further applications and extensions of dS/CFT.

Conception d'antenne intelligente reconfigurable pour la radio cognitive

Nguyen, Trong duc 24 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les antennes reconfigurables offrent de multiples fonctions en changeant dynamiquement leurs propriétés telles que la fréquence de fonctionnement, la polarisation, le diagramme de rayonnement ou toute combinaison de ces trois paramètres. Leur agilité et leur diversité créent de nouvelles possibilités d'applications pour les systèmes radio tels que les réseaux locaux, les liaisons par satellite et notamment la radio cognitive. Dans cette thèse, deux antennes reconfigurables en fréquence fonctionnant dans les bandes des standards sans fil actuels ont été proposées. Elles sont basées sur la modification de la géométrie du patch rayonnant. Leurs dimensions ont été optimisées par algorithmes génétiques embarqués et combinés à un logiciel de simulation électromagnétique. La commande de la reconfiguration de ces antennes est réalisée à l'aide d'un microcontrôleur qui pilote l'état des commutateurs (des diodes PIN). De ce fait, un système d'antenne reconfigurable intelligent dédié à la radio cognitive a été développé.

On measurement and monitoring of reactivity in subcritical reactor systems

Berglöf, Carl January 2010 (has links)
Accelerator-driven systems have been proposed for incineration of transuranic elements from spent nuclear fuel. For safe operation of such facilities, a robust method for reactivity monitoring is required. Experience has shown that the performance of reactivity measurement methods in terms of accuracy and applicability is highly system dependent. Further investigations are needed to increase the knowledge data bank before applying the methods to an industrial facility and to achieve license to operate such a facility. In this thesis, two systems have been subject to investigation of various reactivity measurement methods. Conditions for successful utilization of the methods are presented, based on the experimental experience. In contrast to previous studies in this field, the reactivity has not only been determined, but also monitored based on the so called beam trip methodology which is applicable also to non-zero power systems. The results of this work constitute a part of the knowledge base for the definition of a validated online reactivity monitoring methodology for facilities currently being under development in Europe (XT-ADS and EFIT). / QC 20100621

Tracking and Serving Geolocated Ads, Load Balancing, and Scaling of Server Resources

Hansson, Markus January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the creation of a scaling, containerized, advertisement server that will be used by Gold Town Games AB to better integrate ads into their application(s). The server is built as a Docker image that will be used to create server instances on AWS Elastic Container Service for automatic scaling and server resource configuration. The server was created with the intention that GTG will have full control over what advertisements are shown in their application(s) and to seamlessly integrate sponsored logos onto jerseys or sports fields. This will not only serve as a source of income with advertisers paying for ad space, but it will also make the game elements more realistic as we have come to expect teams and stadiums to be sponsored and plastered with company logos. Another important part when displaying advertisement is to track statistics for the ads, since without a way to show advertisers that their ads are shown and that they are generating engagement it is very hard to sell the ad space. / Detta examensarbete utforskar skapandet av en skalbar, containerbaserad, reklamserver som kommer användas av Gold Town Games AB för att integrera reklam i deras applikation(er). Servern är byggd som en Docker-bild som används för att skapa instanser på AWS Elastic Container Service för automatisk skalning och serverresurshantering. Servern är utvecklad med tanken att GTG ska ha full kontroll över vilken reklam som visas i deras applikation(er) och för att kunna lägga till sponsrade loggor på matchtröjor och i arenor. Detta är inte bara en extra form av inkomst, då annonsörer betalar för reklamplatser, utan hjälper även till att få delar av spelen att kännas mer realistiska då vi är vana att lag och arenor är sponsrade och fulla av företagsloggor. En annan viktig del när man visar reklam är att kunna spara statistik för den, eftersom det skulle vara väldigt svårt att sälja reklamplatser utan att kunna visa att folk faktiskt ser reklamen.


RENATA COUTO DE AZEVEDO DE OLIVEIRA 01 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] O culture jamming é um movimento de proliferação artística de mensagens, um processo retórico de intervenção e invenção que desafia a habilidade do discurso corporativo de fazer sentido de forma previsível. A organização canadense AdBusters Media Foundation é considerada um ícone do movimento e tem como objetivo declarado o redirecionamento do fluxo de informação, da forma como as corporações exercem o poder e da maneira como o significado é produzido em nossa sociedade. Tendo em vista a importância dos estudos de anticonsumo e resistência ao consumo nos campos do Marketing e do comportamento do consumidor, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar, em uma perspectiva exploratória, a configuração do discurso dos spoof ads (paródias de anúncios publicitários) veiculados no site do AdBusters Media Foundation, bem como verificar se tal discurso reflete os valores e objetivos da organização jammer. Para tal, analisou-se um corpus composto por 119 spoof ads, utilizando-se o método de análise do conteúdo. Os resultados do trabalho indicam que os spoof ads se configuram como uma estratégia jammer na luta pela proteção da transparência democrática e da liberdade de expressão, contra a poluição da mente por mensagens comerciais pró-consumistas ligadas diretamente às catástrofes sociais, ambientais, financeiras e éticas que se apresentam cotidianamente. Desse modo, os spoofs refletem diretamente os valores e objetivos declarados da AdBusters Media Foundation, bem como corroboram indiretamente as críticas feitas por diversos autores à eficácia de tal estratégia. / [en] Culture jamming is movement focused on the artistic proliferation of messages, a rhetorical process of intervention and invention that defies the ability of corporate speech to make sense in a predictable way. The Canadian organization Adbusters Media Foundation is considered an icon of the movement and has as its stated objective the redirection of the flow of information, the way corporations wield power, and the way meaning is produced in our society. Given the importance of studying anticonsumption and resistance to consumption in the fields of Marketing and consumer behavior, the aim of this work is to analyze in an exploratory perspective, the configuration of the discourse of spoof ads (parodies of advertisements) served on the website of Adbusters Media Foundation, as well as verify if such discourse reflects the values and goals of the jammer organization. To do this, we analyzed a corpus comprising 119 spoof ads, employing the method of content analysis. The results indicate that the spoof ads are configured as a jammer strategy in the fight for the protection of democratic transparency and freedom of expression, against pollution of mind by commercial pro-consumerist messages directly linked to social, environmental, financial and ethical catastrophes that present themselves daily. Thus, the spoofs directly reflect the values and stated goals of the Adbusters Media Foundation, as well as indirectly corroborate the criticisms made by various authors to the effectiveness of such a strategy.

Presenting information through a dashboard for Smart Video evaluations : The process of developing a design for a marketing dashboard

Katarina, Hägglund January 2018 (has links)
Using the internet for watching videos or online shopping keeps growing, along with video advertisement to increase online sales. To know if the video actually increases the online sales, the owner of a video ad wants to do follow ups on how the video is doing, and get statistics. A different solution from the original video ads is Smart Video. It is an interactive video player with a clickable slideshow of products. This video can get even more types of statistics than a normal video, and today that statistic is not accessible for the Smart Video clients, without the help of someone from the Smart Video team that can create a report for them. The purpose of this thesis was to relieve the workload of the Smart Video team and to create a dashboard that shows all information that the clients find relevant about their videos. This paper is about the process of developing a design for a marketing dashboard, that follows the guidelines of information dashboard design by Stephen Few. The process included interviews, multiple designs, prototypes, and evaluations, before ending up with a prototype of a desktop solution that follows the aesthetics of Smart Video and can be realizable with the current technology.

A server application for Traffic Information Service : Broadcast / Serverprogramvara för TIS-B : en del av framtidens flygledningssystem

Antonsson, Daniel January 2003 (has links)
The need for increased safety and efficiency in civil aviation is pushing the introduction of Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). The basic principle of ADS-B is that each aircraft is able to communicate its position and status over a radio data link to surrounding aircraft. In this way each aircraft obtains a detailed picture of the surrounding traffic. During a period of transition from today's radar surveillance to ADS-B many aircraft will not be equipped with the new data link technology and will therefore be invisible to the ADS-B equipped aircraft. The Traffic Information Service - Broadcast (TIS-B) has been conceived to be the solution to this problem. TIS-B is defined as a broadcast surveillance service in which data from the ordinary ground radar system is transmitted from a ground station to airborne systems, providing an air situation picture of the non-ADS-B stations. The topics of this thesis are the definition and implementation of a TIS-B server. The presented solution is an evaluation TIS-B server that will receive data from a data-fusing tracker and provide one or several TIS-B ground stations with data filtered according to the settings of the server.

Retorik och semiotik i reklam : En jämförelse mellan tidningsannonser och internetbanners

Gripple, Johan, Ohlsson, Anders January 2009 (has links)
Advertising is something that we get in touch with on a daily basis and more or less everywhere. Advertising is used in different mediums, such as magazines, television, radio, internet, cellphones et.c. The aim of the present study is to find out if there are any recurrent dissimilarities how advertising is constructed among the mediums regarding rhetorical and semiotical theories. Two different mediums have been chosen for a comparison, printed advertisments versus internetbanners. The study has been based on a total of ten qualitative image analyses. To get a spread among the input material regarding the adverts, five different types of businesses have been chosen from a set of criteria that has been decided for this specific study. From every type of business, one advertisment from magazines or newspapers and one type of internetbanner have been chosen and have resulted in a total of five pair of matches which has been analyzed with an image analysis model. The result of this study clearly showed that there are recurrent dissimilarities among the two analyzed mediums. Adverts in magazines or newspapers contained generally more text than the internetbanners did, the adverts in papers also used more arguments than the internetbanners. The result also showed that the adverts in the papers contained more rhetorical figures than the internetbanners did. One potential reason why there were less text in the internet banners may be due to the phenomena called Banner blindness and the differences of the mediums. / Reklam är något vi kommer i kontakt med dagligen mer eller mindre överallt. Den återfinns i olika medier, såsom tidningar, TV, radio, internet, mobiltelefoner etc. Målet med denna undersökning är ett ta reda på om det finns några återkommande skillnader i hur reklam utformas i olika medier, utifrån retoriska och semiotiska teorier. Två skilda medier har valts ut för en jämförelse, tidningsannonser och internetbanners. Undersökningen har baserats på totalt tio kvalitativa bildanalyser. För att få en spridning på analysmaterialet har fem olika branscher valts ut efter uppsatta urvalskriterier. Från varje bransch har en utvald annons från tidningar respektive internet bildat fem parmatchningar som har analyserats med hjälp av en bildanalysmodell. Resultatet av undersökningen visade konkret att det finns återkommande skillnader eftersom tidningsannonserna innehåller mer text och fler argument än internetbanners. Vidare finns det också en skillnad mellan medierna då tidningsannonser har en tendens till att innehålla fler retoriska figurer än vad internetbanners gör. En möjlig anledning till att det var mindre text i internetbanners skulle kunna härledas till fenomenet Banner blindness likaså skillnaderna som finns mellan medierna.

Gravité quantique à deux dimensions couplée à de la matière non-conforme / Two-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to non-conformal matter

De Lacroix De Lavalette, Corinne 28 September 2017 (has links)
Établir une théorie de gravité quantique qui décrit de manière cohérente les propriétés quantiques de la matière et de l'espace-temps est l'un des défis majeurs de la physique théorique. Malgré plusieurs décennies de recherches, de nombreux problèmes conceptuels et techniques doivent encore être résolus. L'étude de modèles simplifiés donne des idées de résolution. La première partie de la thèse traite de la gravité quantique bidimensionnelle. À deux dimensions, la gravité quantique est beaucoup mieux comprise et de nombreux calculs peuvent être faits exactement. Si la gravité quantique bidimensionnelle a été largement étudiée quand elle est couplée à de la matière conforme, le cas de la matière non-conforme était très peu connu jusque récemment. Nous calculons d'abord l'action gravitationnelle pour un champ scalaire massif sur une surface de Riemann avec bords puis pour un fermion de Majorana massif sur une variété compacte. Ce dernier cas correspond à une CFT perturbée par une perturbation conforme et est d'ordinaire étudié grâce à l'ansatz de DDK, mais les résultats sont différents. Finalement, on calcule le spectre de l'action de Mabuchi dans l'approximation du minisuperespace. La seconde partie étudie les propriétés thermales des trous noirs dans le contexte de la correspondance AdS/CFT. On construit un modèle de mécanique quantique fondé sur les principes holographiques pour simuler la dynamique des trous noirs quantiques. Ce modèle permet d'obtenir des résultats numériques exacts. / Finding a theory of quantum gravity describing in a consistent way the quantum properties of matter and spacetime geometry is one of the greatest challenges of modern theoretical physics. However after several decades of research, many conceptual and technical issues are still to be resolved. Insights on these questions can be given by simplified toy models that allow for exact computations. The first part of the thesis deals with two-dimensional quantum gravity. In two dimensions quantum gravity is much better understood and many computations can be carried out exactly. Whereas two-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to conformal matter has been widely studied and is now well understood, much less was known until recently when matter is non-conformal. First we compute the gravitational action for a massive scalar field on a Riemann surface with boundaries and then for a massive Majorana fermion on a manifold without boundary. The latter case corresponds to a CFT perturbed by a conformal perturbation and is usually tackled through the DDK ansatz, but the results do not seem to match. Finally we give a minisuperspace computation of the spectrum of the Mabuchi action, a functional that appears in the gravitational action for a massive scalar field. In the second part we focus on black hole thermal behaviour which provides a lot of insight of how a theory of quantum gravity should look like. In the context of string theory the AdS/CFT correspondence provides powerful tools for understanding the microscopic origin of black holes thermodynamics. We construct a quantum mechanical toy model based on holographic principles to study the dynamics of quantum black holes.

Lessons for Conformal Field Theories from Bootstrap and Holography

Sen, Kallo January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The work done in this thesis includes an exploration of both the conformal field theory techniques and holographic techniques of the Gauge/Gravity duality. From the field theory, we have analyzed the analytical aspects of the Conformal Bootstrap program to gain handle on at least a part of the CFT spectrum. The program applies equally to the strongly coupled as well as the weakly coupled theories. We have considered both the regimes of interest in this thesis. In the strongly coupled sector, as we have shown that it is possible to extract information about the anomalous dimensions, of a particular subset of large spin operators in the spectrum, as a function of the spin and twist of these operators. The holographic analog of the anomalous dimensions from CFT are the binding energies of generalized free fields in the bulk, which has also been analyzed in this thesis. On the contrary, in the weakly coupled sector, the same idea can be used to calculate the anomalous dimensions of operators, with any spin and dimension in an expansion. We have considered a simple set of scalar operators, whose anomalous dimensions are reproduced correctly up to O( 2). In another holographic calculation, we have analyzed generic higher derivative theories of gravity, which corresponds to boundary theories with in finite colors but finite `t Hooft coupling. Certain universal aspects of these theories, such as anomalies and correlation functions are also calculated. The three point functions for these higher derivative theories will serve as a building block for considering four point functions for finitely coupled boundary CFTs. In the conclusion, we have pointed out the directions of interest which could be locating the bulk duals of large N finitely coupled theories, or that of an intermediate theory with both finite `t Hooft coupling as well as finite gauge group, with a speculative string theory dual.

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