Spelling suggestions: "subject:"addictive"" "subject:"addictives""
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Návyky středoškolské mládeže (alkohol, drogy, kouření, gamblerství,...) / The habits of teen-agers (alcohol, drugs, smoking, gamblers,...)SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Abstract In my thesis ``Habits of secondary school students{\crqq} (alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling{\dots}) I dealt with the use of addictive substances by students in the 2nd year of secondary schools. The use of addictive substances by young people has become a topical issue. According to statistical data, the number of users of both legal and illegal substances has been growing every year. It is disturbing that addictive substances, such as alcohol, nicotine or illegal drugs, have been used by ever younger consumers. In the theoretical part I covered the period of adolescence, characteristic features of that period and behavior disorders that may occur. I also reviewed the individual types of drugs and their physical and mental effects on the organism. In the empirical part of the thesis my objective was to map the current situation in drug abuse at selected secondary schools in the towns of Rokycany and Tábor. The researched group consisted of 325 respondents. I used a questionnaire to investigate their family backgrounds, alcohol consumption, cigarette consumption and experience with other drugs, e.g. marihuana, hashish or ecstasy. 2 of the 3 formulated hypotheses were refuted and 1 hypothesis was confirmed. All results are shown in form of tables and diagrams. In the discussion I compared my results with other research papers dealing with the same topic. The biggest issue in the selected group of respondents was the smoking of cigarettes. According to my findings, education is a major factor in the consumption of the individual drugs. The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs is higher among apprentices while the consumption among students of comprehensive secondary school is significantly lower.
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Estudo comparativo do uso de probiótico e monensina na prevenção e tratamento da acidose láctica ruminal aguda em ovinos / Comparative study of monensin and probiotics in the prevention and treatment of acute rumen lactic acidosis in sheepLeonardo Frasson dos Reis 12 December 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar comparativamente a eficácia de probiótico a base de levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae e de ionóforo (Monensina sódica) na prevenção e tratamento da acidose láctica ruminal aguda em ovinos, por meio de uma série de variáveis ruminais e sistêmicas. Foram utilizados 30 ovinos adultos, mestiços da raça Santa Inês, providos de cânula ruminal, com cerca de 30 kg de peso corporal. Os animais foram mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas e alimentados com dieta basal calculada em 2,7% do peso vivo e composta de 75% da matéria seca de feno de capim de coast-cross e de 25% de concentrado. Os ovinos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos com 10 animais cada, assim constituídos: Controle; Probiótico e Monensina. O grupo controle recebeu apenas a dieta basal, o grupo Probiótico teve a dieta basal suplementada com 5g/animal/dia do probiótico Yea-Sacc®, e o grupo Monensina recebeu 33 ppm de monensina sódica em relação a matéria seca da dieta basal. Os aditivos foram fornecidos diretamente através da cânula ruminal. Após 30 dias de experimento foi realizada indução experimental de acidose láctica ruminal através da administração de sacarose. Foi realizado exame clínico e coleta de amostras de sangue e conteúdo ruminal antes na indução (T0h) e após 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 e 48 horas da indução. O pH e a temperatura ruminal foram aferidos de forma contínua por 48 horas a partir da indução experimental por meio de sistema de aquisição de dados com eletrodo submersível. No tempo 12 horas o grupo Monensina apresentou pH médio de 5,2 e foi maior que o grupo Controle (pH 4,45). Nos tempos T18h e T24h os grupos Monensina e Probiótico apresentarem maior pH ruminal que o Controle e nos tempos T36h e T48h apenas o grupo probiótico. Os valores médios do Lactato-L ruminal do grupo controle no T24h foram superiores em 97,6% ao grupo Monensina e 123,0% ao grupo Probiótico, com menores valores observados no grupo Probiótico em relação ao controle nos tempos T24h, T36h e T48h. Quanto maior o lactato-L ruminal, menor o pH (R2 = 0,82), maior a osmolaridade ruminal (R2 = 0,53) e maior p Lactato-L plasmático (R2 = 0,77). O uso de probiótico proporcionou a partir da 18ª h de indução a ocorrência de um quadro de ALRA mais brando, por promover um menor acúmulo de ácido láctico no rúmen, com conseqüente diminuição do pH e da osmolaridade ruminais, e de acarretar um menor grau de desidratação e de acidose sistêmica. Essas constatações indicam que o probiótico pode ser utilizado com vantagens no tratamento de ovinos com ALRA. O uso de monensina aliviou pontualmente, na altura da 12ª hora da indução, a acidose ruminal por uma redução na velocidade de queda do pH ruminal, mas não impediu que esse quadro ocorresse e que evitasse o surgimento de complicações clínicas decorrentes da ALRA. / This study aimed to comparatively evaluate the efficacy of the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and ionophore (monensin) in preventing and treat acute rumen lactic acidosis in sheep through a series of ruminal and systemic variables. 30 adult Santa Ines, cannulated, crossbred sheep were used, weighting 45 kg BW. The animals were kept in metabolic cages and fed a basal diet calculated at 2.7% of live weight and composed of 75% of hay and 25% concentrate. The animals were randomly divided into three groups with 10 animals each, formed as follows: Control; Probiotic and Monensin. The control group received only the basal diet, the probiotic group had the basal diet supplemented with 5 g/animal/d of Yea-Sacc ®; Monensin group received 33 ppm of monensin in relation of the dry matter of the basal diet. The additives were supplied directly through the rumen cannula. After 30 days of the experiment an experimentally induced ruminal lactic acidosis was performed by the administration of sucrose. Clinical examination and sampling of blood and ruminal content we performed before the induction (T0h) and after 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 hours. The ruminal pH and temperature were measured continuously for 48 hours after experimental induction throughout data acquisition system with indwelling probe. At T12h Monensin group had a mean pH of 5.2 and was higher than the Control group (pH 4.45). At T18h and T24h Monensin and Probiotic groups had higher ruminal pH than the control and at T36h and T48h only the probiotic group presented this difference. The mean values of ruminal L-lactate at T24h in the control group were 97.6% higher than Monensin group and 123.0% higher than Probiotic group, with lower values observed in the Probiotic group compared to control at times T24h, T36h and T48h. The higher ruminal L-lactate, the lower the pH (R2 = 0.82), higher ruminal osmolarity (R2 = 0.53) and higher the plasmatic L-lactate (R2 = 0.77). The use of probiotics promoted from the T18h a mild acute ruminal lactic acidosis due to a lower accumulation of lactic acid into the rumen, with a consequent smaller drop in pH and lower elevation of osmolarity, which lead to a lower degree of systemic acidosis and dehydration. These findings indicate that probiotics can be used with advantage in the treatment of sheep with ARLA. Monensin reduced the effects of ARLA just at T12h, but do not prevent that the animals developed the classic ARLA clinical picture.
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O impacto de um programa de atividade física no tratamento de jogadores patológicos / The impact of a program of physical activity for pathological gamblers in treatmentDaniela Lopes Angelo 18 November 2011 (has links)
O jogo patológico se caracteriza pela perda do controle de apostar em jogos de azar e pelo comportamento persistente apesar dos prejuízos causados. Uma das características centrais do comportamento de jogadores patológicos é a fissura de jogar para evitar estados emocionais desfavoráveis e sintomas de ansiedade e de depressão estão significativamente associados à intensidade da fissura em jogadores patológicos. Assim, é possível que o tratamento da depressão e da ansiedade esteja associado indiretamente à melhora do comportamento de jogar, através da redução da fissura. Sabemos que a saúde mental pode ser influenciada positivamente pela prática de atividade física. Diversos estudos sugerem que a prática de exercícios tem efeito positivo sobre o humor, se associa à redução da ansiedade e da depressão, possibilitando melhor controle do estresse. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi examinar o impacto de um programa de atividade física sobre a sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva e sobre a fissura por jogo em uma amostra de 33 jogadores patológicos em início de tratamento ambulatorial. Adicionalmente, analisamos a associação entre a fissura e níveis dos hormônios relacionados ao estresse. O tratamento consistiu em terapia cognitivocomportamental ou psicoterapia psicodinâmica em grupo e tratamento psiquiátrico das comorbidades associadas. O programa de atividade física variou de 4 a 8 semanas e consistiu em 8 sessões de 50 minutos cada de exercícios aeróbios de intensidade moderada (60-75% da freqüência cardíaca máxima). A fissura durante o exercício foi avaliada imediatamente antes e depois de cada sessão de atividade física. Também foi avaliada a fissura por jogo nas 24 horas anteriores e nos 7 dias anteriores. Os pacientes foram investigados no início e ao final do programa de atividade física quanto a comportamento de jogo, intensidade de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos e níveis plasmáticos dos hormônios adrenocorticotrófico (ACTH), cortisol e prolactina. Os resultados mostram que houve redução significativa da fissura por jogo após cada sessão de atividade física e ao final da intervenção. Houve melhora nos sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e do comportamento de jogo. A redução da fissura por jogo durante o exercício físico se relaciona com a redução da fissura e da ansiedade ao final do programa, mas não à sintomatologia depressiva. Ainda, se associa à variação da prolactina, mas não à variação de cortisol e ACTH / Pathological gambling is characterized by loss of control over gambling and this behavior persists despite losses caused by this activity. One of the central features of the behavior of pathological gamblers is craving for gambling in order to avoid adverse emotional states, and symptoms of anxiety and depression are significantly associated with the intensity of craving among pathological gamblers. Thus, it is possible that the treatment of depression and anxiety is indirectly associated with improvement of gambling behavior by reducing the craving. We know that mental health can be positively influenced by physical activity. Several studies suggest that exercise has a positive effect on mood, is associated with reduced anxiety and depression, enabling better control of stress. The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of a program of physical activity on depressive and anxiety symptoms and the craving for gambling in a sample of 33 pathological gamblers in early outpatient treatment. Additionally, we analyzed the association between craving and levels of hormones related to stress. The treatment consisted of cognitive-behavioral or psychodynamic therapy group and treatment of psychiatric comorbidities. The physical activity program included 8 sessions ranging from 4 to 8 weeks. The proposed activity consisted of 50 minute sessions, aiming at 60-75% of maximum heart rate. Craving during exercise was assessed immediately before and after each session. We also analyzed the gambling craving in the previous 24 hour and 7 day period. Patients were investigated at the beginning and at the end of the program of physical activity regarding gambling behavior, intensity of depressive and anxiety symptoms, and plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol and prolactin. The results show a significant reduction in gambling craving following each session of physical activity and at the end of the program. There was improvement in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and gambling behavior. The reduction in craving after each session is associated with the reduction of craving and anxiety at the end of the program but not with depressive symptomatology. Still, craving reduction is associated with variation in prolactin levels, but not in cortisol and ACTH levels
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Relacionamentos adictivos, um estudo psicanalítico / Addictive relations, a psychoanalytical studyLygia Vampré Humberg 05 December 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as características das relações adictivas, analisando casos em que a relação conjugal é vivida como se fosse um tipo de adicção. Proponho apresentar uma compreensão das adicções com base na perspectiva proposta por Donald Winnicott, para quem a adicção é um tipo de problema cuja gênese está relacionada com falhas que ocorreram na fase da transicionalidade; bem como, nos desenvolvimentos dessa perspectiva, feita por Joyce McDougall, que ampliou o ponto de vista indicado por Winnicott, e chamou a atenção para o fenômeno que denominou como sendo os relacionamentos adictivos. Nesta direção, procurei mostrar que os relacionamentos adictivos correspondem a modos de defesa contra três tipos de angústia, a saber: as angústias impensáveis, as que derivam de falhas na vivência dos fenômenos transicionais e, por fim, à deprivação num momento em que os indivíduos já têm uma certa organização psíquica que torna possível a distinção Eu- Nãoeu / The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of addictive relations through the analysis of cases showing the conjugal relationship experience as a sort of addiction. I will show an understanding of addictions based on Donald Winnicotts perspective who considered addiction as a problem whose origin is connected with failures occurred during the transitional phase as well as based on the unfolding of this perspective by Joyce McDougall who broadened Winnicotts point of view and draw our attention to the phenomenon she called addictive relations. Consequently, I try to show that addictive relations correspond to defense modes against three types of anxiety, namely: unthinkable anxieties, those resulting from failures in experiencing transitional phenomena and, at last, deprivation when individuals already have a certain psychic organization enabling the differentiation between Me and Not-me
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Efeito dos diferentes níveis de nucleotídeos em frangos de corte alimentados com probióticos / Effect of the different nucleotides levels in broiler chickens fed with probiticsJoão Batista Canevari Bruno 25 June 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito dos diferentes níveis de nucleotídeos sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte alimentados com probióticos. Para o trabalho, foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições dentro de cada tratamento. Foram utilizados 1050 frangos machos da linhagem Ross 308 totalizando trinta e cinco aves por boxe. As aves foram criadas até 42 dias de idade que receberam as rações experimentais a base de milho e farelo de soja contendo seis diferentes níveis de nucleotídeos (0; 100; 200; 300; 400 e 500 gramas por tonelada de ração). Os diferentes níveis de nucleotídeos foram utilizados na fase inicial (1 a 21 dias de idade) e crescimento (22 a 35 dias de idade). Durante a fase final (36 a 42 dias de idade) foi fornecido rações sem nucleotídeo para todos os tratamentos. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram que houve melhora linear no desempenho dos frangos de corte no período de 1 a 21 dias de idade, indicando que, quanto maior o nível de nucleotídeos na dieta de frangos de corte, maior foi o peso corporal das aves. A conversão alimentar também é melhorou linearmente no período de 1 a 21 dias de idade à medida que aumentou o nível de nucleotídeos na ração. O peso no período de 35 dias de idade, também teve um comportamento linear, semelhante ao período de 1 a 21 dias, indicando que, quanto maior o nível de nucleotídeos na dieta de frangos de corte, maior o desempenho das aves. Quanto aos níveis plasmáticos de ácido úrico, pôde-se observar efeito quadrático no período de 1 a 21 dias de idade, indicando o valor de 231,59 gramas de nucleotídeos por tonelada de ração, como o melhor, em níveis mínimos de ácido úrico, por outro lado, no período de 35 dias de idade, estima-se o nível de 208,99 g de nucleotídeos por tonelada de ração; como o melhor em níveis mínimos de ácido úrico no sangue. No período final (35 a 42 dias de idade) e período total (1 a 42 dias de idade) não foi possível o observar efeito dos contrastes testados em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. / The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of different nucleotides levels in the rations of broilers containing probiotics on response of the birds and its influence on the performance. Birds were allocated in a randomized experimental design with five replications of each treatment. It was used 1,050 chicks of a day of age, males, distributed in 30 experimental boxes with 35 birds each. The chickens were reared from 1 to 42 days of age and the diets contained corn and soybean meal with one of six different nucleotídes levels (0; 100; 200; 300; 400 and 500 grams for ton of ration). The different nucleotides levels were used in the initial phase (1 to 21 days of age) and growth (22 to 35 days of age). During the final phase (36 to 42 days of age) it was supplied rations without nucleotides for all of the treatments. The experimental results demonstrated that there was improvement on broilers performance in the period from 1 to 21 days of age, demonstrating proportionality between nucleotides level in the diet of broilers and body weight of the birds. Feed conversion at 21 days of age was directly proportional to nucleotides level in the diet. Body weight at 35 days of age, also had a linear behavior, similar to the period from 1 to 21 days, indicating that, as higher the nucleotides level in the diet of broilers, higher the acting of the birds. Acid plasmatic uric levels, demonstrated quadratic effect at 21 days of age, indicating 231,59 grams of nucleotides for ton of ration, and at 35 days of age, it was considered the level of 208,99 g of nucleotides for ton of ration. In the final period (35 to 42 days of age) and total period (1 to 42 days of age) it was not demonstrated effect of the contrasts tested in none of the appraised parameters.
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Trestné činy v dopravě související s užíváním návykových látek. / Traffic criminal offences incurred while intoxicated addictive substances.Hrušková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
Background: The state of exclusivity must be investigated and proven in each particular case. In order to establish the conclusion about the influence of the driver, it is necessary to draw up an expert opinion from the field of health care, the branch of psychiatry (Explanatory Report to Act No. 233/2013 Coll.). Research to date has shown that addictive substances in transport are a serious social and security problem. For recidivent drivers who have committed a criminal offense under the influence of an addictive substance (or a misdemeanor, or have a personal interest in a rehabilitation program), there is a possibility of a rehabilitation course. Goals: The main aim of this work is to bring knowledge about the decision-making practice of the courts in the case of a criminal offense under the influence of addictive substance. Another aim of this work is to map out the problem of the threat of drug addiction and follow-up measures set by the court in imposing sentences and their relation to the recommendation of rehabilitation programs or some of the forms of treatment of problem / addictive use of addictive substances. Methods: The data were obtained by analyzing 50 judgments and four interviews with judges from the Prague 2 District Court, which were held in April 2017. Selection of the...
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Akutní účinky a adiktivní potenciál nových syntetických drog ze skupiny katinonů - animální studie / Acute effects and addictive potential of new synthetic drugs from cathinone group - an animal studyDanda, Hynek January 2016 (has links)
Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are a novel problem of the drug scene. NPS mimic effects of the "classic" illicit drugs, but since they have a different chemical structure, they are usually not covered by legislative control. The exact nature of the aforementioned effects depends merely on the description by users, with a proper scientific assessment still absent. Aim of this study is to evaluate effects and addictive potential of naphyrone (a derivative of cathinone) in Wistar rats. High concentration of naphyrone in the brain tissue discovered by pharmacokinetic analysis proved its high blood-brain barrier permeability. Brain level of naphyrone peaked at approximately 30 min after the treatment, nearly at the same time as in the serum. Since naphyrone administration significantly rises body temperature and increases overall locomotion, its stimulant effect is prominently apparent. Our study failed to prove any effect of naphyrone on sensorimotor gating. Tendency to produce conditioned place preference was observed but was not significant. My thesis reports on initial and novel findings about impact of naphyrone administration on physiological parameters of the animal model.
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Arteterapeutická složka komplexního programu v ústavní léčbě látkových závislostí: Kvalitativní analýza / An art therapy constituent of complex institutional program treating substance-related and addictive disorders: Qualitative analysisBlochová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
Background: Art therapeutic intervention has already been part of complex therapeutic programs in institutional treatment of addictive disorders in the Czech Republic for several decades already. However, the form of art therapy is neither codified, nor is there a universally accepted education system. In 2017, the profession of an art therapist was removed from the list of non-medical professions in the field of health care. Aims: To describe how an art therapeutic program is implemented in selected institutional addiction treatment facilities in terms of formal status, documentation, processes, personnel and team collaboration. Methods: Qualitative analysis focused on the treatment program was applied. Five addiction treatment facilities were selected, and cooperation with nine respondents - employees of these facilities - was established. These respondents were selected both intentionally and by self-selection. Semi-structured interviews with art therapists (five respondents) and their collaborators (four respondents) and available written documents anchoring clinical practice were used to obtain data. Results: Art therapy is clearly defined and distinguished from activity and work therapies in the selected facilities. The art therapeutic program is usually carried out once a week mandatory for...
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Aktuální problémy trestného činu opilství podle § 360 trestního zákoníku / The crime of drunkenness under the section 360 of the Criminal Code and its current issuesŠatrová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
Název diplomové práce, abstrakt a klíčová slova v anglickém jazyce Title: The crime of drunkenness under the section 360 of the Criminal Code and its current issues Abstract: The Thesis primarily deals with possible theoretical approaches to the crime of drunkenness in continental law and with its legal regulation de lege lata in the Czech Republic. Further, the constituent elements of drunkenness are analysed, and the concept of actio libera in causa is not forgotten either. The provision on the crime of drunkenness under the Czech Criminal Code is also compared to the provisions in other states that are territorially and historically close. The approach to the crime of drunkenness is then examined from historical point of view. Second part of the Thesis concentrates on the problematic of proving the crime of drunkenness in practice in criminal proceedings, with emhasis on the role of the expert opinion in relation to the assessment of insanity and on the process of detecting addictive substances in the body system of an accused. The thesis also contains an analysis of some judicial decisions in which courts of first instance dealt with the crime of drunkenness. Key words: crime of drunkenness, insanity, addictive substances, expert opinion
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Arteterapeutická složka komplexního programu v ústavní léčbě látkových závislostí: Mapování aktuální situace v ČR / An art therapy constituent of complex inpatient program treating substance-related and addictive disorders: Mapping the current situation in the Czech RepublicBlochová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
Background: For several decades already, art therapeutic interventions have been part of complex therapeutic programs in institutional treatment of addictive disorders, both domestic and foreign. The concept of the art therapy oscillates between artistic symbolic expression, the art of therapy and clinical practice, where new approaches are being developed on the basis of target groups or therapeutic starting points. Aims: To map the implementation and concept of the art therapeutic component of the program in institutional treatment of addictions. Other sub-objectives are also addressed. Methods: In this qualitative study, preparation and process evaluations focused on therapeutic activity are applied. The sample was selected by self-selection and purposive sampling and contains nine workers from five institutions focused on treatment of addictions. Available documents related to the practice of art therapy and semi-structured interviews with art therapists and their collaborators were used to obtain the data. Text data from documents and transcripts of interviews was processed using the content analysis method with emphasis on ethical aspects especially in the field of data anonymization. Results: The art therapy program usually takes place once a week obligatorily, art therapists are mainly...
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