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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptabilidade de carreira em trabalhadores-estudantes do ensino superior

Saldanha, Marcelo Bravo Cassales January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou investigar qualitativamente a adaptabilidade de carreira de trabalhadores-estudantes, descrevendo como percebem seus recursos de adaptabilidade e os expressam no dia-a-dia. Entendeu-se que este público vivencia uma situação de transição de carreira ao desempenhar simultaneamente os papeis de trabalhador e de estudante, o que exige mais de sua capacidade de adaptação e consequentemente gera maior ativação de sua adaptabilidade de carreira. Participaram deste nove trabalhadores estudantes de nível superior de graduação de universidades particulares da cidade de Porto Alegre. A coleta de dados foi feita utilizando uma entrevista semiestruturada aplicando a estratégia teaching the test proposta por Savickas e Porfeli (2011), que consiste em aplicar uma escala e discutir as respostas com o participante. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira da Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira como objetivo de abordar aspectos relacionados aos construtos investigados, sendo o material verbal produzido analisado através de análise temática. Os resultados são apresentados em duas seções: percepções sobre o manejo dos papeis de trabalhador e estudante e percepções sobre a adaptabilidade de carreira. Cada tema ou subtema foram ilustrados com excertos representativos. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e sugerem-se possibilidades para estudos futuros. / This study aimed to investigate qualitatively the career adaptability working-students, describing how they perceive their adaptability resources and express daily. It was understood that the public experiences a situation of career transition to simultaneously play the roles of worker and student, which requires more of your adaptability and consequently generates greater activation of their career adaptability. Participated in this nine workers postsecondary students graduate of private universities in the city of Porto Alegre. Data collection was done using a semistructured interview applying the strategy teaching the test proposed by Savickas e Porfeli (2011), which consists of applying a scale and discuss the answers with the participant. We used the Brazilian version of the Scale of Career Adaptability aimed to address issues related to the constructs investigated and verbal material produced analyzed using thematic analysis. The results are presented in two sections: perceptions about the management of student and worker roles and perceptions of career adaptability. Each theme or subtheme were illustrated with excerpts representative. We discuss the limitations of the study and suggest up possibilities for future studies.

Veterans in Transition: A Correlational Investigation of Career Adaptability, Confidence, and Readiness

Gaiter, Schleurious LaVan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Thousands of service persons and veterans may be leaving military service annually without required skills and not receiving timely career counseling and interventions needed to aid in their career transitions. Knowledge about service persons' career adaptability, confidence, and readiness could enhance the actions of all stakeholders to address the challenges that accompany career transitions and may aid in identifying needed counseling and interventions. Using a survey containing the Career Transitions Inventory and the Career Futures Inventory-Revised, perspectives were obtained from service persons (N = 264) while attending Transition Assistance Program workshops. Two research questions for the study examined associations between individuals' career adaptability and 2 transition variables: confidence and readiness. Statistical testing was accomplished using Pearson correlation coefficient, t test, and 1-way analysis of variance. Correlations of transition confidence and overall career adaptability scores indicated a low negative correlation (r (262) = -0.4299, p < .01), and correlations of transition readiness and overall career adaptability scores indicated a low positive correlation (r (262) = 0.3988, p < .01). In addition, significant differences were noted when examining survey results based on demographic variables such as race, education, marital status, highest pay-grade achieved, and years of service. This study contributes to social change by demonstrating techniques for assessing personal traits. Implications are discussed for using self-reported data for counseling and interventions for individuals, which could enhance their career transition experiences.

Consumo, endividamento, questões ambientais e adaptabilidade humana / Consumption, indebtedness, environmental issues and human adaptability

Haack, Patrícia Gunther 31 July 2019 (has links)
O presente estudo de natureza bibliográfica, qualitativa e analítica apoiou-se na transdisciplinaridade da Ecologia Humana com outras áreas do conhecimento e objetivou evidenciar a influência contemporânea de grandes corporações globais no padrão de consumo, no endividamento das pessoas, no empobrecimento das instituições, enfraquecimento dos Estados Nacionais e nas urgentes questões ambientais. Foram entrelaçadas perspectivas teóricas multidisciplinares sobre consumo, endividamento e questões ambientais, demonstrando a consolidação da obsolescência como estratégia capitalista para impulsionar vendas de eletrodomésticos e automóveis, têxtil e moda, eletrônicos e softwares, com consequente intensificação de impactos no ambiente pelo extrativismo de recursos naturais, contaminação da água, solo e ar, bem como a geração de lixo. Evidenciou-se o cenário em que o ganho com aplicações financeiras é frequentemente superior ao ganho com atividades produtivas, o capital improdutivo, a consolidação do poder econômico de grandes conglomerados globais e sua influência sobre as políticas públicas, de ensino, pesquisa e sobre o sistema judiciário. A concentração de riquezas e poder econômico das grandes corporações globais vêm afetando a economia mundial, o endividamento e empobrecimento das instituições, agravando a desigualdade social, dificultando a implementação de programas de educação, cumprimento de acordos mundiais e fiscalizações ambientais. A interdisciplinaridade promovida pela Economia da Informação, adoção de princípios da Economia Circular, a preocupação generativa da geração Y com o mundo, ambiente e consumo, a inventividade humana, a conectividade global, a convergência das tecnologias digitais, físicas e biológicas, tratadas neste trabalho, podem contribuir para reverter o quadro de degradação ambiental. Para enfrentar os desafios globais é necessário integrar aquilo que é biologicamente necessário, social e culturalmente desejado com o que é ecologicamente possível. O ser humano é o único com capacidade de protestar e reverter o quadro de degradação ambiental ao qual vem se adaptando nas últimas décadas. Sua capacidade de adaptação em promover as mudanças necessárias pode reconstruir padrões de direitos, deveres e valores humanos e adotar novas formas de pensar, sentir, agir e comportar-se. / This bibliographic, qualitative and analytical study was based on the transdisciplinarity of Human Ecology with other areas of knowledge and aimed to highlight the contemporary influence of large global corporations on the pattern of consumption, on people\'s indebtedness, on the impoverishment of institutions, on the weakening of human resources, National States and urgent environmental issues. Several theoretical perspectives on consumption, debt and environmental issues were intertwined, demonstrating the consolidation of obsolescence as a capitalist strategy to boost sales of appliances and automobiles, textiles and fashion, electronics and software, intensifying impacts on the environment through the extraction of natural resources, water contamination, soil and air, as well as waste generation. The scenario showed that the gain on financial investments is often greater than the gain on productive activities, unproductive capital, the consolidation of the economic power of large global conglomerates and their influence on public policies, education, research and the judiciary system. The concentration of wealth and economic power of large global corporations has been affecting the world economy, aggravating social inequality, making it difficult to implement education programs, comply with agreements and environmental inspections. The interdisciplinarity promoted by the Information Economy, adoption of Circular Economy principles, Generative concern of Y generation with the world, environment and consumption, human inventiveness, global connectivity, convergence of digital, physical and biological technologies can all contribute to reversing the picture of environmental degradation. Meeting global challenges requires integrating what is biologically necessary, socially and culturally desired with what is ecologically possible. The human being is the only one capable of protesting and reversing the picture of environmental degradation to which he has been adapting in recent decades. Their ability to adapt to change can rebuild human rights, duties, and values to adopt new ways of thinking, feeling, acting, and behaving.

Can Anyone with Low Income Be Food Secure?: Mitigating Food Insecurity among Low Income Households with Children in the Tampa Bay Area

Amador, Edgar Allan 05 July 2014 (has links)
In the US over the last few years, approximately 14.5% of households experience food insecurity at some point throughout the year. While studies on food insecurity in the US have determined that household income and specifically income available to spend on food is of critical importance to food security, it is still unclear why some households with low income are able to maintain food security while others experience food insecurity in a pattern characterized as not constant but recurrent. This dissertation compares households with children at different levels of food security and insecurity using the USDA Core Food Security Module (CFSM) and an ethnographically informed analysis of coping in order to understand the differences between at-risk households in order to determine why some fall into more severe food insecurity while other manage to avoid it. Data on food security, demographics, use of food assistance programs, shared cultural models for food, food shopping behavior, food consumption, and measures of depression and anxiety were collected from 207 households. Households at or below 185% of poverty line (n=106) were grouped by food security status--food secure (FS), low food security (LFS), and very low food security (VLFS)--into three groups. The remaining households (n=101) were used as an out-group for comparison. The results revealed that for low income households (below 185% of poverty line) income was not a significant factor for many of the comparisons between FS and LFS or VLFS households. Instead, other variables such as higher stress index score (PSS), younger age of respondent or food procurer, and the presence of a spouse or partner were more important predictors of food insecurity. Households used safety net resources to cope with food insecurity, though as predicted by the literature these resources where used to mitigate food insecurity as opposed to buffer against it. Finally, there were large and significant differences between the three groups in the amount of stress (PSS) and depression (HSCL-10) symptoms measured in the respondents, affirming the relationship between food insecurity and stress that has been documented in the literature. The study concludes by recommending that future research explore the way in which food insecurity and stress affect household relationships because (1) living with a spouse or partner predicted food insecurity in this sample of at-risk low income households and (2) there was some evidence that male food procurers experience more stress than female food procurers.

An analysis of the correlation between two family instruments Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III and the Kvebaek Family Sculpture Technique /

Berry, James T. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Reformed Theological Seminary, 1986. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 130-136).

Entwicklung und Betrieb wandlungsfähiger Auftragsabwicklungssysteme / Development and application of adaptive enterprise resource planning systems

Gronau, Norbert, Wildemann, Horst, Zäh, Michael F. January 2004 (has links)
Mittelständische Industrieunternehmen setzen für ihre betrieblichen Abläufe Planungs- und Ausführungssysteme ein. Aufgrund der Turbulenzen auf Absatz- und Beschaffungsmärkten kann die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Unternehmen nur durch permanente Anpassungen der Organisationsstrukturen und -abläufe erfolgen. In der Praxis zeigt sich eine unzureichende technologische Anpassungsfähigkeit der heute eingesetzten Standardsoftwaresysteme. Diese lassen zwar während der Einführungsphase vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten zu, Veränderungen im laufenden Betrieb sind aber meist nur mit großem Aufwand möglich. Hier sind die Softwarehersteller in Zukunft zunehmend gefordert, wandlungsfähige Auftragsabwicklungssysteme zu entwickeln. Über die Entwicklungsphase (Build-Time) hinaus muss auch parallel zur Betriebsphase (Run-Time) der technische Fortschritt aufgrund von geänderten Anforderungen durch entsprechende Softwarereleases synchronisiert werden. / Development and application of adaptive enterprise resource planning systems: <br><br> Medium-sized industrial enterprises apply resource planning systems for their business processes. Changing markets require permanent adaptation of these enterprises’ organisational structures and processes to ensure their efficiency and their competitiveness. However, currently applied standard software systems have proven to be insufficiently adaptable. They allow multiple configuration options during implementation and setup, but it is hardly possible to perform configuration changes during the application phase. Therefore software developers will have to focus on adaptable enterprise resource planning systems in future. Beyond the development phase (build time) technological progress caused by changing requirements also has to be synchronised simultaneously by current software releases during the application phase (run time).<br> --------<br> © GITO mbH Berlin

Social learning in the Anthropocene : Governance of natural resources in human dominated systems

Nykvist, Björn January 2012 (has links)
We live in the Anthropocene – an age where humans dominate natural systems – and there is ample evidence that our current practices degrade the capacity of natural systems to provide us with natural resources. How we, as humans, organize and learn, in communities and among state and other societal actors, constitute a decisive factor for both local management of natural resources and the functioning of the planet Earth. In other words, the outcome of learning has become a matter of governance across multiple levels. This thesis studies the role of social learning in governance of natural resources, asking the following three overarching questions: i) What are the institutional barriers limiting better environmental governance at different scales? ii) Is there a causal connection between social learning and better environmental governance? iii) What are the normative challenges with better environmental governance or social-ecological resilience being linked to the adaptive capacity of actors to learn socially? The primary method is semi-structured in-depth interviews. Papers provide results on institutional barriers such as competency traps and show how customs and current practices and collaborations limit better environmental governance. It is found that social learning might, and might not, lead to better environmental governance, and the causal connection between social learning and better environmental governance is found to be rather weak, with both variables depending on other factors. Enabling policy, a mandate to make broad assessments, or an engaged leader facilitating social learning, are examples of factors that explain the existence of both social learning and outcomes in terms of better environmental governance. It is concluded that since conditions for, and facilitation of, social learning are so important, research should focus more on what initiates social learning and how social learning can be mainstreamed across multiple levels of governance / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted: Paper 4: Submitted; Paper 5: Submitted.

Är uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap förenligt med utvecklandet av anpassningsbara officerare? / Is auftragstaktik and developmental leadership consistent with the development of adaptability among officers?

Arding, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Människan har en förmåga att anpassa sig till en omvärld i förändring. Detta syns inte minst på den taktik- och teknikanpassning som sker i kampen mellan verkan och skydd inom den militära kontexten. Men idag sker inte bara förändring i den militära tekniken; även uppgifterna förändras. Exempelvis kräver de insatser som sker runt om i världen, inom ramen för FN-resolutioner, allt mer av civilmilitär samverkan samtidigt som enheterna måste vara ständigt beredda på att möta en motståndare i strid. Om anpassningsbarhet är det som gör att vi kan förändra oss för att möta nya uppgifter i nya miljöer torde ökad anpassningsbarhet i organisationen vara en fördel. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka huruvida de svenska ledningsstyrdokumenten, i form av Uppdragstaktiken (ledningsmetod-/filosofi) och Utvecklande ledarskap (ledarskapsmodell), är förenliga med utvecklandet av anpassningsbara officerare. Resultatet av analysen visar på god förenlighet mellan uppdragstaktik och utvecklande ledarskap å ena sidan och anpassningsbarhet å andra sidan. Således tycks det som om förutsättningarna för anpassningsbarhet är delvis inbyggda i Uppdragstaktiken och Utvecklande ledarskap / The human ability to adapt to a changing environment and a never ending technological development, can be observed by counting the many times a new invented weapon result in a new kind of defence. Today’s military personnel must not only adapt to technological, tactical and environmental changes, but also to new kind of objectives. Missions, conducted under the authorization of the UN, consist not only of combat missions, but also of considerable amount of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC). If adaptability is part of what has taken us this far, it’s reasonable to assume that adaptability will be as important in the future to come. Hence, an armed force with a high level of adaptability is likely to be advantageous over a less adaptable enemy. This paper was written with the sole purpose of finding out whether the Swedish Armed Forces’ (SAF) command &amp; control-method (Auftragstaktik) and the provided leadership model (Developmental leadership) were consistent with the development of adaptable officers. A describing comparison indicated numerous similarities between all three concepts, thus it would seem auftragstaktik and developmental leadership has in-born support for the development of adaptability.

Employability and job search success¢w adaptability, career identity, human capital and social capital.

Lin, Yu-ling 21 January 2011 (has links)
Abstract In recent years, the government has implemented several policies to lower the unemployment rate. In this insecure environment, the concept of employability has emerged as a key contributor to career success and job search success. Past researches show lack of attention on the relationship between employability and job search success, furthermore, most researches about employability were taking college students as examples. Thus, this research tries to proceed an empirical study of general job seekers and find out the effect of employability on job search success. Besides, it also comprehends the exploration of the mediating effect of the job search self-efficacy. After statistical analyses, the results are summarized as the following. 1. Adaptability has no effect on job search self-efficacy. 2. Adaptability has no effect on job search success. 3. Career identity has positive effect on job search self-efficacy. 4. Career identity has positive effect on job search success. 5. Human capital and social capital have positive effect on job search self-efficacy. 6. Human capital and social capital have positive effect on job search success. 7. Job search self-efficacy has positive effect on job search success.

Rate-adaptive H.264 for TCP/IP networks

Kota, Praveen 17 September 2007 (has links)
While there has always been a tremendous demand for streaming video over TCP/IP networks, the nature of the application still presents some challenging issues. These applications that transmit multimedia data over best-effort networks like the Internet must cope with the changing network behavior; specifically, the source encoder rate should be controlled based on feedback from a channel estimator that probes the network periodically. First, one such Multimedia Streaming TCP-Friendly Protocol (MSTFP) is considered, which iteratively integrates forward estimation of network status with feedback control to closely track the varying network characteristics. Second, a network-adaptive embedded bit stream is generated using a r-domain rate controller. The conceptual elegance of this r-domain framework stems from the fact that the coding bit rate ) (R is approximately linear in the percentage of zeros among the quantized spatial transform coefficients ) ( r , as opposed to the more traditional, complex and highly nonlinear ) ( Q R characterization. Though the r-model has been successfully implemented on a few other video codecs, its application to the emerging video coding standard H.264 is considered. The extensive experimental results show thatrobust rate control, similar or improved Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), and a faster implementation.

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