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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detecting flight patterns using deep learning

Carlsson, Victor January 2023 (has links)
With more aircraft in the air than ever before, there is a need for automating the surveillance of the airspace. It is widely known that aircraft with different intentions fly in different flight patterns. Support systems for finding different flight patterns are therefore needed. In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of detecting circular flight patterns using deep learning models. The basis for detection is ADS-B data which is continuously transmitted by aircraft containing information related to the aircraft status. Two deep learning models are constructed to solve the binary classification problem of detecting circular flight patterns. The first model is a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model and utilizes techniques such as sliding window and bidirectional LSTM layers to solve the given task. The second model is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and utilizes transfer learning. For the CNN model, the trajectory data is converted into image representations which are fed into a pre-trained model with a custom final dense layer. While ADS-B is openly available, finding specific flight patterns and producing a labeled data set of that pattern is hard and time-consuming. The data set is therefore expanded using other sources of data. Two additional sources of trajectory data are added to the data set; radar and simulated data. Training a model on data of a different distribution than the model is being evaluated on can be problematic and introduces a new source of error known as training-validation mismatch. One of the main goals of this thesis is to be able to quantify the size of this error to decide if using data from other sources is a viable option. The results show that the CNN model outperforms the LSTM model and achieves an accuracy of 98.2%. The results also show that there is a cost, in terms of accuracy, associated with not only training on ADS-B data. For the CNN model that cost was a 1-4% loss in accuracy depending on the training data used. The corresponding cost for the LSTM model was 2-10%.

Programmatic Advertising : Effective marketing strategy or invasion of privacy - A study of consumer attitudes towards Programmatic Advertising

Bolkvadze, Endi, Ekblad, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
Digital marketing is constantly adapting and evolving in line with technological advances. One of these advances is the digitalization, which has given rise to Programmatic Advertising (PA). In order to practice PA, the companies need to collect data about consumers' preferences and personal interests. On the other hand, consumers have a need to protect their privacy. The needs of these two parties cross each other which creates the tension, called the Personalization-privacy paradox. In this study, we intend to investigate consumers' attitudes towards PA and whether personalization gives rise to improved browsing experiences or evenviolates their privacy. A quantitative study was conducted, where the independent variable was called Personalization and the dependent variables - Attractiveness, Annoyance, Invasiveness and Trade-off. The results of bivariate regression analysis showed that all of the dependent variables of the study were statistically significant. The results also illustrated that the majority of the respondents experienced PA ads as beneficial, but also invasive. These results are in line with the Utility maximization theory, as PA ads were considered both beneficial and risky. Therefore, consumers would have incentives to disclose their personal information as long as the percieved benefits would outweigh perceived risks, generated by PA. We concluded that there are no clear, predetermined answers to what attitudes consumers have towards PA, but this can vary from case to case, which is in line with both the Privacy calculus theory and the Utility maximization theory. This involves a risk-benefit analysis, performed by consumers, where perceived benefits exceeding perceived risks would generate positive attitudes and vice versa

Is sharing really caring? : A qualitative study on targeted ads from a consumer perspective

Andersson, Mattias, Gummesson, Eric January 2022 (has links)
Title: Is sharing really caring? Subject: Bachelor thesis in International Marketing, 15hp Authors: Mattias Andersson & Eric Gummesson Keywords: consumer behavior, targeted ads, advertising, privacy, consumer intrusiveness Problem statement: This study looks to provide clarity about consumers' perception of the intrusiveness of a targeted advertisement and their overall behavior in regard to targeted ads. The authors of this look to find out what different factors play a role in a consumer’s mind when they see a perfectly tailored ad made just for them. Have targeting ads possibly become too specific and intrude on consumer privacy? Could this cause a negative reaction because of the huge amount of data consumers are sharing on the web? In what way does the consumer react or behave? Purpose: This study investigates a consumer perspective of targeted advertisement and will provide relevancy of consumers’ behavior regarding targeted ads Method: A qualitative approach has been used in order to gain insight of consumers’ behaviors regarding targeted advertisement. This has been achieved via semi-structured interviews which showed great value and provided detailed information on the matter. Conclusion: The results have led to an increased understanding of what marketers should take into consideration when targeting consumers with tailored advertisements. A big factor as to whether people are more accepting towards the practice of targeting ads was based on the level of awareness and control over their personal data sharing. The study leans towards seeing customized advertising as a more viable option than personalized advertising based on the intrusiveness and the management of consumers personal data. / Titel: Is sharing really caring? Ämne: Kandidatuppsats i Internationell Marknadsföring, 15hp Författare: Mattias Andersson & Eric Gummesson Nyckelord: konsumentbeteende, riktade annonser, marknadsföring, integritet, privatintrång Problemformulering: Denna studie syftar till att ge klarhet i konsumenters uppfattning kring privatintrång och deras övergripande beteende när det gäller riktade annonser. Författarna letar efter vilka olika faktorer som spelar roll hos en konsument när de ser en perfekt skräddarsydd annons som är tillverkade enbart till dem. Har riktade annonser möjligtvis blivit för specifika och inkräktar på konsumentens integritet? Skulle detta kunna leda till en negativ reaktion på grund av den enorma mängd data som konsumenter delar med sig av på webben? På vilket sätt reagerar eller beter sig konsumenten? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka konsumentperspektivet och ge relevans för konsumentbeteendet gällande riktade annonser. Metod: En kvalitativ studie valdes för att få insikt om konsumenterna beteende kring riktade annonser. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer som gav detaljerad information om ämnet. Slutsats: Resultaten har lett till en djupare kunskap om vad konsumenter känner och om användarnas beteende när de ställs inför skräddarsydda annonser. Dessutom har studien bidragit till en ökad förståelse för vad marknadsförare bör ta hänsyn till när de riktar sig till konsumenter med skräddarsydda annonser. En viktig faktor för konsumenternas uppfattning om riktade annonser berodde på deras medvetenhet och kontroll över personliga datadelning. Studien lutar åt anpassad annonsering som ett mer tillämpligt alternativ än personlig annonsering baserat på privatintrång och hanteringen av konsumenternas personliga data.

Skolbibliotekarie sökes! : En studie av hur skolbibliotekariens roll förändrats i platsannonser med skola som arbetsgivare / School Librarian Wanted! : A Study of how the School Librarian's Role has Changed in Job Advertisements with Schools as Employers

Ohlström, Tove, Lundberg, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to increase the understanding of the school librarian's profession in a Swedish context, by making visible how the professional role has changed over time from a school-related employer perspective. By using content analysis, the study has investigated how the school librarian's role has been described in 132 job advertisements with schools as employers over a twenty-year period, between 2001 and 2021. The content of the job advertisements has been analyzed, looking at both the skills required and the tasks described. The IFLA School Library Guidelines has been used as a framework for the coding process. The authors examined the extent to which the key roles and competencies of a school librarian mentioned in the Guidelines were represented in job advertisements seeking school librarians from 2001 to 2021.  Abbotts theory of the professions and the central concept of jurisdiction was used in the analysis of the data. The results show that the tasks and competencies described in the job advertisements have become more profession-specific during the chosen twenty-year period. This increase of profession-specific tasks and competencies indicates that the jurisdiction of the school librarian profession has been strengthened. The empirical data also show that the school librarian profession has renegotiated jurisdiction over teaching and reading promotion and acquired new professional tasks.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.


BRUNO FRANCISCO MARTINS DA SILVA 22 February 2024 (has links)
[pt] Uma sequência temporal de vetores (vector stream) pode ser modeladacomo uma sequência de pares ((v1, t1). . .(vn, tn)), onde vk é um vetor e tk écarimbo de tempo tais que todos os vetores são da mesma dimensão e tkmenor que tk+1. O problema de busca por similaridade em sequências temporais devetores é definido como: Dado um vetor (de alta dimensão) v e um intervalode tempo T, encontre uma lista ranqueada de vetores, recuperados de umasequência temporal de vetores, que sejam similares a v e que foram recebidosdentro do intervalo de tempo T. Esta dissertação primeiro introduz umafamília de métodos de busca por similaridade em sequências temporais devetores que não dependem da sequência completa, mas se adaptam à medidaque os vetores são incluídos na sequência. Os métodos geram uma sequênciade índices, que são então usados para implementar uma busca aproximadado vizinho mais próximo na sequência temporal de vetores. Em seguida, adissertação descreve uma implementação de um método da família baseado em Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs. Utilizando esta implementação,a dissertação apresenta uma ferramenta de busca de anúncios classificadosque oferece recuperação de anúncios à medida que usuários continuamentesubmetem novos anúncios. A ferramenta é estruturada em um módulo principale três módulos auxiliares, sendo que o módulo principal é responsável porcoordenar os módulos auxiliares e prover uma interface para o usuário, e osmódulos auxiliares são responsáveis pela codificação dos textos e imagens emvetores, a indexação dos vetores, e o armazenamento dos textos, imagens evetores. Por fim, para avaliar a ferramenta, a dissertação utiliza um conjuntode aproximadamente 1 milhão de registros com as descrições de anúnciosclassificados e suas imagens. Os resultados mostraram que a ferramenta atingiuuma precisão de 98 por cento e um recall de 97 por cento. / [en] A vector stream can be modeled as a sequence of pairs ((v1, t1). . .(vn, tn)), where vk is a vector and tk is a timestamp such that all vectors are of the same dimension and tk less than tk+1. The vector stream similarity search problem is defined as: Given a (high-dimensional) vector q and a time interval T, find a ranked list of vectors, retrieved from a vector stream, that are similar to q and that were received in the time interval T. This dissertation first introduces a family of vector stream similarity search methods that do not depend on having the full set of vectors available beforehand but adapt to the vector stream as the vectors are added. The methods generate a sequence of indices that are used to implement approximated nearest neighbor search over the vector stream. Then, the dissertation describes an implementation of a method in the family based on Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs. Based on this implementation, the dissertation presents a Classified Ad Retrieval tool that supports classified ad retrieval as new ads are continuously submitted. The tool is structured into a main module and three auxiliary modules, where the main module is responsible for coordinating the auxiliary modules and for providing a user interface, and the auxiliary modules are responsible for text and image encoding, vector stream indexing, and data storage. To evaluate the tool, the dissertation uses a dataset with approximately 1 million records with descriptions of classified ads and their respective images. The results showed that the tool reached an average precision of 98 percent and an average recall of 97 percent.

Contextual Information Based Occluded Pedestrian Emergence Risk Assessment and Vehicle Control

Koc, Ibrahim M. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Spinning Correlators at Finite Temperature

Arandes Tejerina, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis is framed in the striking correspondence between gravity theories in Anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS) and Conformal Field Theories (CFT). This is usually known as AdS/CFT duality and relates gravity theories in the bulk with CFTs that live in their conformal boundary. We start by presenting the notion of CFTs and some of the results and techniques that are widely used in this field. This includes conformal correlators for scalar and spin operators, the state-operator correspondence and the operator product expansion (OPE) of operators. The embedding formalism and the index-free notation to encode tensors in polynomials are also discussed and used throughout this work. The basic notions of AdS are outlined and CFT at finite temperature is then introduced. We include a review of thermal blocks and thermal coefficients for a thermal two-point function between scalar fields in mean field theory. We then analyse the thermal two-point function for conserved currents, which was not known in the literature. Finally, we start a study of its thermal blocks and thermal coefficients for the mean field theory application.

The black hole information paradox and holography

Mola Bertran, Ona January 2023 (has links)
Hawking theorized in 1974 that black holes emit particles as a quantum effect. It follows from this fact that a black hole that emits particles while absorbing none ends up evaporating. The process of black hole evaporation studied from semiclassical gravity violates quantum mechanics leading to serious problems. This is the black hole information paradox, one of the most famous paradoxes in theoretical physics first pointed out by Hawking in 1975 and still unsolved today. Nowadays the widespread interpretation is that quantum mechanics cannot be violated and that the semiclassical gravity approach is not good enough. We need to go beyond semiclassical physics to understand this process. The paradox as originally stated by Hawking is that a pure state evolves into a mixed state, violating unitarity and losing information in the process. There is also an alternative way to state the paradox using the so-called Page curve, which involves working with entropies rather than states. In a unitary process, the entanglement entropy of the radiation will follow the Page curve. In 2019, it was shown explicitly using holographic tools that an evaporating black hole in an Anti-de Sitter spacetime follows the Page curve. Holography is a property of quantum gravity stating that a spatial region can be described by its area rather than its volume. These recent developments also involve the famous island rule as the formula that reproduces the Page curve. This master thesis reviews the current understanding of the paradox, exploring the original paradox as well as the recent developments in the field.

Creating Demand for Abortion Service: A Content Analysis of Chinese Television Abortion Advertisements

E, Qinyu 29 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Space-Oriented Message Set Design

Duan, Pengfei 03 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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