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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ohrožení pod vlivem návykové látky / Threat under the influence of addictive substance

Micka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
EN: The misdemeanor of endangering under the influence of addictive substance is one of the most frequently occurring criminal offenses that the Czech society encounters. I have divided my thesis into nine chapters. The first chapter deals with elements of the criminal offense under the influence of addictive substance as divided by legal theory. The second chapter describes the issue of the unlawfulness of the deed. The third chapter deals with an analysis of qualifying circumstances that legislature provided in the second paragraph of the misdemeanor of endangerment under the influence of drugs. The fourth chapter describes the issue and the conditions of participation of persons other than the principal perpetrator of the deed. The sixth chapter deals with the most common criminal offenses that occur along with the abovementioned misdemeanor. The seventh chapter is devoted to the new phenomenon of proving a condition that excludes competence in cases of influencing other addictive substance. In the eighth chapter I focus on the issue of showing of various types of sentences with regard to current practice in relation to sentencing for the deed in question under Section 274 of the Criminal Code. The ninth chapter describes various forms of so-called special methods of proceedings which are used in the...

Užívání návykových látek u zaměstnanců Vězeňské služby České republiky / Drug use among emloyees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic

Dvorská, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
RESOURCES: The work of the Prison Service is associated with a higher rate of the frustration tolerance, increased stress, resilience and awareness. The prison environment carries with it very demanding working conditions, shift work and contact with human suffering and/or death. These risks that accompany the work of helping professions within prison facilities may lead to using of addictive substances by facilities' employees. Thus, a hypothesis was formed, among others based on the personal experience of the author of the work, that these employees use addictive substances. To this time, no other research was performed within the environment of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic that would aim on using of addictive substances among the professional staff coming into contact with an imprisoned person. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this thesis is to determine the level of alcohol and nicotine dependance among professional staff of Czech prison facilities. METHODS: The study is performed in a quantitative form via standardized questionnaires: the AUDIT test and Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence. The selection of the file was performed via an Intentional (Purposeful) Selection within which persons were chosen who met criteria given by us and were interested in participating in the...

Evaluace spokojenosti klientů s terénním programem No Biohazard / Evaluation of client satisfaction with harm reduction progamme No Biohazard

Nováková, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Background: In this work, I deal with adequacy of services and needs of clients within the No Biohazard program. The purpose of the evaluation is important particularly for directors and program managers. It is the directors and managers who are often asked to justify the need for their programs. Client satisfaction is believed to be a concept that is well understood by clients, the public, public authorities and other institutions that provide funding to these organizations (WHO, UNDCP & EMCDDA, 2000). Aims: The main goal was to find out the satisfaction of clients with the offered interventions offered by the No Biohazard program to clients, optionally how particular aspects of interventions could be improved. Research questions identify sources of dissatisfaction with the interventions offered. Partial goals also include finding out the level of client satisfaction with the local and time availability of No Biohazard, creating a proposal to increase the level of No Biohazard and finally designing an inventory of Harm Reduction material that could be offered to outreach program clients. Research file: The research sample is drug users who should meet the EMCDDA definition of problem drug users. I chose respondents to the research through institutions - it was an institutional selection with a...

Pohledy žáků ze sociálně rizikového prostředí na drogovou závislost / OPINIONS OF PUPILS FROM SOCIALLY RISK ENVIRONMENT REGARDING DRUG ADDICTION

Čtvrtečková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Children and young people rank among the most endangered social groups. Not only do they go through an important stage of personality formation which could be influenced by many factors, but this phase of personal development influences, to a certain extent, their future lives and the possibility of a fully-fledged social integration. At this stage, children and young people develop stronger perceptual sensitivity of either positive or negative outer factors. These factors can have a stronger impact on children and young people living in an environment which the majority society perceives not as standard, but as a socially excluded, and hence unwanted, locality. The group of children and young people, especially the ones from socially excluded localities, are very often affected by the use of addictive substances. There is a big risk, that members of the group will become regular users of addicted substances which generate further negative effects. The dissertation is focused on the use of addictive substances by children living in socially excluded localities. The aim of the thesis is not only to explain terms like a socially excluded locality, or addictive substance, but also to point out to an extent and kind of perception and knowledge of addictive substances on the part of the monitored group...

Informovanost žáků vybraných vesnických a městských základních škol na okrese Rakovník o rizicích užívání návykových látek - kofeinu, alkoholu, tabáku a konopných látek. / Student's awareness of selected village and town elementary schools in the Rakovník district about the risk of using addictive substance - caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.

Klatovský, Tomáš January 2022 (has links)
This thesis entitled " Student's awareness of selected village and town elementary schools in the Rakovník district about the risk of using addictive substance - alcohol, tobacco" is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is devoted to the characteristics of addictive substances, their history and describes the manifestations of addiction, treatment of addiction and prevention of addiction. Furthermore, the theoretical part is devoted to the problem of substance use by children and adolescents, the consequences and specifics of substance use in children and adolescents are described. Alcohol and tobacco are discussed in more detail. A chapter is also devoted to prevention. The practical part focuses on the investigation of pupils' awareness of the risks of using addictive substances - alcohol and tobacco - by evaluating a questionnaire survey. The results of the practical part showed that pupils had a fairly good knowledge of legal addictive substances, practically without distinction, whether they were pupils of a village school or an urban school. The survey also showed that more emphasis should be placed on the harmfulness of legal highs, because, according to the survey, pupils have a lot of experience with these substances due to the attitude of society,...

Chronická mentální anorexie a prevence relapsu její akutní fáze / Chronic anorexia nervosa and relapse prevention in its acute phase

Chudačíková, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with anorexia nervosa as one of the basic forms of eating disorders, with emphasis on the very common chronic progression of this serious psychiatric illness. This thesis is based on the scientific fact, that conspicuous eating habits, constant control of thinking and behavior, as well as self-perception disorders, are observed in most cases, even in already cured patients. Long-term stress in common with a prone personality, can result in the acute phase of anorexia nervosa. The diploma thesis is qualitatively focused. The chosen methods of data collection are a questionnaire survey and a following semi-structured interview. The condition for participation in the research is the past experience with anorexia nervosa, without the current presence of the acute phase of this disease. The main goal of the diploma thesis is to map the burning issues of individuals who have gone through the acute phase of anorexia nervosa in the past, their current feelings and needs. The output of the diploma thesis are the specific recommendations, coming from the results of research survey, which would help to reduce the probability of relapse of the acute phase of mental anorexia in stressful situations. KEYWORDS Anorexia nervosa, eating disorders, chronicity, relapse prevention, addictive...

Postoje mládeže k návykovým látkám a prevence ve městě Kralupy nad Vltavou / The Attitudes of Youth towards Addictive Substances and Prevention in Kralupy nad Vltavou

Vítová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis called "The Attitudes of Youth towards Addictive Substances and Prevention in Kralupy nad Vltavou" consists of theoretical and practical part. It contains a total of eight chapters. Professional literature was used for the creation of the theoretical part. The theoretical part focuses on the concept of youth, the description of specific legal and illegal addictive substances, non-substance or behavioral addictions, categories of users of addictive substances, the position of curator for children and youth and prevention. The practical part contains the results of quantitative research represented by graphs and the final discussion. The graphs used in the practical part describe the findings of the quantitative research conducted in three educational institutions in Kralupy nad Vltavou using anonymous questionnaires. Practical part of this diploma theses answers questions about the attitudes of young people in Kralupy nad Vltavou to addictive substances, questions concerning the use of modern technologies and last but not least questions concerning prevention.

Legeshopping - indikator for legemiddelmisbruk? : En registerstudie / Doctor-shopping – an indicator of prescription drug abuse? : A register study.

Winther, Rolf B January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Misbruk av vanedannende legemidler er et viktig folkehelseproblem. Enkelte pasienter går fra lege til lege og driver såkalt legeshopping for å skaffe seg mest mulig av denne typen legemidler. Dette er et problem i forhold til å kunne begrense legemiddelmisbruket i befolkningen. Fastlegeordningen, som ble innført i Norge i 2001, er blant annet ment å skulle begrense mulighetene til legeshopping. Det er ikke tidligere gjort studier som kan kartlegge omfanget av legeshopping i en befolkning, verken i Norge eller andre land. FORMÅL: Kartlegge omfanget av legeshopping i befolkningen i Norge, og forsøke å klarlegge i hvilken grad bruk av flere leger kan skyldes shopping etter legemidler eller andre årsaker. MATERIALE OG METODE: Studere data fra det norske Reseptregisteret (NorPD) for kalenderåret 2004, som blant annet viser antallet leger benyttet, mengde utlevert av det aktuelle legemiddelet og samtidig mengde utlevert av benzodiazepiner og opioider for alle brukere av de vanedannende legemidlene diazepam, karisoprodol og kodein kombinasjoner sammenlignet med alle brukere av de ikke-vanedannende legemidlene esomeprazol, metformin og salbutamol. RESULTATER: De aller fleste pasienter bruker kun en eller to leger for å få utlevert samme legemiddel i løpet av ett kalenderår. Andelen som bruker tre eller flere leger er imidlertid mer enn dobbelt så høy for de vanedannende legemidlene som for de ikke-vanedannende, og for de som bruker fem eller flere leger, er andelen nesten ti ganger større. Med økende antall leger som er benyttet, er dessuten økningen i både utlevert mengde av legemidlet og samtidig mengde utlevert av benzodiazepiner og opioider langt mer uttalt for de vanedannende legemidlene enn for de ikke-vanedannende. KONKLUSJON: Det foregår etter innføringen av fastlegeordningen fortsatt en begrenset, men klar legeshopping blant pasienter som ønsker å få tak i mest mulig av vanedannende legemidler. Dette forhold må tas alvorlig av både de forskrivende legene og helsemyndighetene. / BACKGROUND: Abuse of prescription drugs is an important public health issue. Some patients go from one physician to another in so-called doctor-shopping (or physician-shopping) with the intention to have as much as possible of addictive drugs prescribed. This is a problem when trying to restrict prescription drug abuse in the population. The Regular General Practitioner (RGP) Scheme which was introduced in Norway in 2001 had among other things the intention to counteract doctor-shopping. So far there are no studies in Norway or other countries that have presented estimates of the proportions of patients that practice doctor-shopping. AIM: To explore the extent of doctor-shopping in the population in Norway and try to unveil if the use of several doctors is primarily a prescription drug shopping or if it has other reasons. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data from The Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) for the year of 2004 was studied. The register includes information on the number of doctors used by individual patients and the amount of drug dispensed. There is also information about concomitant use of opioids and benzodiazepines. Users of the addictive drugs diazepam, carisoprodol and codeine combinations were compared to users of the non-addictive drugs esomeprazole, metformin and salbutamol. RESULTS: Most patients use only one or two doctors for prescription of the same drug over a period of one year. However the proportion of patients who uses three or more doctors for the addictive drugs is more than twice the comparable proportion of patients using the non-addictive drugs. For those who uses five or more doctors the proportion is nearly ten times larger. The amount of dispensed drug increases considerably more by increasing number of doctors used for users of the addictive drugs than for the users of the non-addictive drugs, as do the amount of concomitantly dispensed opioids and benzodiazepines. CONCLUSION: Also after the introduction of the Regular General Practitioner (RGP) Scheme in Norway doctor-shopping is still going on to a limited but significant extent by patients who appear to have the intention to get as much as possible of addictive drugs. This is a public health issue that has to be taken seriously by both prescribing doctors and health authorities. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-60-3</p>

Les interrelations entre les trajectoires addictives et le vécu homosexuel chez des Montréalais gais et bisexuels / The interrelations between the addiction trajectories and the gay life course experience among gay and bisexual men in Montreal

Flores-Aranda, Jorge January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : La consommation problématique de substances psychoactives (SPA) représente un problème de santé pour certains hommes gais/bisexuels. Leur consommation présente des caractéristiques particulières, parfois associées à leur vécu homosexuel, et ils tardent à consulter des services en toxicomanie. Cette étude qualitative descriptive vise à : 1) décrire et comprendre les interrelations entre certaines dimensions du vécu homosexuel et les trajectoires de consommation de SPA chez les hommes gais et bisexuels; 2) documenter leur expérience quant à leur utilisation des services en toxicomanie; 3) établir des liens entre ces expériences et leur vécu homosexuel; et, 4) identifier leurs besoins en matière de services. 35 entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès d’hommes gais/bisexuels, âgés en moyenne de 46 ans, ayant une consommation problématique de SPA. L’ensemble du matériel a fait l’objet d’une analyse thématique. Les trajectoires de consommation de SPA et le vécu homosexuel s’entrecroisent au moment de la découverte et de l’acceptation des désirs homoérotiques; lors de l’expérimentation sexuelle; lors de la rencontre d’un partenaire sexuel/affectif; dans le contexte de relations sociales au sein du milieu gai. La majorité des hommes interrogés avait déjà utilisé des services en toxicomanie, mais seulement moins de la moitié d‘entre eux avait été dirigée vers un tel service. L’augmentation de la consommation surgit souvent alors que la personne éprouve de la difficulté à accepter son orientation sexuelle, lors des expérimentations sexuelles ou au moment d’un diagnostic de VIH. Cette augmentation mène parfois la personne à se questionner quant à sa consommation et à demander de l’aide auprès d’un service spécialisé. Dans certains cas, la consommation problématique n’a pas été détectée au bon moment. De plus, la sexualité n’est pas suffisamment abordée dans le cadre des services en toxicomanie. Les résultats montrent l’importance de tenir compte des différentes dimensions du vécu homosexuel, dont la sexualité, dans les stratégies de prévention de la consommation auprès de cette population, ainsi que dans les thérapies pour la toxicomanie. De plus, la détection de la consommation problématique au sein de cette population représente un défi. / Abstract : The problematic consumption of psychoactive substances (PAS) constitutes a health problem for certain gay/bisexual men. Their consumption has particular characteristics sometimes associated to their homosexual experience and their delay to consult addiction services. The present qualitative descriptive study, inscribed in symbolic interactionist perspective, aims to: 1) describe and understand the interrelations between certain dimensions of the gay life course experience and the consumption trajectories of PAS among gay and bisexual men; 2) document their experience in relation to their use of addiction services; 3) establish links between their experiences and their gay life course experience; and, 4) identify their needs in matter of services. Thirty five semi-structured interviews were conducted with gay/bisexual men, who have a problematic consumption of PAS and have an average age of 46 years. The whole material has been analysed thematically. The addiction trajectories and the homosexual experience intersect at the time of the discovery and acceptance of homoerotic desires, during sexual experimentation; when finding a sexual/emotional partner; and as part of the socialization in the gay community, particularly in sexualized spaces. Most participants have used substance abuse services but only about half of them have received a reference to such services. The increase in consumption often emerges when they have problems accepting their sexual orientation, during sexual experimentation or when they receive an HIV diagnosis. The increase of consumption associated to these life events sometimes leads the participants to question their consumption and to demand help from a specialized service. For certain participants their consumption has not been detected in a good moment. Moreover, sexuality is not addressed in the addiction services. The results show the relevance of considering the different dimensions of the homosexual experience, including sexuality, in the prevention strategies for consumption as well as in the addiction therapies for this population. In addition, the detection of problematic consumption in this population represents a challenge.

Les trajectoires addictives des personnes âgées en lien avec les trajectoires de recherche d’aide et d’utilisation de services, le point de vue d’usagers / The addiction trajectories of elderly people in relation to help-seeking and service use trajectories : the users' point of view

Aubut, Valérie January 2017 (has links)
Alors que les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus consomment des substances psychoactives (SPA), le nombre de consultations en centre de réadaptation en dépendance (CRD) au Québec se serait accentué au cours des dernières années. Deux types de trajectoires sont principalement identifiés dans les études épidémiologiques. Certains auraient une consommation de SPA persistante sur plusieurs années. Pour d’autres, la trajectoire addictive commencerait dans une période liée au vieillissement où la consommation servirait à compenser des évènements difficiles de la vie. Jusqu’à maintenant, très peu d’études portent sur la perspective des personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus quant à leur consommation de SPA et aux motifs pouvant les amener à rechercher de l’aide. Le but de cette étude est de décrire et de comprendre les trajectoires addictives en lien avec les trajectoires de recherche d’aide et d’utilisation de services selon le point de vue de personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus. Un devis qualitatif descriptif interprétatif a été utilisé. Des entrevues semi-structurées en profondeur auprès de 11 personnes âgées en suivi thérapeutique ont été réalisées dans deux régions du Québec. Une analyse de trajectoire en tenant compte de la chronologie des évènements a été croisée à une analyse thématique. Trois types de trajectoires addictives chez les personnes âgées de l’étude émergent des données. Différents éléments influencent ces trajectoires, dont les problématiques associées de santé mentale et physique ainsi que des expériences de vie et le parcours d’utilisation de services. Les trajectoires de recherche d’aide et d’utilisation de services en dépendance sont également influencées par le réseau social qui comprend les membres de l’entourage, mais également les professionnels de la santé. Ces derniers semblent être un levier important à une référence vers un traitement en dépendance. L’étude a permis de mettre en lumière la complexité du phénomène de consommation, mais également l’hétérogénéité des expériences du vieillissement pouvant influencer la consommation de SPA. Les aspects directement liés à l’expérience du vieillissement doivent être pris en considération afin de bien saisir les raisons et les éléments contextuels influençant le parcours de consommation problématique. / Abstract : The problematic use of psychoactive substances (PS; alcohol, drugs, prescription medication) is a significant phenomenon among people aged 65 and over. Moreover, in addiction treatment services of the Québec Province, the presence of elderly persons has increased. Epidemiological studies have identified two types of addiction trajectories: some elderly has a PS use that has started long time ago and has persisted for several years and for others the addiction trajectory has begun recently, in a period associated with aging to cope with stressful life events. Diverse reasons can explain this difference, but very few studies have explored the point of view of the elderly about their use of PA and their reasons for seeking-help The aim of the study is to describe and understand the addiction trajectories in relation to help-seeking and service use trajectories from the perspectives of elderly people in addiction treatment for PA. A descriptive interpretative study design was used. It was based on in-depth interviews conducted with 11 elderly people receiving addiction treatment in two regions of the Québec Province. A trajectory analysis taking into account the chronology of the events was crossed with a thematic analysis The results suggest that there are three types of addiction trajectories in the elderly of the study. These trajectories are influenced by different factors, including the associated health, mental and physical problems and life experiences and the use of services in the past. The trajectories of seeking help and using dependency services are also influenced by their social network, which includes members of the entourage, but also health professionals. These seem to be a lever to a reference to addictive treatment. The study not only shows the complexity of the drug use phenomenon among the elderly, but also how the heterogeneity of the aging experiences could influence the consumption of elderly. Certain aspects related to the aging experience such as retirement, social participation are particularly important to understand how addictions could influence the elderly.

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